Which systems are included in ERP. Summary to implement SAP ERP. Types and components of the ERP system

Four times lower than in the United States. The task of modernization of the economy is set on state level, and enterprises, especially using high-tech technologies, it is necessary to look for internal optimization reserves.

ERP decisions are key business process management systems. ERP system includes modules: company planning, budgeting, logistics, accounting, personnel management, production management, customer management. Corporate, managerial, accounting reporting allows the highest management to get a comprehensive picture of the enterprise activity, which makes the ERP system by an indispensable tool for automation of operating activities and support the adoption of current and strategic management solutions. In essence, the ERP system is a comprehensive storage and use of information, the ability to obtain data on the activities of the organization as part of work in one system.

The ERP system implementation project can be divided into the following stages: project planning, setting goals; diagnostics and analysis of requirements; the choice and justification of the platform, a ready-made solution; design information system; Documentation and coordination of project decisions; software development; testing information system; Deploying system; user training; Operation and support, as well as evaluation of results. Project management is based on best practices and methodologies. Depending on the desires, the needs and scale of the Customer's project, the implementation of ERP systems can last from both three months and up to 24 months.

The project cost of the implementation of ERP systems includes the cost of buying licenses (there is also the possibility of leasing licenses) and the cost of configuring and implementing a system or a sectoral solution. The project cost, of course, depends on the implementation methodology, on the volume of consulting services, from the desires and needs of the customer. It is also necessary to take into account the costs of IT infrastructure, the motivation of the team and the operation of the system.

The implementation of the ERP system allows companies to increase their income, due to the loyalty of old customers and attract new; Reduce managerial and operating costs per 15%; reduce commercial costs of 35%; Save on working capital; reduce sales cycle; reduce the insurance level of warehouse stocks; reduce receivables; increase the turnover of funds in the calculations; increase the turnover of material reserves; Improve the utilization of fixed assets.

Implementing the ERP system is necessary in cases where the purpose of the implementation is clearly defined, there is an interest in the top management in clarity and automation of business processes in the organization, the company has resources for implementation and motivation, the Customer has been determined with the platform and team of implementers - developers.

ERP Concept

Historically, the ERP concept has become the development of simpler MRP Concepts (Material Requirement Planning - Planning of Material Needs) and MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning). Used in ERP systems software tools allows production planning, Modify the flow of orders and evaluate the possibility of their implementation in the services and divisions of the enterprise, linking it with a sale.

One of the important issues is the system to the ERP class, or is an account. To answer this question, we should not forget that the ERP system (as follows from the name) is primarily a resource planning system. It describes not only the situation "as it was" and "as is", but also "as it will be", "as it should be." ERP systems do not simply store data on what is happening in the enterprise, but also have in their composition the planning and optimization of all types of resources (financial, material, human, temporary, etc.), and most of the accounting functions implemented in the system are directed To support the functioning of these modules.

To implement the planning and optimization functions, it is necessary in the feedback system. Those. Based on the management goals, a plan is drawn up, then in the course of the performance of work, real indicators are fixed, their analysis and on the basis of comparison of the goals of the goals and the results achieved is generated by corrective impact. The accounting system allows only to fix the results. It, in contrast to the ERP system, does not include functions for automation of planning, and comparison of `Plan - Fact`. In other words, with the help of accounting systems, you can only perform some analytical part of the control, but not synthetic. This is the principal difference between the ERP system from the accounting system.

Functions of ERP systems

The basis of ERP systems is the principle of creating a single data warehouse containing all corporate business information and providing simultaneous access to it any need quantity Employees of the enterprise endowed with the appropriate authority. Changing data is performed through the functions (functionality) of the system. The main functions of ERP systems:

  • maintaining design and technological specifications that determine the composition of manufactured products, as well as material resources and operations necessary for their manufacture;
  • formation of sales and production plans;
  • planning of needs in materials and components, timing and supply volumes to implement the production plan;
  • inventory management and procurement: contracting, the implementation of centralized procurement, ensuring accounting and optimization of warehouse and shops;
  • planning production capacity from enlarged planning to the use of individual machines and equipment;
  • operational management of finances, including the preparation of the financial plan and the implementation of controlling its execution, financial and management accounting;
  • project management, including stages and resource planning.

Features of implementation

Classic ERP systems, in contrast to the so-called "box" software, belong to the category of "heavy" software productsrequiring enough long-lasting setup in order to start using them. The choice of kitty, acquisition and implementation, as a rule, require careful planning within a long-term project with the participation of the affiliate company - a supplier or consultant. Since the kis is built according to the modular principle, the customer often (at least at the early stage of such projects) acquires a non-full spectrum of modules, but a limited set. During the implementation of the project team, as a rule, within a few months, setting the supplied modules.

Any ERP system is usually designed for a certain market segment. So, SAP is more often used at large industrial enterprises, Microsoft Dynamics - in companies of medium size and different profile, 1c - in small companies, as well as in the case of a limited budget.

The cost of implementing ERP, depending on the size of the company, the complexity and selected system, can be from 20 thousand USD to several million USD. This amount includes software licenses, as well as services for implementation, training and support at the system startup startup.

In recent years, the ERP systems have become a standard in all areas of business. Today there is no unambiguous generally accepted definition of ERP. You can meet different definitions of this class of solutions, as well as many synonyms: integrated enterprise management systems (ISUP), automated enterprise management systems (ASUP).

Let's try to answer the question: "ERP - what is it for what?".

What is an ERP system

ERP decrypt as Enterprise Resources Planning, that is, " planning company resources" The Russian translation of the abbreviation does not help immediately understand the essence of the term, so we turn to the story.

Spread personal computers In the 80-90s of the last century, there was wide automation opportunities for business. Software decisions came to replace manual work and paper carrier in accounting tasks, warehouse accounting, document management, monitoring of technological equipment.

An important features of the new approach were not only translation of data in the "digit", new features for transmission and analysis of information, but also the integration of different data flows in nature. Now top management and directions managers received a complete picture of the work of the enterprise, the ability to analyze production load, warehouse stocks and financial flows. Based on these data, more suspended solutions were made, it was possible to effectively plan resources.

Such an approach to the organization information systems The company received the name ERP, and applied solutions for its implementation began to call EPR-systems. Perhaps this is the easiest and comprehensive answer to the frequently asked question: "CRM, ERP - what is it?".

You will be surprised but accounting Automation Programs, Project Management, Personnel Applications - All this components of the ERP System, its basic functions. Customer Relationship Management Systems, or CRM (Customer Relationship Management System) is also part of the ERP.

However, today the listed functional systems refer to ERP infrequently. All because Accounting, project management, CRM and some other functions have become popular as independent software modules. Indeed, many companies use only electronic accounting, and the remaining data is simply entered into Excel.

To argue about whether to attribute accounting and CRM to ERP or consider them as separate decisions, is an ungrateful matter. Let us leave it to market analysts. Obviously, the trend on automation every year is enhanced. Listed systems will only gain popularity: sales of licenses and scope of implementation services will increase.

Why implement ERP?

ERP systems contribute to solving monitoring and planning tasks. In addition, they accelerate the work of each department and specific employees. Here are the results of some ERP implementations:

  • top management may at any time get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe current situation or analyze the company's activities for the selected period;
  • the time costs for routine operations decreased by an order, and the risks associated with the human factor were reduced;
  • the company received a logical and transparent document flow;
  • each employee and the manager own information (and only really necessary).

ERP systems immediately reduce the cost of servicing production and business processes.. In the long term, the positive effect is achieved due to the fact that strategic decisions are made more weighed. Business without an ERP system can be compared with the driver who controls the machine with closed eyes.

The system of resource management of the enterprise is not only the driver's vision, but also the summary data of all devices fixed and recorded in a single system. ERP is controlling the interaction of mechanisms and engine systems over time, thanks to which the driver can easily determine when it is necessary to slow down, and where to accelerate to achieve the maximum result.

The feasibility of implementing ERP systems

If the ERP systems are so good, then the question is normal: why today not all enterprises have conducted total informations, and many are generally limited to electronic accounting?

The reason is as follows. In order for the ERP system to be effective, it should maximize the business processes of the enterprise. Part of the companies simply cannot formalize their business processes due to the low business culture. Others are hard to solve any changes in their activities, especially if "everything works". "

In any case, the process of implementing individual ERPs is unprecedented and not cheap. In addition to money, it also requires time key managers. And if incorrect logic will be laid in the system, automation can adversely affect the company's indicators, and the morality of employees. That is, when introducing it is important to attract experienced and competent specialists. Perhaps some companies are more expedient to continue working in Excel.

Types and components of the ERP system

ERP Systems As large integrated systems can be classified according to the following features:

  1. Universal platforms and sectoral systems. Industry systems are focused on specific business processes. This means that they either have special modules (for example, to calculate the order in printing houses), or standard functions in them have its own characteristics (for example, in the liquor plants there is a parallel warehouse product accounting translated into alcohol). Universal platforms are rarely sold "as is", because there are no typical business. And they are usually being finalized under a specific client and its business processes.
  2. Systems for managing holding and individual enterprises. Everything is simple here. There are solutions for one business entities and complex systemsuniting and transmitting data on the network of enterprises. Regardless of the ERP type, the characteristic components of delivery include software modules that implement financial management functions, accounting, customer relations (CRM), frames (HR), sales, supply chain, manufacturing, and production assets, planning. Frequent ERP functionality - project management. At the top level, modules that aggregate information from the lower levels and separate units are created for top management of the company. Management reports are formed here, which helps to make faithful solutions. In conclusion, we note that optimization and control of business processes are an urgent need when conducting any commercial activity. The best proof of the need and effectiveness of ERP systems is the positive dynamics that the companies that have passed the path of successful implementation begin to demonstrate.

ERP system - effective method Business management, which helps to manage the workflow in general, plan the activities of individual business elements of the enterprise, and improve the work of all production facilities.

You will learn:

  • What is an ERP system and when it is needed.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the ERP system.
  • What functions perform the ERP system in the enterprise.
  • How to choose an ERP system.
  • How to implement the ERP system in the enterprise.
  • What needs to be trained by personnel who will work with the ERP system.
  • What depends on the cost of the ERP system.

What is the ERP system and when it is needed

To better understand the meaning of the ERP system, it is not enough to simply know the decryption of these letters (Enterprise Resources Planning) and the translation of this definition into Russian (enterprise resource planning), it is better to study the history of its occurrence.

At the end of the 20th century, mass business Process Automation: PC quickly spread, they developed financial and accounting programs, electronic document management, testing of equipment and equipment.

The difference in the principles of business was concluded not only in translating information into a digital form, but also in the emergence of new methods for conducting and data exchange, unification initially different types information. The result was the opportunity to see all the work of the enterprise as a whole and analyze the functioning of its individual trends (the work of the main production, warehouse, accounting). The information obtained allowed more competently distribute the use of production facilities and take true solutions.

This method of doing business was called ERP, and softwareUsed for this purpose, identified as an EPR system.

Thus, all programs designed to work accounting, personnel management, etc., are parts of the ERP system, while CRM (Customer Relationship Management System) also relates to ERP and translated as a "customer relationship management system".

Currently, all the above components of the basic configuration of the ERP system are often used as separate programs. For example, only accounting can be automated at the enterprise, while all other information is stored in various programs of the standard MS Office package.

It makes sense to argue about whether CRM and electronic accounting to the components of the ERP system are not, however, it is clear that over time the level of automation of work processes of business will only grow with the number of software licenses sold, as well as the amount of services for Installation and further maintenance.

In a situation where the enterprise began its activities quite recently, there is no need for deep automation of work processes. You can prepare documents in standard computer applications, and clarify necessary information The director will be able to have any personnel. However, together with the expansion of the whole business, the number of operations, documentation, employees increases, which entails the need to store and analyze all information in electronic form.

If the company as a whole does not use the ERP system, then, as a rule, all information is stored randomly, which makes it difficult to search. Sometimes there are situations in which the work of the ERP system is established only in some separate unit.

What functions perform the ERP system at the enterprise

The functionality, within which the use of the ERP system is possible, depends on the scale and direction of activity of a particular company, the specifics of its work, but in general it should be aimed at general business management. Standard functionality is:

1. Production

  • drawing up specifications on produced goods or services provided for calculating the amount of necessary consumables and staff hours of employees;
  • drawing up plans and managing the work of the company at various scales: ranging from specific production equipment and ending with entire divisions.

2. Finance

  • compilation of use plans monetary resources Organizations and tracking results;
  • current accounting, tax accounting and other payments to the budget and extrabudgetary funds, financial statements and controlling;
  • working with company assetsTo which funds can be attributed to bank accounts, securities, fixed assets (for example, real estate).

3. Logistics

  • managing the supply of materials and the sending of finished products: maintaining the base of contracts and counterparties, drawing up plans and reports on goods in stock, etc.;
  • preparation of data on all necessary consumables For the purpose of execution of previously calculated production standards.

4. Frames

  • accounting frames I. running work time table, drawing up a staff schedule, salary calculation;
  • search and execution of employees;
  • preparation of labor resource plans.
  • drawing up production planning plans;
  • preparation and conduct of advertising campaigns and marketing communications;
  • calculation of prices for manufactured products, development of discount programs, sales and so on.

6. Projects. Reporting

  • presence in large quantities standard Forms reporting in all areas of the organization's activities, as well as the possibility of creating additional reports;
  • check I. analysis of the results of activity enterprises;
  • development of a general organization of the organization's work, including setting deadlines for each of the tasks set, the calculation of resources required for these purposes ( money, materials, working personnel).

ERP system at the enterprise: 4 implementation phases

The full introduction of the ERP system into the organization may take a time from a pair of weeks to several years (depending on the volume and scope of the company's activities). At the same time, to establish the ERP system can both own IT specialists of the enterprise and employees of the developer.

The implementation of the ERP system can be divided into the following steps:

Stage 1. Primary organization

Stage in which tasks are determined, targets are put, after which the technical project plan.

Stage 2. Project Development

Next, the work of the enterprise is studied: development plans, production processes. This information is the basis for selecting the ERP system structure, as well as to make adjustments to the technical plan (if necessary).

Stage 3. Project execution

The procedure for making business processes in the enterprise will be based on an ERP-system installed, so at this stage it is necessary to transfer data from the accounting systems that were previously used in the ERP system to unify them with each other. In a situation where it turns out that the ERP-system modules are not enough for this enterprise, its refinement is possible at this stage. At the end of the installation, the basic principles of the ERP system work are brought to employees of the organization and trial tests are carried out.

Stage 4. Starting

At the final stage, you can find and eliminate the problems arising from the ERP system.

With which methods the ERP system is being implemented

The following methods can be used to implement the ERP system:

  1. Phased implementation when the ERP system is introduced alternately into some interconnected processes that minimizes risks of problems.
  2. "Big Blast" - the entire system is set to simultaneously. This approach can be used in a small organization With simple manufacturing processes. It is necessary special attention Perform a testing step to identify all possible errors in the ERP system.
  3. Deployment - partial installation of software, followed by distribution to other enterprise structures. In a separate section, the deployment method can be used both in gradually and simultaneously, since, in general, the risks of unsuccessful introduction is small.

The choice of the implementation method of the ERP system for each enterprise should be carried out very carefully, by analyzing possible costs, as well as taking into account the experience of other companies.

Who teaches the staff to be the ERP system

An explanation of the basics of working with the ERP system is one of the most difficult stages of its implementation. Business management using the ERP system can change business processes in the enterprise, which entails the need to exercise on a par with official duties Also, the functionality associated with the use of this software package. Thus, the main point for the management of the company becomes prepare for work with the ERP system, personnel morally.

When implementing the ERP system, there may be a problem of the lack of desire among ordinary employees to study working with it, because such automation makes it easier to work a job formation. In this situation, the translation of such workers to other posts is the release. Most of the personnel tends to think in the future and understands the need for learning to use the knowledge gained in work.

From the quality of spent learningthe efficiency of using the ERP system will depend on. Employees should well understand the foundations of her work and have the appropriate motivation, because if the personnel is not clear, for what purposes such innovations are used, the results of the implementation of the ERP system will not be noticeable. Thus, employees should understand that the use of this software package can be an important lever to improve the efficiency of the entire enterprise.

Employee training The basics of working with the ERP system should be started in advance. You can spend internal advertising campaignPrepare accessible information about the objectives that will be achieved after the use of this software package. In a specially developed document, "Personnel Strategies" - this task is indicated first. In this document, all employees of the enterprise are divided into groups, depending on the amount of necessary training activities, and also lists all other steps of learning.

As a rule, several groups are allocated to which all staff is broken. For example, a separate group can be allocated management companyand middle managers who will directly manage the work of the enterprise and make the necessary decisions. Another group is the part of the users who fulfills the main functionality in working with the ERP system, not adhering to the details of business processes, but having deep knowledge of the software package. And the Third Group is the main part of the staff to introduce primary data into the program.

The first two groups should be trained from the ERP-system organization organization employees, while the main part of the personnel from the third group can explore the basis of the work of the program remotely or through the already received necessary knowledge Colleagues.

Training can be conducted as in training centers consulting agencies and directly at the enterprise. In some cases, the ERP-system developers determine the prerequisite for obtaining an appropriate certificate from employees of the second group.

Consulting agencies conclude contracts with major vendors, such as SAP, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun, Cisco, which gives them the right to train work with the program and issue confirmation documents at the end of training. This information can be found on the official websites of such companies. Domestic developers - "Sail" and "Galaxy" - open their training centers.

ERP System: Example of Successful Implementation

One of the enterprises engaged in the production and sales of refrigeration equipment - Howe Corporation. (USA) - in order to more efficient business, decided to implement the ERP system based on the service and oriented architecture (SOA) of the 2nd generation. This made it possible to immediately get results and see the benefits of using this ERP system, since significantly increased the quality and profitability of all business processes.

This organization has the opportunity to better analyze the volume of material reserves and the need to replenish them. After the implementation of the HOWE Corporation ERP system has all required tools For planning activities in both short-term and longer perspective, which allows not to use an unreliable calendar planning method.

Also all the possibilities of using the ERP system appreciated the international company Alfa Laval,which set itself the goal to achieve improvement production indicators By increasing the efficiency of business processes. In one of the Alfa Laval offices, the ERP EPICOR ISCALA system was used in Bulgaria, which helped exercise detailed analysis use of materials and industrial raw materials, control the timing of their procurement to execute the relevant orders, which influenced reduced production waste. At the same time, because the ERP system fully automated all business processes, it made it possible to reduce the volume of excess products in warehouses, as well as minimize protrusion.

Another company - Io electronics.- Also can serve as an example of the successful use of the ERP system. Their goal was to successfully achieve the indicators set for the next 4 years.

As director IO Electronics told, with the rapid development of activities and the development of other production areas, the profitability of the enterprise can significantly reduce if there are failures in the exchange of information between the internal divisions. However, when using the ERP system, all information becomes available online. Upon fulfilling the task in the ERP system, updates are undergoing, which allows you to trace the entire production process and see the actual availability of a particular product, as well as avoid the oversupply of material reserves in warehouses.

Talks practices

As the ERP system reduced the need for working capital by 40%

Sergey Sukhinin,

T. K. Earlier in our company there was no ERP-system, it was impossible to quickly note the introduction of changes to the business process, which entailed the lack of materials for the assembly of finished products, non-projected workshops, deterioration of the final product and increased consumption of raw materials. All these unnecessary expenses could only be reduced by implementing the ERP system.

The main activity of our organization is production, so the priorities were the tasks of automation of planning and management of business processes. Having determined that the ERP system will help us in solving the tasks assigned tasks, we wanted to achieve such goals as:

  1. Increase the efficiency of spending working capital.
  2. Reducing material reserves stored in warehouses.
  3. Creating a production program based on existing capacities.
  4. Reducing the level of unfinished production.
  5. Creating a general list of materials used in production.
  6. Improving the process of calculating the norm of materials.
  7. Increasing the accuracy of registration of procurement plans, which will help reduce the volumes of illiquid reserves in warehouses.

Only after the implementation of the ERP system, we managed to correctly plan the amount of materials necessary for the production of materials on the fact of the analysis of stocks in warehouses, which resulted in a decrease in costs for working capital by 40%. Next, such an analysis helps to purchase only those materials that are necessary for a specific business process. Also was optimized organizational structure Companies, which contributed to the reduction of employees of the production and dispatch department by 50% without reducing the quality of work.

You can sum up the following results of the implementation of the ERP system in our company:

  1. Production residues in warehouses decreased by 60 million rubles.
  2. In all areas of activity, control is carried out according to the results of the analysis of the measured indicators. Employees revenues depend on the work performed or not fulfilled, and they independently carry responsibility.
  3. The purchase of production raw materials and its further distribution in the workshop is fully monitored.
  4. The remains of illiquid materials decreased by 20 million rubles.
  5. The procurement plan has become optimal, changes are made in a timely manner in case of such a need.
  6. The possibility of planning the load on production facilities and, accordingly, the number of employees necessary for this.

Which ERP system is in demand from Russian companies

Software complexes that exist now in the IT technology market can be developed by domestic and overseas companies. In this case, they differ not only by the country of development, but also built-in functional.

Foreign ERP systems, such as SAP, Oracle, Peoplesoft, Sage, Baan, Microsoft Business Solution, can be used in enterprises of any category and are examples for imitation. However, when working with such systems in Russia, some difficulties may arise:

  • the absence of specialists trained at the relevant level of specialists to implement and further support the ERP system;
  • the reluctance of domestic organizations rebuild well-established business processes, since foreign control systems have significant differences from those used in Russia;
  • high implementation price.

However, Russian developers are trying to expand the capabilities of their own software complexes in accordance with the needs of customers. Such ERP systems successfully cope with the tasks assigned in the case when it is necessary to automate individual directions of the organization's work and it is not necessary to introduce a software package to the work of the entire enterprise as a whole. As an example, the 1C and Galaxy software can be brought.

11 Erigs of ERP System Implementation

To improve the efficiency of the enterprise, the installation of the ERP system is almost the most expensive and difficult task. The final price of implementation, as well as the necessary term for this will depend on the number of errors that occur during the error process.

Error 1. poor quality drawing up plan.

This fact may entail a misunderstanding of the present and future state of the ERP system, incorrect automation of business processes.

Error 2. Surface analysis of ERP-systems development organizations.

As a rule, the main criterion is low costHowever, sometimes developers intentionally underestimate the cost of services in order to test the implementation process on the first customer. On the fact of such an installation, serious flaws and failures in the system can be detected.

Error 3. Neon understanding of the needs of the enterprise.

After the decision is made that it is still necessary to implement the ERP system, the customer does not fully understand what kind of software modules they need to be installed. This can be used by unscrupulous providers who will include in the ERP system a lot of unnecessary components or, on the contrary, the installed functionality will not be enough.

Error 4. underestimation of temporary and material costs.

The incorrect definition of the implementation of the implementation and cost of installing the ERP system can entail unfounded expectations to quickly improve the efficiency of business processes.

Error 5. Lack of qualified employees from the customer-customer.

The team of the enterprises should be present by employees who have a sufficient level of knowledge in any field, ranging from management and accounting and ending with the warehouse, procurement of materials, etc.

Error 6. No priorities.

If it is initially not to put the correct priorities, then in the process of installing the ERP system, it is often possible to switch between different tasks, and this may entail the delay in the installation process, the occurrence of unexpected problems, etc.

Error 7. Insufficient training personnel.

If you do not show the staff of the entire ERP system functionality and the ways to use it, the staff of the organization may generally refuse to work in the system or use it only partially.

Error 8. underestimation of the accuracy of primary information.

Because key Moment The operation of the ERP system is the analysis of information, the result of its work will largely depend on the correctness of the initial data. It is necessary to avoid errors when entering and carefully check the specified information.

Error 9. Use of irrelevant applications.

Very often at the enterprises in parallel, both the ERP system and the previously installed software are used - there is a duplicate data entry. Thus, the deadlines for the final implementation of the ERP system increase.

Error 10. No test period.

Sometimes the testing of the installed software package is carried out only on several users, which does not allow to see all the shortcomings and current load on the ERP system.

Error 11. No accompaniment plan and introducing updates.

Without this, the software complex will very soon become irrelevant. For the ERP-system hardware component, it is necessary to regularly increase production facilities, since the amount of information being processed will also grow. The software component may require adjustments in case of, for example, making changes to legislation.

These errors are the most common, but individual problems may arise from each company. To minimize them, you need to very carefully prepare the installation plan for the ERP system at each of the steps.

From which the cost of the ERP system depends

The final price of the ERP system will be a combination of the following components:

  1. Prices of the software complex: the main set of modules and additional components.
  2. The cost of installation services.
  3. Making improvements and adjustments to the program coming from the needs of the customer company.
  4. Further maintenance and maintenance.

To reduce the cost of implementing the ERP system, it is necessary to first pay attention to Russian suppliers, since foreign programs have a higher acquisition price and require substantial changes to meet domestic legislation.

Opinion expert

The implementation of the ERP system cost the company in 2.5 million dollars

Sergey Sukhinin,

head of the Automated Control Systems Department of OJSC "Scientific and Production Complex" Elara ", Chuvashia

The ERP-system installation license cost us $ 470,000, and the final price of introduction was $ 2,500,000. However, in the process of using the ERP system, a positive effect was achieved, while fully costs were reimbursed 1.5 years after installing this software package.

Information about experts

Sergey Bratukin, Director of Distribution Practice Columbus IT & Russia, Moscow. Sergey Bratukin in 1997-2005 worked as a consultant in russian division Columbus IT. Participated in the implementation of large-scale projects on the implementation of ERP systems in such companies as "Trading Square", MVO, Old Man Hottabych, "Formula Cinema", "Avtomir" and others. International consulting company Columbus IT provides consulting services for the choice, implementation and maintenance of corporate information systems, as well as managerial consulting. Founded in 1989 in Denmark, currently has offices in 28 countries of the world. For eight years of work of Columbus IT in Russia, more than 200 enterprises have become clients, including "SSM-Tyazhmash", TD "Crossroads", "Dixy", "L" Etoile "," Unimilk "," Istok "," Toyota " and mn. Dr.

Sergey Sukhinin, Head of the Automated Management Systems of OJSC "Elara Research Complex", Chuvashia. OJSC "Research and Production Complex" Elara "is a leading Russian manufacturer of aerobatic navigation complexes, automatic and remote control systems, on-board computer equipment and indication systems for aircraft military and civil aviation. As part of the Cooperation Agreement with Russian OJSC railways"Elara OJSC is working to prepare for the production of instruments and systems for railway transport of Russia.

In the 60s, the use of computing equipment began to automate various areas of enterprises. At the same time, a class of materials planning systems appeared (MRP - Material Requirements Planning). The basis of the functioning of such systems lay the concept of product specification. The specification showed a finished product in the context of components included in it. The production program contained information about the time interval, form and quantity finished productsplanned to produce an enterprise. With the help of the BOM and MPS, the procedure of disruption of the specification took place on the basis of which the enterprise received information on the needs of materials for the production of the required amount of finished products in accordance with MPS. Then, information about the needs was transformed into a series of procurement orders and production. Also, in this process, information was taken into account about the remains of raw materials and materials in warehouses.

Despite the high efficiency of MRP systems in them there was one significant disadvantage, namely, they did not take into account the production capacity of the enterprise in their work. This led to an expansion of MRP functionality systems Module planning requirements in capacities (CRP - Capacity Requirements Planning). The MRPII system appeared intended for planning all enterprise resources (including financial and personnel). In consequence of the improvement of the MRPII systems and their further functional expansion, the ERP system appeared.

The main differences of ERP systems from MRPII systems can be considered:

  • more types of industries and activities of enterprises and organizations;
  • resource planning in various areas of activity;
  • the ability to control a group of autonomous working enterprises, corporate structures;
  • larger attention subsystems financial planning and management;
  • availability of transnational corporation management functions, including support for several time zones, languages, currencies, accounting systems;
  • more attention to creating information infrastructure of the enterprise, flexibility, reliability, compatibility with various software platforms;
  • integrability with applications and other systems used by the enterprise, such as automated design systems, automation of technological processes, electronic document management, e-commerce;
  • availability in the system or integration with software decision making support;
  • the presence of developed tools for setting up and configuring hardware and software.

It is worth noting that this history of the ERP system does not end because The result of a combination of traditional ERP system of the enterprise with Internet solutions for e-business appeared. new Generation Systems - ERP II - Enterprise Resource and Relationship Processing. This system allows resource management and external enterprise relations management With as it were, there are a two control circuit: the traditional internal, managing internal business processes of the enterprise, and external - controlling interactions with counterparties and product buyers. ERP II System is the ERP system methodology with the possibility of closer interaction of the enterprise with clients and counterparties through information channels provided by Internet technologies.

History of ERP Systems

In the early 60s, due to the growth of the popularity of computing systems, an idea arose to use their opportunities for planning the activities of the enterprise, including for planning production processes. The need for planning is due to the fact that the bulk of delays in the production process is associated with the delay of the receipt of individual components, as a result of which, as a rule, in parallel with a decrease in production efficiency, in warehouses there are an excess of materials received on a period or previously intended term. In addition, due to a violation of the balance of supplies of components, additional complications arise, taking into account their condition in the production process, i.e. In fact, it was impossible to determine, for example, which batch belongs to this component element in the already assembled product. In order to prevent such problems, the MRP material planning methodology has been developed (Material Requirements Planning). The implementation of the system operating on this methodology is a computer program that allows optimally regulating the supply of components to the production process, controlling stocks in stock and production technology itself. The main task of the MRP is to ensure the guarantee of the presence of the required number of components required at any time as part of the planning period, along with a possible decrease in constant reserves, and consequently unloading the warehouse.

In order to increase the planning efficiency, in the late 70s, Oliver White and George Fall offered the idea of \u200b\u200bplaying a closed loop (closed loop) in MRP systems. The idea was to propose to introduce a wider range of factors when planning, by introducing additional functions. The basic functions of planning production facilities and planning needs for materials were proposed to add a number of additional, such as monitoring the compliance of the amount of product produced by the number of components used in the process of assembling, drawing up regular reports on order delays, on the volume and dynamics of product sales, suppliers, etc. d. The term "closed cycle" reflects the main feature of the modified system, which consists in the fact that the reports created during its work are analyzed and taken into account in the further stages of planning, changing, if necessary, the production program, and, consequently, the order plan. In other words, additional features exercise feedback in the system that ensures the flexibility of planning relative to external factors, such as the level of demand, the state of affiliates, etc.

In the future, the improvement of the system led to the transformation of the MRP system with a closed cycle into an extended modification, which was subsequently called MRPII (Manufactory Resource Planning), due to the identity of the abbreviation. This system was created to effectively plan all the resources of the manufacturing enterprise, including financial and personnel. In addition, the MrRPII class system is able to adapt to changes in the external situation and emulate the answer to the question "what if". MRPII is the integration of a large number of individual modules, such as business processes planning, materials planning, production capacity planning, finance planning, investment management, etc. The results of each of the module are analyzed by the entire system as a whole, which actually ensures its flexibility towards external factors. This property is the cornerstone of modern planning systems, since a large number of manufacturers produce products with knowingly short life cyclerequiring regular improvements. In this case, the need for automated systemwhich allows you to optimize the volumes and characteristics of the products, analyzing the current demand and position in the market as a whole.

WITHthe MRP II Tandanning (Manufacturing Resourse Planning) is designed in the United States and is supported by American Production Control and Inventory Society - American Production And Inventory Control Society (ApiCs). APICS regularly publishes the "MRP II Standart System" document, which describes the basic requirements for information production systems. The last edition of this system of industrial standards has been published in 1989.

MRP II is a set of sensitive principles, models and management and control procedures that serve as increasing indicators economic activity Enterprises. The idea of \u200b\u200bMRP II is based on several simple principles, for example, the separation of demand for dependent and independent. MRP II Standart System contains a description of 16 groups of system functions:

    Sales and Operation Planning (sales and production planning).


    MASTER PRODUCTION SCHEDULING (Drawing up a production plan).

    MATERIAL REQUIEMENT PLANNING (Planning of material needs).

    Bill of Materials (Product Specifications).

    INVENTORY TRANSACTION SUBSYSTEM (warehouse management).

    Scheduled Receipts Subsystem (planned supplies).

    SHOP FLOW CONTROL (Production Workshop).

    Capacity Requirement Planning (Planning Production Power).

    INPUT / OUTPUT CONTROL (Input / Output Control).

    Purchasing (Materially technical supply).

    Distribution Resourse Planning (distribution resource planning).

    Tooling Planning and Control (Planning and Control of Production Operations).

    FINANCIAL PLANNING (Financial Management).


    Performance Measurement.

With the accumulation of experience in modeling production and non-production operations, these concepts are constantly specified, gradually covering more functions.

In its development, the MRP II standard passed several stages of development:

    60-70 years - planning of material needs, based on data on stocks in stock and product composition, (Material Requieerment Planning)

    70-80 years - planning of materials on a closed loop material repair planning (Cloosed Loop Material Requirment Planning), which includes the preparation of the manufacturing program and its control at the workshop level,

    the end of the 80-90th is based on data obtained from suppliers and consumers, maintaining forecasting, planning and controlling production,

    90s - Planning of distribution needs and resources at the enterprise level - Enterprise Resourse Planning and Distributed Requirements Planning.

In recent years, the MRPII class planning system in integration with FRP financial planning module (Finance Requirements Planning) was called ERP Business Planning Systems (Enterprise Requirements Planning), which allow you to most effectively plan all commercial activity Modern enterprise, including financial costs for project updates and investments in the production of a new product line. In Russian practice, the expediency of the application of such a class systems is also due to the need to manage business processes in inflation, as well as rigid tax pressings, therefore, ERP systems are needed not only for large enterprises, and for small firmsleading active business. (According to articlesMovennikova)

Since 1999, a new trend has been noted in the development of ERP systems. Developers began to develop new functionality of the system that went out for the traditional framework of automation and optimization of business processes within the ERP methodology. Traditionally, the ERP concept provided for, first of all, work with internal resources of the enterprise: resource planning, careful stock management and provision of transparency of production processes. Now the functionality of the system began to be complemented by such modules as SCM (supply chains) and CRM (customer relationship management) responsible for optimizing external enterprise relations. At the same time, there was a distinction between concepts: the traditional control circuit for the ERP was called back-office, and external applications that appeared in the system - Front-Office. These changes allowed the American analytical company Gartner Group to declare in 2000 on the completion of the ERP era and the emergence of a new standard - ERP II (Enterprise Resource and Relationship Processing) that can be translated as "management of internal resources and external connections".

Three main directions can be distinguished that determine the development of the ERP II class systems:

    Deepening ERP functionality.

    The emergence of technologies to simplify the process of creating specialized industry decisions.

    Creating new and improvement of existing management modules for intercorporate business processes.

The accent shift on the intercorporate sector in new systems is explained by the accelerated development of e-commerce and establishing the company's interactive interaction with their partners, suppliers and customers via the Internet. Therefore, ERP II Class II systems receive a Web-oriented architecture, which becomes a significant difference from ERP systems. The data used in the ERP II Class II systems are designed to use in a geographically distributed Web community. In addition, ERP II systems can be fully embedded on the Internet, can work with data placed not in its own repository, can support publishing or subscription, initiated by the client, can interact with other applications using EAI - adapters (EAI - Enterprise Application Integration ) and XML language. (gorod.ru)


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