The contract of social services for citizens at home sample. Agreement on the provision of social services (sample form). on the provision of social services

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Approximate form

Contract N ____
on providing social services

g .________________

"__" ____________ ____ g.

(Name, passport data), __ hereinafter referred to as the "Recipient of social services", on the one hand, and

(name or full name), __ hereinafter referred to as the "Provider of social services" or "Contractor", represented by (position, full name of the authorized representative), acting on the basis (credential), on the other hand, have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Contractor undertakes, on the basis of a written application of the Recipient of Social Services or its legal representative and this Agreement, to render services to the Client by forces social worker Social services provider in accordance with the agreed list of social services (Appendix N ____ to the Agreement) on a full payment basis.

1.2. An integral part of this Agreement are:

- statement;

- An individual program of social services;

- medical report on the absence of contraindications for the provision of paid social services;

- an agreed list of social services provided on a full payment basis (Appendix N ____ to the Agreement);

- an act of services performed (Appendix N ____ to the Agreement).

1.3. Essential terms of the Agreement:

form of social service - ________________;

types of social services - ________________;

places of rendering social services - ________________;

the volume of social services - ________________;

the frequency of social services - ________________;

conditions for the provision of social services - ________________;

terms of providing social services - ________________.

1.4. Upon conclusion of this Agreement, the Recipient of Social Services is notified:

list of recommended social service providers and social support activities carried out in accordance with article 22 of the Federal law of December 28, 2013 N 442-ФЗ "On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation" (Signature of Social Services Recipient);

the procedure and terms for revising an individual program, taking into account the results of the implemented individual program ;

the procedure for changing the individual program and making amendments to this Agreement in the event of a change of place of residence, and / or state of health, and / or other circumstances in the life of the Recipient of social services (Signature of Social Services Recipient).

2. Amount of payment under the Agreement and the procedure for its payment

2.1. The recipient of social services or his legal representative pays for social services on the basis of an agreed list of social services, given in Appendix N ____ to the Agreement and which is its integral part.

2.2. The beneficiary of social services or his legal representative shall pay a fee for the services provided for in clause 2.1 of this Agreement to the account of the provider of social services through credit organizations or to the cashier of the provider of social services independently.

3. Rights and obligations of the Parties

3.1. The recipient of social services has the right:

- receive information from the Contractor on issues related to the organization and ensuring the proper execution of services provided for in Appendix N 1 to the Agreement;

- make proposals to the Contractor on making amendments and additions to this Agreement.

3.2. The Contractor undertakes:

- provide services in volumes and within the time agreed by the Contractor and the Recipient of social services (Appendix N ____ to the Agreement);

- notify the Recipient of social services in writing of a change in tariffs for social services provided.

3.3. Upon receipt of social services, the Recipient of social services must:

- timely pay for social services;

- respect the persons providing social services, not to allow rudeness, insults to them;

- stay at home during the days of the provision of services by the social worker of the Contractor;

- inform the Contractor about the reasons for refusing social services;

- inform the Contractor about newly arising circumstances entailing a change in the terms of this Agreement.

3.4. The recipient of social services is not entitled to:

- refuse from the Contractor acquired by the social worker of the order that he had previously ordered;

- demand from the Contractor's social workers the services of third parties: relatives, neighbors, etc .;

- require the social workers of the Contractor to provide social services on credit (purchase of products, orders, payment utilities etc.);

moscow "___" _________201_ years.

Open joint-stock company “______________________” (the abbreviated name of the company is “_______”), hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, represented by cEO _______________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand,

and c. ____________________, __________ year of birth, TIN - __________, passport ________________ issued by _________, ATS _____________, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", have concluded this agreement onerous provision services (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement
1.1. Under this agreement, the Contractor provides the Customer who partially lost the ability to self-service in connection with _______________, assistance at home in the form of social services, social and medical services and other assistance.
1.2. An integral part of this agreement is the list of social services provided, as well as a medical opinion on the absence of contraindications for the provision of services social services.
1.3. This contract for the provision of services is concluded for an indefinite period.

2. The procedure for the provision and receipt of social services
2.1. The provision of social services is carried out in volumes and within the time agreed by the Contractor and the Customer.
2.2. The fact of the provision of social services is recorded in the diary of the social worker and is certified by the signature of the Customer.
2.3. Pre-trial claims for social services are presented by the Customer to the Contractor through the social worker or by phone specified in this contract for the provision of services on the day of service, but no later than three days after the provision of the service.
2.4. The Contractor shall eliminate the deficiencies made through the fault of his employee, not later than 10 days from the date of the claim.
2.5. The Contractor is not entitled to transfer the performance of obligations under the contract for the provision of services to third parties.
2.6. The Contractor has the right to replace the social worker providing social services to the Customer.

3. Rights and obligations of the Parties
3.1. Upon receipt of social services, the Customer has the right to:
- respectful and humane attitude on the part of the Contractor's employees;
- information on their rights, obligations and conditions for the provision of social services;
- refusal of social services;
- confidentiality of personal information that has become known to the Contractor's employees in the provision of social services;
- receipt of a receipt from a social worker in the receipt of funds for the purchase of products, payment of utilities;
- Replacement of an employee providing social services in case of irregular or poor quality service;
- protection of their rights and legitimate interests, including in court.
3.2. The customer agrees to create the necessary conditions for social services and observe the rules of conduct for social services:
- stay at home during the days and hours of the visit by his social worker;
- comply with sanitary and hygienic rules, if this is possible due to health reasons;
- respect the persons providing social services, not to allow rudeness, insults to them;
- pay for social services in the manner and terms stipulated by this contract for the provision of services;
- to sign .
3.3. The Contractor is obliged:
- provide assistance to the Customer by providing social, social, medical, social, psychological, socio-pedagogical, socio-economic and socio-legal services provided for in this agreement, in an appropriate manner and within the agreed time frame;
- ensure the confidentiality of personal information that has become known to the Customer’s employees in the provision of social services;
- provide the Customer with a respectful and humane attitude on the part of the Contractor’s employees.

Appendix to the Regulation on the admission of citizens to institutions of non-stationary social services of the Department social protection population of Moscow


G. Moscow "___" ___________ 200__

State institution Center for Social Services (GU Integrated Center for Social Services) "___________________" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) represented by _______________________________________________________, (full name of the head of the Institution) acting on the basis of the Regulation approved by ________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ from "____" _____________ 200__ N ________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", on the one hand, and _________________________________________ (full name of a citizen or his legal representative ___________________________________________________________________________) _________ year of birth, passport series ____________ N ___________________,

Issued by _________________________________________________________________, registered at: _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________, tel. _______________ residing at the address: ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________, tel. ________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Client", on the other hand (hereinafter - the Parties), have concluded this agreement (hereinafter - the Agreement) as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Contractor, on the basis of the Order on the Establishment dated "__" _________ 20__ N _____, a written application of the Client, this Agreement and in accordance with the territorial list of state-guaranteed social services provided to the population by the social services of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Territorial List), provides the following types of social services:

1.2. The quality of the services provided under this Agreement must comply with the requirements of GOST R 52142-2003 "Social services for the population. Quality of social services. General Provisions"and GOST R 52884-2007" Procedure and conditions for the provision of social services to senior citizens and persons with disabilities. "

1.3. An integral part of this Agreement are:

Application for service acceptance;

Medical report on the absence of contraindications for the provision of social services;

Act of inspection of material situation;

Help copy State institution Engineering service.

2. Rights and Obligations of the parties

2.1. A client credited to social services has the right to:

Refusal of social services;

Obtaining sufficient to meet the basic vital needs of social services in accordance with the approved territorial list;

Information about their rights, obligations and conditions for the provision of social services;

Confidentiality of personal information that has become known to a social worker in the provision of social services;

5.1. The contract may be renegotiated:

When changing legislation Russian Federation or the city of Moscow;

When changing other essential conditions affecting the provision of social services.

5.2. The contract may be terminated:

If the Client has medical contraindications to social services;

In case of repeated violations by the Client of the Rules of conduct of citizens, consisting of services, which are approved by the administration of the Institution;

According to the decision of the commission for the reception and withdrawal of services from the department of social protection of the population administrative district Moscow city;

In case of registration of the Client in a stationary social service institution.

5.3. The Agreement is considered terminated regardless of the will of the Parties in the event of the death of the Client.

6. Dispute Resolution

6.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise on the subject of the Agreement are resolved through negotiations between the Parties.

6.2. If the Parties do not come to an agreement, the dispute is referred to the Department of Social Protection of the Administrative District of Moscow for consideration.

6.3. The dispute resolution procedure specified in clauses 6.1 and 6.2 of the Agreement does not interfere with the appeal of the Client and the Contractor for the protection of their rights under the Agreement in court.

7. Duration of the Agreement

7.1. This Agreement is:


Temporary and is valid until "___" __________ 200__

7.2. The contract comes into force from the day of its signing by the Parties.

8. Final provisions

8.1. This Agreement is made in duplicate, having equal legal force, one of which is with the Contractor, the other with the Client.

8.2. Any agreement between the Parties, entailing new obligations, shall be considered valid if it is made in writing in the form of an appropriate supplement to this Agreement and is duly signed by authorized persons of the Parties.

8.3. All changes and additions to this Agreement must be signed by duly authorized persons of the Parties.

8.4. In the event of early termination of this Agreement, the Parties are obliged to notify the other Party in writing not later than three days before its termination in writing.

9. Legal addresses and signatures of the Parties

"Contractor" "Client" State Center for Social Service Surname (State Institution ___________________________ Complex Center Name of Social Services) ___________________________ ___________________________ Middle Name ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Address of registration place ( legal address) ___________________________ telephone ___________________________ ___________________________ Address of the place of actual Bank details: residence ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Telephone ___________________________ ___________________________ Passport data: Series ______ N ____________ ___________________________ Issued _____________________ (signature) ___________________________ Date of issue ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Unit name ________________________________ (signature) Date ___________________________ ___________________________ (Name of Client) Date ___________________________

__________ "___" ________ ____ ________________________, hereinafter referred to as __ "Recipient of social services", (full name, passport details) on the one hand, and ________________________________, referred to __ hereinafter (name or full name) ) "Provider of social services" or "Contractor", represented by ___________________________, (position, full name of the authorized representative) acting on the basis of ______________________________, on the other hand, (document confirming authority) have concluded this Agreement as follows:
1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Contractor undertakes, on the basis of a written application of the Recipient of Social Services or its legal representative and this Agreement, to provide the Client with the services of the social worker of the Social Services Provider in accordance with the agreed list of social services (Appendix N ___ to the Agreement) on a full payment basis.

1.2. An integral part of this Agreement are:


Individual program of social services;

Medical report on the absence of contraindications for the provision of paid social services;

An agreed list of social services provided on a full payment basis (Appendix N ___ to the Agreement);

Act of services performed (Appendix N __ to the Agreement).

1.3. Essential terms of the Agreement:

form of social service - ______________________________;

types of social services - _______________________________________________;

places of rendering social services - _____________________________________;

the volume of social services - ______________________________________________;

the frequency of social services - ______________________________________;

conditions for the provision of social services - _____________________________;

terms of providing social services - _______________________________.

1.4. At the conclusion of this Agreement, the Recipient of social services is informed: a list of recommended providers of social services and social support activities carried out in accordance with Art. 22 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-ФЗ "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation" _____________________________; (Signature of the Social Services Recipient) the procedure and terms for revising an individual program, taking into account the results of the implemented individual program _______________________; (signature of the Beneficiary of Social Services) the procedure for changing the individual program and amending this Agreement in the event of a change of residence, and / or state of health, and / or other circumstances in the life of the Beneficiary of social services ___________. (Signature of Social Services Recipient)

2. Amount of payment under the Agreement and the procedure for its payment

2.1. The recipient of social services or his legal representative pays for social services on the basis of the agreed list of social services, given in Appendix N ___ to the Agreement and which is its integral part.

2.2. The beneficiary of social services or his legal representative shall pay a fee for the services provided for in clause 2.1 of this Agreement to the account of the provider of social services through credit organizations or to the cashier of the provider of social services independently.

3. Rights and obligations of the Parties

3.1. The recipient of social services has the right:

Receive information from the Contractor on issues related to the organization and ensuring the proper execution of services provided for in Appendix N 1 to the Agreement;

Submit proposals to the Contractor on amendments and additions to this Agreement.

3.2. The Contractor undertakes:

Provide services in volumes and within the time agreed by the Contractor and the Recipient of social services (Appendix N ___ to the Agreement);

Notify the Recipient of Social Services in writing of changes in tariffs for social services provided.

3.3. Upon receipt of social services, the Recipient of social services must:

Timely pay for social services;

Respect the persons providing social services, not to allow rudeness, insults to them;

To be at home during the days of the provision of services by the social worker of the Contractor;

Notify the Contractor of the reasons for refusing social services;

To inform the Contractor of newly arising circumstances entailing a change in the terms of this Agreement.

3.4. The recipient of social services is not entitled to:

Refuse from the Contractor acquired by the social worker of the order that he had previously ordered;

Require third party service providers from social workers: relatives, neighbors, etc .;

Demand from the social workers of the Contractor the provision of social services on credit (purchase of products, orders, payment of utilities, etc.);

Require maintenance while in drunk, as well as the performance of work that is not provided for by this Agreement, and to degrade the dignity of the Contractor's social workers.

3.5. The Contractor is obliged:

Provide the Recipient of social services with complete and reliable information about the volume and quality of the services provided;

Ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement and the rights of the Recipient of social services provided by law and this Agreement;

Not to disclose personal information about the Recipient of social services, which became known to him in the performance of his duties under the Agreement.

4. The procedure for the provision of social services

4.1. The provision of paid social services is carried out in the amounts and within the time agreed by the Contractor and the Recipient of social services.

4.2. After signing this Agreement for the provision of social services and before the start of the provision of services, the Recipient of social services (or his legal representative) makes a payment in the amount of 100% of the cost of the service.

4.2.1. The recipient of social services (or his legal representative) shall pay the fee to the account of the Provider of social services through credit organizations or to the cash desk of the Provider of social services of the Contractor independently, but no later than _____ days before the start of the provision of paid services.

4.2.2. In the event of the death of the Recipient of Social Services, the refund of the payments made shall be made within ___ days from the moment the Provider of Social Services is notified about this to the account of the Recipient of Social Services or to a notary deposit at the place of opening the inheritance.

4.3. The decision on the provision of services is made on the basis of the personal application of the Social Services Recipient or his legal representative in the prescribed form (Appendix N N ___ to the Procedure).

4.4. Claims on the quality of social services provided on a paid basis, their volume and terms of provision are submitted by the citizen (Social Services Recipient) or his legal representative to the Contractor by phone on the day of discovery or in writing, but no later than _____ days from the day the service is provided.

The Contractor shall eliminate the deficiencies made through the fault of his employee, no later than _____ days from the date of the claim.

4.5. The Contractor is not entitled to transfer the performance of obligations under the Agreement to third parties.

5. Responsibility of the Parties

5.1. In cases where the Recipient of Social Services refuses to pay social services in the prescribed amount, the Contractor has the right to decide on the suspension or termination of this Agreement in accordance with the law.

5.2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Service Agreement, the Contractor is liable under the laws of the Russian Federation and this Agreement.

5.3. In case of detection of deficiencies in the provided service, the Recipient of social services has the right at his own choice to demand:

Gratuitous elimination of deficiencies in the services provided

A corresponding reduction in the price of the service provided.

The recipient of social services has the right to terminate the Service Agreement and demand full compensation for losses if, within the period specified by the specified Agreement, the shortcomings of the rendered service by the Contractor are not eliminated.

The recipient of social services is also entitled to terminate the Service Agreement if he has discovered significant shortcomings of the provided service or other significant deviations from the terms of the Agreement.

The recipient of social services is also entitled to demand full compensation for losses caused to him in connection with the shortcomings of the service provided.

Losses shall be reimbursed within the time limits established to satisfy the relevant requirements of the Social Services Recipient.

5.4. Claims related to the shortcomings of the provided service may be made upon acceptance of the provided service, during the provision of the service or, if it is not possible to detect deficiencies in the acceptance of the provided service, within the time periods established by this paragraph.

The recipient of social services has the right to make claims related to the shortcomings of the provided service, during the warranty period, and in its absence - within a reasonable time, within two years from the date of acceptance of the provided service.

The Contractor is responsible for the shortcomings of the service for which the warranty period is not established, if the Recipient of social services proves that they arose before it was accepted by him or for reasons arising up to this point.

With regard to the service for which the warranty period has been established, the Contractor is liable for its shortcomings if it proves that they arose after the service was accepted by the Recipient of Social Services due to his violation of the rules for using the result of the service, actions of third parties or force majeure.

In cases where the warranty period stipulated by the Agreement is less than two years and the shortcomings of the service were discovered by the Recipient of social services after the warranty period, but within two years, the Recipient of social services has the right to present the requirements stipulated by clause 5.3 of this Agreement if it proves that such defects arose before acceptance result of the service or for reasons arising up to this point.

5.5. If the Contractor has violated the start, end and interim deadlines for the provision of the service or during the provision of the service it became apparent that it will not be delivered on time, the Recipient of social services has the right to:

Assign a new term to the Contractor;

Demand reimbursement of expenses incurred by the Contractor;

Demand a reduction in the price of the service;

Terminate the Service Agreement.

The recipient of social services is also entitled to demand full compensation for losses incurred in connection with the violation of the terms for the provision of services.

In case of violation of the established terms for the provision of services or the social services designated by the Recipient on the basis of this clause of the new terms, the Contractor shall pay the Recipients of social services for each day (hour, if the time is specified in hours) delay forfeit (penalty) in the amount of three percent of the price of the service, and if the price of rendering Services The service agreement is not defined - the total price of the order. An agreement on the provision of services between the Recipient of Social Services and the Contractor may establish a higher penalty (penalty interest).

The penalty (penalty) for violation of the deadline for the start of the provision of the service and (or) the performance of its stage shall be exacted for each day (hour, if the deadline is specified in hours) of delay until the beginning of the provision of the service and (or) the performance of its stage or presentation by the Recipient of social services of the requirements provided this paragraph.

The penalty (penalty) for violation of the deadline for the provision of the service and (or) the performance of its stage shall be exacted for each day (hour, if the deadline is specified in hours) of delay until the end of the service and (or) the performance of its stage or presentation by the Recipient of social services of the requirements this paragraph.

The amount of the penalty collected by the Recipient of social services (penalties) may not exceed the price of a particular type of service or the total price of the order, if the cost of performing a particular type of service is not determined by the Service Agreement.

The size of the penalty (interest) is calculated on the basis of the price of the service, and if this price is not indicated on the basis of the total price of the order that existed at the place where the requirement of the Recipient of social services was to be satisfied by the Contractor, on the day of its voluntary satisfaction or on the day it is delivered court decision if the claim of the Recipient of social services has not been voluntarily satisfied.

Upon termination of the Service Agreement, the Contractor shall not have the right to demand reimbursement of its costs incurred in the process of providing the service, as well as fees for the service rendered, unless the Recipient of social services accepted the provided service.

The requirements of the Beneficiary of social services established by this paragraph shall not be satisfied if the Contractor proves that the violation of the terms for the provision of the service occurred due to force majeure or the fault of the Beneficiary of social services.

5.6. The contractor who provided the material for the provision of the service is responsible for its quality according to the rules on the seller’s responsibility for goods of inadequate quality in accordance with civil law.

5.7. The procedure and terms for satisfaction by the Contractor of the requirements, as well as liability for violation of these terms are regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 N 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

6. Procedure for amending the terms of the Agreement and termination of the Agreement

6.1. Amendments to the terms of this Agreement or its termination are carried out by written agreement of the Parties, which is its integral part.

6.2. The contract may be renegotiated:

Upon change in the Recipient of social services of medical indications for social services;

In case of repeated violations by the Recipient of social services of obligations under the Agreement.

6.3. The contract may be terminated:

If the Recipient of social services has medical contraindications to social services;

In case of repeated violations by the Recipient of social services of the Rules of Conduct of Citizens who are in service;

In case of non-compliance or poor performance by the Contractor of the terms of this Agreement.

6.4. The contract is considered terminated regardless of the will of the Parties in the event of the death of the Recipient of social services.

6.5. In case of early termination of the Agreement cash returned to the Recipient of social services or its legal representative to the personal account through credit organizations or through the cashier of the Contractor.

7. Dispute Resolution

7.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise on the subject of the Agreement are resolved through negotiations between the Parties.

7.2. If the Parties do not come to an agreement, the dispute is referred to the Department of Social Protection _______________________ for consideration.

7.3. The dispute resolution procedure specified in clauses 7.1 and 7.2 of the Agreement does not prevent the Recipient of Social Services and the Contractor from applying for judicial protection of their rights under the Agreement.

8. Duration of the Agreement

8.1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the day of its conclusion by the Parties and is valid until "___" ________ ____

9. Final provisions

9.1. This Agreement is made in duplicate, having equal legal force, one of which is located at the Contractor, the other at the Recipient of social services.

9.2. Any agreement between the Parties, entailing new obligations, must be confirmed in writing by the Parties and the corresponding addendum to this Agreement must be signed.

9.3. All changes and additions to this Agreement are considered valid if they are made in writing and signed by duly authorized persons of the Parties.

9.4. In the event of early termination of this Agreement, the Parties are required to preliminarily (_____ days before the termination) in writing to warn each other about it.

9.5. The following are attached to the Agreement:

Individual program of social services.

The list of provided social services.

Act of acceptance of services rendered.

Information about the forms of social services by the Supplier.

Tariffs for social services provided by the Provider by forms of social services and types of social services.

Information on the conditions for the provision of social services by the Provider.

- ________________________________.

Addresses, details and signatures of the Parties:
Social services recipient: Social services provider: _____________________________ Name: ____________________ Registration address: _________________ Legal address: _______________ Address of residence: __________________ PSR _____________________________ TIN: _______________________________ TIN ______________________________ Phone: ___________________________ KPP ______________________________ Email ________________________________ OK ______________________________ _______________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________ On behalf of the Beneficiary of Social Services: On behalf of the Provider of Social Services: ____________________ (__________) ___________________ (_________) M.P.

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to the Regulation on the admission of citizens

in non-stationary social institutions

department of Social Services

protect the population of the city of Moscow


date and place of signing

State institution Center for Social Services (State Institution Complex Center for Social Services) "___________________" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) represented by ___ (Name of the head of the Institution)___, acting on the basis of the Regulation approved by _________________________________________ of _____ _____________ 200__ N _________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", on the one hand, and ____________ (name of citizen or his legal _________________ representative) _________ year of birth, passport series ____________ N _________________ issued _________________ registered at the address: _________________, tel. _________________ residing at the address: _________________, tel. _________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Client", on the other hand (hereinafter - the Parties), have concluded this agreement (hereinafter - the Agreement) as follows:


1.1. The Contractor, on the basis of the Order on the Establishment dated ___ _________ 20__ N _________________, a written application of the Client, this Agreement and in accordance with the territorial list of state-guaranteed social services provided to the population by social services institutions of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Territorial List), provides the following types of social services:

1.2. The quality of the services provided under this Agreement must comply with the requirements of GOST R 52142-2003 "Social Services for the Population. Quality of Social Services. General Provisions" and GOST R 52884-2007 "Procedure and Conditions for the Provision of Social Services to Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities".

1.3. An integral part of this Agreement are:
- application for admission to the service;
- medical report on the absence of contraindications for the provision of social services;
- an act of examination of material conditions;
- a copy of the certificate of the State institution of the Engineering Service.


2.1. A client credited to social services has the right to:
- refusal of social services;
- obtaining sufficient to meet the basic vital needs of social services in accordance with the approved Territorial List;
- information on their rights, obligations and conditions for the provision of social services;
- confidentiality of personal information that has become known to a social worker in the provision of social services;
- receipt of a receipt from a social worker in the receipt of funds for the purchase of products, payment of utilities;
- to replace an employee who provides social services in case of irregular or poor quality service;
- a statement of claims to the Contractor about the shortcomings of the provided social services on the day of discovery, but no later than three days after the provision of services;
- suspension of the operation of this Agreement unilaterally in case of failure by the Contractor to fulfill its obligations, notifying the administration of the social services institution about this.

2.2. Upon receipt of social services, the Client is obliged:
- respect the persons providing social services, not to allow rudeness, insults to them;
- stay at home on days of planned visits by employees of the social welfare agencies;
- in case of departure, hospitalization, visits to the clinic and other institutions, notify the social worker or department head in advance of this;
- inform the social worker or the head of the department of the social service institution about the execution of guardianship or trusteeship over him, the conclusion of an agreement with other organizations or the intention to take actions that entail the alienation or termination of rights to his premises, including by exchange, donation, inheritance, other transactions with residential premises, as well as inform about newly arising circumstances entailing a change in the terms of this Agreement;
- inform the social security authorities about the reasons for refusing social services.

2.3. The client is not entitled to:
- refuse the delivered products ordered by him earlier;
- demand from a social worker servicing third parties (relatives, neighbors, etc.);
- require a social worker to provide social services on credit (purchase of products, orders, payment of utilities, etc.);
- Demand servicing while intoxicated, as well as perform work that is not part of the duties of employees of the social welfare agencies, and degrade their dignity.

2.4. The Contractor has the right:
- verify the accuracy of the information provided by the Client at the conclusion of this Agreement;
- require the Client to comply with the agreed schedule for the provision of social services;
- refuse to provide social services if the Client has contraindications specified in Part 4 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of August 2, 1995 N 122-ФЗ "On Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens".

2.5. The Contractor is obliged:
- inform the Client about the volume and quality of the services provided;
- ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement and the rights of the Client provided for by law and this Agreement;
- provide social services in accordance with the Territorial List of State-Guaranteed Social Services;
- not to disclose personal information about the Client that became known to him in the performance of his duties under the Agreement;
- take additional measures to improve the quality of social services provided.


3.1. The provision of social services is carried out in amounts and within the time agreed by the Contractor and the Client.

3.2. The provision of social services at home under this Agreement is recorded in the diary of the social worker and is confirmed by the signatures of the social worker and the Client.

3.3. Claims for detecting deficiencies in the volumes, terms and quality of the provided social services are presented by the Client to the Contractor through a social worker or directly to the head of the department by phone on the day they are discovered, but no later than 3 days after the service is provided.

3.4. The Contractor shall eliminate the deficiencies made through the fault of his employee, not later than 10 days from the date of the claim.

3.5. The Contractor is not entitled to transfer the performance of obligations under the contract to third parties.


In case of non-performance or improper performance of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. The contract may be renegotiated:
- when changing the legislation of the Russian Federation or the city of Moscow;
- when changing other material conditions affecting the provision of social services.

5.2. The contract may be terminated:
- if the Client has medical contraindications to social services;
- in case of repeated violations by the Client of the Rules of conduct of citizens, consisting of services, which are approved by the administration of the Institution;
- by decision of the commission for the acceptance and removal from service of the department of social protection of the population of the administrative district of Moscow;
- in case of registration of the Client in a stationary institution of social services.

5.3. The Agreement is considered terminated regardless of the will of the Parties in the event of the death of the Client.


6.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise on the subject of the Agreement are resolved through negotiations between the Parties.

6.2. If the Parties do not come to an agreement, the dispute is referred to the Department of Social Protection of the Administrative District of Moscow for consideration.

6.3. The dispute resolution procedure specified in clauses 6.1 and 6.2 of the Agreement does not interfere with the appeal of the Client and the Contractor for the protection of their rights under the Agreement in court.


7.1. This Agreement is:
- perpetual;
- temporary and valid until "___" __________ 200__

7.2. The contract comes into force from the day of its signing by the Parties.


8.1. This Agreement is made in duplicate, having equal legal force, one of which is with the Contractor, the other with the Client.

8.2. Any agreement between the Parties, entailing new obligations, shall be considered valid if it is made in writing in the form of an appropriate supplement to this Agreement and is duly signed by authorized persons of the Parties.

8.3. All changes and additions to this Agreement must be signed by duly authorized persons of the Parties.

8.4. In the event of early termination of this Agreement, the Parties are obliged to notify the other Party in writing not later than three days before its termination in writing.


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