Multimedia presentations. Fixed media

Multimedia is one of those software areas in which the "national character" is manifested as much as possible, so in this special issue we devote a separate article to it.

the concept of multimedia is very broad, this article will focus exclusively on home products. Home multimedia discs can be roughly divided into entertainment and educational. In turn, educational products can be implemented in the form of encyclopedic and reference publications, training programs or educational games. Platforms for creating curricula are allocated to a separate class. These are a kind of universal constructors, on the basis of which the teacher creates his own set of lessons and tests. More details about training programs and tools for their development can be found in the article "Computer training programs and tools for their development," published in this issue of the journal.

In this article, along with a review of educational multimedia products, we will dwell in detail on domestic games.

It should be noted that in the development of games in our country in the last two years, there has literally been a breakthrough. Russian developments are becoming popular in the Western market, even though it is extremely saturated. Our developers manage to captivate the spoiled western user. Projects "IL-2 Sturmovik" (developer - "1C: MaddoxGames", publisher - "1C"), "Corsairs" (developer - "Akella", publisher - "1C", "Truckers-2" (developer - SoftLab-Nsk , publisher - "1C") - all these are examples of projects that occupy the first lines of hit parades on Western sites. Each of these masterpieces is developing, there are new versions in development - "Corsairs-2", "Truckers-3"; probably soon popular games will have as many episodes as the popular TV series. But, despite the success in the Western market, our developers do not forget about domestic game lovers. Obviously, projects such as the animated quest "12 chairs", which is being prepared by a well-known team developers from Voronezh - by the company "Saturn Plus", new games about the Pilot brothers, which are being developed by "1C", or games about the Wolf and the Hare that have recently appeared on our market from the popular cartoon "Well, you wait!", are focused on the Russian user. okay about everything dku: as always, first of all, let's talk about new products and about those projects that are just getting ready for release.

Educational multimedia products

a lot of companies operate in this market; We will tell you very briefly about the latest developments prepared by the leaders of this area - the companies "1C", "Cyril and Methodius", "Novy Disk", "MediaHouse".

Educational multimedia products of "1C" company

If earlier the 1C company was firmly associated with the concepts of accounting and automation, today the 1C trademark is known far beyond the scope of management. Millions of children know 1C as a “toy” company, and thousands of teachers are familiar with it as a manufacturer of educational software. However, as representatives of 1C itself testify, in quantitative terms the multimedia direction has long been bypassed by “business software”. In 2001, 1C has released a number of educational products. A large project “1C: Tutor. Mathematics (part 1) ", the development of the" 1C: Education "platform was announced. This year it is planned to release over 50 titles in the series "1C: Tutor", "1C: Educational Collection", "1C: Computer World", etc.

Platform "1C: Education"

The developed platform "1C: Education" provides ample opportunities for creating electronic publications, training and examination courses, maintaining libraries of presentation and test material and their constituent elements, distributing and monitoring the assimilation of courses at the level of group and personal work.

The platform consists of a server part (core) and an extensible set of basic components (applications). The server part is made in the Java language, which allows it to run under various operating systems.

The 1C: Education platform will allow partners and users to flexibly adjust for a specific task. The solution based on the 1C: Education platform can be easily scaled from the local to the Internet version.

Replenishment of the series of educational programs "1C: Tutor"

“1C: Tutor. Spelling Tests ”is a control and diagnostic system addressed to everyone who, by occupation, needs to be literate or check the literacy of others. Tests can be integrated with the training complex "Russian language", which allows not only to identify gaps in knowledge, but also to immediately learn the necessary rules.

The product includes 407 test items covering 128 Russian language rules, a spelling rule guide, a dictionary of linguistic terms (more than 600 articles) and lists of educational literature.

The system of diagnostic computer tests allows you to control the level of spelling proficiency on the topic, as well as identify the causes of errors and get a well-grounded individual recommendation.

“1C: Tutor. Mathematics (Part 1) "is a course for high school students and applicants. It is intended for self-study and work under the guidance of a teacher, and will also be useful for teachers to prepare and conduct classes.

The original mathematics course has 3 levels of difficulty and includes 74 lessons. The material contains 375 audiovisual interactive demonstrations with a total length of 10 hours and is reinforced by the analysis and solution of 550 problems, mainly from examination options.

The verification module allows you to enter answers in the form of arbitrary numeric or alphabetic expressions. The complex is complemented by: a calculator, a plotter, an oral counting simulator, a reference dictionary, a collection of summaries of all lessons, information and recommendations for applicants to universities, as well as a list of educational literature.

The course covers most of the basic topics presented in the university entrance exams and focuses primarily on the theory and practice of problem solving.

Series "1C: Educational collection"

This series includes multimedia programs in general subjects and foreign languages.

“1C: Educational collection. Island of Arithmetic ”- the product developer is the domestic company“ Istra-Soft ”, and“ 1C ”acts as a publisher. The program consists of five main games. By moving the mouse cursor over the island, you can find out where the characters of the game live. Each of them has its own territory, clicking on which you get to visit one or another character. Funny characters will teach fast counting, names and designations of numbers, help train your memory. The program can be adjusted according to the child's age. The complexity of the proposed new assignments is determined by previous achievements.

“Professor Higgins. German without an accent! " slated for release in June. The product was created by a domestic developer - the Istra-Soft company; a program in the 1C: Educational Collection series will be released. At one time we tested the product “Professor Higgins. English without an accent! " and were quite satisfied with it. The teaching of the phonetics of the English language was especially well implemented there. We hope that teaching German is of the same quality.

"Russian language. Secondary school "(grades 5, 6, 7) is the development of the domestic company" Inis-Soft "(publisher - company" 1C "). The programs are designed to organize testing, visual control of the assimilation of educational material, and issue individual recommendations to eliminate knowledge gaps. The system of tests, dictations and lessons provides training throughout the academic year. Within the framework of the complex “Russian language. Secondary School ”CDs for grades 5, 6, 7 were released. They cover sections of the traditional Russian language curriculum for these classes: phonetics and graphics, word formation, lexicology and phraseology, morphology, spelling.

The complex is based on 14,000 test items, each of which has contextual reference information. The training course has 28 sections, more than 350 educational elements, 1070 tests, 70 thematic and control lessons, 120 dictations. Reference information is provided by a hypertext reference manual, text prompts, task execution algorithms, and reference graphic schemes.

"Great Encyclopedia'2002"

In 2002 the company released a new version of the Big Encyclopedia - BECM'2002. This is already the sixth edition, and its content is annually expanded and updated, allowing the encyclopedia to remain relevant and accurate. The volume of textual information included in the encyclopedia is 75 book volumes (regular format, 600 pages each) - 82,000 encyclopedic articles, over 6.5 hours of sound, over 6 hours of video and animation, and much more. The Big Encyclopedia is published in three versions: 2 CDs, 8 CDs and DVDs.

Along with the implementation of the main project - BECM, new separate thematic publications of the company invariably appear.

Cyril and Methodius Cinema Encyclopedia

The content of the encyclopedia in the new version has significantly expanded, the new version already occupies 7 CDs. This is the most complete multimedia encyclopedia dedicated to cinematography, which contains an impressive amount of information of interest to both professionals and film lovers: an illustrated history of world cinema, reviews of more than 11,000 films, biographies on 11,300 persons, information about film festivals , prizes and their laureates, the richest illustrative material (articles accompany photographs of artists and directors, posters, frames, video clips and songs from films, etc.).

"Cyril and Methodius Encyclopedia of Popular Music"

The encyclopedia contains extensive information for everyone who is fond of music - everything about the stars of domestic and foreign popular music, about outstanding jazz musicians and "heroes" of rock, composers and songwriters, a rich collection of video clips, chronological tables, etc.

The content of the new version of the encyclopedia has been significantly updated and expanded - already 7 CDs. The encyclopedia also includes a catalog of albums, an illustrated history of jazz and rock, lyrics with chords, video clips, audio fragments, photographs of musicians, a dictionary of musical terms, a collection of thematic Internet links. In order to describe all the Cyril and Methodius encyclopedias, a special encyclopedia is required. Anyone interested can get additional information on the company's website at

"Course of Mathematics 2000"

The interactive "Course of Mathematics 2000", developed by L.Ya.Borevsky, an employee of the Moscow State University, helps to prepare effectively and in a fairly short time for entrance exams to universities using an original methodology.

The main advantage of the "Course of Mathematics" is the interactive step-by-step solution of real exam problems on a computer screen. This exam preparation technique is unique and has no analogues not only in our country, but throughout the world.

The main advantages of the course:

  • wide popularity of the product (for 3 years the sales volume amounted to 45 thousand discs);
  • the only program in the world where the interactive solution of exam problems is implemented;
  • systematization of methods for solving problems;
  • author's printed textbook of 1200 pages complete with the program;
  • 422 real exam problems that are solved on a computer;
  • 422 real exam problems, which are analyzed in the textbook;
  • formula calculator;
  • a plotter to the condition of each task.

"Course of physics of the XXI century"

The program "Course of Physics of the XXI century" is the latest version of the well-known "Course of Physics for Schoolchildren and Applicants" by L.Ya.Borevsky.

In total, the course contains 21 topics, 420 problems (210 of which are solved on a computer). Each of the 210 tasks is equipped with a model in the form of a laboratory work with process animation, graphing of all variables and the possibility of modifying process parameters. The program analyzes the progress of the solution and gives recommendations for further work on the problem. The diary and journal allow you to keep detailed statistics on your progress.

"Russian language course"

The Russian Language Course covers the entire set of rules for the Russian language. With this program, you can perform test tasks: insert missing letters, words and even write dictations. The program is designed for systematic classes - for 1 year with a load of 2-3 hours per week.

This electronic Russian language tutor-simulator is a system of educational test-training that forms literacy skills and helps to eliminate typical and individual mistakes.

The "Russian language course" includes educational, control, game tasks on all topics of Russian spelling and punctuation - 600 tasks at 5 levels. Each level includes 15-17 topics, and each topic, in turn, contains 5-10 types of exercises. Some exercises require self-control, others are immediately checked by the computer. At the end of each level, it is proposed to complete the final control tasks, write examination dictations.

"Traffic Laws"

Are you determined to get a driver's license? Then you have a great opportunity to learn the rules of the road using the latest methodology. The texts of rules and laws are highlighted in color, so you will certainly pay attention to the most important points. Built-in videos will allow you to understand theoretical material using a concrete example and avoid mistakes typical for novice drivers. Excerpts from the rules of the road will help you easily remember all the information you need.

You can test your knowledge on the examination tickets of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (GAI). Working with tickets is possible in two modes: knowledge test and exam. In the knowledge test mode, you answer questions; in case of an incorrect answer, you are offered a comment and links to the relevant theoretical material. In the exam mode, the exam in the traffic police is played: you answer all the questions and only after that you can read the comments and links to the material.

With the help of this disc, you will successfully pass the theoretical and practical exams, and the knowledge gained will help you to master the basics of safe behavior on the road in the shortest possible time.

The program provides the following features:

  • examination tickets of all categories; A and B - the same as in the traffic police (GAI);
  • comments and links to materials for tickets;
  • driving video courses;
  • basics of safety and rules for the provision of medical care;
  • car catalog;
  • reference book of automobile firms in Russia.

Multimedia Systems Laboratory. Mari State Technical University

On the pages of our magazine, we often talk about the products of well-known Moscow companies. However, in other cities of our country there are quite a few development centers where they create products of very high quality. We would like to draw your attention to the products of the Laboratory of Multimedia Systems of the Mari State Technical University.

In this center, a multimedia chemistry course was created, which was awarded the prize of an international exhibition. The course includes the following discs:

  • General and Inorganic Chemistry;
  • "Organic chemistry";
  • "Chemistry. Basic course".

The developers' approach to creating educational multimedia discs is unusual and based on 3D metaphors. The basic idea is that the computer screen is like a window to a new world. The metaphors of "theater" and "circus", represented by means of 3D graphics and elements of virtual reality, are the basis for the presentation of educational material and the organization of navigation on the CD-ROM.

Educational CD-ROMs should be no less interesting and attractive for children than computer games. The approach taken in the Chemistry multimedia course narrows the existing gap between educational CD-ROMs and games. At the Milia-2000 international exhibition in Cannes (France), the Organic Chemistry CD-ROM won the New Talent Competition, in which 110 universities of the world took part. We will tell you about this product in more detail.

"Organic chemistry"

The educational multimedia course "Organic Chemistry" is intended for studying chemistry in the 11th grade of secondary school and can be used to prepare for exams for admission to higher educational institutions. "Organic Chemistry" is distinguished by an unusual presentation of complex educational material based on a large number of illustrative graphics, formulas of chemical reactions, virtual models of molecules, three-dimensional animation of processes and phenomena, supplemented by photographs and fragments of digital video.

The disc contains 790 educational fragments, 360 animations, 1400 graphic illustrations, 13 minutes of video, 4 hours of narration, 80 animation formulas, 110 complex tests, 180 virtual models, a name index for 40 chemists.

"Jazz and Faust"

Developer - "Saturn Plus", publisher - "1C"

Jazz and Faust is an adventure game set in the mysterious Ancient East. Romantic adventures, treasure hunt, love of a mysterious beauty - all this awaits the main characters of the game - the calculating smuggler Jazz and the dreamy Captain Faust. Together with them, you have to make a journey to a medieval city, to the islands and even visit the desert. You will be faced with original tasks and unforeseen situations, and you will have to apply all your ingenuity, and sometimes even cunning, to achieve your cherished goal.

Hired Crew: Second Test

Developer and publisher - NMG

The game takes place in the near future. The year is 2064. The growth of scientific and technological progress at the beginning of the XXI century has led to the global urbanization of the planet: 96% of the world's population is concentrated in 84 megacities - the largest cultural, scientific, industrial centers. But in the wake of global urbanization came epidemics, unemployment, crime and corruption. The police and special services of huge cities cannot cope with well-organized criminal groups that sort things out on the streets of cities and try to establish their control everywhere. City hospitals and mobile hospitals are overwhelmed by gunfire and industrial accidents. Only highly trained fighters can stop all this chaos. But in the ranks of mercenaries only the most trained specialists are taken. Former soldiers of special army units, police squads and special services must pass the TEST to get into the elite "Mercenary Team".

Game features:

  • Level 31;
  • 10 characters;
  • 9 types of weapons;
  • 7 options for musical accompaniment;
  • a huge number of new high quality textures;
  • 4 types of games:
    • destroy all opponents,
    • capture the enemy flag and save yours,
    • "Domination" - a team game, the goal of which is to master several control points located in different parts of the arena,
    • Infiltration is a single-flag variant of Capture the flag. Participants are divided into two teams: attacking and defending. Each team has its own base. The attackers must capture the flag and bring it to their base.

"Wait for it! Issue 1. The Pursuit "

Developer - A. Efremov, publisher - "1C"

"Wait for it!" - a classic platform arcade game that will allow you to once again find yourself in the fairy world of your favorite cartoon.

The protagonist of the game is the Wolf, who decides to take revenge for all past grievances. However, in order to catch the hated offender, he has to overcome a lot of obstacles and fight with the many friends of the Hare. And only at the end of the game the poor Wolf learns what kind of monster is hiding in the skin of the "harmless" Bunny. Do not miss the unique opportunity not only to watch the development of events in the popular cartoon, but also to become their direct participant!

"Wait for it! Issue 2. Round Count "

Developer - "K-D Logic", publisher - "1C"

"Wait for it! Issue 2. Round Count ”is an entertaining logic game with a lot of puzzles.

The process of solving all the puzzles in the game is associated with the journey of the Wolf, the character of the cartoon "Well, you wait!" Each puzzle plays the role of a locked door; after solving the puzzle, the path is cleared and the Wolf can continue his journey.

"Perimeter" is a real-time strategy game with continuous changes in the landscape and attempts to capture the territory with special units, turning it into the main energy resource. Developed areas can be covered with a power dome to protect against aggressors. Along with the unique capabilities of terraforming and defensive perimeters, the player controls groups of modifiable combat units. The need for clear planning of actions taking into account the changing terrain, combined with tactical flexibility, poses worthy challenges for RTS enthusiasts. Perimeter tells the story of the Exodus civilization that left the dying Earth in search of a new world. The player becomes a member of a grandiose thousand-year expedition through dozens of mysterious worlds of the Psychosphere.

World War II

Developers - "1C" and "1C: Maddox Games", publisher - "1C"

World War II (working title) is a real-time strategy game that tells the story of the large-scale battles that took place during the Second World War from 1941 to 1945. The player will have up to 16 units of various types, for example, an infantry squad, a tank crew, a mortar or artillery crew, etc. The focus of WWII is on human resource management, as well as on realism and historical believability. The game is being created on the modified engine of the IL-2 Sturmovik flight simulator, which gives the developers the right to promise high detailing of three-dimensional models, excellent special effects, great sound, stunning graphics and animation.


Developer - "Akella", publisher - "1C"

The release of the game is planned for autumn 2002

"Corsairs II" is a new, surprisingly beautiful pirate epic, a long-awaited continuation of the popular "Corsairs". This game will once again allow you to sail the waters of the Caribbean like a real sea wolf! You will begin your career as the captain of a small ship, by the will of fate, ended up on one of the islands of the Archipelago. You are going to control the ship, conduct trade operations and fight against tons of opponents. The game combines two different game modes - swimming mode and overland travel mode. The quest generation system, the unique role-playing system and the ability to create a game party make "Corsairs-II" the only project in which role-playing game and sailing ship simulator are fully combined.


Developer - SoftLab-Nsk, publisher - 1C

Truckers-3 is a continuation of the line of well-known simulation games from the life of a professional heavy truck driver. When creating a new game, the developers carefully studied and took into account the wishes of a huge army of fans of this game. Truckers-3 promise to become the absolute leader in its genre in terms of the total length of game tracks; besides, this time all the highways in the game will be the most accurate copies of the real roads of the real area. As in the previous game, the player acts as a truck driver, transports goods, competes with competitors and fights against the mafia that has occupied the roads. However, now he does it together with friends, on whom he can rely in difficult times.

"12 chairs"

Developer - "Saturn Plus", publisher in Russia - "Buka"

The game is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2003.

The name, no doubt, is familiar to everyone. The game is based on everyone's favorite work by Ilf and Petrov and is made in the genre of an animated quest. Saturn Plus is a fairly well-known company founded about five years ago in Voronezh (about 30 people). Her arsenal includes such developments as "The Nine Princes of Amber", "New Bremen", "Agent", "The Adventures of Lieutenant Rzhevsky".

The goal of the game, as you might guess, is to find the jewels hidden in the chair. The game is filled with adventure and humor. Despite the fact that the plot of the book is known to everyone, the game will present many pleasant surprises, forcing once again to relive both the scenes that have already become classics and the scenes that appeared due to the requirements of the game genre.

After going a long way, full of meetings with the dead, policemen and even shamans, the hero unravels the tangle of mysterious events.

Game features:

  • more than 60 game scenes in which the action takes place in various places, from the morgue to the police station;
  • a lot of black humor - amateurs will appreciate it;
  • excellent three-dimensional graphics, live animation;
  • a twisted plot that does not allow you to leave the computer until the end of the game.

It is very difficult to tell in one article even only about the best multimedia developments of domestic manufacturers; our review was far from complete, so we will continue this topic in the next issue.

ComputerPress 7 "2002

Computer presentations - one of the types of multimedia projects that are used in advertising, during speeches, at conferences and meetings, used in the classroom in the process of explaining new material. When creating presentations, multimedia technologies are used that allow you to simultaneously use various ways of presenting information: numbers, text, graphics, animation, video and sound.

An important feature of multimedia technology is its interactivity , that is, the fact that the user has an active role in the dialogue with the computer. The graphical interface of multimedia projects usually contains controls (buttons, text boxes, and so on).

Lately, many multimedia software products have been created. These are encyclopedias from various areas of life (history, art, geography, biology, music) and educational programs (in foreign languages, physics, chemistry) and so on.

You should start studying new material by viewing the presentations created earlier and pay attention not only to the semantic content of the presentations, but also to the design, animation, multimedia effects, soundtrack.

If you are preparing an extensive report, you need to keep in mind that listening to it may be too difficult for some listeners, and accompanying it with the necessary notes, drawings, schedules, which you will follow on the blackboard during the report, may stretch the report too far in time. In this case, it is often useful to create an outline of the report and material in advance for distribution or demonstration to the audience. All of this is called a presentation, and you've probably used it more than once. A multimedia presentation is the preparation of such material using certain software. On personal computers running Windows, Microsoft PowerPoint and Lotus Freelance Graphics are most commonly used for this purpose. The basic techniques for working with these programs are very similar, and all of them will be demonstrated below using the example of MS PowerPoint. Using this program, we can prepare a presentation using slides, which can then be printed on transparencies, paper, 35 mm slides, or simply demonstrated on a computer screen or projection screen or on the Internet, you can also create a summary of the report and material for distribution to listeners ... The presentation can be used as an accompanying material for a report, study guide or advertising clip, etc.

PowerPoint creates a presentation file that has a name extension PPT or PPS and contains a set of slides. The program provides the user with a large number of presentation templates on various topics. These templates contain slides designed in a certain way. In the field of the slide, we can insert our text, graphics, as well as a table and diagram. In addition, we can change the artwork of any presentation template by choosing a design to our liking. This will change only the appearance of the presentation, not its content. And finally, we have enough time and feel the ability of a designer, we can start working on a presentation "from scratch" - PowerPoint has all the tools for this.

Presentations can be created for any school discipline or classroom hours and then demonstrated in class using a multimedia projector.

Basic definitions on the topic:

- Computer presentation - a set of slides united thematically using multimedia effects.
- Slide - electronic presentation page.
- Interactivity - the ability for a person to control the course of the presentation while viewing it.
- Hyperlink - any object of a slide (picture, title, text, etc.), when used (mouse click) there is a transition to another slide, object, file, Internet page, etc.
- Animation - movement of any object within the slide.
- Project - creating a multimedia presentation.
- Multimedia - "multimedia", various types of information (sound, text, video, animation, etc.)
- Multimedia technology - techniques and methods for creating, preserving and reproducing multimedia information using computer technology.

Creation of presentations. PowerPoint Basics

In PDF format

Fixed media

Multimedia is a complex concept... Translated from Latin - "multimedia" (Multum - many, Media - environment). On the one hand, it means a special type of documents, and on the other hand, a special class of software and hardware.

Multimedia documents differ from ordinary documents in that, in addition to traditional text and graphic data, they can contain sound and musical objects, animated graphics (animation), video fragments. Multimedia software is software for creating and / or playing multimedia documents and objects.

Multimedia hardware is the equipment needed to create, store and play multimedia software. Historically, this includes a sound card, CD-ROM drive, and speakers (or headphones). This group of equipment is also called the basic multimedia kit. This means that multimedia is a set of software and hardware tools that allow a person to interact with a computer, using various media such as sound, video, text, graphics, animation, etc.

In recent years, the multimedia hardware class has exploded. So, it includes devices for processing television signals and playing TV programs (TV tuners), hardware for processing compressed video information (MPEG decoders), drives for playing digital video discs (DVD), equipment for recording CDs (CD-R and CD-RW) and much more.

With multimedia hardware (at least in the amount of a basic multimedia kit), the Windows operating system allows you to create, store and use multimedia objects and documents. Software tools designed for this purpose are in the category Programs Standard Entertainment.

The main standard multimedia tools include Volume Control, Laser Player, Media Player, and Sound Recorder.

Volume control program is the basic volume control for the entire computer system. This means that it plays a central role, and all volume adjustments of other software or hardware only operate within the limits initially set by the Volume Control. After installing the Volume Control, an icon is created on the display panel. Left-clicking on this icon opens a master slider that affects all audio devices installed on your computer. Right-clicking the mouse opens an extended window where you can set the volume, stereo balance, and tone settings for each device separately.

Laser Player Program is designed to play music audio discs using a CD-ROM drive. The program allows you to control the playback mode (continuous play, shuffle play, preview play) of audio tracks, has on-screen controls corresponding to the controls of CD players, and allows you to create and edit playlists.

Program Universal Player can also be used to play audio CDs, although it does not have as wide a range of functions as the Laser Player (in particular, it does not have tools for working with playlists). On the other hand, it is highly versatile and allows you to play not only sound recordings, but also video recordings presented in many formats. Automatically connects the codecs required to play compressed recordings. In cases where multimedia objects are found in electronic text documents, they are reproduced by this standard Windows tool.

Sound Recorder is intended for self-creation of audio files. The sound source can be a microphone, CD-ROM drive, or an external device. The program has graphical controls equivalent to those of a conventional household tape recorder. The created sound files can undergo limited editing with the imposition of some effects (changing the speed of sound recording, volume, “Echo” effect, reversed sound recording). The program allows you to create audio clips of small size, which can be used in sound schemes for system events. It is also used as an OLE server when it is necessary to insert a sound object into a text document.

Examples of software systems that widely use multimedia are presentation preparation systems, educational systems, including computer simulators and virtual laboratories, computer encyclopedias, sound and video libraries, and games.

The main objects of multimedia nowadays are recordings of sound and dynamic images presented in various digital formats.

Almost all software systems that use multimedia objects are interactive, that is, they conduct an intensive dialogue with the user, therefore, the ability to not only high-quality, but also quickly reproduce sound and images is very important for them.

Programs for the reproduction of multimedia objects are widespread. Such programs are called players or players (from the English "player").

Securing new material.

We carry out the following actions.

1) Open the Volume control, set the normal sound parameters.

2) Open the program Laser Player and listen to music from a CD - disc through headphones.

3) View any video files from the hard disk using the Universal Player.

4) Open the Sound Recorder, record your voice with a microphone, save it as a file on your Desktop under the name Training. View the addition of various effects to the sound file (changing the sound speed, adding echo, reverting sound)

5) Take a CD - discs containing photographs, pictures, drawings (preferably of different formats), sound files, video and animation files. Learn to view all these files, copy pictures into a text document.

Independent work.

Complete the following mission:

1) Create folders Pictures, Music, Videos on the Desktop.

2) Copy 3 photos from the CD to the Pictures folder, 3 sound files to the Music folder, and 3 animation files to the Video folder.

3) In Microsoft Word, create a photo gallery from any photos and signatures to them (about 10 pieces). Photos are taken from the issued CD.

4) Record 3 sound files using the Sound Recorder and microphone. The first spells out the concept of multimedia, the second lists the standard multimedia tools, and the third lists the main features of multimedia. The first file is normal sound, the second file is with increased speed and echo, the third file is sound reversibility. Save files under the name Sound1, Sound2, Sound3.

5) Delete the files and folders created on the Desktop.

After studying this topic, you will learn and repeat:

How the Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 environment has changed from previous versions;
- what areas of tasks are provided in this program and what is their purpose;
- what graphics capabilities are included in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003;
- what are the autotuning capabilities of this program.

Figure: 4.1. Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 interface

General view of the interface

Figure: 4.2. Sample Quick Help Question and Answer

Microsoft PowerPoint 2003, like other Microsoft Office applications, has a standard interface that includes the main program menu, toolbar and workspace (Fig. 4.1). The features of the interface that have appeared in the new version of PowerPoint 2003 will be discussed later.

Quick reference

The Enter question field appeared in the menu bar (see Fig. 4.1). By typing a question, you can see a list of Help topics that might contain the information you need. This is a faster and more convenient way to access the help system than the electronic assistant provides.

Let's say you want to know how to save your presentation (Figure 4.2). Instead of Type question, type save presentation keywords and press Enter. A list of links to sections containing the necessary reference information will appear almost immediately.

Task areas

Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 introduces new areas of the main window called task areas. They are displayed in the main window when the application starts. A list of PowerPoint task areas is shown in Fig. 4.3.

The task pane contains the most frequently performed operations in Microsoft Power Point and commands that can be called without interrupting work.

Consider some of the areas presented in the list.

♦ Task pane Clip collection (Fig. 4.4) allows you to search for "pictures by various parameters (by keywords, by file type), view collections of graphic files, etc. New clips, a convenient interface, the ability to search for clips on the Internet. only part of the updates.

♦ Task Pane Slide layouts are used to organize layouts. When you select an item in the task pane, the appearance of your presentation slides is immediately updated.

Figure: 4.3. List of PowerPoint Task Areas

Figure: 4.4. Task Pane Clip Collection

♦ The Slide Design task pane displays the design templates used in the current presentation, the last templates used, and all templates available for use, including on the Internet. Design templates can be viewed at a large scale directly in the task pane. To do this, just click on the arrow icon on the selected template and select Show Large Thumbnails from the menu that opens. In the new version of Microsoft PowerPoint, a design template can be applied to one or more selected slides. To select templates not shown in the task pane, click the Browse button at the bottom of the task pane.

Task Pane Slide Design also offers a variety of color and animation schemes to suit different audiences, themes and materials. Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 allows you to apply ready-made sets of animation and slide transitions to individual slides or to the entire presentation. There are new animation effects, more control over timing, and new paths for moving objects that are listed in the animation effect order. Animation effects are categorized by difficulty: simple, medium, complex.

Working with graphics

Microsoft Office XP applications use Graphics Enhanced (GDI +). This allows shapes and WordArt objects to have smooth outlines and adjustable transparency levels with color mixing. Drawings remain sharp and clear when resized.

There are additional options for working with drawings. For example, when inserting pictures from files on your hard drive, you can select and insert multiple pictures at the same time.

For pictures in a presentation, you can select the desired resolution depending on where they will be used (for example, on web pages on the Internet or in printed documents), and specify other parameters to achieve a better balance between picture quality and file size (the Compress to (in the Picture Format window).

Pictures, including bitmaps, can be rotated and flipped.

In the new version of Microsoft PowerPoint 2003, you can save the background texture or background image of a slide as a file of one of the graphic types, making it easier to reuse those graphic elements.

The program also includes a collection of common organization charts to which you can add text, animation effects, and various formatting styles. Organization charts now use drawing tools to make them easier to edit.

Photo Album Mode

In Microsoft PowerPoint 2003, of particular interest is a new mode of creating a presentation - Photo Album (command Insert Picture Create Photo Album). With its help, it is possible to quickly and easily move photos and drawings from a hard drive, scanner or digital camera into a presentation.

The photo album has special layout options: various frames, captions for pictures, slide titles, and many others (Fig. 4.5).

Figure: 4.5. Photo album settings window

Automatic tuning

Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 introduces new AutoFit features. Depending on the size of the frame, the text settings can automatically change. For example, if long text is to be placed in a frame, the font size is automatically reduced. Auto-fitting text within each frame can be turned on or off, which allows better control of the process (Tools AutoCorrect Options AutoFormat As You Type).

The slide layout automatically changes to accommodate pictures, charts, organization charts, and other embeddable elements. When you select a new slide layout, Microsoft PowerPoint automatically repositions the elements already on the slide to match the new layout.

To help you align frames, shapes, and pictures in Microsoft PowerPoint, you can display a grid while drawing. The distance between the grid lines can be changed.


In Microsoft PowerPoint 2003, you can preview the presentation before printing. Dedicated preview options let you view and print slides, notes, and other types of handouts.


Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 introduces a number of security measures:

♦ The presentation can be password protected. A password must be entered to change the content of the presentation, otherwise it will be read-only.
♦ If the application encounters an error or stops responding, open documents can be restored the next time the program is started. These documents will be displayed in the Document Recovery task pane.
♦ Application abnormal termination information can be sent to your organization's IT department or Microsoft Corporation.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 Presentation Program

Practical work
Introduction to the basic concepts of Microsoft PowerPoint 2003
and techniques for creating and designing presentations "

After completing the tasks of this topic, you will learn:

How to create a presentation using PowerPoint;
- Format and edit slides.

Activity: Designing a presentation. Application of design templates.

As the topic of the first presentation, let us take an electronic illustration of a speech on the structure of building a course of lectures on learning Microsoft Office.

This presentation preparation process will have to be broken down in two stages:

  1. direct development of the presentation, that is, the design of each slide;
  2. demonstration, that is, the process of showing finished slides, which may be accompanied by explanations of the lecturer, some graphic notes during the demonstration.

Presentation development

First you need to formulate the topic of the future presentation, at least roughly determine the number of slides and their structure. Think over the design options for the slides.

Let's prepare six slides.

On the first one, we will reflect the name of the course and its duration (title page of the presentation).
On the second, we will graphically display the structure of the course.
On the rest - the content of the classes, respectively by topics:

Microsoft Word;
Microsoft Excel;
Microsoft PowerPoint 2003;

Organization of work with documentation.

Presentation creation

Slide number 1

Start PowerPoint 2003. Start-Programs-PowerPoint 2003. You will see a PowerPoint 2003 window.

In the Create New Presentation selection box group, select New Presentation.

The next step will be the appearance of the Slide Layout window, which presents various options for slide layouts (Figure 1). Choose the very first type - Title Slide.

Finally, you will see the first slide with the markup for entering text (placeholders).

Placeholders are dashed boxes that appear when you create a new slide. These frames serve as placeholders for objects such as slide title, text, charts, tables, organization charts, and graphs. You can simply click to add text to a placeholder, or double-click to add a predefined object. However, the white background is unimpressive.

Start by choosing a color for your slide. PowerPoint 2003 provides the ability to take advantage of design templates that allow you to create presentations in a specific style.

The design template contains color schemes, slide and title swatches with customizable formats, and stylized fonts. After applying the design template, each newly added slide is designed in the same style.

On the Format menu, select Apply Design Template (Slide Design) ... and then a very pleasant process awaits you - “browse and select”.

When the markup is selected, all that remains is to enter the title and subheading text from the keyboard. To do this, just click on the placeholder and enter the text, which will be automatically formatted in accordance with the settings of the selected design template.

The first slide is ready. Slide number 2

The most difficult and intense slide to make. We will start preparing it as the last step. Immediately after developing the first slide, let's move on to the third. Slide number 3

To insert a new slide, choose Insert – New Slide ... The familiar New Slide window appears. Select the slide layout Title and text in two columns.

  • Clicking the title placeholder allows you to enter a new title.
  • Clicking in the placeholder in the left column allows you to enter text.
  • Go to a new paragraph within a column using the (Enter) key.
  • Here is a bulleted list familiar from a text editor. The size, color and appearance of the marker are determined by the parameters of the selected design template.
  • When the first column is filled with text, click the second column's placeholder.

Slide number 4

Designed just like the previous slide. Do this job yourself.

  • Insert a new slide;
  • select the appropriate markup;
  • enter text;
  • place text on multiple lines as needed;
  • distribute the text evenly across the columns;
  • move the placeholders if necessary;
  • choose text alignment as you like.

Slide number 5

The main difference from the two previous slides is that in the New Slide window you need to select the Title and Text markup.

However, this version uses a hierarchical (or multilevel) list (two levels of paragraphs - different bullets and indents).

In order to "lower" or "increase" the level of a paragraph, use the buttons on the toolbar. You can first type all the text in one level (a regular bulleted list), and then select the paragraphs of the next level and click the corresponding button on the toolbar. The marker will automatically be changed when you move the paragraph to the next level.

When working with bulleted lists, take extra care when selecting items in the list. The result largely depends on this.

Since, depending on the length of the lines of text you enter, you have a chance to get both a "wide" and "narrow" list, after typing it may be necessary to move the entire list so that it is visually located in the center of the slide.

Slide number 6

It is performed in the same way as the previous slide.

Slide number 2

Now let's start developing the second slide - the most difficult and most effective one to complete.

  • Since this slide needs to be inserted after the first, it means that you should go to the first slide. Moving between slides is carried out using the buttons (arrows) located on the vertical scroll bar or the PageUp, PageDown keys.
  • When the first slide appears on the screen, select Insert-New Slide ....
  • Select the Header Only markup.
  • Enter your title text.
  • Next, fill out the headings of the course sections located in the boxes. To do this, you need to use the Draw panel.

If the Drawing panel is not on the screen, you can activate it by executing the View-Toolbars command. The Toolbars dialog box appears on the screen. In the list of toolbars, activate the Draw switch.

The Draw panel can be moved around the screen with the mouse so that it does not obscure the part of the slide with which you are going to work.

So, the Draw panel is active, select the Text Box tool on it. The mouse pointer changes to a text cursor, position it in the desired location and enter the name of the first section, for example WORD. A frame (placeholder) appears around the text (similar to the situation when you used the Text frame tool in the Word editor).

The heading of the first section is ready. The remaining three are decorated in the same way. The most convenient way is to replicate the existing one (move the mouse with the Ctrl key pressed, then set the text cursor to the new heading and change the text WORD to EXCEL, etc. Thus, in a short period of time, you can prepare the headings of all sections.

The list of lessons was prepared using the same techniques, only a simpler design was chosen (no fill, only the color of the line). Do it yourself. In order for the text inside the frame to be in two lines, type it in two paragraphs (after the first line, use the Enter key) or in two lines (Shift + Enter).

Control questions:
  1. What is MS PowerPoint 2003 for?
  2. What steps does the process of creating presentations consist of?
  3. What is a slide?
  4. How do I add a new slide to my presentation?
  5. What is a template?

Used Books:

  1. Makarova N.V. Computer Science Program (System Information Concept). To a set of textbooks on informatics, grades 5-11. Saint Petersburg: Peter 2000
  2. Informatics. 5-11 grade. / Ed. N.V. Makarova. - SPb .: Peter, 2001
  3. Kolyada M.G. A window to the wonderful world of computer science. IKF "Stalker", 1997
  4. Shafrin Yu.A. Fundamentals of Computer Technology. Textbook for grades 7 - 11 for the course "Informatics and Computer Engineering" - Moscow: ABF, 1996
  5. Efimova O.V., Moiseeva M.V., Yu.A. Shafrin Workshop on computer technology. Examples and exercises. Textbook for the course "Informatics and Computer Engineering" - Moscow: ABF, 1997
  6. Goryachev A., Shafrin Y. Workshop on information technologies. Moscow: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2001
  7. Semakin I.G., Sheina T.Yu. Teaching a computer science course in high school. Moscow: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2002
  8. Simonovich S.V., Evseev G.A. Practical informatics. Textbook for high school. Universal course. - Moscow: AST-PRESS: Inform-Press, 1998
  9. Simonovich S.V. Computer at your school. M .: AST-PRESS: Informcom-Press, 2001
  10. Simonovich S.V., Evseev G.A. An entertaining computer. A book for children, teachers and parents. Moscow: AST-PRESS: Informcom-Press, 2002


Create a presentation using the Auto Content Wizard

After completing the practical work, you will learn:

Create presentations using a ready-made template;
- combine documents of different types; select and customize animation effects;
- control the presentation of the presentation using hyperlinks;
- introduce elements of an interactive survey into the presentation;
- reprogram control buttons.

The presentation you are about to create is a visualization of textual materials on the Internet on the topic "Safety in a computer classroom".

To create a presentation, you can use the developments of specialists that are offered by the Auto Content Wizard in PowerPoint. The Auto Content Wizard helps you choose from several built-in content templates. All templates are structured by directions: general, service, business. Each direction covers a whole range of topics. For example, in the General direction there are: diploma, general report, training course, etc.

The templates provide useful ideas for the presentation you are creating and how to organize the slides (outline) according to the chosen topic. The presentation style is set by the Wizard, but later you can choose any other or create your own.

Development of a presentation plan

Task 4.1. Selecting a Template Using the Auto Content Wizard

1. Download PowerPoint.

2. In the Create Presentation task pane, select the Create From Content Wizard link.

3. Follow the Auto Content Wizard to select a theme. Find two or three topics from the General direction that you think are appropriate for a training presentation (for example, Training Course or Diploma). Check out their content.

4. Select the topic of the presentation: General report.

5. Following the advice of the wizard, enter the title "Computer lab safety" as the title of the presentation. Discard additional information on slides.

Table 4.1. Auto content of the presentation. General report

Slide Slide content 1 General presentation 2 Introduction Declare the purpose of the presentation. Introduce yourself. 3 Topics for discussion Briefly describe the main topics of the presentation. 4 Topic one Provide the material in detail. Give examples and illustrations. Why should the audience be interested in it? 5 Topic two Provide the material in detail. Give examples and illustrations. Why should the audience be interested in it? 6 Topic Three Provide the material in detail. Give examples and illustrations. Why should the audience be interested in it? 7 Life Examples Give a life example or tell an anecdote. Play along with the audience if you see fit. 8 What does all this mean? Express your opinion about this Geme. Review the key points that should remain in the memory of the audience. 9 Next Steps List all of the activities that participants should take. List your next steps.

6. Clicking on the Finish button will give you a "wireframe" of the future presentation: a ready-made presentation outline with recommendations for content on nine slides. Check out the content of the presentation in the Structure area (Table 4.1).

Task 4.2. Adjustment of the presentation plan in accordance with the selected topic

1. Adjust the plan proposed in the template in the Structure area in accordance with table. 4.2.

Table 4.2. Adjusted presentation content

Slide Contents of slide 1 Safety in the computer class 2 Introduction Why is the question of safety in the computer class relevant? What dangers may lie in wait for a student in a computer class? State your opinion. 3 Topics for discussion Rules of conduct in the computer class. Electrical safety rules. Fire safety rules. Conclusion. Express test. 4 Topic 1. Rules of conduct in the computer class Briefly outline the material. Give examples and illustrations. 5 Topic 2. Electrical safety rules Outline the points to which you should pay attention. Expand each item briefly. Give examples and illustrations. 6 Topic 3. Fire safety rules Briefly outline the material. Supplement it with examples and illustrations. Give a link to a more detailed text document. 7 Life Examples Give a life example or tell an anecdote about the topic under discussion. This will relieve fatigue from the one who will study the topic from your presentation. 8 What does all this mean? Express your opinion on this topic. Review the key points that should remain in the memory of the audience. 9 Conclusion List the actions that should be performed by students in the computer class. List the actions that students should not take in the computer lab.

2. Add 3 more slides for the mini-test to the plan (Table 4.3).

Table 4.3. Additional slides for the test

2. Write your search query1. The key word set should include the following phrases: ("safety precautions" or "rules of conduct") and ("computer class" or "computer room" or "display class" or "computer science room").

3. Copy the text fragments into a separate text document, coordinating, at your discretion, its content with the prepared presentation plan. Do not forget to provide links to sources on the Internet and the authors of the source code.

4. Design a text document and make a reference to it in the presentation as a more detailed source.

Task 4.4. Filling slides with text

Explanation of the technology for completing the task

You can fill slides with text in either outline view or slide view. When using ready-made materials, it is preferable to use the slide mode. To switch to this mode, click on the Slide tab on the left side of the PowerPoint window (see Figure 4.1).

You can work directly with a slide not only in slide mode, but also in normal mode by clicking on the tab with a slide thumbnail.

Slide texts are typed inside text frames. Such frames are created by the Auto Content Wizard. If necessary, you can delete an unnecessary frame or create an additional frame directly on the slide using the Text Box tool. Borders of the frame as created

The wizard and the one drawn with the Label tool can be modified with the mouse by dragging any of the size handles.

Task execution technology

1. Use copy-and-paste commands to bring snippets from a web-searched document into your presentation. Switch from a word document to a presentation and vice versa by manipulating the buttons of open documents on the Taskbar.

2. Fill in the missing points of the structure that require your opinion or conclusions by entering text directly from the keyboard. Along the way, customize the font, size and style of the text.

3. If one slide, highlighted by the Auto Content Wizard on the topic indicated in the plan, is not enough, add new slides, respecting the content lines of the presentation.

Task 4.5. Decorating slides with drawings and photographs

The presentation should not be overloaded with text, so as not to resemble a text document read from the screen. She must have a good video sequence. To bring dry material to life, safety instructions come in handy with pictures, photographs of a computer class, or even animated miniatures. The only design requirement is the thematic validity of the illustrations.

Comic illustrations for computer-themed slides can be found on the Internet at: (Anthology of Computer Humor).

Creating presentation controls

Task 4.6. Customizing an interactive table of contents using hyperlinks

Slide # 3, containing a list of topics for discussion, is actually the table of contents for the presentation. To ensure that you can jump from the table of contents directly to the desired section, hyperlink each line of the table of contents to the appropriate section:

1. Select the first topic heading shown in the table of contents with the mouse.

2. Convert the selected text to a hyperlink by choosing Slide Show Action Settings from the menu. In the Follow Hyperlink list, select Slide, and select the first slide of the relevant topic from the Slide List.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all headings listed in the table of contents.

Task 4.7. Providing return to table of contents

On the last slide of each topic, add a back to table of contents button:

1. Select the Slide Show Control Buttons command from the menu, select the Custom button in the menu that appears and click in the lower right corner of the slide (if necessary, resize the button by dragging its borders).

2. Right-click the control button, select Add Text Line from the context menu and type Table of Contents.

4. Copy the back button and paste a copy on the last slide of each theme.

Task 4.8. Add hyperlinks to Word documents

1. On the last slide of the Fire Safety Rules topic, create a Folded Sheet autoshape.

2. Using the context menu, type the text More on it.

3. Create a hyperlink to a text document with detailed safety instructions: Slide show Action settings Follow the hyperlink Another file, in the window that appears, select the path and file name. It is desirable that the file be in the same folder as the presentation.

Task 4.9. Adding control buttons to all slides

Add standard control buttons (Forward, Back, Home) to the slides as you wish. Check if the controls match the intended plan in the slide show.

Express test registration

The name of the test itself suggests a limited number of questions. Questions in such a test should be focused not on the exact knowledge of the instructions, but on understanding the general meaning. As an example, we will restrict ourselves to three questions, each of which will be given three options. Choose one from the suggested answers.

The entire test will take three slides:

Slide with questions;
- the slide that the respondent goes to if the answer is correct;
- the slide that the respondent switches to if the answer is wrong.

All test slides must have a design that is different from the main part of the presentation. For example, a strict style of presentation slide with questions, joyful - to encourage the right answer, serious - to react to the wrong answer. Illustrations should also match the general mood.

Task 4.10. Create questions and answers

1. Type the following text on the first of three test slides:

If signs of fire appear, you should:

Use a fire extinguisher;
- turn off the power supply;
- inform the teacher and leave the premises in an orderly manner.

If your neighbor's computer does not work well, you should:

Leave your computer and complete the task for it;
- help with advice;
- complain to the teacher.

If the computer freezes during operation, you should:

Inform the teacher and make an entry in the registration journal;
- open the cover of the system unit and "move" the motherboard;
- check system settings.

2. Format the text as you like.

Task 4.11. Configuring Hyperlink Response to Selected Answers

1. Highlight the first line of responses.

3. In Slide Show mode, test the action of the hyperlink.

Repeat points 1-3 for all answer options, observing the transitions to the corresponding slides for the correct or incorrect answer.

Task 4.12. Return to the slide with questions.

Reprogramming the control button

1. Highlight the second of the three quick test slides.

2. Add a Help control button to the slide: Slide show Control buttons, select the Help button, click on the slide in the desired place. The picture of this button (question mark) works well to indicate a return to the question slide.

3. Highlight and reconfigure the action to take when you click the button: Slide show Customize the action Follow a hyperlink Slide, select the slide with the quick test questions.

4. In Slide Show mode, test the button.

5. Copy the return to questions button and paste the copy on the third slide of the quick test.

Adding animation effects

Task 4.13. Selecting animation effects

1. Select the Slide Design task pane, the Animation Effects section (Fig. 4.6).

Figure: 4.6. Customizing animation effects using the task pane
Slide design

2. Select one or more slides (while holding down the Ctrl key) to which the animation effects will be applied.

The animation effect can be applied to all slides at once using the corresponding button in the task pane.

3. Select one of the suggested effects from the Apply to selected slides list. The effects in the list are sorted by difficulty and popularity: last used, simple, medium and hard.

4. See the animation effect by clicking the Preview button or checking the Auto Preview box.

5. Check the effect in Slide Show mode.

Task 4.14. Animation setting

1. If the order or timing of the slide show does not suit you, select the Animation Settings task pane (Figure 4.7). As you can see from the illustration (see Figure 4.6), there are two animation objects on the title page: a title and a subhead. The title appears along with other slide objects, and the subtitle appears after a mouse click, as indicated by a conventional mouse icon in front of the object name in the list.

Figure: 4.7. Task Pane Animation Settings

Figure: 4.8. Setting the animation execution mode

Change the animation speed, if necessary, by choosing a different value from the Speed \u200b\u200blist box.

Change the subtitle appearance mode to automatic launch after the previous object (Fig. 4.8).

Use the Order arrows to change the order in which objects appear.

Review the animation tuning results as you change the parameters.

Creation of the presentation "Computer and schoolchildren health"

Task 4.15. Creating a meaningful presentation foundation

1. Start PowerPoint.

2. Choose one of the ready-made designs.

3. Fill out the title page with the heading "Computer and the health of schoolchildren" and the subtitle "Educational complex in computer science and information technology."

4. Insert a new slide and place a table of contents on it:

Time of continuous work at the computer
- Computer and student fatigue
- Computer and vision
- Workplace lighting
- Placement of several computers (approximate diagram showing dimensions)
- Design features of the working chair (drawing with explanations)
- Working computer desk (drawing with explanations)

5. Add new slides, titling them according to the table of contents.

6. Create hyperlinks for TOC items (slide # 2) to the corresponding slides.

7. Consider returning from any information slide to the table of contents.

8. Pick up pictures for hyperlinks to previously prepared text documents (see task 1). Place them on the appropriate information slides.

10. Create additional control buttons in the presentation as you like.

Task 4.16. Filling slides with text information

The text for the content of the slides is taken from the normative documents specified in the assignment.

Task 4.17. Selection of illustrations for the organization of a computer workstation

Illustrations on the designated topics can be found on the Internet (advertisements for office furniture, websites of furniture manufacturers, etc.) or scanned (for example, from computer magazines).

Task 4.18. Organization of communication with the presentation "Safety in the computer class"

1. Place the previously prepared presentation "Safety in a computer class" in the folder of the educational complex.

2. Open your presentation.

3. On the Caring for Health slide, place an object (text box, AutoShape, or picture) to create a hyperlink.

4. Select the object created in the previous step.

6. Provide a return to the document that called it, in our case to the presentation "Safety in the computer class".

Task 4.19. Slide animation selection

Choose your own slide animation effects. The main rule when animating a presentation is that everything needs a measure.

Task 4.20. Testing by topic

The training presentation can be supplemented with a knowledge test. The organization of an interactive test within the framework of the presentation was discussed in the previous practical work.

You can use one of the ready-made test shells offered on the Internet, fill it with content and go to testing using a hyperlink directly from the presentation.

Create your own slide background

As diverse as the set of design templates is, it is not limitless. Sometimes the familiar templates just get bored and you want to create something of your own.

Task 4.21. Create a picture for the background slide

1. Create a new presentation.

2. Choose Blank Slide among auto content layouts.

3. Select the general background of the slide: Format Background, select the Fill methods in the list (Fig. 4.9), specify the fill method on one of the tabs, for example, one of the proposed textures, click the Apply button.

4. Select and paste on the slide a picture from a set of Microsoft Office pictures that matches the color scheme of the selected background (for example, as in Fig. 4.10).

5. Save the background as a picture (there should be no selected objects on the slide): File Save As, select a folder, enter a name, for example Background1, select a format, for example Picture in GIF format (* .gif), and click the Save button.

6. In the message window that appears (Fig. 4.11), click on the Only current slide button if the background of only one slide is saved.

Figure: 4.11. Message window when saving background as a picture

Task 4.22. Insert a picture as a background in a presentation

Now your background is saved as a picture and you can use it as a background both in existing presentations and in new ones. This background can also be used on individual slides in any presentation.

1. Open the presentation "Computer and Health".

2. Highlight slide number 9 "Design features of the office chair."

3. Select the command from the menu: Format Background.

4. Select the Exclude sample background check box.

5. Select Fill Methods from the list, then the Picture tab.

6. Click the Picture button.

7. In the Select picture window that appears, select the folder where the picture for the background is stored (for example, Background1) and click the Insert button.

8. Change, if required, the color scheme of labels and control buttons.

9. Check the result in Slide Sorter and Slide Show.

If you are going to use your own background for a new presentation, do not insert new slides, but duplicate them.

Control questions and tasks


1. Create a photo album in PowerPoint and customize presentation mode using the folder of pictures that your teacher specified.

2. Make an algorithm to use the photo indicated by the teacher as the background for the slides.

3. Use the example of three slides to create the structure “Question - two possible answers - assessment”.

4. From the set of pictures suggested by your teacher, create a Gallery slide. Clicking on each picture in the gallery should open a slide containing the same picture in full screen.

Control questions

1. For what purposes does the new edition of PowerPoint use the task pane?

2. What is the sequence of steps for building an organization chart? Please use quick help to answer.

3. What does AutoFit in PowerPoint mean?

4. What is Photo Album mode used for and what features does it provide?

5. What is Auto Content Wizard and how does it help users?

6. What are the control buttons for?

7. Can I use my own drawing for a control button? Make an algorithm for creating a button to go to the humor page. ...

8. Can I use my own picture or photo for the background of the slides?

11. Is it possible from a presentation to go to a website on the Internet at a known URL? Make an algorithm for such a connection.

12. Describe the algorithm for setting the animation of any object on the slide. What animation parameters can be customized?

"MediaPlayer" - The MediaPlayer component. AutoEnabled - enables the automatic detection of buttons availability. Example 1. "Multimedia player". "Using Multimedia in Application Development" Theme Plan: VisibleButtons - Defines the set of visible buttons. 2. Component MediaPlayer. Topic 14:

"Multimedia tutorial" - To play the training module on a computer, you must first install a special software product - OMC-player. Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources According to statistics, only 5% of people are audials, i.e. perceive information well with the help of hearing.

"Multimedia Product" - What does the term "multimedia" mean? Test questions: Multimedia environment. Multimedia products include: Multimedia product -. What is a “multimedia product”? Give examples of multimedia products.

"Interactive Service" - Development Mission. I want to watch the latest and greatest movies on TV. Our customers are transforming into multi-platform service providers. Sweepstakes and gaming services. VideoGuard CA & DRM. XTV-HomeNet. Protect and deliver content anytime, anywhere, on any device.

"Multimedia Interactive Presentations" - ???????????? What is multimedia technology? What are presentations for? Learn to create multimedia interactive presentations. How do I create a presentation? Creation of multimedia interactive presentation.

"Multimedia presentation" - To distract someone from the case. Stages of working with a multimedia presentation in the educational process. Stripping off your clothes, or off your clothes. How not to make slides. Your wings do not fly to the heights, but to the earth they drag after you. Lowing "you". Several demonstration devices are required to demonstrate graphical, audio and video visualization.

Typically, multimedia products are targeted either at computer media and playback media (CD-ROM), or special set-top boxes (CD-i), or telecommunication networks and their systems.

The media used are means capable of storing a huge amount of the most diverse information.

CD-ROM (CD - Read Onli Memori) is an optical disc designed for computer systems. Its main advantages are versatility inherent in a computer, among the shortcomings can be noted the lack of the ability to replenish information - its "re-recording" to the disk, not always satisfactory reproduction of video and audio information.

CD-i (CD-Interactive) is a special CD format developed by Philips for TV set-top boxes. Among its advantages is high quality playback of dynamic video information and sound. The main disadvantages are lack of multifunctionality, unsatisfactory quality of reproduction of static visual information associated with the quality of TV monitors.

Video-CD (TV format compact discs) - replacement of video tapes with much higher picture quality. Among the shortcomings is the lack of multifunctionality and interactivity (for which it was not designed when it was created). DVD - i (Digital Video Disk Interactive) - the format of the near future, representing "interactive TV" or cinema. In general, a DVD is nothing more than a compact disc (CD), only faster and much larger in capacity. In addition, a new sector format was applied, a more reliable error correction code, and improved channel modulation. The video signal stored on a DVD-video disc is obtained by compressing the CCIR - 601 studio video signal using the MPEG - 2 algorithm (60 fields per second with a resolution of 720 x 480). If the image is complex or changes rapidly, there may be noticeable defects in compression and size (data rate). Compression defects are sometimes noticeable at 3.5 MB? S. At 6 MB? S, the compressed signal is almost identical to the original. The main disadvantage of DVD video as a format is that it has a complex copy protection and regional locking scheme (a disc purchased in one part of the world may not play on a DVD device purchased in another part of the world.

Another problem is that not all DVD-ROM drives on the market today read movie discs recorded for consumer players.

Purposes of Application of Products Created in Multimedia Technologies

The main purposes of application of products created in multimedia technologies (CD - ROMs with information recorded on them) are: popularization and entertainment (CDs are used as home libraries of art or literature);

scientific and educational or educational (used as teaching aids);

research - in museums and archives, etc. (used as one of the most perfect carriers and "repositories" of information).

Promotional goal.Perhaps the widest use of multimedia products for this purpose is not in doubt, especially since popularization has now become a kind of equivalent of advertising. Unfortunately, many developers sometimes do not realize that the simple use of well-known media (CD - ROMa) and software does not provide a truly multimedia product. Nevertheless, we have to admit that the "color" of the works presented is a reflection of the existing social consciousness and humanitarian fields.

Scientific and educational or educational purpose.The use of multimedia products for this purpose goes in two directions:

1. Selection by means of an extremely rigorous analysis from the already available market products of those that can be used in the framework of the respective courses. As practice shows, the task of selection is extremely difficult, since only a few finished products can correspond to the topics of the taught courses and the high requirements for the reliability, representativeness and completeness of the material, which are usually presented by teachers. This is due to the fact that the creation of products does not involve specialists - "subject matter experts" who have the necessary knowledge in the field represented.

2. Development of a multimedia product by teachers in accordance with the goals and objectives of training courses and disciplines.

Research goals.There is clearly a confusion in terminology here. In "pure" scientific development, software is indeed actively used, which is also used in products created on the basis of multimedia technology. However, the sum of this technology can hardly satisfy the conditions and process of scientific research, implying a dynamic development of the cognition process, since it fixes a one-time state or an achieved result, without giving the opportunity to change anything in it. In this sense, these tools can be used only at the stage of publication of the research results, when instead of the usual "hard" printed editions we get a multimedia product. The most obvious and almost automatically remembered area of \u200b\u200bapplication of multimedia products in the scientific research field is electronic archives and libraries - for documenting collections of sources and exhibits, cataloging and scientific descriptions, for creating "insurance copies", automating search and storage, for storing data on the location of sources, for storing reference information, for providing access to non-museum databases, etc. The development and implementation of these areas of archival research is coordinated by the International Committee on Documentation (CIDOC) of the International Council of Museums, the Museum Computer Network of the Committee on Computer Interchange of Museum Information (CIMI), and the Getty International Art History Program (AHIP) ). In addition, these organizations are engaged in the development of unified international standards for documenting and cataloging museum and archival values, the implementation of opportunities for the exchange of information components of research systems.

MULTIMEDIA (multimedia) - a fashionable word in the computer world, translated from English means "multimedia" and this term defines the cherished dream of most computer users. This concept defines information technology based on a software and hardware complex that has a core in the form of a computer with means of connecting audio and video equipment to it. A computer equipped with a multimedia card immediately becomes a universal teaching or informational tool for almost any branch of knowledge and human activity. There are very great prospects for multimedia in medicine: knowledge bases, surgical procedures, drug catalogs, etc. In business, real estate firms are already using multimedia technology to create catalogs of homes for sale. Technological multimedia enjoys great attention of the military: for example, the Pentagon is implementing a program for transferring to interactive video discs all technical, operational and training documentation for all weapons systems, creating and mass use of simulators based on such discs. Firms specializing in the production of hypermedia editions - books, encyclopedias, travel guides - quickly emerged. In addition to “informational” applications, there should also be “creative” applications, allowing the creation of new works of art. Already now the multimedia station is becoming an irreplaceable authoring tool in cinema and video art. Work on the introduction of elements of artificial intelligence in the multimedia system looks very promising. They have the ability to "feel" the communication environment, adapt to it and optimize the process of communication with the user; they adapt to the readers, analyze additional or clarifying information. Systems that understand natural language, speech recognizers further expand the range of interaction with a computer.

Another rapidly developing, absolutely fantastic for us area of \u200b\u200bapplication of computers, in which multimedia technology plays an important role, is virtual, or alternative reality systems, as well as "telepresence" systems close to them. With the help of special equipment - a system with two miniature stereo displays, quad headphones, special touch gloves and even a suit, you can "enter" a computer-generated or simulated world by turning your head, look left or right, go further, stretching your hand forward - and see it in this virtual world; you can even take some virtual object and rearrange it to another place; you can thus build, create this world from the inside.

multimedia project animation video

Course work

By discipline: Information systems and technology

On the topic: "Information technology for creating multimedia products"

Performed: Art. gr. PI-15

Mikhailova M.A.

Checked: Art. lecturer department MEPI

Roganova A.N.

Yakutsk, 2016

Introduction. 3


1.1 Basic concepts, signs and classification. 5

1.2 Stages of development of a multimedia product. 8

1.3 Technology for creating multimedia applications and presentations. eleven

1.4 Publication on the Internet. 13

1.5 Development of a multimedia product using a programming language. 14

1.6 Scope. 15

Conclusion. 16

References. eighteen


Currently, a lot of attention is paid to the development of multimedia products, especially when it comes to creating computer encyclopedias, electronic textbooks, entertainment and educational programs, etc. What is a multimedia product? Firstly, it is a software product that necessarily provides the user with an interactive, that is, interactive, mode of operation, which involves the exchange of commands and answers between a person and a computer. Secondly, it is an environment where a variety of video and audio effects are used.

Relevance:thanks to the development of multimedia technologies, it became possible to combine a multi-component environment (text, sound, graphics, video, photo) into a homogeneous digital representation and to store large amounts of information reliably and for a long time. Information is guaranteed to be stored for at least ten years. At the same time, information processing turns from routine operations into creative ones.

The main characteristic features of these technologies are:

· Integration of multicomponent information environment (text, sound, graphics, photo, video) in a homogeneous digital representation;

· Provision of reliable (no distortion during copying) and durable storage (guaranteed storage period - tens of years) large amounts of information;

· Simplicity of information processing (from routine to creative operations).

Today we cannot help but reflect on what awaits our students. It is known that the future will require from them a huge store of knowledge in the field of modern technologies. Today, 60% of job offers require minimal computer knowledge, and this percentage will increase.

Object research in this paper is information technology.

Subject studies are multimedia technology.

The purpose This work is to identify the features and capabilities of multimedia technology.

Coursework objectives:

1. Outline the stages of multimedia technology;

2. Describe the capabilities of multimedia technology;

3. Explain the application of multimedia technology.


Basic concepts, signs and classification

Multimedia product - an interactive computer development, which may include music, video clips, animation, picture and slide galleries, various databases, etc. Multimedia is the sum of technologies that enable a computer to input, process, store, transmit and display (output) data types such as text, graphics, animation, digitized still images, video, sound, speech.

According to GOST 7.83, the following main classes of information resources (electronic documents that have undergone editorial processing and intended for distribution) are distinguished, allocated on various grounds:

- by the presence of a non-electronic analogue:

An electronic analogue of a traditional document,

· Independent electronic publication;

- by the nature of the data:

· Text electronic edition,

· Fine electronic edition (including facsimile),

Sound electronic edition,

· software,

· Multimedia edition;

- for public purposes:

Official electronic publication,

Scientific electronic publication,

Popular scientific electronic edition,

Production and practical electronic edition,

Normative production and practical electronic edition,

Educational electronic edition,

Mass-political electronic publication,

Reference electronic edition,

· Electronic edition for leisure,

· Art electronic edition;

- by technology of distribution:

Local electronic edition,

Online electronic publication,

· Electronic publication of combined distribution;

- by the nature of interaction with the user

Deterministic electronic edition,

· Interactive electronic edition;

- by frequency:

Non-periodical electronic publication,

Serial electronic edition,

Periodical electronic publication,

Continued electronic publication,

· Updated electronic edition;

- by structure:

One-volume electronic edition,

Multivolume electronic edition,

· Electronic series (272).

Classifiers of types and purposes of information resources (IR) are based or should be based on GOST 7.60–90 (Types of publications) and GOST 7.83–2001 (Electronic publications).

At the first level, IRs are classified according to the type of information carrier.

There are 4 classes of IR:

1 - IR on computer media;

2 - IR on non-computer audio information carriers;

3 - IR on non-computer media of video information;

4 - IR on paper.

Subclasses are highlighted:

- information products;

- software products;

- software and information products;

- services rendered on the basis of networked information resources (mega-resources: electronic library, search service, etc.).

There are many features to describe, i.e. multidimensional classification of information arrays, each of which seems to be significant from a certain point of view.

The basic set of features that are essential for most tasks and resource classification are:

Source of IR: for example, official information published, etc .;

The affiliation of the IR to a certain organizational or information system: for example, archival, library, museum, NTI, etc. resources;

form of ownership of the IR: state (federal, subject of the federation), municipal, property of public organizations, joint stock, private, as well as an indication of the owner;

The nature of the use of IR (purpose), IR are massive, interdepartmental, departmental, regional, in-house, personal, etc .;

The volume of the information array (expressed in comparable units of measurement);

Openness of information: open, secret, confidential;

Form of presentation of information: text, digital, graphic, multimedia, etc .;

IR carrier: electronic, paper, etc .;

Information dissemination method: networks (global, local), publications, etc.

The natural language in which information is presented (274).

In addition, the most important characteristics of IR are such parameters that are difficult to formalize as completeness, reliability, relevance and significance of the information they contain.

In turn, multimedia products can be conditionally divided into several groups, depending on which categories of users they are focused on (76).

The most massive group of multimedia products is computer games.

The second group is made up of multimedia business applications.

The third group is educational programs, which are most often distributed on computer CDs.

The fourth group includes special programs designed for the independent production of various multimedia products (both amateur and professional).

Technical implementation of the project, i.e. creating a full-fledged multimedia CD or DVD can be a rather laborious and time-consuming process. At this stage, it is very important to choose the development environment that most fully meets the set goal, since the wrong decision will definitely lead to a loss of time and money.

Without going into details, it can be argued that there are two main ways to create a multimedia application: use specialized development tools or entrust this work to programmers to create a multimedia application from scratch. When it comes to presentation, the second method is too slow and expensive and the choice is unambiguous in favor of specialized preparation tools. In other cases, both options are possible. The best solution is often to use a ready-made package and expand its capabilities through the use of programming languages, but this solution is not possible for all specialized packages.

Most multimedia products fall into one of the following categories:

Web applications;


Application prototypes;

Training programs;

Hypertext / hypermedia applications;

Except for the last point, for the rest of the categories of applications, in most cases, you can choose a suitable specialized package.

Stages of multimedia product development

It is customary to distinguish several stages of multimedia product development:

· Development of a concept, idea;

· Design;

· Creation of information objects;

· Standardization of the interface with the user;

· Integration of information elements into a linear (presentation) or nonlinear (interactive authoring applications) application;

· Testing, debugging;

· Publication.

Concept development, ideas

Logically, this stage can be divided into two components: expertise and planning. The result is a design decision and is sometimes referred to as the feasibility study phase. The expertise gives an answer to the question whether all the main components are available for the project, and planning - is it realistic to complete the project within the allotted time.

The Feasibility Study (or Expertise) phase begins the moment one of the prospective authors has an idea. Before embarking on a project, the author of the idea should have a good idea of \u200b\u200bwho will be interested in the project to such an extent to invest in it, how long it takes to complete the project, and how much it will cost, how long it will pay off. To conduct a feasibility study, you must:

1) Having a team. The team should include people who can write the script, develop graphic design (and this is the face of your publication), technical specialists who will take on the implementation of the layout work

2) The presence of a project manager, whose main task is to make sure that all work is completed on time and all project participants work harmoniously. To do this, he needs to know every day who, with what success and what is doing in the project, and to predict bottlenecks and critical points of the project.A typical development team includes:

Screenwriter - writer


· Artist - designer

Audio / video specialist (operator)

Interface designer

Project manager, director, producer

3) Outline the circle of future basic technical and software solutions. This category of issues to be analyzed during the feasibility stage includes the choice of hardware / software platform, data formats and software tools for development, with the authoring tool being at the center as a key element of development.

4) Availability of resources, which should include ordinary and specialized workplaces equipped with a CD-ROM burner, normal sound cards, a voice recorder, a video digitizing card, a scanner, etc.

5) Licenses. Possession of rights to the material that will be included in the publication. Rights must be necessarily secured by an agreement. You must use licensed software.

6) Availability of a budget (i.e. expenditure) and a schedule for the development of the entire project, from the start and ending with its publication. The budget and the plan are linked not only by money, but also by the fact that unplanned work will definitely appear. Planning is done with the worst-case scenario in mind. It is customary to distinguish three categories of budgets for development: low-budget, medium-budget and high-budget projects. Table 3.6. an example of calculating labor costs for the main stages of developing a medium-budget project is given.

The process of creating multimedia information systems can be considered as consisting of two main phases:

Design phases

Implementation phases

Design phase

1. Designing a conceptual model of a scenario for a multimedia information system.

2. Designing media-dependent representations of information.

3. Designing information structures.

4. Designing media combinations and synchronizations (sound - video)

6. Designing Information Topologies (Shared Environment)

7. Designing the user interface

8. Designing the user interface

9. Designing navigation methods

Implementation phase

1. Implementation must be accompanied by tools and methods of creation.

2. Primary integration

3. Creating fragments

4. Creation of structure

5. Full integration of multimedia product montage, i.e. connection of all elements into a single product, in accordance with a certain structure and specified navigation means.

6. Production of a multimedia product (determined by the carrier)

7. Distribution of a multimedia product

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