How to earn tokens c. League Tokens. Account restrictions

You must meet the following requirements to earn League Tokens:

  1. Your Blizzard account must be associated with a participating country.
  2. You must link your Blizzard account to the service you "re using to watch the match.
  3. You must be logged in while watching the match.
  4. You must be watching the live match when the map victory screen appears.

Linking Accounts and Logging In

Since there are a variety of ways you can watch matches, you "ll need to make sure you" ve connected and logged in to the appropriate accounts. If you play on console, make sure you "ve linked your console and Blizzard accounts.

  • Link your Twitch account and make sure you "ve logged in.
  • Link your MLG account and log in.
  • Log in to your Blizzard account.
  • Overwatch League mobile app: Download the Overwatch League app for Android or iOS, and make sure you "re logged in.

Watch the Match!

You'll earn three League Tokens for every hour of live Overwatch League matches watched on Twitch (including, the Twitch mobile app, and Twitch apps on game consoles and TV devices) and Overwatch League platforms (including, the Overwatch League app,, and Overwatch game-client viewers).

Your viewing time is tracked continuously, so if you watch 30 minutes in one session and return later for another 30 minutes of viewing, you’ll get credit for that total accumulated hour. Viewing time can only be accumulated during live matches, beginning with the scheduled start time for the first match of the day. Viewing-time accumulation ends 105 minutes after the start of the final scheduled match of the day.

After the conclusion of the final map of each match during live broadcasts, a lucky percentage of viewers will be awarded a drop of 100 League Tokens.

Follow the steps on our Didn "t Earn League Tokens article if everything is set up correctly and you" re still not earning tokens.

Participating countries

Your Blizzard account must be associated with one of the following countries for you to earn League Tokens in this promotion.

ArgentinaNew zealand
Australia *Norway
Austria *Poland *
Belgium *Russia *
Brazil *Saudi arabia
CanadaSouth korea

Tokens are the main resource for creating costumes, modifications and gadgets in Spider-Man. There are six types of them, they will open gradually to you as you progress through the plot. In our guide, we will tell you more about each type.

Backpack tokens

These tokens will be one of the very first to open to you. Across the city, our Spider-Man scattered 55 backpacks with memorabilia. Fortunately, they are all marked on the map. Highlight the characteristic green icon and boldly run to the white pillar of light. If you can not find the item in place - press R3. This will highlight it with a golden color.

In our experience, most backpacks are attached to walls, roofs, or bridge supports. If you collect all of them, get a Homemade costume. Scary, of course, but let it be for the collection.

Tokens of Attractions

The simplest kind of tokens you can think of. There are 50 attractions in total, all of them are marked on the map. You need to take a photo of each of them. In this case, it does not matter what quality the photo will be. The main thing is that a piece of the desired object falls into the frame.

Upon arrival, press the up arrow to get the camera. After that, hold L2 to aim it at the point of interest. Wait until the screen turns green and press R1 to take a picture.

Crime Tokens

Another tokens available to Peter almost from the very beginning of the game. You will get them by cracking down on bandits and other asocial elements in the streets of Manhattan. For each crime, you can get three tokens maximum. To do this, complete additional goals. By the end of the game you will be available four types of criminals: bandits, "Demons", prisoners and "Sable".

Scientific Tokens

Scientific tokens in Spider-Man can be obtained in three different ways. The first and most obvious is to complete all additional tasks in the Octavius \u200b\u200blab. If you don’t like solving the puzzles yourself, then you can peep the solution in these guides: and.

The second method is scientific stations, for each they give two tokens. Stations are unblocked according to the plot after completing the task "Harry's Favorite Project". For each scientific base, the developers came up with their own mechanics, so collecting them is fun enough.

The third way is the most boring. It is necessary to catch 12 pigeons in the city. The mechanics are somewhat similar to the sailor songs of Shanti and Assassin. Catch up with the pigeon and when you are close enough - press L1 + R1. For each bird they give one token. To unlock this activity, complete the Help for Howard quest in Chinatown.

Test Tokens

These tokens are among the most valuable in Spider-Man. Take care of them and do not just waste it. They are unlocked closer to the middle of the game along with the trials of the Foreman. Wait until Yuri asks you to check the suspicious drawer on the roof for the plot. Otherwise - no way, be patient.

There are four types of tests: bombs, drone, battle and stealth. Read a detailed guide on them. Maximum for each you can get 6 tokens. If you go to one star - give one, if two - two, if three - three. In this case, do not intentionally go worse than you can. If the first time you go to 3 stars, they will immediately give away all six tokens.

All you need to know about Overwatch's new currency

On this page you will find everything you need to know about how to get free Overwatch League tokens, with an overview of how the new currency works.

A new currency has been added to Overwatch, and it is called tokens. These new elements are used to unlock the new color schemes used by the various Overwatch League teams. The idea is pretty simple. If you follow a specific team, you can show your support for them in the game, wearing the same appearance as in official matches.

In our guide to this new currency, we will explain exactly how the new tokens work and what you can do to get more from them, through the store or through the free offers currently available.

Overwatch League Tokens Frequently Asked Questions

League Tokens is a new currency that has been introduced to allow players to purchase skins used by their favorite Overwatch League teams.

These purchases are completely separate from the container system, and you need to either purchase League tokens from the game store or get tokens through various free offers that are available (at the moment).

New Overwatch League skins cost 100 tokens each. You can purchase these tokens at the following prices:

  • 100 league tokens - 365 rubles
  • 200 league tokens - 729 rubles
  • 400 league tokens - 1469 rubles
  • 900 league tokens - 2959 rubles
  • 2600 league tokens - 7399 rubles

As you can see from the list above, it will cost you 7399 rubles to unlock the team’s color scheme for each hero that currently exists in the game.

To unlock skins, simply go to the Overwatch League section of the main interface, and then select the team whose colors you want to use.

Once you do this, you will see a list of all 26 Overwatch heroes. Just click the Buy button to the right of the screen and - if you have enough tokens, you will get access to the skin in question.

Here is a video that shows how everything works in the game:

Free Overwatch League Tokens

This section will be constantly updated over time using the latest free League tokens. If you know of a sale that is not listed here, let us know in the comments so we can update the article.

Method 1

The first way to get free league tokens is to simply enter the game. After you have done this and checked the new Overwatch League tab, which has been added to the title screen, you will have 100 tokens that will be credited to your account. Nice and easy, huh?

Method 2

Here's another way to get some free League tokens, assuming you can handle some light spam in your inbox. If you sign up for Overwatch League updates, you will receive 100 more tokens, completely free.

To receive these additional tokens, you must sign up for email alerts by January 31, 2018. You can enter your address on the Overwatch League official website - just scroll down a little to where the black box is.

Account restrictions

The first thing to note in the context of these free tokens is that your account must be in good condition to receive the free tokens that are currently offered.

If you were blocked or your account was restricted in some other way due to fines, you will not be able to pick them up. This seems to be Blizzard's next effort in the toxicity war.

Hello! If you are here, then you are interested in learning how to open a locked “zombie door” and get a “Room” token, which is part of the Phantom Program.

First, set the filters in network mode to “Capture”\u003e “Fort Vaud”\u003e “Empty seats: All”. Make your choice in the direction of "Support" and do not forget to grab the ammunition, as we will need a lot of grenades.

Then, by activating the devices hidden behind the plates, this word must be entered.

Remember the paths that I will follow and try not to make a mistake.

The first letter behind the tablet I, you see, part of the device comes out a little, pointing to this particular letter? We break, activate and run to the next place.

Second S. We break, activate and rush to the third.

We break, activate, turn around 180 degrees and activate the next device.

If everything is entered correctly, then you will hear how someone or something opens the entrance to the locked insulator.

Inside there are grilles, shelves, pipes and valves with which we will soon need to interact. Ahead is a picture of the unknown, a table, a chair and canonical bunks.

At this stage, we are interested in the drain in the corner of the room, which is located opposite the entrance.

Now prepare your grenades, supplies, and ears.

Throwing a grenade into the drain, we hear a certain creature make a sound. Sounds differ among themselves, the first will be deaf, without interaction with metal. Just scream / moan, call it what you want.

In the second case, “it” will be accompanied by the sound of metal. It is at this moment that we need to throw a grenade.

By the way, if you lie down right at the drain, the sound will increase.

Such manipulations with fishing in total need to be done about five. After hearing a characteristic sound, do not forget to throw the grenade down. If everything is done correctly, then we will hear the sound of a drain pipe. This means that the right pipe from us has earned.

Now developers are offering to become real disc jockeys. Take your knives and start tapping the pipes hanging over the character. The step should be small, and when the ringing is replaced by a dull hard sound, begin to hollow at this point until the creature moves further.

In total, five such manipulations with fishing need to be done, and the number of spent strokes to move to the next point can reach 10.

The next pipe drain sound will signal that the left pipe is now also functioning.

Between the pipes you can see a certain cipher, which will be needed when solving this and the following Easter eggs. The rest of this code is hidden in the toilet near the dining room. How was it solved? Everything is simple, rewrote the combination and substituted a part from the isolator.

We return to the valves, twist them, and by interacting with the left part of the valve, we begin to introduce the following:

9 times open left\u003e 6 times right\u003e 2 times left\u003e 3 times right.

Music will mark the fact that you did everything correctly and received the coveted “Room” token, which is part of the “Phantom program”.

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