What is included in the ku. The current rules for the provision of public services to citizens: norms and quality standards. Residential and utility bills: how to reduce utility bills

They negotiate all the nuances of making payments by residents and organizations for the provision of housing and communal services to the population.

In order to be able to fully use all the housing and communal services provided and in order to avoid controversial situations, the tenant must know their types. What is included in utilities, housing and communal services, for what services we pay, we will consider in the article.

What is included in housing and communal services?

The supply of the house with the necessary resources is carried out by companies (partnerships) that have licenses for this.

Housing and communal services - what is included in the maintenance of housing and what is it?

The complete list of public goods is as follows:

  1. Cold water supply. The main requirements for cold water are safety from pathogens and unacceptable chemical impurities. Water supply (both cold and hot) must be constant, a break of more than 8 hours a month is unacceptable, in case of accidents - more than 24 hours.
  2. Hot water supply... In addition to the above requirements, there are also temperature standards - from 65 to 75 degrees Celsius () with small possible deviations.
  3. Water disposal (sewerage)... The dwelling must have an evacuation system wastewater... Water supply and sewerage is regulated by the Federal Law No. 416 dated 07.12.11 "On water supply and sewerage".
  4. Heat supply. This type of service is determined by the air temperature in the apartment or other room. It should not fall below +18 degrees (+15 for entrances) for ordinary rooms and +20 for corner rooms. Permissible shutdown time (during the heating season) - 24 hours a month. Legal confirmation - ФЗ № 190 from 27.07.10 "On heat supply".
  5. Gasification. Household gas is not connected in all houses and apartments, but if housing is connected to a single system, then its payment is included in utilities, according to the Federal Law dated 03.03.99 No. 69 "On gas supply in the Russian Federation".
  6. Electricity... Power outages should not last more than 2 hours for two sources and 24 hours for one source.
  7. Lighting of common areas.

List of municipal utilities and their features

Another type of provided functions in the field housing - municipal services in the field of housing and communal services.

Such services are not associated with individual apartments or houses, but also provide a comfortable existence for owners or homeowners.

The main types of housing and communal services:

  • housing maintenance, repair obligations... The purpose of the function is to maintain the health of the premises (legal support - and the Government Decree of 13.08.06 No. 491);
  • major, unscheduled and current repairs;
  • garbage disposal - waste, garbage chute, etc .;
  • other stipulated and paid services. For example, housing and communal services are provided for cleaning entrances, elevators and adjoining territory, 24-hour security and secure parking, concierge, food delivery, help desk and much more.

    Such services do not have to be present in every house, but if they are, then the fee is paid according to the established tariffs (usually all municipal benefits are calculated based on the living space).

Housing and utility services and rent

The rent is fixed in the law and an exhaustive list of payments included in it is indicated in article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
According to it, the owner (owner, tenant, if provided by the contract) is obliged, on general terms, to pay for the list of housing and communal services included in the rent:

  • corresponding fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, common property apartment building;
  • payment according to tariffs for the provided and used utilities and municipal services (the list of utilities services is above).

You can pay the bill at the Russian Post offices, via the Internet, by bank transfer, or in electronic terminals with such functionality. The amount of the rent is formed separately for each position on the basis of agreements with the company (companies) providing services.

Property exploitation and housing maintenance

What are maintenance services in housing and communal services?

The lists of housing and communal services may also include paid maintenance services.

They are provided to residents of the dwelling and are paid for.

The exploited property, for the use of which the tariff price is determined, include:

  • landline telephone communication;
  • television, Internet;
  • common home property that needs maintenance;
  • intercom;
  • security post and much more.

It should be noted that maintenance utilities are paid only if they are available and used by residents, for example, in the absence of an intercom, no one has the right to demand money for it.

The list of services of the housing and communal services management company for the maintenance of housing services:

All disputes, inconsistencies and problems with low-quality housing and communal services, contracts in the field of housing and communal services are resolved exclusively in the legal plane. Lawyers provide services in matters of:

  • unlawful growth of tariffs, especially provided that the quality of services does not change;
  • deterioration of living conditions;
  • shutdowns of utilities for periods exceeding those established in the legislation, as well as non-compliance with standards (for example, hot water of insufficient temperature);
  • failure of either party to fulfill its obligations, or illegal excess of rights (infringement of the rights of others);
  • any structures or systems in an apartment or house are malfunctioning;
  • inaction of authorized persons and organizations.

Additional and imposed

In addition to the mandatory paid utilities, municipal and other services, there are additional new paid options for housing and communal services that are not included in the maintenance of the house.

The most common of them are additional security systems, such as video surveillance, security, alarms, and more.

Many unscrupulous companies charge inappropriate fees for various services. Most often, illegally paid:

  1. Additional services of the housing and communal services management company, not included in the contract.
  2. Compulsory services included in the contract, if a separate fee is charged for them in excess of the norm.
  3. Fees for the organization's activities (remuneration, commissions, etc.).

According to Article 16 of the Consumer Protection Law, the performer does not have the right to impose his paid services, not stipulated by the contract.

In case of violation of the rights of residents, they can resolve the dispute out of court, through a claim, contact the housing inspectorate, prosecutor's office or court.

It is important for every owner (owner, tenant) of housing to know the list of payments that are mandatory and payments that are imposed illegally.

A citizen has the right to defend his rights in any legal way and protect himself from illegal actions of service companies that provide services in the field of housing and communal services.

Utility rates are increasing every year. 2017 was no exception for citizens Russian Federation... At the beginning of last year, new law on toughening of liability for debtors for payment for housing and communal services. What the new law implies and what punishment is provided for hard-core defaulters, we will consider later in the article.

The procedure for paying for utilities is regulated by the Housing Code. According to article 153 of the RF LC, this is the responsibility of every citizen, including legal entities that rent any premises. Housing and communal services include:

  • payment for hot and cold water;
  • making payments for electricity (study);
  • making payments for heating;
  • and gas supply.

According to article 155 of the RF LC, there is a certain period during which utilities must be paid. Payment is made every month until the 10th day upon receipt of the corresponding payment document. Servicemen, veterans and other categories of citizens enjoy benefits on payment.

The maximum delay in payment for utilities can be 31 days. Previously, penalties were charged for a month of delay, now penalties are charged on the 31st day of not making payments. To use installments and deferrals, good reasons are required for the delay in payment. These include:

  • serious disease;
  • loss of position or the only breadwinner.

In any of the above cases, documentary evidence of the facts will be required.

What is the threat of non-payment of utilities?

The new law on non-payment of utilities provides for the accrual of penalties for debtors who do not make payments on bills on time for utilities. Federal Law No. 307 deals with the procedure for calculating penalties for non-payment. The law has been amended to improve consumer discipline.

The main methods of dealing with persistent defaulters are:

  • accrual of penalties;
  • introduction of restrictions or suspension of the supply of utilities;
  • the last resort is eviction from the apartment with the help of the court.

Consider the above methods of punishment for late payment, carried out by utility providers, later in the article.

Penalty amount by law

The most common punishment is penalties. Penalty is a penalty for a long delay in payment of utility bills. According to Federal Law No. 307, citizens who are overdue by more than a month will be subject to penalties. You can pay the bill within 31 days after receiving the receipt.

The total amount of the forfeit depends on the amount of debt and the number of days of non-payment, as well as the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of Russia.

Rent debtors who are individuals, you should remember that from 31 days to 90, 1/300 of the refinancing rate is charged for each day of non-payment of the receipt. And from day 91, the penalty will increase to 1/130 of the Bank of Russia rate. At the moment, the rate is 9%.

The legal status of the consumer of utilities influences the calculation of the late payment interest. For organizations supplying heating, water, etc., the following penalty will be charged:

  • from the 1st to the 60th day - 1/300 of the interest rate of the Central Bank;
  • from 60 - 90 - 1/170;
  • from day 91 - 1/130 of the interest rate.

For legal entities, the fine will be charged at the maximum discount rate - 1/130. If the debt for the apartment can be paid through the terminal, then there is no penalty. Payment can be made only at a Sberbank branch or at a management company, which should be done as soon as possible.

The accrual of penalties can be avoided if the citizen has to leave for another city for a long period. The person concerned is obliged to write a statement in management company and notify about this fact. The payment deferral will be valid for six months. If an extension is required, then the next application is sent by mail.

What are suppliers entitled to?

In addition to calculating interest, utility providers have the right to resort to other penalties for debtors. For a delay in payment of more than 3 months, a shutdown or restriction in the supply of gas, electricity, water is provided for non-payment of utilities. The supplier has the right to act according to this regulation before receiving money from the debtor. The defaulter is notified in writing by mail. After 3 days, if the notification is ignored, the notification is made by the personally authorized person.

Eviction from the apartment for debts is also possible. However, it applies to citizens who rent living space. INevict the owner legally prohibited from a privatized apartment. The impetus for this procedure is not the total amount of debt, but the time period for non-payment of utility bills - more than 6 months.

Where to complain about illegal shutdowns?

The Federal Law on rent provides for utilities that do not have the right to turn off, even if payment is not received - heating and cold water supply.

Disconnection of any kind of utilities without appropriate warning from suppliers illegal! This misconduct can be appealed. A complaint can be sent to the management company or the HOA. If it was not possible to come to a mutual agreement, the claim is sent to the state housing inspectorate or Rospotrebnadzor. This is followed by the submission of a written application to the prosecutor's office and the court.

Utility providers can be subject to administrative and criminal liability. For violation of the regime for providing the population with housing and communal services, a fine is imposed on officials - 500 - 1,000 rubles, and for legal entities - 5,000 - 10,000 rubles. For arbitrariness and damage - a fine of up to 80,000 rubles is levied, or compulsory work is carried out for 180 - 240 hours, or correctional labor for 1 - 2 years, or arrest for 3 - 6 months.

Arrears in payment could have caused disconnection from the supply of utilities. If the debtor received notification on time and the fact of late payment is recognized by him, then the only solution the problem is the payment of funds. When the debt is repaid, the supply of light, gas, water is made within two days.

Provision to the public is strictly regulated by federal laws, rules, regulations and other acts.

Knowing the standards of their provision, volumes, quality and time of delivery, citizens can seek to improve service. But we must not forget about our duties - admission of controllers.

Housing relationships between consumers and service providers are impossible without government intervention. It implements it by enacting and amending laws.

Basic laws and regulations, which are guided by housing and communal services enterprises, are:

In addition, housing and communal services enterprises are guided by a variety of profile regulations in the course of its activity:

  1. Rules for the use of the sewerage and water supply system in the Russian Federation (Government Decree No. 167).
  2. Resolution # 761 defines consumer citizens.
  3. The rules for the provision of communal services to citizens No. 307 regulate the procedure for the relationship between owners and end consumers services with suppliers, set standards for the consumption of individual resources.
  4. Specialized regulations relating to a specific industry of housing and communal services - gas supply, sewerage, water supply, maintenance of apartment buildings, and so on.

Changes regarding the procedure for the provision of utilities

The main regulatory document are "Rules for the provision of communal services to citizens"approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 dated May 23, 2006. In 2015 this document has undergone some changes.

Service consumers who have the option to install meters, but who have not done so, will pay more. This measure is intended to stimulate the population to install metering devices, both general and individual.

Such a normative act existed earlier, but was not widely used. Now, after the legalization of the innovation, the requirements will apply to all citizens without exception.

Consequently, the clause that regulates the charging of fees during the verification (temporary absence) of the meter has also changed.

If earlier for the calculation the consumption indicators for the three previous months of the "standard" tariff were taken, now the increased tariff will be taken into account with increasing coefficients. At the beginning of 2017, this figure is 1.5.

The use of increased coefficients is possible if the controller is not allowed into the apartment or house to take readings over three months in a row.

Increased tariffs will not be applied to gas supply.

Thus, all innovations relate to the use of increasing factors in the absence of meters in the room.

The important thing is that their absence can be justified, for example, when there is no technical feasibility of mounting IPU, OPU... In this case, the fee will be charged at the old rates.

General provisions of the Rules

The main points of the document are:

Besides, general provisions have an explanation of the basic terms and concepts used in the provision of housing and communal services.

The document applies to consumers (citizens legally residing in, private, public property) and service providers.

Rights and obligations of the parties to public services

The consumer has the right:

  • get service proper quality, in a timely manner and in full;
  • uninterruptedly receive utilities, demand an increase in their quality to the established level;
  • participate in decision-making regarding common property and local area;
  • control and pay for the actual volume of consumed services;
  • demand a reduction in payment in case of interruptions in supplies, poor quality or own absence from the premises;
  • claim compensation for damage if the latter was caused through the fault of the service provider;
  • reconcile payments made;
  • receive complete information, get acquainted with documents and regulations regarding specific services.

The supplier has the right:

  • demand timely;
  • require compliance with the rules for the operation of housing, IPU, OPU;
  • receive compensation from the state for consumers who have;
  • freely enter the premises for verifying the readings and serviceability of metering devices.

The consumer undertakes timely pay for the utilities consumed, grant admission to the supplier's representatives to the premises, independently monitor the health of the utility networks in the apartment.

The supplier is obliged provide services in a timely manner, in full, without long interruptions, of the established quality, conclude an agreement with the consumer and exercise control technical condition systems in the house.

Quality standards

Housing and communal services must be performed in accordance with GOST R 51617-2000, federal laws and other regulations.
All services must be provided in the amount established for the needs of the population, to ensure continuous consumption.

Breaks are allowed only if repairs or force majeure.

All services must be safe for the health and life of the population.

The supplier must carry out quality control of services:

  • visual;
  • analytical;
  • instrumental.

Devices, products, substances used for the provision of services must be monitored and comply with standards.

The procedure for payment for housing and communal services

The Housing Code obliges the consumer:

  • both enterprises and individuals;
  • make payment by the 10th of the month;
  • draw up payment documents in accordance with the receipts received;
  • receive if there are grounds;
  • pay for all premises owned by;
  • in some cases, payment is due not only for current, but also for overhaul of common property in apartment buildings.

Settlement of disputes and disagreements

Disputes between the consumer and the contractor can be of the following types:

It is in the housing and utilities sector that mediators are not popular. The reason is trivial - the side that has not received its own considers itself right and seeks to punish the culprit. At the same time, she does not take into account that the trial can drag on for years, and can be accompanied by a large waste of money, effort and time.

Mediation in housing and communal services aims to reconcile the parties, compensation for damage to the victim in a short time.

But, until amendments are made to the current legislation, obliging the parties to the dispute to use mediation, communal conflicts will be resolved in court.

Video: In Russia, the standards for the consumption of utilities have been increased

The report discusses the problem of calculating the cost of consumed utilities in the presence or absence of individual metering devices.

It tells what increasing factors will be introduced for owners of residential premises that are not equipped with meters.

Housing and communal services (Housing and communal services) are such services that are necessary when creating a comfortable living for the consumer, they provide and maintain the proper condition of all settlements.

There are several types of living quarters:

  • the first is - a private (residential) house, or its residential part;
  • the second has - an apartment, or part of it;
  • the third is a room, or several rooms.

All listed types residential areas are housing stock, which has several subdivisions, which depend on the form of ownership:

  • private LF;
  • state ZhF;
  • municipal ZhF.

What is included in housing and communal services?

Housing and communal services are endowed with the following list of such services provided:

  • Water supply (cold) - a continuous supply of cold water of the established and acceptable quality standard is ensured to the trustee, in the required amount and volume in a certain way (over a network that is connected or over a column).
  • Water supply (hot) - continuous supply of hot water to the trustee of an established and acceptable quality standard, in the required quantity and volume in a certain way (through the network that is connected) is ensured.
  • Wastewater disposal - through the network that is connected, the drainage of domestic and industrial waste is carried out.
  • Power supply - continuous supply to the trustee is ensured electrical energy established and acceptable by the quality standard, in the required quantity and volume in a certain way (via the network that is connected). Read about.
  • Gas supply - a continuous supply of gas of the established and acceptable quality standard to the trustee is ensured, in the required quantity and volume in a certain way (through the network that is connected), gas is also sold in cylinders for domestic use.
  • Heating - a continuous supply of warm energy is provided to the trustee during the heating season (from autumn to spring) in accordance with certain standards to ensure the optimal air temperature in the residential area; solid fuel is also supplied in the case of stove heating.

New rules

The rules, which were set by the government of the Russian Federation on May 6, 2011, define the following concepts:

  • the concept of "performer";
  • the concept of "consumer";
  • resource supplying organization "
  • utilities consumption standard;

Since July 1, 2012, there have been some changes in the amount of tariffs, they have increased for the following services:

  • payment for the use of cold water;
  • payment for using hot water;
  • payment for water disposal;
  • payment for the use of heating;
  • payment for the use of electrical energy;
  • payment for the use of gas.

Since September 1, 2012, there has been next rise prices for the payment of the tariff for housing and communal services.

Since January 2015, payments for renovation work have become mandatory for all apartment owners. If the payment was not made within the specified time frame, then the penalty is credited.

The new rules define:

  • necessary observance of rights and obligationsto be performed by the contractor and the consumer as a result of the consumption of utilities;
  • necessary control over the quality of the services provided;
  • size determination is in progressand tariffs for services rendered;
  • recalculation of tariffs is carried out for certain utilities during the absence of the owners;
  • recalculation of the size of tariffs for the provided utilities is carried out inadequate quality;
  • the order is determined, if necessary, the suspension of the provision of utilities.

Housing services

Housing and communal services consist of the following list of services:

  • payment for living space (could be: house, apartment or room);
  • payment for the maintenance of a residential area, including also payment for rendered certain services for work performed in a multi-storey building and management;
  • payment for the repair of a residential area, including payment for services for the maintenance and scheduled repair of the entire territory in a multi-storey building. Overhaul of the entire territory in a multi-storey building is carried out at the expense of the owner of the housing stock;
  • utility bills (water supply (cold and hot), sewerage, electricity, gas supply (this also includes the sale of gas in cylinders for domestic use) and heating (payment for solid fuel in the case of stove heating);
  • planned repairs;
  • payment for using the elevator;
  • payment for the removal of waste from multi-storey buildings (removal of solid and liquid waste).

On the provision of utility services for electricity

The supply of electricity to the owners and their residential area must be carried out in accordance with all the necessary parameters and standards that are established by the organization. It is necessary that this process be around the clock and throughout the year.

Is the overhaul included in utilities?

The owner of the apartment is obliged to pay for housing and communal services, as well as including additional investments and payments for the overhaul of the dwelling.

In the receipt that comes to the address, the total amount for housing and communal services is indicated, which the owner of the apartment is obliged to repay.

All tariffs for covering the overhaul of a residential building are determined and certified in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

There are several options for transferring finance for a major overhaul of a house:

  1. The first way Is to transfer funds to a special account.
  2. Second way - this is to transfer money to a local organization, also to an account.

When paying to a special account, you need to independently carry out a considerable number of operations:

  • deal with a bank;
  • insure the account;
  • be fully responsible for finances;
  • search for companies that will carry out estimate services and inspection of repair work;
  • calculate tariffs for the work provided.

When making payments to accounts state companies all these operations are handled by regional operators.

The size of tariffs for payment of services for major repairs for each region differs. On average, the bill comes out about six rubles per square meter of area.

List of works that are performed:

  1. Repair and restoration of the roof of the house.
  2. Renovation and strengthening of facades.
  3. The elevator is being repaired.
  4. Basement area restoration and repair.
  5. Certain works with the engineering system of the house.
  6. Installation and maintenance of meters at home.

The procedure for payment of general building KU

  • owner of a private area;
  • the owner of non-residential premises, namely, shops, beauty salons, private firms and others;
  • owner of municipal property;
  • owner of public facilities.

Payments made by residents of the house are transferred to certain accounts of regional operators.

At the moment, there are four options for making payments for housing and communal services:

  1. By cash payment at the bank, or through the Russian Post;
  2. Using an ATM or terminal;
  3. Online payment is possible via the Internet or using an electronic wallet;
  4. With the help of the reference and information portal of the city of Moscow.

Tariffs for housing and communal services - This is a certain cost, which is expressed in rubles to pay for resources.


  • heating tariffs - ruble per 1 Gcal;
  • tariffs for water supply and sewerage - ruble per 1 cubic meter;
  • electricity tariffs - ruble per 1 kWh.

The size of tariffs for payment of housing and communal services depends on various factors:

  • At first, the size of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe residential area matters.
  • Secondly, the number of people who are officially registered in the residential area.
  • Thirdly, the monthly volume of utilities that have been consumed.
  • Fourth, may be eligible for benefits for housing and communal services.

As a result of changes and variations in all of the above factors, tariffs for housing and communal services may change.

Major repairs are not paid for by the owner of the dwelling in two situations:

  1. first option - if the house is in disrepair or unsuitable for living;
  2. second option - if the housing property is seized by order of the state or municipal acting body.

In case of non-payment for the necessary housing and communal services, the organization has grounds to sue the defaulter to collect the debt.

The final cost of housing and communal services depends on the size and area of \u200b\u200bthe residential area owned by the owner. For example, if the entire area of \u200b\u200ba house or apartment is sixty square meters, then in this case the amount of monthly payments for the maintenance of the residential area will be equal to 480 rubles.

How to establish the fact of improper provision of corporate governance?

In accordance with the set Rules, owners and owners of residential areas must inform about malfunctions, emergency situationsthat arise.

Also, you can submit a written complaint about the provision of housing and communal services of inadequate quality.

In this case, the organization must establish that the service is not fully provided, or not provided at all. After confirming and establishing the fact of the provision of housing and communal services of inadequate quality, it is necessary to contact the organization with a mandatory requirement to change the amount of payment for the services provided.

Where to go in case of overstatement of payments?

The seventeenth article of the Federal Law refers to the regulation and control of certain tariffs. This is the responsibility federal body executive branch in a specific area.

In order to apply for an overstatement of payments, first of all, you need to make sure of this fact one hundred percent, in this process, employees of the regional department who are competent in this matter can help.

If the specified service did not perform the proper provision of the service, you need to contact the prosecutor's office. In the absence of assistance in this organization, you must go to court.

Housing and communal services Is a complex of services provided for the maintenance and maintenance of an apartment building in an appropriate state. Tariffs for the services provided are determined by the area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling and the number of officially registered people.

Payment for KU is a mandatory part for living in a residential area and receiving housing and communal services.


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