Explain how an owl differs from an owl. Mysterious bird owl. Where does the owl live

Attache Lady

Dandy Frau

Cure Pani

Cooley Milady

Mikado Emancipe

Some words belong to the general gender, as they can designate persons

male and female: vis-a-vis, incognito, protege, Saami (nationality),

Somali (people).

The names of animals, in accordance with the literary norm, refer to

masculine, for example: dingo, gray, zebu, hummingbird, cockatoo, kangaroo, marabou, pony, chimpanzee. The exception is the words: ivasi (fish) - female. genus; tsetse (fly) - female. genus.

Animal names in a sentence can be used as feminine words if the text refers to a female animal: the kangaroo nursed


For alphabetic abbreviations (complex abbreviated words read by the names of letters), the gender is associated with their morphological form. If the abbreviation

leans, then her gender is due to the end: university - husband. gender, since in the nominative case it has a zero ending (cf .: in a university, university, etc.); tsum - husband. Genus (in tsume, tsumom). If the abbreviation is not declined, then usually its gender is determined by the gender of the core word from which the abbreviation is formed: Central Committee - Central Committee - husband. kind, VDNKh - exhibition - women. genus. However, this kind of abbreviations often deviates from this rule, especially in cases where abbreviations become familiar and break away from the core word. For example, NEP - husband. gender, although the core word is feminine (politics); MFA - husband. gender, although the core word of the middle gender (ministry); VAK - husband. gender, although the commission is feminine.

A large number of masculine words in Russian denote

both males and females. Such nouns mean

persons by profession, occupation, name positions and titles, for example: hero, associate professor, professor, lawyer, economist, accountant, lawyer, prosecutor, etc.

Over the past decades, constructions such as: director came when referring to females. However, if the predicate in the designation of females is put in the feminine gender, then the definitions for them are used only in the masculine form: the young prosecutor Ivanova, an experienced economist Petrova made a report.

In the instrumental case of the singular, feminine nouns can, in accordance with the literary norm, have variant endings -oy, -oy, (-her, -ey), which differ only stylistically: endings -oy (-ey) are characteristic of bookish, official or poetic speech, and the endings - oh (-s) are neutral, i.e. are used in any style: water-water, country-country.

For masculine nouns that name substances, in the genitive case of the singular, variant endings -a and -y are possible:

snow - snow, sugar - sugar, forms with these endings differ either in meaning or stylistically. The difference in meaning lies in the fact that the forms with the ending -y denote a part of the whole: bought sugar, but: sugar production, got drunk on tea, but: growing tea. Stylistic differences are manifested in the fact that forms with the ending -a are neutral (characteristic of any style), and forms with the ending -y are characteristic primarily of oral, colloquial speech. In written speech, the na–u forms are found in stable combinations: give heat, there was no persuasion, give a swing, no passage, no passage, without asking. These forms are also found in words with a diminutive meaning: a beam, a seagull, a kvass.

In the nominative plural, most words are

the traditional norms of the literary language correspond to the ending -s, -i:

locksmiths, bakers, turners, spotlights. However, the ending -a is found in a number of words. Forms with the ending -a usually have a colloquial or professional coloring. Only in some words the ending -a corresponds to the literary norm, for example (stable 70 words): addresses, banks, sides, sides, centuries, bills, directors, doctors, tunics, masters, passports, cooks, cellars, professors, varieties , watchman, paramedic, cadet, anchor, sail, cold.

Sometimes forms with endings -a and -s (-i) differ in meaning, cf .:

furs (dressed skins of animals) and furs (blacksmith's); corps (torsoes of people or animals) and corps (buildings; large military formations); camps (socio-political groups) and camps (parking lots, temporary settlements); breads (cereal plants) and breads (baked); sable (furs) and sables (animals); wires (electrical) and wires (of someone); orders (insignia) and orders (in medieval society, for example, the Order of the Sword).

Here are examples of nouns ending in -s, -i: boatswains, accountants (accountants - colloquial), winds (winds - colloquial), elections, reprimands, jumpers (jumpers - colloquial), contracts (agreements - colloquial .), inspectors, instructors

(instructor - colloquial), engineers (engineer - colloquial.

and colloquial), designers, sweaters (sweaters - colloquial), drivers (chauffeurs - colloquial), turners.

Particular attention should be paid to the inclination of surnames of non-Russian origin and geographical names. Let us give only some norms of the literary language.

a) Na-ko surnames like Shevchenko, Sidorenko in official speech and in

the written form of the literary language is not inclined.

In colloquial speech and in fiction, these surnames are used in two versions, i.e. they can be inflexible, but they can also be inclined: sent to Semashka, talking about Ustimenka.

b) If the surnames coincide with common nouns, then

female surnames do not decline (met Anna Sokol), and male ones decline (met Vladimir Sokol), while several cases are possible: surnames with suffixes -ets, -ek, -ok, -ate are better to decline without dropping out a vowel: Ivan Zayats, Timofey Pepper; surnames ending in a soft consonant, denoting males, are declined as masculine nouns, although, being common nouns, they can be feminine words

Wed: lynx - female. genus, but: Ivan Rys, far-women. genus, but: Vladimir Dahl.

c) Russian surnames na-in, -ov in the instrumental case have an ending-

ym: Frolov, Ivanov, Kalinin. Geographical names in the instrumental case have endings -om: g.Kalinin, s.Golyshmanov. The ending -om also has foreign-language surnames na-in, -ov: Darwin, Chaplin, Colvin. Female foreign-language surnames are not inclined: Darwin, Zeitlin, etc. So, for example, complex numerals such as eighty, seven hundred are the only group of words in which both parts are declined: eighty, seven hundred (creative pad.), about eighty, about seven hundred (prepositional pad.). In modern colloquial speech, the declination of complex numbers is lost, which is also facilitated by the professional speech of mathematicians, however, in official speech, the norm requires the declination of both parts of complex numbers.

Collective numbers (two, three, ..., ten) are not used in official speech, although they coincide in meaning with cardinal numbers. But even in colloquial speech, their use is limited: they do not combine with the names of feminine persons, with inanimate nouns, with the names of high ranks, positions (hero, general, professor, etc.). Collective numerals are combined with the names of males (except for the names of high ranks, positions): two boys, six soldiers; with the names of the cubs: seven kids, five wolf cubs; with substantiated adjectives: seven cavalry, four military.

In the field of adjectives, the formation of a complex form of a comparative degree belongs to frequent violations of the norm. The norm corresponds to forms like “more + the initial form of the adjective”: more interesting. Education type more interesting is erroneous.

There are many rules regarding the use of verbs.

1. So, when forming aspectual pairs of a verb, there are norms regarding the alternation of vowels in the root:

a) Alternation is mandatory if the stress does not fall on the root (shorten

- shorten);

b) There is no alternation if the stress falls on the root

entertain), however, in a number of words, the lack of alternation is archaic, artificial (earn, prepare, master, challenge, adapt, finish, calm, double, triple).

c) About 20 verbs allow fluctuations (options) in the formation of aspect pairs (with alternation in colloquial speech, without alternation in book,

business), for example: agree - agree and agree, honor -

dignify and dignify, condition - condition and condition.

2. There are verbs in Russian that end in -ch. In the personal forms of these verbs, except for the 1st person singular and the 3rd person plural, the alternation of the consonants Mrs., k-ch is obligatory: burn, burn, but: burn, burn, burn, burn; dragging, dragging, but: dragging, dragging, dragging, dragging.

So, morphological norms are diverse and, as mentioned above, are set out in grammars and reference books.



The eagle owl differs from other species of owls in its large size and characteristic head plumage. Most notable outward difference owl and eagle owl - this is the presence of "ears". Owl and eagle owl are typical representatives of the owl order. Eagle owls are listed in the Red Book and recognized as an endangered species. There are a lot of varieties of owls, they live in almost any territory.

It is unlikely that such a mythologized idea of ​​​​the species differences between owls and eagle owls can be considered convincing. Adults weigh up to 4.5 kg and reach a length of 72 cm. The wingspan of an eagle owl can be from one and a half to two meters.

The plumage of the owl has a reddish-fawn color; Longitudinal dark stripes are clearly visible on the head and upper back. Of all the owls, the long-eared owl has the greatest resemblance to the eagle owl. This species has the same type of head plumage, the shape of the wing, tail and body. However, even with such similarity, the long-eared owl is not a reduced copy of the eagle owl.

The absence of feather ears is not the only feature that distinguishes other owls from the eagle owl. The feathers on the wings of ordinary owls have rounded ends and are softly serrated on the outside.

The appearance of an owl and an owl

Hunts for hares, rodents, hedgehogs, crows, waterfowl and chicken birds, as well as many other vertebrates. It lays its eggs in a small hole in the ground, often using low spruce branches, heaps of stones and fallen trunks, crevices and washouts as shelter. In the field, determining the sex of a bird can be difficult. The general physique of the eagle owl is stocky, almost "barrel-shaped".

TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between an owl and an owl is as follows:

Red and ocher tones stand out well in variegated colors, however, the general color tone is subject to significant variability in different parts of the range. The tarsus and fingers are feathered, which is also one of the defining features (in the fish owl, the fingers are bare).

Lifestyle and diet

In particular, favorable living conditions are formed on rocky slopes overgrown with forests, among placers of stones, in highly rugged terrain with an abundance of hills and ravines. The bird also adapts well to raised moss swamps, deep river valleys, light forests, clearings, burnt areas and forest dumps. It avoids continuous closed forest, but willingly settles on its outskirts and edges, as well as in small groves in the middle of open spaces.

The method of obtaining food is similar among all birds of the genus Bubo, with the exception of the Snowy Owl. It is predominantly a nocturnal hunter, although on a winter or cloudy day it can fly out in search of food during daylight hours. Having noticed a potential prey, the predator throws a stone at it and plunges its claws. Colonial birds - eider, puffin - beats on the nest.

The predator swallows mouse-like rodents and small birds whole, cuts larger game into pieces, which it swallows together with wool and giblets. With hedgehogs before eating, removes the skin with needles, but sometimes swallows directly with them. Avoids dense areas of the forest, preferring to hunt on the edges and other open spaces. Eagle owl preys on various vertebrates, among which medium-sized mammals and birds predominate.

The third external difference between an owl and an owl is the color of plumage

From time to time, the hunter switches to catching fish, amphibians, reptiles and even insects, although in general their share in the total amount of food is small.

Hares, as well as rodents, play a significant role in the food base of the eagle owl. During the years of high abundance of the wild rabbit in the Western Mediterranean and France, it becomes the main prey of the predator. On the same peninsula, eagle owls hunt the Iberian hare, which is more than twice the size of a rabbit.

It is not difficult to distinguish an owl from all other owls.

In southwestern Turkey, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Bavaria and the lowlands of Austria, eagle owls catch the hare in large numbers. Experts count at least 300 species of birds ranging in size from jays to mallards, which are hunted by the eagle owl. Most large birds that the eagle owl hunts: gray heron and capercaillie. So, in the Netherlands, both species make up about three-quarters of all game, both in number and volume. Not less than important role corvids play, which, unlike other sparrows, spend the night openly, and therefore are more vulnerable.

Non-solitary males also behave in a similar way, however, in their case, the "search" usually starts later and does not take too long, since a settled female is nearby.

On rough terrain - in the mountains, on steep river cliffs, in gullies and ravines - the bird prefers more sunny southern slopes. Nests in hollows are even less common (a larger fish owl, despite its size, prefers them). The same place is sometimes used repeatedly, which is especially typical for steep rocky slopes.

They are blind and helpless, covered with thick whitish-buffy down. Around the same time, strongly grown and strengthened chicks are able to swallow small prey whole. During the entire feeding time, the presence of a nest is emitted by loud and hoarse sounds “chiib” made by chicks several times per minute.

Ornithologists emphasize that Cainism, which is rare among owls, is generally feature owls. The adult female almost does not leave the offspring for the first three weeks, being engaged in butchering the prey brought by the male, feeding and protecting the chicks, and then helps the male in obtaining food. Ekimov, E.V.

To the ecology of the eagle owl in Central Siberia // Ecology of southern Siberia. Materials III South-Siberian regional scientific conference of students and young scientists November 17 - 19, 1999 in Abakan.

A characteristic feature of many of them is a stiff corolla of short feathers framing the front of the head; the owl does not have it. The long-eared owl looks very much like an owl due to the presence of "ears" on its head.

The eagle owl differs from other species of owls in its large size and characteristic head plumage. The most noticeable external difference between an owl and an eagle owl is the presence of "ears". Owl and eagle owl are typical representatives of the owl order. Eagle owls are listed in the Red Book and recognized as an endangered species. There are a lot of varieties of owls, they live in almost any territory.

It is unlikely that such a mythologized idea of ​​​​the species differences between owls and eagle owls can be considered convincing. Adults weigh up to 4.5 kg and reach a length of 72 cm. The wingspan of an eagle owl can be from one and a half to two meters.

The plumage of the owl has a reddish-fawn color; Longitudinal dark stripes are clearly visible on the head and upper back. Of all the owls, the long-eared owl has the greatest resemblance to the eagle owl. This species has the same type of head plumage, the shape of the wing, tail and body. However, even with such similarity, the long-eared owl is not a reduced copy of the eagle owl.

The absence of feather ears is not the only feature that distinguishes other owls from the eagle owl. The feathers on the wings of ordinary owls have rounded ends and are softly serrated on the outside.

The appearance of an owl and an owl

It hunts hares, rodents, hedgehogs, crows, waterfowl and chicken birds, as well as many other vertebrates. It lays its eggs in a small hole in the ground, often using low spruce branches, heaps of stones and fallen trunks, crevices and washouts as shelter. In the field, determining the sex of a bird can be difficult. The general physique of the eagle owl is stocky, almost "barrel-shaped".

TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between an owl and an owl is as follows:

Red and ocher tones stand out well in variegated colors, however, the general color tone is subject to significant variability in different parts of the range. The tarsus and fingers are feathered, which is also one of the defining features (in the fish owl, the fingers are bare).

Lifestyle and diet

In particular, favorable living conditions are formed on rocky slopes overgrown with forests, among placers of stones, in highly rugged terrain with an abundance of hills and ravines. The bird also adapts well to raised moss swamps, deep river valleys, light forests, clearings, burnt areas and forest dumps. It avoids continuous closed forest, but willingly settles on its outskirts and edges, as well as in small groves in the middle of open spaces.

The method of obtaining food is similar among all birds of the genus Bubo, with the exception of the Snowy Owl. It is predominantly a nocturnal hunter, although on a winter or cloudy day it can fly out in search of food during daylight hours. Having noticed a potential prey, the predator throws a stone at it and plunges its claws. Colonial birds - eider, puffin - beats on the nest.

The predator swallows mouse-like rodents and small birds whole, cuts larger game into pieces, which it swallows together with wool and giblets. With hedgehogs before eating, removes the skin with needles, but sometimes swallows directly with them. Avoids dense areas of the forest, preferring to hunt on the edges and other open spaces. Eagle owl preys on various vertebrates, among which medium-sized mammals and birds predominate.

The third external difference between an owl and an owl is the color of plumage

From time to time, the hunter switches to catching fish, amphibians, reptiles and even insects, although in general their share in the total amount of food is small. Hares, as well as rodents, play a significant role in the food base of the eagle owl. During the years of high abundance of the wild rabbit in the Western Mediterranean and France, it becomes the main prey of the predator. On the same peninsula, eagle owls hunt the Iberian hare, which is more than twice the size of a rabbit.

It is not difficult to distinguish an owl from all other owls.

In southwestern Turkey, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Bavaria and the lowlands of Austria, eagle owls catch the hare in large numbers. Experts count at least 300 species of birds ranging in size from jays to mallards, which are hunted by the eagle owl. The largest birds that the eagle owl hunts are the gray heron and capercaillie. So, in the Netherlands, both species make up about three-quarters of all game, both in number and volume. An equally important role is played by corvids, which, unlike other sparrows, spend the night openly, and therefore are more vulnerable.

Non-solitary males also behave in a similar way, however, in their case, the "search" usually starts later and does not take too long, since a settled female is nearby.

On rough terrain - in the mountains, on steep river cliffs, in gullies and ravines - the bird prefers more sunny southern slopes. Nests in hollows are even less common (a larger fish owl, despite its size, prefers them). The same place is sometimes used repeatedly, which is especially typical for steep rocky slopes.

They are blind and helpless, covered with thick whitish-buffy down. Around the same time, strongly grown and strengthened chicks are able to swallow small prey whole. During the entire feeding time, the presence of a nest is emitted by loud and hoarse sounds “chiib” made by chicks several times per minute.

Ornithologists emphasize that cainism, which is rare among owls, is generally a characteristic feature of owls. The adult female almost does not leave the offspring for the first three weeks, being engaged in butchering the prey brought by the male, feeding and protecting the chicks, and then helps the male in obtaining food. Ekimov, E.V. To the ecology of the eagle owl in Central Siberia // Ecology of southern Siberia. Materials of the III South-Siberian regional scientific conference of students and young scientists November 17 - 19, 1999 in Abakan.

A characteristic feature of many of them is a stiff corolla of short feathers framing the front of the head; the owl does not have it. The long-eared owl looks very much like an owl due to the presence of "ears" on its head.

The owl is a very cool bird! I just love to look at their slow head turns and stern eyes. They are so funny! And what sounds they make - you can just listen.

Is an owl different from an owl

I used to think (probably like most people) that an owl is a girl, and an owl is a boy.

In fact: what an owl, what an owl is one field of berries. That is, the eagle owl is one of the representatives of the owl genus. By the way, owls and owls belong to the same genus.

But still, there is one difference between an owl and an ordinary owl. These are cute feather ears on the sides of the head (I'm sure you've noticed this accessory on a bird). Well, and also, as it seems to me personally, the eagle owl has a more strict appearance. Even proud, I would say. His eyebrows are always gloomy, his eyes are piercing.

The owl looks better.

Where do owls live and what do they eat?

Owls are absolutely not whimsical inhabitants of our planet. They can be found anywhere in the world:

  • in forests;
  • on the fields;
  • in the steppes;
  • in gardens and orchards;
  • on rooftops and attics.

Moreover, quite a lot of owls live in cities and villages (for example, barn owls and house owls).

There is an opinion that owls hunt only at night, but it is not completely true. Yes, most of the owls silently sneak up on sleeping prey at night, but many of them hunt during the day.

The main food of owls are:

  • small rodents;
  • large insects;
  • sometimes fish and birds.

The blood of prey serves as drink for owls. In view of this, they may not drink water for months. And even when they see a reservoir, they rush to it, in order, first of all, to swim, rather than get drunk.

In human life, owls are great helpers, as they exterminate rodents that destroy crops. Thanks to this fact, owls are protected.

cultured owl

For some reason, owls used to be considered harbingers of trouble and were expelled in every possible way. But, over time, the attitude towards these birds has changed, and they have become revered. So, an owl in a square hat with a tassel is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

And in the game "What? Where? When?" she is the main character.

The eagle owl is a night or twilight bird of prey, which belongs to the chordate type, bird class, neopalatine subclass, owl order, owl family, true owl subfamily, genus owl (lat. Bubo) and genus fish owl (lat. Ketupa).

The diet of other eagle owls is more diverse and includes a great variety of various animals:

  • rodents: gray and black, red-gray, snow, water and common voles, as well as dormouse, different kinds, jerboas, nutrias, muskrats, and marmots;
  • other mammals: goats, roe deer, wild boars, mountain goats, shrews, martens, otters, Himalayan civets, small domestic animals and young ungulates;
  • birds: pheasant, partridge, woodpecker, swift, mallard, goose, magpie, hazel grouse;
  • reptiles:,;
  • spiders and large insects (, ground beetles, various);
  • fish, crustaceans, amphibians (and).

Eagle owls do not disdain the remnants of someone else's prey, drag bait from traps, and in the absence of the main food, they easily switch to another diet. With an abundance of food, eagle owls spend their whole lives within their individual site.

Owl classification.

The owl family includes 2 genera of owls:

  1. genus owls(lat. Bubo), which includes 19 species of birds:
    • Bubo africanus (Temminck, 1821) - African Filinili Spotted Eagle Owl
    • Bubo ascalaphus (Savigny, 1809)
    • Bubo bengalensis (Franklin, 1831) – Bengal eagle owl
    • Bubo blakistoni (Seebohm, 1884) – Fish owl
    • Bubo bubo (Linnaeus, 1758)
    • Bubo capensis (A. Smith, 1834) – Cape eagle owl
    • Bubo cinerascens (Guerin-Meneville, 1843) – Gray eagle owl or Abyssinian eagle owl
    • Bubo coromandus (Latham, 1790)
    • Bubo lacteus (Temminck, 1820) – Pale owl
    • Bubo leucostictus Hartlaub, 1855 - West African Eagle Owl
    • Bubo magellanicus (Lesson, 1828) – Magellanic eagle owl
    • Bubo nipalensis (Hodgson, 1836) – Nepalese eagle owl
    • Bubo philippensis (Kaup, 1851) – Philippine eagle owl
    • Bubo poensis (Fraser, 1854) – Guinean eagle owl
    • Bubo scandiacus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Snowy owl, Snowy owl
    • Bubo shelleyi (Sharpe & Ussher, 1872) - Striped eagle owl
    • Bubo sumatranus (Raffles, 1822) – Malayan eagle owl
    • Bubo virginianus (Gmelin, 1788) – Virginian eagle owl
    • Bubo vosseleri (Reichenow, 1908) – Usambar eagle owl
  2. genus fish owls(lat. Ketupa), which includes 3 types:
    • Ketupa flavipes (Hodgson, 1836) – Himalayan fish owl
    • Ketupa ketupu (Horsfield, 1821) – Malayan fish owl
    • Ketupa zeylonensis (Gmelin, 1788) – Brown fish owl

Fish owl (lat. Bubo blakistoni), despite its name, is considered in the classification as a species of the genus owl.

Currently, a number of researchers who have analyzed the DNA of birds recommend that all species of eagle owls be combined into the common genus Bubo, because the only significant difference between fish owls is their special diet, consisting mainly of fish and aquatic invertebrates.

Enemies of owls in nature.

Eagle owls are quite lucky, because adults have practically no enemies in their natural habitat. The only danger to the eagle owl comes from humans: in some countries, poachers hunt this feathered predator, shooting birds in order to extract its claws, feathers and internal organs for the manufacture of alternative medicine products. Quite a lot of eagle owls die when they eat rodents that feed on cultivated crops in fields treated with chemicals. It is not uncommon for eagle owls to die when in flight these large birds with a large wingspan accidentally touch high-voltage power lines. However, eagle owl chicks that are in the nest without parental supervision can become the prey of nosy martens and badgers.

Types of owls, photos and names.

Below is a description of several varieties of owls.

  • Snowy owl (snowy owl)(lat. Bubo scandiacus, Nyctea scandiaca). Initially, these birds were isolated in an independent genus Nyctea, but at present, ornithologists classify the snowy owl as a genus of owls. The polar owl is the largest of the representatives of the order inhabiting the tundra: females grow up to 70 cm in length and weigh about 3 kg, the body length of males is about 55-65 cm, and their weight reaches 1.3-2.5 kg. Due to their impressive size, the wingspan of these birds can reach 150-160 cm. Snowy owl chicks have brown plumage, and adult birds are distinguished by a protective white color with brown transverse streaks, which makes them invisible against the background of a winter landscape. Moreover, females and young owls are more colorful than adult males. The white snowy owl has a sharp black beak, almost to the very tip covered with bristle feathers, and the legs of the bird are covered with coarse plumage, resembling shaggy wool. Snowy owls are most active in the late evening and early morning, making regular hunting sorties. Most of the white owl's diet is made up of small rodents, mainly lemmings. The reproduction of birds also depends on them: if the number of lemmings is not enough to feed the chicks, polar owls stop laying eggs. In the absence of the main food, snowy owls prey on larger animals: hares, pikas, ermines, and also attack birds - geese, ducks and white partridges, do not disdain carrion and fish. Snowy owls are a common, not feared species, whose representatives inhabit the entire tundra zone. Snowy owls are partly sedentary, but mostly migratory birds. In winter, in search of food, they often fly to the steppes and forest-tundra, preferring open areas, and they try to avoid forests. From October to April, they winter in a new place where there is enough food, and by the end of spring they return to their usual habitat. The range of the snowy owl runs circumpolar across the territory of Eurasia (they also live in Russia), North America, the bird lives in Greenland and is found on individual islands of the Arctic Ocean, including Wrangel Island.

  • Fish owl, he is Far Eastern fish owl(lat.Bubo blakistoni, syn. - Ketupa blakistoni)- one of the largest representatives of the detachment and the largest species of its kind. Adult females grow up to 70 cm in length, their weight is about 4 kg, and the wingspan reaches 180-190 cm. The fish owl has wide feather ears, long wings and a rounded tail. The color of the plumage is predominantly brown, monophonic, with dark spots scattered throughout the body. There is always a white spot on the throat, some individuals may have white spots on the top and back of the head. The soles of the fingers are covered with small spikes designed to hold prey, and the fingers themselves are bare. Fish owls are active during the day and in the evening, but in summer they hunt only at night, and their main source of food is fish, which is how the birds got their name. Hunting takes place from steep banks of rivers, trees or large boulders hanging over the water, from where predators look out for their prey. Having outlined a fish in the water, the eagle owl dives sharply and grabs the victim with tenacious claws, but never completely plunges into the water. Sometimes birds roam waist-deep in water, rummaging along the bottom with their feet and catching crayfish, frogs and slow-swimming fish. The most successful hunting usually takes place in the passage of salmon species of fish going to spawn. In winter, the fish owl switches to a different diet and is content with other birds, rodents, picks up carrion and deftly steals bait from traps. The nests of these birds are located in the hollows of old deciduous trees growing near the water. The fish owl leads a sedentary lifestyle, and leaves their homes only when they are forced to go in search of food. The owl lives in the forests of Manchuria in northeast China, as well as in Russia in the Amur Region and Primorsky Territory. These birds are extremely rare, and therefore the fish owl is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.

  • , he is Eurasian eagle owl, northern owl or scarecrow(lat. Bubo bubo). This large predator, slightly inferior in size, is distinguished by a massive, barrel-shaped body build, very soft and loose plumage of a reddish-ocher color and long tufts of feathers growing over bright orange eyes. The body length of the eagle owl is about 60-75 cm. Males weigh from 2.1 to 2.7 kg, and the weight of females reaches 3-3.2 kg. The wingspan of the eagle owl is from 150 to 180-190 cm. Some ornithologists consider the common owl the largest representative of the squad, but this statement is partly true, because the fish owl has a shorter body length, but is more massive, and the gray owl has a more elongated body, but has an elegant structure. If we consider birds from close range, it can be seen that in males of the common eagle owl, the feather ears are “set” more directly than in females. The general reddish-buff color of birds may vary depending on the habitat: the plumage of representatives of the populations of Europe and China is mainly rusty and brown-black, while the inhabitants of Central Asia and Siberia are more cream or gray-buff. Unlike the fish owl, the fingers of the scarecrow are well feathered. The common eagle owl is a typical nocturnal predator, although in winter and in cloudy weather, birds can hunt during the day. The diet of the predator is rich and varied, although birds and small mammals are preferred. According to scientists, the owl feeds on about 300 species of birds, among which there are very large ones, such as herons, capercaillie or black grouse. Also, the food of the eagle owl includes numerous representatives of the corvid family (rook, magpie, jay, gray and black crow, chough, jackdaw), small passerine species and at least 17 species of galliformes. Among mammals, rodents (about 130 species) predominate in the diet of the eagle owl, such as gray rats, voles, steppe lemmings, jerboas, squirrels and marmots. Also, the common eagle owl preys on hares (hare, hare, stomp, Daurian pika), martens, hedgehogs, badgers, mongooses and raccoon dogs. On occasion, predators attack domestic and, as well as young ungulates - goats, roe deer, wild boars and deer. A small part of the diet consists of reptiles, amphibians and fish. Bird biotopes are also diverse: common eagle owls live from taiga forests to deserts, in swamps, woodlands, on forest rocky slopes, avoiding only dense forests. The habitat of the eagle owl extends over most of the territories of Europe and Asia, from the western outskirts to Sakhalin Island, the southern Kuriles and the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Birds can also be found in North Africa, south to the 15th parallel.

  • bengal owl(lat. Bubo bengalensis)- This is a bird of medium size, which grows in length up to 50-56 cm. At the same time, the weight of an owl is about 1.1 kg. The Bengal eagle owl is distinguished by a light yellowish-brown plumage with black spots. The chest of birds is decorated with many dark vertical stripes. The Bengal owl is a nocturnal hunter, feeding on birds and small mammals, sometimes reptiles, insects and crustaceans. These birds have large orange-red eyes, and their manner of perching on the roofs of the house has given rise to many superstitions, as a result of which many Bengal owls have been exterminated. Today, predators are under the protection of the Indian authorities, and nothing threatens their population. The range of the species covers India, Pakistan, Nepal, Burma and extends to the western foothills of the Himalayas. The Bengal Eagle Owl prefers desert and rocky landscapes, avoids humid forests and arid areas, and is often found in mango plantations.

  • virgin eagle owl(lat.Bubo virginianus). This feathered predator was first discovered in the US state of Virginia, for which it got its name. With its size, the virgin owl is second only to the common owl, therefore it is considered the second largest owl in the world, as well as the largest of the representatives of the family living in the New World. Adult females grow up to 46-63.5 cm in length, and the eagle owl weighs from 0.9 to 1.8 kg. At the same time, the wingspan of birds reaches 91-152 cm. The plumage color of this species of owls is very diverse. It can be rusty brown, black, white or gray, and the undersides of the feathers are lighter in color and covered with dark streaks streaked with white. Eagle owls feed mainly on rodents, although, according to scientists, their diet includes about 253 species of birds and animals. The Virginian eagle owl is a nocturnal predator and leads a sedentary lifestyle, only the populations of the northern regions migrate to the south for the winter. These birds easily adapt to any biotopes, therefore they are found in forests, deserts, steppes, agricultural lands and city parks. The range of the species extends throughout North America, except for the regions of the Far North, and in South America, eagle owls live in the foothills of the Andes. These birds are not found outside of America, but are quite numerous, and the state of their population causes the least concern.

  • African Eagle Owl, he is spotted owl(lat. Bubo africanus). This rather small representative of the family, which grows up to 45 cm in length and weighs no more than 480-850 g. However, the wingspan of the eagle owl is about 1 m. The plumage of the bird is gray or red-brown in color with white spots, some sometimes merge on the chest into one large spot. Most birds have yellow eyes, but in particularly dry areas of the range there are dark-colored individuals of chestnut-brown tones with orange eyes. The African Eagle Owl is a typical nocturnal predator and prefers to hunt until dawn. Its prey are large insects, small mammals, various types of birds, amphibians and reptiles, and, on occasion, carrion. Bird nests are located right on the ground, in rock crevices and under rocky cliffs. The spotted eagle owl is considered the most common African species of eagle owl. It usually lives in light forests, savannahs and semi-deserts south of the Sahara and in certain areas of the Arabian Peninsula. The conservation status of this species is regarded as Least Concern.

  • gray owl, he is abyssinian owl(lat. Bubo cinerascens). Initially, these predators were considered a subspecies of the African eagle owl, but eventually they were isolated as an independent species. The gray owl grows up to 43 cm long and weighs about 0.5 kg. These birds have a light brown or smoky gray plumage with thin cross-bars and dark ripple-like spots on the chest. An interesting feature This species of owls has an uncharacteristic, dark brown, almost black eye color. These predators are active at night, and their diet is the same as that of the African eagle owl. The gray eagle owl lives in open desert landscapes, savannahs and light forests. The range of the species is located in the arid regions of Africa south of the Sahara Desert: the western border passes through Guinea and Senegal, the eastern part of the range is limited by Sudan and Somalia.

  • Nepalese eagle owl(lat. Bubo nipalensis)- This is a medium-sized predator with a body length of about 51-61 cm. The weight of an owl is from 1.3 to 1.5 kg. The color of the plumage is predominantly grayish-brown, and the back and upper surface of the wings are usually darker. The chest and belly are a light, brownish shade with black and white streaks. Representatives of the Sri Lankan population are distinguished by honey-brown plumage on the chest. Juveniles are much lighter in color than adults. An interesting feature of the Nepalese eagle owl is its unusual voice, very reminiscent of human speech, due to which the local population called this owl “ulama”, which means “devil bird”. Nepalese eagle owls are active at night, but in areas free from active human activity, can hunt during the day. Eagle owls eat small rodents and birds, but bold predators can also attack strong mammals, such as jackals, monitor lizards and large galliformes. Nepalese eagle owls live in humid wooded areas in the Himalayas, Indochina and Malaysia. According to the IUCN, this species is currently not threatened.

  • coromandel owl, he is dark owl(lat. Bubo coromandus). This is a medium-sized predator that grows up to 48-53 cm in length. Among other members of the family, these birds are distinguished by large, closely set feather ears. The plumage color of adults is light brown or gray, and the iris of the eyes is colored orange. The dark owl hunts more than others during daylight hours, especially in inclement weather. The feathered predator feeds on small mammals, large insects, birds and reptiles, especially representatives of the corvid family. The bird loves to settle near water, in dense low-lying forests and swampy woodlands. The range of the species passes through the territory of South and Southeast Asia and, depending on the specific habitat, 2 subspecies of the Coromandel owl are distinguished:
    • Bubo coromandus coromandus, which is common in Pakistan, India, Assam, southern Nepal and the People's Republic of Bangladesh;
    • Bubo coromandus klossi, which is found in southern China, Burma and western regions of Thailand.

According to the protected status, this species owls is the least of concern.

Owls are a group of predators that includes more than 400 species of nocturnal birds. There are 27 genera of birds in the owl family. Among them are owls. They are representatives of owls, but have their own distinctive features. There are a lot of varieties of owls, they can live in almost any area.

Characteristics of the appearance of an owl

A distinctive feature that distinguishes an owl is a fairly large muzzle and round huge eyes. Her pupils are black, the iris is yellow. The bird has a short, slightly curved beak. The nostrils are located almost at the very base of the nose.

It has dense plumage, very soft. The shape of her tail is rectangular, the wings are large and rounded.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Birds that prefer hunting in the forest zone have short wings.
  2. Mammals that prefer open terrain for frequent flights have wings that are long enough.

Relative to the bird's body weight, their wings are quite large. This allows you to fly quickly and easily, glide completely silently and effortlessly.

How do birds differ in appearance?

Birds belong to the order of owls. But these species are completely different.. Each unit is endowed with its own distinctive features. Outwardly, only an eared owl looks like an owl. It is considered a reduced copy of it.

Females, as a rule, have a protective color of plumage, which allows the birds to merge with the colors of the surrounding nature and remain unnoticed during the day during their rest.

Females and males living in the forest zone have a brown tint. Birds that live in the desert are reddish in color. Females differ from males in larger size and weight. The plumage color of these birds is almost the same.

Only the polar owl of snow-white color differs in plumage. In females, brownish spots can be seen on the feathers.

The eagle owl has a rather large head and plumage that has typical signs. Its weight reaches 2 kg. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe auditory canals, you can see feathers that form a kind of auricles.

Birds have good hearing. But the eagle owl always perceives surrounding sounds with the help of feather ears 4 times stronger than other mammals. Its plumage has a reddish-yellow color. On the middle part of the back, as well as on the head, there are noticeable dark color longitudinal stripes. A bird, having such a combination of colors in its plumage, becomes completely invisible during the day. At dusk and at night, it is completely invisible during the departure for hunting.

The eagle owl's beak is bent in the shape of a hook, with very sharp claws it firmly holds the victim. He easily copes not only with small animals, but even with very large prey. He enjoys hunting roe deer and hares. Mountain goats, especially young ones, also attract his attention.

Hunting Features

Most owls start hunting only in the dark. But an eagle owl can easily get food for itself during the day. His high visual acuity allows rise to a great height when looking for prey. Usually its diet consists of pheasants, mice-voles, capercaillie and partridges that live in rare thickets, in open areas of the steppe and forest-steppe. With a large wingspan of a bird, these places are most favorable.

Some owls can settle in settlements under roofs and in the attics of houses. They are often found in city parks. In this they also differ from the owls.

The eagle owl is a sedentary bird, but often in winter and autumn it makes local migrations. Flies even in settlements and big cities. It was during this period that he most often gets into the eyes of a person.

An interesting fact: people sometimes seek to tame an owl. But he's pretty difficult to train. Sometimes even he can attack his master. The long-eared owl lends itself well to training.

In addition, there is also a fish owl. This is the namesake of the common. But they do not belong to the same group. It's easy to tell them apart. Fish does not have the characteristic feature of many owls - the facial disc. He was left with shapeless tufts of feathers, vaguely similar to sideburns. In the common eagle owl, the disk is clearly expressed and bordered by a strip.

The main thing difference between an owl and an owl in the following:

Eagle owl can perfectly exist in a variety of conditions. It even lives in mountains and deserts. Easily adapts to all weather conditions.

Owls for the most part prefer to live in wooded areas. But some owls (short owl) prefer open and spacious habitats.

The eagle owl is a very rare bird. It is very difficult to see her in the natural environment. It is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.


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