Business plan school carpentry workshop examples. Compact carpentry workshop: tools and equipment. Tools and equipment


*** The material presented here is intended only in general terms to reveal this type of business. It should be borne in mind that this is one of the possible options for opening a carpentry workshop, in practice, everything is individual. This guide is intended to help a novice entrepreneur with a basic calculation technique and focus on the cost and configuration of specialized woodworking equipment (new).

Recently, the demand for window and door blocks made of natural wood has increased significantly, and experts predict that it will continue to grow.

This is due to the fact that interest in metal-plastic constructions is gradually decreasing, and consumers with above-average incomes increasingly prefer environmentally friendly products made from natural wood.

Assortment and main sales channels

In a small carpentry shop you can produce simple window and door blocks, and in the future to master the direction of molded products. At the initial stage of business development, preference should be given to the simplest and most inexpensive technologies. As the main assortment, it is recommended to choose standard window and door blocks, so the demand for these products is constant.

The products of a small carpentry workshop will be of interest to individuals engaged in construction on their own, as well as to specialized retail stores.

Technology and equipment needed

The technology for producing window and door blocks can be divided into stages:

  1. cutting lumber, quality control;
  2. workpiece processing;
  3. assembly of the structure;
  4. grinding the product and coating.

For each of the above stages, you can purchase a separate machine or choose a woodworking center where all of the above steps can be completed. When purchasing a multifunctional installation, a significantly smaller workshop area will be required than if the machines will be installed separately.

An example of one of such woodworking centers is the D 300 installation, the manufacturer is a domestic enterprise, LLC TEKHSNAB. It is able to replace the main production facilities of a small carpentry workshop ( thicknessing, milling, grinding, planing machines).

You can also consider buying a multifunctional machine K5-260 (Bulgaria).

Additional tools

For the full work of the carpentry workshop, you must purchase the following tools:

  • moisture meter;
  • roulette;
  • calipers;
  • electric planer;
  • minimum locksmith tool kit;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • sander;
  • mains powered circular saws;
  • tool for applying coloring, antiseptic substances;
  • fan with bags for organizing sawdust.

Information about the area and number of staff

A small carpentry workshop can be organized on an area of \u200b\u200b60 m2. Space saving is achieved by combining all the equipment in a compact woodworking center.

Feasibility Study

Capital investments (in rubles):

  • purchase of equipment - 184,000
  • Tool expenses - 85,000
  • transportation costs - 50 000 rubles
  • purchase of raw materials - 400 000 rubles
  • business registration in the form of IP - 21,000;
  • other expenses (rental of premises) - 15,000.

Total amount of investment in business: 755,000 rubles

Revenue calculation

Provided 50% load of equipment and work in 24 shifts per month (shift 8 hours)

For the calculation, the standard sizes of door and window blocks GOST 6620-88, GOST 23166-78 were used.

Total revenue for 1 calendar month 668,468 rubles

Cost price   products, taking into account the standards of production of joinery

  • Window blocks - 4413 rubles / m2
  • Door blocks - 3298 rubles / m2
  • The prime cost of the monthly output is 458 692 rubles

General expenses:

  • salary (2 people and an entrepreneur 5 days a week for 8 hours) - 25620x3 \u003d 76860 rubles
  • workshop rental - 15000
  • social contributions to funds - 10686 rubles;
  • administrative expenses - 10 000 rubles
  • other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total fixed costs of the carpentry shop will amount to 127,546 rubles.

Profit calculation

Profit of the carpentry workshop \u003d 668468 - 127546 - 458692 \u003d 82,230 rubles

The return on investment, provided that the volumes are maintained and salaries are paid not only to the employee, but also to the entrepreneur, will be 9 months.

New business idea:   Production of fences and fences for private households under the ZaborLego franchise ”(new, lack of competition, high demand even in the current market conditions).

Joiner's tool for a home or professional workshop is one of the most important attributes of a joiner. In this article, we will examine in more detail which tools and equipment are necessary for the full and high-quality work of a joiner.

Today, more and more craftsmen dream of creating a small carpentry workshop in their own house, garage or other room. As a rule, most business men have a screwdriver, a jigsaw and even a circular saw. However, for the full work of the joiner, the above tool is not enough.

The main tool for the carpentry workshop

You will need a large number of shelves for storing tools, equipment and small nozzles for machine tools.

Recommendation.It is best to buy carpentry tools and equipment in the middle price category. It’s better not to consider cheap ones, in view of build quality and reliability, but a professional tool because of its high cost and uselessness for domestic and semi-professional tasks.

Reysmus - the best assistant carpenter

Reysmus - an electric planer, which is fixed permanently on the bed. This machine allows you to plan boards at a strictly specified thickness. Buying a simple unprocessed board, With the help of a thicknesser, we can turn it into a beautiful finished product.

Submersible circulation saw with tire

This equipment provides the ability to quickly and beautifully cut sheet material. This saw allows you to replace the format-cutting professional machine. A submersible circulation saw with a tire is a less productive, but no less accurate carpentry tool.

Bandsaw Machine

This equipment is not so indispensable as convenient for creating curved cuts, to cut unusual patterns and shapes on workpieces. It is also worth noting that this band saw machine is very affordable for a person with an average income.

Miter saw

Miter saw is used for most carpentry tasks:

  • size adjustment of workpieces;
  • trimming knots, bumps on the workpieces;
  • processing the ends of the workpieces.

To work with a miter saw, we need a special industrial vacuum cleaner that connects to the machine, allowing you to suck out all the dusty chips. Since in the process of intensive operation a lot of wood sawdust and dust are produced.

Chip Suction - Joiner's Best Friend

When several machines are installed in the workshop, it becomes necessary to purchase a chip-suction. Since the carpentry equipment produces a lot of sawdust and wood dust during operation. The design of the chip-suction is too simple - the engine and the impeller with the tank, which affects its affordable cost. For this reason, you can buy the simplest suction chips.

Jointer - creates a perfectly smooth surface

First of all, when buying a jointer it is worth paying attention to such important parameters as:

  • planing width;
  • desktop length.

It is worth noting that the longer the desktop, the more accurate, the processed workpieces are obtained. The jointer allows you to create a flat plane of the wooden workpiece.


If we take a grinding machine and attach it to a joiner's table with clamps, then we get a full-fledged grinding machine. Using a grinding machine, you can create a smooth surface, remove burrs on wooden workpieces. To mount the clamps, the grinding machine must have special holes, as shown in the photo below.

With the help of a manual mill, a number of carpentry operations can be performed.

  • Making holes in the workpieces;
  • Cleaning blanks from knots, bumps;
  • Making edges and protrusions.

To expand the functionality of the manual router, you can make yourself a small carpentry bed, as shown in the photo below.

As the basis of the table, a metal 6 mm plate was taken, to which a manual milling cutter will be fixed. The metal plate is attached to the tabletop from a chipboard sheet. In parallel, a side stop is mounted, which is made of a piece of an old floorboard. The rest of the table design is made from scraps that were in the workshop. The movable carriage was taken from an old circular saw. A special box with an adapter for connecting a vacuum cleaner is mounted to the parallel stop.

Woodworking is one of the most promising areas for small businesses. Today, several thousand small enterprises are involved in this area, in the vast majority of cases specializing in the manufacture of furniture. However, the market concept is such that low-cost products from chipboard and fiberboard are in stable demand. At the same time, a significant share of consumers who prefer high-quality furniture made of natural wood remains, which makes such a business promising and relevant.

First of all, it is worth determining what specific products are planned to be manufactured. A lot of household items are made from wood, from souvenirs to doors, window frames. When analyzing the market, it should be understood that it is best to start production in a certain narrow segment, gradually expanding and diversifying activities.

Conventionally, the following categories of items made from natural wood can be distinguished:

  1. Window. Despite the growing demand for metal-plastic frames, a number of consumers prefer traditional wood products. Mass production of wooden frames is by no means worth launching; it is recommended that only individual orders be carried out.
  2. Doors Unlike windows, doors (both entrance and interior) made from solid pieces of wood are in stable demand. The consumer market is much wider, however, as in the case of frames, custom work should be done. Thus, it will be possible not only to sell all products (doors must be made in strict accordance with the dimensions), but also to find an individual design solution for each client.
  3. Furniture. This category includes numerous household items: from cabinets and tables to beds and carved benches. Here you can produce not only individual orders, but also in batches. Despite the steady demand for chipboard and fiberboard products, natural wood furniture is appreciated by many consumers for its quality and durability.
  4. Crockery and kitchen tools. It should be remembered that traditional spoons and plates made of wood are practically not in demand, so this category includes various coasters (for example, for knives), cutting boards, shovels for stirring food, rolling pins and much more. Such products can be manufactured regardless of personal orders of customers.
  5. Souvenir products and toys. This includes both a variety of charms and charms made of wood, and board, logic games (for example, “Jenga”, which consists of only a few dozen identical bars of wood, simple and cheap to manufacture, but very popular and in demand).

Wood selection

When choosing wood for processing, specialists must take into account many aspects, such as texture, pattern, shade, mechanical characteristics of the breed, etc. Conventionally, it is possible to divide wood into 3 types of species: soft (pine, birch), medium (cherry, beech), hard (maple). Hard varieties are difficult to process, but the furniture and products made from them are of high quality, and their service life is many times higher. It is also worth paying attention to the moisture resistance of wood: it is necessary to understand the purpose of the product, in what conditions it will be used. The relationship between hardness and moisture resistance is absent.

The most popular breeds include:

  1. Walnut is a hard variety with a rich variety of shades, black nut has the highest value. Despite its hardness, it is quite easy to process. Often used to decorate luxury furniture and carvings.
  2. Birch is the most accessible and widespread breed, it is easy to process and is pickled with paint. Unfortunately, it is quickly affected by microorganisms. If you use Karelian birch, you can get a unique appearance of the product (similarity to marble, a specific pattern).
  3. Oak is a solid, durable, resistant to damage and durable material for any furniture. Carving and processing are quite difficult, but the result is an impressive product.
  4. Beech is more plastic than oak, but it is almost as solid and durable. Easy to process, can be painted, bleached, sanded, tinted, etc. The cost of finished products is slightly inferior to oak.
  5. Pine - soft and light, easy to process, but not resistant to external damage. It has an unobtrusive aroma.

Larch, cherry, linden and even maple are also actively used. Each breed has its own characteristics, but at first it is best to limit yourself to a cheap and widespread birch.

Manufacturing technology

Depending on the type of manufactured products, as well as the availability of certain equipment, the technological process for creating wood products may vary. However, conditionally almost any wooden structure in the production goes through the following steps:

  1. Checking the quality of the material, followed by cutting. Before you start to make products from whole pieces of wood, you should definitely check it for quality: there should be no chips, cracks, other defects. Otherwise, this may affect not only the aesthetic appeal of the product, but even its quality and durability.

After the wood is recognized as quality, you can start marking. First, a small sketch of the product is made, its sketch. Then, after agreement with the customer (if required), the master proceeds to create a drawing indicating all sizes and structural elements. Next, you need to transfer the marking to wood and cut the material.

  1. Creation of blanks, their revision. As a result of the cutting of wood, blanks will be obtained that need to be processed (cut off the excess, bring the form, etc.). At this stage, the final quality of the product is actually determined: if the slightest mistake is made, the defect will remain visible on the finished product.
  2. Assembly of the product. When all the structural elements are ready, you will need to assemble them. For this, various mounting materials (screws, glue, etc.) can be used. As a result, the product will be given a finished look and only the final processing will be required.
  3. Grinding and coating. An almost finished product needs to be processed in order to remove all irregularities and roughness that spoil its appearance and can cause various injuries to customers (scratches, splintering, etc.). In some cases, it is necessary to apply a coating, most often a special varnish is used for this.

After all of the above, the product is recognized as fully finished and can be transferred to the buyer (customer).

Business plan

The primary task in organizing a business is its official registration with the tax authorities. Since it is planned to open a small carpentry workshop, it does not make sense to open a separate legal entity; it is better to limit yourself to registration as an individual entrepreneur. This will greatly simplify a number of organizational processes in the future (reporting, accounting), and also allow faster withdrawal of profits. In addition, individual entrepreneurs can use special taxation regimes in order to save on costs. To register an entrepreneur, it is required to pay a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles, as well as fill out a corresponding application (the form is issued by the tax authorities).

After the business is officially registered, you should proceed to the selection of premises for the workshop. Theoretically, your own garage may be suitable for this, however, even it will require additional equipment. Therefore, it is better and easier to rent (to rent, to buy even a small room at the start of a business entails significant costs) premises. The main requirements are:

  • Area - about 50 sq.m.
  • Ceiling height - 3 m.
  • Temperature is above 15 ° C.
  • Humidity is less than 20%.
  • Installed ventilation system.
  • Power supply.

This area is better to rent on the outskirts of settlements, because this will save on monthly rental payments. On average, the cost of renting such a room will cost about 35,000 rubles a month. They also need to add regular utility bills (especially for electricity), which will amount to 5,000 rubles per month.

1) Machine equipment:

  • Lathe - 30 000 rubles.
  • Circular saw - 20,000 rubles.
  • Thicknessing machine - 25 000 rubles.
  • Grinding machine - 10 000 rubles.
  • Jointing machine - 25 000 rubles.

Total:   110 000 rubles.

2) Auxiliary power tools:

  • Drill - 5,000 rubles.
  • Screwdriver - 5,000 rubles.
  • Jigsaw - 4,000 rubles.
  • Power Planer - 6,000 rubles.
  • Airbrush and compressor - 10,000 rubles.

Total:   30 000 rubles.

3) Auxiliary hand tools and equipment:

  • A set of tools for woodworking (chisels, chisels, mallets, hammers, etc.) - 12,000 rubles.
  • Moisture meter - 2,000 rubles.
  • Caliper - 1,500 rubles.
  • Vise - 4,000 rubles.
  • Roulettes - 500 rubles.

Total:   20 000 rubles.

Thus, at least 160,000 rubles will be required to equip the carpentry workshop with all the minimum necessary equipment.

To hire or not to hire additional staff is the business of the entrepreneur. It should be understood that a number of works are extremely difficult to perform alone, you should also take care of good performance. All administrative duties (purchasing raw materials, selling products, finding customers, etc.) are assigned to the business owner. To ensure the work of the workshop you need:

  • Director of operations. He is engaged in the preparation of drawings, manages the production process, performs a certain front of work on material sawing, assembly and processing of products, etc. Requirements: secondary vocational education in the field of woodworking, at least 3 years of experience. Salary - 25,000 rubles per month.
  • Machine operator It is necessary for the initial processing of products on machines, monitors their condition, in case of malfunctions, eliminates them. Requirements: secondary vocational education, work experience of a year. Salary - 20,000 rubles per month.
  • Handyman. Required to perform the main front of woodworking. No special requirements, work experience is welcome. Salary - 15 000 rubles per month.

The staff works a classic 40-hour work week, in the absence of orders, employees are not required to leave. The total payroll fund is 60,000 rubles. However, it is worth remembering that the employer must pay various contributions to the funds (PFR, FSS, MHIF) for their employees in the amount of 30% of their remuneration. Accordingly, personnel costs amount to 78,000 rubles per month.

Also, the entrepreneur himself is obliged to pay contributions to pension and medical funds. Currently, a fixed payment system is used, amounting to 32,385 rubles per year or 2,699 rubles per month.

Thus, the cost structure is as follows:

  1. Starting a business:
  • IP registration - 800 rubles.
  • Equipment purchase - 160,000 rubles.

Total: 160 800 rubles.

  1. Monthly expenses:
  • The rent is 35,000 rubles.
  • Utility payments - 5,000 rubles.
  • Remuneration of staff - 78,000 rubles.
  • IP contributions for themselves - 2 699 rubles.

Total: 120 699 rubles.

The markup on wood products varies depending on the specific type of products and is, on average, about 100%. If the workshop will produce, for example, interior doors in a complete set (canvas, box, platbands, etc.), then the cost of such a unit made of solid wood for wholesale sales is about 9,000 rubles. Excluding raw materials, as well as fixing materials, the gross profit from the sale of the kit will amount to about 4,500 rubles. Accordingly, to achieve breakeven, it is monthly necessary to produce and sell at least 27 sets. Production capabilities allow us to produce about 2 sets per shift, which guarantees the extraction of gross profit per month in the amount of 198,000 rubles. Excluding income tax (STS “6% income”) and monthly expenses, net profit is 65,421 rubles. This approach will pay for the business in 3 months.

Welcome to our Dream Workshop Ideas page!

This is the 2017 update of the review photo gallery, in which we have collected a variety of ideas and options for realizing the dream: My ideal workshop. In the second version, the information is structured, supplemented with explanations, and of course, a lot new schemes and photos .
* This photo review was created for informational purposes and is not a product, you can print this page yourself and for free.

If you have your own interesting photos, ideas, suggestions, then you can send them for posting in this review (indicating your data as an author)via or by e-mail: . You can write your comments in the reviews for this page.

Which amateur or master does not dream of his nook in which he could realize his dreams and ideas? And our Russian man has a Kulibinsk vein laid with genes. Give us only time, place and tools in our hands and oh, we’ll turn around like that, but how the soul will sing ...

In this photo-gallery article, we have collected a wide variety of ideas and options for realizing our Dream: from a tool box and a workbench in an apartment (house, shed) to a full-fledged, separate workshop, equipped with a full range of equipment and tools that you may need. Be sure to consider such a solution as a mobile (mobile) Workshop. Also have a photo
  A workshop from a historical point of view - as joiners did in past centuries. Of course, modern solutions have been added.

Everyone has their own way to their Dream Workshop, but to as in any other business, the solutions and outcome depend on the approach and experience. You can do it yourself as simple as possible. Often we are accustomed to this very thing: to do it quickly and cheaply, without decoration and amenities. Because there is always not enough money or time, and therefore we have what we have. But still, with examples of other decisions - with fiction, a thorough approach and creative hands - we will show how you can make your Dream Workshop.

So, let's begin! Dream Workshop 2.0

and his lesser brothers who took this idea into service. For example

Or a stationary table in addition to the MFT-3 table itself

A large work surface is often necessary in the Workshop, where it is necessary to work with large workpieces, and therefore often, in order to save space, a table or workbench can be combined with machines in a large single work surface:

You can view a detailed overview of workbenches on the page

Do not forget about the place of storage of the material.
Moreover, the option in the photo on the right is preferable, as it provides good ventilation for almost every board.

And each of them was valued no less than the content itself.

Modern solutions do not look so monumental, but they are more inventive:

Boxes, systeminers and organizers are available and factory-made:
  A special place in tool storage systems .
  Their main advantage is docking with each other, with vacuum cleaners (above). and besides, they support a weight of 120 kg. That is, a person of tight build can stand on them without fear of breaking.

Chest box. So did before:

And they are doing it now:

Still drawers and drawers

The combination of the workbench built into the chest of drawers of the old company Hammacher-Schlemmer:

you can buy   and build your own version of this universal and self-sufficient workplace:

Such boxes in past centuries were often made portable, so earlier they tried to accommodate as much as possible

Henry O. Stadley was especially successful in this - a carpenter, a piano master from Massachusetts spent 30 years creating a set of tools for repairing, tuning and even assembling pianos, pianos, and organs from scratch. In a suitcase measuring 99x46x23 cm (closed) it holds more than 300 unique handmade tools and accessories.

Video review of a cabinet for carpentry tools by Henry O. Stadley

The main thing when placing the tool is to take into account the division into zones with a similar functional purpose: saws in one place, planers in another, a measuring tool in the third and so on.

Workshop arrangement

There is a work surface. There is a tool and there is where to store it. And now our home workshop is already being born. At the same time, of course, we value our own, self-made homemade Workshop more.

With the accumulation of tools, the Workshop is surrounded by a variety of tool cabinets, convenient shelves and, as we have already noted, at least one large table, a workbench (who needs what). And then the storage system. begins to expand to its "wall", corner, room.

You must consider how much everything is conveniently placed. In this case, ergonomics advises the following:

On the right is the minimum opening size in inches (25.4 cm)

Looking for your style   The master arranges the room   The workshop is at your own discretion, according to which much can already be said about its owner.
  For example, a carpentry workshop is difficult to confuse with something else. So it looked mainly in past centuries:

And here is the solution, where everything "revolves" around the Master himself. It is immediately clear that the main position for work is sedentary.

The introduction of a small decor can add to the attractiveness of the workshop.

And here is the modern home carpentry workshop:

You will not confuse a home forge with anything. So she looked not only in past centuries, but often now often find such forges:

And this is what a modern full-fledged blacksmith factory might look like:

To arrange everything compactly, conveniently, and even beautifully, with taste - is it not aerobatics!

But over time, the room becomes small over time. And we equip the garage under the Workshop and also come off whoever knows how and how. Here, too, much depends on the direction of hobby. Someone gravitates to metal and makes a metal workshop with the appropriate equipment.

At the same time, the most modern materials, equipment and devices can be used for the manufacture of a locksmith workshop:

Below - workshop examples   and equipping them with a wide variety of tools and machines.

Some Masters are lovers of a single brand.
  Here it may look Tool workshop :

In the end, your workshop may just be your "den":

But, with a special desire ...
  In fact, you can get a finished furniture workshop oreven mini factory. For example, an ideal studio is a workshop or an ideal workplace where you want to spend more time.

* - regarding the delivery of Hammer machines you can contact the managers of our company.

View of a similar workshop from the left and right rear corner.

And this is how full-fledged furniture shops might look

However, this may not be a purely carpentry, but a universal workshop in which you can realize your wildest ideas.

Photo example of the Russian Master

  He set up and equipped his Workshop from scratch. The Workshop's building is on a welded frame made of metal profiles. Both channels and corners are used. The frame is sheathed with sandwich panels. Floors are bulk. Heating - diesel boiler. The brought electric power - 15 kW.
  Joiner's equipment: Combined Belgian Robland HX 310 PRO machine (we will supply you on request), miter saw , manual frezer , dowel milling cutter , tenoning machine with dust extraction and milling support device, belt sander , grinder , vacuum cleaner and vacuum cleaner FESTOOL CLEANTEC CT 17 E.

Prefabricated shelving from standard elements.

All wooden furniture in the Workshop is made on its own.

This workbench of our own manufacture. Welded frame from a box-section profile. Screws for vise are also self-made. Worktop made of glued birch bars, coated with oil . As for the material, the solution is unusual, but for almost a year of use it has not revealed any flaws.

He makes such products in his workshop:

In addition to furniture, he is engaged in interior decoration in wood. The walls and ceiling in this room are made of self-made glued panels.

Once again, we invite everyone to share their experience and success!

The exterior of the workshop

The decision on how the Workshop will look outside depends on your taste and possibilities:


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