Institutions of social services to citizens. Organizations social. Service

In the past few years, the organization social service In the capital is improving. And the current year is no exception.

Materials on the topic:

pGU I.gosuslugi to help

After receiving the information necessary to access the personal account of one of these portals, and confirm the memory personality in any MFC (for or with the activation code by Russian Post or visit at the Rostelecom customer service center (for the Gosuslugi portal .ru)

In order to declare his desire to receive social services, it is no longer necessary to fake in the queues in stuffy corridors. They can be obtained via the Internet.

To be able to receive public services in in electronic format, it is necessary to register - if you are not registered there - on the portal of state and municipal services of the city of Moscow or on a single portal of state and municipal services.

IN personal Cabinet That of the specified portals that you like will need to be filled in an online application form and attach scanned copies of documents that are required to provide a specific service.

After submitting an application in electronic form, it is not necessary to come to Rozn personally.

In the absence of the applicant, the opportunity to independently submit an application to these portals, it may apply for help in establishing social services to the Department of Social Protection of the population of the city of Moscow and multifunctional centers for the provision of public services personally or through a representative.

The organization of social services in Moscow in 2013 provides for the extraterritorial principle of work. Application for providing one way or another state services It is accepted regardless of the place of permanent registration. Personally apply for the provision of services is still in the management of social protection at the place of permanent residence. But the employees of the management in which you granted your application themselves will direct it in the management of social protection at the place of your residence.

What social services services can be obtained online?

For people with disabilities, the elderly and veterans of Wars, the Department of Society at the moment provides the possibility of electronic circulation for the following services:

  • obtaining vouchers to the pension for disabled people (granted citizens of the Russian Federation);
  • getting a trip to the boarding house for labor veterans (citizens provided to be registered in Moscow).

Directions in institutions of inpatient social services - submission of applications via the Internet and personally

Documents for receiving a ticket to the pension for disabled people

Conclusion of the medical and prophylactic institution

Conclusion of therapeutic and prophylactic institution (original)

Certificate of absence of medical contraindications

Help on the absence of medical contraindications (original)

Pensioner's ID

Pension certificate and his certified copy

Insurance policy of mandatory health insurance ()

Insurance policy of mandatory health insurance and his certified copy

Filled application form on the portal

Application for the provision of vouchers to the pension for vision disabled (original)

Submission of application through representative (personal presence only)

Documents confirming the powers of the representative individual Act on behalf of third parties (, decorated in the prescribed manner, and a person certifying a person). Certified copies of both documents will be required.

In Russia, there are 3,882 agencies for the elderly (boarding schools and, social service centers and special houses for lonely, consisting of the so-called social apartments). In hospitals there is about 270 thousand old people, 17.8 thousand people stand in line, waiting for place in the hospital (the bulk is more than 14 thousand people - should be sent to psychoneurological boarding schools). At the same time, the costs of social services (not only by the elderly, but also other categories of the population who are assisted) for the five-year period, from 2006 to 2011, it has grown one and a half times.

- "Expert" №11 (843) / 15 Mar. 2013.

Documents for receiving a ticket to the boarding house for labor veterans

To submit an application via the Internet (all original documents are provided in a scanned form)

To submit an application at a reception in MFC personally

Passport and his certified copy

Certificate of medical and social expertise on disability (for citizens recognized by disabled)

Certificate of medical and social expertise on disability (for citizens recognized by disabled) and its certified copy

Individual rehabilitation program (for citizens recognized as disabled)

Individual rehabilitation program (for citizens recognized as disabled) and its certified copy

Addressive social assistance

Address social assistance is provided to citizens of elderly and disabled people, families with children, as well as other citizens who are in a difficult life situation and are in dire need of social support.

Addressal social assistance is provided in the form:

  • food Aid;
  • stuff care;
  • sanitary and hygienic services;
  • patronage socio-medical and social services;
  • services for complex cleaning of apartments.

Required documents:

  • statement;
  • applicant passport (or his representative);
  • act of inspection of material and domestic living conditions;
  • copy of certificate of subsidy for the payment of residential premises and communal services or certificates about the income of the applicant from Usn district and branch Pension Fund Russian;
  • copy certificate State institution Engineering service;
  • personal statement or official note by the social worker who performs homemade service (when applying for an apartment cleaning service, sanitary-hygienic or patronage services);
  • medical conclusion about the need for sanitary and hygienic services (if you appeal to them);
  • for diabetics - Help from the attending physician about the presence of diseases of diabetes in the event of a diabetic food set (provided during the first appeal).

At the request of a citizen and his written consent, the above documents (except for a passport and certificate from the doctor) are requested by USN.

The decision to provide this type of service is made by the Interdepartmental Commission, established in the management of social protection of the population. administrative District Moscow city, on the presentation of the Center for Social Services.

Paid social service

Services of topics, does not have the right to make them gratuitous receipt, or has, but wants to use the additional service, it will be necessary to pay.

To get help on a fee, the applicant (or his representative) should contact the establishment of non-stationary social services (CSO), arrange documents on the provision of services, after which to obtain the decision of the head of the service provision of the service (may and refuse, if you decide that the applicant does not need enough). If a positive decision is made - to sign the service agreement and fully pay for the service no later than 3 days before the service start.

Tariffs for services are small. On average, depending on the type of service, it is 50-100 rubles per hour. You can familiarize yourself with the Tarifa in the document "On Social Maintenance at Home" ,.

If you want to help your neighbor, but do not know how, read the articles "" and ""

Under social serviceit is understood as the system of organizations and persons providing maintaining the vital activity of people who are not able to satisfy their daily needs without assistance. As a synonym for the concept of "social service" often uses the concept "social help".

■ people of old age;

■ disabled;

■ severely ill;

■ People who are in a state of severe depression;

■ Homeless.

In any society there are people who experience difficulties in servicing themselves or cannot do it, and therefore need help from other persons. Small children require constant attention and help from adults. As a rule, they receive them from their parents, relatives, neighbors. But in many cases, families refer to the services of unauthorized persons to take care of children within a few hours or for servicing them for longer periods of time. In permanent help from other persons, children remain without parental care.

Part of the people of old age has problems with physical functioning or mental health, and the likelihood of such problems increases with age. Among the old people, disabled people, chronically patients are those who are not capable of self-service and require help from other people *. Many people who are in such a situation receive the help they need from members of their families and relatives. Although in a number of countries, first of all in the West countries, most of the old people do not live with their children and grandchildren, they receive significant help from their relatives when they need it. In some cases, friends, neighbors are careful behind the elderly. In the same cases, when the elderly, people with disabilities and seriously ill people, requiring care, do not have relatives or acquaintances, ready to render polisher, they need maintenance by third parties or special organizations outside their home.

* Inability to satisfy certain needs due to physical disadvantages, injuries transferred to diseases may be relative, to have a particularly historical, socially conditional. From the point of view of social concept limited ability People, people with disabilities appear not as individual sacrifices of circumstances, but as collective victims of an inattentive society. Barriers surrounding people devoid of opportunities to walk (no elevators and lifts, ramps, narrow doors, etc.), are obvious examples of social causes of the inability of such persons to secure themselves with products, use the services of laundry, hairdressers, etc. It is these barriers that limit people with functional damage and disadvantages, and not damage themselves.

** It would be assumed that third-party people come so because they are counting on their income. However, research B. western countries It is evidenced that such considerations are not a serious motive for helping (Finch J., Wallis L. Inheritance, Care Baigains and Elderly People "S Relationships with the Children // Health and Community Care: UK AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES / ED. By D. Challis, B. Davies, K. Traske. Aldershot: Gower, 1994).

Persons who survived strong stressful situations (victims of violence, people who have lost their loved ones, etc.) or living in constant stressful conditions (minors in alcoholics families, etc.), alcoholics, drug addicts often need psychotherapeutic assistance, without which they They cannot independently come out of the depressive state, find the lost meaning of their life.

People who do not have housing and sufficient income to remove the residential premises are not capable of self-promoting other persons to find a place protected from security and health and health care space for overnight stay.

Different activities attributed to social assistance (in the future they will be called social Services),you can divide into three large groups:

■ social care;

■ social rehabilitation;

■ Social shelter.

Under social care* It is understood to be an activity aimed at meeting the everyday needs associated with the reproduction of the life of people who are limited to the possibility of independent satisfaction of these needs due to the age of congenital physical and / or mental deficiencies, diseases and injuries.

* Abroad to designate the relevant types of services is used by the term "Social Saga".

Such activities can be carried out in three forms:

1) at home;

2) in stationary conditions;

3) in hospitals day stay.

When maintained at home, people of old age, disabled, seriously ill and receive the help they need directly in their home. Such service may include: purchase and delivery of products and drugs, cooking, cleaning, washing, delivery for shoes and clothing, replacement and bed linen, carrying out hygienic procedures, etc. The view of social care at home is the supervision services for young children during the absence of their parents.

Service in stationary conditions assumes that children and adults that require assistance are placed in special places For permanent stay, where they are provided with the necessary services. In hospitals, people with disabilities remaining without parental care, as well as those who need the care of people who live alone and either have cognitive disorders (delays in mental development, dementia, etc.), or not able to move independently and t .P.

Service in daytime hospitals (day hospitals) is carried out by providing services outside the house during the daytime. Examples of such day stay hospitals are Nasli and kindergartens, a group of day stay of the elderly people in social service centers, therapeutic and sports centers for mentally retarded, alcoholics, drug addicts.

Social rehabilitationincludes emergency psychotherapeutic assistance (trust phones), psychological advice, social and psychological training, as well as assistance in obtaining legal advice, assistance in professional training, employment. These services may be provided in social services organizations, and the elderly and disabled citizens at home.

Under social shelterit is understood by the organization of residence of children left without parental care, as well as providing premises for a long or short-term stay with people who have no bed.

In our country, in recent decades, the above types of services include in the concept "social work".But the content of this concept is interpreted more widely: it also covers other activities aimed at resolving various social problems (family problems, inequality of women, migration, deviant behavior, etc.).

Social services are engaged in various organizations. Among them, three types of organizations differing in terms of specialization can be distinguished.

1. Multidisciplinary organizations of social services,exercising a wide range of activities related to social care, rehabilitation, shelter. An example of such organizations is social services centers that exist in our country and other countries.

2. Specialized organizationsthe activity of which is associated with a certain category of recipients of assistance and with a specific form of social services. Examples of such organizations are: social assistance centers at home, boarding schools for children with physical disabilities, children's homes and boarding schools for mentally retarded children, houses for single-elderly, boarding schools for the elderly and disabled, psychoneurological boarding schools, children's protection services exposed violence, shelters for children and adolescents, night stays, etc.

3. Organizations combining social service with different activities(medical, educational, cultural). For example, gearitrical hospitals existing in Australia and Japan and the medical and social services of old people. Another example of the combination of these activities is the nursing departments in which people who require long-term care after transferred diseases, injuries, surgical interventions, etc. are placed. Some types of social services are difficult to clearly distinguish with medical care, often in practical activity these types of care are intertwined. The term applies to designate such activities "Medical and social assistance."Examples of organizations combining social services and educational activities, serve as Nasli, kindergartens, boarding schools and children's homes. Separation of such mixed type organizations between different sectors social sphere It is conventional. So, in our country, Nurseries, kindergartens and boarding schools belong to educational organizations, and children's homes - to organizations of social sewn.

An integral element state system Social Security B. Russian Federation Social service of the elderly, disabled, which includes different kinds Social services aimed at meeting the special needs of this contingent of persons.

Currently, the state makes great efforts to create a comprehensive social service system of the population, allocating funds for its development. The basic laws have already been adopted, which have made a legal framework for its functioning: the federal law "On the basics of social services for the population of the Russian Federation" from 10.12.19995 No. 195-FZ; Federal Law "On Social Services of Elderly and Disabled Citizens" of 02.08.1995 No. 122-FZ; Federal Law "On social Protection Disabled in the Russian Federation "of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ, etc.

Social service is the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social and domestic, socio-medical, psychological and pedagogical, social legal services and material assistance, conducting social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens, citizens in a difficult life situation.

"For the first time in domestic legislation, the concept of such a basis for social assistance as a difficult life situation is formulated. Hard life situation - Situation, objectively violating the vital activity of a citizen, which he cannot overcome independently. The reasons for its occurrence may be the most different circumstances: disability, old age, disease, orphanhood, ill-treatment in the family, unemployment, lack of a certain place of residence, etc.

The right to social service in our country has citizens of the Russian Federation; Foreigners and stateless persons, unless otherwise established by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Social service is based on the following principles:

1. Address: The provision of maintenance is personified to a specific person. Work on identifying and creating a data bank such persons is conducted local bodies Social protection of the population at the place of residence of persons with disabilities, elderly, large families and lonely families. Information on refugees has migration services; About persons without a certain place of residence, internal affairs bodies, etc.;

2. Accessibility: the possibility of free and partly paid social services, which are included in the federal and territorial lists of social services guaranteed by the state. Their quality, volume, order, the conditions for the provision must comply with the state standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The reduction in their volume in the territorial level is not allowed. Lists of social services are determined taking into account the actors that they are intended. The federal list of social services guaranteed for the elderly and disabled citizens provided by state and municipal institutions Social services approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10/25/1995 No. 1151.

3. It is based on territorial lists. Financing services included in the lists is carried out at the expense of the relevant budgets;

4. Voluntary: Social services are carried out on the basis of a voluntary treatment of a citizen, his guardian, trustee, another legal representative, organ state powerorgan local governments or public association. At any time, a citizen may refuse to receive social services;

5. Humanity: Citizens living in stationary institutions have the right to freedom from punishment. Not allowed to punish or create personnel amenities. Use of medicines and physical containment, as well as isolation. Persons who admitted violations are subject to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability;

6. The priority of the provision of minors services;

7. Privacy: personal information that has become well-known employees of social service institutions in the provision of social services, make up a professional secret. Employees, those responsible for its disclosure, bear the responsibility established by law. " Introduction to social work. M.: Academic Project, 2001. P. 393.

The legislation provides for the following types of social services:

· material aid as money, food, sanitation and hygiene products, clothing and shoes, other essential items, fuel, special vehicle, technical means of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and persons in need of unauthorized care;

· Social service at home. It is aimed at the maximum possible extension of the residence of the elderly and disabled citizens in the usual social environment in order to maintain their social status, as well as to protect their legal rights and interests. To the number of homes guaranteed servicesprovided for by the federal list include: delivery of products to the house; the acquisition of medicines, food and industrial goods of essentials; assistance in obtaining medical care, including accompaniment to a medical institution; room cleaning and other home-based services (for example, assistance in fuel providing); Assistance in the organization legal services; Assistance in organizing ritual services.

Medical care at home is given mentally ill facials in the remission stage, patients with tuberculosis (with the exception of active form), oncological patients.

Social services included in the federal and territorial lists are provided to citizens for free either on the terms of partial payment. Regulations on the procedure and conditions for payment of social services provided by the elderly and disabled citizens of state and municipal social services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.04.96 No. 473.

The following groups of the population are eligible for services for free: single citizens of the elderly (single marital couples) and people with disabilities who receive a pension taking into account the premiums in the amount below of the regional subsistence minimum; Citizens of elderly and disabled, whose relatives are objective reasons can't provide them with help and care, if the size of the retirement received together with the allowances below the subsistence minimum; Citizens of elderly and disabled people living in families with average per capita income below the regional subsistence minimum.

If the size of the pension, together with the premises of the above citizens, exceeds the regional living wage, the size of the partial payment of social services at home should not exceed 25% of the difference between the resulting pension and regional subsistence minimum; In semi-stationary conditions - 50% of the difference between the resulting pension and regional subsistence minimum; In stationary conditions, the amounts of exceeding a renewable pension over the regional subsistence minimum. If the amount of the pension taking into account the premiums 150% higher than the regional subsistence minimum, then social services are provided on full payment terms.

The cost of services is determined on the basis of tariffs established for a particular region. The cost of the cost does not include the costs of providing medical care in the scope of the basic health insurance program, education within government educational standards. Additional foundations for which social services are provided free of charge are determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Study legal regulation The main directions of social work, used methods and forms, it is advisable to begin with the consideration of the social service. In this area social workers Most actively implement themselves as professionals.
In accordance with the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ "On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law on the Fundamentals of Social Services 2013) social service system includes:
. the federal executive body, which performs functions to develop and implement state policies and regulatory legal regulation in the field of social services;
. the state authority of the subject of the Federation, authorized to exercise the authority in the field of social services;
. social services organizations managed by federal executive bodies;
. social service organizations under the jurisdiction of the subject of the Federation;
. non-state (commercial and non-commercial) social services organizations, including socially oriented non-commercial organizations that provide social services;
. individual entrepreneurscarrying out social services.
The law is regulated in detail by the rights and obligations of recipients of social services, as well as their suppliers. Social services recipients are entitled to: respectful and humane attitude; Getting free of charge in the available form of information about your rights and duties, types of social services, timing, order and conditions for their provision, about tariffs for these services and their value for the recipient of social services, about the possibility of obtaining these services for free, as well as suppliers social services; selection of a supplier or social service providers; refusal to provide social services; protection of their rights and legitimate interests in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; participation in the compilation of individual programs; ensuring the conditions of stay in social services organizations that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as for proper care; Free visits to legal representatives, lawyers, notaries, representatives of public and (or) other organizations, clergymen, as well as relatives and other persons in the day and evening, as well as social accompaniment.
At the same time, recipients of social services are obliged to provide information and documents necessary for the provision of social services in accordance with regulatory legal acts of the Federation subject; In time to inform the providers of social services about changing the circumstances that determine the need for social services, as well as to comply with the terms of the Treaty on the provision of social services concluded with the provider of social services, including in a timely manner and fully pay for the cost of social services provided when provided for payment for fee. or partial fee.
Social service providers have the right to request the relevant state authorities, as well as local governments and receive information from the specified bodies necessary to organize social services; refuse to provide social services to the recipient of social services in case of violation of the terms of the agreement on the provision of social services concluded with the recipient of social services or its legal representative; To be included in the register of providers of the Social Services of the Federation Subject and receive information on the inclusion of them on the list of recommended social services providers within two working days. Social service providers have the right to also provide citizens by their desire, expressed in writing or electronic form, additional social services for the fee.
Obligations of social service providers include a rather wide list, including:
. carry out their activities in accordance with the legislation;
. provide social services to recipients of social services in accordance with individual programs and terms of contracts concluded with the recipients of social services or their legal representatives, on the basis of the requirements of the law;
. provide urgent social services if it is established by law;
. provide free of charge in an affordable form recipients of social services or their legal representatives information about their rights and obligations, about the types of social services, timing, order and conditions for their provision, about the tariffs for these services and their value for the recipient of social services or the opportunity to receive They are free;
. use information about social services recipients in accordance with established by the legislation about personal data requirements for the protection of personal data;
. provide the authorized entity of the Russian Federation to the authority to form a social services recipient register;
. exercise social support in accordance with the requirements of legislation, including assistance in the passage of medical and social expertise;
. provide recipients of social services the ability to use communication services, including the Internet and postal services, when receiving services in social services organizations;
. allocate spouses living in organizing social services, isolated living space for joint residence;
. provide recipients of social services the possibility of free visits by their legal representatives, lawyers, notaries, representatives of social and (or) other organizations, clergy, as well as relatives and other persons in the day and evening;
. To ensure the safety of personal items and values \u200b\u200bof the recipients of social services and to fulfill other duties related to the realization of the rights of recipients of social services for social services.
Social service providers in the provision of social services are not entitled to limit the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of recipients of social services, including using drugs for medical use; Apply physical or psychological violence against the recipients of social services, to allow them to insult, the coarse treatment of them, as well as to place children with disabilities that do not suffer from mental disorders, in stationary social service organizations, intended for children with disabilities, suffering from mental disorders, and vice versa .
The Federal Law on the Fundamentals of Social Services in 2013 also regulates the procedure for applying for social services and making a decision to filed. The basis for consideration of the issue of social services is submitted in writing or electronic form a statement of a citizen or its legal representative about the provision of social services or the appeal in its interests of other citizens, appeal government agencies, local governments, public associations Directly into the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or transferred a statement or appeal under interdepartmental interaction. The authorized body of the subject of the Federation decides on the recognition of a citizen in need of social services or a refusal of social services within five working days from the date of submission of the application. ABOUT decision taken The applicant is informed in writing or electronic form. The decision on the provision of urgent social services is accepted immediately.
Citizen or the recipient of social services can be denied, including temporarily, in providing social services in a stationary form in connection with the presence of medical contraindications, the list of which is approved federal organ executive authority performing functions to develop and implement state policies and regulatory legal regulation in the field of health. Such a refusal is possible only if there is an appropriate conclusion of an authorized medical organization. The decision to refuse social services can be appealed in court.
At the same time, a citizen or his legal representative has the right to refuse social services, social services.

Forms of social services

Social services are provided to their recipients in the form of social services at home, as well as in:
. semi-union form, which is a social service organization at a certain time of day;
. inpatient form, i.e. Providing services at a constant, temporary (for a period defined by an individual program) or a five-day (per week) around the clock living in organizing social services. Recipients of social services in a stationary form are provided by residential premises, as well as premises for providing species of social services.
When providing social services in a semi-stationary or inpatient form, it should be provided:
1) the ability to accompany the recipient of social services when moving through the territory of the organization of social services, as well as when using the services provided by such an organization;
2) the possibility for independent movement through the organization of social services, entry, exit and movement within such an organization (including for movement in wheelchairs), for relaxing in a sitting position, as well as available accommodation of equipment and media;
3) duplication of text messaging by voice messages, equipping the organization of social service by signs made by the Relief-point braille, familiarization with their help with inscriptions, signs and other textual and graphics information on the territory of such an organization, as well as the admission of the Typhalospectrine, and the admission of guide dogs;
4) Duplication of voice information textual information, inscriptions and (or) light signals, informing social services provided using a Russian gesture language (surrowing), admission of a survival and the provision of other types of assistance.
The provision of urgent social services in order to provide emergency care is carried out on time due to the need of a recipient of social services, without the preparation of an individual program and without the conclusion of the Treaty on the provision of social services. The basis for providing such services is the statement of the recipient of social services, as well as obtaining from medical, educational or other organizations that are not included in the social service system, information about citizens in need of their provision. Confirmation of the provision of urgent social services is an act on the provision of urgent social services, containing information about the recipient and supplier of these services, the types of urgent social services provided, deadlines, the date and on the conditions of their provision. The act of providing urgent social services is confirmed by the signature of their recipient.
The interdepartmental interaction in the organization of social services in the subject of the Russian Federation, which is carried out on the basis of the regulation of interdepartmental interaction, which determines the content and procedure for the state of the state of the subject of the Federation in connection with the implementation of its powers in this area. The regulation of such interaction determines:
. List of state authorities of the subject of the Federation, carrying out interdepartmental interaction;
. activities carried out by the state authorities of the subject of the Federation;
. the order and forms of interdepartmental interaction;
. requirements for content, forms and conditions for sharing information, including in electronic form;
. mechanism for the implementation of social accompaniment measures, including the procedure for attracting organizations to its implementation;
. The procedure for the implementation of state control (supervision) and evaluating the results of interdepartmental interaction.

Autonomous non-profit organization Vocational education

"Ural College of Economics and Law"


Head learning part

G.M. Urazova

"_____" ________ 2017

on the production work (according to the specialty profile)

for students of the specialty 40.02.01 "Law and Organization of Social Security"

according to professional modules:

Ensuring the realization of the rights of citizens in the field of pension and social protection;

Organizational provision of activities of institutions of social protection of the population and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Practice Practice - Organization of Social Services

Purpose of Practice: 1) Acquisition with students of practical experience in the following types of professional activities:

Ensuring the realization of the rights of citizens in the field of pension and social protection;

Organizational provision of activities of institutions of social protection of the population and bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

2) development of students of the following general competencies:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of its future profession, show sustainable interest.

OK 2. Organize your own activity, choose typical methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Take solutions in standard and non-standard situations And be responsible for them.

OK 4. Survey and use the information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks, professional and personal Development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in the team and team, effectively communicate with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7. To take responsibility for the work of the team members (subordinates), the result of tasks.

OK 8. Independently identify the tasks of professional and personal development, to engage in self-education, consciously plan to plan advanced training.

OK 9. Focus on constant changes in the legal framework.

OK 10. Observe the basics healthy image Life, labor protection requirements.

OK 11. Observe business Etiquette, culture and psychological foundations of communication, norms and rules of behavior.

OK 12. Show intolerance to corruption behavior.

3) formation of students of the following professional competencies:

PC 1.1. Carry out a professional interpretation of regulatory legal acts for the realization of citizens' rights in the field of pension and social protection;

PC 1.2. Carry out the reception of citizens on pension and social protection issues;

PC 1.5. Carry out the formation and storage of subsequent recipients, benefits and other social benefits;

PC 1.6. Advise citizens and representatives legal entities on pension and social protection issues.

PC 2.1. Support databases of recipients of pensions, benefits, compensation and other social benefits, as well as services and benefits are urgent.

PC 2.2. To identify persons who need social protection and make accounting, using information and computer technology.

PC 2.3. Organize and coordinate social work with individuals, categories of citizens and families in need of social support and protection.

1. Get acquainted with the organization of social services and give it a characteristic.

2. Explore and analyze the information presented on the website and stands of the organization.

3. Read and describe activities structural unit An organization in which the student passes a practice or a specialist, under the leadership of which the student is like a practice.

4. Read S. computer programsused in the work of the structural unit (specialist), and describe their database.

5. Take part in the procedure for receiving citizens.

6. To monitor the process of communicating a specialist with senior citizens and disabled during reception.

7. Get acquainted with the list of social services provided by the institution for a specific category of citizens.

8. Examine and describe the procedure for providing social services to recipients of services (to the choice of student 3 social services).

9. Get acquainted with the appeals of citizens entering the institution and analyze appeals.

10. To familiarize yourself with and describe the organization of the work of the institution to identify and implement the accounting of persons in need of social assistance.

11. Examine and describe the procedure for the formation of a package of documents of recipients of social services.

12. Create a report on practice and prepare it.


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