Principles of creating a housing and communal services management company: step-by-step procedure and profitability of the enterprise. The management company refuses to enter into a contract for the maintenance of the house. Commissioning

There is a myth that everything in the housing and communal services sector is collapsing and everyone is poor. There are enterprises whose experience shows that in the housing and communal services sector you can make good money and demonstrate excellent results of successful management.

In St. Petersburg there are about 20 management companies engaged in public services of houses, in particular STAKS, ANO MSR, ORGTEKHREMSTROY (a subsidiary of LenspetsSMU), PROXY, etc.

Now the possible scope for activity is 2 thousand houses of HOAs and housing cooperatives, that is, 14% of the total number of residential buildings in St. Petersburg.

“Now it is very difficult to compete in this market. So, if state enterprises, which are financed from the budget, receive 5 rubles. 90 kopecks with 1 m2 of serviced area, then private only 1 rub. 87 kopecks,” says Evgeny Purgin, general director of the STAKS management company. - However, with the transfer of houses from maintenance by state-owned enterprises to private hands, which is scheduled for the beginning of 2005, the number of companies should increase. According to experts, St. Petersburg needs at least 200 management companies.”

Step 1. Registration

A utility company can register as an LLC or CJSC. In this type of business you will have to obtain many licenses. This is a troublesome and time consuming task. It takes about six months to obtain licenses. One of the most difficult to obtain is a waste removal license. Companies say that it takes more than a year to reissue a license alone.

“We have been providing comprehensive public services since 1997,” says Evgeniy Purgin, general director of the Stax management company. – We currently serve 100 residential buildings. This is 1/20 of the market. In addition to residential buildings, we service police department facilities, supermarkets, shops, restaurants, etc.”

Step 2. Room

To organize a control room and staff premises, it is necessary to find premises. At first, a room with an area of ​​about 40 m2 will be suitable. This could be a stroller room in houses or other similar premises. You can focus on a fee of $5 per month for 1 m2. An accountant can. Then, when the company expands and takes on maintenance of houses in different areas, it will be necessary to organize sites closer to the service facilities.

“We started working with 4 houses and quickly gained a sufficient number of clients,” says Evgeny Purgin. - Now we have organized sites in the Krasnogvardeysky, Frunzensky, Kirovsky districts. The central dispatch service is based on Vasilyevsky Island. Mobile teams have also been created to service scattered objects in different parts of the city.”

Step 3. Costs

To organize a business, you need from $70-200 thousand, which will have to be invested within 6 months -1 year. The main costs are wages, the purchase of inventory and office equipment, and rent of premises.

Equipment for janitors - rags, broom, mowers, shovels. For plumbing – keys, power tools. You need at least $2 thousand for inventory. At first, you can find workers with their own equipment.

“If you invested $70 thousand and took about 10 houses for maintenance, then the investment will pay off in about 1 year. The profit will be approximately 5% of revenue. If you service 100 thousand m2, then after paying taxes, etc., 10-15 thousand rubles will remain. Thus, in order to increase profits, you need to gain more,” says Evgeny Purgin.

Evgeny Purgin says that it is profitable to maintain housing stock with an area of ​​at least 200 thousand m2. or approximately 40 hundred-apartment buildings.

Step 4. Staff

The main thing in this type of business is personnel. Staff salaries require at least $4 thousand per month. “You definitely need a good engineer, preferably a specialist from the housing system. Because the specifics are different for residential buildings and industrial enterprises, says Evgeny Purgin. “Often the owner himself has solid experience in this area and works as a director and engineer himself.”

If the company will only engage in maintenance, then plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc. are needed. In St. Petersburg, there is a shortage of qualified personnel in this area.

To organize a 24-hour dispatch service, 4 dispatchers are needed. But you can go the other way and not create an emergency service. In this case, clients enter into a contract with some other emergency service. “But usually there is a combination where one organization provides emergency work, and the other does not perform maintenance very well. Disputes arise from time to time - emergency workers arrive, they can’t open the door, they break it, etc. It's complicated. It’s better for one organization to do all this,” says Evgeniy Purgin.

Step 5. Clients

To increase the scale of the company, it is necessary to organize a service that will search for clients.

“You need to be able to negotiate with the chairmen of housing cooperatives and homeowners associations. Working with such clients has its own specifics, says Evgeny Purgin. - Often the chairpersons are not specialists in the housing sector. As a rule, chairmen are pensioners and older people. A burnt-out light bulb is sometimes more important to them than faulty wiring, which can cause a fire throughout the house. They are afraid for their place and do not want to delve into problems. But if they announce to their residents that they need to raise money to replace the wiring or some other work, then they will be pushed out of their place. This is the complexity of our market.”

Costs of creating a management company for servicing residential buildings

Registration, obtaining licenses, etc. – from $2 thousand.

Salary – about $50 thousand.

Inventory – from $2 thousand.

Room rental - $200 per month.

The transfer of the house to the management company must be carried out no later than 5 days from the date of receipt of permission for commissioning. This rule is regulated by paragraph 14 of the Housing Code of Russia.

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The house is given to the developer for balance only after a competition is held by the local municipality, that is, the self-government body.

To participate, the management company must submit certain documents. After the competition, an agreement is concluded and signed by the developer.

Legal side of the issue

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is possible to select a management company without holding a competition in accordance with Article 161, parts 4, 13 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, but only in the case where the open competition is considered failed.

According to paragraph 14 of Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the contract must be concluded no later than 5 days after the house is put into operation.

If apartment owners have not decided on a management method within a year, then in accordance with Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the local government will hold an open competition to select a management company.

The procedure for organizing the competition is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 75 of February 6, 2006.

Transfer of a house from the developer to a management company

The transfer of an apartment building from the developer to the management company is carried out on the basis of a competitive tender.

Previously, it was possible to conclude an agreement for the management of an apartment building only by the developer and the management company. Today, the developer only signs a document concluded between shareholders and the management company.


The management company enters into service agreements with the apartment owners, but only after the developer and owners accept the premises on the basis of the house transfer act and a competition is held.


Before receiving permission to put into operation, you can start collecting documents. But the owners of the premises must decide on the management company approximately a year before the commissioning of the facility at a general meeting.

If this does not happen, then the management company will be the one selected based on the results of the competition.

In this case, the contract is concluded for a year, and even if the apartment owners select another management company, they will most likely have to wait for the expiration of the validity period of the company established by the competition.

But if you organize an HOA, then changing the management company will be much easier.


In accordance with Article 161, paragraph 14, the service contract must be concluded no more than 5 days after commissioning.

But difficulties often arise with this, since an open competition can take a fairly long period of time - up to 50 days.

It should be noted that before the house is put into operation, you can collect all the necessary documents - design, technical, etc.

But at the same time, the management company must actively work with homeowners so that it is chosen in the future.

Selecting a management company

In the event that apartment owners have not yet decided on the choice of management company, local authorities hold an open competition.

Property owners can:

  • organize a meeting;
  • select a management company yourself.

But only those who have an agreement with the developer or have received housing in accordance with the acceptance certificate can do this.

It should be noted that elections are considered legitimate if at least 50% of the owners are present at the meeting.

Conclusion of an agreement

The conclusion of an agreement must comply with Part 5 of the Russian Federation, and specifically:

  • the contract must be concluded for no less than 1 year and no more than 3 (but only if the document is signed on the basis of a successful competition);
  • the contract can be concluded for 3 months only between the management company and the developer.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, an agreement is concluded with everyone who accepted and signed the transfer deed with the developer, that is, with the owners of the apartments.

Only after this can the management agreement for apartment buildings be considered valid.

The agreement between the developer and the management company no longer exists. This procedure is regulated by Article 161, Part 14 of the RF Housing Code. But nevertheless, the documents must bear the signature and seal of the developer.

Required documents

In accordance with Government Resolution No. 75, not only the procedure for holding a competition is regulated, but also the procedure for submitting the necessary documents.

Management companies wishing to take part in the competition are required to provide:

  • application completed in accordance with the sample;
  • all constituent documents;
  • copies of all available certificates and licenses;
  • balance sheet for the previous 6 months;
  • if there are recommendations and letters of gratitude, then they must also be presented;
  • draft management agreement and annual budget;
  • certain proposals for waste removal;
  • data on employees - engineers and technical personnel by breakdown;
  • how much cleaning equipment is available and what type of equipment it is.

Additional documents may also be required. It should also be clarified during what period it is required to provide all the necessary papers.

It is imperative that all the accounting of the management company is in order - there are no debts, etc.

In addition, negative reviews also affect the outcome of the decision made. If many people are dissatisfied with the management company, then such an organization has practically no chance.

Management fee for apartment buildings

The payment procedure in 2018 is no different from 2018. The management company's job is to provide housing and communal services, and the fee is included in their cost.

According to usual Russian practice, this amount ranges from 3 to 9% of the price for services provided.

In accordance with Order of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 1997 N 17-132, payment for services, work, etc. is carried out at the tariff established by the Criminal Code.

It is necessary to focus on certain cases:

  • if a service agreement is concluded between the management company and the owner of the premises, then payment for the provided utilities is made by the management company;
  • if there is no agreement for the provision of services with the management company, then payment is made to the developer (based on Article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation);
  • If the contract is concluded with the management company by the developer, then the payment is still made by the management company.

Legislation is designed to protect, first of all, the interests of owners.

How to open a housing and communal services management company from scratch? This question affects all novice businessmen who decide to run their own business in this area. Undoubtedly, all segments of the goods and services market have individual characteristics. What needs to be taken into account when forming a management company? What documentation will be required? Which government agencies oversee this type of activity? This article will help you understand all the intricacies of opening a management organization.

A management company is a commercial company that carries out trust management of the property of other individuals and legal entities (in most cases - MKD). What do you need to open a management company? First of all, it is necessary to study the legislative acts of the Russian Federation that regulate this area of ​​activity:

  • Housing complex of the Russian Federation;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law No. 185 “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services” dated July 21, 2007;
  • Federal Law No. 261 “On energy supply and on increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2009;
  • Federal Law No. 210 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” dated December 30, 2004;
  • Federal Law No. 255 “On amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation” dated July 21, 2014;
  • Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2003 No. 170, etc.

To open a management company, you need to know that there are three main kind similar to the UO.

  • Management companies. These organizations do not oversee repair work and the supply of resources and utilities (in this case, these are the functions of housing maintenance offices); they operate exclusively in the field of management, acting as a link between real estate owners and contractors. Other companies with appropriate specialization are involved in servicing MKD. Opening a management company of this type is usually the easiest.
  • Hybrid management companies. These organizations, without outside help, are fully engaged in the maintenance of apartment buildings (carrying out repair work, providing housing and communal services, and so on). Opening a management company of this type is usually the most difficult.
  • Operational management companies. Owners of MKD real estate sign an agreement with this company, under the terms of which the organization can manage the property without dealing with utilities.

The activities of the management company are carried out in accordance with an agreement with the owners of apartments in the apartment building or on the basis of a request from the homeowners’ association.

To open a management company, you need to familiarize yourself with its responsibilities:

  • monitor the maintenance and welfare of apartment buildings that are under the care of the organization;
  • assess the condition of the roof, pipelines, common areas;
  • organize repairs of the above buildings (permission from property owners is required);
  • deal with the issue of public services;
  • monitor fire safety systems;
  • ensure regular cleaning of common areas;
  • consolidate house-wide accounting systems;
  • organize general meetings of owners, convey information to owners about utility bills and existing problems of apartment buildings;
  • carry out registration and check-out of residents in the apartment building.

Before opening a management company, it is worth knowing that such an organization has right to collect funds for carrying out activities. The amount of payments is determined by the OSS.

Is it profitable to open a management company in housing and communal services today?

The relative indicator of economic efficiency of doing business in this area is, according to experts, 5–10%. What is the reason?

Utility bills are not very high, and neither are the salaries of many owners. Management companies have the opportunity to increase their income by expanding the range of services not limited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Before opening a management company, it is worth learning about several more ways to increase its profits:

  • leasing of various buildings adjacent to the apartment complex;
  • concluding profitable agreements based on cooperation;
  • registration of owners as clients for repair work. In this case, the organization reduces payments for their implementation. It turns out that people do not need to spend a lot of money, and the management company provides itself with a good income.

Opening a management company is quite difficult. There is not much competition, but their profitability is usually low. To cope with all the obstacles, you need to competently establish business relationships and be prepared for many difficulties. That’s why first you should evaluate your strengths, weighing all the pros and cons.

Opening a management company means starting to look for resources that guarantee stable profits, which is extremely difficult. For organizations seeking to develop in this area of ​​business, it is very important to spend their funds in order to take a leading position in this area of ​​​​the market. However, this is always a big risk and takes years of continuous work.

In addition, the costs of business promotion alone in our time do not lead to the desired results. First, it is necessary to ensure the promotion of the services provided, which, unfortunately, are not very well quoted. The thing is that many people are distrustful of individual entrepreneurs and non-state entities and therefore try to interact with them as little as possible. To open a management company, you need to win the trust of the population and present your services in the best light, otherwise the costs of the brand itself will be useless.

It is worth distinguishing between two types of services provided by the management company for certain financial resources.

  • Payments from owners of real estate in apartment buildings for utilities. These amounts go directly to the sellers. The amounts of payments are determined by government bodies, and therefore the MA cannot increase or decrease them. The same applies to the money allocated by the owners for major repairs. But it is important to take into account that the management company is an intermediary in these cases, and therefore large material resources pass through it and, unfortunately, are sometimes not spent on general house needs. Before opening a management company, you should decide what is more important to you: your own income or the trust of citizens.

Sellers are most often transferred 15% less money than was collected from the residents of the apartment building. The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, noticing this trend, is going to adopt a corresponding law, according to which sums of money will be transferred directly from citizens to suppliers. Before opening a management company, you should take into account the fact that very soon the legislation will strictly control that material resources are used for their intended purpose.

  • Money is transferred to the management authority for maintenance and repair work in common premises. This includes a fairly long list of services established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The amount of payments here is determined by the OSS, which is based on the methodology for calculating future expenses and income drawn up by the MA. In cases where it is not possible to hold such a meeting, all documents are transferred to the local self-government bodies. Before opening a management company, it is worth understanding that in any of the two cash flow options, their amount is determined either by the property owners or by government agencies. The organization itself does not play any role in this process.

Since the beginning of 2016, cleaning of garbage containers has been a public service provided by organizations that have passed an open competition to select a management company. The amount of payments for export is now set by local self-government bodies.

Opportunities to increase income for OU:

  • installation of energy saving systems, approval of the percentage share for performing the functions of an intermediary;
  • carrying out a number of repair works, payment for which is made on the basis of contractual obligations;
  • provision of additional services (parking, securing meters, etc.);
  • renting out various extensions, installing banners and advertising boards;
  • reduction of costs for the provision of services (staff wages, wholesale purchase of necessary resources).

Before opening a management company, you should take into account that, as a rule, the main problem of such an organization is the debt obligations of citizens living in an apartment building. A company can also demand payment through legal proceedings, but this is not always effective. There is no need to hide the fact that management companies often take advantage of clients’ ignorance of the law, as well as their reluctance to fight for their interests. It is also important to note the fact that the profitability of a management company is directly affected by the number of apartment buildings it supervises. As practice shows, a company must have at least five buildings under its control, otherwise there will simply be no profit.

Expert opinion

Opening a management company in a cottage community is a big risk

Dmitry Tsvetkov,

Head of Dispatch Office Penny Lane Realty

Opening a management company means taking a risk, because such private organizations are not always profitable entities. This is not due to a lack of professionalism on the part of management, but, as a rule, to our citizens’ ideas about intermediary firms and their attitude towards them. There are now quite a few luxury suburban settlements purchased for investment purposes. Sometimes in a town of two hundred houses only 50% of the buildings are used for living. So it turns out that citizens do not want to pay utility bills just because they do not live in a cottage. They think it's a waste of money. If you want to open a management company, it is worth considering that the debt obligations of the owners will be the main problem of a start-up company operating in practically uninhabited suburban areas. Typically, about 30% of real estate owners try to find any excuse not to pay for utility services.

A management company provides itself with a stable profit only when it supervises more than five nearby buildings, since such companies purchase resources in bulk, which allows them to reduce costs.

If we talk about a suburban settlement, then it is possible to open a management company here only when all the houses have permanent residents who are able to pay for utilities and other services. Otherwise, you can't expect any income. This process takes at least 5 years, and therefore many management companies suffer losses at the initial stages of their activities. To open a management company, you need a lot of money, because the risks are quite high.

How to open a management company in housing and communal services: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. With the help of agencies or independently develop a detailed scheme of activities (without this, there is no way).

Step 2. Create an organization in the status of an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company (or add areas of work from the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities to an existing entity by re-issuing the necessary registration papers). It is impossible to open a management company without the appropriate documents.

Step 3. Pass the knowledge test of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts (listed at the beginning of the article).

Step 4. Apply for permission to open a management company in the housing and communal services sector.

Step 5. Find office space, assign departments, purchase the necessary equipment.

Step 6. Sign an agreement with the owners of real estate in the apartment building, draw up technical documents.

Step 7 Conclude contracts with sellers in the field of servicing MKD.

Step 8 Develop your own Internet resource, add data to the geographic system.

Now it’s worth studying in more detail the question of how to open a management company.

How to open a management company from scratch in the housing and communal services sector

Here you need to register a legal entity (joint stock company or limited liability company). However, opening a management company is not just about entering it into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

First of all, you need to decide whether to register a new educational institution or carry out a reform in an existing education. As a rule, additional areas of the company’s work are added to the existing list. The more there are, the more impressive the package of documentation must be prepared for the Federal Tax Service.

To open a management company, you need to register your activities with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and a statistical government agency. Once this is done, you can begin obtaining a permit to run your business.

  • Licensing

Today, the laws of the Russian Federation oblige housing and communal services to obtain a license. It is worth noting that only individuals and legal entities registered in the Russian Federation have the right to engage in maintenance of apartment buildings. Foreign organizations cannot manage buildings in our country. Moreover, in order to open a management company, its management must pass an exam on knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The permit is issued by the State Housing Supervision authorities based on the conclusion of an authorized group of persons. The license does not have a statute of limitations, which is a positive factor.

The permit applies to a specific apartment building (that is, its own document for each apartment building). Before opening a management company, it is very important to take this point into account so as not to have any problems later.

A license may also be invalidated if:

  • the director of the organization committed an administrative violation twice;
  • the company has unfulfilled obligations to the inspection authorities.

Before opening a management company, take into account the following factor: when a management company regularly breaks the law, fails to cope with its responsibilities and does not try to correct the situation, government agencies may decide to terminate its activities.

Conditions for obtaining permission:

  • availability of non-residential space for an office;
  • selected personnel;
  • legally acquired equipment and resources;
  • certificate that all legal requirements for access to enterprise information have been met;
  • confirmation of the proper level of education of personnel.

There are two options for opening a management company in the housing and communal services sector: to deal with all types of maintenance of apartment buildings, or to form a management organization that acts as an intermediary between residents and other enterprises (suppliers, sellers, and so on).

  • Option 1

A company operates here and undertakes to maintain an apartment building, which will undoubtedly require large initial expenses (purchasing equipment, hiring workers, ensuring stable wages, and so on). There is no doubt: opening a management company without confidence in receiving supervised buildings is a huge risk, since the desired profitability simply will not be forthcoming. It is also worth noting that this option is only suitable for organizations that have taken several nearby buildings as objects at once. Only then does the company have the opportunity to reduce its costs, which will be spent evenly on all entities served.

  • Option 2

Here, the enterprise assumes only the function of control over the amounts of money transferred to suppliers and other organizations, over the activities of contractors, and so on. In this case, MKD maintenance is carried out by other companies, to which the MA transfers its powers on the basis of an agreement. You can open a management company of this type with a small start-up capital, which will be used to pay wages to several employees. The remaining expenses are already covered from the initial income. However, this method also has its disadvantages: often inflated prices of partner enterprises, direct dependence on them. But it also happens that such companies were so successful in this area of ​​the market that they soon formed subsidiaries and assumed all obligations for servicing apartment buildings. Before opening a management company, decide which option you want to implement.

What do you need to open a management company?

  • Staff

It is very important to find a specialist in engineering systems whose professionalism no one will doubt. In addition, office employees and workers involved in servicing various types of equipment must be educated citizens who have received the appropriate certificate (the requirement does not apply to cleaners, janitors, and so on).

If you want to open a management company that will bring good profits in the future, be sure to take care of personnel. Often the owner of the organization becomes its main leader. Salary costs are always individual (usually the amount is $4,000–50,000).

To open a management company, you need to acquire four operators who will answer calls in shifts 24 hours a day. Sometimes management organizations do not form their own emergency services, attracting other enterprises to do this. Unfortunately, this is not always effective, because conflicts often develop between companies and owners. That is why the best option is to create your own department that resolves emergency incidents.

Dispatchers should not neglect their responsibilities. It is necessary to ensure that they are ready to respond to residents at any time of the day or night. What if there is an accident? It is very important to fix the problem in time. To open a management company that residents will trust, you need to ensure high-quality services.

It turns out that the MA staff consists of:

  • chief accountant (if the company is large, an accounting department is needed);
  • engineering systems repair specialists (minimum two employees);
  • workers servicing plumbing equipment and electrical appliances;
  • welders and carpenters;
  • operators;
  • workers for cleaning the territory and common premises of the apartment building;
  • emergency response and troubleshooting specialists.

It is worth repeating: sometimes administrative organizations do not form their own emergency services, attracting other enterprises for this. Unfortunately, this is not always effective, because conflicts often develop between companies and owners. This also applies to security agencies. Before opening a management company, this issue should be resolved.

  • Financial resources

To open a management company, you need to have a starting capital of $2,000–70,000. The main expenses are wages, purchase of equipment and tools, rent of non-residential space for an office. In the case where the costs amounted to $70,000, and there are about ten objects under management, this amount will be returned after 12 months (approximately). You will receive an income of approximately $3,500. It turns out that the more homes you serve, the higher your profit. It is very profitable to provide services to 30–40 objects at once.

  • Office

It is simply impossible to open a management company without premises for work. It is best if the office is located in a facility that you will subsequently supervise. Then you should purchase equipment, inventory, office supplies, arrange places for operators, provide telephone communications and the Internet.

However, first you still need to establish trusting relationships with the owners of real estate in the apartment building. This is the only way you can open a management company that will suit your clients, protect their interests and provide them with safety and comfortable living.

  • Legal address

An integral part is the location of the legal entity. Beware of partners who give you their address right away. As a rule, it is widespread, which creates problems with legislation regarding the inclusion of an enterprise in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

  • Accounting policy

To open a management company, you need to deal with this issue in detail.

There are two options for developing an accounting policy: your enterprise independently draws up an action plan, or you involve a specialized housing and communal services organization in this process. If you opted for the first method, then keep in mind that you will have to spend quite a lot of money on a new department. If the choice fell on the second option, then here you will know the specific cost of creating an accounting policy, established by professional organizations.

  • No criminal record

To open a management company, you need confirmation that you have not been involved in legal proceedings as an accused person. It is worth noting that the severity of the violation does not play any role here.

If officials of the future enterprise were previously held accountable for financial misconduct, or did not have the right to engage in commercial business for a certain time, they will not be able to open a management company (according to the legislation of the Russian Federation).

What documents are required to open a management company?

First of all, you need to decide whether to create a new educational institution or carry out a reform in an existing education. In the first case, to open a management company, you will need the following documentation:

  • request to enter the enterprise into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • articles of association;
  • an act confirming the holding of a meeting on the opening of a management company;
  • an agreement concluded between the founders of a legal entity upon its creation;
  • an act confirming the appointment of a specific person to the post of manager;
  • a non-commercial business letter from the owner, which contains a guarantee that certain actions will be performed or certain conditions will be met for the provision of non-residential premises for rent;
  • an act confirming payment of the state duty.

If you decide to open a management company from an existing enterprise, you will need:

  • charter (set of norms and rules) of the formed organization;
  • request to make appropriate amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • conclusion of the meeting at which the reorganization of the enterprise was discussed.

To open a housing and communal services management company from scratch, you also need to decide on a banking organization that will act as your partner. This way you can get accounts (savings and checking). About 50% of the funds contributed by the founders when registering the enterprise must be transferred to a savings account, and the remaining amount must be added to it during the year.

How to win an open competition to select a management company

If you want to take part in an open competition for a management company, you must submit a corresponding request within 25 days.

The application must provide:

  • company information and documentation:
  • for legal entities: full name, form of organization of business activity, location, certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • for individual entrepreneurs: last name, first name, patronymic, passport details, address, certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • phone number;
  • an act proving that the enterprise has the right to participate in an open competition for a management company, as well as to conduct its activities;
  • data on savings and current accounts;
  • copies of acts that prove that the company has fulfilled all the conditions of the tender:
  • on the transfer of a sum of money to a request for an open competition for a management company;
  • on the fulfillment of all requirements of the event;
  • financial documentation for a certain period;
  • data on the transfer of funds from the owners of real estate in an apartment building for maintenance and repair work, as well as for utilities.

The leader of an open competition for a management company, within ten working days from the moment of confirmation of the results of the event, is obliged to transfer to its coordinator a draft agreement signed by him for the supervision of an apartment building. And another twenty weekdays (from the same date), the winning organization must provide programs and agreements on the management of an apartment building certified by it to the owners of real estate, who approve these acts on their own behalf. In cases where the leader of an open competition for a management company does not fulfill the above obligations, he is automatically recognized as having evaded signing the contract.

According to Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, housing and communal services must enter into contracts with all homeowners. Without this agreement, it is impossible to manage an apartment building (in accordance with Article 445 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Before you open a management company, be prepared for the fact that sometimes citizens are sure: if you haven’t signed an agreement, you shouldn’t have to pay for the services provided. No, it won't work that way. The amounts of money for all resources are accrued in the name of the owner of the real estate, since the fact of delivery is undeniably present.

It turns out that it is impossible to avoid fees. But residents can monitor the proper provision of services (according to the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-1). Based on this regulatory act, property owners have the right to defend their interests regarding the quality and cost of the services provided.

Before opening a management company, you should familiarize yourself with the information about this agreement. The period of its validity is 1-5 years, the essence is the maintenance of apartment buildings, carrying out repair work, as well as the supply of utilities through the efforts of the enterprise. The agreement is concluded between the management organization and the owners of real estate in the apartment building (either a homeowners association or a member of a housing construction cooperative based on a power of attorney).

Termination of such an agreement occurs either by decision of its participants, or through judicial proceedings (in accordance with Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). Before opening a management company, you need to take into account that the Housing Code of the Russian Federation allows apartment owners to independently terminate the contract when the management company evades its obligations.

In cases where various types of amendments are made to the document, of which the owners were not notified, the owners of real estate can cancel the transaction by presenting their claims to the MA, or by filing a statement of claim against the enterprise in the judicial authorities.

If residents have complaints about the quality of the service provided, they have the right to request a reduction in payments for space and request reporting documentation on the movement of their material assets.

How much does it cost to open a management company in the housing and communal services sector?

What starting capital is needed to open a management company? It is necessary to develop a strategy for upcoming activities ($5,000), enter the enterprise into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities ($300), create your own Internet resource and print printing materials ($5,000), rent a non-residential premises of 50 m2 ($400 per m2, that’s $20,000 for 12 months). You will need $4,000 for the purchase of equipment and office furniture, and $10,000 monthly for the main management personnel. The same amount of money is needed for an advertising campaign and basic business operations.

Opening a management company is not so easy (from the point of view of starting investments). Subsequent expenses relate directly to the apartment building: about $4,000 must be allocated for one building. It's good if you receive five objects within a year. The building brings you $2000 monthly. This means that it will be able to cover the cost of maintenance within two months.

It turns out that to open a management company, you will need $25,000 as initial capital. Annual costs will be approximately $150,000, with maintenance of five facilities costing $20,000. It is best to have at least $10,000-$15,000 in reserve. Within 24 months, if possible, you need to take control of ten objects, otherwise you will not be able to ensure a profit (annually from ten objects the company receives $240,000 and spends from $150,000 to $175,000).

To open a management company, you will need about $230,000. It is possible to cover this amount (if the situation is favorable) in 5 years, but it is optimal to make a plan for 7-8 years, taking into account various risks.

How to open a management company without problems

The prospect of private managers entering this market is strictly linked to the answer to the question of where to get those very objects that can provide the required level of income. For organizations seeking to develop in this area of ​​business, it is very important to spend their funds in order to take a leading position in this area of ​​the market. However, this is always a big risk and takes years of continuous work.

Another problem is the low profitability of managing mass housing. There are two areas of the MKD management market - work with mass property and activity in new areas where people with high incomes live. So, in the second field there are already large and well-established educational institutions operating. Before opening a management company, you should think about your own prospects. Even if a start-up company takes on the responsibility of maintaining the latest buildings, will it be able to provide proper service to the expensive and modern equipment installed in the buildings? Hardly. That is why the most profitable for such an organization are apartment buildings with outdated systems. If you decide to open a management company, you must take this factor into account. But in the sphere of mass housing, such companies may well compete with the Directorates of a single customer and housing maintenance offices. However, unfortunately, it is still not profitable. Income here depends only on the number of apartment buildings supervised, but not every organization has the capacity to maintain a large number of buildings.

To open a management company, start negotiations with construction organizations on the issue of transferring apartment buildings. If we are talking about newly (or recently) constructed objects, the supervising enterprise will need an amount equal to its monthly capital. For 50 thousand m2, about one million rubles will be required. Then the company will secure income from collecting funds from real estate owners.

There is another “headache” - this large number of defaulters(on average, only half of apartment owners pay utility bills on time), as well as outdated structures and systems in many buildings. If you want to open a management company, try to start activities for several recently constructed buildings that do not require major renovations.

Before deciding on the choice of management company, in each house it is necessary to create a subject - a condominium, and it's not that simple. Here you need to form a homeowners' association. However, the whole point is that real estate owners can be irresponsible in their responsibilities. The result is the absence of a management organization and the facility is under the control of the Directorates of a single customer. Everyone is happy with everything (except for the owners themselves). But who cares anymore?

It should also be noted that a significant portion of tenants enjoy benefits that should have been compensated by the management company from the budget. However, an independent management company should not count on this money. Their reimbursement will not be made immediately.

Information about the expert

Dmitry Tsvetkov, director of the suburban real estate department at Penny Lane Realty. Penny Lane Realty is one of the leaders in the luxury real estate market in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi.

The first housing associations were mentioned in 1921; it was then that the first activists appeared who understood the attractiveness of this cause and began to take municipal buildings under their wing. Typical management companies began their existence relatively recently - 2005 marked the beginning of a new era in the management of multi-storey buildings and every year they are gaining more and more popularity among novice entrepreneurs.

High profitability and little competition in this area are the main reasons why businessmen want to occupy this niche. But is it so easy to open your own management company and why, with such financial attractiveness, are there still free places in this market?

So, how to open a management company from scratch? The answer is in this article!

It is permitted to carry out management activities only after obtaining a license, the issuance of which is regulated by government agencies.

The received document does not require renewal and is issued without time restrictions. But even if you are included in the register of licenses of the Russian Federation, this does not mean your immunity. If not done properly, the license can be revoked and the company can be deleted from the register.

Who can get permission?

A legal entity can count on obtaining a license to operate as a management company. or physical face:

  • registered on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • having a qualification certificate;
  • has no criminal record;
  • missing from the register of disqualified persons.

Features of management companies

For an entrepreneur, a management company is an intermediary between the house and the organization that provides its maintenance and upkeep. In other words, the management company accumulates the residents’ money in order to later spend it on repairs, maintenance and other work related to improving and increasing the investment value of the house.

For residents, this is an organization that manages all the apartments in the building, providing a certain list of services, established by the state or expanded by agreement with residents.

Procedure for opening a management company

To start a business in the management field, you will need to take several steps:

1. Finding a suitable location for an office.

3. Purchase of equipment and implementation of repair work.

We will consider the features of each step in more detail below.

Searching for a location for the management company’s office and purchasing equipment

Before registering your activity, you need to find a place where you can locate the office of the management company in the future. The best option is an apartment building, the management of which is planned to be taken into your own hands. Typically, such companies are located on the ground floors of high-rise buildings and carry out major renovations, converting the premises into an office.

40 sq.m. will be enough for work. m. on which it is necessary to place one large office where specialists will receive clients, and a director, a toilet, and a place for eating.

You will need to purchase office furniture, air conditioning, cabinets, a safe for documents, office equipment, consumables and stationery supplies. It is also necessary to purchase special clothing, tools and

Registration of a company to obtain the right to engage in management activities

To legitimize your activities, you need a registration procedure with or CJSC. To register as an LLC you will need to do the following:

  • choose a place and come up with a name;
  • select code;
  • prepare a decision on establishment
  • form a management company.

After completing the above activities, you will need to submit an application to the tax office, first

Then you will need which will send the registration certificate to your legal address within 5 days.

And the last step will be opening a current account in a bank, with subsequent transfer of data about it to the tax service.

Hiring employees for work

The management company must employ at least three certified employees. If you don’t know how to manage a house, you will need to hire an engineer with the appropriate education; in addition, you need to have specialists who will service the house.

Management company staff

  • engineer;
  • accountant;
  • director;
  • plumbers, mechanics, cleaners, janitors, electricians.

Advertising of the management company

The only thing that can be done for promotion is to make your own website with detailed and necessary information about the organization itself, its employees, goals, and plans.

The goal is to make the company name recognizable. Only such large-scale advertising can bear fruit.

How to attract clients?

To take control of a house, you must conclude an agreement with each resident. To do this, you need to organize a meeting, the outcome of which will determine your future relations with this apartment building, namely their presence or absence. At the house-wide meeting, your goal will be to convince the residents of the need to change their management company to yours.

You need:

  • describe colorfully all the advantages of cooperation with you;
  • talk about the work that you plan to carry out in their house in the near future;
  • promise timely elimination of breakdowns, accidents and other problems.

A good place to start is to take control of your home, carry out the necessary work and photograph the result. Such photographs will serve as strong evidence and good motivation for residents. Good reviews from a house that you have already “finished” will also have a positive effect on your reputation.

Management company business plan

To open your own management company you will have to incur a lot of expenses:

  • Rent of premises from 80,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of office equipment, furniture and equipment necessary for the work of specialists from 300,000 rubles.
  • from 200,000 rubles.
  • Advertising from 90,000 rubles
  • The cost of house maintenance, repairs, and improvement of the local area is about 900,000 rubles.

Thus, to open your own management company, you will need to invest at the initial stage from 1,500,000 rubles.

Profitability of the management company as a business

The profitability of a management company is considered to be on average about 50% and the costs can pay off in just a couple of years. The only condition is the presence of houses willing to be serviced by your organization.

For stable operation and income generation, at the initial stage it is necessary to take into service at least five houses and gradually increase this number. You shouldn’t try to get a lot of houses right away, because you won’t be able to service them efficiently and in a short time, and this will not have the best effect on your reputation.

Fresh houses are easy to maintain and cause virtually no problems. Old houses are in need of major repairs; residents will be regularly reminded about leaking roofs and pipes and demand the promised, quick fix of the problem, and this is a significant expense.

Possible problems when opening a management company

1. Supplying the home with resources

It can be quite difficult to build relationships with those who supply your home with water, heating, and sewerage services. And a quick solution to problems that arise is sometimes impossible.

And vigilant residents will definitely start scandals because they were promised to do everything quickly, but in fact, like everyone else.

2. Defaulters

Every house has defaulters, usually 20–30% of the total number of residents. To solve problems with them, you will need to take some measures, and this is not only a waste of time, but also nerves.

Problems also include high risks, large financial investments, and difficulties in selecting qualified employees.

Is it possible to buy an existing business?

In practice it happens it is much easier to buy an existing management company, than to open it yourself.

When making such a transaction, you should pay special attention to the agreement, which needs to be studied very carefully and better in the presence of experienced lawyers, so that the debts of the former manager do not pass to you along with the company.

You will also need to check the presence of all necessary internal documents of the organization. Opening your own management company, – it’s a very risky, complex and costly business.

It will take a lot of effort to obtain a license, permits from the state, administration, and develop a client base. Poaching tenants is a difficult task, people do not trust such organizations because often promises are not even half fulfilled.

You can achieve success in this area and earn respect only by performing services efficiently and promptly, fulfilling all your promises. Only in this case will residents praise you and recommend you to their friends.

How to open a management company? Watch the following video lecture:


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