How to open a small farm. The relevance of farming as a business idea. What equipment to choose

One of the most promising areas small business  is currently an agribusiness. Now in this area there is a huge amount of new technologies, tools and methods. So all you need is good business idea.

Rabbit breeding

Properly organized mini farm  will allow you to achieve good profits thanks to rabbit breeding. Compared to other farm animals, rabbits have a huge number of important advantages. First of all, it is important to note that these cute animals are distinguished by excellent fertility. Supermarkets and restaurants are ready to buy rabbit meat. You will definitely not have problems with the sale of products. Rabbits never accumulate poisons in their bodies. That is why their meat is so much appreciated.

This production is one hundred percent profitable. If everything is organized correctly, then you can turn rabbit breeding into a very profitable business. The area of \u200b\u200bone cage for rabbits should be at least 1.5 square meters. m. On one hundredth of the earth can accommodate up to 15 such cells. The floor is in the form of a lattice. The walls on the north side will need to be insulated. Sunlight and heat should come from the south side.

For one mini farm you will need 300 kg of hay and 500 kg of combined feed per year. The selected breed of rabbits is very important for the starting capital. Several males and twice as many females acquire for divorce. For starters, you can limit yourself to 16 females.

Growing greenery

Today in Russia, the hydroponic method of growing greens is very widespread. With it, you can grow onions, lettuce, parsley, dill, etc. all year round. The approximate dimensions of a mini farm are: height - 2.3 m, length - 4 m, width - 1.5 m. At the same time, the hydroponic plantation is placed on five shelves-trays. The constant growing of greenery will be realized in them.

Each shelf should include air temperature controls and lighting. Shelves are divided into beds with cells. You only need to provide plants with food and sow new seeds. These mini farms are ideal for restaurants and other catering establishments. The only drawback of such a business is that you have to seriously fork out for start-up capital.

Quail farm

Growing quail is very popular in modern conditions. In contrast, both quail eggs and meat are in demand. A quail mini farm can consist of 500 individuals. Only two people can serve such an economy. You can get your first profit in five months.

Ideal quail food is wheat, barley, fishmeal, sunflower and corn cake. At the first stage, you will need to purchase cell batteries and an incubator. Remember that quail is very sensitive to temperature changes. They love fresh air, but drafts for quail are dangerous. On an area of \u200b\u200b20 square meters. m. 700 individuals can easily be accommodated. In just a year, this amount can grow immediately ten times. The profitability of quail breeding is really very high. However, you should always remember that you have to forget about holidays, weekends and holidays.

Goose mini farm

First of all, think about official registration. You can open a farm or register as an individual entrepreneur. All details are best checked with local accountants or lawyers. Registration will be useful for obtaining benefits, as well as for wholesale. If you plan to cope with a small number of geese, then the registration of IP is, of course, an ideal option.

For keeping geese you will need enclosures for walking and insulated indoor spaces. Try to find some abandoned farm and purchase it. Such territories, originally adapted for breeding geese, exist in many villages. You can buy goslings at bird farms, at the pet market or over the Internet. One of the most popular schemes for earning money on growing geese is as follows:

- Birds are raised for sale for 4 months;

- The last 3-4 weeks they should be fed in accordance with a special technique (corn should be included in the diet). Thus, geese in a short time can gain maximum weight;

- Part of the geese after intensive fattening is slaughtered, and then sold. The most viable specimens are left for the production of offspring.

In most cases, a goose mini farm pays off in the first year. One carcass can be sold for 500-700 p. At the same time, the number of geese is constantly increasing, as new goslings appear from the eggs. When investing in each goose 1000 r. per year (this includes payment for staff, feed, etc.), it will be able to bring you a profit of 5-10 thousand rubles.

Fish farming

The course on import substitution creates favorable conditions for the development of farms. In addition, there are state support programs for young farmers. To receive such assistance, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for the farm with an analysis of this project.



In order to determine the services provided, you need to analyze the demand for a particular type of activity at the location of the farm. This will ensure a higher demand for manufactured goods and a lower level of competition. And also the choice depends on the amount of land that is at the disposal of the entrepreneur, and the possibility of placing buildings on the site. Large-scale projects are more profitable, but it is better to start small, gradually increasing production capacity.

The most profitable services provided by the farm:

  • sale of fruits and vegetables;
  • sale of crops;
  • meat sale;
  • sale of milk;
  • selling eggs;
  • sale of cheese.

Additional services include the sale of:

  • hides;
  • wool
  • fluff and feather;
  • manure
  • young animals.

You can consider the following types of services:

  • farm tour;
  • processing of production products;
  • cafe with farm products.


The relevance of agricultural development in Russia is as follows:

  • the demand for organic products is constantly growing;
  • governmental support;
  • improvement of the legislative framework;
  • farming is a highly profitable business.


The farm carries out the following activities for OKVED:

  • 01.1 Growing annual crops;
  • 01.2 Cultivation of perennial crops;
  • 01.45 Breeding sheep and goats;
  • 01.46 raising pigs;
  • 01.47 Breeding of poultry.

In practice, it is more efficient to form household farms in the form of a mixed subsidiary farm. Mixed farming will expand the range of final products and minimize the risks of seasonality, which will increase potential profits.

Poultry farming

Poultry farming requires much less time and money than other types of livestock farms. When implementing this area of \u200b\u200bactivity, it will be possible to involve fewer workers.

Eggs and chicken are those products that are always in the refrigerator of any of our compatriots. In addition, the breeding of birds does not require too large areas.

Birds for growing:

  • laying hens;
  • broiler chickens;
  • geese;
  • ducks;
  • quail;
  • guinea fowl;
  • turkeys.

To open a small poultry farm, you need a room with an area of \u200b\u200babout 400 square meters. m. An area for bird walking (at least 200 sq. m.) should be adjacent to it.

The regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture say that areas for walking should have fences (in relation to the growth and size of birds) and drains. It is recommended to walk birds of different species separately, so you will need to make additional partitions inside the pasture.

House Requirements:

  1. It is best to make a poultry farm of wood or brick.
  2. The floor should be covered with sawdust in a thick layer.
  3. The room should be divided into areas where, like in the pasture, various species of birds will be located.
  4. Each section of the poultry farm should have a separate feeder and drinker.
  5. According to the norms, three adult individuals or 10 chicks should live on one square meter. The calculation is for chickens. Geese need 1 square. m. for every adult, turkeys - twice as much as chickens.
  6. The room should be well ventilated, but at the same time be heated to a temperature of at least +25 degrees.

Read more about what you need to start a farming business in poultry from the channel "The main farming portal FERMER. RU ".

Pig breeding

Perhaps the most cost-effective idea for entrepreneurs who decide to make money on the meat business would be a pork farm. With 2-5 million rubles, you can open a modern high-tech farm with a livestock of 100 pigs. In this case, all necessary components will be included in the diet. Demand for pork in our country is higher than for other types of meat, due to the lower price.

To breed pigs you will need a warm and ventilated pigsty. For a small number of goals, you can assemble a room from improvised materials: boards, chopped wood. But do not forget that pigs are curious animals, so when they grow up they will dig undermines and easily break walls. The capital pigsty is located on a strip foundation of brick or gas blocks.

During construction, the following norms are taken into account:

  • the height of the walls at the doorways - 2-2.3 m;
  • height in the stalls - not less than 1.3 m;
  • 3-4 sows per adult sow m;
  • on the boar - 4-5 square meters. m

Young growth can be kept together in one pen. Upon reaching 6 months, piglets are divided into 2-3 heads in one pen. Adult animals are seated, as they are cocky and can cripple each other. That is, for 10 adults, you need to prepare a pigsty in an area of \u200b\u200bat least 40 square meters. m. The price of building and wall insulation depends on the region.

The pigsty should be divided by wooden partitions. The light is not very bright, as excess lighting makes animals aggressive. Window openings - not more than 13% of the total wall area. Places are equipped with drinking bowls and feeders. For the first time, you can make drinkers and feeders with your own hands. Separately, a walking area is made. It is equipped with a roof and enclosed by a wooden fence.

About the organization will tell the channel "Rabbits Cox!"

Sheep breeding

The development of a business related to sheep breeding has certain advantages. They consist not only in stable income, but also in constant demand for farm products. Moreover, the products are not only meat, but also wool, as well as sheep’s cheese.

The plus is also that any room is suitable for keeping animals, you can build it on your own. The shepherd needs less constant cleaning (this is the advantage of ungulates over birds or, say, rabbits). But in order for your livestock to winter well, it is important to insulate the shepherd. Acquiring an area for sheep walking is necessary taking into account a further increase in the number of livestock (an average of 20 sheep per hectare).

Shepherd requirements:

  1. Too soft flooring leads to leg problems in animals. The optimal coating is a layer of earth + non-thick straw floor.
  2. Drafts should be avoided, so there should be no gaps in the room. The air temperature in the shepherd in winter should not be below minus 12-15 degrees.
  3. Better to avoid bumps in the way of the sheep, in order to avoid fractures of the legs.
  4. In a room where sheep are kept, drinking bowls should be designed for a volume of at least 10 liters per head.

The cost of one pedigree sheep of a common Romanov breed starts from 5 thousand rubles. The cost of a ram-producer can be twice or even three times higher. On average, one sheep covers up to 40-50 sheep, but practice shows that it is better to provide two flocks of 20 sheep than one for 40.

Channel “Almasbek. Әр қазақ байсын. ”Provides information about sheep breeding.


The process of cultivating and growing crops is closely related to livestock. After all, the final product of this industry, along with use in the food industry, serves as feed for animals and birds. Cereals are the main ingredients of any compound feed. In addition, crop products are actively used in pharmaceuticals, textiles and perfumes.

When planning a business, first of all, it is necessary to determine the specific grain crop that is supposed to be grown:

  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • oats;
  • sunflower;
  • buckwheat;
  • barley, etc.

Depending on the selected crop, a technological process is planned, including:

  • features of tillage;
  • methods of sowing seeds;
  • terms and technology of harvesting;
  • varieties of fertilizers used;
  • ways to protect plants from harmful insects and diseases.

About how to minimize drought when growing crops, filmed by the channel "technical".

Growing vegetables and fruits

In addition to cereals and crops, entrepreneurs may be interested in floriculture, growing vegetables and berries. These areas have great prospects, and seasonal factors can be reduced by building greenhouses and greenhouses. Such a business will be especially beneficial in the winter, when the price of fresh vegetables increases significantly.

Gardening and viticulture are a fairly promising and cost-effective type of business. Unlike other areas, investment in such projects pays off for quite some time. A period of 3 years is required depending on the variety of selected trees. However, over time, you get a stable business with low costs for its maintenance. It is necessary to choose ways to protect the crop from the unwanted effects of insects, crop diseases.

It should be remembered that automation of the cultivation process has a positive effect on farm productivity, thereby increasing the profitability of the business.

Fruits and berries for growing:

  • apples
  • pears
  • strawberry;
  • cherry;
  • sweet cherry;
  • watermelons;
  • apricots
  • plums
  • melons.

Vegetables for growing:

  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • pepper;
  • eggplant.

Greens for growing:

  • parsley;
  • dill;
  • garlic.

Requirements for greenhouses:

  • light transmission - frame elements should not be too wide;
  • the soil under the greenhouse must be stable at any time of the year;
  • in areas that are flooded in spring, greenhouses are not recommended.

The linvideo zp channel will talk about growing vegetables on an industrial scale.

Description and market analysis

Business organization should begin with an assessment of a business idea by the following criteria:

  • characterize the target audience;
  • determine the competitiveness of your project;
  • analyze the share and dynamics of the selected market segment.

The characteristics of farms in Russia are as follows:

  1. There is an increased demand among the population for agricultural products, which currently exceeds supply.
  2. Import substitution policies minimize competition from foreign suppliers.
  3. The volume of farm products produced by local farms is very low.
  4. Over the past ten years, Russian farms have significantly lost their market position.
  5. The imposition of sanctions led to the formation of unfilled niches and an increase in the range of unmet needs of the population.
  6. High profitability determines the attractiveness of this business for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.
  7. The main difficulty for the successful functioning of domestic farmers is to sell their products to intermediaries at low prices and the lack of independent access to the market.

The target audience

The target audience of farms is divided into two segments:

  1. B2B - purchase of products by legal entities for the purpose of further processing or resale. The most active buyers are regional and federal retail chains.
  2. B2C - purchase of products directly by the consumer. These are mainly working people aged 25–45 years.

Competitive advantages

The main competitive advantages of the farm:

  • flexible pricing policy;
  • environmental friendliness of products;
  • agricultural product quality;
  • speed of delivery;
  • company packaging.

Advertising campaign

  1. Development of a logo and corporate identity from scratch.
  2. Naming (name of the farm).
  3. The development of the slogan.
  4. Designation and formation of philosophy and mission.

Minifarm - a business where the main means of informing potential customers are the recommendations of regular customers. Therefore, it is especially important to monitor product quality. You can place ads in stores, markets and other crowded places.

Other channels for product promotion:

  • local media;
  • website creation on the Internet;
  • social network;
  • distribution of leaflets with products to restaurants and cafes;
  • billboards, extensions.

Sales channels

Possible product distribution channels:

  1. Participation in exhibitions and thematic events. Usually, only interested buyers gather at such events, so a competent presentation of their products will help to obtain profitable contracts with purchasers.
  2. Participation in state, regional and commercial tenders. Somewhat expensive option. The winner of the tender is determined on a competitive basis. However, this is one of the best options for finding a reliable and profitable buyer for large volumes of goods.
  3. Sale in the wholesale markets. An option to establish deliveries to supermarkets, hypermarkets, other stores. Cooperation with them will ensure long-term, constant and profitable sales of products.
  4. Registration on the electronic sales platform for agricultural products. For example, at the state - Rosagrotorg. Russian Federation or regional - Saratovagro.
  5. Selling through online sites is convenient, inexpensive and fast. Buyers can always find the nearest supplier.
  6. Membership in a marketing agricultural consumer cooperative. It is a kind of farmers' association, which allows to jointly sell manufactured goods.

Governmental support

In Russia, the “State Program for the Development of Agriculture and the Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food Markets for 2013–2020” is applied.

In order to support novice farmers, the following activities are carried out:

  • provision of subsidies;
  • distribution of grants for various purposes;
  • holding contests;
  • holding consultations.

To participate in the program, you must have the status of a novice farmer, and the farm must meet the parameters of a micro-enterprise. Novice farmer is a citizen of the Russian Federation of working age who has an agricultural education or has experience in agriculture for at least 3 years. He is the head of the peasant farm and a registered individual entrepreneur.

The main parameters of a beginner peasant farm:

  • the share attributable to a legal entity that is not a small and medium-sized business does not exceed 25 percent;
  • the average number of employees is not more than 100 people for small enterprises and 15 people for microenterprises;
  • revenue without taxes should not exceed the limit values \u200b\u200bthat are set annually.

Additional conditions for participation in the program:

  • The peasant farm was registered no more than three years ago;
  • marketed products are sold at least 30 thousand rubles. in a year;
  • the head of the peasant farm is a citizen of the Russian Federation who has been living in rural areas for at least a year;
  • Peasant farms can participate in each of the Program events only once.

The video shows in stages how to get land for the farm. Filmed by the channel Mikhalev Sergey - a business coach.

Step by step opening instruction

After determining the target audience and market analysis, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Draw up a detailed business plan for the farm or purchase a finished sample.
  2. Paperwork for opening a mini-farm.
  3. Find a suitable place for the company.
  4. Purchase equipment and inventory.
  5. Decide on the need for hiring staff.
  6. Buy animals, seedlings.
  7. Start your own bissnes.


Peasant farming (peasant farm) is a form of ownership in business related to agricultural activities. Peasant farms can be opened by either one person or a group of people connected by joint housekeeping or family ties. The number of participants is limited to five citizens.

The peasant farm is not a legal entity, and its head is recognized as an entrepreneur in accordance with the law. To carry out this type of activity, you must be a competent adult person. Moreover, the citizenship of the entrepreneur does not matter. Registration is simple by contacting the tax authorities at the place of residence of the head.

To register a mini farm in the tax service, the following documents will be required:

  • application for registration of a peasant farm;
  • receipt of state duty;
  • entrepreneur's passport (original and copy);
  • a document indicating the place of residence of the entrepreneur;
  • agreement on the establishment of a farm (for several persons).

The registration procedure will take no more than five business days from the date of filing a package of documents. The registration authority will submit the following documents:

  • certificate of state registration;
  • document confirming registration with the tax office;
  • extract from the USRIP.

Also, an entrepreneur can receive an information letter from the State Statistics Committee.

It is recommended that when submitting documents for registration, the procedure for transition to the taxation regime of the Unified Social Tax. Single agricultural tax is calculated taking into account VAT, income tax and property. This is the most suitable option for the farmer, since you will have to pay no more than 6% of the profit. Payment is made once every six months, and reporting is submitted once a year.

Equipment and inventory

The choice of equipment depends on the type of farm.

Equipment and stock for sheep breeding (flock of 100 goals):

Bird breeding equipment:

Equipment for greenhouses:

Pig breeding equipment:

Photo gallery

Broiler for chickens Detector of estrus and pregnancy  Incubator Feather plucking machine Hoof shears Lamb castration tongs  Greenhouse 200 sq. m grain crusher


Depending on the size of the farm, he may need hired workers. In addition, the peasant farm must have a veterinarian / agronomist (this is determined by the profile of the activity) and an accountant. They can be family members or part-time invited professionals.

Financial plan

Regardless of which direction a businessman chooses home farming, he will still need seed capital. can be discovered with careful planning of the size of investments and forecasting income.

Features of the financial plan:

  • a pig farm opens;
  • number of goals - 200–250;
  • type of ownership - KFKh with ESKHN (tax is 6% of net profit).

How much is the discovery?


Regular costs

Fixed farm expenses.


The types of activities that generate the most income on the farm.

Calendar plan

Scheduling the opening of a mini-farm.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
Market analysis+ +
Preparation of a business plan +
Registration of a package of documents +
Acquisition and registration of land +
Construction of premises for keeping animals +
Installation of greenhouses +
Communication Summary +
Acquisition of agricultural machinery +
Purchase and equipment inventory +
Creation of feed stocks +
Acquisition of young growth and seedlings, seeds +
Staff recruitment +
Opening +

Risks and payback

When choosing agriculture as the basis for entrepreneurial activity, it is worth considering all the risks:

  1. Crops can interfere with insects, environmental conditions and disasters. Not in all cases their consequences can be quickly eliminated without receiving a significant loss. This risk can be minimized if you regularly consult with an experienced agronomist and independently acquire knowledge on growing plants.
  2. Preferring livestock, it is worth considering the likelihood of diseases that can affect the entire population and require its complete destruction. A veterinarian who needs to be invited regularly for a routine inspection of the livestock will help here.
  3. Outages with electricity and water. The risk is quite high. To neutralize it, it is worth taking care of the availability of backup sources of electricity and water supply.
  4. Poor seedlings, young growth. Risk can be minimized by carefully choosing suppliers and breeders.
  5. Rising feed prices. You can not save on the quality of animal nutrition. You can neutralize this risk by developing your own production of the feed base (growing crops and vegetables).
  6. Difficulties with the sale of products. It is necessary to establish sales channels in advance.

Many agricultural sectors do not require significant costs, and their payback comes in a year.

Today, around the world such a branch of the national economy as farming is developing rapidly. In almost any city or town there is a person who is engaged in this business. Until recently, farming has faded considerably, but in recent years it has been actively flourishing again and brings huge profits to its owners.

It should be noted that farming allows you to market valuable products such as meat (pork, beef, poultry), milk and dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, cream), eggs, offal (liver, kidneys), animal hair, fluff. Meat and milk are essential components of food, in connection with this they will always be in demand, and this, in turn, guarantees profit for private entrepreneurs.

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Required Documents and Permits

Before you start work, you need to decide for yourself what exactly you need to do and what is most beneficial. Currently, there are several types of farms: livestock, poultry, dairy, crop, bee farms and others. Each of them is in some sense profitable. So, the first step towards opening a farm is choosing a place. This may be a large farm settlement or a small house with a designated area.

It is not beneficial to build a farm from scratch, as there are many abandoned land that is not used by anyone. The easiest way will be to buy them from the ground. It will cost much cheaper.

Secondly, you need to determine the type, that is, what or whom you will contain. Thirdly, it is important to clearly define the extent of the economy. If this is crop production, you need to correctly calculate the required area for planting. If this is livestock farming, then the number of possible livestock, the necessary equipment and the size of the premises are calculated. If you plan to sell products in various retail chains in the future, then you need to collect a whole list of important documents, such as a lease or purchase of land, permission of the Rospotrebnadzor authorities, fire inspectorate for housekeeping. It is necessary, among other things, to register as an individual entrepreneur. Certificates of quality and safety must be issued for all products, as well as veterinary examination of meat products.

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Planning and purchasing equipment

One of the most expensive along with the purchase of feed (if it is a livestock farm) will be the purchase of equipment. If this is a large farm, then the costs can reach up to 2-3 million rubles. Equipment can be found by asking the right information from neighboring farmers. It is also very important that it can take several months in time, because after the purchase it must also be rationally arranged and installed. The next important point is the layout of the room itself. As mentioned above, the area can be very different. If this is livestock or poultry, then the organization of stalls for livestock or cages for poultry will be mandatory. Individual feeders and devices for cleaning manure and garbage are also installed here.

The room should be warm both in winter and in summer. The temperature in the cold period should not be lower than 17 degrees. For this purpose, a gas heating system is used, and other options are possible. In addition, humidity should be maintained at a constant level. The presence of drafts reduces the productivity of animals, especially egg production. But, nevertheless, the room should be constantly aired. Lighting should be uniform.

We’ll take a closer look at how to organize some types of farms.

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Pig farming

Pig farming is one of the most common and profitable farming areas. An interesting fact is that pork is the second most popular meat after poultry, as it is cheaper than beef and has good taste. Its consumption is 30% of all meat products. In terms of size, pig farms are divided into 3 groups. The first of these is large pig-breeding complexes, where the livestock number is more than 12,000 units. The second numbering from 100 to 12000 and the third is private land, where there are less than 100 animals.

The advantage of raising pigs is that they grow very quickly, about 10 times faster than cattle. This makes them indispensable and very valuable in the market. In addition, they also gain their mass quickly. By the age of 6 months, pigs with good feeding can weigh 100 kg and are ready for slaughter. Another advantage is that these animals fully utilize and absorb all the nutrients from the feed. Pigs are unpretentious in food and maintenance. They breed well. In the presence of 300-350 sows, there should be 15-10 boars, the rest are fed for slaughter.

Equipment for such premises should be special. In most cases, pigs are fed dry food, so you need to purchase devices for feeding it. Equipment includes: hopper, feed lines, dispensers. If there is a place for individual nutrition, then feeders are provided. It is very important to purchase drinking bowls for pigs and feed loaders, machine tools.

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Buying animals and feed

Piglets or pigs can be purchased at the nearest livestock market. It’s worth starting with 300-350 individuals, and buying queens and boars from different buyers in order to avoid family crossbreeding and reduce livestock productivity. This number of pigs will require a huge amount of feed. Up to 35 tons of feed, as well as approximately 300 kg of special additives, will be required per year. The latter is mandatory, as top dressings contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the pig's body, which may be scarce in the daily diet. Proper balanced nutrition will contribute to the rapid growth and proper development of young and adult individuals. Serious should be taken to the points of purchase of feed. It is important that the supplier sells quality products, otherwise the profit may be zero.

As for the cost, the purchase of equipment will take about 2-3 million rubles. Each month for the payment of wages to staff will need: 10-15 thousand pigs and 20-25 veterinarians. But the feed will, of course, be the most expensive. Indeed, for the purchase, for example, 15 kg of feed, you need to spend 120 rubles. Profitability of the project will be about 25%. Payback periods are very different, on average 2-3 years.

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Poultry farm

Poultry is the main product of the meat industry in recent years. The reasons for this are the low cost of meat in the market, the great demand, the ease of breeding poultry. Poultry, and mainly chicken, ranks first in terms of consumption, leaving behind pork and beef. Consider how to open a poultry farm from scratch. Unlike pig breeding, such a business does not require expensive equipment and large areas for premises. A chicken breeding business from scratch is considered very profitable, with a profitability of 100%. Chickens are the main supplier of eggs and meat. The conditions for them are especially simple: they require constant care and supervision, which takes from 2 to 4 hours a day.

Poultry is kept in chicken coops with individual or collective feeders, and a certain rule must be observed: all birds are fed at approximately the same time. Dry coma, chopped grass, cereals, bread and so on are introduced into the diet. Feed the chickens should be full. Finely chopped shells or gravel must be poured into the feeders so that the birds can make up for the calcium deficiency. It is very important that the room where animals are kept is well heated and ventilated, but without drafts. You can buy chickens on the market, they are inexpensive. To make a deal, you will need documents about vaccinations, information about the age, previous diseases, the name of the breed, that is, the so-called passport.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for those wishing to discover their own business to do this in the city. Profitable businesses have fierce competition. But you can do your own business in the village. One of the advantages of opening a farm is a small investment. Where to start farming from scratch we will try to tell.

To maintain business in the countryside, the state implements several programs that are aimed at supporting the owners of the agricultural business. Also introduced tax incentives. Thanks to this, farm labor is becoming promising.

Where to begin?

The first step to opening your own farm is to develop a detailed and competent business plan. It is necessary, at least approximately, to calculate all the costs, get expert advice from knowledgeable specialists, and plan all the actions. A ready-made farm business plan is your guiding line. A successful start is half the success. All arising problems will be resolved in due time.

You need land is your first practical task.  There are two options - to rent a suitable plot or buy it. The second option is more profitable in the future. Land lease is dangerous because its owner may refuse to renew the lease at the most inopportune moment. In the regions, the price of one hectare of land is approximately 2-4 thousand rubles.  Even if you do not have large savings, the right amount will be available to you.

The first step is to find a suitable plot of land

After solving the problem of finding suitable land, decide what exactly you want to do. The most famous areas of agricultural activity are raising cows, pigs or poultry, growing vegetables and fruits, berries and melons, raising fish.

The choice of one direction for the beginner of the agricultural business will probably be more correct. Experts advise starting with vegetables. Developing your business, you will add new directions. Since high profitability is shown by farms that combine different types of directions.

Beginners can do growing vegetables

Whatever type of activity you choose, there is always additional profit that you can make from it. Having your own raw materials, you can set up your production. For instance:

  1. Growing fruits, berries and vegetables. Extra profit - sale of frozen vegetables and fruits.
  2. Breeding pigs or cattle. You can organize the production of your own products - stews, sausages, meat delicacies. Breeding cows allows you to produce dairy products for sale.
  3. Cereal cultivation. Production of our own flour and cereals, maintenance of our own bakery, where you can bake all kinds of bakery products.

This list is approximate. You can add many more points to it. It depends on your desire to earn money, your abilities and imagination. And, of course, do not forget about one important point - you need to take care of the market in advance. If you are new to the business and have no sales skills yet, you can hire an experienced professional. He will be engaged in the search for buyers and the conclusion of contracts.

  • Description of products and services
  • Production plan
  • Financial plan
  • What equipment to choose
  • Growing technology
        • Related business ideas:

The business plan of organizing a family farm for breeding cattle of the dairy direction. This material can serve as an example for obtaining credit funds from a commercial bank.

How much money is needed to open a family farm for breeding cattle of the dairy direction

According to our estimates, the opening of a family farm will require investments of 7,550,000 rubles: Construction and reconstruction of the barn (as well as storage and utility rooms) - 1,800,000 rubles.

  • Purchase of 80 heads of dairy cows - 4,800,000 rubles.
  • Buying tools and households. inventory - 200 000 rubles.
  • Purchase of milking machines (10 pcs.) - 500 000 rubles.
  • Creation of feed reserves - 150,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 100,000 rubles.

The project will be financed from two sources. Own funds will make up 30% (2,265,000 rubles) and the remaining 70% will be loan funds (bank credit).

Description of products and services

The main products planned to be produced at our farm are milk. Cattle meat will be sold in very small volumes. Estimated milk sales will be 30,000 liters per month. Wholesale price of sales will be 20 rubles / liter. In monetary terms, the turnover will be equal to 600,000 rubles per month. It is planned to sell milk and meat mainly to processing enterprises (meat processing plants). Collaboration with wholesalers and the private sector is also possible.

Production plan

The organizational form of our farm will be peasant farms - peasant farming. According to Federal Law dated 11.06.2003 No. 74-FZ “On Peasant (Farm) Farming”, participants in a family farm must be related by kinship or property and jointly carry out production and other economic activities in the field of agriculture based on their personal participation. The share of employees involved cannot exceed 5 people. In our farm, these conditions will be fully respected. The number of participants in the family farm is 8 people, including 6 relatives and 2 employees.

What tax system to choose for opening a family farm for breeding cattle of dairy direction

As a system of taxation of the economy, it is planned to apply the Unified Agricultural Tax (single agricultural tax). This is the most profitable taxation system for agricultural enterprises, since the tax is paid in the amount of only 6% of the farm’s profit. Funds received for the implementation of the project will be directed to the reconstruction of the existing farm (consolidation) and the purchase of young cattle. In total, our farm will contain a constant number of at least 80 animals. Such a number of animals will require the construction of a space of at least 360 square meters. m. (based on 4.5 sq. m. per animal). In addition, it is necessary to build utility rooms for storing tools (30 sq. M.), As well as a warehouse for feed (200 sq. M.). Thus, the total area of \u200b\u200bbuildings will be about 590 square meters. m. In total, about 1.8 million rubles will be spent on the construction and reconstruction of the barn. Milk cows of the black-motley breed will be purchased as the “main means” for milk production. This is the most common and productive breed of cows. The average annual milk yield of the black-motley breed is 6500 liters of milk. The approximate purchase price of the livestock will be 105 rubles / kg. or 50 - 60 thousand rubles. for an adult animal. Slaughter of cattle will be carried out at a specialized slaughterhouse, with the preliminary removal of animals. Slaughtering of one head of cattle will cost the au pair an average of 1,500 rubles. Feed will be purchased from local agricultural producers. It is planned to buy hay at a price of 130 / bale, sugar beets - 1650 rubles / t., Feed - 11 rubles / kg. An experienced veterinarian will be hired to monitor the condition of the animals and timely prevent disease. These services will cost 10,000 rubles per month.

Financial plan

Fixed monthly farm expenses

  • Utility costs - 40 000 rubles. (500 rubles / goal)
  • Salary (2 people) + insurance contributions - 35 000 rubles. (440 rubles / goal)
  • Vet. services - 10,000 rubles. (125 rubles / goal)
  • Transportation costs - 20,000 rubles. (250 rubles / goal)
  • Other expenses - 25,000 rubles. (310 rubles / goal)

Variable costs

  • Feed consumption - 3000 rubles / goal per month

Thus, the total cost of maintaining one head of cattle will amount to 4625 rubles per month. For 80 goals, 370,000 rubles per month will be spent.

How much can you earn on a family-owned farm for dairy cattle

The average wholesale price of one liter of milk is 20 rubles / liter. The monthly volume of milk sales will be about 30,000 liters (some will go to feed young animals), which in monetary terms means revenue of 600,000 rubles. Minus the cost of maintaining animals, the family farm receives a monthly profit of 230,000 rubles. From this amount, taxes still have to be deducted (Unified Agricultural Taxes, 6%). Thus, net profit will amount to 216,200 rubles. Profitability of the business is 58%. Return on investment occurs after 34 months.

Step-by-step discovery plan, where to start

To create a family farm business, it is necessary to correctly draw up a business plan, in which the following steps should be taken into account:

  • What kind of activity the farm will be engaged in: poultry, dairy products, animal husbandry, crop production, etc.
  • After choosing the type of farm, it is advisable to determine the extent of the activity. At this stage, you should calculate the preliminary costs and estimated profits for the next 2-3 years.
  • They are followed by the purchase of livestock, feed and the necessary equipment.
  • For the sale of finished products will require registration of the relevant permits and registration documents.
  • Adjustment of work with the sales market, sales representatives.

What equipment to choose

Opening a large family farm will require large expenses for the purchase of the necessary equipment, from 1 to 5 million rubles. It may take several months to install. An important factor is the layout, for example, cages will be required for poultry farming, and special stalls for livestock farming. You also need to buy ventilation facilities, humidifiers, heaters, and manure cleaners. For the effectiveness of the staff, it is necessary to build utility rooms in which the tool and feed storages can be stored.

What OKVED to specify when registering a business

To register a business, you will need to specify the necessary codes from OKVED 2 section A: agriculture, forestry, fishing and fish farming.

What documents are needed to open

The implementation of the business will require the registration of a peasant farm. The list of documents in this case is not much different from the registration of individual entrepreneurs, and therefore will require participants to personal data and a receipt on payment of state. duties. In addition, you will need to issue quality certificates for the products provided, and all animals must undergo a veterinary examination. In the case of leasing land from the state, a special document will be required to host a family farm.

Do I need permissions to open

Members of a family farm should be relatives, and the proportion of staff involved should be no more than 5 people. To sell products to retail outlets you will need:

  • Permissions from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Permission from the fire department.

Growing technology

Creating a family farm opens up many opportunities for the implementation of the business. For example, you can grow cattle and sell milk at the same time. Breeding farm birds sell a lot of meat and eggs. When assigning responsibilities to each member of a family farm, pay attention to their preferences. Let everyone do what they love - this will increase the overall profitability of the business. Money earned in the first seasons is best invested back in the business to the maximum. You should also think about breeding exotic birds, the sale of which in private ownership will bring considerable profit.


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