Secretary's job description. Secretary to the manager Responsibilities and results of the secretary's work

In order to clearly define the job responsibilities of the secretary, you need to know who exactly we are talking about. After all, it can be viewed from several angles. Known, for example, is a secretary-assistant as an office employee, a General Secretary as the head (head) of a certain organization, a Secretary of State as a civil servant, a secretary as a diplomatic person, a manager's secretary as an employee and other options. Most often, when mentioning this position, they mean an employee who carries out tasks (assignments) of both the director of the enterprise and individual heads of its structural divisions. It turns out that the secretary’s job responsibilities in this case are reduced to carrying out one-time assignments to resolve organizational and technical issues.

What a secretary must know and do

On a daily basis, the secretary must perform the following functions:

  1. Receive information from subordinates for transmission to the manager.
  2. Organize telephone communications for the manager. In his absence, receive information and then bring it to the attention of the director.
  3. Receive and keep records of telephone messages.
  4. Create conditions for normal work of the manager: monitor the need for stationery and office equipment.
  5. Assist in organizing production meetings and meetings. Inform participants of the date, place and time of the event. Collect necessary materials, ensure attendance of those present and take minutes of the meeting.
  6. Conduct office work at the enterprise. To do this, the secretary must receive, systematize incoming correspondence and submit it for consideration by management. Then, on the basis of the imposed visa, hand over the documents to the executors against signature. The secretary also includes control over the progress, timing and results of their implementation.
  7. Perform printing and reproduction of documents.
  8. Organize the reception of visitors to the head of the company and, if possible, create conditions for the speedy resolution of issues.

In order to perform these seemingly simple duties of a secretary, an employee must know:

  • the entire management of the enterprise and its structural divisions;
  • charter, staff and structure of the enterprise, its profile, development prospects and specialization;
  • regulatory documents for proper record keeping;
  • rules for using office equipment and communications;
  • VTR, OSH, fire safety and industrial sanitation rules;
  • rules for organizing labor in the workplace;
  • normative and legal acts, orders, resolutions, regulations on planning, accounting and quality management of work performed.

Clerk specifics

If we are talking about a more specific, narrow specialization, then the situation is somewhat different. Take, for example, The job title itself clearly defines the aspect of the work being performed. Typically, each enterprise already has a job description, which outlines the areas of activity of an office management specialist. If there is no such instruction, then it is better to create it. To do this, you should use the qualification directory, which contains approximate samples. After this, the standard version must be modified for a specific organization, taking into account the specifics and internal features. In general, the duties of a secretary-clerk should clearly include 3 main areas:

  1. Work with correspondence. Receiving, processing it using modern methods and sending it on time.
  2. Correct maintenance of internal documentation.
  3. Registration, strict accounting and transfer of documents to the archive for storage.

Peculiarities of the work of a referent

Some enterprises introduce a position that includes a wide range of responsibilities: from “information desk” to “assistant director.” Such a specialist must have versatile knowledge and a good command of the situation. The job responsibilities of the assistant secretary have been slightly expanded due to the increase in powers. In general, this is the usual work of a secretary, but the word “referent” makes some additions to the standard list. In particular, the assistant secretary can independently receive visitors on certain issues. Possessing certain information, he is able to make decisions independently. In addition, the assistant carries out responsible instructions from the manager regarding the economic activities of the organization (enterprise). Sometimes the assistant secretary is charged with duties. This is done only when the total volume of work allows him to perform additional duties.

Qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37 classifies the position of the secretary of the manager as a technical performer.

A SECRETARY is an executive assistant responsible for document support for the activities of a manager, a structural unit, or the organization as a whole, working independently, without direct control from the manager, making decisions and expressing judgments on issues within his competence.

International Association of Secretaries

A qualified secretary frees up to 30% of the manager's working time, provides the necessary information to every fourth visitor and independently resolves up to half of all telephone inquiries

But the professional tasks and functions of a secretary are largely determined by the direction and specifics of the organization’s activities, its corporate culture, the manager’s work style and some other factors.

The Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees contains the qualification characteristics of the following secretariat employees:



manager's secretary;



Scientific Secretary.

Each qualification characteristic included in the Handbook is a normative document regulating the content of the functions performed by the employee.

Compliance of an employee with qualification requirements is a necessary but not sufficient condition for his effective work. Depending on the field of activity of the organization, its corporate culture, organizational structure, size, management style, the list of functional responsibilities of the secretary may be different, and their effective implementation requires not only an appropriate level of professional knowledge, but also certain skills, abilities, business and personal qualities .

Secretary in a commercial organization

In modern commercial structures there is no clear division of secretaries by qualification, as provided for in the Qualification Handbook, and the term “secretary” is used to refer to secretaries at different levels.

The labor market for secretaries is represented today by such positions as telephone secretary, reception secretary; office secretary; assistant secretary; secretary-clerk; office manager (administrator); secretary-translator; assistant (personal secretary) to the manager; head of the secretariat.

Let's consider the main job responsibilities and requirements for these categories of workers.

The secretary is on the phone. Primary job responsibilities include answering and forwarding telephone calls and receiving faxes. A telephone secretary must know the basic rules of conducting telephone conversations, speak well, and be able to use office equipment. An additional requirement is to have a pleasant voice.

In foreign companies and Russian firms working with foreign clients, a position similar in nature of work may be called reception secretary. In addition to answering phone calls, her responsibilities include meeting clients and organizing negotiations. One of the main requirements for candidates for this vacancy is knowledge of a foreign language at a good conversational level.

The secretary of the head (office) performs a fairly significant amount of duties: receiving telephone calls, meeting clients, conducting office work, supplying the office with office supplies and consumables. The manager's secretary must know the management documentation system, business etiquette, and be able to use a computer, computer programs and Internet resources.

The job responsibilities of the assistant secretary, in addition to those listed above, include planning the manager’s working time, preparing and organizing meetings, and carrying out important assignments. In this regard, the assistant secretary must have a good knowledge of the field of activity of the company and its management team, and be able to work with information and legal systems.

In large companies, the position of office manager (administrator) is often introduced, whose responsibilities include resolving all issues of ensuring the functioning of the office (purchasing office supplies and consumables, organizing cleaning of premises), managing couriers and secretaries, monitoring compliance with the work schedule, etc. . An office manager must know the basics of marketing, management, production organization, be able to organize office work, prepare presentations, and negotiations. Good organizational skills are a must.

The position of secretary-translator is provided for in companies conducting active foreign economic activity. In addition to fluency in a foreign language, a specialist is required to have knowledge of special terminology, the ability to facilitate negotiations, master the technique of interpretation and translation, and the ability to accompany a manager on business trips abroad. Knowledge of business etiquette is a mandatory requirement.

The manager's assistant (personal secretary) monitors the execution of instructions, decisions, compliance with internal labor regulations, helps the manager formulate constructive decisions, organizes meetings and negotiations, and plans and organizes the manager's working day. The assistant manager must have knowledge in the field of management, documentation support for management, must know the basics of labor organization, economics and technology. Additional requirements are psychological compatibility with the manager and knowledge of the rules of etiquette.

The position of head of the secretariat is introduced, as a rule, in large companies with a staff of at least 5-8 secretaries in the office. The main job responsibilities are the placement, organization, coordination of the work of secretaries and control over their activities. In some companies, the job responsibilities of the head of the secretariat are partially combined with the functions of an administrator (office manager).

In recent years, in the context of new economic and social realities, integrated requirements for secretaries have begun to emerge. In fact, many employers are beginning to require employees to meet international professional standards. The basis of professional standards in Europe and the USA is the ISO-9000 standard - quality management systems are based on it, at the center of which is a certified employee.

Each qualification characteristic included in the directory is a normative document regulating the content of the functions performed by the employee.

In modern commercial structures there is no clear division of secretaries by qualification, as provided for in the qualification directory, and the term “secretary” is used to refer to secretaries of different levels

The labor market for secretaries is represented today by such positions as telephone secretary, reception secretary, office secretary, assistant secretary, clerical secretary, office manager, translator secretary, executive assistant, head of the secretariat.

Legal regulation of the secretary's activities is carried out using job descriptions. The job description of the secretary is drawn up in order to cover the entire range of professional rights and responsibilities of this employee. It defines his rights and job responsibilities, as well as responsibility for failure to perform or improper performance of his labor function.

The importance of the secretary's job description is very great. It is primarily necessary to avoid violations of labor legislation and specify the duties of the specified employee, since it contains the basic requirements for the secretary in relation to special knowledge, knowledge of the law, certain methods and means that the secretary must be able to use when performing his job duties.

The secretary's job description has a specific form. At the same time, when developing it, the employer should rely on the regulations on the structural unit of the organization. The job description and the regulations on the structural unit are interrelated documents that complement each other. This relationship can be seen in the fact that the responsibilities of each secretary arise from the tasks and functions of the structural unit of the organization itself.

The job description is drawn up on a general form. The text of the secretary's job description includes the following sections:

1. General Provisions";

2) "Functions";

3) "Job responsibilities";

4) "Rights";

5) "Responsibility".

It should also be noted that effective joint work between the manager and the secretary is possible only if there is complete mutual trust between them. This trust is based on unity of views, a common understanding of the goals and objectives of the work, passion for the work, the desire to achieve high efficiency of the organization, sufficient professional training, diligence and reliability of the secretary, assimilation of the individual work style of the manager, the ability to understand and predict the course of his thoughts and the logic of judgments , mutual respect.

Also important factors for the success of the work of a personal secretary are the ability to behave with people and the ability to create an impression that increases the authority of the manager. The secretary must be an important link in the system of contacts of his manager, ensuring effective communication and timely adoption of necessary measures. The secretary is the personal representative of his manager, and fulfilling this key role requires the ability to make a favorable impression on employees of the organization and representatives of other companies. The role of the manager's secretary, as defined in the brochure of the European Association of Professional Secretaries, is to know the essence of the activities of his manager and be able to take on a significant part of this work.

The position of a secretary is classified in labor legislation as technical category of performing employees. Its activities are carried out within the framework of a standard legal act regulating the relationship between the two parties, participants in the process - employer And employee, and refers to the section of multi-sectoral job qualifications involved in manufacturing enterprises, companies, government organizations, municipal and private institutions.

Instruction structure

A well-written document should fully reflect following main chapters, written in a certain order. It is advisable to consider them in more detail.

A citizen who has graduated from a higher vocational educational institution without claims to have any work experience in a given specialty, or a person who has received a secondary specialized education, is accepted as a secretary. In the latter case, a mandatory condition for employment may be having continuous experience in this profession for a period of at least 2 years.

The powers to hire and dismiss a secretary from the position of secretary are vested by law in head of the organization.

The person acting as an applicant must have the following list of knowledge and professional skills:

  • be aware of the rules of registration, the procedure for receipt and storage of regulatory papers and documents of higher organizations on which the functioning of the enterprise depends - orders, resolutions, acts;
  • have basic knowledge of the procedure for conducting the office work process, have a good understanding and understand the meaning of standard instructions and provisions that an employee will have to encounter in the course of his work activity;
  • know the structural classification of the company by divisions;
  • know how to prepare documents and the basic principles of working with them;
  • have a clear understanding of storing papers and using the archive;
  • have high speed of computer typing or typing;
  • demonstrate communication, negotiation and diplomatic skills;
  • be able to use office equipment and communication equipment;
  • know the basic standards for drawing up administrative papers;
  • have a clear understanding of the basics of ethical and aesthetic behavior and use them competently;
  • possess, to the extent necessary for work, the administrative and legal framework of state regulations governing labor activity.

Direct subordination - to the head of the organization or to the head of the department.

In the event of the forced absence of this employee, his powers may be transferred to another performer temporarily appointed to the position by an internal order of the enterprise.

Functions and official rights

The profession of a secretary is a multifunctional and quite multifaceted position, including the implementation next actions as intended:

Basic rights:

  • make independent decisions on issues within his scope of responsibilities and competence;
  • not to carry out instructions and tasks that border on risk to health and life;
  • demand from the immediate supervisor to ensure a normal workplace and compliance with labor safety rules at work;
  • have access to all information necessary to perform their job duties;
  • come up with rationalization proposals within the framework of regulating its activities and the work of full-time employees;
  • inform management about violations and deficiencies discovered in the labor process, and also independently take measures to eliminate them;
  • require a written report from employees if they fail to comply with the orders and instructions of the boss, indicating the reasons.


The secretary, within the framework of his official activities, is entrusted with next responsibility behind:

  • representation of the interests of him personally or of the organization within which management is carried out, inconsistent with the management;
  • own decisions and actions;
  • inappropriate performance of one's direct duties;
  • non-compliance with the general rules prescribed by the company’s governing package of papers;
  • incorrect attitude towards personal, confidential information, as well as disclosure of information constituting a trade secret;
  • causing material losses to the organization;
  • non-compliance with labor discipline, daily routine, violation of safety regulations at work;
  • neglect of etiquette norms and communicative behavior in a team.

Working conditions

An employee's working day is made up of general rules of routine for a specific team, adopted by the organization’s charter. If necessary, the secretary may be sent on official business trips of local and regional significance.

Travel expenses and wages for this period are accrued in accordance with current legislation.

Depending on the specifics of the company’s activities, management is entitled to include additional clauses regulating the official activities of the secretary.

Signature right

In some cases, the secretary is given the right to sign, which applies only to that list of papers and documents that are directly related to his official activities. Legally, such signature rights are classified as limited.


At the discretion of the head of the enterprise, the document may contain additional clauses that are not mandatory. For example, the ability to make changes, additions, and approvals to these instructions.

In addition, the “other” section contains information about the basis on which the document was adopted and what acts it is regulated by.

Sample standard instructions

Despite the fact that each instruction containing the functional responsibilities of a secretary has a standard format, it is still drawn up taking into account the specifics of the company and the type of its activity.


Depending on the type of occupation, the job responsibilities of the secretary of various organizations may slightly different according to the list of functional responsibilities. As an example, the main areas of activity of an employee are given, taking into account the specifics of the position held.


The assistant secretary delves deeper into production processes, so he must have certain basic knowledge and have a higher education. His main goals:

  • prepare papers that ensure the full conduct of the organization’s labor activities;
  • check the correctness of documents submitted for review to the boss;
  • receive visitors;
  • conduct personnel work - draw up internal orders for employees, draw up work books, timesheets, draw up travel and sick leave, issue certificates to full-time employees for presentation at the place of request;
  • promptly carry out current instructions from management.

Court hearing

The profession falls into the category of state executive service. Functions only in courts. The employee assists in judicial work, participates in meetings, and ensures document management. He is entrusted with following functions:

  • selection and preparation of materials for studying the case in court;
  • maintaining written minutes;
  • drawing up and sending subpoenas calling all participants in the process to appear in court;
  • registration of cases, guided by regulatory and legislative acts.


An employee holding this position is responsible for the entire circulation of documents in the enterprise. His main responsibilities:

  • Negotiating with clients – both directly and by telephone;
  • monitoring the fulfillment of duties and solving tasks prescribed in the orders and instructions of management;
  • processing of incoming and outgoing documentation, its registration within the framework of the current nomenclature of affairs in the company;
  • performing foreign translations;
  • partial combination of archivist functions.

Office Manager

Office manager is a secretary broader profile. In addition to standard responsibilities, he must:

  • carefully study all correspondence and internal orders, and on their basis participate in the preparation of production projects;
  • distribute incoming papers and documents;
  • send outgoing orders;
  • keep minutes of meetings and meetings;
  • draw up powers of attorney regarding financial responsibility;
  • receive telephone calls and forward them to their intended destination;
  • coordinate the activities of service and subordinate personnel - technical workers, drivers, couriers.


Key Features taking into account the specifics of the position held:

  • carries out administrative and organizational activities;
  • accepts personal documentation intended for the immediate supervisor;
  • provides all the information necessary to the director on production, service, and personnel issues;
  • on instructions from the boss, draws up letters, requests, demands and claims to third-party organizations and is responsible for sending them;
  • ensures that the manager’s workplace is maintained at an appropriate level, creates comfortable conditions for him to perform his direct duties;
  • organizes the process of receiving visitors;
  • forms the internal affairs of the company;
  • is fluent in personal office equipment.

The responsibilities of the manager's secretary are very diverse: planning the boss's working day, organizing office work, negotiating with clients and partners on the instructions of the boss, finding and providing vehicles for the manager and other employees and services, arranging meetings, both in the office and in a non-office setting. , maintaining documentation and many other official matters. In addition, the boss can assign personal problems to his assistant, for example, sending congratulations (gifts, flowers) for holidays not only to organizations with which the company cooperates, but also to relatives. Since the manager’s working day is usually irregular, the secretary often has to stay late at work.

To become an indispensable assistant to the boss, the secretary must have such personal qualities as readiness to work, diligence, accuracy, responsibility, delicacy, modesty, moderate initiative, the ability to remember and draw conclusions. It is impossible to occupy this position without having typing skills (200 beats/min), office work, shorthand, and good computer knowledge. All these skills are acquired independently from books and tutorials (there are a great many of them), in the process of previous work or in courses. Professional skills also require the ability to negotiate, literacy and good command of oral and written language, because the manager’s secretary has to record orders, conduct business correspondence, etc.

If the duties are mainly dominated by the work of a secretary-clerk, then a higher linguistic education is required, but if an assistant is needed, then preference is given to higher education in the company’s field of specialization.

Psychological compatibility, similarity of characters, as well as the secretary’s ability to keep a low profile play a very important role. Those who are quite satisfied with the position of an assistant, a right hand, go into this profession. Sometimes, a manager is unfair to his secretary, since he is more likely than others to fall under the hot hand.

However, a good boss and a smart, experienced secretary function as one well-oiled machine. There are many examples of this, especially for secretaries of scientists or writers. Many famous people started out as secretaries.

Another sensitive issue cannot be ignored: the non-working relationship between the boss and his secretary. In order to avoid getting into an ambiguous situation, you should immediately take a closer look at the potential boss and, when going for an interview, dress in a way that emphasizes your business qualities, and not your external advantages. If you don’t get this position, then the boss needed something completely different from the secretary, and you successfully avoided problems.

When applying for a job, you need to discuss your responsibilities in detail, or even better, ask for a job description. Often the naivety of secretaries, most of whom are young girls who have little understanding of people and life, becomes one of the reasons for unpleasant consequences. By accepting and encouraging gifts, responding to advances, maintaining playful conversations and ambiguous jokes, dressing in revealing or provocative outfits, a girl often unconsciously creates the impression of her availability. Therefore, without diminishing the guilt of those who like to take advantage of their official position, it is still worth warning them against making erroneous steps.

Although the secretary is closest to the manager, his career growth is limited. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but you shouldn’t delude yourself too much.

Depending on the set of requirements, the use of knowledge of foreign languages, work experience and functional responsibilities, the salary also varies: from 200 to 800 USD. e. Keep in mind that if the “personal assistant” vacancy indicates a salary of more than 1000 USD. That is, with a high degree of probability we can assume that this is network marketing.

The main functions include:

carrying out work on organizational and technical support for the administrative and administrative activities of the head of the enterprise;

record keeping;

organization of reception of visitors Zinovieva N. B. Documentation: educational and methodological manual. - P.75..

The manager's secretary must, in the course of his activities:

carry out work on organizational and technical support for the administrative and administrative activities of the head of the enterprise;

accept correspondence received by the manager for consideration, transfer it in accordance with the decision made to structural units or specific performers for use in the work process or preparation of responses;

conduct office work, perform various operations using computer technology designed to collect, process and present information when preparing and making decisions;

accept documents and personal statements for signature by the head of the enterprise;

prepare documents and materials necessary for the work of the manager;

monitor the timely review and submission by structural divisions and specific executors of documents received for execution, check the correctness of the prepared draft documents submitted to the manager for signature, and ensure their high-quality editing;

organize telephone conversations of the manager, record the information received in his absence and bring its contents to his attention, transmit and receive information via receiving and intercom devices (telefax, telex, etc.), as well as telephone messages, promptly bring to his attention information received through communication channels;

on behalf of the manager, draw up letters, requests, other documents, prepare responses to the authors of the letters;

carry out work on preparing meetings and meetings held by the manager (collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants about the time and place of the meeting, the agenda, their registration), maintaining and drawing up minutes of meetings and meetings;

exercise control over the execution by employees of the enterprise of issued orders and instructions, as well as compliance with the deadlines for fulfilling the instructions and instructions of the head of the enterprise, taken under control;

maintain a control and registration file;

provide the manager’s workplace with the necessary organizational equipment, office supplies, and create conditions conducive to his effective work;

print, at the direction of the manager, official materials necessary for his work or enter current information into the data bank;

organize the reception of visitors, facilitate the prompt consideration of requests and suggestions from employees;

formulate files in accordance with the approved nomenclature, ensure their safety and submit them to the archive on time;

copy documents on a personal copier. Standard instructions for the manager's secretary. Bank of job descriptions.=http//www/

The secretary is called the boss’s faithful assistant and right hand, and for good reason, because the responsibilities of the manager’s secretary include ensuring effective management and administrative activities. The manager's secretary is engaged in the preparation and execution of business papers and documents, helps the boss in business, and resolves many organizational issues.

The position of a secretary-assistant can also be considered a representative position, since he is the face of the company - he meets guests, answers calls and letters. This type of work requires great composure, communication skills and organization. For this reason, the profession of a secretary can promise great prospects - in the future, a specialist can become an office manager, and then one of the directors or top managers.

The position of executive secretary is required in almost every company that has an office for clients and visitors. These can be both large enterprises and small business organizations.

History of the profession

Over time, the powers of the secretary have expanded significantly and today they can perform a wide variety of functions. Thus, a need arose for specialists with a narrow specialization, as a result of which the profession of secretary-assistant, clerk, secretary-translator and office manager appeared.

Responsibilities of the secretary

The job responsibilities of the secretary-assistant include:

  • reception of visitors;
  • receiving phone calls;
  • record keeping;
  • planning the manager's working day;
  • organization of meetings;
  • ordering tickets and hotel reservations for the manager and other employees during a business trip;
  • ordering stationery for the office;
  • fulfilling the manager's requests.

Sometimes the functions of the manager's secretary include correspondence in English.

Requirements for a secretary

Requirements for a secretary assistant include:

  • secondary or higher education;
  • PC ownership;
  • knowledge of the basics of office work;
  • knowledge of English (sometimes).

Also, the position of secretary requires the following skills:

  • punctuality;
  • the ability to look good (presentable);
  • organization.

Secretary resume sample

Resume sample

How to become a secretary

How to become a secretary? This can be the holder of any higher education who has completed secretarial-assistant courses or received training directly on the job. As a rule, employers do not impose special requirements on the applicant’s acquired specialty, but focus on ensuring that the applicant has the necessary personal qualities and is able to perform duties at the proper level.

Secretary salary

A secretary's salary can vary - from 15 to 45 thousand rubles. Income depends on the employee’s duties and the region in which he works. The average salary of a secretary-assistant is 30 thousand rubles.

Return to Manager Responsibilities

The secretary performs the following duties:

— Carries out work on organizational and technical support for the administrative and administrative activities of the manager.

— Accepts correspondence received for consideration by the manager, transmits it in accordance with the decision made to structural units or a specific performer for use in the work process or preparation of responses.

— Accepts documents and personal statements for the manager’s signature.

— Answers telephone calls, records and transmits official information to the manager, organizes telephone conversations with the manager.

— On behalf of the manager, draws up letters, requests, and other documents.

— Performs work on preparing meetings and meetings held by the manager (collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants about the time and place of the meeting, the agenda, their registration), maintaining and drawing up minutes of meetings and meetings.

— Monitors the execution by employees of the enterprise of issued orders and instructions, as well as compliance with the deadlines for fulfilling the instructions and instructions of the manager, taken under control.

— Provides the manager’s workplace with the necessary organizational equipment, office supplies, and creates conditions conducive to the manager’s effective work.

— Organizes the reception of visitors, facilitates the prompt consideration of requests and suggestions from employees.

— Forms files in accordance with the approved nomenclature, ensures their safety and submits them to the archives within the established time frame.

— Organizes business trips for the manager: orders air and train tickets, books hotels.

— Performs individual official assignments from his immediate superior.

The secretary has the right:

— Receive information, including confidential information, to the extent necessary to solve assigned tasks.

— Submit proposals to management to improve their work and the work of the company.

— Request personally or on behalf of the manager from departments of the enterprise and other specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.

— Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents generated as a result of the company’s activities.

— Make decisions within your competence.

The secretary is responsible:

— For failure to fulfill and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.

— For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.

— For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Director's responsibilities
Former director
External control
Operational management
Control system

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What a secretary must know and be able to do is set out in the qualification description.

Qualification characteristics- this is a normative document that establishes what a particular employee should do at his job, what he should know and be able to do for this, and what should be the level of his training.

Job responsibilities (the secretary must be able to) Perform technical functions to support and maintain the work of the head of the enterprise (or division), help plan the manager’s working day. Receive information necessary for the manager from departments or performers, call employees on his instructions. Organize telephone conversations of the manager, receive and transmit telephone messages, record received messages in his absence and bring their contents to the attention of the manager. Organize trips and business trips for the manager. Carry out work on preparing meetings and meetings held by the manager (collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants about the time, place and agenda of the meeting or meeting, registering them), maintaining and drawing up minutes. Provide the manager’s workplace with office supplies, organizational equipment, and create conditions conducive to his effective work. Transmit and receive information via intercoms, quickly print various materials as directed by the manager. Conduct documentation work, accept correspondence addressed to the manager, systematize it in accordance with the procedure adopted at the enterprise and transfer it, after consideration, to the heads of departments or specific performers for use in the process of their work or for preparing a response. Provide information services to the manager and employees (oral, documentary, compile press reviews, provide copies of interesting articles). Monitor the deadlines for completing the manager’s instructions on personal applications from citizens. Organize the reception of visitors, while showing tact and attention to them, facilitate the prompt consideration of requests and suggestions from employees, formulate files in accordance with the approved nomenclature of files, ensure their safety and submit them to the archives within the established time frame. Create and use databases (including Internet information).

The secretary must know: the activities of the company and the job responsibilities and competencies of employees; regulations and instructions for documentation support; typescript; work on a personal computer, modern computer editors (Word, Excel, etc.); spelling and punctuation rules; the order of material arrangement when printing various documents; rules for operating office equipment (faxes, mini-automatic telephone exchanges, photocopiers, voice recorders, tape recorders); rules for using intercoms; standards for a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation; internal labor regulations; fundamentals of the scientific organization of secretarial work; human psychology and the laws of effective communication; office etiquette; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection; foreign language of clients and partners; Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

To develop and specify qualification characteristics at enterprises (firms), job descriptions are developed.

A job description is the main organizational and legal document that regulates the activities of the secretary, defining his rights, position in the organization, and the nature of his work. The secretary relies on this document in his relationships with employees. What is written in the job description, then the question arises, what rights are given in it, those are the ones the secretary has.

The job description for a secretary is an individual document, since the position of a secretary has many gradations. In a small organization (or company) there will be only one secretary (referent secretary). In larger organizations, the manager and his deputies may have secretaries in each structural unit. There are secretaries of the board, scientific secretaries of scientific councils, etc. Each secretary always, based on the volume and specifics of the organization’s activities, the requirements of the manager and his trust in the secretary, develops his own range of responsibilities and rights, various combinations of creative, logical and technical types of work. At the same time, there is a standard set of management operations for document and non-document services that are performed by all secretaries. In addition, the peculiarity and complexity of drawing up a secretary’s job description are due to the versatility of his activities. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about any single standard for the job description of a secretary (referent secretary).

However, like any job description, there are general requirements for it. First of all, it has an already established unified structure of the text, namely sections:

1. General Provisions;

2) functions;

3) job responsibilities;

5) responsibility;

6) relationships;

7) connections by position.

A “Work Evaluation” section may be added, and in recent years the “Work Organization (Daily Routine)” section has increasingly appeared.

The “General Provisions” section contains the exact name of the position in accordance with the staffing table, the place in the management system, i.e. the name of the structural unit and subordination, the procedure for appointment and dismissal and the procedure for replacement. In large organizations that have a preschool educational institution service, the secretary has dual subordination - directly to his supervisor and to the head of the preschool educational institution service. Secretaries are appointed and dismissed by order of the head (in a large organization - on the proposal of the head of the preschool educational institution service).

This section also specifies requirements for professional training and work experience. Today, the attitude towards the secretary and the requirements for him have changed dramatically. Firms are looking for a secretary with a higher or secondary specialized education, who knows a foreign language and is fluent on a computer. Increasingly, the secretary, as well as abroad, is required to know not one, but two or more foreign languages, since companies have numerous contacts with foreign partners, and the secretary communicates with them. It also contains instructions on the main legislative, normative, methodological, organizational and administrative documents that guide the secretary in his work.

The “Functions” section lists the main areas of activity of the secretary (secretary-assistant), for example: information and documentation support for the manager, organizational support for the manager’s work, participation in the preparation of exhibitions and presentations, etc.

The “Job Responsibilities” section lists all types of work, operations and technologies used in their implementation. It lists the work performed by the secretary in a logical sequence. All types of work are divided into operations indicating the execution technology. For example, the function “information and documentation support” is divided into two parts: documentation and work with documents. Documentation, in turn, includes drawing up letters (invitation letters, reminder letters, etc.), telegrams, etc., on the instructions of the project manager; typing manager documents on a computer; checking the correctness of the documents when presented to the manager for signature (visas, availability and correctness of details in accordance with the requirements of the standard, etc.); making and certifying copies of documents, etc. Working with documents includes receiving incoming documents (hours are indicated, for example: at 09 and 16 hours), receiving faxes and e-mail (during the day); initial processing of received documents in accordance with the requirements of the office management instructions; preliminary review of documents (if entrusted to the secretary); registration of documents according to the rules established in the organization; report of documents to the manager, etc.

The “Rights” section is perhaps the most important. He emphasizes the secretary’s place in the management system, his importance, and position in the organization. It is through rights that the powers delegated by the manager to the secretary and the degree of his independence are visible. This section allows the secretary to free up the manager's time to solve basic strategic and tactical tasks.

It is this section of the job description that gives the secretary (secretary-referent) greater or lesser powers and determines the degree of his capabilities.

The “Responsibility” section is drawn up in strict accordance with the law.

The section “Relationships (connections by position)” is also very important for organizing the work of any employee of the management apparatus, and primarily this is due to the active implementation of automated systems that require detailed indication of what information, in what form, to whom it is transmitted and from whom it is received .

In recent years, a “Job Evaluation” section has often appeared in job descriptions. It usually specifies criteria for the timeliness of work and its quality, for example: absence of complaints, claims and criticisms; no errors in documents; compliance with deadlines for the execution of management instructions, etc.

As a rule, the job description ends with an indication of the procedure for its revision. The conditions for revising a job description may be changes in the structure of the organization, resulting in a redistribution of employee responsibilities, a change in the types of work performed by the secretary, or the introduction of computer technology. But much more often they indicate the period for mandatory revision or re-approval of instructions (3 years or 5 years).

An optional section is “Work Organization,” but recently it has been very popular and is becoming more common. It provides an approximate daily routine for a secretary's work. It might look like this.


1) come to work 10 minutes before the manager in order to check the condition of the workplace (yours and the manager’s), get yourself in order, draw up or clarify a plan for the coming day;

2) select the necessary documents and files in accordance with the plan;

3) receive correspondence, familiarize yourself with the contents, set aside documents that require a priority decision from the manager;

4) immediately transfer telegrams, urgent faxes and telephone messages to the manager;

5) for the remaining documents, prepare options for possible answers or resolutions, distribute them among the executors;

6) view received reviews, reports, invitations, etc.

d.; record the dates and times of all events in your calendar diary;

7) keep the documents necessary for current information and reference work;

8) report to the manager about the received correspondence;

9) together with the manager, clarify the content of planned events for the current day;

10) convey the manager’s instructions to the relevant executors by phone and in person and remind them of the expiring deadlines for the execution of documents.


1) collection and preparation of executed documents for signing;

2) report to the manager about the executed documents, take the documents processed by him from the manager;

3) process and send outgoing documents;

4) schedule activities for the next day.

Throughout the working day the following is carried out:

a) work with visitors, telephone conversations;

b) filing of executed documents in files;

c) performing work on a computer;

d) organizing the copying of documents in accordance with the instructions of the manager.


1) review your diary and inform the relevant departments about the need to prepare for certain events;

2) if the manager remains to work after the end of the working day, it is necessary to provide him with all the necessary information and materials;

3) put your workplace in order, remove documents, lock the safe and all filing cabinets, turn off electronic and technical equipment from the network.

The job description is an integral part of the entire package of documents necessary for organizing the work of the management apparatus.

ADVICE. Organize your work day so that you can get everything done and be useful to everyone. Dedicate yourself to your work, but do not forget that there are issues that are beyond your competence. So do only what you have to do.

To sum it up: It should be noted once again that the job description for a secretary is an individual document, since the position of a secretary has many gradations. Each secretary, based on the volume and specifics of the organization’s activities, the requirements of the manager and his trust in the secretary, develops his own range of responsibilities and rights, various combinations of creative, logical and technical types of work.

The chief engineer of an enterprise is usually considered the director’s right hand, and the deputy for commerce is the left, but when the secretary is absent, the director has no hands at all.

The concept of secretary and varieties
The concept of "secretary" quite wide. Translated from Latin, the word “secretarius” means “confidant”.

Usually the relationship between the secretary and the manager is quite trusting, and this is how it should be, because obligated by official powers.

The concept of secretary today is quite complex and has many gradations, I will give an example of some of them:
Technical secretary– works with office equipment (fax, multifunctional device, personal computer), uses the Internet, carries out instructions from managers and employees, calls companies and institutions on behalf of the manager, receives and sends messages via communications.
Reception secretary– receives incoming letters and faxes, e-mails, answers telephone calls, forwards them to departments or specific employees, and greets visitors.
Office secretary– receives and analyzes correspondence, carries out instructions from the manager and his deputies, types documents, maintains documentation.
Secretary-assistant- not only a secretary, but also a specialist who is well acquainted with the activities of the company, which in some cases can make some independent decisions. The assistant secretary prepares the manager's reports, searches for the necessary documentation for the manager, plans the manager's working day, and resolves administrative issues within his competence.
Office Manager– ensures the functioning of the entire office: prepares materials for presentations, ensures uninterrupted transport services, clear communications, ensures the operation of office equipment and the availability of stationery. The office manager is responsible for the appearance of the office; in a small institution, he can simultaneously perform the functions of a personnel officer.
In small commercial organizations, secretaries, by whatever name they are called, are distinguished by the fact that they have to perform universal work.
The profession of a secretary is perhaps the closest to the profession of an actor. The specificity and complexity of the secretary's work is due to the fact that he is always in sight, in the center of communication with management, colleagues, and clients. A smile, a pleasant voice, a neat appearance, confident gestures and goodwill, regardless of the mood, create a special atmosphere in the office.

Secretary's job description

Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The secretary belongs to the category of technical performers.
1.2. The secretary is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director of the company.
1.3. The secretary reports directly to the general director / head of the company's structural unit.
1.4. During the absence of the secretary, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the order of the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of secretary: education - higher, incomplete higher or secondary specialized, experience in similar work for at least six months, knowledge of office equipment (fax, copier, scanner, printer), Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel).
1.6. The Secretary is guided in his activities by:
— legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
— The company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;
— orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of the secretary

The secretary performs the following duties:
2.1. Carries out work on organizational and technical support for the administrative and administrative activities of the manager.
2.2. Accepts correspondence received for consideration by the manager, transmits it in accordance with the decision made to structural units or a specific performer for use in the work process or preparation of responses.
2.3. Accepts documents and personal statements for the manager’s signature.
2.4. Answers telephone calls, records and transmits official information to the manager, organizes telephone conversations with the manager.
2.5. On behalf of the manager, draws up letters, requests, and other documents.
2.6. Performs work on preparing meetings and meetings held by the manager (collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants about the time and place of the meeting, the agenda, their registration), maintains and draws up minutes of meetings and meetings.
2.7. Monitors the execution by employees of the enterprise of issued orders and instructions, as well as compliance with the deadlines for fulfilling the instructions and instructions of the manager, taken under control.
2.8. Provides the manager’s workplace with the necessary organizational equipment, office supplies, and creates conditions conducive to the manager’s effective work.
2.9. Organizes the reception of visitors, facilitates the prompt consideration of requests and suggestions from employees.
2.10. Forms files in accordance with the approved nomenclature, ensures their safety and submits them to the archives within the established time frame.
2.11. Organizes business trips for the manager: orders air and train tickets, books hotels.

Performs individual official assignments from his immediate superior.

3. Secretary's rights

The secretary has the right:
3.1. Receive information, including confidential information, to the extent necessary to solve assigned tasks.
3.2. Submit proposals to management to improve your work and the company's work.
3.3. Request personally or on behalf of the manager from departments of the enterprise and other specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents generated as a result of the company’s activities.
3.5. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Responsibility of the secretary

The secretary is responsible:
4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

If after reading this article you do not receive a definite answer, seek quick help.


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