Turn point to do word wrap. Hyphenation

Most of the office tasks are solved on a computer in the MS Office environment, primarily in Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint. A minimum of knowledge is enough to work with these applications, but in many situations, additional techniques can save you a lot of time and effort. We will consider some of the ways to improve the efficiency of work in the above programs in this article.

MS Word

Move text quickly up and down

This is the most quick way move text without using the mouse. The text is moved with the up and down arrows while holding down the Shift and Alt keys. There is no need to select the text before moving - it will happen automatically, and each press of the up or down arrow will move the text one paragraph up or one paragraph down. This method effective not only when moving paragraphs, but also when moving rows in a table.

Remove links in a document

If links appear in the document you have created and you need to make them inactive, then you can select each link, select the command Insert \u003d\u003e Hyperlinkand click on the button Remove link... This is a very long and laborious process. There is a faster way to solve the problem: select the entire document with the Edit \u003d\u003e Select All command and click on the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F9 - links will be removed, and all other document formatting options will be preserved.

About text, text boxes, and autoshapes

When you need to write a lettering, many people first create a lettering box and then type the text in it. You can achieve the same result by selecting the text that has already been typed and then clicking on the toolbar Drawing label creation button - the text will move inside the label.

You can also insert text into autoshapes (except for lines, polylines, etc.) - as a rule, this is done in several stages: create an autoshape, select it, click on the button for creating an inscription and enter the text. There is also an alternative option: draw the desired autoshape, right-click on it, select Add text and enter your text.

Perhaps during the work you will change your mind and decide that the text needs to be taken out of the caption or from the autoshape. To do this, it is not at all necessary to cut it into the clipboard and then paste it. You can select a text box (or an autoshape) and right-click on it while holding down the Ctrl key - the text will appear in the nearest text field.

Autoshape lighting

By default in the panel Drawing missing button Lighting; there is no corresponding command in the context menu, which is called when the right mouse button is pressed on the autoshape.

However, it is possible to change the lighting of the AutoShape. To do this, add to the panel Drawing button Lightingby calling the command Service \u003d\u003e Settings \u003d\u003e Commandsby choosing from the list Categories paragraph Drawing and by dragging the corresponding button from the window Commands(fig. 1). It is not difficult to use the button - select the autoshape, click on the button Lighting and adjust the lighting as needed (fig. 2).

Figure: 1. Adding the Lighting button to the Drawing toolbar

Figure: 2. Setting up the lighting of the autoshape


To avoid overly sparse lines in your document, it is recommended to enable automatic hyphenation. For this in the menu Service select team Language \u003d\u003e Hyphenation and check the box next to the corresponding option (Fig. 3). Just keep in mind that Word always tends to hyphenate words in place of the hyphen. In some cases, it is desirable to avoid such a gap (for example, 10 percent, 1st number, 234-345, etc.). To do this, instead of the usual hyphen, use the non-breaking hyphen by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Hyphen.

Figure: 3. Setting automatic hyphenation

At the same time, it is quite possible that hyphenation is not required in part of the document, in particular in the headings. To disable hyphenation in a number of paragraphs, select them, use the command Format \u003d\u003e Paragraph \u003d\u003e Position on Page and check the box next to the corresponding option (Fig. 4).

It should be admitted that some words Word cannot transfer correctly. In these words, in the position where you can carry out the transfer, you should insert a soft transfer character by pressing the keys Ctrl + Hyphen... This transfer will take precedence over transfers inserted automatically.

Indexed text

If your document contains variables with indices typed directly in the text and in formulas created using the MS Equation formula editor, then by default they will look different (different sizes of variables and indices and different levels of their arrangement on a line), which significantly spoils appearance of the document (fig. 5).

Figure: 5. Text with an index (the first option is typed in Word, the second in MS Equation)

You can achieve almost complete identity of the appearance of variables with indexes by changing a number of characteristics of manually typed variables. To do this, type the entire text in Times New Roman, size 12, and the variables additionally in italics. Also, move variables down 1.5 pixels and the indices down 3 pixels with Format \u003d\u003e Font \u003d\u003e Spacingby choosing in the field Bias option Downand indicating the size of the offset (Fig. 6).

Figure: 6. Setting the offset

Also, make sure the size is selected in the formula editor Usual (team Size \u003d\u003e Regular) and make it fit 12 pixels (command Size \u003d\u003e Determine- fig. 7).

Figure: 7. Correcting the sizes of the regular font

Breaks in tables

When working with multi-page tables, it sometimes happens that the table breaks not at the end of the sheet, but much earlier, leaving only two-thirds or even a third of the page filled (this depends on the width of the particular table row on which the break occurs). Subsequent lines of the table are then transferred to the next page, although they could well fit on the previous one (Fig. 8). This often happens when filling table cells by ordinary copying, when, along with the data, their formats are also copied.

Figure: 8. An example of a table in which the line break does not reach the end of the sheet

The reason for this phenomenon is that the paragraph settings were violated in the text in the table cells. To change the situation, select the table, open the menu Format command Paragraph \u003d\u003e Position on Page and remove the checkboxes Don't break a paragraph, Don't tear yourself away from the next and From a new page (fig. 9) - the table will return to its usual form.

Figure: 9. Changing paragraph parameters

Date in document

Most documents should contain the date of their creation; it is not uncommon to create or update documents of the same type on a daily basis. Therefore, it is very convenient to use automatic date insertion: you press the key combination Alt + Shift + D, and the current date, which is updated every time the document is opened, is inserted at the cursor position. But this method is not always suitable, since the date is inserted in the traditional format dd.mm.gggg... If this format does not suit you, then use the command Insert \u003d\u003e Field, in the list of fields, select the field Dateand specify the required date format (fig. 10).

Figure: 10. Selecting the date format

If none of the date formats suits you, for example, you need the date in the first line in the document and the day of the week in the second (as in Fig. 11), then you will have to find a more or less similar date format and edit it. In this example, there are no difficulties with the date printed in the top row of the table, since such a format is in the list of formats, and the problem is to insert the day of the week - this is the format of the field Date does not exist. To edit the format, open the menu Insertcommand Field, in the list of fields, specify the field Date and select the original date format in which the desired day of the week appears (Fig. 12). Click on the button Field codesand edit the date format in the field Field codesby removing the unnecessary part of the format (fig. 13). Complete the operation by clicking on the button Ok, - after that, every time the document is opened, the current day of the week will be printed.

Figure: 11. Document with changed date field

Figure: 12. Selecting the original date format for editing

Figure: 13. Date format after editing

Document search

The necessary documents can be searched not only in the usual way, that is, using the command Start \u003d\u003e Find \u003d\u003e Files and Folders, but also directly in Word when opening documents, and when searching in Word, you can rely on the specific properties of documents (document name, author, subject, keywords, file size, date of last update, etc.) or on words found in text.

To search for documents by a word in the text, select the command File \u003d\u003e Open and click on the button Service \u003d\u003e Find \u003d\u003e Normal... Enter a search word, define the search area (Fig. 14), the types of files you are interested in (Fig. 15) and click on the button To find (fig. 16).

Figure: 14. Determining the area for search

Figure: 15. Determining the file type

Figure: 16. Result of a search for documents with the word "Internet" in the text or in the title

To search for documents by their properties, select the command File \u003d\u003e Openand click on the button Service \u003d\u003e Find \u003d\u003e Advanced... Suppose that not only your personal documents are on the computer, but also files of other authors with whom you are working on a common project. In this case, in the field Property specify option Author, in field Condition - option Contains (this is more reliable, since in one case the author can enter only the surname, in the other the first and last name, etc.), in the field Value enter the author's last name and click on the button To find(fig. 17).

Figure: 17. Search for all documents of a specific author

However, it should be borne in mind that searching for documents by their specific properties makes sense only if these properties are indicated by all the authors of the documents - the option of filling them in by default, alas, will not provide the desired result. You can specify properties separately for each document using the command File \u003d\u003e Properties \u003d\u003e Document (fig. 18). However, it is unlikely that none of the authors will forget to do this in any document, so it is better to enable mandatory filling of the key properties of the document when it is first saved. To do this, use the command Service \u003d\u003e Options \u003d\u003e Save and check the box Suggest filling in document properties (fig. 19).

Figure: 18. Filling in document properties

Figure: 19. Setting the mandatory preservation of key document properties

You can search for documents by the date of their creation, and specify not only specific dates, but also their intervals or a list, which is carried out when using tokens AND or OR... In order to find all documents, for example for 2003, in the field Property specify option Date of creation, in field Condition- option Not earlier, in field Value enter date January 1, 2003and click on the button Add to... Then again specify in the field Property option date of creation, in field Condition - option Not later, in field Value enter date January 1, 2004, click on the button Add toand then by button To find - all documents for 2003 will be found (Fig. 20).

Figure: 20. Setting up the search for documents created during a certain period

MS Excel

Assigning a color to sheet tabs

Sheet labels can be multi-colored, this is convenient in books with a large number of sheets - then the color, along with the title, will be responsible for the type of information on the sheets. To assign a specific color to individual sheets, select them, right-click, choose Label color and define the color you want.

Fast insertion of columns and rows

To add a row or column to a table, it is not at all necessary, by selecting the column or row before which you need to insert, access the context menu and select the command Add cells... You can press the key combination Ctrl + Shift simultaneously with the "+" sign on the numeric keypad - the result will be the same.

Column mutants

By default, columns in Excel are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet, and rows by numbers. If, after opening the table again, you find that the columns are numbered in the same way as the rows (Fig. 21), do not be alarmed - this is not a virus action. Use the command Service \u003d\u003e Options \u003d\u003e Generaland uncheck the box R1C1 link style (fig. 22) - everything will fall into place.

Figure: 21. Table with numbered columns

Figure: 22. Return to standard column designations

Speeding up printing

If you need to print a large number of tables, and you are limited in time, then when printing on a black-and-white printer, you can speed up the process by giving up color (printing in black and white). On black and white printers, colors are displayed as shades of gray, and it takes a while to match a shade to a specific color. When printing in black and white, colored text and borders are displayed in black instead of as shades of gray, which saves time. To set black and white printing, open the menu Filecommand Page Options \u003d\u003e Sheet and in the group Printing check the box Black and white (fig. 23).

Figure: 23. Setting printing in black and white mode

It is also possible to print without grid lines - in this case large sheets print faster. To do this, use the command File \u003d\u003e Page Setup \u003d\u003e Sheet and uncheck Grid (fig. 24).

Figure: 24. Refusal to print a grid

Entering fractional numbers

By default, in Excel, fractional numbers are entered in accordance with the way it is set in the Windows settings: Control Panel \u003d\u003e Language and Standards \u003d\u003e Numbers... In other words, if a comma is intended for entering fractional numbers in Windows, then in Excel they will be entered separated by commas. However, in practice it may turn out to be different. For example, on computers that have a large number of users, especially in educational institutions, where program settings change in the most unpredictable way. If, when entering a comma-separated fractional number, you see a dot-separated number on the screen and have already checked that the Windows settings assume comma-separated input, use the command Service \\ Options \\ International and highlight the checkbox Use system separators (fig. 25).

Figure: 25. Return to system separators


When finalizing the appearance of a table and preparing it for printing, you often have to repeatedly change the formatting and printing features. Usually, in such cases, sheets are copied and the peculiarities of their display on the screen and when printing are changed. However, it is more convenient to create different sheet views that allow you to view data in different modes and do not require creating separate sheets.

Before creating a view, the book must be completely configured: it must be given the required appearance and all the necessary printing parameters must be set for it. When printing parameters are entered into the view, it will automatically include certain printable areas of each sheet, or the entire sheet if no printable area is defined for it.

To create a menu view View select team Representation, press the button Add to and in the field Name enter the name of the view (fig. 26). In this case, it is better to include in the name of the view the name of the active sheet in order to facilitate the search for the desired view later.

Figure: 26. Create a view

To return to one of the previously created views, if, for example, you need to print a sheet, use the command View \u003d\u003e Viewsand in the field Viewsselect a view for printing (fig. 27), then press the button Apply and click on the button Printing- the sheet will be printed in black and white.

Figure: 27. Selecting the desired view


Quite often, you have to deal with large lists containing multiple cell values \u200b\u200bfor which you need to know the subtotals. Excel can automatically calculate both subtotals and grand totals in any list. Usually, for this, they first sort by the command Data \u003d\u003e Sort (to group the lines by which you need to summarize), then calculate the grand totals, and then insert the lines for the subtotals and calculate them (Fig. 28).

Figure: 28. Calculation of subtotals

With a significant table size and a large number of areas for which subtotals must be calculated, this process will take a lot of time. To speed up the work, you can first select a unique list, for each of the values \u200b\u200bof which you need to determine the subtotal, and only then calculate the totals themselves. To create a unique list, select the required column or row and use the command Data \u003d\u003e Filter \u003d\u003e Advanced Filter... Set the group switch Treatmentto position, set the range of cells where you want to place the result, and enable the option Unique records only (fig. 29, 30). As a result of such filtering, all unique objects of the initial list will appear in the specified area of \u200b\u200bthe table.

Figure: 29. Advanced filter command window

Figure: 30. Result of creating a unique list

Then use the function SUMIF (range, criterion, sum_range)that sums the cells that meet a specific criterion. A range is the range of cells that are checked against a criterion; criterion - a criterion in the form of a number, expression or text that determines the cells to be added; summation range - summed cells (Fig. 31).

Figure: 31. Calculation of subtotals for each of the values \u200b\u200bof the unique list

Removing duplicate lines

Imagine that you have a table-telephone directory (dictionary, etc.), consisting of two columns and a huge number of rows. The first column contains, for example, the names of customers, and the second - their phones, while the lines can be repeated (Fig. 32). The challenge is to remove all duplicate lines. The first option that comes to mind is to sort the table by the first column with the command Data \u003d\u003e Sort and manually remove duplicate lines.

Figure: 32. Source table

If the table is very large, you can achieve the same result in a faster, albeit more complex, way. First, select a unique list of phones using the command Data \u003d\u003e Filter \u003d\u003e Advanced Filterby setting the group switch Treatment into position Copy the result to another locationby specifying the range of cells where the result should be placed and enabling the option Unique records only (fig. 33).

Figure: 33. Result of creating a unique list of phones

Now you need to use the function VLOOKUP (lookup_value; table; column_num; value True or False), where the search value is the value to be found in the first column of the table; table - a table with information in which data is searched; column number - the number of the column in the table with information in which the corresponding value should be found. Considering that the function works in such a way that the search for the desired value is possible only in the first column, you will need to swap the columns "FULL NAME" and "Telephone", and then in column D enter the formula with the VLOOKUP function (Fig. 34). Using this formula, the program will take the next value from column C, search for it in column A, and then return the value from column B located in the found row. After that, it remains to make a copy of column D using special paste so that the cells are not formulas, but values \u200b\u200b(command Paste \u003d\u003e Paste Special \u003d\u003e Values - fig. 35), and delete columns A, B, and D that are no longer needed.

Figure: 34. The result of calculations through the VLOOKUP function

Figure: 35. Appearance tables after applying Paste Special

MS PowerPoint

Slides from files

When preparing a presentation, you can use pre-created Word documents and slides from other presentations.

In the first case, when it comes to creating new presentation, open a Word document and apply the command File \u003d\u003e Send \u003d\u003e Microsoft PowerPoint - as a result, a new presentation will be created with text from the file. If you need to insert text from a Word document into an existing presentation, open the presentation in PowerPoint and click on the tab Structure (fig. 36). Specify the slide icon behind which a new slide with text should appear. On the menu Insert select team Slides from structure and specify the required document. Keep in mind that the text that is inserted into the presentation is formed based on the style of the headings of the document, and you can only use texts from files in * .doc, * .rtf or * .txt formats.

Figure: 36. Structure tab

If you want to insert a slide from another presentation into an open presentation, then from the Insert menu, select the command Slides from files, specify the presentation and the inserted slide (fig. 37) and click on the button Paste... If you have inserted all slides, click the button Paste all.

Figure: 37. Selecting the slide to insert

Complex numbering

Page numbering in slides is done by inserting the page number in the footer with the command View \u003d\u003e Headers and Footerswhich opens the Header and Footer window, where you need to enable the checkbox footer (fig. 38) and click on the button Apply to all... Keep in mind that hidden slides continue to count towards numbering. To avoid this, you can put all hidden slides at the end of the presentation - and then all shown slides will be numbered in order.

Figure: 38. Inserting a footer

Naturally, slide pages are numbered in order. If you need to start pagination again in different places of the same presentation (this may be required if your presentation is still under development and represents several separate series of slides), then, alas, you cannot do this within one presentation ... To solve the problem, you will need to create different presentations for each series of slides and link them to each other with hyperlinks.

Presentation template

If presentations are held frequently, it is advisable to spend time carefully preparing a non-standard presentation template - today this is no less relevant than, for example, a letterhead for business letters... The logo of the organization, etc. are saved in the template. elements that will automatically play on all created slides in the presentation. In addition, the template determines the format, size and relative position of objects, used fonts, background and other design parameters for presentation elements.

Template development begins with creating a new presentation using the team File \u003d\u003e New... Then select a design template for your slide from the list of default templates. Before changing the design template in accordance with the intended plan, in the menu Viewselect team Master \u003d\u003e Slide Master... On the master slide, make the changes you want to reflect on each new slide. the presentation being created... First of all, change the design and configure the fonts (Fig. 39), in the next step, insert the logo (Fig. 40), and after all the changes are completed on the toolbar Sampleclick on the button Close wizard view.

Figure: 39. Result of customizing the main elements of the presentation template

Figure: 40. The appearance of the slide after inserting the logo

Save your presentation as a template with the command File \u003d\u003e Save As, specify the option as the file type Presentation template and enter the name of the template (fig. 41).

Figure: 41. Saving presentation template

To use the template when creating your presentation, click on the button Slide builder, click the link Overview in the lower right corner of the slide and point to the presentation template you created.

The template you create can be added to the list of templates in the Auto Content Wizard. For this in the menu File select team Create a... In area Create a click on the link From Auto Content Wizard, press the button Further... Then select the category in which to place the template, click the button Add to and specify the added presentation template (fig. 42).

Figure: 42. Result of adding a template to the list of the auto content wizard

Several design options in one presentation

There are several templates you can use to design individual slides in your presentation. To do this, select specific slides, right-click on the required template and select the option Apply to selected slides... If this command is not available, use the command Service \u003d\u003e Options \u003d\u003e Edit and in the area Disabling new features uncheck the box Several samples (fig. 43).

If you use the templates you created to design your presentation slides, and not the default templates, then a new template for a specific slide will be installed automatically when you click the Browse link and select a previously created presentation template, unless, of course, you have set a ban on the use of different design options

Figure: 44. Setting up automatic spell checker

Using a data file to export contacts

All created messages, appointments, tasks and diary entries are saved in a data file on the local computer. This data file is called a Personal Folders file and has the PST extension. When reinstalling the system, this file can be easily saved in a separate folder on your hard disk or on a CD, and then reconnected.

In addition, the .pst file lets you access or share information such as contacts from another computer. All you need to do is export the data to a PST file using the Import and Export Wizard. Open in the menu File command Import and export, select the option as an action Export to file, and in the next window, indicate that you want to create a PST file (Fig. 45). Next select a folder Contacts and define the features of saving the file (Fig. 46). Click on the button Done, and then your contacts will be saved in the folder you specified on the disk, which will be easy to connect on another computer using the same Import and Export Wizard. Connecting a PST file with contacts is no different from connecting a regular PST file. In order not to forget the location of the file, it is best to add it to the Outlook data files list right away. To do this, use the command File \u003d\u003e Processing Data File, click the button Add to and point to the generated PST file. As a result, in the list of data files, in addition to personal folders, the file with contacts you have created will also appear (Fig. 47).

Figure: 45. Determining the type of file to be created

Figure: 46. \u200b\u200bDetermining the conditions for the saved file

Figure: 47. Outlook data files

Working time planning

The final result depends on how well the work is planned. Outlook helps to organize the list of tasks to some extent, but it only reminds that the time has come to start performing this or that task, that it is already overdue; in addition, Outlook can reassign the task to another employee and allow you to control its execution. And this, by and large, exhaust Outlook capabilities in terms of task processing.

However, it is very important not only to outline a number of tasks, but also to plan them so that everything can be done on time and that planning is automated as much as possible. You need to know when you will complete a specific task, whether it is possible in principle to complete it by the deadline and when it is better to start the task in order to complete it.

It's good to be able to assess in advance how realistic your plan is (subject to the specifics of your working week, having a lunch break, scheduled appointments, etc.). In addition, tasks should automatically go to the calendar, and the calendar status should automatically update as tasks are rescheduled. All this can be done by the plug-in for Microsoft Outlook 2002 / XP Taskline ( http://www.taskline.info/MAPI/TasklineSetup.exe, shareware, 1.2 MB) from ResultsWare Limited, which is a convenient and easy-to-use task manager that allows you to optimally create your schedule.

Before using the plugin, you need to configure it in accordance with the specifics of the working day. To do this, click on the button Taskline, go to the tab Working week and indicate the working days of the week, the beginning and end of the working day and all available breaks (lunch, technical break, etc.) - fig. 48.

Figure: 48. Drawing up a work schedule

Then outline the tasks ahead for the coming days. Please note that an additional tab will appear in the task creation window after installing the plugin Taskline, on which you need to indicate the estimated duration of the work, and if the work has already begun, then the amount of time spent on it and the percentage of completion (Fig. 49, 50).

Figure: 49. Create a task

Figure: 50. List of tasks scheduled for the next week

Then you can start testing the plugin. To do this, click on the button Taskline, go to the tab Tasks, indicate the start time (fig. 51) and press the button Ok... The result of the plug-in will be a short report on the number of scheduled tasks, the total time for their execution and the deadlines for completing the work (Fig. 52). At the same time, the program will optimally place tasks in the calendar - it will take into account both all work breaks and the scheduled meetings, meetings, etc. (Fig. 53).

Figure: 51. Determination of the start time of the analysis and distribution of tasks

Figure: 52. Conclusion of the Taskline regarding the list of scheduled tasks (in this case, everything planned can be done on time)

Figure: 53. The result of the distribution of tasks in the calendar

  • Mistake 1. The slide background does not match the presentation theme. And we see, for example, a presentation about the revolutions in Russia against the background with birches and mushrooms.
  • Error 2. The background used is the one included in the PowerPoint set. Over the many years of PowerPoint's existence, thousands of people have used standard templates, published their presentations on the Internet, and showed them at speeches. These templates are already simply boring to listeners.

Solution: It is better to abandon the standard templates. A large number of new products can be found on the Internet. interesting templates and backgrounds (for example, there are almost a thousand backgrounds on our site -).

The background image should not contain elements that are inconsistent with the content of the presentation. For the background, it is better to use pastel or cold colors (purple, blue, light blue, blue-green, green), you need to avoid red and white colors.

  • Error 3. The background of the presentation is too bright and active. Such a background, firstly, interferes with the perception of information from the slide, and secondly, it tires the audience.

Solution: If the background should be a bright picture, then it is better to reduce its brightness. To do this, select the rectangle shape ( InsertShapesRectangle), close the entire slide with it and select a white fill for it with 50% transparency (you can also use a different percentage) and remove the borders ( FormatFill figuresOthers colors fill - white and transparency 50% — OK, Circuit figures - No outline).

The background image will become less active.

Or, when inserting a picture on a slide, immediately set the transparency.

  • Mistake 4.The use of inconsistent colors, the lack of a uniform style of slide design.

In this example, one presentation uses large print and left justification on one slide, and small print and justification on the other.

Solution: When designing a section or the entire presentation, you need to adhere to one style. The color scheme should contain no more than three primary colors (of course, exceptions are possible): backgroundheadingmain text... The theme colors can be changed like this: DesignColors - it is possible to choose a scheme from the proposed set, or you can set your own colors: Create a new colors scheme.

  • http://colorscheme.ru/ - selection of colors using the color wheel and generation of color schemes.

  • http://color.romanuke.com/ - a set of color palettes based on photographs (there is a choice of shades: warm, cold, pastel and contrast).

Errors related to text content

  • Mistake 5.Excessive text on a slide, placement of unstructured text on a slide, text taken from the source as it is, without authoring.

Solution: The text on the slide should be short and succinct, it should not duplicate the speaker's speech. You need to place abstracts on the slide.

If the presentation is intended to be used by others, you can include the necessary information in slide notes - these notes will help users of the presentation work with it.

  • Error 6. An attempt to place a large amount of information on a slide, using more than 90% of the slide space.

Solution: Leave padding from the edges of the slide to the content (text and images). Try to stick to the rule that 20% of the slide should be blank.

To make the slide look finished, you can use it as a background - a background frame.

Here, the text also extends beyond the borders of the frame - it was necessary to reduce the text input area by moving the resize handle to the right.

The text is very large, almost overlapping the frame. It needs to be reduced.

  • Error 7.All text is written in CAPITAL letters. Such text is hard to read.

Solution: use traditional spelling as in your native language: the first letter of the sentence is capitalized, the rest are lowercase. A period is put at the end of the sentence.

  • Error 8.The use of illegible fonts, especially as a body font. In layout, there is such a thing - readability of fonts. The font should be such that the reader can read the text quickly, without difficulty and discomfort. These fonts are used in books, newspapers, magazines - we are used to them and read them easily. However, there are thousands of fonts with poor readability - they are interesting, beautiful, but intended for headings and, most likely, for use in advertising, in design.

Solution: If the purpose of the presentation being created is not to produce a "wow effect", but to give information, then use only traditional, familiar fonts to all of us. For text, it is better to use serif fonts (sans serifs) (Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, etc.). Note that serif fonts (Times and others) are difficult to read from a distance.

Sans serif font and serif font. Serifs are hard to read in presentations, but good for documents

Italics should preferably be used for a small piece of text that needs to be highlighted, or it is better to highlight individual words and phrases in bold. It is better not to use underlining, as the underlined text in presentations is perceived by the user as, that is, it makes it difficult to control the presentation.

Decorative fonts can be used for headings, as long as the text is readable.

The body text font should be smaller than the heading font size.

  • Error 9.Extra and missing periods, spaces, brackets, etc. spelling mistakes.
  • There is no full stop at the end of the heading.
  • At the end of the sentence, a period is put, then one space, then the next sentence.
  • The quotes in the text of the presentation should be the same - if you have chosen herringbone quotes, then use only them in the presentation (Types of quotes: “”, “”, "", ““).
  • There is no space after the opening parenthesis or quotation mark, the text immediately follows. There is no space before the closing quotation mark or parenthesis; after the text, a quotation mark or parenthesis is immediately placed. After the closing quotation mark or parentheses or, a period (if the end of the sentence), a comma or a space, and then the text is put.
  • There must be one space between all words.
  • All punctuation marks must be followed by a space before the beginning of the next text.
  • Throughout the presentation, words with e should contain e or e.
  • Different bullet points on different pages.

In the first case, markers are ticks, in the second case - squares

  • Throughout the presentation, lists after each item on the list should have the same punctuation marks or not at all. For example, after each item in the list put a semicolon, at the end of the list - a period.

In the first case, there is a dot after each item in the list, in the second case there is no

  • Some slides have a red line, others don't. Better not to use the red line at all in your presentation.

Same presentation: different font sizes.
On one slide there is, on the other not.

Errors related to using images in a presentation

  • Error 10.No alignment of shapes, text to slide edges, or to each other. Careless design.

The objects on the slide must be aligned. On the next slide, a mistake was made: identical rectangles have different distances from the edges of the slide and from each other.

Solution: To fix this error, you need to use the align function. Select the required rectangles (while holding down CTRL ) FormatAlignAlign to slide (in this case, the shapes will be aligned relative to the borders and center of the slide) or Align selected objects (in this case the objects will be aligned relative to each other). After choosing the type of alignment, you need to set its parameters (left, right, top or bottom, center, distribute horizontally or vertically).

  • Error 11.The same elements on the slide move from slide to slide.

The following example shows two slides that have the same elements: a button to end the presentation, a Reply caption, and a slide title. You may notice that the same elements are offset and are at different distances from the edges of the slide. It shouldn't be.

Solution: To avoid this error, you need to create the first slide, place the necessary elements on it. Then you can:

  • copy a slide (if both slides carry the same load, as in the example considered), and then change each new slide, leaving the same elements in their places;
  • or create a second slide, then select the desired object on the first slide, copy it, and then paste it on the second slide. The object will be pasted at the same distance from the edges of the slide, i.e. it will not shift. You must do the same with other objects.
  • Error 12.Distortion of the proportions of images. Using images of different styles on one slide (photos and drawing, image with a frame and without a frame, with a background and without a background).

The painting is "flattened".

Images of different heights. The white frame has not been removed from the image on the right (you could have chosen white as the background of the presentation, then the white frame would not have been visible).

Solution: You need to resize the image by pulling the handles located in the corners of the picture; you cannot resize using the handles on the sides of the image.

  • Error 13.The frames of the images do not match the presentation theme or style.

Solution: A small frame around the image creates a neat effect, the image with the frame has a finished look. But don't use "funeral" frames like in the first image in the next slide example. You should also not use the effects of image reflection, which interferes with the perception of information on the slide.

  • Error 14.The image is "crammed into a corner".

Solution: Don't place the image on the edge of the slide or in the corner. Indent from the edges of the slide to the image (just like when placing text). If you need to insert an image in the corner of a slide, then it is better to indent the same distance from the vertical and from the horizontal edges. Also, try not to place the image in the center of the slide if there is text on the slide.

If the image is a portrait of a person, then it is better to position it so that the gaze is directed to the text, but not to the edge of the slide. This will give the slide a finished look.

  • Error 15. Placing multiple images on a slide in such a way that they are difficult to see. Placing two or even 10 images on a slide is acceptable if it does not contradict the logic of the presentation: for example, if the images are enlarged when clicked, or these are button images. However, if the image is the main content of the slide, it is with it that the work is going on and it is this that carries the information load, it should be large.

Solution: If the image is the main content of the slide, insert one image per slide. If you need to use multiple pictures, create multiple slides. Or insert several images on one slide, but in such a way that when you click on the image, the image opens in full screen.

Other mistakes in presentations

  • Error 16.Buttons and hyperlink buttons do not work. Sometimes a situation may arise when you cannot use the hyperlink button in the presentation viewing mode - it is inactive. This can happen simply due to the inattention of the author of the presentation - the link was forgotten to set up. But it is also possible that the button with the link (bottom layer) is overlapped by the top layer - another image or text, and therefore does not work. This can be seen when the mouse cursor does not become a hand with a finger (like a hyperlink) in the center of the button, but changes around the edges of the button.

Solution: In the first case, just check all links and all presentation buttons. In especially critical cases, test the presentation on other computers.

To solve the problem with the overlapping of the button by other objects, it is enough to move the interfering object to the background. To do this, right-click on the image and in the context menu select Move back... The button will now work.

  • Error 17.Sources of sources of images and texts are not indicated. It is bad form to use someone else's work and not indicate the author.

Solution: we have prepared on the topic. More than 80% of the authors of materials on the site indicate sources of information incorrectly and do not know about it.

  • Error 18. Excessive animation when animation interferes with the presentation. When adding animation to your presentation, you must adhere to the principle of minimalism. Animation should not interfere with reading the text, be colorful.

Solution: Don't choose flickering animation or fast rotation. All this is tiring, annoying and puts a great strain on the eyesight and the nervous system. Superfluous animation is useless. It is better not to accompany the change of slides sound effects and active animation. You need to think about which effects will appear automatically and which ones will appear on the click. If all of the animation is clickable, it will take a lot of time and annoying presentation.

  • Error 19. The slide transition is incorrectly configured, the transition on a mouse click or keyboard is not disabled. For example, in a presentation game, the user missed the button for showing the correct answer and got to the next question, bypassing the game menu. Where to go next is not clear to the user, and sometimes he simply does not understand what happened.

Solution: When creating interactive presentationcontaining, you need to disable the transition between slides by mouse click and using the keyboard. Many just choose Transitions - Slide Changes and uncheck the box On click... This method avoids changing slides on click, but the ability to scroll through the slides using the arrows, the spacebar on the keyboard and the mouse wheel remains.

There is a more reliable way - Show presentation automatically... ... But when using it, you need to remember that on each slide there must be a hyperlink button to go to another slide. Otherwise, slide preview can only be turned off by ending the presentation.

We tried to describe the main mistakes in creating presentations and we hope that this will help all of us to avoid them in the future.

What mistakes do you know? You can tell in the comments to the article.

In this lesson, you will learn the basics of working with text in Powerpoint 2010. For example, how to write, delete, and move text, how to work with text boxes, how to format text, and so on.

If you are new to PowerPoint, then you need to know the basics of working with text in order to add text to slides and modify it. You need to learn how to insert, delete, move, and format text, and how to use text boxes.

To write text:

Some placeholders will automatically convert your text to a bulleted list. This is due to the fact that such lists are very often used in PowerPoint. To remove such a list, deselect the Bullets command in the Paragraph group on the Home tab.

To remove text:

  1. Place the insertion point next to the text you want to delete
  2. To delete text to the left of the insertion point, press the Backspace key on your keyboard.
  3. To delete the text to the right of the insertion point, press the Delete key on your keyboard.

To highlight text:

  1. Place the insertion point next to the text you want to select.
  2. Click the left mouse button and, without releasing the mouse button, drag the cursor over the text you want to select.
  3. Release the mouse button. A highlighted box appears above the test. This means you have selected the text.

After you select an image or text in powerPoint, will appear mini-panel with the most commonly used formatting options. This panel is called a mini toolbar. This can save you time as formatting commands are easy to access. If the toolbar does not appear, try moving the mouse cursor over the selection

To copy and paste text:

To cut and paste text:

To transfer text:

If the text does not appear where you want, press the Enter key to move the text to a new line.

Find and replace

Find and Replace is another option that can be used to edit text. It allows you to find a specific word or phrase (for example, "British") on all slides and replace it with another (for example, "English"). To learn more, read about this feature's capabilities in the Word 2010 Guide.

Work with text

When you create a presentation, you can add text boxes to organize your slides. You also need to know how to format the text to get the look you want.

To add a label:

You can enter text in placeholders or labels. A placeholder is a special type of caption because it is part of the slide layout and often contains special formatting (for example, an enlarged slide title font). Entering text in additional labels allows you to add as much text as needed to the slide, regardless of its layout.

To move a placeholder or caption:

To rotate the text box, click and drag the green circle above it.

To resize a placeholder or text box:

You can customize your text on a slide by changing its formatting, such as size, color, style, and more.


Click on the dropdown menu to change the font of the selected text.

Font size

Select the font size of the selected text from the drop-down menu.

Decrease or increase font size

Use these commands to decrease or increase the font size by one standard size.

Remove all formatting

Click on the Remove All Formatting command so that only the text remains in the selection.

Font styles

Use the font style commands to make the text bold, in italics, underlined, with shadow, or strikethrough.

Character spacing

Adjust the spacing between characters using the dropdown menu.


Quickly changes the case of the selected text.

Font color

Open the dropdown menu to change the font color.

Displaying the Font dialog box

Click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the Font group to access more formatting options.

Microsoft Word attracts such a large number of users, because it can offer a variety of ways to automate when working with text. One of these is automatic hyphenation.

In order to set up automatic hyphenation, you need to go to the " Layout" in section " Page settings"Select the item" Hyphenation"And in the list that opens, click on" Auto».

In this case, hyphens will be placed in all necessary and possible places. To do this, a dictionary of the language for which hyphenations are included must be installed. However, all official distributions of Microsoft Word contain them for any supported languages.

An important feature of automatic hyphenation is that if you suddenly increase the size, change the font, or add any decorative elements for the text, the hyphenation will automatically adjust.

When you select the tear-out "Fit to Width", the page will generally look like a well-laid out book.

It is also not recommended to set line breaks in the document yourself using "-" and line breaks. To do this, Word uses the "Soft hyphenation" function. Select the required word, place the cursor and press "CTRL" + "-". Now, if necessary, the word will be transferred according to the rules you specified. Soft hyphens are not visible in the document, so to display them go to the " home" in section " Paragraph" Press on " Show all signs».

Returning to the paragraph " Hyphenation"And clicking on" Manual», The program will search all words for which hyphenation can be performed and show you options on how to do it. Place the cursor in the desired place and click " Yes».

The last item is the minimum settings. " Word hyphenation... ”is responsible for including hyphens separately in those words that are written in capital letters. Without the checkbox, an exception will be made for them.

IN " The width of the hyphenation zone»Sets the distance from the edge of the hyphenated word to the page frame.

« Max. number…»Will limit the number of repeated word wrapping for a selection or the entire document.

In order to remove hyphenation, it is necessary in the paragraph " Hyphenation»Choose option« No».

Or, with the activated display mode of all symbols, remove the manually set ones. If there were too many of them, then you can use the "Replace" function, which is called by the F5 button.

In the replace tab, click " More \u003e\u003e » -> « Special", Select" Soft transfer"And replace it with an empty string, no space.

An automatic hyphenation feature is also available for Word 2003. It is installed at the address " Service» -> « Tongue» -> « Hyphenation».


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