A fairy tale about migratory birds for children. An educational tale for children about wintering and migratory birds. Guess the riddles of the Sparrow: grammar game

Rogoleva Elena Gennadevna
The Tale of Migratory Birds "On the Lake"

On the far lake, among the green reeds lived-were different birds... Wild geese mallard ducks and white swans swam all summer in lake, they caught flying butterflies and dragonflies with their wide beaks, dived under the water for small fish, went for a walk on the shore, nibble on the juicy green grass.

Long-legged herons walked along the very edge of the water, catching green frogs with their long beaks.

They lived well, together! They made nests, laid eggs, hatched chicks. And then they taught them to swim and fly, to catch butterflies and dragonflies, to clean their feathers with a beak.

Loved birds have their own lake, did not fly far.

But once a cold wind blew, and fell on lake beautiful butterflies.Young ducks and geese cried out:

See how many butterflies there are! Catch them!

They began to grab the butterflies with their beak, but they turned out to be completely tasteless.

Ha-ha-ha! - the wise old Goose cackled. - These are not butterflies, these are yellow leaves from trees. Autumn has come.

It got colder every day. The insects disappeared, the fish swam deep to the bottom, the frogs hid under driftwood, the grass turned yellow and withered.

The young were worried birds.

What? We have absolutely nothing to eat! Our feet freeze in cold water! We will die of hunger and cold!

Ha-ha-ha! The wise old Goose cackled again. - Winter is coming soon. Water on lake freeze and turn to ice. It's time for us to get ready for a long journey!

Ha-ha-ha! Quack-quack-quack! - young people rustled birds... - Where? Why? We do not want!

We will fly to warm lands, because we - migratory birds ... We will spend the whole winter there, and in the spring we will return back to our own Lake, - the wise old Goose reassured everyone.

No sooner said than done... Become birds going on a long journey. Herons flew first. They circled over lake, waved their large wings and disappeared behind the forest.

Ducks and geese flew after the herons. Ahead main bird- leader, and behind it in an even wedge the rest birds... They shouted their farewell song and disappeared into the distance.

The white swans were the last to fly away. It became quiet on lake, cold and sad ...

But let's not be sad! The snowy, frosty winter will pass, and migratory birds will return to the lake again, to their beloved homeland.

Questions about fairy tale.

Loved birds have their own lake or not? How did they live there?

Why birds flew away from their beloved lakes?

What is called birds that fly away to warmer climes?

Who flew away first? Who is behind the herons ?. Who will be the last one?

Why birds coming back?

Name others migratory birds you know.

Invented more by Marina than by me. This she told me, suddenly, before going to bed, "Tell me today a fairy tale about the Bird Sonya and the Dwarf-Sun!"

The Dormouse and the Sun Dwarf

At the very edge of a not very large forest once lived a small bird named Sonya. And although everyone in the forest knew that there was such a name in the world - Sonya, everyone called her that not because of her name. And due to the fact that every morning Sonya woke up the dawn.

While the rest of the birds, rising with the first rays of the sun, cleaned their feathers, chirped their morning songs, looked for worms, collected seeds, pecked berries and drank the purest sweet morning dew, the Sonya bird peacefully snoozed in its nest on a tall pine tree, the one that at the very edge of the forest.

It should be noted that Sonya did not like very much that she was such a sleepyhead, but she could not help herself. She made this nest on the tallest pine tree precisely because this pine tree is closest to the sun. And the bird Sonya hoped very much that if the sun was closer, it would still be able to wake her up.

But no, and it didn't help. So the bird Sonya woke up by noon, when the sun was already high, all the bird songs were sung at the time set for the birds, all the worms and seeds were eaten, and what is the saddest thing was that the dew had dried up long ago.

And the unfortunate bird Sonia had a harder time than all the other birds. Every morning, seeing that she had slept again, she sighed heavily and somehow cleaned her feathers, because she was in a hurry to somehow catch up with the day running away from her.

Then she began to look for the remains of worms and seeds in some of the densest corners of the forest, into which a normal bird would never have thought to fly. Well, then she flew to the river beyond the forest to drink water. On the way, she sang sad songs, trying to do it quietly. Because she understood how ridiculous her songs were at the wrong time.

And when she got drunk, she was in a hurry to join other birds, which by that time were amicably located on the branches of a tree and began their favorite evening business - chatter.

Yes, yes, by the time Sonya finally managed somehow with her morning worries, evening was already approaching the forest.

And so, the birds sat down on the branches and chatted incessantly. From the outside, of course, it looked like the usual chirping of birds. And you, probably, have seen this yourself more than once - a whole lot of birds are sitting on the branches of one tree or bush and chirping very cheerfully.

And in this forest, birds were no exception. They chatted about everything. About their bird life and the life of other inhabitants of the forest, and told each other all sorts of gossip and fables.

And poor bird Sonya could only listen to them. Her life passed in continuous pursuit of the fleeing day, and there was absolutely nothing to tell her.

And only there, sitting next to other happy birds, she could hear how beautiful the dawn is, how fresh the morning air is, how soft the morning fog and what sweet and juicy morning dew is.

And she so wanted to see all this and try that the little black eyes of Sonya's bird became wet, and she turned away from the other birds and quietly waited for it to pass. She didn't want to be pitied. And she was very afraid that they would laugh at her.

Fortunately, the birds were far from the only inhabitants of this forest. Various animals, bugs, spiders and butterflies, of course, also lived in that forest. And this forest was also famous for the fact that there were various amazing fantastic creatures in it.

Exactly in the middle of the forest, for example, under a huge stump, lived a huge family of gnomes. There were grandparents and grandchildren-gnomes and their mothers and fathers and aunts and uncles. In a word, there were so many of them that no one knew exactly how many, and how they all fit under this very stump.

There were both old forest men and lovely forest fairies in this forest. In the river to which the unfortunate Sonya flew to drink water, it happened to meet a mermaid with a water one, and at the very edge of the forest there lived one very interesting fabulous creature... His name was Sun Dwarf.

Yes, this was not the edge of the forest where the bird lived, but completely different, far away. That was what they called him. That is why the bird Sonya and the Dwarf-Sun never heard of each other and did not meet.

Sun dwarf sun was an ordinary sun. Only very small. And he did not live in heaven, but at the edge of the forest in a very large, just huge oak tree. Well, he also knew how to walk, fiddling with beams, keeping various necessary things in his beams, he could jump and climb, in a word, he could do everything that a forest dweller needs to be able to do.

How could it be otherwise, because he was. It just so happened. And the fact that he was also the sun helped him make many friends who loved light, warmth and good friends.

And then, one day, such a story happened. Once the Dwarf-Sun was invited by his friends the gnomes to visit for dinner. And the Dwarf-Sun decided this: "I'll go out early and pick up a basket of delicious strawberries for the gnome kids."

He took a basket in one of his rays and went into the forest and picked up already there an almost full basket of ripe and fragrant berries, when suddenly a small sad bird came down to him from the tree. And, of course, it was her - our poor bird Sonya.

It was about lunchtime, and Sonya the bird, having slept that day, as usual with everything in the world, wandered through the forest in search of food. Seeing such an amazing tiny sun with a basket below, Sonya was a little surprised and decided to fly closer to take a closer look at this miracle.

- Hello, sad bird! - said the Sun Dwarf cheerfully. The Sun Dwarf was a very quick-witted and understanding sun. He immediately guessed that Sonya's bird was in trouble and, of course, he immediately wanted to understand - what.

- Hey! - a small sad bird chirped in surprise. - And who are you?

- I am the Sun Dwarf! I am the sun. Only small. I collect strawberries here for gnome kids. Aren't you hungry? Do you want a berry? - The Sun Dwarf inquired solicitously.

“To tell you the truth, I'm very hungry. - said the bird Sonya, embarrassed.

And the Dwarf-Sun treated her with berries, and while she was pecking the berries, he slowly asked the bird for her story, and when, the bird Sonya pecked the fifth berry and felt that she was full and very grateful to this little wonder-sun, the Dwarf-Sun was all understood and came up with this:

“You know,” said the Sun Dwarf, “I think I can help you!

- How is it? - the bird Sonya chirped in surprise.

- I can live next to you. And I'll be much closer to you than the big sun to yours

the tallest pine tree. And then maybe you can wake up when I wake up.

- Do you always wake up on time? - just in case, Sonya clarified.

- Well, of course. After all, I am the sun, albeit small.

- Oh, how great it would be! - the bird Sonya chirped dreamily. - Let's fly to my nest on a pine tree and live there.

- A nest on a pine tree. I'm afraid this is not quite what suits me. - said the Sun Dwarf.

- Doesn't fit? - the bird squeaked very bitterly and sadly. - But how. How then should I be?

- You know, Sonya, I also live in this forest. And I also have a tree. It is not as tall as your pine tree, but it is very, very thick. And inside this tree is my home.

I hide in it at night and sleep there. In order not to embarrass the forest dwellers. Because if I don’t hide, I will glow at night like a very, very large lantern and thus disrupt the usual life of the forest. On this tree, I think you need to quickly build a nest today. And then, as soon as I wake up in the morning, I will immediately wake you up.

- Make a nest ?! Quickly ?! - the bird Sonya fussed, remembering how long and diligently she built her nest on a pine tree and was left that day without food and a drop of water, and only in the evening could she have a little snack with a tiny worm, which she managed to catch on that pine tree. And how lucky she was then that in the evening it began to rain, and she was able to get plenty of drink ...

- Make a nest. Quickly. - She repeated. - Will you come with me, Sun Dwarf?

- No, unfortunately I can't. I am invited to dinner with the dwarfs. They are already waiting for me. You need to fly to the far end of the forest and ask anyone where the Sun Dwarf lives. And in the evening we will meet there.

She suddenly realized that she really needed to make this very nest. She swiftly flew off the branch and quickly, quickly flew to the far edge of the forest. There she easily found a huge oak tree. You didn't even need to ask anyone. It was such a large and beautiful oak tree.

The little bird Sonya has never worked so quickly. And never before had she had such a decisive mood. She dragged twigs and moss and fluff and straws and twisted and twisted and screwed it all into her new nest, and her thoughts were already far, far ahead. In dawn, fog, morning songs and dew.

And when it began to get dark and on the path, the dwarf-Sun, coming out of the forest, lit up with its lower rays, the nest of the Sonya bird was already ready, and the Sonya bird slept in it in a sweet dream. Because the birds fall asleep when the sun falls asleep. And if the birds are very tired, they can fall asleep even a little earlier.

And now, morning came, dawn dawned and the Dwarf-Sun crept up to our bird Sonya and shone a light on her very gently, the bird Sonya fidgeted at first, but then warmed herself in the warmth of the Dwarf-Sun, sighed softly and laid her to sleep.

And then the Sun Dwarf, without hesitation, took and tickled the little bird Sonya with his ray. And then the bird Sonya woke up and burst out laughing. She laughed because, firstly, she was tickled, and secondly, because she saw the dawn! And immediately I understood everything.

She realized that she finally managed to wake up like all the other birds - on time. And that now everything that she had dreamed of for so long awaits her.

- Thank you very much, Sun Dwarf! - She chirped happily and flew off to do the usual things for an early bird.

So the little bird Sonya remained to live on that oak tree next to the small sun. And although everyone continued to call her Sonya, but now it was not because she slept a lot, but simply because everyone knew that there was such a name in the world - Sonya.

Thanks for reading!

It was our evening tale about the Sonya bird and the Sun Dwarf.

I hope you liked it!

Write your feedback, ideas and suggestions in the comments!

Tolstoy L.N.

Young sparrows were jumping on the path in the garden.

And the old sparrow perched high on the branch of a tree and vigilantly looks to see if the bird of prey will show itself where.

A robber hawk flies through the backyard. He is the fierce enemy of the little bird. The hawk flies quietly, without noise.

But the old sparrow has noticed the villain and is watching him.

The hawk is closer and closer.

A sparrow chirped loudly and alarmingly, and all the sparrows at once disappeared into the bushes.

All was silent.

Only the sentry sparrow sits on a branch. He does not move, he does not take his eyes off the hawk.

Noticed the old sparrow's hawk, flapped its wings, spread its claws and went down like an arrow.

And the sparrow fell like a stone into the bushes.

The hawk was left with nothing.

He looks around. Evil took the predator. His yellow eyes burn with fire.

With a noise sparrows poured out of the bushes, jumping along the path.


Tolstoy L.N.

Swans flew in a herd from the cold side to the warm lands. They flew across the sea. They flew day and night, and on another day and another night they flew without resting over the water. It was a full month in the sky, and the swans, far below, saw the blue water. All the swans were starving, flapping their wings; but they did not stop and flew on. Old, strong swans flew in front, those that were younger and weaker flew behind. One young swan flew behind everyone. His strength was weakened. He flapped his wings and could not fly further. Then, spreading his wings, he went down. He descended closer and closer to the water; and his companions farther and farther gleamed in the monthly light. The swan descended into the water and folded its wings. The sea stirred under him and shook him.

The herd of swans was slightly visible as a white line in the bright sky. And you could barely hear in the silence how their wings rang. When they were completely out of sight, the swan bent back its neck and closed its eyes. He did not move, and only the sea, rising and falling in a wide strip, raised and lowered him.

Before dawn, a light breeze began to sway the sea. And the water splashed into the white chest of the swan. The swan opened his eyes. In the east, the dawn turned red, and the moon and the stars became paler. The swan sighed, stretched out his neck and flapped his wings, got up and flew, catching his wings on the water. He climbed higher and higher and flew alone over the dark undulating waves.

Starlings (Excerpt)

Kuprin A.I.

We were impatiently awaiting our old acquaintances - starlings, these cute, cheerful, sociable birds, the first migratory guests, the joyful heralds of spring - to fly into our garden again.

So, we waited for the starlings. We fixed the old birdhouses, twisted from the winter winds, hung new ones.

The sparrows imagined that this courtesy was being done for them, and immediately, at the first warmth, the birdhouses occupied.

Finally on the nineteenth, in the evening (it was still light), someone shouted: "Look - starlings!"

Indeed, they sat high on the branches of poplars and, after the sparrows, seemed unusually large and too black ...

For two days the starlings were definitely gaining strength and they all hung and examined last year's familiar places. And then the eviction of the sparrows began. At the same time, I did not notice especially violent collisions between starlings and sparrows. As a rule, Skurtsy sit high above the birdhouses, two by two, and, apparently, chatting nonchalantly about something among themselves, while they themselves, with one eye, askance, gaze intently down. It is creepy and difficult for a sparrow. No, no - he will stick his sharp sly nose out of the round hole - and back. Finally, hunger, frivolity, and perhaps timidity make themselves felt. “I'm flying off,” he thinks, “for a minute and now back. Perhaps I will outwit. Maybe they won't notice. " And only has time to fly off a fathom, like a starling stone down and already at home.

And now the end of the temporary sparrow economy has come. Starlings guard the nest in turn: one sits - the other flies on business. Sparrows will never think of such a trick.

And so, with grief, great battles begin between the sparrows, during which down and feathers fly into the air. And the starlings sit high in the trees, and even provoke: “Hey, you black-headed! You won't master that yellow-breasted one for ever and ever. " - "How? To me? Yes, I have him now! " - "Come on, come on ..."

And the dump will go. However, in the spring all animals and birds ... fight much more ...

Starling song

Kuprin A.I.

The air warmed up a little, and the starlings have already settled on high branches and began their concert. I don’t know, really, if the starling has its own motives, but you will hear enough in its song of anything foreign. There are pieces of nightingale trills, and the sharp meow of an oriole, and the sweet voice of a robin, and the musical babble of a warbler, and a subtle whistle of a titmouse, and among these melodies such voices are suddenly heard that, sitting alone, you can’t resist and laugh: a chicken cackles on a tree , the grinder's knife hisses, the door creaks, the children's military pipe bites. And, having made this unexpected musical digression, the starling, as if nothing had happened, without a break, continues its cheerful, sweet humorous song.


I. Sokolov-Mikitov

From the many sounds of the earth: birdsong, leaves fluttering on trees, grasshopper cod, murmur forest stream- the most cheerful and joyful sound is the song of larks and meadow larks. Even in early spring, when there is loose snow on the fields, but here and there dark thawed patches have formed on the warming up, our early spring guests come and start singing. Rising in a column into the sky, fluttering its wings, pierced through by the sunlight, a lark soars higher and higher into the sky, disappears into a radiant blue. The song of the lark that welcomes the arrival of spring is surprisingly beautiful. This joyous song is like the breath of the awakened earth.

Many great composers tried to portray this joyful song in their musical works ...

Much can be heard in the awakening spring forest. Grouse squeaks thinly, invisible owls googling at night. In the impenetrable swamp, spring round dances are led by the arriving cranes. Bees are buzzing over the yellow golden down jackets of the blossoming willow. And in the bushes on the river bank the first nightingale sang loudly.


S. T. Aksakov

By its size, strength, beauty and stately posture, the swan has long and rightly been called the king of all water, or waterfowl, birds. White as snow, with shiny, transparent small eyes, with a black nose and black paws, with a long, flexible and beautiful neck, he is inexpressibly beautiful when he calmly swims between green reeds on the dark blue, smooth surface of the water.

Swan movements

S. T. Aksakov

All movements of the swan are full of charm: will he start drinking and, scooping up water with his nose, raise his head up and stretch his neck; will he begin to swim, dive and splash with his mighty wings, scattering splashes of water far away, rolling down from his fluffy body; will he then start to look good, easily and freely throwing his snow-white neck back in an arc, straightening and cleaning with his nose on the back, sides and in the tail the crumpled or soiled feathers; whether it spreads its wing in the air, as if a long oblique sail, and also begins to fiddle with each feather in it with its nose, airing and drying it in the sun - everything is picturesque and magnificent in it.


Charushin E.I.

Nikita and dad went for a walk. He walked, walked and suddenly hears someone chirping: Chilik-chilik! Chilik-chilik! Chilik-chilik!

And Nikita sees that this is a little sparrow jumping along the road.

Such a crumpled one, just like a ball rolling. Its tail is short, its beak is yellow, and it does not fly away anywhere. Apparently, he still does not know how.

Look, dad, - Nikita shouted, - the sparrow is not a real one!

And dad says:

No, this is a real sparrow, but only a small one. It must have been a chick that fell out of its nest.

Then Nikita ran to catch the sparrow and caught it. And this sparrow began to live in our house in a cage, and Nikita fed him flies, worms and a roll of milk.

Here is Nikita's sparrow. She screams all the time - she asks for food. What a glutton! A little in the morning the sun will appear - he will chirp and wake everyone up.

Then Nikita said:

I will teach him to fly and release him.

He took the sparrow out of the cage, put it on the floor and began to teach.

You flap your wings like that, - said Nikita and showed with his hands how to fly. And the sparrow galloped off under the chest of drawers.

We fed the sparrow for another day. Again Nikita put him on the floor to teach him to fly. Nikita waved his hands, and the sparrow flapped its wings.

The sparrow has flown!

So he flew over the pencil. Here it flew over a red fire engine. And as he began to fly over an inanimate toy cat, bumped into it and fell.

You still fly badly, - Nikita tells him. - Let me feed you for another day.

He fed, fed, and the next day the sparrow flew over Nikitin's bench. I flew over the chair. I flew over the table with a jug. Only he could not fly over the chest of drawers - he fell down.

Apparently, we still need to feed him. The next day Nikita took the sparrow with him to the garden, and there he released it.

The sparrow flew over the brick.

I flew over the stump.

And he began to fly over the fence, but bumped against it and fell.

And the next day he flew over the fence.

And flew over the tree.

And flew over the house.

And completely flew away from Nikita.

That's how great I learned to fly!

Winter debts

N.I. Sladkov

Sparrow chirped on a dung heap - and jumps up! And the Hag Crow will croak in its disgusting voice:

Why, Sparrow, rejoiced, why was he chirping?

The wings itch, the Crow, the nose itches, - the Sparrow answers. - Passion to fight hunting! Don't croak here, don't spoil my spring mood!

But I'll ruin it! - Raven does not lag behind. - How do I ask a question!


And I’ll scare you. Did you peck crumbs in the trash heap in winter?


Did you pick up the grain from the barnyard?

Picked up.

Did you have lunch in the poultry canteen by the school?

Thanks guys, they fed me.

That's it! - the Crow struggles. - With what

do you think to pay for all this? With your chik-chirp?

Did I use it alone? - Sparrow was confused. - And the Tit was there, and the Woodpecker, and the Magpie, and the Jackdaw. And you, Crow, were ...

Don't confuse others! - Raven wheezes. - You answer for yourself. Borrowed - give it back! As all decent birds do.

Decent ones, maybe they do, - Sparrow got angry. - But are you doing, Crow?

I'll pay before everyone else! Do you hear that a tractor is plowing in the field? And I follow him from the furrow of any root-eaters and root-rodents. And Soroka and Jackdaw help me. And other birds are trying to look at us.

You, too, do not vouch for others! - Sparrow rests. - Others, perhaps, forgot to think.

But the Crow does not appease:

And you fly and check!

Sparrow flew to check. I flew into the garden, where the Tit lives in a new nest box.

Congratulations on your new home! - Sparrow says. - To celebrate, I suppose I forgot about the debts!

I have not forgotten, Sparrow, that you are! - Titus answers. - In winter, the guys treated me to delicious lard, and I will treat them to sweet apples in the fall. I guard the garden from moths and leaf gnaws.

For what need, Sparrow, came to my forest?

Yes, they demand a calculation from me, - chirps Sparrow. - And you, Woodpecker, how are you paying?

I’m trying so hard, ”the Woodpecker replies. - I protect the forest from woodworms and bark beetles. I fight them without sparing my stomach! He even got fat ...

Look you, - the Sparrow thought. - I thought ...

Sparrow returned to the dung heap and said to Crow:

Yours, hag, really! Everyone is working off their winter debts. Am I worse than others? How will I begin to feed my chicks with mosquitoes, horseflies and flies! So that these guys do not sting the bloodsuckers! I will return the debts in an instant!

He said so and let's jump up and tweet on the dung heap again. There is still free time. Until the sparrows hatched in the nest.

Titmouse arithmetic

N.I. Sladkov

In the spring, the barnacle titmouses sing louder than all: ringing bells. In a different way and manner. Some people just hear: "Twice two, twice two, twice two!" And others briskly whistle: "Four-four-four!"

From morning to evening, titmouses bison the multiplication table.

"Twice two, twice two, twice two!" - cry out some.

"Four-four-four!" - others answer cheerfully.

Titmouse arithmetic.

Brave duck

Boris Zhitkov

Every morning the hostess brought out a full plate of chopped eggs to the ducklings. She put the plate near the bush, and she left.

As soon as the ducklings ran up to the plate, suddenly a large dragonfly flew out of the garden and began to circle over them.

She chirped so terribly that the frightened ducklings ran away and hid in the grass. They were afraid that the dragonfly would bite them all.

And the evil dragonfly sat down on a plate, tasted the food and then flew away. After that, the ducklings did not come to the plate for the whole day. They were afraid that the dragonfly would come again. In the evening, the hostess put away the plate and said: "It must be that our ducklings are sick, for some reason they are not eating anything." She didn’t know that the ducklings went to bed hungry every night.

Once their neighbor came to visit the ducklings, little duck Alyosha. When the ducklings told him about the dragonfly, he began to laugh.

Well, brave men! - he said. - I alone will drive this dragonfly away. You will see tomorrow.

You brag, - said the ducklings, - tomorrow you will be the first to be frightened and run.

The next morning, the hostess, as always, put the plate of chopped eggs on the ground and left.

Well, look, - said the brave Alyosha, - now I will fight with your dragonfly.

He had just said this, when suddenly a dragonfly buzzed. Right from above, she flew onto the plate.

The ducklings wanted to run away, but Alyosha was not afraid. Before the dragonfly had time to sit on the plate, Alyosha grabbed her by the wing with his beak. With a violent force, she escaped and flew away with a broken wing.

Since then, she never flew into the garden, and the ducklings ate their fill every day. They not only ate themselves, but also treated the brave Alyosha for saving them from the dragonfly.


Boris Zhitkov

The brother and sister had a tame jackdaw. She ate from her hands, let herself be stroked, flew free and flew back.

Once the sister began to wash. She took the ring off her hand, put it on the sink and lathered her face with soap. And when she rinsed the soap, she looked: where is the ring? But there is no ring.

She shouted to her brother:

Give back the ring, don't tease! Why did you take it?

I didn’t take anything, ”my brother answered.

The sister quarreled with him and cried.

Grandma heard.

What have you got here? - is talking. - Give me glasses, now I will find this ring.

We rushed to look for glasses - no glasses.

I just put them on the table, - the grandmother cries. - Where can they go? How am I going into a needle now?

And she screamed at the boy.

It's your business! Why are you teasing grandma?

The boy was offended and ran out of the house. He looked - and a jackdaw was flying over the roof, and something glittered under its beak. Looked closely - yes, these are glasses! The boy hid behind a tree and began to look. And the jackdaw sat on the roof, looked around to see if anyone could see, and began to push the glasses on the roof with its beak into the slot.

Grandmother came out onto the porch, said to the boy:

Tell me where are my glasses?

On the roof! the boy said.

The grandmother was surprised. And the boy climbed onto the roof and pulled out of his grandmother's glasses. Then he pulled out the ring. And then he took out the glass, and then there are many different pieces of money.

The grandmother was delighted with the glasses, and the sister said the ring to her brother:

Forgive me, I was thinking at you, and this is a thief jackdaw.

And they made up with their brother.

Grandma said:

These are all of them, jackdaws and magpies. What glitters, everything is dragged.


Georgy Skrebitsky

The guys brought us a little shirt ... He could not fly yet, he just jumped. We fed him cottage cheese, porridge, moistened bread, gave him small pieces of boiled meat; he ate everything, did not refuse anything.

Soon the magpie has grown long tail and the wings were overgrown with tough black feathers. He quickly learned to fly and moved to live from the room to the balcony.

Only this was the trouble with him: our little magpie could not learn to eat on its own. A very adult bird, such a beautiful one, flies well, and everything, like a little chick, asks for food. You go out onto the balcony, sit down at the table, the magpie is right there, spinning in front of you, crouching, puffing up its wings, opening its mouth. And funny and sorry for her. Mom even called her the Orphan. Sometimes he would thrust cottage cheese or soaked bread into her mouth, swallow a forty - and again she began to ask, but she herself did not bite out of the plate in any way. We taught and taught her - nothing came of it, so we had to stuff food into her mouth. The orphan would eat enough, shake herself up, look at the plate with a sly black eye, if there was anything else tasty, and it would fly up the crossbar to the very ceiling or fly into the garden, into the yard ... She flew everywhere and was familiar with everyone : with a fat cat Ivanych, with a hunting dog Jack, with ducks, chickens; even with the old pugnacious rooster Petrovich the magpie was on friendly terms. He bullied everyone in the yard, but did not touch her. It used to be that chickens pecked out of the trough, and the magpie spun right there. It smells delicious of warm soaked bran, you want a magpie to have breakfast in a friendly chicken company, but nothing comes of it. The Orphan sticks to the chickens, crouches, squeaks, opens its beak - no one wants to feed her. She would jump up to Petrovich, squeak, and he would just look at her, mumble: "What a disgrace this is!" - and go away. And then suddenly it flaps its strong wings, stretches its neck up, strains, stands up on tiptoe and sings: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" - so loud that you can even hear it across the river.

And the magpie jumps and jumps around the yard, flies into the stables, looks into the cow's stall ... Everyone eats themselves, but she again has to fly to the balcony and ask to be fed from her hands.

Once there was no one to bother with a magpie. Everyone was busy all day. She pestered, pestered everyone - no one feeds her!

On that day, in the morning, I was fishing on the river, returned home only in the evening and threw out the worms left over from fishing in the yard. Let the chickens bite.

Petrovich immediately noticed the prey, ran up and began to call the chickens: “Co-co-co-co! Ko-ko-ko-ko! " And they, as luck would have it, scattered somewhere, not a single one in the yard. The rooster is already exhausted! Calling, calling, then grabbing the worm in its beak, shaking it, throwing it and calling again - the first one does not want to eat it for anything. Even hoarse, but the chickens still do not go.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, forty. She flew up to Petrovich, spread her wings and opened her mouth: feed me, they say.

The rooster immediately cheered up, grabbed a huge worm in its beak, lifted it up, shaking it in front of the magpie's very nose. She looked, looked, then the worm's top - and ate it! And the rooster is already giving her the second. She ate both the second and the third, and Petrovich ate the fourth himself.

I look out the window and wonder how the rooster feeds the magpie from its beak: it will give it, then it will eat it, then it will offer it to her again. And he keeps saying everything: “Ko-ko-ko-ko! ..” He bows, shows with the beak of worms on the ground: eat, they say, do not be afraid, they are so delicious.

And I don’t know how they did it there, how he explained to her what was the matter, only I see, the rooster cocked, showed the worm on the ground, and the magpie jumped up, turned its head to one side, on the other, looked closely and ate right from the ground ... Petrovich even shook his head in approval; Then he grabbed the hefty worm himself, threw it up, grabbed it with his beak more comfortably and swallowed it: here, they say, like ours. But the magpie, apparently, understood what was the matter - jumping near him and nibbling. And the rooster began to pick up worms. So they try to race in front of each other - who is faster. In an instant, all the worms were eaten up.

Since then, the magpie no longer had to feed from the hands. At one point, Petrovich taught her to handle food. And how he explained it to her, I myself do not know.

Forest voice

Georgy Skrebitsky

A sunny day at the very beginning of summer. I wander not far from home, in a birch forest. Everything around seems to be swimming, splashing in golden waves of warmth and light. Branches of birches are streaming above me. The leaves on them seem to be emerald green, then completely golden. And below, under the birch trees, light bluish shadows run and flow across the grass, like waves. And bright bunnies, like reflections of the sun in the water, run one after another on the grass, along the path.

The sun is in the sky and on the ground ... And this makes it so good, so fun that you want to run away somewhere into the distance, to where the trunks of young birches sparkle with their dazzling whiteness.

And suddenly from this sunny distance I heard a familiar forest voice: "Ku-ku, ku-ku!"

Cuckoo! I’ve heard it many times before, but I’ve never seen it even in a picture. What is she like? For some reason, she seemed to me plump, big-headed, like an owl. But maybe she's not like that at all? I'll run - I'll have a look.

Alas, it turned out to be not easy at all. I - to her voice. And she will be silent, and then again: "Ku-ku, ku-ku", but in a completely different place.

How can you see her? I stopped thinking. Or maybe she's playing hide and seek with me? She is hiding, and I am looking. But let's play the other way around: now I'll hide, and you look.

I climbed into a hazel bush and also cuckoo once, twice. The cuckoo is silent, maybe it is looking for me? I sit in silence and I myself, even my heart is pounding with excitement. And suddenly, somewhere nearby: "Ku-ku, ku-ku!"

I am silent: look better, do not shout to the whole forest.

And she is already very close: "Ku-ku, ku-ku!"

I look: a bird is flying through the clearing, its tail is long, it is gray itself, only the breast is in dark speckles. Probably a hawk. Such in our yard hunts for sparrows. He flew up to a nearby tree, sat down on a twig, bent down and shouted: "Ku-ku, ku-ku!"

Cuckoo! Just like that! It means that it is not like an owl, but like a hawk.

I’ll like to cuck her out of the bush in response! With a fright, she almost fell off the tree, immediately darted down from the knot, darted somewhere into the forest thicket, only I saw her.

But I don't need to see her again. So I solved the forest riddle, and besides, I myself spoke to the bird for the first time in its native language.

So the clear voice of the cuckoo in the forest revealed to me the first secret of the forest. And since then, for half a century now, I wander in winter and summer along the deaf, untrodden paths and discover more and more secrets. And there is no end to these winding paths, and there is no end to the secrets of native nature.


Georgy Skrebitsky

Once my brother and I sat in a room in the winter and looked out the window at the courtyard. And in the yard, near the fence, crows and jackdaws were digging in the garbage.

Suddenly we see - some kind of bird flew to them, completely black, with blue, and a large, white nose. What a wonder: it's a rook! Where did it come from in winter? We look, a rook walks through the garbage dump among the crows and limps a little - probably some sick or old one; I could not fly south with other rooks, so I stayed with us to spend the winter.

Then every morning a rook got into the habit of flying to our trash heap. We will deliberately cut his bread, porridge, cottage cheese from dinner. Only little did he get: everything happened to be eaten by crows - these are such impudent birds. And some kind of quiet rook was caught. Keeps on the sidelines, all alone and alone. And that's true: his brothers flew south, he was left alone; crows - bad company for him. We see that the gray robbers offend our rook, but we don’t know how to help him. How to feed him so that the crows do not interfere?

Day by day the rook grew sadder. Sometimes, he would fly in and sit on the fence, and he was afraid to go down to the trash heap to the crows: he was completely weak.

Once we looked out the window in the morning, and a rook was lying under the fence. We ran and brought him into the house; he can hardly breathe. We put him in a box next to the stove, covered him with a blanket and gave him any food.

He spent two weeks with us, warmed up, ate a little. We think: how to continue to be with him? Don't keep it in a drawer all winter! They decided to release him again: maybe he will be stronger now, he will winter somehow.

And the rook, apparently, realized that we had done good for him, which means that there is nothing to be afraid of people. Since then, he spent whole days with the chickens in the yard.

At this time she lived with us manual magpie Orphan. We took her as a chick and fed her. The orphan flew freely around the yard, around the garden, and returned to the balcony to spend the night. Here we see - our rook made friends with the Orphan: wherever she flies, there he follows her. Once we look - the Orphan flew to the balcony, and the rook also showed up with her. It is important that he walks around the table. And the magpie, like a mistress, fusses around, gallops around him.

We slowly stuck a cup of moistened bread out from under the door. Magpie - straight to the cup, and the rook behind it. Both had breakfast and flew away. So every day they began to fly to the balcony together - to feed.

The winter passed, the rooks returned from the south, roared in the old birch grove. In the evenings they will sit down in pairs near the nests, sit and talk, as if they were discussing their affairs. Only our rook did not find a mate, he still flew everywhere after the Orphan. And in the evening they will sit near the house on a birch and sit side by side, close so, side by side.

You look at them and involuntarily think: it means that birds also have friendship.

KD Ushinsky "Someone else's testicle"

Early in the morning, old woman Daria got up, chose a dark, secluded place in the chicken coop, put a basket there, where thirteen eggs were laid out on soft hay, and sat the crested hen on them. It was a little light, and the old woman did not consider that the thirteenth testicle was greenish and smaller than the others. The hen sits diligently, warms the testicles; she runs off to nibble on the grains, drink some water - and back into place: she even faded, poor thing. And how angry she became: he hisses, clucks, even the cockerel does not allow him to come, but he really wanted to look into what was going on there in a dark corner. The hen sat for about three weeks, and began to hatch from the eggs of the chick one after the other: he will bite the shell with his nose, jump out, shake himself off and begin to run, rake dust with his legs, look for worms.

The chick from a greenish testicle hatched later than everyone else. And what a strange he came out, round, fluffy, yellow, with short legs, with a wide nose. “A strange chicken came out for me,” the hen thinks, “and it bites, and it doesn’t walk in our way; the nose is wide, the legs are short, some kind of clubfoot, waddles from foot to foot. " The chicken marveled at her chicken, however, no one is, and everything is a son. And he loves and protects him, as well as others, and if he sees a hawk, then, fluffing feathers and wide spreading round wings, hides his chickens under him, not making out which legs.

The hen began to teach the children how to dig worms out of the earth, and took her whole family to the shore of the pond: there are more worms there and the earth is softer. As soon as the short-legged chick saw the water, he rushed straight into it. The chicken screams, flaps its wings, rushes to the water; the chickens are also worried: they run, fuss, squeak; and one cockerel in fright even jumped on a pebble, stretched out his neck and for the first time in his life yelled in a hoarse voice: "Ku-ku-re-ku!" Help, they say, good people, brother is drowning! But my brother did not drown, but happily and easily, like a piece of cotton paper, swam on the water, raking the water with his wide, webbed legs. At the cry of the chicken, old Daria ran out of the hut, saw what was happening, and shouted: “Ahti, what a sin! Apparently, I blindly put a duck egg under the chicken. "

And the hen was eager to go to the pond: they could drive the poor one away by force.

Listen to the story of KD Ushinsky "Someone else's testicle". Were all the testicles on which the hen was sitting were the same? What was the greenish egg chicken? How was he different from other chickens? What did this weird chick do when he saw the pond? Why did the chicken start screaming, rushing to the pond? Who is this strange chicken? Who did you like the most in the story?

KD Ushinsky "Cockerel with a family"

A cockerel walks around the yard: there is a red comb on his head, a red beard under his nose. Petya's nose is a chisel, Petya's tail is a wheel; there are patterns on the tail, spurs on the legs. Petya rakes a bunch of paws with his paws, calls the chickens with chickens: “Crested hens! Troubled hostesses! Motley, speckled! Little black and white! Get together with the chickens, with the little children: I have a grain in store for you! "

Chickens with chickens gathered, cackled; they didn't share a grain - they fought.

Petya the cockerel does not like riots - now he has reconciled his family: that one for the crest, the other for the whirlwind, he ate the grain himself, flew up the fence, flapped his wings, yelled at the top of his throat ku-ka-re-ku!

Questions for discussion with children

How does KD Ushinsky describe the cockerel in his story "Cockerel with a Family"? What is his comb, what beard, what nose, what tail? What's on the tail of the cock? What patterns on the tail can a rooster have? What's on the rooster's legs? How does a cock call his family together? How does a cockerel clean up his family? Did you like the cockerel? Draw it. What will the cockerel have the brightest, most beautiful?

M. Zoshchenko "Smart Bird"

One boy was walking in the forest and found a nest. And in the nest there were tiny naked chicks. And they squeaked.

They were probably waiting for their mother to arrive and feed them with worms and flies.

Here the boy was glad that he had found such nice chicks, and wanted to take one to bring him home.

As soon as he stretched out his hand to the chicks, suddenly from the tree, like a stone, a feathery bird fell at his feet.

She fell and lies in the grass.

The boy wanted to grab this bird, but it jumped a little, jumped on the ground and ran to the side.

Then the boy ran after her. “Probably,” he thinks, “this bird has hurt its wing, and therefore it cannot fly.”

Only the boy approached this bird, and she again jumped, jumped on the ground and again ran away a little.

The boy followed her again. The bird flew up a little and sat down in the grass again.

Then the boy took off his hat and wanted to cover the bird with this hat.

As soon as he ran up to her, she suddenly fluttered and flew away.

The boy was directly angry with this bird. And he went back as soon as possible to take at least one chick for himself.

And suddenly the boy sees that he has lost the place where the nest was, and cannot find it in any way.

Then the boy realized that this bird had deliberately fallen from the tree and was running on the ground on purpose in order to take the boy away from its nest.

Questions for discussion with children

What kind of birds do you know? Where do birds build their nests? Why?

Did you like the story of M. Zoshchenko? What is it called? Who did you like best in the story - a boy or a bird? Why? Tell me how the boy found a nest on the ground. Why was he happy? How did the bird manage to save its chicks?

I. S. Turgenev "Sparrow"

I was returning from hunting and walking along the alley of the garden. The dog ran ahead of me.

Suddenly she reduced her steps and began to sneak; as if sensing the game in front of him.

I looked along the alley and saw a young sparrow with yellowness near its beak and down on its head. He fell out of the nest (the wind strongly swayed the birches of the alley) and sat motionless, helplessly spreading out his barely growing wings.

My dog ​​slowly approached him, when suddenly, having fallen from a nearby tree, the old black-chested sparrow fell like a stone in front of her muzzle - and all disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and pitiful squeak, jumped once or twice in the direction of the toothy, open mouth.

He rushed to save, he covered his brainchild with himself ... but his whole little body trembled with horror, his voice went wild and hoarse, he died away, he sacrificed himself!

What a huge monster the dog must have seemed to him! And yet he could not sit on his high, safe branch ... A force stronger than his will threw him out of there.

My Trezor stopped, backed away ... Apparently, and he recognized this power.

I hastened to recall the embarrassed dog and left, reverent.

Yes, don't laugh. I was in awe of that little, heroic bird, of her love impulse.

Love, I thought, is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.

Issues for discussion

Listen to the story of I. S. Turgenev "Sparrow". Who is this story about? Whom did the dog see? Tell me what the sparrow was. Was it an old or young sparrow? What happened to him?

What did the dog do when it smelled a sparrow? Who saved the little sparrow from the big dog? What did the old sparrow do? Was he scared? Why did he rush to protect his cub? How did the story end? Who did you like the most in the story? Why?

KD Ushinsky "Swallow"

The ornamental swallow did not know rest, flew day after day, dragged straws, sculpted them with clay, forged a nest. She made a nest for herself: she carried testicles. Has inflicted testicles: it does not come off the testicles, it is waiting for the children. I hatched the kids: the kids squeak, they want to eat. The ornamental swallow flies day or day, does not know at rest: it catches midges, feeds the crumbs.

The inevitable time will come, the children will fledge, all will fly apart, over the blue seas, over the dark forests, over the high mountains. The ornamental swallow does not know rest: day after day it prowls around - looking for cute children.

Issues for discussion

Listen to the story of KD Ushinsky "Swallow". Why does the swallow fly day after day, does not know rest? What did the swallow do? What is the name of the swallow in the story? How do you understand the words: "The time will come, the chicks will fledge ..."?

N. Romanova "Clever crow"

When I walk down the street now, I look closely at the birds that are sitting on fences or running along the paths. Therefore, I immediately noticed the crow, which I will tell you about now. She was unusual. Crows are generally different from other birds. They are like "scientists" among them. The head is large, the beak is important. And they walk, and do not jump like sparrows.

The raven, which I noticed, seemed to me to have a damaged wing. And suddenly I see a cat coming out of the basement. The cat has cunning eyes, she sees everything, understands everything.

Now, I think, and I will see how birds with cats in the wild live.

Here, next to the cat, sparrows jump, but the cat does not pay attention to them. Of course, after all, this cat is a yard cat, she is not like my Kotka - she won’t chase birds in vain. She knows that no matter how many birds are jumping nearby, it is still very difficult to catch them.

Another thing is a crow with a black wing. You can catch this crow. I looked, the cat fell to the ground and began to sneak. Only a crow sees a cat too, and this is what she came up with: the crow is coming straight to me, they say, protect me, don't let the cat be offended, drive the cat away. Then the cat realized that I would not let her catch the crow, stopped sneaking and pretended that she didn’t need a crow at all.

Apparently, all cats know how to let indifference on themselves! After all, my Kotka made exactly the same indifferent look when he wanted me to leave him alone with Kenar Vanechka.

And the crow began to climb the tree. Jump, jump, a sick wing interferes, but quietly, calmly higher and higher ... climbed a tree, settled comfortably among the branches and sits there, dozing. In a dream, all diseases disappear. Maybe the crow, when it wakes up, will already be healthy.

Issues for discussion

What does a crow look like? What color is it? What does the crow eat? How does a crow cry? Where can you most often find a crow: in the city or in the forest?

Did you like the story of N. Romanova "The Clever Crow"? Who is this story about? How do crows differ from other birds? What was unusual about this raven? Who wanted to catch a crow with a black wing? How did the cat behave when it saw the crow? What did the crow come up with to save herself from the cat? Who did you like in this story: a cat or a crow?

V. Bianchi "The Rooks Opened Spring"

Large flocks of rooks appeared everywhere in the villages. Rooks spent the winter in the south of our country. They were in a hurry to our north - to their homeland. On the way, they more than once fell into cruel blizzards. Dozens, hundreds of birds were exhausted and died on the way.

The strongest flew first. Now they are resting. They pacing importantly along the roads and picking the ground with their strong noses ...

Issues for discussion

What birds fly to our area in the very first spring? Where do they spend the winter? Listen to V. Bianchi's story about rooks. What happened to the rooks on the way? Which rooks flew first? What are they doing now? What are the rooks looking for in the ground?

There was a forest in some unknown kingdom. And in that forest there lived unseen animals. And there were two birds among them. And they had the most comfortable nest in the whole world. And their voices were so sweet that everyone who heard them completely forgot about all the sorrows and began to smile and whistle them in time. Once the emperor passed through this forest. And he heard the singing of these birds. And fierce envy took him. And he called his subjects and said: - Catch me these sweet-voiced birds. And put them in a golden cage. And the subjects rushed to obey the order of the emperor. They were just too noisy. The birds sensed something was wrong and flew away. The emperor was simply furious. And returning to the palace, he ordered to hang the would-be hunters. And he sent heralds throughout the kingdom with the following message: - If anyone succeeds in catching those unseen birds, he will have half a kingdom and a daughter as a wife. And the hunter was found. He came to the palace and said to the emperor: - I will catch wonderful birds. But I don’t need half a kingdom. But I'll take my daughter as a wife. And he went to that magical forest. And hid under a tree. And scattered around the pearls of different colors. The birds flew into their nest and see something glistening in the grass. And took their curiosity. And they went down to earth. Then the cunning young man grabbed one of the birds. The second bird, seeing what happened to the other, began to violently swoop down on the young man, peck at him, tear with its claws and peck out one of his eyes. But the young man did not let go of the bird. And he could not grab the second one. And he rushed to the palace. And the emperor saw him. And he was saddened. Where can you give your daughter to a one-eyed wife? But there is nothing to do. He carried out the order. And they put the bird in a golden cage. But the trouble is, she stopped singing. After all, the beloved was far from her. And only at night, when everyone was already asleep, he flew in to rescue his beloved from captivity. But he could not do it in any way. And in the end, they sat huddled together all night. She is inside, and he is outside. Day changed to night and night to day. Six months have passed. One night, one of the maids accidentally entered the room with the cage and saw the birds. I saw them sitting huddled together. And her kind heart contracted. And she decided to open the cage. And she went to the blacksmith with a request to forge a key. But he refused to take on this business. And the next day he left the city and left in an unknown direction. And the girl began to look for someone to help her. And I found it. None other than a simple street thief volunteered to help her. But he set a condition for the girl. After the birds are free, she must lead him to the treasury. The girl, without hesitation, agreed. One night she took him to the palace. And he opened the cage. At first, the birds could not believe their happiness. And then they flew out the window and ... a few moments later they returned. And they put the TREASURE KEY in the palm of their savior. And the girl and the thief entered the treasury. But they did not grab whatever came to hand, and took only one thing each. The girl presented the thief with a golden bow and a quiver of golden arrows. And he presented her with a bottle of life-giving balm. And they left the kingdom. And they went to wander the world together. Meanwhile, the birds returned to their forest and built a new nest. And it was more comfortable than before. And they sang sweeter than before. And even the most wicked and callous hearts became kinder when they heard their song. Yes, I almost forgot. Soon, in their new nest, there were two golden eggs, from which two beautiful chicks were about to hatch. And the girl with the thief, too, should soon have a beautiful boy. But that's a completely different story.


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