Presentation “Sand therapy. Seminar for preschool teachers “Sand therapy in working with preschoolers” Presentation on the use of sand therapy in the work of a teacher

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SAND THERAPY (Sandplay) “The hands often know how to unravel what the mind struggles in vain with” Carl Gustav Jung. (1875-1961)

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What is sand therapy? Sand therapy is one of the types of art therapy, which is based on Jung’s theory that every object in the external world evokes a symbol in the depths of the unconscious.

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History The roots of sand therapy lie in the symbolic play of children. The idea of ​​​​creating the method belongs to Herbert Wells. The idea was picked up by pediatrician and psychologist Margaret Lowenfeld, who allowed children to play with sand in her office. In the 1950s, Jungian psychoanalyst Dora Kalf, having studied the “world building” technique, began to develop Jungian “Sand Therapy”, which later became an independent direction in psychotherapy. “A sand painting can be understood as a three-dimensional representation of some aspect of a mental state. The unconscious problem plays out in the sandbox, like a drama, the conflict is transferred from the internal world to the external world and becomes visible" (Dora Kalf, Sandplay, 1980).

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GOALS AND OBJECTIVES of sand therapy The main goal of sand therapy is for the client to achieve the effect of self-healing through spontaneous creative expression of the contents of the personal and collective unconscious. The main goal of sand therapy is contact with the repressed and suppressed material of the personal unconscious, its inclusion in consciousness.

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Possibilities of sand therapy Allows you to work through a traumatic situation on a symbolic level. Respond to negative emotional experiences in the process of creative self-expression. Promotes a change in attitude towards oneself, towards one’s past, present and future, towards significant others, and towards one’s destiny in general. Facilitates the client's regression to past experiences with the goal of re-experiencing and liberation. Serves as a complement to other methods of psychotherapeutic work.

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Psychotherapeutic work allows the psychologist to solve the following tasks: Diagnostic; Corrective; Therapeutic; Creative development.

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Indications for sand therapy It is recommended to offer sand therapy and it is successfully used in the following cases: Difficulties in communication Relationships between children and parents Crisis situations (divorce, moving) Psychological trauma Mood disorders Fears, tics, obsessions and other disorders Behavior problems (aggression) Restricted in the expression of one’s feelings;

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Contraindications to the use of sand therapy Sand therapy cannot be performed in the following cases: The client is characterized by increased excitability; The client has obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive-compulsive disorder); Allergies and asthma to dust and small particles. Skin diseases and cuts on the hands.

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Sand therapy room equipment 1. Trays with sand Two rectangular wooden boxes, traditional size 50*70*8 cm. It is believed that this size of the sandbox corresponds to the volume of the field of visual perception. One of the trays is used for dry sand and the other for wet sand.

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2. Collection of miniature figurines and objects For sand therapy, it is necessary to select objects of various subjects: Figures of people of different genders and ages, representatives of different historical eras, various professions. Doll families, fantastic creatures, fairy tale characters, gods and goddesses of different nations, sorcerers, etc. Animals (land, flying, aquatic inhabitants), both wild and domestic, as well as extinct and prehistoric representatives of the fauna, fantastic animals (unicorn, griffin etc.) Houses, other dwellings, furniture, bridges, stairs, fences, gates, buildings with a special purpose (stations, hospitals, schools, etc.). Food, household utensils, tools Trees, bushes, flowers and other plants Natural materials: pebbles, moss, tree bark, tree fruits, shells, corals, feathers, dry branches, dried flowers. Celestial objects: sun, moon, stars, rainbow, etc. Vehicles: land, water, air. Accessories: beads, masks, fabrics, buttons, buckles, jewelry, etc.

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ADVANTAGES of transferring traditional pedagogical activities to the sandbox Firstly, the child’s desire to learn something new, experiment or work independently increases. Secondly, “tactile” sensitivity powerfully develops in the sandbox as the basis for the development of “manual intelligence”. Thirdly, in games with sand, all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking), as well as speech and motor skills, develop more harmoniously and intensively. Fourthly, sand, like water, is capable of “grounding” negative energy.

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Sand therapy in working with children with developmental disabilities The goal of such therapy is not to change and remake the child, not to teach him any special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to be himself.

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Playing in the sand with figures is especially fruitful when working with those children who cannot express their feelings in any way Children with low self-esteem, increased anxiety and shyness Children with unstable attention Aggressive children Children who have experienced mental trauma. K.G. Jung argued that the process of "playing in sand" releases blocked energy and "activates the self-healing capabilities inherent in the human psyche."

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The sand therapy method can be used in working with children of any age (and also as one of the stages in working with adolescents and adults) with the following range of problems: various forms of behavior disorders; psychosomatic diseases; increased anxiety, fears; neuroses; Difficulties in relationships with adults (parents, educators, teachers) and peers. Benefits of sand therapy: helps to express those thoughts and experiences that are difficult to formulate in words (especially important for children and adolescents); releases creativity and internal strength to resolve difficult situations; actualizes memories, returns to past experiences for the purpose of re-experience and liberation; provides an opportunity to try new ways of building relationships and resolving conflicts, and choose the appropriate one; difficulties associated with changes in family (divorce, appearance of a younger child, etc.) and social situations (kindergarten, school) adaptation to school and kindergarten. Sand therapy as one of the methods of effective work to relieve fears, aggression, tension in children with disabilities Slide 17

Alfiya Rakhmatullina
Presentation “Sand Therapy”

1. Sand is a natural material with its own energy. Its tiny grains of sand activate nerve endings on the fingertips and palms.

Playing with sand can interest, distract, and relax a child, and, therefore, ensure the most successful completion of a task or an effective way of presenting material.

Sand therapy helps in the development of attention, perception, memory, thinking, and imagination. Sand is ideal for sensory education and fine motor skills. In sand therapy classes, you can touch on all aspects of speech development: phonetics, grammatical structure, vocabulary, coherent speech.

2. Taking into account the peculiarities of visual perception, it is proposed to use a wooden box measuring 50*70*10 cm (for individual or subgroup work).

The bottom of the box, painted blue, a heavenly color, means water, sea; blue sides - air and sky.

Fine sand is poured onto the bottom in a layer of approximately 5-7 cm. Following sanitary and hygienic requirements, the sand used must be certified.

3. A mandatory component for working in the sandbox are figures or their images: people of different sexes and ages, various animals (Far North, hot countries, etc.; wild and domestic; animals, birds, insects, fish, dinosaurs, etc.). etc., symbols of socialization (houses, various types of transport, fences, bridges, etc., plants (trees, shrubs, flowers, fruits, vegetables, etc., symbolic objects (beads, buttons, crystals, shells and much more) other).

4. It is necessary to discuss with children the general rules of behavior in the sandbox. You can learn the following verse with your children:

You can't bite or fight here

And throw sand in your eyes.

You can build and create

Mountains, rivers and seas,

So that there is life around.

Sand is a peaceful country,

There is goodness and beauty here!

5. Development of fine motor skills:

Actions with sand: squeeze it in a fist, unclench it; grab a pinch of sand and squeeze it;

rub sand between palms, etc.

Find objects in the sandbox.

Various touches to the surface of the sand.

Drawing on the sand.

6. Work on the phonetic side of speech:

Select figures with a specific sound.

Select figures with a certain sound in a certain place in the word.

7.Work on the grammatical side of speech:

Formation of new words using suffixes and prefixes: pour, fall asleep, pour, pour, add, etc.; pour, pour, cover, write, etc.

Activating understanding and using prepositions

8. Work on the lexical side of speech:

Expansion and activation of vocabulary associated with the sandbox: sand, grain of sand, little sand, dunes, dunes, caravans, etc.

Enrichment of the dictionary with verbs: pour, iron, row, transform, wet, etc.; as well as adjectives: sandy, sandy, light, loose, dry, wet, wet, golden, golden, quicksand, etc.

Consolidation and activation of vocabulary using the plots of the games “Zoo”, “Shop”, “Buying groceries”, etc.

Development of classification operations: various departments in the store, animal areas, etc.

9. Work on the formation of phrasal speech:

Dialogue, conversation between characters


10. Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Achieving the effect of self-healing through spontaneous self-expression. A person feels himself a creator and expresses himself three-dimensionally through his creation.

Today we live in a very difficult world. Life puts us in difficult situations that require adequate solutions. Only confident in himself, in his own people.

Master class for parents “Sand therapy” Master class for parents “Sand therapy”. The love of children for the sandbox has long been known and incomprehensible. The kids in the sandbox are starting.

Master class “Sand therapy in the work of a teacher” Master class “Sand therapy in the work of a teacher” Purpose: to introduce teachers to the possibilities of sand therapy in correctional and developmental education.

Sand art therapy in a preschool educational institution Drawing on the sand. Playing with sand is one of the forms of natural activity for a child. This is why sand therapy is becoming increasingly popular.

Sand therapy for kids. Playing with sand occupies an important place in the lives of children. You can start playing with your child from the first year of life.

Animals living in all natural areas - jungles, deserts and forests. These can be any mammals, amphibians, rodents, prehistoric animals, and certainly animals from cartoons. 2. Wild and domestic birds, as well as prehistoric lizards. 3. Insects - butterflies, beetles, spiders, flies and grasshoppers. 4. Inhabitants of the seas and oceans - sharks, whales, dolphins, crabs, octopuses and all kinds of fish. 5.Figures depicting people of different professions, as well as people of different genders and ages. This group also includes figurines of characters from favorite children's fairy tales. 6.Houses: dwellings of different nations (tents, pavilions, etc.) This group includes all kinds of furniture for the kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom. 7.Moulages of food and utensils - frying pans, plates, cups, spoons, etc. 8.Figures depicting all kinds of transport - land, air and water. 9.Trees and plants (you can use real plants).



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Sand therapy Casanova Natalya Evgenievna Teacher of the 1st qualification category

Sand therapy is one of the methods of psychotherapy that arose within the framework of analytical psychology. It is a way of communicating with the world and with oneself; a way to relieve internal tension, embody it on an unconscious-symbolic level, which increases self-confidence and opens up new paths of development.

Mini-sandbox equipment: 1. A waterproof wooden box or plastic basin, the bottom and sides of which should be blue/blue (the bottom symbolizes water, and the sides symbolize the sky). For individual lessons, you can use several plastic rectangular basins. It is advisable that sandboxes have removable lids. 2. Clean sifted sand, creating a horizon line in the sandbox. 3. A set of playing materials: spatulas, wide brushes, sieves, funnels; a variety of plastic molds of different sizes and shapes; miniature toys for playing out tasks in the sandbox; waste material: pebbles, shells, twigs, sticks, large buttons, disposable cocktail straws. A “collection” of miniature figurines, preferably no more than 8 cm in height. The set may include: people, buildings, animals, transport, plants, fairy-tale characters, evil and good, various geometric shapes, natural materials - pebbles, twigs, cones, nuts, acorns, chestnuts - in a word, everything that can be used in sand games.

Methods and techniques of sand therapy used in the work: Research, practical activities, including work with handouts (scoops, molds, brushes), elements of experimentation, observation. Game activities (playing out situations, “sand storm”, “heavy rain”, staging, elements of theatricality). Verbal methods: conversations, teacher's story, reading works of literature: poems, fairy tales, use of folklore genre (rhymes, jokes). Visual methods: showing toys, looking at paintings and illustrations, modeling.

Forms of implementation 1.Individual:

2. In pairs


The role of sand therapy in the development of the emotional sphere of preschool children. Sand therapy for children is an excellent opportunity for self-expression, the development of creative inclinations in a child, as well as a simple and effective way to learn to express their feelings, emotions, and experiences. Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child.

SAND THERAPY WITH EARLY CHILDREN Young children are just beginning to learn about the world and they are developing their first concepts about the shapes and positions of objects, role-playing has not yet developed, children tend to manipulate objects. Therefore, sand therapy classes at this age are aimed at developing new skills and understanding the environment and objects. During classes, children hide and find objects in a sand field, pour sand, sculpt from it, make handprints, toys, build mountains, rivers, depressions and holes. Play at this age is repeatable in its plot, which is a necessary foundation for the formation of imaginative play, which is already characteristic of preschool age.

SAND THERAPY WITH CHILDREN OF YOUNGER PRESCHOOL AGE (3-4 YEARS OLD) The transition from early childhood to preschool is characterized by the formation of new personality traits of the child. During this period, the child may show negativism, obstinacy, and stubbornness. He studies himself and adults, the world around him, feels for boundaries. The child wants to do everything himself. At this age, during sand therapy classes, children get the opportunity to independently create their own worlds, where they are full-fledged masters, there they play out their hidden fears and anxieties, exciting situations, give vent to aggression, receive a new model of behavior, become calmer and more confident, and learn primary moral values. norms. In early preschool age, children begin to develop imagination, which can be very clearly revealed while playing in the sand. In addition, the child can already comment on the plot, thereby enriching his speech skills, his speech becomes more complex and developed. At this age, the skill of playing together has not yet been developed, so in group classes children have the opportunity to develop collective interaction by building a common world together with other children; during the game they learn to listen and hear each other. They learn to understand their emotional state by naming feelings and sensations. Classes contribute to the formation of positive self-esteem, which is established at this stage of the child’s life.

SAND THERAPY WITH SENIOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN (5-6 YEARS OLD) The leading activity of this age is role-playing play, and the leading need is the need for communication and creative activity. Sand therapy allows you to unlock a child’s potential in a natural and safe environment by creating different storylines in sand paintings. Having built a world on the sand, the child begins to play with it, rearranging the figures, changing the landscapes, the picture of his inner world comes to life. What he needs at the moment appears on the sand, what he lacks and helps. By building his world, he already reasons, gives explanations, analyzes the situation with the help of a psychologist, looks for various ways out and development, acquires new qualities and experience. The development of imagination at this age makes it possible for the child to tell original and sequentially unfolding stories, subject to regular activities to activate the imagination. In group work, interacting with peers, the child learns to negotiate, accept the views of other participants, and follow the rules of the game. By older preschool age, the child masters the ability to compare and contrast himself with others, and this serves as the basis for adequate self-esteem. In the sandy space, being in a trusting group atmosphere, with the help of stories and various roles, the child increases self-confidence and harmonizes self-esteem. Activities in the sandbox stimulate initiative, independence and creativity in the child.

Thank you for your attention!

- one of the methods of psychotherapy that arose within the framework of analytical psychology. It is a way of communicating with the world and with oneself; a way to relieve internal tension, embody it on an unconscious-symbolic level, which increases self-confidence and opens up new paths of development. Sand therapy makes it possible to touch the deep, authentic Self, restore your mental integrity, collect your unique image, picture of the world.

History of the method

The technique of “sand therapy” arose within the framework of the Jungian analytical approach and is largely based as a source of internal growth and development.

What does sand therapy give?

It opens the child’s creative potential, evokes a desire to experiment, and stimulates cognitive activity.

“Reveals” deep-seated feelings, helps to survive traumatic experiences in safety, face fears again and cope with them.

Develops tactile sensitivity, attention, memory, thinking, speech and motor skills.

Teaches communication skills and role-playing games.

  • “Grounds” negative energy, relieves tension, anxiety, and promotes relaxation.
  • The child gets his first experience in the game, which he then transfers into his real life.
  • Sand therapy is most indicated for children with the following problems:
  • deep psychological and birth trauma;
  • aggression, anxiety, fears, hyperactivity, behavioral;
  • problems in the relationship between the child and parents, peers.

  • keep silence, do not interfere with the child’s creation of the picture;
  • listen to the child’s feelings, he should feel the safety of the space; observe the process, do not invade the child’s world without his consent, do not rush him, do not ask him questions.


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