Print photos on the same day. Printing photos

Save memories of the best moments of life on the most reliable information carrier.

There is no doubt that with the arrival of such wonderful devices as digital cameras we got more opportunities to get high-quality pictures And the convenience of their storage. Probably, the moment of the appearance of many "digital" can be traced in time when you stop using the printing of photos in photo showrooms and began to store pictures on the hard disk of the computer. And here you can already talk about the minuses - after all, such a computer photo archive can disappear at any time, there may be breakdowns, viruses and other troubles, and you can lose a photo report created with love for many years.

Digital photo printing will help reliably save memories of excellent moments of life and allow you to admire printed pictures not only to you, but also your descendants. In addition, it is much more touching and more pleasant to consider photos in the album than on the computer screen, and the photo in the frame always remains an excellent interior decoration.

Quickly, high quality, by a democratic value

Our salon presents an inexpensive, operational, high-quality print photo on Domodedovo. And for us it does not matter, on which carrier you will bring pictures - on the film or flash drive, in any case, you will get an impeccable result. If you want to correct the image, remove the effect of red eyes, change the background, color photo, respond, we will gladly take this job. Stamp photos in Moscow in accordance with your wishes and preferences - our work that professional professionals Our salon perform very high quality and quickly.

We know that many customers are interested in printing photos urgently, because the rapid pace of life dictates their rules, and not everyone has the opportunity to order printing and take pictures on different days. We always meet to meet customers, and if urgency are interested, perform work right in your presence in minutes. The site describes in detail the cost of digital photo printing and the content of all types of work that we are offered. We are always happy to advise according to any questions that you just need to call on the specified phones. We hope that with our help your paper photo albums will restore all the chronology of what is happening with you interesting events and will rely for a long time to please our owners with high-quality bright pictures.

Advantages of working with photos of PD

Thanks to the modern equipment and responsibility of our employees, a digital photo printing salon Photo FDs guarantees excellent quality photos.

Ordering the print photo on Domodedovo, our client gets:

  • high quality photographic print on Fujifilm printer;
  • the most accurate color reproduction with great color depth;
  • prints, the color palette of which is preserved after many years;
  • printing any size and number of pictures at the most favorable prices;
  • help when choosing a paper type in accordance with the use of use;
  • professional product processing services.

One of our main advantages is the speed of work that is combined with product quality. If necessary, we provide additional services On photographic treatment, consult about printing features and be sure to give a professional advice.

We strive to cooperate with us to be productive and enjoyable for our customers. Therefore, we guarantee high quality pictures on affordable prices, taking into account all the wishes.

To place an order for printing photos Urgently, come to our salon in the shopping center Domodedovo. We will help you quickly materialize your digital pictures and give you the brightest photos.

  1. With us convenient. First, you can order the print photo online, and you do not have to leave the house. Secondly, we guarantee that we will complete the work on time. Thirdly, if the order value is more than 300 rubles, we will organize it free shipping In any of our items issuing in Moscow at your discretion.
  2. We understand how the responsible task is. If you charge us Print photos, we:
  • we offer matte or glossy paper;
  • we use bright and durable inks;
  • pack the pictures to the envelope for damage protection during the transportation process.
  • The size of the product you choose. We do so that printing photos of popular formats was available at a price. You have the opportunity to fill family and personal albums to fill the family and personal albums, as well as decorate the frames with fresh pictures.
  • We guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result. To print photos quickly and efficiently, proven paper brands are used and non-toxic, suitable for interior use of ink, as well as modern equipment that regularly serve experienced specialists.
  • How to place an order for printing photos via the Internet?

    To compile an application did not take more than 5 minutes, we have prepared comfortable catalog. It presents several formats in which the photo can be printed. Examine it, select the size suitable for your purpose and add to the "Basket". After that, just download photos for printing and complete online order design. If you have any questions about photo printing, contact us by contact phone or order a call back!

    In the life of each person there are bright events: the first kiss, wedding, travel or birthday. Many people make photos and retain them on a USB flash drive or other media. Having placed a photo into the frame, you can complement her interior at home, and please our guests. Or maybe you like to create photo reports after vacations, and demonstrate their friends? Whatever it is, you will probably be interested in photographs printing services in Moscowwhich our company provides. We quickly and qualitatively print your pictures in any possible formats using only high-quality paper.

    Prices for digital printing photos Photos

    Price on print services You will be pleasantly surprised, because they are an order of magnitude lower than that of competitors!

    Name of service from 5-60 min. 24 hours
    10x10 (not standard) glossy / matte 30 rubles. 25 rubles.
    10x15 (102x152mm) glossy / matte 40 rubles. 20 rubles.
    13x18 (152x202 mm) glossy / matte 60 rubles. 30 rubles.
    15x21 (150x210 mm) glossy / matte 80 rubles. 40 rubles.
    21x30 (210x300 mm) glossy / matte 150 rub. 80 rubles.

    Our experts are used modern technologies, and ready print photos With any digital, or film carrier. Note that for your convenience, we also accept online orders - use our email To send your images, and then take their printed option in our office. Do you have a beautiful photo you want to portray on canvas? There are no problems, we will create a real picture for you, which will not be ashamed to show your friends, relatives and friends.

    Re-survive the most memorable moments from life will help printing photos. Works are carried out using only high-quality paper, on licensed equipment. Contact us to keep memorable events from life in the photo!

    * An online order is available through the user's office (authorization you need).

    It's important to know

    • We use only the most modern cars Noritsu QSS-3702 and LightJet 430.
    • We are typing photos on professional paper Fuji Crystal Archive Paper based on silver halides. It is ideal for transmitting color subtleties and amazes the transfer of small parts.
    • You can choose from 17 proposed formats - from 9x13 cm to 30x90 cm. Expansion of the proposed formats available for printing photos over the Internet will occur very soon.
    • We offer you a choice from 4 types of photobumagues - Matte, glossy, textured (silk), metallic (Pearl).
    • We are constantly follow the consistency of the result and quality of our work. You can print photos today, tomorrow and in a month and get invariably excellent results.
    • Each photo checked by a specialist. The print operator controls the correctness of the color balance and exposure. No photo will contact in the "Automatic" or "Default" mode.
    • Experience and professionalism of laboratory staff guarantees the purity and naturalness of the color, optimal contrast and saturation.
    • Professional consumables and chemistry used in our laboratory for printing photos provide long storage photo without loss of quality. "Shelf life" is calculated by decades!
    • Print photos you can without prepayment, immediately after registration on the site.
    • About the progress of ordering we can notify you by SMS and email.
    • Pick up the finished order you can daily in the very center of Moscow - two steps from the Metro "Kuznetsky Bridge". And also, you can order delivery to anywhere in Russia.

    Modern technologies are increasingly helping to make our lives more comfortable and comfortable, helping to save time and money. In particular, the habitual opportunity to print a photo over the Internet for many can not only be a convenient tool, but also to give completely new opportunities that it was impossible to think before. We are constantly improving the work of the site and enter new services and formats for those who want to print photos. The convenience of your work is our main priority.

    A number of practical examples of using printing photos via the Internet invented and told by our customers:

    You went on vacation and met there with a charming girl (a pretty young man)

    Romantic meetings on the seashore, unforgettable impressions and of course a lot of beautiful photos, which then need to print ... You decide to do unusual gift. In one of the evenings directly from the Internet cafe on the seashore you go to the service press Photos via the Internet and order some of the most successful photos With delivery to her (Him) to the house. Consider surprise and admiration from such a surprise?

    You returned from vacation and immediately plunged into the bunch of accumulated work

    Of course, things have the property to accumulate as a snowball, and the most unpleasant and tedious of them - just during the period of vacation. So you are already with your head in work. There is no time to even go to the laboratory to print a photo and show your friends. No, not the photo yourself, but her (it) in the photo!
    You again cuts out photo printing via the Internet without leaving home. In just a few minutes you download files and the next day you already brag about your holidays.

    Your holiday meeting was fateful. You met a man of your dreams. Tomorrow Wedding

    Who would have thought that your photo-gift then on vacation will affect your life so much? Your friends and relatives break her head over a wallpaper for tomorrow's wedding. We remember about the ability to make a photo printing online. Friend along the way from work will take ready-made photos to immediately go into the wall newspaper.

    Culmination of a happy wedding

    At the wedding party, so many gifts and toasts, so many relatives and friends! What a pity that it is possible to collect everyone together for only one day. We decide that you need to take a picture of everyone, print photos and let everyone write a wish in the album. In half an hour, all guests are photographed. While the photographer's assistant goes to the laboratory, your files are already uploaded to print photos via the Internet. The culmination of the holiday will be an album where all today's guests will write warm words to the newlyweds under their photos.

    It would seem to distribute photos - such a simple thing. And with the launch in the laboratory of the photoolab of the project, the workshops made photo printing became available to every photographer-professional and photographer throughout Russia!

    How many opportunities for creativity and fantasy opens for energetic people! After all, it is often our life makes turn to the best thanks to the easiest things.

    Envelopes with printed photos.

    Digital photo allows you to view the shooting results directly on the computer, so today we print greatly less frequently than in film times. However, it is due to the "exclusiveness" tasks grow and requirements for the quality of solid copies grow: spending time on selection and processing the best pictures, we expect to see on paper no less qualitative result. But how to achieve the maximum coincidence of our image on the monitor and photo paper? When preparing files to print, many (even experienced) photographers arise questions, the most common I will try to answer.

    • What is minilabs?
    • How to control the sharpness on the print?
    • What paper to choose - matte or glossy?
    • How to make the imprint match the picture on the monitor?
    • What is color correction when printing and why is it needed?
    • How to find out the color correction parameters that the operator has made when printing?
    • Is it possible to type present b / b?

    What are there ways of printing photos?

    The most common technology to date:
    * Photo printing B. chemical process;
    * Inkjet printing.

    In the first case, the picture is projected in the dark on the photo paper; Next, the imprint enters the chemical
    Process - manifest, bleach, fixing, flushing. All as in the old good times, up to drying. Only the glossyers are now no, and the reflective properties of surfaces are implemented in the materials themselves - it is a matte, glossy, embossed paper, as well as paper with a metallized coating (Metallic), film on the lumen (DURATRANS), etc.

    In the second case, the picture is formed by paint. The list of materials inkjet printing is huge: it is not only ordinary paper, but also canvas, jeans, mesh fabrics, transparent and metal films, vinyl banners, watercolor paper and many other materials, up to exotic.

    Both printing methods are of great interest to the photographing audience. Each technologies has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Usually, when compared, such parameters as a print format, the range of materials, the cost of imprint, its wear resistance, print speed, output speed, color coverage, cost of equipment, requirements for squares and operating conditions, stability of printing parameters, replication options, subsequent finishing ( lacquer coatings, lamination, rims based on the basis), etc. It is difficult to name inkjet print and photo printing competing technologies. Different tasks use different features.

    According to expert estimates, the share of chemical photo printing today is 85-90% of the total photographic printing appearing on paper. For example, PMA (Photo Marketing Association) in the report for 2005 leads to a figure of 90%, and the opinions of participants russian marketAccording to The Boston Consalting Group, held in September 2007, are inclined to 85-95%. The remaining prints come mainly on home inkjet. As part of this article, we will talk about the most common method of printing - chemical photo printing. Although most of the issues considered are fully applicable for inkjet, as well as for other printing methods.

    What is minilabs?

    In modern photo laboratories, the bulk of photographs is printed on special machines, which are called minilabs. This equipment is focused on printing small and medium formats - as a rule,
    From 10 x 15 to 30 x 90 cm inclusive. The peculiarity of the minus is to optimize the processes for mass photo printing of typical (non-arbitrary) formats. Using a special laser or LED head, an image from a graphic RGB file is exposed to a photographic paper with a photosensitive emulsion, then the imprint enters the classic "wet" process. Modern minilabs in aggregate with work technologies local network allow you to print 1000-1800 digital fingerprints 10 x 15 per hour or more. When printing from the film, the negative or slide is scanned by a special built-in scanner, then work with a picture is built in the same way as with a regular file. In small laboratories, where the production stop is not too critical for business, there is usually one machine. In the middle and large laboratories, less than 2-3 high-performance minilabs are rarely installed.

    Over the past few years, the market manufacturers have narrowed up to two giants - Noritsu and Fuji companies.
    According to unofficial data, attempts attempted to unite the relevant units into a single corporation, but the Antimonopoly Committee of Japan did not allow this. As a result, both companies produce almost the same minilabs, but under different logos. All other manufacturers of minilabs stopped their activities. Recently, Chinese manufacturers began to appear on the market, in particular Sophia. Despite the fact that their minilabs actually copy Noritsu, the quality of these machines leaves much to be desired, so such machines are used mainly in laboratories without any significant print quality requirements. Apparently, the share of such cars in the world is so insignificant.

    In addition to the minilabs exist printing machines For large formats. The leader of the "large format" in our time is the Italian manufacturer of DURST. In general, printing technology on these machines is the same as on minylands. The main differences are possible in possible print formats, resolution and color coverage, which is usually somewhat higher for large machines. If minylabs are oriented on typical formats, the large-format machines allow you to print arbitrary sizes within the maximum possible.

    What maximum size can you print the file?

    Before sending photos to print, many photographers begin to search for a matrix megapixels and possible print sizes on the Internet. Such tables really exist, but it is important to understand that they are conditional. The fact is that the image perception directly depends on the viewing conditions and, in particular, from the distance from which we will look at the picture. Remember street billboards on the walls of nine-storey houses: if you come close to them, we will see grain or pixels with a horse-headed. Moreover, we will not see anything except for some such spots. But is such an image intended to close the nose in front of him? Of course not. Can we be able to get so close in principle? Hardly. Therefore, before proceeding to drawing up a table of sizes, we wunt on the mustache: it can help us only to navigate for viewing conditions with close distance. From loved ones, because only in this case we can estimate the optical print resolution. The greater the print format, thus, with a larger distance, we will look at it, therefore, with increasing format, the importance of print resolution is reduced to perceive the eye.

    Approximate print sizes table

    * Practice shows that in the case of chemical photo printing, thanks to the optical properties of photographic emulsions, a sufficient resolution for high-quality printing is 200 DPI. Based on such a resolution, a given table is calculated. I remind you that the larger the print format, the more from a larger distance we are on it
    We look - accordingly, the less can be optical print resolution.

    In practice, print resolution, for example, for street billboards, sometimes reach 20-30 DPIs and below. And I have repeatedly been printing from an 8 megapixel camera, I have repeatedly printed in 76 x 112 cm format. If you consider such a picture to the focus, the effect of pixelization will be noticeable. If you look at it in normal conditions (from the distance dual diagonal of the image), it is difficult to even suspect that print resolution is slightly more than 100 DPI.

    What is the difference between 10 x 15 and 11 x 15?

    Initially, the print formats were calculated under the most common frame formats. At the dawn of the film era, most amateur chambers removed the type of the 135th type in the frame format 24 x 36 mm. The aspect ratio of such a frame 2: 3 - it was under it that the formats of printing 10 x 15, 20 x 30, 30 x 45, and others were created.

    With advent digital cameras Manufacturers began to focus on the format of computer monitors, which in most cases is close to the aspect ratio of 3: 4. To date, the chambers of both types are common: * with the aspect ratio of the frame 2: 3 (as a rule, small-format mirrored chambers);
    * With the aspect ratio of the frame 3: 4 (as a rule, small-format amateur cameras).

    If you print a frame 3: 4 in 10 x 15 format, then a significant part of the image either will remain outside the print, or the image is formed wide white fields (depending on the print mode). To eliminate this misunderstanding, photo laboratories have become actively offering to customers new format Print - 11 x 15, the aspect ratio of which is close to 3: 4. Today he has already become standard - photo albums, frames, envelopes, boxes, various accessories are manufactured under it.

    If you are typing photos without prior crop, then to select the most optimal print formats it is necessary to find out (calculate) the aspect ratio of the frame in your camera.

    Below are some common print formats in binding to the frame ratios:

    Side Parties 2: 3 Side Parties 3: 4
    10 x 15 cm 11 x 15 cm
    15 x 20 cm 15 x 22 cm
    30 x 45 cm 30 x 40 cm

    Frame in a clip or entirely - how to set a print mode?

    As B. general Any file has arbitrary sizes (arbitrary ratios of the parties), then when it prints it, in any standard format, the question always arises how to crumble. Mathematically, there are only three options for placing pictures on the final print. AT software minilabs The appropriate print modes are indicated as follows: * Overall (entire frame);
    * CUT (frame in the edge); * Real Size (real size).


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