What is allowed to the sentry. Hourly. Acceptance and handover

Hourly must use weapons without warning in the event of a clear attack on him or on the object protected by him, as well as in the event of an immediate threat of attack (physical impact), when delay in the use of weapons creates an immediate danger to people's lives or may entail other grave consequences. At the same time, the use of weapons should not cause harm to the protected object and third parties.
211. All persons approaching the post or the forbidden border of the post, marked on the ground with signs, except for the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard, his guard and the persons accompanied by them, the sentry stops with a shout "Stop, back" or "Stop, go around to the right (left)."
If this requirement is not met and the forbidden border of the post is crossed, the sentry warns the offender with a shout "Stop, I'll shoot" and delays him. The sentry reports the detention of the offender to the guardroom, monitors his behavior and, without weakening his attention, continues to guard the post entrusted to him.
"Stop, I'll shoot"

212. In conditions of poor visibility, when it is impossible to identify those approaching the post or the forbidden border of the post from the distance indicated in the report card, the sentry stops all persons by shouting "Wait, who's coming?" If there is no answer and (or) the violator crosses the forbidden border of the post, the sentry warns him with a shout "Stop, I'll shoot" and apprehend the intruder. The sentry reports the detention of the offender to the guardroom, monitors his behavior and, without weakening his attention, continues to guard the post entrusted to him.
If the offender after a warning "Stop, I'll shoot" continues to move, the sentry sends a cartridge into the chamber and fires a warning shot upwards. If the violator fails to comply with this warning or takes flight, the sentry uses a weapon on him.
When the sentry's call is answered: "The head of the guard is coming(assistant to the head of the guard, spreading)”, the sentry orders: "Chief of the Guard(assistant to the head of the guard, distributing), to me, the rest are in place”; if necessary, the sentry demands that those approaching him illuminate his face. After making sure that the one who named himself is really the head of the guard (assistant to the head of the guard, distributing), the sentry admits him and all the arriving persons to him.
If the one who introduced himself as the head of the guard (assistant head of the guard, distributing) turns out to be unknown or the persons with him do not fulfill the requirements of the sentry to remain in place, the sentry warns the violators by shouting "Stop, I'll shoot." If violators fail to comply with this requirement, the sentry uses weapons on them.
213. If it is necessary to engage in hand-to-hand combat to protect oneself or a protected object, the sentry must boldly use a bayonet-knife (bayonet) and butt.

Post and its equipment.

· 119. A post is called everything entrusted for protection and defense to the sentry, as well as the place or area of ​​the terrain on which he performs his duties. The posts also include objects and areas of the terrain protected by guards with the help of technical means of protection, where these means are installed.

The borders of posts and the forbidden boundaries of posts (Appendix No. 5) are determined by the commander (chief) who organizes the protection and defense of objects, depending on their importance, equipment with technical means of protection, fencing and location on the ground in such a way as to ensure reliable protection of the post.

· Sentinels guard objects by patrolling between the outer and inner fences around the object or along the fence from the inside, if the object has one fence, as well as by observation from towers. Individual objects can be guarded by stationary sentries.

1. The territory where the protected objects are located must be surrounded by a fence (wooden, wire, etc.). The territory where the objects of the district (naval), central subordination and other important objects (warehouses with explosives, ammunition, fuel, etc.) are located must have external and internal fences with a height of at least 2 meters with a distance between the wire strands of not over 15 centimeters. The distance between the outer and inner fences is determined depending on local conditions, the type of installed perimeter technical means of protection and can be 10 meters or more. Between the fences, a path (path) is equipped for the movement of sentries and a control and trail strip with a width of at least 5 meters adjacent to the outer side of the fence.

Entrance gates (gates) of storages (warehouses, parks), parking lots with weapons, military equipment and other military property are equipped with technical security equipment. In places where weapons and ammunition are placed on the equipment, object detection tools are installed. The signals from the detection means are output to the control room of the guardroom to the console of the assistant chief of the guard (operator) for technical security equipment.

2. Around objects located outside the territory of a military unit, in agreement with state authorities and local governments, prohibited zones or areas are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The restricted zone includes the territory directly adjacent to the territory of the military facility. The width of the restricted zone from the external fence of a military facility is set depending on the type and purpose of the facility (arsenal, base, warehouse) and is 100 - 400 meters. A prohibited area with a width of at least 3 kilometers from the outer fence of the territory of a military facility is established only for military depots of missiles, ammunition, explosives and chemicals, flammable and combustible liquids.

3. Forbidden boundaries of posts, indicating the distance closer to which the sentry is forbidden to allow unauthorized persons to the post, are indicated by visible sentries and other persons during the day, at night and in conditions of poor visibility with signs with inscriptions on the inside of the post: “Forbidden border of the post”, on the outside post - “The forbidden border of the post. Passage (passage) is prohibited (closed)."

At the gates of the storage area for weapons and military equipment of the combat and drill groups of operation of the permanent park of the military unit, additional shields are installed with the inscription: “Stop! Passage (passage) without the permission of the head of the guard is prohibited.

4. For the defense of the most important objects and the guardhouse located outside the military camps, trenches are torn off and equipped in such a way that the approaches to the post (guardroom) are shot from them and, if possible, fire communication with neighboring posts is provided. The trench is equipped with means of communication with the guardhouse.

5. At night, the approaches to the post and the protected object must be illuminated. The lighting is arranged so that the sentry, being on the observation tower or moving along the route of movement, is always in the shade.

6. Each post is equipped with a two-way telephone (selector) and, if possible, backup radio communication, and for emergency communication with the guardhouse - means of alarm and call signaling along the route of the sentry. The means of communication must provide the sentry (except for fixed ones) from at least two points, and when guarding objects by patrolling, every 250 meters of movement, an immediate call to the head of the guard or the reserve guard group.

7. Internal posts, especially at the Battle Banner, must have a fence 0.7 - 1 meter high and lighting. Posts in the guardhouse are equipped in such a way as to ensure reliable protection of servicemen from the attack of persons held in the guardhouse.

At the checkpoint there should be a fence that protects the sentry from external attack, and at the entrance checkpoints, in addition, a turnstile. Samples of passes must be kept in closed showcases, ensuring their secrecy for visitors, and sealed with the seal of the person organizing the access control and security of the facility.

8. At each post, directly at the protected objects, there must be fire extinguishing equipment: fire extinguishers, sand boxes, water barrels, buckets and inventory (shovels, axes, crowbars, hooks).

9. At the outer post there should be a guard mushroom specially equipped for storing guard clothes; at the inner post - a wardrobe or hanger for outerwear. The post fungus is painted to match the color of the protected object or the color of the surrounding area.

10. Directions on equipping objects with technical means of protection are set out in the subsection "Protection of objects with the use of technical means of protection" of this Charter.

11. The observation tower is a sectional structure, where the lower sections provide overall structural rigidity and allow you to install a protected cabin on them at a given height, even in areas with heavy wind conditions and in seismic areas. The observation tower must be of such a height that allows the sentry to inspect the protected area. Access to the cabin is carried out by a ladder, which must have a safe design, the design of the steps and the upper platform must exclude the accumulation of water, falling through and slipping of the legs. The cabin door should open outward and close from the inside. The structures of the cockpit of the observation tower and the shelter must provide for loopholes, firing stops, as well as devices for placement, temporary storage and launch of signal rockets, protective equipment and night vision devices.

The tower is equipped with means of communication (telephone, intercom device, radio station) and alarm-call signaling, providing communication both from the tower cabin and from the shelter-trench. The emergency escape hatch should open (retract) inside the observation tower.

The outer part of the observation tower is painted to match the color of the protected object or the color of the surrounding area.

33. Military discipline, its essence, meaning.

· military discipline there is a strict and precise observance by all military personnel of the order and rules established by laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (chiefs).

· Military discipline is based on the awareness of each soldier of military duty and personal responsibility for the defense of his fatherland, on his selfless devotion to his people. The main method of educating highly disciplined military personnel is persuasion. However, persuasion does not preclude the use of coercive measures against those who are not conscientious in the performance of their military duty.

· Military discipline obliges each serviceman: - be faithful to the military oath, strictly observe the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation; - perform their military duty skillfully and courageously, conscientiously study military affairs, protect military and state property; - steadfastly endure the difficulties of military service, do not spare your life to fulfill military duty; - be vigilant, strictly keep military and state secrets; maintain the rules of relations between military personnel determined by military regulations, strengthen military partnership; - show respect to commanders (chiefs) and each other, observe the rules of military greeting and military courtesy; - behave with dignity in public places to prevent yourself and keep others from unworthy acts, to help protect the honor and dignity of citizens.

· High military discipline is achieved by: - ​​educating servicemen of high moral, psychological and combat qualities and conscious obedience to commanders (chiefs); - the personal responsibility of each serviceman for the fulfillment of his duties and the requirements of military regulations; - maintaining internal order in the military unit (subdivision), strict observance of the daily routine by all military personnel; - a clear organization of combat training and its full coverage of personnel; - daily exactingness of commanders (chiefs) to subordinates and control over their diligence, respect for the personal dignity of military personnel and constant concern for them, skillful combination and correct application of measures of persuasion, coercion and social influence of the team; - the creation in the military unit (subdivision) of the necessary material and living conditions.

34. How military discipline is achieved.

educating military personnel in moral, psychological, combat qualities and conscious obedience to commanders (chiefs);

knowledge and observance by military personnel of the laws of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the requirements of general military regulations and the norms of international humanitarian law;

personal responsibility of each serviceman for the performance of duties of military service;

maintaining internal order in the military unit (subdivision) by all military personnel;

a clear organization of combat training and its full coverage of personnel;

daily exactingness of commanders (chiefs) to subordinates and control over their diligence, respect for the personal dignity of military personnel and constant care for them, skillful combination and correct application of measures of persuasion, coercion and social influence of the team;

· the creation in the military unit (subdivision) of the necessary conditions for military service, life and a system of measures to limit the dangerous factors of military service.


The sentry must:

The clock is prohibited:

Breeding monitors the correct loading of weapons by guards before sending them to posts and unloading weapons upon returning from posts (Art.

116.117 UG and KS);

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"Fundamentals of Military Service".
Preparation for practical exercises on the basis of a military unit

Organization of guard duty. Sentry Duties

The procedure for organizing and performing guard duty is regulated by the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007 No. 1495. It is determined that guard duty is the fulfillment of a combat mission and requires personnel to strictly observe all provisions of the Charter, vigilance, determination and initiative. To accomplish this task, guards are appointed - armed units assigned to perform the combat mission of guarding and defending combat banners, military and state facilities, as well as to guard military personnel held in a guardhouse and in a disciplinary military unit.

The following are assigned to the guard: head of the guard, sentries, diluting and, if necessary, other officials.

For the direct protection and defense of objects from the guard, sentries are put up.

An armed sentry is called sentry, performing a combat mission of guarding and defending a post assigned to him.

The post is called everything entrusted to the sentry for protection and defense, as well as the place or area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe terrain on which he performs his duties.

Sentinels guard objects by patrolling(between the outer and inner fences around the object or along the fence from the inside, if the object has one fence), as well as the method of observation from the towers. Individual objects can be guarded by stationary sentries.

A sentry is an inviolable person. The inviolability of the sentry is:

in special protection by the legislation of the Russian Federation of his rights and personal dignity;
in submission to his strictly defined persons - the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard and his breeder;
the obligation of all persons to unquestioningly fulfill the requirements of the sentry, determined by his service;
in granting him the right to use weapons in the cases specified in the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The sentry must:

vigilantly guard and steadfastly defend your post;
to serve cheerfully, not to be distracted, not to let go of the weapon and not to give it to anyone, including the persons to whom it is subordinate;
moving along the indicated route or being on the observation tower, carefully inspect the approaches to the post, the fence and report by means of communication on the progress of the service within the time limits established by the report card;
not leave the post until he is relieved or removed, even if his life is in danger; arbitrarily leaving a post is a crime against military service;
have weapons on duty loaded and always ready for action;
do not allow anyone to approach the post closer than the distance indicated in the report card and indicated on the ground with signs of the forbidden border, except for the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard, his guard and the persons they accompany;
know the routes and schedule of movement of guard vehicles, as well as their identification signs and signals;
be able to use the fire extinguishing equipment at the post;
call the head of the guard in case of a malfunction in the fence of the object (at the post) and violations of order near his post or at a neighboring post;
upon hearing the barking of a guard dog or when the technical means of protection are triggered, immediately report this to the guardhouse;
to use weapons without warning in the event of a clear attack on him or on the object protected by him.

It is forbidden for a sentry to: sleep, sit, lean against anything, write, read, sing, talk, eat, drink, smoke, perform natural needs or otherwise be distracted from the performance of their duties, receive from anyone and pass on to anyone however, any objects, cause by their actions the operation of technical means of protection, send a cartridge into the chamber unnecessarily.

Preparation for service on guard is carried out in three stages:

Two or three days before the intercession, the selection and distribution of guard personnel is carried out according to the table of posts;
on the day preceding the intercession, with the personnel of the guard, they conduct a lesson to study the provisions of the statutes, the report card to the posts with clarification on the layout of the protected objects of special duties and options for the actions of sentries at the posts, the actions of guards as part of the reserve (control and security) group, the organization of interaction with the duty officer unit, as well as relevant instructions and safety requirements for handling weapons;
on the day of entering the guard, a practical lesson is carried out with the development of the actions of all the guards at the posts in various conditions of the situation.

It is forbidden to appoint to the guard servicemen who have not been sworn in to the military oath (who have not taken the obligation), who have not mastered the appropriate training program for the arrived replenishment, who have committed acts containing signs of crimes under investigation, sick and other military personnel who cannot currently bear guard service according to their moral and psychological state.

On the night preceding the entry into the outfit, the military personnel assigned to the guard should not carry out any service or be involved in classes and work. On the day of joining the outfit, at the hours specified in the daily routine, the guard personnel must be given at least 3 hours to prepare for service, and when joining the guard a day later - at least 4 hours, including at least 1 hour for rest (sleep).

Hourly- face is inviolable. The inviolability of the sentry is:

In the special protection by law of his rights and personal dignity;

In submission to his strictly defined persons - the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard and his breeder;

It is the duty of all persons to unquestioningly fulfill the requirements of the sentry, determined by his service;

In granting him the right to use weapons in the cases specified in the Charter of the garrison and guard services.

The sentry must:

Vigilantly guard and steadfastly defend your post;

To serve responsibly, not to be distracted in any way, not to let go of the weapon and not to give it to anyone, including the persons to whom it is subordinate;

When advancing along the indicated route or being on an observation tower, carefully inspect the approaches to the post, the fence and report by means of communication on the progress of the service within the time limits established by the report card;

Do not leave the post until it is changed or removed, even if his life is in danger. Unauthorized abandonment of a post is a military crime;

Have a weapon at the post, loaded according to the rules specified in Art. 117 UG and COP, and be always ready for action;

Do not allow anyone to approach the post closer than the distance indicated in the report card and indicated on the ground by signs of the forbidden border, except for the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard, his guard and the persons they accompany;

Know the routes and schedule of movement of guard vehicles, as well as their identification marks and signals;

Know how to use the fire extinguishing equipment at the post;

Call the head of the guard in case of a malfunction in the fence of the object (at the post) and violations of order near his post or at a neighboring post;

If you hear the barking of guard dogs or when the technical means of protection are triggered, immediately report this to the guardhouse.

The clock is prohibited: sleep, sit, lean against something, write, read, sing, talk, eat, drink, smoke, send natural necessities, receive from anyone and give to anyone any objects, send without the need cartridge in the chamber.

The sentry should answer questions only from the head of the guard, his assistant, his guard and those who arrived for verification.

The sentry is obliged to use weapons without warning in the event of a clear attack on him or on the object he is guarding.


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Hourly- face is inviolable. The inviolability of the sentry is:

In the special protection by law of his rights and personal dignity;

In submission to his strictly defined persons - the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard and his breeder;

It is the duty of all persons to unquestioningly fulfill the requirements of the sentry, determined by his service;

In granting him the right to use weapons in the cases specified in the Charter of the garrison and guard services.

The sentry must:

Vigilantly guard and steadfastly defend your post;

To serve responsibly, not to be distracted in any way, not to let go of the weapon and not to give it to anyone, including the persons to whom it is subordinate;

When advancing along the indicated route or being on an observation tower, carefully inspect the approaches to the post, the fence and report by means of communication on the progress of the service within the time limits established by the report card;

Do not leave the post until it is changed or removed, even if his life is in danger. Unauthorized abandonment of a post is a military crime;

Have a weapon at the post, loaded according to the rules specified in Art. 117 UG and COP, and be always ready for action;

Do not allow anyone to approach the post closer than the distance indicated in the report card and indicated on the ground by signs of the forbidden border, except for the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard, his guard and the persons they accompany;

Know the routes and schedule of movement of guard vehicles, as well as their identification marks and signals;

Know how to use the fire extinguishing equipment at the post;

Call the head of the guard in case of a malfunction in the fence of the object (at the post) and violations of order near his post or at a neighboring post;

If you hear the barking of guard dogs or when the technical means of protection are triggered, immediately report this to the guardhouse.

The clock is prohibited: sleep, sit, lean against something, write, read, sing, talk, eat, drink, smoke, send natural necessities, receive from anyone and give to anyone any objects, send without the need cartridge in the chamber.

The sentry should answer questions only from the head of the guard, his assistant, his guard and those who arrived for verification.

The sentry is obliged to use weapons without warning in the event of a clear attack on him or on the object he is guarding.

Breeding monitors the correct loading of weapons by guards before sending them to posts and unloading weapons upon returning from posts (Articles 116,117 of the Criminal Code and the Constitutional Court);

Publication date: 2014-12-11; Read: 8722 | Page copyright infringement

Studopedia.org - Studopedia.Org - 2014-2018. (0.001 s) ...

The order of the use of weapons sentry.

Hourly must use weapons without warning in the event of a clear attack on him or on the object protected by him, as well as in the event of an immediate threat of attack (physical impact), when delay in the use of weapons creates an immediate danger to people's lives or may entail other grave consequences. At the same time, the use of weapons should not cause harm to the protected object and third parties.
211. All persons approaching the post or the forbidden border of the post, marked on the ground with signs, except for the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard, his guard and the persons accompanied by them, the sentry stops with a shout "Stop, back" or "Stop, go around to the right (left)."
If this requirement is not met and the forbidden border of the post is crossed, the sentry warns the offender with a shout "Stop, I'll shoot" and delays him. The sentry reports the detention of the offender to the guardroom, monitors his behavior and, without weakening his attention, continues to guard the post entrusted to him.
"Stop, I'll shoot"

212. In conditions of poor visibility, when it is impossible to identify those approaching the post or the forbidden border of the post from the distance indicated in the report card, the sentry stops all persons by shouting "Wait, who's coming?" If there is no answer and (or) the violator crosses the forbidden border of the post, the sentry warns him with a shout "Stop, I'll shoot" and apprehend the intruder. The sentry reports the detention of the offender to the guardroom, monitors his behavior and, without weakening his attention, continues to guard the post entrusted to him.
If the offender after a warning "Stop, I'll shoot" continues to move, the sentry sends a cartridge into the chamber and fires a warning shot upwards. If the violator fails to comply with this warning or takes flight, the sentry uses a weapon on him.
When the sentry's call is answered: "The head of the guard is coming(assistant to the head of the guard, spreading)”, the sentry orders: "Chief of the Guard(assistant to the head of the guard, distributing), to me, the rest are in place”; if necessary, the sentry demands that those approaching him illuminate his face. After making sure that the one who named himself is really the head of the guard (assistant to the head of the guard, distributing), the sentry admits him and all the arriving persons to him.
If the one who introduced himself as the head of the guard (assistant head of the guard, distributing) turns out to be unknown or the persons with him do not fulfill the requirements of the sentry to remain in place, the sentry warns the violators by shouting "Stop, I'll shoot." If violators fail to comply with this requirement, the sentry uses weapons on them.
213. If it is necessary to engage in hand-to-hand combat to protect oneself or a protected object, the sentry must boldly use a bayonet-knife (bayonet) and butt.

Post and its equipment.

· 119. A post is called everything entrusted for protection and defense to the sentry, as well as the place or area of ​​the terrain on which he performs his duties. The posts also include objects and areas of the terrain protected by guards with the help of technical means of protection, where these means are installed.

The borders of posts and the forbidden boundaries of posts (Appendix No. 5) are determined by the commander (chief) who organizes the protection and defense of objects, depending on their importance, equipment with technical means of protection, fencing and location on the ground in such a way as to ensure reliable protection of the post.

· Sentinels guard objects by patrolling between the outer and inner fences around the object or along the fence from the inside, if the object has one fence, as well as by observation from towers. Individual objects can be guarded by stationary sentries.

1. The territory where the protected objects are located must be surrounded by a fence (wooden, wire, etc.). The territory where the objects of the district (naval), central subordination and other important objects (warehouses with explosives, ammunition, fuel, etc.) are located must have external and internal fences with a height of at least 2 meters with a distance between the wire strands of not over 15 centimeters. The distance between the outer and inner fences is determined depending on local conditions, the type of installed perimeter technical means of protection and can be 10 meters or more. Between the fences, a path (path) is equipped for the movement of sentries and a control and trail strip with a width of at least 5 meters adjacent to the outer side of the fence.

Entrance gates (gates) of storages (warehouses, parks), parking lots with weapons, military equipment and other military property are equipped with technical security equipment. In places where weapons and ammunition are placed on the equipment, object detection tools are installed. The signals from the detection means are output to the control room of the guardroom to the console of the assistant chief of the guard (operator) for technical security equipment.

2. Around objects located outside the territory of a military unit, in agreement with state authorities and local governments, prohibited zones or areas are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The restricted zone includes the territory directly adjacent to the territory of the military facility. The width of the restricted zone from the external fence of a military facility is set depending on the type and purpose of the facility (arsenal, base, warehouse) and is 100-400 meters. A prohibited area with a width of at least 3 kilometers from the outer fence of the territory of a military facility is established only for military depots of missiles, ammunition, explosives and chemicals, flammable and combustible liquids.

3. Forbidden boundaries of posts, indicating the distance closer to which the sentry is forbidden to allow unauthorized persons to the post, are indicated by visible sentries and other persons during the day, at night and in conditions of poor visibility with signs with inscriptions on the inside of the post: “Forbidden border of the post”, on the outside post - “The forbidden border of the post. Passage (passage) is prohibited (closed)."

At the gates of the storage area for weapons and military equipment of the combat and drill groups of operation of the permanent park of the military unit, additional shields are installed with the inscription: “Stop!

Passage (passage) without the permission of the head of the guard is prohibited.

4. For the defense of the most important objects and the guardhouse located outside the military camps, trenches are torn off and equipped in such a way that the approaches to the post (guardroom) are shot from them and, if possible, fire communication with neighboring posts is provided. The trench is equipped with means of communication with the guardhouse.

5. At night, the approaches to the post and the protected object must be illuminated. The lighting is arranged so that the sentry, being on the observation tower or moving along the route of movement, is always in the shade.

6. Each post is equipped with a two-way telephone (selector) and, if possible, backup radio communication, and for emergency communication with the guardhouse - means of alarm and call signaling along the route of the sentry. The means of communication must provide the sentry (except for fixed ones) from at least two points, and when guarding objects by patrolling, every 250 meters of movement, an immediate call to the head of the guard or the reserve guard group.

7. Internal posts, especially at the Battle Banner, must have a fence 0.7 - 1 meter high and lighting.

Posts in the guardhouse are equipped in such a way as to ensure reliable protection of servicemen from the attack of persons held in the guardhouse.

At the checkpoint there should be a fence that protects the sentry from external attack, and at the entrance checkpoints, in addition, a turnstile. Samples of passes must be kept in closed showcases, ensuring their secrecy for visitors, and sealed with the seal of the person organizing the access control and security of the facility.

8. At each post, directly at the protected objects, there must be fire extinguishing equipment: fire extinguishers, sand boxes, water barrels, buckets and inventory (shovels, axes, crowbars, hooks).

9. At the outer post there should be a guard mushroom specially equipped for storing guard clothes; at the inner post there is a wardrobe or a hanger for outerwear. The post fungus is painted to match the color of the protected object or the color of the surrounding area.

10. Directions on equipping objects with technical means of protection are set out in the subsection "Protection of objects with the use of technical means of protection" of this Charter.

11. The observation tower is a sectional structure, where the lower sections provide overall structural rigidity and allow you to install a protected cabin on them at a given height, even in areas with heavy wind conditions and in seismic areas. The observation tower must be of such a height that allows the sentry to inspect the protected area. Access to the cabin is carried out by a ladder, which must have a safe design, the design of the steps and the upper platform must exclude the accumulation of water, falling through and slipping of the legs. The cabin door should open outward and close from the inside. The structures of the cockpit of the observation tower and the shelter must provide for loopholes, firing stops, as well as devices for placement, temporary storage and launch of signal rockets, protective equipment and night vision devices.

The tower is equipped with means of communication (telephone, intercom device, radio station) and alarm-call signaling, providing communication both from the tower cabin and from the shelter-trench. The emergency escape hatch should open (retract) inside the observation tower.

The outer part of the observation tower is painted to match the color of the protected object or the color of the surrounding area.

Military discipline, its essence, meaning.

· military discipline there is a strict and precise observance by all military personnel of the order and rules established by laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (chiefs).

· Military discipline is based on the awareness of each soldier of military duty and personal responsibility for the defense of his fatherland, on his selfless devotion to his people. The main method of educating highly disciplined military personnel is persuasion. However, persuasion does not preclude the use of coercive measures against those who are not conscientious in the performance of their military duty.

· Military discipline obliges each serviceman: - be faithful to the military oath, strictly observe the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation; - perform their military duty skillfully and courageously, conscientiously study military affairs, protect military and state property; - steadfastly endure the difficulties of military service, do not spare your life to fulfill military duty; - be vigilant, strictly keep military and state secrets; maintain the rules of relations between military personnel determined by military regulations, strengthen military partnership; - show respect to commanders (chiefs) and each other, observe the rules of military greeting and military courtesy; - behave with dignity in public places to prevent yourself and keep others from unworthy acts, to help protect the honor and dignity of citizens.

· High military discipline is achieved by: - ​​educating servicemen of high moral, psychological and combat qualities and conscious obedience to commanders (chiefs); - the personal responsibility of each serviceman for the fulfillment of his duties and the requirements of military regulations; - maintaining internal order in the military unit (subdivision), strict observance of the daily routine by all military personnel; - a clear organization of combat training and its full coverage of personnel; - daily exactingness of commanders (chiefs) to subordinates and control over their diligence, respect for the personal dignity of military personnel and constant concern for them, skillful combination and correct application of measures of persuasion, coercion and social influence of the team; - the creation in the military unit (subdivision) of the necessary material and living conditions.

34. How military discipline is achieved.

educating military personnel in moral, psychological, combat qualities and conscious obedience to commanders (chiefs);

knowledge and observance by military personnel of the laws of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the requirements of general military regulations and the norms of international humanitarian law;

personal responsibility of each serviceman for the performance of duties of military service;

maintaining internal order in the military unit (subdivision) by all military personnel;

a clear organization of combat training and its full coverage of personnel;

daily exactingness of commanders (chiefs) to subordinates and control over their diligence, respect for the personal dignity of military personnel and constant care for them, skillful combination and correct application of measures of persuasion, coercion and social influence of the team;

· the creation in the military unit (subdivision) of the necessary conditions for military service, life and a system of measures to limit the dangerous factors of military service.


For direct protection and defense of objects sentries are posted from the guard.

An armed sentry is called sentry performing the combat mission of guarding and defending the post assigned to him.

A sentry is an inviolable person. The inviolability of the sentry is:

- in special protection the legislation of the Russian Federation of his rights and personal dignity;

- subordinated to strictly defined persons- to the head of the guard, the assistant to the head of the guard and his breeder;

- the duty of all persons unquestioningly fulfill the requirements of the sentry, determined by his service;

- in giving him the right use weapons in the cases specified in this Charter.

sentries have the right change or remove from the post only the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard and the guard, to whom the sentry is subordinate.

In case of serious illness (severe injury), the death of the head of the guard, his assistant and the guard or physical impossibility for them to fulfill their duties, the removal or change of sentry is carried out by the garrison (military unit) on duty in the presence of his company (battery) or battalion (division) commander.

Assuming the post, the guard must in the presence of the guard (the head of the guard or his assistant) and the sentry to be replaced, personally inspect, check the presence and serviceability of everything that needs to be guarded and defended according to the report card.

The sentry must:

- guard vigilantly and steadfastly defend your post;

-serve cheerfully not to be distracted by anything, not to let go of the weapon and not to give it to anyone, including the persons to whom it is subordinate;

- moving along the specified route or while on the observation tower, carefully inspect the approaches to the post, the fence and report by means of communication on the progress of the service within the time limits established by the report card;

- do not leave the post until it is changed or withdrawn even if his life is in danger; arbitrarily leaving a post is a crime against military service;

- have a weapon loaded according to the rules referred to in Article 125 of this Charter, and always ready for action;

- not to allow closer distance to the post, indicated in the report card to the posts and indicated on the ground with signs of the forbidden border, no one except the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard, his guard and the persons whom they accompany;

- know the routes and schedules of vehicles guards, as well as their identification marks and signals;

-know the routes, identification marks (signals) of the reserve guard group and the duty unit, their lines and positions near the post;

- be able to apply fire-extinguishing equipment at the post;

- call the head of the guard upon detection malfunctions in the fencing of the facility (at the post) and violations of order near your post or at a neighboring post;

- hearing the barking of a guard dog, as well as when the technical means of protection are triggered, immediately report to the guardhouse.

The sentry on duty must have a weapon with an attached bayonet-knife (bayonet), while an assault rifle with a folding butt - without a bayonet-knife, a bayonet-knife - in a sheath on a waist belt: at night - in a ready position for standing fire; in the daytime - in the “on the belt” position or in the ready position for standing shooting. At internal posts and at the post at battle banner an assault rifle with a wooden butt must be in the “on the belt” position, an assault rifle with a folding butt must be in the “on the chest” position, a carbine must be “to the leg” (the bag with an equipped magazine (clips) must be fastened), the pistol must be in a fastened holster on waist belt.

In the event of a fire extinguishing or liquidation of the consequences of a natural disaster, the sentry is allowed to have a weapon in the “behind the back” position.

The clock is prohibited: sleep, sit, lean against, write, read, sing, talk, eat, drink, smoke, perform urination or otherwise be distracted from the performance of their duties, receive from anyone and pass on to anyone any objects, cause by their actions the operation of technical means of protection, without the need to send a cartridge into the chamber.

The guard must answer to the questions only of the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard, his guard and the persons who arrived for the check.

The sentry is obliged to use weapons without warning in case of a clear attack on him or on the object protected by him, as well as in the event of an immediate threat of attack (physical impact), when delay in the use of weapons creates an immediate danger to people's lives or may entail other grave consequences. At the same time, the use of weapons should not cause harm to the protected object and third parties.

All persons approaching the post or to the forbidden border of the post, marked on the ground with signs, except for the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard, his guard and the persons accompanied by them, the sentry stops by shouting “Stop, back” or “Stop, go around to the right (left)”.

If this requirement is not met and crossing the forbidden border of the post, the sentry warns the violator by shouting “Stop, I will shoot” and detains him. The sentry reports the detention of the offender to the guardroom, monitors his behavior and, without weakening his attention, continues to guard the post entrusted to him.

If the offender after a warning“Stop, I will shoot” continues to move, the sentry sends a cartridge into the chamber and fires a warning shot upwards. If the violator fails to comply with this warning or takes flight, the sentry uses a weapon on him.

In conditions of poor visibility, when from the distance indicated in the report card to the posts, it is impossible to identify those approaching the post or to the forbidden border of the post, the sentry stops all persons by shouting “Stop, who is coming?”. If there is no answer and (or) the violator crosses the forbidden border of the post, the sentry warns him with a shout “Stop, I will shoot” and detains the violator. The sentry reports the detention of the offender to the guardroom, monitors his behavior and, without weakening his attention, continues to guard the post entrusted to him.

When the sentry's call is answered:“The head of the guard (assistant head of the guard, spreading) is coming,” the sentry orders: “The head of the guard (assistant head of the guard, spreading), to me, the rest are in place”; if necessary, the sentry demands that those approaching him illuminate his face. After making sure that the one who named himself is really the head of the guard (assistant to the head of the guard, distributing), the sentry admits him and all the arriving persons to him.

If the one who called himself the head of the guard(assistant to the head of the guard, distributing) will be unknown or the persons with him will not fulfill the requirements of the sentry to remain in place, the sentry warns violators by shouting “Stop, I will shoot”. If violators fail to comply with this requirement, the sentry uses weapons on them.

Join if necessary in hand-to-hand combat, to protect himself or a protected object, the sentry must boldly use a bayonet-knife (bayonet) and a butt.

In the event of a fire at the post the sentry immediately reports this to the guardroom and, without stopping monitoring the protected object, takes measures to extinguish the fire. In the event of a fire in the technical area of ​​a protected facility or at an facility with external and internal fencing, as well as near the post, he reports this to the guardhouse, continuing to serve at the post.

In case of sudden illness (injury) the sentry calls the guard or the head of the guard, continuing to serve.

In extreme, urgent cases or in the event of a malfunction of the means of communication, the sentry can call for the post of the head of the guard or the guard with a shot upwards.

Sentinel upon arrival at the post of chiefs to which he is subordinate, reports to them on the results of his service.

For example: "Comrade Lieutenant. During the service, there were no incidents (or something happened). At the same time, the sentry greets them, as well as the commanders who arrived at the post accompanied by them, according to the rules set forth in the Combat Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the machine gun from the standing position is first taken “on the belt”, and the carbine is “to the leg”.

Sentinel at the post at the Battle Banner performs his duties, being in the position of "at ease". When the servicemen greet the Battle Banner, the sentry takes a combat stance.

While receiving the Battle Banner under guard, the sentry is obliged to check the serviceability of the banner cover (cabinet) and the seal on it. The sentry issues the Battle Banner only on the personal order of the head of the guard and in his presence.

If the post at the Battle Banner danger threatens (fire or other emergency situation of a natural and man-made nature), the sentry informs the head of the guard about this and takes the Battle Banner to a safe place.

The sentry of the checkpoint, in addition to what is set out in Articles 204 - 210 of this Charter, is obliged:

- know the features of security and access control at the post, description and validity period of passes, identity documents, as well as the duties set out in the report card;

- skip people passing through the post, only for personal passes, paying special attention to their conformity to samples, and photographs - to the identity of the bearer, while the passes must be taken in hand; when checking temporary (without photo cards), special and one-time passes, check them with the identity documents of the pass holder;

- detain persons attempting to enter to the object (from the object) in violation of the access control, as well as on invalid passes (documents), and call the head of the guard;

- stop vehicles when passing through the border of the post, check the documents for the right of passage and inspect them;

- check by material pass (waybill) when taking out (bringing in) or exporting (importing) any property, what exactly and in what quantity (number of places) is allowed to be carried or carried; let only those cars that have waybills.

Sentry checkpoint is prohibited give information about the effect of passes and ciphers on them, engage in a conversation not related to checking passes, allow unauthorized persons and any objects to be at the post.

Sentinel at the opened vault(park, warehouse) or during the performance of work at the place of parking of weapons and military equipment, performs the duties indicated in the report card.

The sentry at the flammable storage (warehouse), in addition, is obliged:

Do not allow anyone to smoke, make fire, shoot, as well as use lighting devices that are not provided for by the time sheet near the guarded object closer than the distance indicated in it;

Do not allow to the storage (to the warehouse) in shoes and with lanterns, posts not provided for by the report card, as well as with knives and firearms.

The sentry guarding the guardhouse, in addition to the duties set forth in Articles 204 - 217 of this Charter, is obliged:

- monitor the behavior of military personnel kept in the guardhouse, when taking them out of the guardhouse (during a walk, classes, cleaning the territory, etc.) and in case of violation of the established rules by them, immediately call the head of the guard, his assistant or breeder;

- warn military personnel those held in the guardhouse who are escaping, shouting “Stop, I will shoot”, and if this requirement is not met, use weapons against them;

- prevent military personnel kept in the guardhouse, any transmissions from the street, throwing things and notes out into the street, and any communication with strangers.

The sentry at the entrance to the guardhouse must guard and defend the guardhouse, not allow anyone to access it, except for the persons to whom the guard is subordinate, if he knows them by sight, and those whom they accompany. On the approach of these persons, the sentry notifies the head of the guard with the established signal and freely passes them to the guardhouse. All other persons approaching the guardroom are stopped by the sentry at the distance indicated in the report card and calls the head of the guard or his assistant.

In poor visibility when from the distance indicated in the report card the posts cannot be seen approaching the guardroom, the sentry stops them by shouting “Stop” and calls the head of the guard or his assistant.

About all incidents nearby of the guardhouse and everything noticed that may interfere with the performance of the guard's task, as well as the signals heard from the posts, the sentry immediately reports to the head of the guard or his assistant.

Special Duties of Sentinels as Applied to the conditions of protection and defense of each object are indicated in the report card.

Actions when loading and unloading weapons, accepting and surrendering a post, guarding and defending it, in case of any kind of violation of order in the vicinity of one’s post or at a neighboring post

"Lectures on the discipline "Organization of the security and search service in the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia""

/ Criminal law

with her production areas, sentry service

(general and special duties),

duties of officers of the guard



Question number 1. Guards, service outfits.

Question number 2. Duties of guard officials.

Question number 3. Responsibilities of sentries, dog handlers.



The official task of protecting the institutions of the penal system and their facilities is to prevent escapes and other crimes by convicts, the penetration of violators and prohibited items into the facilities, as well as to ensure the safety of material assets at the facilities, to repel a possible attack.

In order to successfully manage the personnel, the head of the security service of the correctional facility needs to have a firm knowledge of the organization of the service, his duties in the service, and the duties of the guards set forth in the instructions. The general duties of the guards are provided for by the Instruction on the protection of correctional institutions, pre-trial detention centers of the penitentiary system, approved by Order No. 21 of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2006, and the special ones are determined by the report card, combat crew and relevant instructions. The head of the guard (attire) must study and firmly know the content of these official documents, require knowledge of them by personnel and achieve their strict observance; know well the task of the guard, the procedure for its implementation and the duties of all guards.

Question number 1. Guards, service outfits

To perform official tasks, guards and service outfits are dressed up from the department of protection of institutions.

sentry is a group of armed officers designed to guard facilities where convicts, suspects and accused of committing crimes are kept, or to escort convicts and detainees. Employees who are part of the guard, except for the head of the guard, his assistants and guards, before taking up posts are called guards.

Depending on the nature of the service task performed, the guards are:

· for the protection of residential areas of correctional facilities and pre-trial detention centers;

· for the protection of residential and adjacent production areas of correctional institutions;

· Convoying convicts, suspects and accused of committing crimes from institutions to exchange offices and back;

· on convoying convicts from residential areas of correctional colonies to production facilities and back, guarding production facilities while convicts work on them.

In order to assist the guards in the protection of institutions and their facilities, emergency escort of convicts, suspects, accused of committing crimes and their protection in civilian medical institutions, protection of property of the institution in case of fires, natural disasters, temporary guards may be appointed from the security departments of institutions. The composition of the temporary guard is determined by the decision of the deputy head of the security institution for a day from among the reserve of employees admitted to independent service. It is forbidden to appoint officials from the guard who are currently performing official tasks to the composition of temporary guards.

To escort convicted, suspected and accused of committing crimes from institutions to exchange offices and back at the locations of institutions where there are no special escort units, counter guards are appointed.

For the direct protection of convicts, suspects and accused of committing crimes at the facilities and during their escort, sentries are posted from the guard.

Sentry called an armed guard, performing the task of protecting and defending the post assigned to him.

fasting everything entrusted to the sentry for protection and defense is called, as well as the place or area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe terrain on which he performs his duties. Fasts are divided into daily, semi-daily (day, night) and temporary.

The guards, dressed up to protect institutions and production facilities with a round-the-clock operation, should be replaced, as a rule, after 12 hours. In exceptional cases, by decision of the head of the territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, guards for the protection of these objects can be replaced after 24 hours.

Oncoming, temporary guards serve until the end of the task. The number of guards is determined depending on the number of posts established for this guard, but in all cases it should be at least 3 employees.

In the guards, which serve continuously for 24 hours, 2-3 guards are assigned to each post. In guards that serve up to 12 hours, one guard is assigned to each post, as well as replacement guards at the rate of one guard for 2-4 outdoor posts. The replacement of the sentry checkpoint, the sentry operator of the PUTSO for short-term rest, meals and other purposes is carried out by the assistant chief of the guard.

The composition of the guard, depending on the nature of the tasks performed, may be assigned: the head of the guard, 1-2 assistants to the head of the guard, assistant to the head of the guard for cynological service; breeding; sentries according to the number of posts and shifts; a group for the inspection of vehicles and goods at the checkpoint, consisting of the assistant chief of the guard - the head of the checkpoint, a specialist dog handler with a service dog and the required number of guards to perform duties as sentry checkpoints for the inspection of vehicles and goods, vehicle drivers, patrol dog handler, radiotelephonists and others faces.

Reserve groups are created on guard from among the awake and resting guards.

Service attire is a group of equipped and usually armed personnel assigned to perform tasks in emergency situations, as well as during special operations.

Service attire includes: observation post, patrol, barrier, search group, pursuit group, search post, operational-search group, secret, etc.

The head of the service attire, the assistant to the chief of the service attire (if the number of service attire is more than 4 people) and the required number of employees are appointed to the composition of the service attire.

Chiefs are appointed:


regular chiefs of guards of the institution's security department;

employees from among the middle and senior commanding staff of the security department of the institution, as well as the deputy head of the institution for security;

employees of the security departments of institutions from among the junior commanding staff who have undergone assembly training and are admitted by order of the territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (only for the protection of temporary and short-term facilities).

Service attire:

employees of the institution and administration of the territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia from among the senior and middle commanding staff who have undergone appropriate training and have skills in managing a specific type of service attire;

employees of full-time search units, security departments, special escort units, security departments from among the junior commanding staff, who have been trained and have skills in managing service outfits.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation employees of the security departments of the penal system have the right to:

· exercise control over compliance with regime requirements at the facilities of institutions executing punishment, and the territories adjacent to them;

· demand from those convicted, suspected and accused of committing crimes, held in custody and other persons to fulfill their obligations established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and comply with internal regulations;

conduct searches and searches of convicted, suspected and accused of crimes, other persons, their belongings, vehicles detained in the course of committing, attempting to commit a crime or offense, within the boundaries of restricted areas and in territories adjacent to institutions where security requirements are established , as well as seize prohibited items and documents;

· when conducting a special operation to detain convicts, suspects and accused of committing crimes who have escaped or evaded serving a sentence, in places where they are likely to appear, carry out searches of vehicles, checks of documents;

· use the possibilities of the mass media to search for convicts, suspects and accused of committing crimes who have escaped;

apply and use physical force, special means and weapons;

Temporarily restrict or prohibit the movement of vehicles in the territories adjacent to institutions where regime requirements are established, do not allow citizens to enter these territories or oblige them to stay there or leave these territories in order to comply with regime requirements, protect the life and health of citizens.

It is forbidden to appoint to guards (service outfits) employees: who have not taken the Oath; those who have not mastered the initial training program; who have committed offenses for which an internal audit is being conducted; sick; who have consumed alcohol or drugs; from the changing guard.

During service prohibited to impose disciplinary sanctions on persons who are part of the guard (duty outfit) for the offenses they have committed. In this case, disciplinary sanctions are imposed after changing the guard (duty), replacing them with other employees, handing over weapons and ammunition.

If, due to the nature of the committed misconduct, the employee cannot be admitted to further service, then the head of the institution's security department (duty officer of the institution's security department) removes him from service, confiscating weapons and ammunition.

Loading a weapon is made before going to the posts for escorting persons held in custody, as well as for escorting persons who check the guard service. Unloading and inspection of weapons are carried out immediately upon return to the guardhouse.

Loading and unloading of weapons are carried out under the guidance of the head of the guard (assistant head of the guard, disengaging) in front of the guardroom in a specially equipped and well-lit place with a bullet catcher, in other cases - in specially equipped places indicated in the instructions to the head of the guard (service attire). In all cases, the head of the guard loads (discharges) the weapon first. When loading and unloading, the barrel of the weapon should be directed upwards at an angle of 45-60 degrees and away from the surrounding living quarters and the protected object. If residential and service premises are located near and around the guardroom, loading and unloading of weapons can be carried out in the guardroom in a special place equipped with a bullet catcher and additional devices that guarantee safety for the guard personnel. During actions on the command “Sentry - to the gun”, the weapon is loaded by the personnel of the guard independently.

The weapon is loaded according to the rules specified in the shooting manual for the corresponding types of weapons, while sending a cartridge into the chamber is strictly prohibited.

The machine is loaded with an equipped magazine. Before loading, the machine is inspected, while the trigger is pulled down and put on the fuse. The bolt carrier does not retract after attaching the magazine.

The pistol is loaded with a loaded magazine, the bolt is not retracted during loading. Before loading the gun is inspected and put on the fuse.

Machine guns are loaded immediately before their use.

The faces of the guard perform the task unarmed in the following cases:

during the inspection of vehicles and cargoes in locks or at checkpoint control areas;

when accepting (surrendering) convicts, suspects and accused of committing crimes and when they are put into vehicles for escort (persons who are in close proximity to convicted, suspected and accused of committing crimes).

In these cases, the weapons and ammunition of the guard are stored in the guard room or transferred to the head of the guard or, at his direction, to another officer from the guard.

For the direct supervision of the guards (service outfits), the deputy head of the security institution from among the senior and middle commanding staff of the security department of the institution appoints duty officer.

The officer on duty reports to the deputy head of the institution for security, the head of the security department and the officer on duty from the management of the institution, in his activities he is guided by the instructions of the officer on duty. He is responsible for the proper performance of the guards (service outfits).

The officer on duty must:

know the location of protected objects, exchange offices and the procedure for organizing the service in accordance with security plans;

ensure the timely departure of the guards to the places of duty;

· monitor compliance with the rules of the changing of the guards;

check the serviceability of the special equipment of vehicles allocated for the escort of convicted, suspected and accused persons and the transportation of personnel, the knowledge of the drivers of the duties and routes of movement;

· when absent on official business, report to the head of the security department of the institution where, for what purpose and for how long he leaves;

Check at the time indicated by the head of the security department of the institution the service of the guards, including the arriving guards from other institutions;

· to be in the period of rest of the head of the guard and from 02 to 06 hours in the guard in order to control and provide practical assistance in organizing the service;

· to meet the guards who arrived at the location of the institution, to assist them in organizing the service and surrendering the escorted persons;

immediately report to the head of the security department and the officer on duty from the management of the institution about all incidents in the guards (service outfits) and the measures taken, personally arrive at the scene and manage the elimination of its consequences. If necessary, with the permission of the persons to whom he is subordinate, announce the collection to the personnel of the security department of the institution, and in the event of a fire at the facility, in the guardroom, call the fire brigade. In the event of a sudden illness, the officer on duty immediately reports this to the persons to whom he is subordinate, and subsequently acts on their instructions.

Question number 2. Duties of guard officials

The general duties of the guards (service outfit) are set out in the Instructions for the Protection of Correctional Institutions, Detention Facility of the Penitentiary System, approved by Order No. 21 of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2006, and the special ones are determined by the report card, combat crew and relevant instructions. The head of the guard (service outfit) must constantly study and firmly know the content of these official documents, require knowledge of their personnel and achieve strict observance of the rules of service.

Chief of the Guard

When entering the service, which is actually the first stage in the fulfillment of the assigned service task, the correct actions of the head of the guard (service outfit) seem to set the tone for the entire service, discipline the personnel, set them up for exemplary performance of their duties, achieving high results. This is especially important for guards guarding the same objects, in the conditions of the monotonous nature of the task being performed.

Entering the service for the protection of facilities of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the head of the guard (duty squad) must study the condition of the facility, find out in detail the situation at the place of duty, clarify the available data on the possible intentions of convicts to escape or other unlawful acts in order to ensure successful implementation assigned task.

The most important duty of the chief of the guard (service outfit) is the skillful and firm management of the actions of the personnel, the essence of which is to maintain high combat readiness and discipline of the personnel, to guide the actions of the guard when the situation at the protected object becomes more complicated, and to constantly monitor the implementation of the assigned task.

Maintaining a constant high combat readiness of the guard (service attire) includes: timely preparation of personnel for service and shift at posts; conducting a combat calculation; exercising control over the performance of the service; ensuring the safety and constant readiness for the use of weapons, ammunition, means of communication, transport and other equipment; strict observance of the statutory internal order in the guardhouse and places of service, the rules for admission to the guardroom, to protected objects and to restricted areas; maintaining close interaction with other guards (service order).

The level of combat readiness of the guard (duty outfit) is determined by the speed and coordination of actions in case of aggravation of the situation at the protected facility, in the places of duty. These complications can be caused by an attack on the guard, sentries, the object, the escape of convicts or the commission of other illegal actions, attempts by unknown persons to enter the object, group hooligan actions of violators of public order, as well as other actions or circumstances that reduce the reliability of protection, supervision or jeopardize the performance of the job.

The actions of the head of the guard (service outfit) in these cases are determined by the instructions, combat crew and instructions of the head of the unit. They must be clear, fast, provide firm leadership to personnel, suppression of violations at the initial stage.

In order to improve the efficiency and quality of service, the head of the guard (duty squad) is obliged to take constant care about the state of health and timely nutrition of personnel, compliance with personal safety measures, prevention of injuries and accidents when handling weapons, using vehicles, operating engineering and technical means of protection. To this end, he is obliged to ensure the strictest observance of the procedure for loading and unloading weapons, carefully check the equipment of the facility, posts, duty stations and do everything necessary to eliminate shortcomings leading to a weakening of the security of personnel.

The head of the guard (service detachment) must check the service at the posts, persistently seek exemplary order in the guardroom, high discipline of the personnel, the exact fulfillment by each employee of the statutory requirements, by all means prevent violations of the law that may manifest themselves, for example, the unlawful use of weapons, handcuffs and a straitjacket, assault, in unlawful relations of employees with convicts and their relatives. At the appointed time, he is obliged to report to the head of the unit on the results of his service.

Competition plays an important role in mobilizing personnel to achieve high service results. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the competition, the head of the guard (service outfit) must constantly monitor the attitude of subordinates to the performance of their duties, note their diligence, objectively evaluate service work, achieve publicity for the competition, promote the successes of employees who have achieved the best results, promptly demand the elimination of shortcomings.

When evaluating the service and summing up its results for a shift (day), the head of the guard (duty outfit) must determine the quality of the task performed by each employee, specifically show in what way who distinguished himself or what had shortcomings, how he generally fulfilled his obligations, while showing exceptional objectivity, not to allow a superficial approach to assessing the work of people, hushing up shortcomings, undeserved praise.

The specific duties of the head of the guard (service outfit) are due to the state importance, complexity and variety of tasks performed by the security and escort units of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The full and high-quality fulfillment of these duties requires officers - employees of the security and escort units of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia to constantly improve their knowledge, skills and abilities, hard, painstaking work on the way to achieving professional skills, an intolerant attitude towards their shortcomings, to everything that causes damage the authority of an officer - an employee of the security and escort units of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the eyes of subordinates.

The head of the guard obeys the head of the security department of the institution, and in their absence - the duty officer of the institution and the officer on duty.

The head of the guard is responsible for: reliable protection of the object entrusted to the guard and the weapon storage room (if it is located in the guard room); access control; accurate and timely completion of the task; readiness of the personnel of the guard to act in case of incidents; proper service by employees; the state of discipline and order on guard; compliance with law and security measures by employees; safety and serviceability of weapons, ammunition, equipment, engineering, material and vehicles allocated to the guard, fire extinguishing equipment, communications at posts and in the guardroom, other property according to the inventory, as well as for their correct use.

The head of the guard has the right use physical force, special means, firearms personally and as part of the guard, and in the event of a complication of the situation - to strengthen the security of the object, about which immediately report to the persons to whom it is subordinate.

The head of the guard must:

know the task of the guard and the features of its implementation, the instructions of the head of the guard, the duties of all guards, the state of ITSO;

· demand from the personnel of the guard solid knowledge and precise performance of their duties, vigilance and discipline;

accept a list of official documents of the head of the guard from the replaceable head of the guard, means of communication, signaling, fire extinguishing, and also take under protection the weapon storage room, the keys to it in a sealed metal flask, a metal box with a supply of guard ammunition and a sealed pencil case with keys to it , on the results of the reception, make an entry in the guard list of the guard to be replaced;

Check personally, together with the head of the guard to be replaced, by going around and externally inspecting the condition of the protected object, the serviceability of its lighting, fencing and protective structures, as well as the condition of the guardroom;

· to make an entry in the guard list about all the identified shortcomings at the posts, in the fences of the guarded facility, technical means of protection, communications and signaling;

change sentries at the appointed time, check the knowledge of employees of their duties, set a task for guards who take up posts, indicating at the same time: which post to take up and with what task, what to pay special attention to when serving, the procedure for using weapons and maintaining communication with a guard;

· monitor the exact observance of the access control at the checkpoint, know the most vulnerable places in terms of escape, incl. on a ram, through a dig, check the condition of the ITSO and the posts of guard dogs covering these places, take timely measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings;

· to make after each change of sentry calculation of the personnel of the guard in case of actions in case of incidents and emergency circumstances;

Monitor the constant readiness of reserve groups for action in case of incidents, the serviceability of ITSO, vehicles, the maintenance of weapons and ammunition, compliance with the rules for loading and unloading weapons by the guard personnel;

· pursue the convict, accused and suspected of committing crimes, who has escaped from guard, at the head of the reserve group (prosecution group) of the guard until detention;

maintain the established internal order in the guardroom;

Conduct at least once an hour checks on the performance of service sentries personally or send their assistants for this purpose, make entries in the checklist on the results of the check and immediately take measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings;

check at the posts the vigilance of serving sentries, their knowledge of their duties, the rules and procedures for the use of weapons and actions in case of incidents, the ability to use technical means of protection, compliance with guard uniforms;

· Periodically send out his assistant in the cynological service with a service dog to check the KSP, posts of guard dogs, and when receiving guards - in the internal restricted area, in order to detect possible traces of escape;

· periodically send a breeder to check the KSP in the outer restricted area in order to detect possible traces of escape within his sector;

· upon receipt of an alarm signal from the TSO, personally advance with the reserve group to the scene along the guard path, set the gain and organize an inspection of the outer restricted area. If there are no traces of escape, climb to the observation tower closest to the place where the TCO was triggered, make sure that the site of the internal restricted area is properly examined by the duty shift staff. Do not leave the post until the completion of the inspection of the state of the internal and external restricted areas and the establishment of the cause of the alarm. Report to the officer on duty at the institution about the work done, only after that remove the reinforcement and return to the guardroom;

· to send, according to the established schedule or to call the dog handler-patrolman on duty with a service dog to check the condition of the internal restricted area, monitor the approaches to it, and also cover the most vulnerable places (areas) in terms of escape;

Receive reports every 30 minutes during the day and 15 minutes at night from the sentries on the results of the service, keep a schedule of reports, and if the report from the sentry is not received at the appointed time, immediately arrive at the post or send your assistant to find out the reason;

Skillfully use technical means of monitoring the quality of service by sentries;

report on the situation and the results of the service at least every two hours (and in the event of an incident - immediately) to the head of the security department of the institution, and in his absence and after hours - to the duty officer, as well as the duty officer of the institution;

Maintain contact with neighboring guards, the duty service of the institution, if necessary, provide them with assistance in accordance with the security plan;

transfer, according to the act, to the officer on duty at the institution the prohibited items confiscated at the checkpoint or found in the restricted area (as a result of the transfer);

hand over at the end of the service to the official appointed by the head of the institution the pass for export (removal) from the object of material assets;

inform the officer on duty at the institution about the non-arrival of convicts who enjoy the right to move without an escort by the set time;

Do not allow anyone to enter the guardhouse (guardroom) except for persons who have the right to do so;

Conduct a brief interview, and, if necessary, an inspection of detained suspicious persons and immediately report this to the head of the security department of the institution, and in his absence, to the duty officer;

Carry out educational work with the personnel of the guard;

· in case of incidents at the protected facility, act in accordance with the instructions of the head of the guard and taking into account the specific situation;

· to make an entry in the watch list on all cases of opening the room for storing weapons and ammunition, certifying this with the signature of an official who has the right to do so;

On each case of use (use) of weapons by guards, immediately report to the head of the security department of the institution, and in his absence - to the duty officer, make an entry in the guard list indicating by whom, when, where and for what purpose the weapon was used, how much and what kind of ammunition was used . In all cases of the use and use of weapons, change the sentry from the post, seize weapons, unused ammunition, provide the necessary medical assistance to the victims, organize security at the scene;

Monitor the strict observance by the personnel of the guard of the procedure for handling weapons and safety measures, their state of health, the supply of drinking water, take measures to prevent heat strokes in the summer, and frostbite in the winter;

send, with the permission of the head of the security department of the institution (duty officer), sick (wounded) employees from the guard to the nearest medical institution and demand their replacement;

· after changing the guard, organize the cleaning and handing over of weapons, ammunition, and then report to the head of the security department of the institution on the fulfillment of the task;

Summing up and evaluating the service of each member of the guard at the end of the task.

If any member of the guard fails to fulfill his duties or commits a misdemeanor, the head of the guard takes the necessary measures. In urgent cases, he removes the offender from further service, and if he has a weapon, disarms him, and immediately reports to the head of the security department of the institution (duty officer).

Analysis of the circumstances of the committed misconduct by an employee in the guardroom and at the posts is prohibited.

To call the guard “to the gun”, the head of the guard gives the command “Guard to the gun”. On this command, the personnel of the guard must be ready for immediate action in accordance with the calculation of the guard for action in case of incidents.

The head of the guard allows only those persons to whom he is subordinate and the persons accompanied by them, as well as the head of the weapons depot (in the event that the weapon storage room is located in the guard room) to enter the guardroom without hindrance.

Admission to the guardhouse and restricted areas of IT specialists, communications for routine maintenance, TCO settings, dog service specialists for caring for service dogs is carried out with the written permission of the head of the security department of the institution.

The head of the guard admits other persons to the guardroom after he establishes the identity of the arrival, the purpose of the arrival, checks his official ID and an order for the right to check the guard.

The head of the guard meets the persons who have arrived at the guard before entering the guardhouse.

Persons arriving with incorrectly executed documents are detained by the head of the guard, immediately report them to the head of the security department of the institution (duty officer) and then act on his instructions.

About each admission of persons to the guardroom, except for the persons who arrived to check the guard, the head of the guard makes an entry in the guard record.

Upon arrival at the guard of persons to whom the head of the guard is subordinate, or of their superior commanders, the head of the guard reports to them, for example: “Comrade Colonel. During the service on guard, there were no incidents (or something happened). Head of the guard Lieutenant Mikhailov. If other persons arrive at the guard, older than him in a special rank, the head of the guard approaches the arrival and introduces himself, for example: “Comrade Major. Chief of the guard senior lieutenant Lebedev.

During the service, the chief of the guard maintains a telephone connection with the duty officer of the institution, clarifies with him the situation at the protected facility and, in accordance with its changes, sets additional tasks for the guard. When entering the perimeter, the head of the guard interacts with the officer on duty at the institution and directs the guard over the radio station.

10-15 minutes before the start of the withdrawal of convicts to work (their admission to the residential area from work), the head of the guard specifies the arrangement of the guard personnel for the delivery (reception) of the convicts and the calculation of the guard for actions in case of incidents. Then he places the guards appointed for these purposes at posts and, in cooperation with the officer on duty at the institution, on the basis of the order for escorting convicts from the institution and the submitted guard statements for the protection of production facilities located separately from the residential area, carries out the delivery (reception) of convicts.

In case of complete or partial failure of the TSO, transfer to the “Control” mode, as well as deterioration in visibility, heavy fog, snowfall, rain, the head of the guard immediately strengthens the guard by placing additional sentries.

He reports the situation to the head of the security department of the institution or the officer on duty and then acts on their instructions. The head of the guard makes an entry in the guard sheet about the strengthening of the protection of the object.

In the event that convicts, suspects and those accused of committing crimes throw any objects on the TCO detection sensors in order to cause them to operate or disable them, the head of the guard informs the duty officer of the institution and, together with him, takes measures to eliminate malfunctions, and when throwing of such items from the outside of the facility, detains violators by the guards and reports this to the duty officer of the institution or the duty officer and then acts on their instructions.

The head of the guard is allowed to rest (sleep) with a 24-hour duty regime, only during the daytime, at hours determined by the head of the institution.

The head of the guard is prohibited from:

leave the guardroom except for cases related to the performance of their duties. When leaving the guardhouse, he leaves for himself the assistant chief of the guard or one of the guards;

conduct private conversations on technical means of communication personally or allow it to other guards;

release someone from the guard without the permission of the persons to whom he is subordinate;

· to change the arrangement of personnel according to the posts and the schedule of service by the guards, provided for by the guard list, except in cases of strengthening the security of the facility and a sudden illness of the members of the guard;

enter the territory of the institution, its facilities and give permission for this to other persons who are part of the guard.

open the weapons storage room (except for cases related to the rescue of weapons, ammunition in case of fire) and hand over the keys to it to anyone, except for the head of the weapons depot and the head of the institution or persons performing their duties;

misuse the vehicles allocated to ensure the activities of the guard;

Disable TSS or transfer them to the "Control" mode without the permission of the head of the institution's security department.

In the event of a sudden illness, the head of the guard reports this to the head of the security department of the institution or the duty officer and then acts on their instructions.

In the event of a sudden illness of one of the assistants, the head of the guard assigns his duties to the second assistant or performs them personally, reports this to the head of the institution's security department (duty officer).

Assistant Commander of the Guard

The assistant chief of the guard reports to the chief of the guard, is responsible for: the correct performance of service by employees; the state of discipline, maintaining internal order in the guardroom; compliance with security measures by employees; safety and serviceability of weapons, ammunition, equipment, engineering, material and vehicles allocated to the guard, fire extinguishing equipment, communications at posts and in the guardroom, other property according to the inventory, as well as for their correct use.

He is obliged:

know the task of the guard, the duties of the chief and all the guards;

On the oral order of the head of the guard, change sentries at posts, check their service; from 02 to 06 hours, alternately with the head of the guard, according to the schedule, continuously be on the perimeter of the protected object to check the quality of service by sentries. On the results of the check, make entries in the guard sheet and immediately take measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies;

to receive sentry clothes and other property for the guard, keep records of it and, at the direction of the head of the guard, issue them to the personnel;

· when changing the guard to be replaced, take the guardhouse and the equipment, inventory and property located in it according to the inventory, change the watch operator of the PUTSO and the watch checkpoint, if this is provided for by the Instruction;

Monitor the condition of ITSO, vehicles, proper maintenance of equipment, inventory and property, cleanliness and order in the guardroom and the territory adjacent to it, as well as timely firing of stoves, drying clothes and shoes;

Accompany, at the direction of the head of the guard, persons checking the service of sentries;

in the absence or during the rest of the head of the guard, perform his duties;

In case of illness (injury) or death of the head of the guard, enter into the performance of his duties and report this to the head of the security department of the institution (duty officer);

Assistant Chief of the Guard for Canine Service

The assistant chief of the guard for the cynological service reports to the chief of the guard, is responsible for the timely detection of traces of escape, the effectiveness of the use of service dogs in the footsteps of those who fled, the maintenance and use of guard dogs, as well as for the full and clear performance of duties by the cynological service specialists who are part of the guard.

He is obliged:

know the task of the guard, the duties of all specialists of the canine service that are part of the guard, the procedure for using guard dogs, the places that are vulnerable in terms of escape and the surrounding area, as well as the tricks used to hide traces, ways to recognize them, tactics for using official dogs on guard;

Check the condition of the posts of guard dogs, take measures to eliminate the shortcomings found at the posts;

Remind the incumbent guard about the behavior of the guard dogs posted within the boundaries of his post;

Check with the service dog according to the schedule the condition of the PCB, report the results of the check to the head of the guard and make an entry in the guard record;

· if traces of escape are found, on the order of the head of the guard, use a service dog to search for and detain persons who have fled from under guard;

· comply with the rules for keeping and caring for a service dog and demand the same from other dog handlers from the guard;

In exceptional cases (at low air temperatures and in extreme heat), replace the cynologist-patrolman on the trail;

· It is allowed to rest (sleep) during the 24-hour duty schedule in accordance with the schedule with the permission of the head of the guard.

Assistant Chief of the Guard - Head of the Checkpoint

The assistant to the head of the guard - the head of the checkpoint is subordinate to the head of the guard and is responsible for observing the established procedure for passing people, vehicles and goods through the checkpoint, as well as for the precise performance of duties by persons included in the inspection group and watch checkpoints.

He is obliged:

know the task of the guard, the duties of sentry checkpoints and persons included in the inspection group, the procedure for passing people, vehicles and goods through the checkpoint;

· when changing the guard, accept official documents, equipment, inventory and property of the control site, about which to make an entry in the guard sheet, at the direction of the head of the guard, change the sentry checkpoints;

organize the service of sentry checkpoints, the inspection group, and supervise their actions;

monitor the observance by the inspection group of security measures when inspecting vehicles and cargo;

know the tricks used by convicted, suspected and accused of crimes to escape through checkpoints, in vehicles, cargo, as well as in the unauthorized delivery to convicted, suspected and accused of crimes of objects, substances and foodstuffs prohibited for storage and use;

detain persons trying to leave (leave) the protected facility without presenting the relevant documents, as well as the transport in which they tried to take material values ​​out of the facility without presenting a pass for the right to transport (carry) material values ​​through the checkpoint and report this to the head of the guard;

· allow vehicles to the places of loading (unloading) only under the supervision of employees appointed by order of the institution;

· pass vehicles through the checkpoint at night only with the written permission of the officer on duty at the institution and only in the presence of the head of the guard;

accept prohibited items seized during the inspection from sentry checkpoints and persons included in the inspection group and transfer them to the head of the guard;

Accompany, on the order of the head of the guard, persons who check the performance of service by sentry checkpoints, a group for inspecting transport and cargo;

· at the end of the service, close the gates, locks, locks and hand over the keys to them to the NC.


The breeder is responsible for the correct and vigilant service of sentries subordinate to him, the timely change and putting them on posts, the correct delivery and acceptance of sentries. He reports to the head of the guard and his assistant.

The breeder must:

know the number of their posts, their location and boundaries, routes to them, the special duties of the sentry at each post;

When posting sentries to posts, take the areas under protection according to the report card and report this to the head of the guard;

Check before sending the guards to the posts, whether they left mobile communications, portable radios, players and other items in the guardroom that could distract the sentry from the service;

Monitor the correct loading of weapons by guards before sending them to posts and unloading weapons upon returning from posts;

report on the return of each shift to the head of the guard about the shift; the status of the posts, about all the shortcomings and measures taken to eliminate them;

check according to the schedule the service of sentries subordinate to him;

· It is allowed to rest (sleep) during the 24-hour duty schedule in accordance with the schedule with the permission of the head of the guard.

In the event of a serious illness (wound) or death of the head of the guard and his assistant, he enters into the temporary duties of the head of the guard. The incident is reported to the head of the security department of the institution or the operational duty officer (DPNSI) and the duty officer of the security department.

Question number 3. Duties of sentries,cynologists


The sentry is an inviolable person. The inviolability, honor, dignity of a sentry are protected by law. The lawful requirements of the sentry, determined by his service at the post, are binding on officials and citizens. Failure to comply with the lawful requirements of the sentry, as well as the actions of officials and citizens that prevent the sentry from fulfilling their duties, entail liability in the manner prescribed by law.

The sentry is subordinate to the head of the guard, the assistant to the head of the guard and his guard. No one, except for persons to whom the sentry is subordinate, has the right to interfere in his service.

The sentry has the right to change or remove from his post only the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard and his breeder. In the event of the death of the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard and his disengager or physical impossibility for them to fulfill their duties, the removal or change of the sentry is carried out by the head of the security department of the institution.

Independent change of sentries at posts is strictly prohibited.

Entering the post, at the command of the head of the guard or his assistant, the guard must inspect and check the presence and serviceability of everything that should be taken under guard according to the report card.

The transition of the sentry to the position of the sentry (the sentry to the position of the sentry) is determined by the moment of the report to the head of the guard (assistant to the head of the guard, spreading) about the acceptance (surrender) of the post.

The sentry must:

vigilantly guard and steadfastly defend your post;

· to serve cheerfully, not to be distracted, not to let go of the weapon and not to give it to anyone, including the persons to whom he is subordinate;

carefully inspect the approaches to the post and the fence, moving at the same time (where it is provided for by the time sheet of the posts) along the indicated route, and also check the serviceability of the signaling means;

Do not leave a post until it is replaced or removed, even if his life was in danger, except for the cases indicated in the report card;

· to have a weapon loaded according to the rules specified in this Instruction, and always be ready for action, use it in the order set forth in the report card;

Strictly observe the procedure for handling weapons and security measures;

Do not allow anyone closer to the post than the distance indicated in the report card and indicated on the ground, except for the head of the guard, the assistant head of the guard, his guard and the persons they accompany, as well as the head of the security department of the institution;

· upon hearing the barking of a guard dog or when TSO is triggered, immediately report this to the head of the guard and increase vigilance;

report to the head of the guard every 20 minutes during the day and 15 minutes at night (and immediately in case of an incident) about the situation and the results of the service.

The sentry at the post at night must keep the weapon in the ready position for standing shooting, in the daytime - in the “on the belt” position or in the ready position for standing shooting, unless otherwise indicated in the report card; in a closed car and when serving on an observation tower (sitting) - between the knees; pistols - in holsters; the lid of the bag with loaded magazines for machine guns and the holster for the pistol must be fastened, in addition, the pistol must be fastened to the waist belt with a revolver cord.

When serving by patrolling around the perimeter of the protected facility, for communication with the head of the guard and the officer on duty at the institution, the sentry is provided with a radio station and additional power to it.

In case of extinguishing a fire or eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster, the sentry is allowed to take the weapon in the “behind the back” position.

The weapons of the sentry-operator of the PUTSO and the sentry checkpoint for the passage of people are at the post, in the pyramid, loaded.

It is forbidden for a sentry to: sleep, write, read, sing, use mobile communications, portable radios, players, conduct conversations not related to the performance of duties, eat food, perform natural needs, receive or transfer any items, send a cartridge to the chamberlain, be distracted from service.

The hourly operator of the PUTSO and the hourly checkpoint are allowed to write in cases stipulated by their duties at the post.

The sentry should answer questions only from the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard, his guard and the persons who arrived to check the guard, while continuing to carefully monitor the post and the approaches to it.

When performing service at the post for the protection of objects of the penal system, the sentry must observe the following procedure for preventing the escape of convicted, suspected and accused of committing crimes:

1. upon detection of a convict (suspect, accused) within a 15-meter strip adjacent to the inner fence of the restricted area, or approaching the warning fence of the zero boundary of the restricted area, must trigger the alarm system for the immediate arrival of the reserve guard group and duty officers shifts.

2.when the criminal overcomes the fence of the inner forbidden zone, the sentry is obliged to shout “Stop! I will shoot ”and a shot up;

3.when the violator overcomes the main fence, the sentry uses a weapon to kill him.

To detain the violator, the sentry can leave the post and go on pursuit, if such actions are provided for by the report card.

At objects that do not have an internal restricted area or are not equipped with a fence, as well as when escorting on foot and in vehicles, the procedure for the sentry to suppress escapes from under guard is determined taking into account the characteristics of the object, the surrounding area, the vehicle on which the escort is carried out .

All persons approaching the post, the fences of the restricted areas from the outside or from the inside of the facility, the sentry stops by shouting: “Stop, who is coming!”. If there is no answer, the sentry warns with a shout: “Stop, I will shoot” and sends the cartridge into the chamber, triggers the “STS” or in another way established by the security plan, informs the head of the guard about the violation of the borders of the post by an unknown person. If the violator did not comply with the requirement of the sentry, the latter fires a shot (shots) upwards and in the order established by the report card, detains the violator. Weapons to kill the violator sentries are used in exceptional cases to repel an armed attack or prevent an escape.

If the sentry’s shout is followed by the answer: “The head of the guard is coming (assistant head of the guard, distributing), the sentry gives the command:“ The head of the guard (assistant head of the guard, distributing) - to me, the rest are in place. If necessary, the sentry demands that the person approaching him illuminate his face, making sure that the one who names himself is really the head of the guard (assistant to the head of the guard, who breeds him), the sentry gives the command to the rest: “Continue moving” and allows all arrived persons to the post.

In the event of his sudden illness (wound), the sentry calls the head of the guard, his assistant or his guard by the established signal, continuing to serve.

In extreme, urgent cases, or in the event of a malfunction of communications and signaling, the sentry can call the head of the guard, his assistant or his guard with a shot (shots) up to the post.


Watchman is the most important position. The person occupying it must not only meet certain (numerous, by the way) requirements. He is obliged to observe the duties of a sentry. And there are a lot of them. So it's worth talking about them.

Main provisions

The duties of a sentry are numerous. The first thing that a person holding this position should do is to guard and defend the post vigilantly. He must carry out the service cheerfully, without being distracted by absolutely anything. The weapon cannot be released from the hands. And even more so to give it away. Even those persons to whom he is subordinate. If the sentry is on an observation tower, then he is obliged to carefully examine all possible approaches to the post. On the service, by the way, he must also report.

It is forbidden to leave a post until the sentry is removed or replaced. He must remain there even if his life is in danger of some kind. This Weapon must be loaded and ready for action at any moment. Also, the duties of the sentry are that he should not let anyone closer to his post than the distance indicated in the report card. The exception is the head of the guard and his assistant, the guard and the persons accompanied by all of them.

It is also the responsibility of the sentry to know the schedule of movement of the guard vehicle, their identification signals and signs, plus the routes that the above follow. He must also be able, if necessary, to use the fire extinguishing agent available at the post.

If the sentry noticed a malfunction in the fence of the object, then he must call the head of the guard. And having heard the howl of a guard dog or the sound of a burglar alarm, he is obliged to report this to the guardhouse.

About weapons

The charter of the guard service obliges the sentry to carry a weapon with an attached bayonet. There are some peculiarities here. The bayonet must be in a sheath attached to the waist belt. An assault rifle with a folding stock must not have a bayonet. If the sentry is serving at night, then he must keep his weapon in a position from which it is possible to fire while standing. During the day it is “on the belt”.

If an employee is at an internal post or at the Battle Banner, then his machine gun must also be in the “on the belt” position (if the weapon has a wooden butt). The pistol must be kept in a holster (necessarily fastened), on a waist belt. If the weapon is an assault rifle with a folding butt, then it must be placed in the “on the chest” position. And the carbine is “to the leg”. It is worth knowing that if a fire occurs, then when extinguishing it, the sentry has the right to move his weapon behind his back.

So, guard duty, as you can already understand above, involves the carrying of weapons. When can it be applied? There are such situations, and they are described in the charter. So, the sentry is not what he can - he is obliged to resort to weapons without warning if a clear attack is carried out on him. He can also shoot if they encroach on the object guarded by him. Seeing a clear threat, or undergoing physical pressure from the attacker, he must shoot. Because otherwise the sentry may not have time to prevent the danger that threatens not only his life, but also other people. But! The shots must not damage third parties and the directly guarded object.


Now it is worth talking about what the charter of the guard service prohibits. The watchman can do almost nothing. He cannot eat, drink, sleep, smoke while on duty. Even leaning against something is forbidden. To cope with natural needs and talk - even more so. It is also forbidden to accept and transfer any items. He has no right to reload his gun. He can only answer the questions of the head of the guard or his assistant.

In general, as you can see, there are a lot of restrictions. So only a person with very strong endurance and patience can occupy the post of guard.

Interaction with others

The duties of a sentry on guard include many provisions. And it is not surprising, because the people holding this position guard the most important state or military facilities. Therefore, he warns all persons who are trying to approach the military post or the forbidden border of the post (they are marked on the ground with signs), shouting “Stop, back!” or “Stop, turn left/right!”. The exceptions are those listed above (that is, the head of the guard, his assistant, escorts, etc.)

And if other persons do not comply with the warning, then the duties of a sentry on guard allow him to shout: “Stop, I will shoot!” and arrest the perpetrator. He must immediately report this to the guardhouse and continue to monitor the person who disobeyed the warning. In parallel, he must continue to serve.

In those situations where the offender did not even listen to the second warning, the sentry must send the cartridge into the chamber and shoot up once. This is a warning. Third, as you can see. And if the violator ignores even a warning shot, continuing his actions or turning to flight, then the sentry must use the weapon on him.

Ways of communication

The guard post is a serious place. And this could already be understood from the above. It is necessary to tell a little more about how the sentry addresses certain persons while on duty. For example, if there is poor visibility at the post, and he heard steps, then you need to shout: “Stop, who is coming?”. If the answer is not given, or the violator crosses the forbidden guard border, then the duty of the sentry and sentry is to shout the phrase: “Stop, I will shoot!”. This is followed by the arrest of the person. Then, as already mentioned above, the employee reports this to the appropriate item.

If the question is followed by an answer that sounds like: “The head of the guard (or other position) is coming,” then the sentry is obliged to order: “The head of the guard is to me, the rest are in place.” Also, the employee has every right to demand to illuminate the face of a person suitable for the post. He must be convinced of the person approaching the protected object. And only after he sees with his own eyes that the right person is really the one who introduced himself, he can let all those who arrived with him to him. In these situations, especially when visibility is poor, the sentry must be especially careful. Duties are like this.

If the one who called himself lied, and he is not the head of the guard, and also ignored the warnings of the employee, then the cry follows: “Stop, I will shoot!”. For non-compliance with the requirement, the weapon is used on the violator.

Other situations

The above is far from all that the sentry must observe. The duties of the sentry also include the need to engage in hand-to-hand combat in order to protect himself and the object he is guarding. He is also obliged to boldly act either with a butt or with a knife-bayonet.

If a fire breaks out at the post, the sentry must first report this to the guardhouse, continuing to monitor the object and take actions to eliminate the fire.

In a situation where the sentry was wounded or he suddenly felt very unwell, he is obliged to call the guard or the head of the guard, while not stopping the service. If the incident is urgent (or when the means of communication has become unusable), the sentry can call the appropriate persons to the post with a shot upwards.

About report information

All of the above must be observed in strict order sentry. His duties, by the way, also prescribe a mandatory report of information about what happened during the service to the chiefs who arrived at the post. It can be done something like this: “Comrade Lieutenant! During the service, a drunken man was detained who crossed the border of the post and did not listen to the warning. By the way, the duties of the guard include greeting all persons who arrived at his post. The way it should be voiced is set out in the Combat Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. During the greeting, the machine is carried in the “on the belt” position.

It is worth knowing that the sentry, serving at the Battle Banner, is in a free position. He is obliged to accept only if it is necessary to greet the military personnel.

Also, during the reception of the Battle Banner under his protection, the sentry must inspect whether the cover (cabinet) is in good condition, and whether there is a seal on it. The banner of the guard can be issued only by personal order given by the chief. In those situations when the post located at the Battle Banner is threatened by some kind of danger (for example, the same fire), the sentry is obliged to report all the information about this to the higher military and, having ensured the safety of the Banner, take it to a place where there will be nothing for it threaten.

What is not in the charter

This is far from all that the sentry should follow. The duties of a sentry are not only in the charter. They are also specified outside of this document. So, for example, he must be aware of the access control at his post and know the security system in all details. The guard is obliged to know how the originals of passes and other documents look like, about their expiration date and other nuances.

He can let a person through only with his own pass. The guard must carefully check the document - not only the photograph, but also the expiration date. If inconsistencies of any kind are noticeable, then the duties and actions of the sentry in this situation allow him to detain this person and call the head of the guard for trial.

An employee is also obliged to stop a vehicle that is trying to penetrate beyond the boundaries of the post and demand the presentation of documents allowing passage. If the car arrived for any property, it is necessary to check where the number and name of those items that are subject to export / import are clearly indicated. And, of course, the duty of the sentry of the internal troops is to maintain silence. That is, he should not report any data, certificates, ciphers, passes, etc. people arriving at the site.

Acceptance and handover

Naturally, the entire guard service cannot lie on one employee alone. The duties of a sentry are difficult and important - therefore each of these persons has the right to rest. But before you go to take a breath, you need to pass the post. The change of sentries is carried out every two hours. If the temperature outside is less than -20 degrees, or a strong wind is raging, then the guards change hourly. The same is true if the air is heated above +30 C°. When changing, the head of the guard makes the appropriate notes in the guard sheet.

How does all this happen? When the shifter approaches the sentry by about 10-15 steps, the leader announces the command: “Change - stop!”. Then he voices the order, according to which one of the sentries must observe the post, as well as the approaches leading to it. It might look like this: “Private Timofeev. To accept the post and approaches under temporary supervision.” Then the guard is obliged to stand facing the approach of the shift, take the machine gun (“on the belt”). On command: “Private Romanov, march to the post-step!” the sentry must take a combat stance, take a step to the right. And the sentry - to approach him and stand in his place, always in the opposite direction. After the command: “Sentry, hand over the post!” he carries out what was said orally. That is, verbally surrenders the post. The guard and sentry at that moment should turn their heads towards each other. The second of these names the number of the post and lists everything that is subject to protection. Also, the sentry is obliged to say that he noticed near the object during his service. As soon as all this is done, the command follows: “Guard, accept the post!” - and the named person bypasses the protected object, checks whether the lighting, gates, fences, etc. are working properly.

Next, each of the employees completes everything with the words: “Comrade Sergeant, Private Timofeev passed post No. 3” and “Comrade Sergeant, Private Romanov accepted post No. 3.” The breeding team completes everything: “Private Timofeev, march from the post!”.

Duties of the Commanding Officer

Finally, I would like to briefly list them. The head of the guard is a person who is responsible for the protection, as well as the defense of those objects that are entrusted to the guard. He also monitors the combat readiness of sentries. It is he who is responsible for their service, for how correctly and competently they observe everything that they are entrusted with. Ammunition, weapons, vehicles and other property - everything is under his responsibility.

He has the right to demand from the change of solid knowledge and the corresponding performance of all duties. The chief accepts weapons, boxes of ammunition, technical means of protection and communications. He also inspects and checks especially important protected objects, checks whether this or that equipment is in good condition. If the post was attacked or some unforeseen situation happened there, the consequences of which could be extremely dangerous for the lives of people, guards, sentries and objects, he must immediately arrive at the scene and begin an operation to eliminate what happened.

The chief sends sentries to posts at a strictly agreed time and keeps the combat readiness of reserve employees under control. He also checks at least twice a day how the military is serving at the post. And if calls come from them, then he must come to the place of protection of the object personally. If a malfunction of any kind is detected at the post, then the head is obliged to arrive at the place, personally establish the nature of the damage and the reasons why this happened, and then take all possible steps to solve the problem.

In general, as you can see, guard duty is an activity that involves a huge responsibility. For people, for objects, for the territory adjacent to them, for weapons, ammunition and much more. So the individuals who carry out this service are not just military men. These are people of the highest endurance, patience and courage.


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