Social policy, social protection of the population, social partnership in a market economy. Partnership of social service institutions with public organizations to work with disabled children

Department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow

State autonomous institution







Moscow 2013
Editorial Council:

Potyaeva T.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of Social Protection of the Moscow City Population;

Kalinichenko I.N., Head of the Department for Social Integration of Persons with Disabilities of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow;

Semyonova T.N., Deputy Head of the Department for Social Integration of Persons with Disabilities, Head of the Department for Program Implementation and Development of Rehabilitation Infrastructure of the Department of Social Protection of the Moscow City Population;

E. I. Kholostova, Doctor of History, Professor, Director of the IPK DSZN of the city of Moscow;

Mkrtumova I.V., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific and Analytical Work of the IPK DSZN of the city of Moscow;

Kononova L.I ., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Technology of Social Work IPK DSZN of the city of Moscow.

Editing materials, computer layout - Kostina M.N., chief specialist of the scientific experimental laboratory innovative projects IPK DSZN city of Moscow.

Partnership of social service institutions with public organizations on work with disabled children: a collection of articles. - IPK DSZN, Moscow: 2013 - 98 p.

This publication presents innovative social practices of working with disabled children and their families by employees of social service institutions in Moscow, various regions Russian Federationas well as community and volunteer organizations.

The publication also includes the best social practices published in the magazine "Social Services" in 2012-2013, and posted on the websites of public and volunteer organizations working with children with disabilities.

© IPK DSZN, 2013.



Savina L.Yu.

















Murmansk region


TREATMENT AND PEDAGOGICAL APPROACH IN REHABILITATION of children with cerebral palsy,Voronezh region





















SOCIAL PRACTICE "Grandma for an hour", The Republic of Buryatia




Service of personal assistants for families raising disabled people from childhood, St. Petersburg









To successfully complete the exercises and test solutions in this section, you should study the concepts, basic models and tools of social policy. It is necessary to know the essence of social protection of the population, its main directions and models, to study the functions and classifications of social insurance and the pension system of the Russian Federation, to clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages of insurance and the pension system, to distinguish models of social partnership, to see trends in its development.

Working programm

Social policy in modern conditions. Socialization of the market economy. The concept of the welfare state. The concept of the subsidiary state. Active social policy. Passive social policy.

State minimum social standards. Living wage. Consumer basket. Consumer basket value.

Social protection of the population. Social risks. The main organizational and legal forms of social protection of the population. Models of social protection of the population.

Social insurance. The principles of the organization of social insurance. Social security functions. Social insurance classifications. Unified social tax.

Pension. The dual economic nature of pensions. Pension reform. Basic, insurance and funded pensions.

Features of social policy in the Russian Federation. Social policy problems in conditions modern Russia... National social projects economic development.

Alienation of labor. Classification of models of social partnership. Functions of social partnership. Directions in the economic activity of the state. Conditions for the formation of a system of social partnership in the West.

The neoliberal model of globalization. World financial centers. International organizations. Employment problem in 1980-1990 Work migration.

Taylor system. "Fordism". School of "Human Relations". Tavistock direction. The concept of "quality of working life". Production councils.

The role of the International Labor Organization in the regulation of social and labor relations.

Problems of the formation of social partnership in the Russian Federation. Types of agreements. Collective agreements. The concept of "social partnership".

Basic concepts

Anglo-Saxon social protection model - it is based on the report of the English economist W. Beveridge. It provided for the need to redistribute income in the interests of social groups with low incomes. The principles of the organization of the social protection system are: universality (universality); uniformity and unification.

Continental (Bismarck) model of social protection -

establishes a strong connection between the level of social protection and the duration of professional activity. It is based on social insurance, the services of which are financed mainly from the contributions of the insured. Social insurance is divided into compulsory and private, and covers the following areas: medical and pension insurance, insurance for disability, unemployment, and accident insurance.

Welfare state concept implies the responsibility of the state to ensure a high standard of living and create conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of each person.

The concept of the subsidiary state involves providing citizens with only minimal guarantees and state assistance only to a limited circle of persons who, for one reason or another (health status, orphans or children from low-income families, etc.) cannot provide for themselves decent level life. In fact, this concept presupposes the implementation in practice of the doctrine of the "economy of a cheap worker", asserts that excessive social spending generates social dependency. The social sphere is viewed as costly, diverting a significant part of society's resources for the implementation of programs that are ineffective from an economic point of view.

International Labor Organization (ILO) - created in 1919 as a public organization of workers under the League of Nations. Since 1946, the International Labor Organization has been a specialized agency of the United Nations. The ILO's primary mission is to ensure that men and women have the opportunity to obtain decent, productive work in conditions of freedom, equality, economic security and human dignity. Importantly, decent work is at the center of the ILO's four strategic objectives: promoting rights at work; employment; social protection; social dialogue. The ILO is distinguished by its tripartite structure: each country participates in it with representatives of government, workers and employers.

Social protection model in East Asia differs in the following features: a very limited role of the state in ensuring social security of the population; maintaining the significant role of the family and the local community in the provision of services to the population; high level of inclusion in economic globalization and sensitivity to world economic processes.

Social protection model in the United States - in the USA there is no institution of state social guarantees, there is no concept of social rights and their codification (systematization) at the legislative level. However, this country has developed a tradition of social assistance, within the framework of which numerous insurance companies and charitable organizations operate. Social assistance is provided only on a means-tested basis, and the size of social benefits and the scope of social insurance programs are very modest.

The neoliberal model of globalization - has a great impact on the socio-economic development of all countries of the world, including social and labor relations. The formation of a neoliberal model of globalization makes the transformation of the systems of social partnership that have developed in the West in the postwar period inevitable. The process of neoliberal globalization develops in the course of the interaction of three forces: globalizing capital, represented by transnational corporations and world financial centers; nation states; international economic organizations... The model assumes a weakening of the role and influence of nation states.

Passive social policy is reduced to maintaining a certain level of income of broad strata of the population with the help of various kinds of social payments and benefits through the redistribution of gross domestic product and national income through the state budget. Such a policy inevitably leads to infringement of the interests of the most economically active groups of the population.

Pension - a cash payment guaranteed by law to provide citizens in old age, in the event of complete or partial disability, loss of a breadwinner, as well as in connection with the achievement of the established length of service in certain areas of labor activity.

Living wage - an indicator of the volume and structure of consumption of the most important material goods and services of the minimum permissible level, ensuring the maintenance of the active physical condition of adults, the social and physical development of children and adolescents.

The Scandinavian model of social protection - a distinctive feature of this model is its versatility, wide coverage of all segments of the population, various social risks and life situations that require the support of society. Social services, as a rule, are guaranteed to all residents of the country and are not conditional on employment and payment of insurance premiums, i.e. characterized by a high degree of social protection of the population. The second feature of this model is solidarity, the essence is that all citizens equally and regardless of social status participate in the financing of the social protection system, making a contribution commensurate with their income.

Socialization of the market economy - strengthening its orientation towards ensuring an increase in well-being and all-round development of the individual.

Social protection of the population is a system of economic, legal, organizational, medical and other measures to ensure, in accordance with the minimum standards (norms) established in a given country, directly by the state or under its control, a guaranteed level and quality of life for any person who finds himself in a difficult life situation for various reasons.

Social partnership (Article 23 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) - the system of relationships between employees (employees 'representatives), employers (employers' representatives), authorities state power, local government, aimed at ensuring the coordination of the interests of employees and employers on the regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them.

Social insurance - involves the accumulation of certain funds formed as a result of the payment of insurance premiums, and the use of these funds to make insurance payments in the event of a risky situation.

Social risks - risks that can be considered as having a certain degree of probability of a situation of violation of the normal social situation of people, a decrease in the level and quality of their life, loss of the achieved social status of workers as a result of deterioration in health, complete or partial disability, loss of work (unemployment), loss of a breadwinner and other objective socially significant reasons.

Consumer basket value for the main socio-demographic groups of the population is calculated as the sum of the cost of food, non-food products and services. The calculation uses data from Rosstat on the level of consumer prices and tariffs.

Private insurance initiative - supposes the development of the institution of personal insurance related to the sphere of civil relations. Such insurance is usually voluntary in nature and assumes commercial principles of work (i.e. it is focused on making a profit).

Effective social policy - it can be defined as the activities of state authorities, local government, business structures and public organizations aimed at increasing the level of social welfare and all-round development of the individual based on the effective and fair use of the results of economic development. Within the framework of this model, social policy is considered, on the one hand, as a condition, and on the other, as a result of the implementation of economic policy.

South European Social Protection Model - the model can be interpreted as developing, transitional. As a rule, the level of social security in this model is relatively low, and social protection belongs to the care of relatives and families, which play an important role. The main feature is the high volume of expenses, which is primarily due to the wider coverage of both social risks and the circle of persons to whom the corresponding services are provided.

Control questions and tasks

  • 1. Describe the process of socialization of the market economy.
  • 2. What are the criteria for the classification of social policy.
  • 3. What is the essence of the concepts of a social and subsidiary state?
  • 4. Highlight the features of active and passive social policy.
  • 5. Formulate a definition of effective social policy.
  • 6. What is meant by the state minimum social standards?
  • 7. Describe the indicator "living wage".
  • 8. What approaches are used in the practice of forming a living wage?
  • 9. What stages of calculating the subsistence minimum do you know?
  • 10. How is the consumer basket calculated?
  • 11. What factors underlie the zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation in the formation of the minimum set of food products?
  • 12. Describe the methodology for calculating the cost of the consumer basket and the subsistence level.
  • 13. How are the minimum consumer and high income budgets calculated?
  • 14. What are the criteria for the distribution of social strata according to the level of material wealth?
  • 15. Give brief description social standards in housing and communal services.
  • 16. Formulate the definition of social protection of the population and link it with material risks.
  • 17. What organizational and legal forms (institutions) of social protection of the population do you know?
  • 18. Decipher the social services provided by enterprises.
  • 19. What is the essence of the continental model of social protection?
  • 20. What is the peculiarity of the Anglo-Saxon model of social protection of the population?
  • 21. Expand the content of the Scandinavian model of social protection of the population.
  • 22. Describe the South European, American and East Asian models of social protection.
  • 23. What is a "pension"? Expand its dual nature.
  • 24. What is the procedure for determining the size of the old-age pension?
  • 25. How is the individual coefficient of a pensioner calculated?
  • 26. Describe the mechanism for calculating pensions, adopted from 01.01.02.
  • 27. Why did it become necessary to carry out pension reform? What are the disadvantages of the PAYG system?
  • 28. Note the advantages of the funded system over the pay-as-you-go pension system.
  • 29. What difficulties did you face while implementing the new model of the pension system?
  • 30. Why did market reforms lead to a drop in real incomes of the population and to their excessively high differentiation?
  • 31. What factors caused the development of cost inflation?
  • 32. Why are the problems of budgetary federalism one of the reasons for the "slippage" of reforms?
  • 33. Define the boundaries of poverty in modern Russia. What are strong and weak poverty traps and how to deal with them?
  • 34. What are the indicators of low efficiency of social policy in the Russian Federation.
  • 35. Why are the decisions taken and the planned measures to implement the reform evidence of the desire to implement the concept of a subsidiary, and not social, as stated, state?
  • 36. Describe the measures taken to carry out tax reform. In your opinion, do they justify themselves?
  • 37. Why is radical health and education reform necessary?
  • 38. What measures are needed to “reanimate” and develop Russian science?
  • 39. What, in your opinion, can be noted the disadvantages and advantages of the pay-as-you-go and funded pension system?
  • 40. Expand the essence and content of the concept of "social partnership".
  • 41. How do you understand the "labor conflict" and "alienation" and how they were considered in the works of K. Marx and F. Engels?
  • 42. What forms of labor conflict and resistance employees You know?
  • 43. Describe the role and functions of the state in the development of social partnership.
  • 44. What models of social partnership, depending on the number of parties to the social dialogue, do you know? Expand their content.
  • 45. Describe the models of social partnership depending on the relationship between trade unions and entrepreneurs.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bWhat is the difference and commonality between the British, American and continental models of social partnership, in relation to trade union lobbying?
  • 47. What are the main directions in the economic activity of the state you could point out?
  • 48. What does the term "globalization" mean, and what are its consequences for humans?
  • 49. Describe the neoliberal model of globalization.
  • 50. What role do TNCs play in the development of the globalization process?
  • 51. What are the functions and role of world financial centers in the neoliberal model of globalization?
  • 52. Describe and define the importance of international organizations - IMF, GATT / WTO, international banks, etc. - in the implementation of the neoliberal model of globalization.
  • 53. Why since the 1970s. in Western countries is the process of weakening the trade union movement?
  • 54. How integration into world economy Areas with cheap labor affects the labor market and the income level of the population of developed countries?
  • 55. How does globalization affect the scale of population migration?
  • 56. Expand the content of Taylor's work organization system.
  • 57. What is the essence and features of Ford's system of organization of production and labor?
  • 58. What contribution did E. Mayo make to the theory of labor organization?
  • 59. Describe the Japanese model of work management.
  • 60. What is the essence of the concept of “quality of working life”?
  • 61. Indicate the main criteria for the quality of working life.
  • 62. What are the main methods of improving the quality of working life.
  • 63. Expand the content of the concept of "enrichment" of labor.
  • 64. What is the role of production councils in the development of labor democracy?
  • 65. What is the specificity of the works councils model in Germany?
  • 66. What issues are considered by works councils?
  • 67. What is the role of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in the regulation of social and labor relations?
  • 68. What are the principles underlying the work of the ILO?
  • 69. What basic labor statistics are required to be published regularly by ILO member countries?

Choose the correct answer

  • 1. The concept of a welfare state assumes:
    • a) the duties of the state to ensure a high level and quality of life;
    • b) providing citizens with only minimal guarantees and state assistance only to the needy and needy;
    • c) providing full independence and initiative to business entities in addressing social issues.
  • 2. An active social policy is characterized by:
    • a) all its directions and activities are aimed at stimulating economic growth;
    • b) seeks to prevent negative phenomena that arise in the social sphere;
    • c) the emphasis is on preventing poverty and misery, unemployment;
    • d) all of the above.
  • 3. The Constitution of the Russian Federation says: “The Russian Federation is welfare state, whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a dignified life and free human development ”. This is indicated in article no:
    • a) 1;
    • b) 3;
    • at 7.
  • 4. What concept implies the responsibility of the state to ensure a high standard of living and create conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of each person:
    • a) a competitive state;
    • b) the welfare state;
    • c) subsidiary state;
    • d) a civil state.
  • 5. Federal standards for the level of payment for housing and communal services:
    • a) are mandatory;
    • b) are of a recommendatory nature;
    • c) there are no such standards.
  • 6. What is the name of the approach used in the formation of the subsistence minimum, which is based on the results of surveys of the population about the amount of the required minimum income:
    • a) statistical;
    • b) sociological;
    • c) resource;
    • d) subjective;
    • e) objective;
    • f) normative and statistical.
  • 7. Is it true that the value of the subsistence minimum is the same for all groups of the population:
    • a) yes;
    • b) no.
  • 8. The first step in calculating the value of the subsistence minimum is:
    • a) determination of the set of consumer basket;
    • b) calculation of the cost of the consumer basket;
    • c) determination of the size of the subsistence minimum.
  • 9. The calculation of the subsistence minimum in our country began to be carried out:
    • a) since 1990;
    • b) 1992;
    • c) 2000
  • 10. The main socio-demographic groups of the population for which the consumer basket is calculated include:
    • a) able-bodied population;
    • b) pensioners;
    • c) children aged 0-15;
    • d) women;
    • e) men;
    • f) unemployed.
  • 11. Social protection of the population is closely related:
    • a) with commercial risks;
    • b) economic risks;
    • c) professional risks.
  • 12. The resulting risk indicators are grouped into two types:
    • a) material risks;
    • b) social risks;
    • c) economic risks.
  • 13. In a market economy, there are four main forms of social protection:
    • a) social assistance;
    • b) gratuitous assistance;
    • c) social insurance;
    • d) private insurance;
    • e) social services.
  • 14. The continental model of social protection is based on the principles:
    • a) national solidarity;
    • b) professional solidarity;
    • c) commutative justice.
  • 15. The social protection system organized on the principle of universality, uniformity and unification social services, is an:
    • a) continental model;
    • b) the Anglo-Saxon model;
    • c) the South European model.
  • 16. The Anglo-Saxon model of social protection has been proposed:
    • a) Bismarck;
    • b) Beveridge;
    • c) Engel.
  • 17. The basic rights of citizens in the field of social protection are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the article:
    • a) 7;
    • b) 18;
    • at 3.
  • 18. The following functions of social insurance are distinguished:
    • a) protective;
    • b) compensating;
    • c) reproductive;
    • d) stimulating;
    • e) distribution;
    • f) stabilizing.
  • 19. Social insurance is classified according to a number of characteristics:
    • a) by organizational and legal form;
    • b) by the form of services provision;
    • c) by types of social risk;
    • d) by the way of organization.
  • 20. What tax forms the same funds of the social insurance fund of the Russian Federation:
    • a) income tax;
    • b) income tax;
    • c) ESN.
  • 21. The funds of the social insurance fund are used:
    • a) only for targeted funding;
    • b) to finance various activities (multi-purpose);
    • c) to be credited to the personal accounts of the insured.
  • 22. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation defines UST taxpayers in the article:
    • a) 250;
    • b) 235;
    • c) 210.
  • 23. Funding of the basic part of the pension is carried out at the expense of:
    • a) funds of the stabilization fund of the state;
    • b) the amounts of UST credited to the state budget;
    • c) budget funds The Pension Fund RF.
  • 24. The funds of the Pension Fund are not directed to:
    • a) for the payment of benefits for the care of a child over the age of 1.5 years;
    • b) for the payment of benefits for temporary disability;
    • c) for the provision of material assistance by the social protection authorities to the elderly and disabled citizens.
  • 25. In the Russian Federation, the implementation of the pension reform has begun:
    • a) from 01.01.02;
    • b) from 01.01. 00 g;
    • c) from 01.01.03
  • 26. Funding of the basic part of the pension is carried out at the expense of:
    • a) funds from the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
    • b) the amounts of the Unified Social Tax;
    • c) funds from the state budget of the Russian Federation.
  • 27. Rates of insurance contributions for financing the insurance part of the labor pension for persons born in 1967 and younger with an income of up to 280,000 rubles. make up:
    • a) 6%;
    • b) 8%;
    • at 10 o'clock%.
  • 28. Privatization of state property was carried out using:
    • a) bank checks;
    • b) vouchers;
    • c) check books.
  • 29. The ideologist of Russian privatization was:
    • a) E. Gaidar;
    • b) A. Chubais;
    • c) G. Gref.
  • 30. In the face of scarcity money enterprises in a transitional economy actively use:
    • a) barter transactions;
    • b) offsetting;
    • c) bills;
    • d) cashless payments;
    • e) all of the above.
  • 31. The main socio-economic indicators of living standards cannot be attributed to:
    • a) the average per capita income of the population;
    • b) the average size of assigned pensions;
    • c) the average amount of profit per employee;
    • d) the size of the population with cash incomes below the value

living wage;

  • e) the number of employees of the enterprise with wages below the national average.
  • 32. Determine at which Gini coefficient is the highest degree of income inequality of the population, when:
    • a) 0.289;
    • b) 0.406;
    • c) 0.472.
  • 33. It was stated that in the course of reforms the concept should be implemented:
    • a) subsidiary state;
    • b) the welfare state;
    • c) civil society.
  • 34. The introduction of the mechanism of "monetization" of benefits indicates the implementation of the following guidelines:
    • a) the welfare state;
    • b) a subsidiary state;
    • c) civil society.
  • 35. The pension reform provides for:
    • a) increasing the role of funded pension;
    • b) development of the distribution system;
    • c) the introduction of the institution of insurance pensions.
  • 36. The rate of the Unified Social Tax is:
    • a) proportional;
    • b) progressive;
    • c) regressive.
  • 37. The forms of collective resistance do not include:
    • a) restrictionism;
    • b) absenteeism;
    • c) picket;
    • d) sabotage;
    • e) strike.
  • 38. The state in the development of social partnership performs the following functions:
    • a) legal;
    • b) stabilizing;
    • c) economic.
  • 39. State regulation of the economy is carried out in the following consolidated areas:
    • a) opportunistic;
    • b) social;
    • c) structural;
    • d) regional.
  • 40. State intervention in economic processes in the modern economy:
    • a) reduces the role of the state, increases restrictions in management;
    • b) the role of the state in the management of market processes is increasing;
    • c) the answers are incorrect.
  • 41. What form of representation of employees in enterprises is typical for the following group of countries: USA, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland:
    • a) trade union;
    • b) clean;
    • c) mixed.
  • 42. Which country is characterized by a "cold" lockout:
    • a) Finland;
    • b) Argentina;
    • in Portugal;
    • d) France.
  • 43. The introduction of what rates of taxes on personal income would significantly reduce the gap between rich and poor:
    • a) proportional;
    • b) regressive;
    • c) progressive.
  • 44. Is the statement that the Western model of social partnership is inflationary is it correct:
    • a) yes;
    • b) no.
  • 45. The process of neoliberal globalization develops through the interaction of three forces:
    • a) globalizing capital;
    • b) national states;
    • c) different ideologies;
    • d) international economic organizations.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bAs a result of the development of TNCs:
    • a) only a small part of the population receives the benefit;
    • b) economic stratification and impoverishment of the bulk of the population occurs;
    • c) entrepreneurs are interested in introducing advanced technologies and raising wages for employees.
  • 47. The weakening of the trade union movement begins:
    • a) since 1970;
    • b) 1980;
    • c) 1990
  • 48. In the countries of the West in the post-war period, the wages of employees grew:
    • a) at a higher rate than labor productivity;
    • b) at a lower rate than labor productivity;
    • c) at the same rate.
  • 49. The system of social partnership in Western countries in the post-war period mainly ensured the satisfaction of material needs, which are of priority importance for employees employed:
    • a) performing labor;
    • b) creative work;
    • c) both answers are correct.
  • 50. What is, on the one hand, a condition for the formation of an effective system of social partnership, and on the other, acts as its result:
    • a) regulatory framework;
    • b) high pay;
    • c) social justice;
    • d) low tax rates.
  • 51. The founder of the scientific organization of labor is:
    • a) Ford;
    • b) Taylor;
    • c) Marx.
  • 52. The Taylor system provides for:
    • a) the transfer of all functions of the organization of the labor process to the administration. The workers become only objects of control;
    • b) the combination of the technology of mass conveyor production with the ideology of authoritarian management, is very flexible;
    • c) a democratic scheme for managing the process of production and labor.
  • 53. The founder of the school of "human relations" is:
    • a) Ford;
    • b) Mayo;
    • c) Taylor.
  • 54. The main methods of improving the quality of working life include:
    • a) "enrichment" of labor;
    • b) strict discipline;
    • c) use flexible schedules working time;
    • d) development of labor democracy.
  • 55. Which system involves the widespread introduction of penal wage systems:
    • a) "human relations";
    • b) Taylorism;
    • c) Fordism;
    • d) Tavistock.
  • 56. Is Russia a member of the ILO:
    • a) yes;
    • b) no.
  • 57. The Japanese model of labor management assumes:
    • a) rigid separation of simple, unskilled labor from the labor of specialists;
    • b) the integration of simple, unskilled labor and the labor of specialists into a single whole.
  • 58. Ratifications on state level subject to:
    • a) ILO recommendations;
    • b) ILO conventions;
    • c) both answers are correct.
  • 59. In what areas is the "enrichment" of labor achieved:
    • a) change in the rhythm of work;
    • b) increase in wages;
    • c) rotation of labor;
    • d) decrease in labor productivity;
    • e) lengthening the work cycle;
    • f) expansion of the world of work.
  • 60. Trade unions of which countries are characterized as opposition:
    • a) Italy;
    • b) France;
    • in Austria;
    • d) Great Britain;
    • e) Sweden;
    • f) Germany;
    • g) Denmark.

1. There is the following (conditional) data on consumer spending per capita per year, thousand rubles:


  • a) the amount of other expenses;
  • b) the structure of consumer spending of the population;
  • c) the coefficients of structural changes in 2009 compared to 2000.

Build a pie chart.

  • 2. Calculate the individual coefficient of a retired woman who has worked for 20 years, the average earnings for calculating a pension - 13680 rubles / m-c. The average monthly wage in the country is 13,100 rubles / m-c.
  • 3. Determine the size of the pension, using the data of the previous task, if the average monthly salary in the country for the quarter preceding the appointment of a pension is 13,120 rubles / m-c.

Make structural and logical diagrams:

  • 1. "Social protection: essence and main directions".
  • 2. "Social insurance: essence, functions, types".
  • 3. "Social partnership".


  • 1. Analyze the dynamics on the basis of statistical data on the cost of the consumer basket for three years for 3 demographic groups in the Krasnodar Territory.
  • 2. On the basis of statistical data for the region, compare the value of the subsistence minimum for 3 years. Draw conclusions and answer the question: "How can this data be used?"
  • 3. Fill in the table, distributing in the appropriate columns the planned and already implemented decisions in the field of social policy:

Subsidiary state policy

Welfare state policy

  • a) introduction of a proportional scale of personal income tax;
  • b) guarantees in the Constitution of the Russian Federation for free education and free medical care;
  • c) the program of monetization of benefits;
  • d) the envisaged health care reform focused on

strict control over cash costs, and not on improving the quality of medical services provided;

  • e) a model of pension reform, which implies an increase in the role of funded pension in the process of reform implementation;
  • f) development of the institution of insurance pensions;
  • g) development of mortgage lending.
  • 4. How much is the monthly poverty allowance if the per capita income of the citizen who applied to the social protection body
  • 6000 rubles, the cost of living in the Russian Federation is p., And in this area the river.

According to the law, the allowance must provide reimbursement of food expenses in the intermediate minimum (use statistics for the Krasnodar Territory).

5. Calculate the average and marginal tax rates based on the above data:

Whether the tax is progressive, proportional, or regressive? Justify the answer.

6. In the post-war period, the state developed and implemented many programs in various fields of activity, for which special state bodies were created. What kind? Find matching pairs from two columns.

7. Fill in:



  • 1. This model of social protection is used in America.
  • 2. What is the model of social protection used in Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal.
  • 3. Who is the author of the continental model of social protection of the population in foreign countries?
  • 4. In which country were the main principles of the continental social protection model established?
  • 5. According to the report of the European Commission in the EU countries, this model of social protection is included in one of four main models. In another way, it is also called Bismarck.


  • 1. Continue the phrase: The largest share of social spending in East Asia is spent on ...
  • 2. This model of social protection is typical for Denmark, Sweden, Finland.
  • 3. What is the name of the social protection model used by Great Britain and Ireland.
  • 4. What is the name of the assistance provided to socially vulnerable groups of the population.
  • 5. What is the name of the allowance that is paid to employees upon termination of an employment contract.
  • 6. How many basic organizational and legal forms of social protection of the population exist in a market economy?


These persons are UST taxpayers.

Insert the missing word: There is compulsory insurance, contingent insurance and ... insurance. Name the function of social insurance, which allows achieving social stability based on the coordination of the interests of all subjects of social and labor relations.

This part of the pension is designed to increase personal responsibility for material security in old age.

Name the function of social insurance that provides compensation for loss of health and disability.

  • 1. Name the function of social insurance that provides normal conditions for the reproduction of the labor force of employees at all stages of the life cycle.
  • 2. Insert the missing word: The optimal combination of personal and joint responsibility; recognition of all costs of social insurance of employees as socially necessary; organizational self-government; obligatory social insurance; the equivalence of insurance premiums and payments together constitute the main ... sots. insurance.
  • 3. This portion of the pension brings together individual and collective efforts to earn employment replacement rights.
  • 4. Name the function of social. insurance associated with maintaining a certain level of material security of the insured in the event of a risk situation.
  • 5. Name the function of social. insurance, which consists in the distribution of material responsibility for social risks between all the insured.
  • 6. Insert the missing word: By way of organization, distinguish between state, regional and .... insurance.
  • 7. One of the advantages of social. insurance against private insurance.


1. Continue the phrase: one of the reasons why it was not possible to implement market reforms in Russia in the 90s is a deep

  • 2. This is a guaranteed monthly cash payment to provide citizens when they reach the legal age.
  • 3. What was the name of the privatization check in the 90s in Russia, certifying the right of everyone to receive a certain share of public property.
  • 4. It was this class that became the pillar of stability in society.
  • 5. Insert the missing word: One of the indicators of extremely low efficiency of social policy in the Russian Federation is the high ... income of the population.
  • 6. This segment of the population belongs to the “social bottom” of society.
  • 7. How many levels of the budgetary system are there in the Russian Federation?
  • 8. Continue the phrase: One of the reasons why it was not possible to implement market reforms in Russia in the 90s is ...


  • 1. Name the process in the Russian economy when enterprises dominating in a certain sector of the economy set high prices for their products.
  • 2. The size of the interest rate of personal income tax.
  • 3. This process was present in the 90s, during the reforms in Russia and was accompanied by the withdrawal from circulation of a part of the surplus money supply, and was combined with inflation.
  • 4. The only country in Europe that has transferred pension coverage to an individual funded system


  • 1. This form of individual implicit resistance of employees involves absenteeism for a variety of reasons: deception of the administration, etc.
  • 2. Name the direction of state regulation of the market economy, which was most widespread after the Second World War in the context of the developing scientific and technological revolution.
  • 3. This process began in the West in the 1970s and assumed the curtailment of traditional industrial sectors and their transfer to the territory of the "third world" countries.
  • 4. Name the form of labor conflict, which involves a spontaneous or organized stop of production.
  • 5. This revolution in Russia has created a threat to the existence of a capitalist society.
  • 6. This function is social. partnership is associated with the formation of an effective system of state regulation of the market economy.
  • 1. Name the form of labor conflict, which implies the actual disregard by employees of basic production requirements when they are formally observed.
  • 2. This direction of state regulation of the market economy arose even before World War II and was associated with the development of a system of anti-crisis regulation of the economy.
  • 3. This form of collective implicit resistance of employees. It involves a decrease in the intensity of labor, a collective limitation of production rates.
  • 4. Name the model of tripartite cooperation in the West between workers, entrepreneurs and the state at the federal, regional, territorial levels
  • 5. What is the bilateral model of social partnership?
  • 6. This function is social. partnership lies in the fact that the state acts as an arbiter in the relationship between employees and employers.
  • 7. This form of influence on employees is used by the employer in the event of a labor conflict and is accompanied by the closure of their enterprises by employers.


  • 1. Scientific and technological progress at the present stage determines the high rates of ousting from production just such workers.
  • 2. This American automobile tycoon made up his own system of organizing production and labor and was a supporter of strict authoritarian management.
  • 3. After the Second World War, this model of labor process management was widely known, which involves considering the company as a large family opposing the elements of the market.
  • 4. This progressive economic phenomenon began in Russia in the 1990s.
  • 5. In this country, works councils must be created without fail in any organizations with at least 50 employees and on a tripartite basis: a leader, a neutral representative and employee representatives.


  • 1. These corporations have become the main actors in the modern world economy.
  • 2. The collapse of the USSR and the liquidation of the world socialist system were marked by the triumph of this particular model of economic globalization.
  • 3. This American engineer at the turn of the 20th century laid the foundation for the systematic study of the labor process on a scientific basis, which includes 3 points: strict control, detailed specialization of labor and its piece rate.
  • 4. It was for this organization that an unfavorable climate developed in most industrialized countries, and attempts to organize to protect workers were perceived as reactionary politics.
  • 5. The desire of trade unions to influence changes in the field of employment related to the technological process led to the emergence of these agreements in Western Europe.
  • 6. This International Organization provides support only to those countries that agree with the neoliberal model of globalization.
  • 7. These centers control the most mobile element of the circulation of capital - money, manipulate or concentrate in their hands enormous economic power.
  • 8. In this country, works councils are elected by secret ballot for 4 years in any organization with at least 5 employees. The members of such a board are protected by special legal guarantees regarding dismissal and a number of other guarantees.
  • 9. Continue the phrase: one of the possible ways to solve the problem of employment, trade unions consider reducing working hours without cutting ...
  • 10. Rotation of jobs, which can reduce the monotony of work.


  • 1. This agreement establishes general working conditions, guarantees, compensation and benefits for employees on the territory of the respective municipality.
  • 2. This perspective (3-10 years) implies the development and implementation of targeted government programs and projects as a response to the challenges of the time, which are generated by globalization.
  • 3. In the new edition of Art. 40 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains the opportunity to conclude a collective agreement not only with an organization as legal entitybut also with him.
  • 4. Such an agreement establishes general principles regulation of social and labor relations and related economic relations at the level of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • 1. First of all, social partnership in the world of work in modern Russia is regulated precisely at this level.
  • 2. If the term collective agreement expired, then the parties have the right to extend it, but not more than this number of years.
  • 3. New edition of Art. 30 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a rule according to which in social partnership at the local level the interests of employees are represented by these organizations.
  • 4. Transactions in the labor market are always formalized in the form of this document.
  • 5. What is the name of the agreement that establishes the general principles for regulating social and labor relations and related economic relations at the federal level.
  • 6. This International Organization was founded in 1919. as a social organization of labor under the League of Nations, and since 1946. is a specialized agency of the United Nations.
  • 7. Continue the phrase: the aim of the Convention is to eliminate ... labor and stipulates that the minimum age for admission to employment should not be lower than the age of completion of compulsory education.
  • 8. This perspective (10-25 years.) Presupposes the achievement of the strategic goals of social policy, formed between all the subjects of partnership.
  • 9. Such an agreement establishes general terms of remuneration, guarantees, compensation and benefits for workers in the industries.
  • 1. Incomes of the owners of the main factors of production, received by them through their initiative activities in the system of market economy.
  • 2. The quantitative aspect of social welfare is characterized using the concept of "... life".
  • 3. The balance of incomes and expenditures, which makes it possible to determine the cost of living of those strata of the population who have the minimum income, is called the "minimum consumer ...".
  • 4. Professional ... is the value of the likelihood of health disorders, taking into account the severity of the consequences as a result of the adverse influence of factors of the working environment and the labor process.
  • 5. Collective limitation of production standards with formal observance of all rules for the implementation of labor operations.
  • 6. The closure by employers of their enterprises and the mass dismissal of their workers to prevent a strike.
  • 7. ... work is the alternation of jobs, which helps to reduce the monotony of work and psychological fatigue.
  • 8. The function of the state, which is to regulate the relationship between employees and employers.
  • 9. The benefits of social insurance include compulsory nature, relative "cheapness" for the population and ...
  • 10. ... a market economy is an increase in its orientation towards ensuring an increase in well-being and all-round development of the individual.


  • 1. Income received by any owner of the goods available in quantity, naturally or artificially limited in comparison with demand.
  • 2. In Marxism, the transformed form of surplus value is called ...
  • 3. The qualitative aspect of social welfare is characterized using the concept of "... life".
  • 4. Certain aspects of life are characterized by private ..., which include socio-demographic indicators, economic activity of the population, social tension, etc.
  • 5. The provision of only minimal guarantees to citizens and assistance of the state only to a limited number of persons is envisaged by the concept ... of the state.
  • 6. A cash payment guaranteed by law to provide for citizens in old age, in the event of partial or complete disability, loss of a breadwinner and in connection with the achievement of the established guardian of work in certain areas of work.
  • 7. Spontaneous or organized stop of production.
  • 8. Labor ... is a transition from rigid authoritarian forms of labor management to flexible collective forms, expanding the ability of an ordinary worker to participate in management.
  • 9. Actual disregard by employees of basic production requirements when they formally comply.
  • 10. Social ... is the accumulation of certain funds generated as a result of the payment of contributions, and the use of these funds to make payments in the event of a risk situation.
  • 1. What is the name of the objective social process, which is characterized by the transformation of human activity and its results into an independent force dominating over him and often hostile to him;
  • 3. How many main aspects of labor alienation in the capitalist market economy were revealed by K. Marx and F. Engels;
  • 5. What is the name of the most famous form of collective implicit resistance, which is a collective limitation of the norms of production with the formal observance of all the rules for the implementation of labor operations;
  • 7. What is the name of the actual disregard by employees of basic production requirements when they formally comply;
  • 9. What is the name of a pronounced form of labor conflict;
  • 11. What is the name of the closure by employers of their enterprises and the mass dismissal of workers employed in them;
  • 13. What is the name of the process that struck the West in the 1970s, which is the collapse of many "old", traditional industrial industries and their transfer to the territory of the "third world";
  • 15. What American engineer became the founder of the scientific organization of labor;
  • 17. What is the name of the system invented by F. Taylor, which assumed the transfer of all functions of organizing the labor process to the administration;
  • 19. What is the name of the system of organization of production and labor, developed on the eve of the First World War by the American automobile magnate G. Ford.

Horizontal questions:

  • 2. What is the name of the alternation of jobs, which allows you to reduce the monotony of work and the resulting psychological fatigue, which has a positive effect on the final results of production;
  • 4. Which country uses works councils at the national level, which must be created without fail in any organizations with at least 50 employees;
  • 6. What organization was created in 1919? as a public organization of workers under the League of Nations;
  • 8. The system of relationships between employees (representatives of employees), employers (representatives of employers), government bodies, local governments, aimed at ensuring the coordination of the interests of employees and employers on the regulation of labor relations and other, directly related relations is called social ... ;
  • 10. What is the prospect for the development of social partnership, calculated for 10-25 years, presupposes the achievement of the strategic goals of social policy, formulated as a result of reaching a consensus between all subjects of partnership;
  • 12. What function of the state presupposes the role of an arbitrator, a subject of control over the strict execution of both employers and employees of accepted legal norms and agreements;
  • 14. Which of the functions of the state involves the formation of a system of state regulation of the economy, adequate to the requirements of today;
  • 16. The satisfaction of exactly what needs, which are of priority importance for employees engaged in performing labor, was ensured by the system of social partnership in Western countries;
  • 18. What direction, associated with the development of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London, emerged in the late 1940s? within the framework of the school of "human relations";
  • 20. What are the names of working time schedules, when using which employees themselves set the beginning and end of the working day.

Horizontal questions:

  • 1. The norms of what needs are used to form the minimum set of food products?
  • 2. The cost estimate of the minimum set of food products, non-food products and services necessary to preserve human health and ensure his life, plus mandatory payments and fees is ... a minimum.
  • 3. The concept of providing citizens with only minimum guarantees is called the concept of ... the state.
  • 4. The minimum set of food products, non-food products and services is a consumer ...
  • 5. Rational consumer budget is also called high budget ...
  • 6. The magnitude of the probability of health disorders as a result of the unfavorable influence of factors of the working environment and the labor process is a professional ...
  • 7. What standards are used to express the state minimum social standards?
  • 8. A money payment guaranteed by the law to provide citizens in old age.
  • 9. The amount of the subsistence minimum is calculated in accordance with ... the calculation of the amount of the subsistence minimum.
  • 10. What insurance initiative involves the development of the institution of personal insurance?


  • 1. The minimum levels of social guarantees established by the laws of the Russian Federation or by decisions of the representative bodies of state power for a certain period are the state minimum social ...
  • 2. The balance of income and expenditure, which makes it possible to determine the cost of living of those strata of the population who have the minimum income, is the minimum consumer ...
  • 3. How many principles are there for organizing social insurance?
  • 4. One of the advantages of social insurance over a private insurance initiative.
  • 5. How many square meters is social norm the area of \u200b\u200bhousing per family member, consisting of three or more people?
  • 6. The concept of a subsidiary state implies the implementation in practice of the doctrine of "the economy of a cheap ..."
  • 7. What is the name of the assistance provided to socially vulnerable groups of the population on the basis of means tested?
  • 8. One of the criteria for classifying social policy models is ... attitudes.
  • 9. The concept that implies the responsibility of the state to ensure a high standard of living is called the concept ... of the state.
  • 10. One of the functions of social insurance.


  • 1. The most important feature of this social model is the comprehensive responsibility of the state for the social and economic situation of its citizens. A feature is the severe directive regulation of the production, exchange and distribution of social goods and services.
  • 2. The social structure of society is due to ... production and accordingly changes as social relations change.
  • 3. Two approaches to differentiating the structure of the social sphere: 1) ...; 2) structural.
  • 4. The totality of interrelated and interacting social groups, institutions and the relationship between them is social ....
  • 5. The main theme of social policy is the social ... of certain parts of the people and the people as a whole.
  • 6. The relationship of social groups (classes).
  • 7. Social ... is a system of social protection, the task of which is to ensure the implementation of the constitutional right of economically active citizens to material security in old age, in case of illness, full or partial work ability, loss of a breadwinner, unemployment.
  • 8. Social ... - historically established forms of organization and regulation of public life, providing vital functions for society, including a set of norms, roles, patterns of behavior, special institutions and control systems.
  • 9. ... the model of social policy is characterized by the fact that any person independently has the right to a minimum social security in the event of social risks.


  • 1. Power in the economy, projection social order and the distribution of power in society over the economic sphere.
  • 2. ... politics - reflects the relationship of social groups regarding the preservation and change of the social status of the population, its constituent classes, strata, social, socio-demographic, socio-professional groups, social communities.
  • 3. The social order in which subjects can rely on the social order when making demands to improve or defend their position in society.
  • 4. The level of environmental hazards both in the natural environment and in settlements, and in the production sphere is ecological ....
  • 5. Such a social policy requires the identification of priority areas for the development of the social sphere.
  • 6. The higher the level of social, the lower the level of social security.
  • 7. Social ... - social differentiation and inequality based on certain criteria.
  • 8. ... social provisions are applied in determining the qualitative relative levels of welfare (poverty, prosperity, poverty, wealth, etc.).
  • 9. The social sphere is designed to ensure the level of the public ....
  • 10. ... social policy is distinguished by a weak reaction, since it does not respond in a timely manner to the emerging needs and problems; characterized by catch-up action.
  • 11. "Everyone participates, therefore everyone contributes" - this is the ideology of the social ... model.
  • 12. The main subject of social policy.
  • 13. Public ... are such states (stripes) social developmentwhen social and economic structures are reproduced on a peculiar, socially stable basis and retain their qualitative certainty.
  • 14. ... social policy is characterized by the fact that measures are implemented in cases of extreme situations.
  • 15. Processes from higher to lower, processes of social degradation, return to obsolete forms and structures of social order.
  • 16. An integral, continuously changing system of society, generated by the objective need of society for the continuous reproduction of the subjects of the social process, is a social ...

Answers to crosswords

On the topic: "Labor productivity and wages"


  • 1. Break; 2. ESN; 3. Marx; 4. Smith; 5. Day off; 6. Labor costs;
  • 7. Work experience; 8. Accountant; 9. Minimum wage; 10. Bonus; 11. Strumilin.


  • 1. Prize; 12. Development; 13. Absenteeism; 14. Malthus; 15. Retention;
  • 16. Turgot; 17. Workers; 18. Tariff; 19. Marriage.


1. Personal income tax; 2. Labor; 3.Material intensity; 4. Fund intensity; 5. Salary; 6.Marriage; 7. Fee; 8. Adam 9.Mille 10. Motivation.


11. Return on assets; 12. Intensification; 13.Real; 14.Nominal; ^. Profitability; 16. Piecework; 17. Capital.

Course work

3rd year students, group 87001206

Ivanova Maria Ivanovna


candidate of sociological sciences,

associate professor V.P. Ivanova


Appendix 2.

1.1. The main approaches to the definition of intersectoral social partnership in the system of social protection of the population
1.2. Legal and regulatory framework for regulating interaction between business, government and public organizations in the social protection system
2.1. The main forms and technologies of social partnership in the system of social protection of the population
2.2. Analysis of social partnership in the social protection system at the regional level (on the example of the Belgorod region) (Chapter 3 for term papers on "Technologies of Social Work")
3.1. Studying the problems of introducing social partnership mechanisms into the social protection system of the region (on the example of the Belgorod region)
3.2. Model of the social protection system of the region using the mechanisms of social partnership

Appendix 3.


Legislative materials

Constitution of the Russian Federation [Text]: official text. - M .: Marketing, 2001 .-- 39 p.

Family Code of the Russian Federation [Text]: [Feder. law: adopted by the State. Duma December 8. 1995: as of 3 Jan. 2001]. - SPb .: Victory: Stown-country, 2001 .-- 94 p.


1. Additional information indicated on the title page is not placed in square brackets, and the information on the back of the title page is given in square brackets.

2. Additional information, revealing and explaining the title or type of the document, can be formulated on the basis of the analysis of the document and placed in square brackets.

Shapovalova, I.S. Diagnostics of professionally important qualities of a social worker [Text]: study guide. allowance. - / I.S.Shapovalova. - Belgorod: Publishing house Belgor. State University, 2004.80 p.

Firsov, M.V. The theory of social work [Text]: textbook. manual for stud. Higher. Textbook. institutions / M.V. Firsov, E.G.Studenova - M .: Vlados, 2001 .-- 432 p.

Danakin, N.S. Conflicts and technologies for their prevention [Text] / NS Danakin, LY Dyatchenko, VI Speransky. - Belgorod: Belgorod Center. social technologies, 1995 .-- 316 p.


1. If the publishing house has a name (Nauka Publishing House, New Textbook Publishing House, EURO-ADDRESS CJSC, VLADOS Humanitarian Publishing Center, POLITERRA IPC, etc.), then in the description information on the form of ownership ( JSC, JSC, ID, IC, CPI, GIC, etc.) omit and give the name of the publisher without quotation marks.

2. For licensed and accredited publishing houses of most educational institutions that do not have their own names (Publishing House of the St. Petersburg Chemical and Pharmacological Academy, Publishing House of the Ural State University, Publishing House of Belgorod State University), the description is given in a partially abbreviated form (Publishing house of St. Petersburg Chem.-Pharmac.acad .; Publishing house of the Ural State University; Publishing House of the Belarusian State University).

3. If the name of the publisher entered the previous areas in full form, in this area it can be shortened to the shortest form (SPHFA, USU, BelSU).

Socially vulnerable families of Russia (regional aspect) [Text]: monograph / O. A. Gordilova, I. A. Ilyaeva, E. A. Kozhemyakin T. N. Kuznetsova, N. V. Lazurenko, M. E. Polenova, V.N.Selyukova, I.K.Svishchev, I.S.Shapovalova; under total. ed. I.A.Ilyaeva, T.N. Kuznetsova, M.E. Polenova. - Belgorod: IPC Polyterra, 2003 .-- 196 p.

Socially vulnerable families of Russia (regional aspect) [Text]: monograph / O. Gordilova [et al.]; under total. ed. IA Ilyaeva [and others]. - Belgorod: Politerra, 2003 .-- 196 p.


If there is information about four or more persons and (or0 organizations), the amount of information on responsibility is determined by the bibliographer. The description may contain information about all persons and (or) organizations specified in the source of information. If necessary, reduce their number is limited to indicating the first of each groups by adding in square brackets the abbreviation "and others" [and others] or its equivalent in Latin.

Description of a separate volume of a multivolume edition

Kazmin, V.D. Handbook of a family doctor [Text]. At 3 o'clock, Part 2. Children's diseases / Vladimir Kazmin - M .: AST: Astrel, 2002. - 503 p.

Description of a section, chapter, or paragraph from a book

Socially vulnerable families in Russia (regional aspect) [Text]: monograph / O. Gordilova, I. Ilyaev, E. Kozhemyakin and others; under total. ed. I.A.Ilyaeva, T.N. Kuznetsova, M.E. Polenova. - Belgorod: IPC "Polyterra", 2003. - 196 p.

Guslyakova, L.G. The levels of social work, its functional-role repertoire [Text] / L. G. Guslyakova // Theory of social work: / G. Yu. Burlakova [et al]; ed. E.I. Kholostovoy. - M .: Jurist, 2001. - Ch. 4. - S. 53-59.

Description of collections (depends on

Social and pedagogical technologies [Text]: collection of articles. materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical. conf. "Social and pedagogical technologies in the education system", Belgorod, October 29-31. 1998 / Min. Form. RF, Belgor. state un-t; editorial board: N.A. Mislivets [et al.]. - Belgorod: BelGU, 1999 .-- 112 p.

Interuniversity scientific and practical conference "The educational process in high school Russia ", April 26-27. 2001 [Text]: [dedicated. 50th anniversary of NGAVT: materials] / Novosib. region branch of the Intern. assoc. on work with drug addiction and drug business, Novosib. state acad. water. transport; editorial board: A.B. Borisov [et al.]. - Novosibirsk: NGAVT, 2001 .-- 157 p.

Description of the article from the collection

Kraineva, L.A. Methodological approaches to the problem of gender research of deviant behavior [Text] / L.A. Kraineva // Collection of scientific papers of the Rostov State Pedagogical University. - Rostov, 2003. - No. 1. - p. 78-86.

Description of an article from a multivolume collection

Bakharev, V.V. The system of ecological and cultural monitoring as a factor of sustainable and safe development of the region [Text] / VV Bakharev // Region: contours of security and development: materials of the All-Russian. scientific – practical. conf. In Mordov. State ped. in-those them. M.E. Evseviev 15-16 Feb 2001 at 4 o'clock h 1 /

edited by V.A. Pisachkin. - Saransk: MGPI, 2001 .-- S. 51-59.

Description of the article from the journal

Novokshonova, G. Large family: a model of assistance [Text] / G. Novokshonova // Social work. - 1993. - No. 3. - S. 15-16.

Kazakov, N.A. Belated recognition [Text]: a story / Nikolai Kazakov // At the combat post. - 2000. - No. 9. - S. 64-76; No. 10. - p. 58-71.

Bakharev, V.V. Ecological and cultural problems of the city and optimization of the urban socioecosystem (on the example of Ulyanovsk) [Text] / Victor Bakharev // Regionology. - 1999. - No. 4/2000. - No. 1. - P. 391-401.

Description of a newspaper article or interview

Piriev, Y., Fomina, E. Additional profession - a guarantee of permanent earnings [Text] / Y. Piriev, E. Fomina // Landmark. - 2000 .-- October. - S. 4.

Serebryakova, M.I. Dionysius does not let go [Text]: [about the frescoes of the Ferapontovo monastery, Vologda. region]: conversation with the director of the museum Marina Serebryakova / recorded by Yuri Medvedev // Century. - 2002. - June 14-20 (No. 18). - S. 9.

Belozerov, I.V. Religious policy of the Golden Horde in Russia in the XIII-XIV centuries. [Text]: dis .... cand. ist. Sciences: 07.00.02 / Belozerov Ivan Valentinovich. - M., 2002 .-- 215 p.

Kraineva, L.A. Gender characteristics of behavior in the tax area [Text]: author. dis ... cand. sociol. Sciences: 22.00.04 / Kraineva Lyudmila Alekseevna. - Saransk. - 24 p.

Description of deposited scientific works

Razumovsky, V.A. Management of marketing examples in the region [Text] / V.A.Razumovsky, D.A.Andreev; Institute of city economics. - M., 2002 .-- 210 p. - Dep. in INION Ros. acad. Sciences 15.02.02, No. 139876.

Sociological research small groups of the population [Text] / V.I. Ivanov [and others]; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, Financial Academy. - M., 2002 .-- 110 p. - Dep. in VINITI 13.06.02, No. 145432.

Description of sources (regulations, statutes, reports, etc.)

Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation [Text]: (on the situation in the country and the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the state). - M .: [b.i. ], 2001. - 46 p.

Statutes of the public all-Russian organization "Russian trade union of shipbuilding workers" - RPRS [Text]: adopted found. conf. Dec 17. 1991: rev. and add. introduced. I Congress of the trade union on December 22. 1995, 2nd Congress of the Trade Union on December 15. 2000 - M .: ProfEko, 2001 .-- 43 p.

Note: in the absence of information about the place of publication in the described source, abbreviations are given in square brackets. [b.m.], in the absence of a publisher[bg], year of publication [bg].

Description of electronic sources

Sologubova, T.K. Foster family as a form of education for children left without parental care [Electronic resource] / TK Sologubova, L. Surikova. -

Bibliography on social and humanitarian sciences, 2000-2003 [Electronic resource] / Inst. Nauch. inform. by societies. sciences (INION). Electron. Dan. and prog. (459 Mb). - M., 2004 .-- 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM).

Artistic encyclopedia of foreign classical art [Electronic resource]. - Electron. text, graph., zv. Dan. and application program. (546 Mb). - M .: Big Ros. encyclopedia. [et al.], 1996 - 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM).

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Date the page was created: 2016-08-20

Social partnership in the field of social protection



1.1 Concept of social partnership 6

1.2. Social partnership of state and public organizations in the social sphere 16


2.1. Public-state partnership in support of persons with disabilities 26

2.2. Social partnership in industrial enterprises - protecting the social well-being of workers 41




Relevance of the topic.The strategic goal of the country's development, reflected in the concept of long-term socio-economic development of Russia until 2020, is the transition to an innovative socially oriented development model. This implies a special attention not only to technological, but, first of all, to social innovations, determines the priority of issues of human capital development, civil society and social partnership.

Social partnership implies cooperation of government agencies with civil society institutions, charitable organizations, local governments, commercial enterprises and non-profit organizations.

Such interaction is necessary in order to jointly solve significant social problems (poverty, homelessness, orphanhood, domestic violence, environmental pollution, etc.), representatives of different sectors usually understand the responsibility for solving these social problems in different ways, have different opportunities and resources for assistance, but despite differences and contradictions, cooperation is necessary.

Currently, in order to build relations with the local society and the practical implementation of socially significant ideas in the practice of social protection institutions, the innovative technology "social partnership" is being successfully introduced and applied, which is a unique mechanism for regulating the harmonization of interests of business, society, government and effective method social communication in the provision of social assistance to unprotected categories of citizens.

In the reformed Russia, social partnership is making its first steps, but it is already gaining relevance. In order for social partnership in the Russian Federation to develop more actively, the state needs to carry out propaganda.

The degree of scientific elaboration of the topic.Social partnership in the social sphere is studied in the works of Russian scientists such as A.A. Smirnova. "Public - public partnership in support of persons with disabilities at the beginning of the XX century", Volkova L.V. "Social partnership", T.V. Izyurova "Social partnership of state and public organizations in the social sphere: regional specificity."

The purpose of this work:explore social partnership in the field of social protection.

The purpose of the study can be achieved by solving the followingtasks:

  • to reveal the concept of social partnership;
  • consider the social partnership of state and public organizations in the social sphere;
  • to study public - state partnership in support of persons with disabilities;
  • analyze social partnership at industrial enterprises as protection of the social welfare of workers.

Object research is social partnership

Subject social partnership in the field of social protection

Hypothesis - social partnership between the state and society is the most effective way solving significant problems of social protection of the population.

Structure. Thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, logically divided into paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the thesis study.

Social protection of the population - this is one of the most important directions of the state's social policy, which consists in establishing and maintaining the socially necessary material and social situation in the community outside of all members of society.

Sometimes social protection is interpreted more narrowly: as providing a certain level of income for those strata of the population that, for whatever reason, cannot independently support their existence: the unemployed, the disabled, the sick, orphans, the elderly, single mothers, large families. Basic principles of social protection:

  • humanity;
  • targeting;
  • complexity;
  • ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual.

The system of social protection of the population and its structure

Social protection system Is a complex of legislative acts, measures, as well as organizations that ensure the implementation of measures for social protection of the population, support for socially vulnerable segments of the population.

It includes:

1. Social Security - originated in Russia in the 20s of the twentieth century. and meant the creation of a state system of material support and services for elderly and disabled citizens, as well as families with children at the expense of the so-called public consumption funds. This category is essentially identical to that of social protection, but the latter applies to a market economy.

In addition to pensions (for old age, disability, etc.), social security included benefits for temporary incapacity for work and childbirth, for caring for a child under the age of one year, assistance to families in maintaining and raising children (free or on preferential terms nurseries, kindergartens, boarding schools , pioneer camps, etc.), family allowances, maintenance of the disabled in special organizations (nursing homes, etc.), free or on preferential terms, prosthetic assistance, provision of vehicles for disabled people, vocational training for disabled people, various benefits for families of disabled people. During the transition to the market, the social security system largely ceased to fulfill its functions, but some of its elements have entered the modern system of social protection of the population.

2. - provision of social benefits and services to citizens without regard to labor input and means testing, based on the principle of distributing these benefits according to the needs of the available public resources. In our country, social guarantees include:

  • guaranteed free medical care;
  • general availability and free education;
  • the minimum wage;
  • the minimum pension, scholarships;
  • social pensions (disabled since childhood; disabled children; disabled people who do not have work experience; children who have lost one or both parents; persons over 65 (men) and 60 (women) years old, without work experience);
  • benefits at the birth of a child, for the period of caring for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years, up to 16 years;
  • ritual burial allowance and some others.

From January 1, 2002, the amount of benefits associated with the birth of a child has been increased. Thus, the size of a one-time childbirth allowance increased from 1.5 thousand rubles to 4.5 thousand rubles and in 2006 - to 8000 rubles, the monthly allowance for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years from 200 up to 500 rubles, and in 2006 - up to 700 rubles. This allowance provided 25% of the subsistence minimum for an able-bodied person. The amount of the monthly allowance for a child under 16 has not been revised and is 70 rubles. Its ratio with the size of the child's subsistence minimum was 3.0% in 2004. In Moscow and some other regions, this allowance in 2006 increased to 150 rubles.

Social benefits are a type of social guarantees. They represent a system of social guarantees provided to certain groups of the population (disabled people, war veterans, labor veterans, etc.). In 2005, benefits in kind were replaced by monetary compensations for these categories of the population. Since January 1, 2005, the privileged category of citizens has the right to use the social package and the right to receive monthly cash payments. The cost of the social package is set at 450 rubles. It includes travel in suburban transport, free drug provision, spa treatment and travel to the place of spa treatment. The law stipulates that from January 2006, beneficiaries will be able to choose between a social package and the receipt of an appropriate amount of money.

From January 1, 2006, in accordance with the law, monthly cash payments were established in the following amounts: invalids of the Great Patriotic War - 2000 rubles; WWII participants - 1,500 rubles; war veterans and a number of other categories of beneficiaries - 1100 rubles.

Persons who worked during the Second World War at air defense facilities, the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities, family members of victims or deceased war invalids, WWII veterans and war veterans will receive 600 rubles a month.

People with disabilities who have the third degree of restriction to work are paid 1,400 rubles a month; second degree - 1000 rubles; first degree - 800 rubles; children with disabilities will be paid 1000 rubles. People with disabilities who do not have a degree of restriction to work, with the exception of disabled children, receive 500 rubles a month.

Social insurance - protection of the economically active population from social risks based on collective solidarity in compensation for damage. The main social risks associated with the loss of ability to work, work and, accordingly, income, are illness, old age, unemployment, motherhood, accidents, occupational injuries, occupational diseases, death of the breadwinner. The social insurance system is financed from special off-budget funds, formed by contributions from employers and employees, as well as state subsidies. There are two forms of social insurance - compulsory (with state support of its funds) and voluntary (in the absence of state aid). Citizens are supported primarily through cash payments (pensions and benefits for sickness, old age, unemployment, loss of a breadwinner, etc.), as well as through financing the services of healthcare organizations, vocational training, etc., related to the restoration of working capacity.

Social support (assistance) is provided to socially vulnerable groups of the population who, for one reason or another, are unable to provide themselves with income. Aid is provided both in cash and in kind (free meals, clothing) and is funded from general tax revenues. Means testing is usually required to receive social assistance. Assistance is provided to those people whose incomes are below the minimum living standards, and is an essential element of the policy of fighting poverty, ensuring a minimum guaranteed income, as the realization of the right to life.

Social support is not limited to material assistance only. It also includes measures in the form of assistance and services provided to individuals or groups of the population by social services to overcome difficulties in life, maintain social status, and adapt to society.

The activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, household, medical, pedagogical, legal services and material assistance, the implementation of social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations has formed into a separate branch of the social sphere - social services.

The system of social service institutions in Russia is developing at a very fast pace. During the period 1998-2004, the total number of social service institutions increased by one third. At the same time, the number of institutions for the elderly and the disabled has grown by more than one and a half times compared to 1985, and by 18% compared to 1998. The number of social assistance centers for families and children in 1998-2004 increased by 2 times, social rehabilitation centers - by 2.5 times. There are 25 rehabilitation centers for young people with disabilities, 17 gerontological centers. New types of social service institutions have appeared: crisis centers for women, while the only crisis center for men, crisis departments for girls.

Work aimed at helping, supporting and protecting people, and, above all, the socially weak strata of society is called social work.

The object of social work there are people in need of outside help: old people, pensioners, disabled people, seriously ill, children; people caught in cha
I wish a life situation: the unemployed, drug addicts, adolescents caught in a bad company, single-parent families, convicts and those who served their sentences, refugees and displaced persons, etc.

Subjects of social work - those organizations and people who carry out this work. This is the state as a whole, which implements social policy through state bodies of social protection. These are public organizations: the Russian Association of Social Services, the Association of Social Educators and Social Workers, etc. These are charitable organizations and charity societies such as the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

The main subject of social work are people who are engaged in it professionally or on a voluntary basis. There are about half a million professional social workers (that is, people with an appropriate education and diploma) worldwide (in Russia, several tens of thousands). The bulk of social work is done by non-professionals, either as a result of circumstances or because of their beliefs and sense of duty.

Society is interested in increasing effectiveness of social work... However, it is difficult to define and measure it. Efficiency is understood as the ratio of performance results and costs required to achieve this result. Social performance is a complex category that consists of goals, results, costs and conditions. social activities... The result is the final result of any activity in relation to its goal. It can be positive or negative. In social work, the result is the satisfaction of the needs of its objects, clients of social services, and on this basis, a general improvement in the social situation in society. The criteria for the effectiveness of social work at the macro level can be indicators of the financial situation of the family (person), life expectancy, the level and structure of morbidity, homelessness, drug addiction, crime, etc.

The problem of the limits of social assistance to citizens is closely related to the criterion of effectiveness. As in the implementation of income policy, it is necessary to take into account the possible negative consequences of massive social support: the emergence of dependency, passivity, unwillingness to make decisions and solve their own problems. Negative phenomena in the social sphere may arise (for example, active support of single mothers can lead to a decrease in the marriage rate and, ultimately, fertility).


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