Not combined into 3d max groups

Merging objects in 3D Max. It is necessary to combine several objects into one. For example, when developing a complex scene from a very large number of polygons, you can develop each part of them separately. At the end of the work, all objects in 3D Max are merged into one. Sign up for a FREE 3D Max course To combine objects in 3D Max, special tools are used. The video tutorial shows how this can be done. This technique used by both beginners and professionals in 3D modeling. Before merging objects in 3D Max, they need to be set to Editable Poly. After that, you can simply select one of them and apply the Attach command to it in the list of commands on the right. Then it is enough to select the second object with which you want to connect the selected one, after which they will turn into a single model. Before you combine individual elements in 3D Max, you need to remember that it will not be so easy to separate them later. All connected models become a single structure, and to separate any part, you need to select all its polygons, and only then, using the Detach command, you can “detach” it. This is different from grouping, where objects are not physically connected to each other.

Merging objects in 3D Max. It is necessary to combine several objects into one. For example, when developing a complex scene from a very large number of polygons, you can develop each part of them separately. At the end of the work, all objects in 3D Max are merged into one.

To combine objects in 3D Max, special tools are used. The video tutorial shows how this can be done. This technique is used by both beginners and professionals in 3D modeling. Before merging objects in 3D Max, they need to be set to Editable Poly. After that, you can simply select one of them and apply the Attach command to it in the list of commands on the right. Then it is enough to select the second object with which you want to connect the selected one, after which they will turn into a single model.

Before you combine individual elements in 3D Max, you need to remember that it will not be so easy to separate them later. All connected models become a single structure, and to separate any part, you need to select all its polygons, and only then, using the Detach command, you can “detach” it. This is different from grouping, where objects are not physically connected to each other.

Grouping objects involves constant or continuous work with certain objects in the scene. When placing objects into a group, further work with them is similar to working with a single object. Transformations, animations, and other changes will apply to all objects in the group until the group is opened or ungrouped.

To create a group of objects, do the following:

1. Select all objects to be included in the group

Rice. 10.1. Selected objects in the scene

Rice. 10.2. Dialog window Group (Group)

2. Choose a team Group (Groups)| Group (Group).

3. In the opened dialog box Group (Group) enter the name of the group to be created and click the button OK(Fig. 10.2).

After grouping objects, the name of the group appears on the command panel. At the same time, the group is automatically selected (Fig. 10.3).

In the lists of objects, groups are marked with an icon in brackets (Fig. 10.4).

Rice. 10.3. Created group of objects

Rice. 10.4. List of objects and groups

Operations with groups


You can add individual objects or other groups to existing groups.

To add an object to a group, select the object and select the command Group (Groups) | Attach (Attach).

To nest one group within another, select it and select the command Group (Groups) | Group (Group).


It is not possible to select individual objects in a group. To do this, you need to open a group. To do this, select the appropriate group and run the command Group (Groups) | open.

The outline container of an open group is displayed in pink.

In an open group, single objects can be moved separately from the entire group, as well as perform other operations, such as detaching objects, etc.

To close a group, select it and select a comm Group (Groups) | Close.

You can detach objects only in open groups. If the group is open, then to detach the object, select it and execute the command Group (Groups) | Detach.

Note. Starting with 3ds Max 6.0, a group type has been added to the editor Assembly. Its feature is the presence Head Object, through which many modifications are carried out.


To ungroup objects, select the appropriate group and run the command Group (Groups) | Ungroup. At the same time, all groups and objects nested in it will be preserved.

To break all groups (including nested ones) at the same time, use the command Group (Groups) | Explode (Smash).

Source: Kharkovsky, Alexander Viktorovich, 3ds Max 2013. The best tutorial / A.V. Kharkov. - ed. 4th, add. and reworked. - Moscow: Astrel, 2013. - 480 p. - (Training course).

In order to combine objects into one using 3ds max, you first need to decide for what purpose this is necessary. Because there are several ways to combine and each of them has its pros and cons. 2 most popular ways:

  • Grouping;
  • Merging at the polygon level.


To combine 3d objects into a group, they must be selected. For example, we have a tabletop and 4 legs (see picture below). We select all these objects (1), we get 5 selected objects. Then go to Group (2), click on the group command Group (3). Now we just have to give a name to our group (4) and click OK. We remind you that it is better to write the name (name) of the group in English letters.

Group opening

To open a group for a while, to work with the objects inside it, we just need to select our Stol group by clicking on any object in the group. For example, on a leg or tabletop. The whole group will be highlighted. Now go to the top in the Group and select Open - open the group (3). The pink container around the group shows us that the group is open.

Now you can edit any object inside the group, and when we are done, the group should be closed.

Closing a group

To close a group, just select any object in the group, including the pink container, and click Group - Close.

Group destruction

To destroy a group, you need to select it and press Group - Explode. Then the group will collapse and the connection between the objects will no longer exist. If you need to merge, you will have to group them again, as described at the beginning.

Joining a New Object Group

To attach a new object to a group, for example, a teapot, you need to select the teapot itself, then click Group - Attach. Then click on the closed Stol group, or if the group is open, then click on the group container. Everything is ready! The kettle is now attached to the Stol group and the group already contains 6 objects.

Excluding an object from a group

To exclude an object from a group, you need to open the Group - Open group, then select the object that you want to exclude, then click Group - Detach. Everything, the object is excluded. Do not forget to close the main group Group - Close.

Now consider the union of objects at the polygonal level.

Pooling at the polygon level

This method applies if we have 2 objects that have a solid mesh and are not grouped. A solid mesh means that when this object is selected by clicking and moving it, it does not break up into separate parts, but the whole one moves. Example: object box. This object is a polygonal mesh consisting of 6 faces (polygons) connected by 12 edges and 8 vertices. Those. all faces belong to the same object, and if you select one face, the entire box object is selected. But any face (polygon) can be detached from the main object.

First, let's learn how to disconnect.

Detach at the polygon level

To do this, you need to go to editing the object at the polygonal level (editing the polygonal mesh). Now our box has only basic parameters (length, width, height, segments).

To be able to edit an object at the polygon level, we need to convert it to an editable polygon mesh. To do this, right-click on the selected object and select Convert to - Convert to Editable Poly from the context menu below.

As we can see, the parameters of our object on the right have changed. Now we don't see height, width, length there. There are vertices, edges, borders, polygons, elements. These are our subobjects that we can now work with. Those. now we can select a vertex (a group of vertices) and move them in any direction. Similarly with edges and polygons.

But this is not important for us now, but we will try to disconnect the polygon from the main object. To do this, go (see the figure below) to the polygon editing mode (1) and select the polygon on the left of our box object (2).

Now let's move the panel by scrolling down a little to the Edit Geometry section (see the figure below). Then click the Detach button. In the window that appears, if necessary, give a name to the detached polygon (object), click OK. Ready! Now our range has become independent.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget to turn off the polygon editing mode, otherwise you won't be able to select other objects.

Now we can move the detached polygon (by the way, it is now a separate object) in any direction. It has nothing to do with the box object.

The only point: its fulcrum (Pivot) is shifted to the center of the box, which is not very good. How to edit the pivot point, we will cover in another article.

And now the main thing.

Attaching a new feature at the polygon level

To attach another to one polygonal mesh, you need to select the first one, press the Attach button in its parameters and click on the second mesh (object). Everything is quite simple. Objects are now merged into one polygon mesh. Recall that the teapot is just a standard object until you convert it to an Editable Poly. How this is done, we considered above.


More often used, of course, groups. But remember that groups inside are much easier to edit than a polygon mesh. Therefore, use the first method, and over time, when you fill your hand and become professionals in your field, you yourself will come to the second method.


The creation of objects in 3ds MAX is carried out either by selecting the menu item create(creation), or when a button is clicked (tooltip - create).

Look for this button in the left command bar, shown in red in Fig. 3.1.

After clicking the create button, you need to select a group of objects. The list of groups of objects is given in Table. 3.1.

Table 3.1. Command Panel, Create tab
tooltip A comment
geometry geometric primitives and objects - objects for visualization.
Shapes objects consisting of lines (shapes). If desired, they can also be visualized in the form of tubes of a given radius, or they can serve as auxiliary objects when modeling other objects, or, for example, a line can be a motion trajectory. Also, the line can be used as a deformation skeleton.
light light sources, they illuminate our scene. There are omni-directional ones (omni), which shine like a light bulb or a candle flame, and there are directional ones, like searchlights.
cameras cameras. Through the camera we can see our scene, by changing the camera parameters we can change the angle of view (which, by the way, can be animated). The camera can move around the scene like all other objects.
Helpers auxiliary objects different types, including distance meters (tape measure), protractor.
Space Wraps space warpers - they help deform other objects
Systems whole systems of two or more objects are created here, including bone systems that are required to create a skeleton for animation, as well as other objects, such as a compass and sun system, with which you can set the lighting in such a way that it will simulate lighting in a given geographic area at a given time of day.

In order to understand how to work with objects, start with simple objects - geometric ones. Having understood the philosophy of working with objects on these, it is enough simple examples, you can move on to more complex ones.

Immediately below the button line in the create tab, you can see a drop-down menu, here you can select a subgroup of objects. In geometric objects (Geometry), the first two subgroups - Standard Primitives (standard primitives) and Extended Primitives (extended primitives) - are quite independent and simple enough to understand objects, you can experiment with them.

Below the pull-down menu is a strip with the inscription Object Type, and below it is a group of buttons. (A group of buttons can be collapsed if you click on the strip with the inscription, and also expanded by clicking). Each button corresponds to its object, we will not consider which objects are offered to your attention, you can quite press the buttons yourself and see what stands for which of them.

Under the group of buttons there is a group name and color(name and color). The name of the object can be changed to whatever is convenient for you, only it is recommended to use Latin letters, because further situations will arise when you will need to find your object by name in certain menu items, and when using Russian letters, they may appear in some menus. displayed incorrectly. The color can also be changed. But you can change these parameters only after the object has been created. You can create an object in two ways: if under the group name and color there is a group Keyboard Entry(keyboard input), fill in all the fields there and click the button Create(the group is collapsed by default, to expand - click on the inscription), or create an object with the mouse in the projection window. Then you need to click in the Object Type group the button with the name of the primitive you are going to create (the button will turn yellow), and then go to any of the projection windows (better in Top or Perspective). Geometric objects are created by "pulling", that is, a simple mouse click is not enough, you need to press the left button and move the mouse without releasing. If an object like a sphere or a teapot is created, it will be ready as soon as the mouse button is released. However, if the object is too small, it may simply disappear, apparently the program will consider that there was an accidental mouse click, and not at all someone tried to create something. To create a more complex object, you will need several mouse movements, but you need to keep the button pressed only at the first pull, then the button is released and clicks are made only after changing one or another parameter.

Change settings

Once an object is created, it is selected, in viewports without shading it is displayed in white, in windows with shading the object is surrounded by white corners. While the object is selected, its parameters in the group are available for editing Parameters. While you have the button for creating the selected primitive pressed, the selection can be lost only if you create another such object, then it will be selected. If you simply click past the object, the selection is saved, a new object is not created. To remove the selection, you need to turn off the button with the name, and click past the object, but then, by reselecting the object, you will no longer be able to access the object's parameters while in the tab Create.

To change object parameters after they are no longer available in the tab Create, you need to go to the tab Modify(modification). Button .

Let's say we have created a teapot. If we select the teapot and press the Modify button, then the following menu will appear on the right:

Immediately below the top row of command bar buttons () is a line with the name and color of the object. This line no longer has a Name and Color heading, but the name and color can still be changed. This line is not accidentally at the very top, because everything below applies only to the selected object.

Just below the name and color is the Modifier List drop-down menu, here you can select a modifier and apply it to the object. In the figure below, the Noise modifier is selected.

Below the Modifier List drop-down menu is a large field (hereinafter - list of modifiers) (see Fig. 3.2). This field lists all the modifiers applied to the object, and the bottom line displays the fundamental properties of the object, its nature. Our object is by nature a parametric primitive of type Teapot, so we have Teapot on the bottom line. A parametric primitive means that its shape can be controlled using parameters. The teapot options will be available if we highlight the word Teapot in the field. The parameters will be under the list of modifiers, in the group Parameters. Now pictured in modifier list the Noise modifier is selected, so in the group Parameters the parameters are displayed not of the teapot, but of the Noise modifier (spatial noise frequency (scale) noise amplitude by axes x,y,z and etc.). There may not be a modifier, then only one line describing the nature of the original object will be reflected in the list of modifiers, and by selecting this line we get access to the object's parameters.

The object can be parametric, like our teapot, or other primitives that you can create, or editable. An example of an editable object can be a mesh object, in which case it is displayed as an editable mesh in the line of the object's fundamental properties. It is clear that when we have a teapot (maybe exactly the same) not using mathematical parameters, but by means of the coordinates of the vertices and faces connecting these vertices, we will not have "Teapot" written, but editable mesh will be written -an object. The parameters of a mesh object are the coordinates and number of its vertices, the presence of faces drawn through certain vertices, and some others. These are the ones we will be able to change, but we will learn more about this in the section "modeling the skin of the character and in the corresponding applications."

Transform (rotate, move, scale)

Object transformations are controlled by the corresponding buttons in the Main Toolbar, or by calling the Transform Type-In dialog through the main menu of the program (located in the Tools menu).

Selecting objects

There are two ways to select an object: either click on it with the mouse while pressing the corresponding button, or select an object from the list. An object is selected either using a special selection button (-select), or if you have pressed any of the transformation buttons: move (-move), rotate (-rotate), scale (-scale), the object is also selected if you click on it with the mouse. A special select button is needed in order not to accidentally transform our object when selecting it.

When you have a lot of objects and it is difficult to hit the right one, you can select an object from the list using the button. To do this, you need to know the name of your object. If you didn't bother giving the object a name when you created it, it should have a default name.

Selecting multiple objects

1) Using the marquee

It's not much honor to mess around with each one... To apply the same modifier to several objects, you can select them all at once. This can be done in several ways: while pressing the select button or one of the transformation buttons, drag the area in one of the projection windows, then all objects that fall into the area will be selected. By default, the area is a rectangular box, but there is a selection of different areas on the split button ().

Rectangular Selection Region

Circular Selection Region

The area inside the polyline (Fence Selection Region)

Region inside a closed smooth line (Lasso Selection Region)

Nearby is a button (window / crossing) - which determines which objects are considered to be in the area, window- those that fit completely inside the contour, crossing- those that fall inside the contour and those that intersect the contour.

2) By mouse click (one of the buttons , , , ) must be pressed and from the list

To select many objects by successively clicking on them with the mouse, you need to hold down the Ctrl key while clicking. You can select several objects in the list in the same way by clicking on their names and holding down the Ctrl key.

3) By color

There is a way to select several objects of the same color at once, for this you need to select in the menu: Edit / Select by / color and click on any of the objects of the desired color. After that, all objects that have the same color are selected.


Transforms are needed in order to place objects in the scene. Transformations include: moving, rotating and scaling an object.

displacement ( move). When an object is selected with the move button pressed, the viewports show an auxiliary coordinate system attached to the object. Yellow marks the axes along which you can move the object. If one axis is yellow, then you can only move in one direction. To select a different axis, simply hover over it (but don't click). You can also select two axes, if you hover over the square between them, then you can move the object in two directions. Such a system is especially convenient if we work in the Perspective view - we always know in which direction our object is moving.

Note: Two-axis movement is not supported in earlier versions of 3ds MAX. In the second version of MAX, there is no movement along the selected axis at all, you can move the object only in the projection plane.

Rotation. When this button is pressed, three mutually perpendicular circles appear around the object (red - rotation around the x-axis, blue - rotation around the z-axis and green - rotation around the y-axis). Also the big gray circle is an arbitrary rotation.

Yellow indicates the direction in which you can rotate.

In earlier versions of 3ds MAX, instead of circles, the axes of the coordinate system are displayed, there is no arbitrary rotation.

Scaling. In early versions of 3ds MAX, you could only scale with the mouse on all axes at the same time. Scaling along each individual axis was carried out only when the dimensions were specified numerically. In the latest versions of 3ds MAX, you can scale both along one of the axes and along two axes at the same time.

Also on this button are non-linear types of scaling - flattening along one of the axes and expanding along the other two axes (Select and Squash), and scaling along one of the axes (select and Non-Uniform Scale) - scaling along only one axis, was and in earlier versions of 3ds MAX.

All transformations are also available from the menu Tools / Transform type-in ​​(type transformations) - a window opens where you can enter numerical values ​​for the absolute values ​​​​of the transformation, as well as for relative (offset) that occur relative to the auxiliary coordinate system attached to the object . The same menu is available by right-clicking on the corresponding transformation button.

Also, if your 3ds MAX program window is large enough, the fields where you can type in the numerical values ​​of the transformation (absolute values) can be seen at the bottom center.

Note: As long as the left mouse button is not released, you can cancel the transformation by pressing the right mouse button.

Deleting objects

It is clear that if an object can be created, it should be possible to delete it.

Deleting an object is very simple, just select it and press Delete on the keyboard. Be careful.

Grouping objects, working with a group

A fairly simple operation that combines objects into a group, which in many cases can be treated as a single entity. To create a group, select Group/Group from the menu. The menu that appears will prompt you to give the group a name. After grouping, all grouped objects will no longer be displayed in the list, but instead the group name will appear in square brackets. Groups of objects can also be grouped together.

You can also ungroup objects through the menu: Group / Ungroup. If you want to ungroup a group and all its subgroups, select Group/Explode.

In order to access objects within a group, it is not necessary to ungroup or split the group. It can be opened with Group/Open. Then the box surrounding the objects of the group will turn pink, and each object can be selected separately and any operations can be performed with it. The objects will also appear in the list, but the group name enclosed in square brackets will also remain in the same list. The group can still be selected, to do this, either select the pink box that illustrates the group, or select the name of the group in the list. So that the grouped objects do not interfere with us, the group can again be closed in the Group / Close menu.

Also, you can add a new object to the group, or exclude an object from the group. To do this, the group must be opened. When an open group is selected, to add an object, select Group/Attach, and then click on the desired object, or select the object by name using the list. To exclude an object from a group, select Group/Detach, and then, in the same way, either click on the object (included in the group) or select this object in the list.

List Select by Name

Through this list, you can select objects almost always, when necessary, not only when you need to select this object, but also for other purposes - adding to a group, excluding from a group, selecting a parent object, if you need to specify one or another object in the parameters another object, you can always access the required objects through this list. Moreover, in the list for certain operations, only those objects to which this operation can be applied are displayed. The list also allows you to filter objects by type, this can be done on the right in the group List types, where you can add or remove the required checkboxes.

Creating hierarchies (hierarchy)

As mentioned earlier, one object can be attached to another (parent) object. This can be done using the button link- bind. To do this, select the object that we want to link to another (child), and then press the link button, move the cursor over our child object, while the cursor will change shape, and then press the left button and move the cursor to the object that we we want to choose as a parent. If the object is suitable for these purposes, then the cursor will change again, now you can release it. For a while, the parent object will turn white, or become surrounded by corners, as if it is selected. When there are many objects in one place, we will see which one we hit. In general, when it is difficult to hit an object, it is better to choose it from the list Select by Name.

Now the child object lives in the parent object's coordinate system, so when the parent object starts to transform (move, rotate, scale) the child object transforms with it, as if it is one with it.

However, hierarchy and group are not the same thing. In a group, all objects are equal, and there are hierarchies of parent objects (parent) and child objects (child). Each child object can serve as a parent to other objects, and each parent object can be attached to another object.

The scene in 3ds MAX is represented in such a way that all objects are children of the object World (World).

To change the parent of an object, you just need to select this object and bind it to another parent using the button link. To untie an object from its parent (in fact, make it attached to the World), you need to use the button unlink(untie). When a child object is unbound, it is bound to the World, not to the parent's parent.

In the hierarchy, objects can move, only now they move not relative to the World, but relative to their parent objects.

To better understand what a hierarchy is and what it is for, let's try to create a simple character model, but first, let's get acquainted with another important operation that can be performed on objects, since this operation will greatly facilitate our lives.

Cloning objects

Usually in programs, almost in all, copying using the copy command (which can be called by pressing the Ctrl + c keys). The object is copied to the clipboard, and you can paste it using the paste command (Ctrl + v). These keyboard shortcuts are supported in 3ds MAX, but copying is somewhat different than in other programs, and it would be more correct to say not copying, but cloning.

Cloning is available both by pressing the mentioned hot keys (only Ctrl + v is enabled), and through the menu - Edit / Clone. Cloning is carried out without using the clipboard, so only one keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + v) is required. And the clipboard can be used to copy numerical parameters from one field to another (in a standard way).

To clone an object, select it and then go to the menu (Edit/Clone), or press Ctrl+v. A dialog box will appear, where you will be prompted to select a clone method, as well as give a name to the object clone.

In field object- cloning method.

copy(copy) - creates an independent copy of the object with the name that will be specified in the line name.

instance(instance) - creates a copy of the object, which changes in exactly the same way as the original object, repeating everything except the transformations. The original object repeats everything after its clone in the same way. Dependent objects in the list of modifiers are displayed in bold (modify tab). An object can be made independent by clicking the button ( make unique make it independent). Also, an object becomes independent if its fundamental nature is transformed, or the stack is combined (transform all modifiers in it into properties of the object itself). While objects are related, if you add modifiers to one of them, exactly the same modifiers are added to the object that depends on it.

reference(link) - this object repeats everything after its original, but if modifiers are added to it, then this is not reflected in the original object. However, as long as the objects remain dependent, all actions performed on the original object are transferred to the reference object. You can make an object independent again by clicking on the button make unique.

Operation make unique can be applied to both the clone and the original object.

In general, there are two groups in the clone dialog menu, object and controller. Object - refers to the geometric properties of the object, we just looked at them. Controller - refers to the object's motion controller. Motion controllers determine how the object will move during animation, they will be discussed separately. It is only now possible to see that motion controllers can also be dependent. However, most likely, the controller selection menu will be inactive, that is, in this case, you cannot choose what to do with the controller.

The cloned object appears exactly in the same place as the original one, so immediately after the clone operation we will not notice any changes in the scene, but we can notice changes in the name and color column, now we will have a different name. This means that at the moment we do not have the original object selected, but the resulting clone, and we can move it to another place, then we will see that we have two objects.

Another way to clone is to select the desired object, press the Shift key and drag. Then you will immediately see the clone. As soon as you release Shift and the mouse button, exactly the same dialog box will appear in which you can select the clone method, as well as the number of copies. If you don't click OK, but click Cancel, the clone will disappear.

Coordinate systems in 3ds MAX

Each object has its own coordinate system. The shape of all objects that can be converted to mesh (and, by and large, those that are displayed as icons in the viewports) are described in own system coordinates. The position of an object is set using transformations (translation (translation), rotation and scaling) relative to the parent object's coordinate system. The fact is that any object can be attached to any other (parent ( parent)) object. The object bound to the parent ( parent) to an object is called a child object ( child).

All newly created objects are tied to some intangible object world- the world, which is a global coordinate system in which all other objects are located. The location (translation) of an object is determined by the coordinates of the center of its own (local ( local)) coordinate systems. An object's rotation is determined by the rotation of the object's local coordinate system (around the center) relative to the world ( world), and scaling is changing the dimensions of an object relative to those it has in its own coordinate system.

So, the object has its own coordinate system, in which its shape is set. For example, if we are talking about a mesh object, then the coordinates of the vertices are set in its own coordinate system, and it is in this form that information about the object is stored in a file and in computer memory. The position (coordinates) of the vertices in the world (world) is recalculated every time the object undergoes transformation (translation, rotation and scaling), but in the description of the object itself, the coordinates of the vertices still remain unchanged. Object translations can be animated fairly easily. You can also animate the position of the object's vertices in its local coordinate system, but this is done using modifiers. Modifiers act like translations, they do not spoil the object itself, they do not overwrite the coordinates of its vertices in its local coordinate system. They simply recalculate these coordinates according to certain rules, and already before us the object appears modified.

Translations can be applied to any object, while modifiers can only be applied to certain types of objects. In addition, your object can have its own modifiers.

As a result, each individual object that makes up our model consists of a certain source that stores the initial information, and modifiers (in principle, there may not be any) that transform this initial information in a certain way. Modifiers can also be used in the modeling process, and if desired, the changes obtained with the help of modifiers can be converted into properties of the object itself. More about this will be discussed later, starting with the section on modeling the "skin" of the character.

Coordinate systems in 3ds MAX

We will need to understand these things to one degree or another both when creating a bone system, and when modeling the "skin" and animation. In the relevant sections, everything that is needed will be discussed in more detail, but it is better to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis already now.

Everything that has been said about coordinate systems is a simple scheme that is convenient for a computer. And in order to make it convenient for a person, the coordinate systems are transformed into the form that is clearer and more convenient for us. For example, the position of an object is given by the position of the center of its local coordinate system. But if this is not convenient for us, we can assign some anchor point to the object ( pivot), and then we will operate with its position, and we will rotate the object around it.

By default, depending on which of the projection windows we are in, the orientation of the coordinate system attached to the object also changes. If you look at Figure 3.3, you will see large coordinate axes in the projection windows, anchored to the box (box), and small ones in the corner of the projection window. The small coordinate axes show the direction of the coordinate axes of the world (world).

Note that they only show the direction of the axes, not the center of world coordinates. The world coordinate center shows the coordinate grid that can be seen in each viewport (if desired, the grid can be turned off by right-clicking on the name of the projection window and deselecting the "show grid" checkbox).

The auxiliary coordinate system determines how the object will move, rotate and scale when specifying a relative transformation. Relative transformation determines how the transformation of the object should change compared to the original one that is currently available. If you right-click on the icon of a particular transformation, the Transform Type-In dialog will appear.

The dialog has two groups of fields: (Absolute:World) and (Offset:current coordinate system). Absolute - absolute coordinates, measured relative to the World. Offset - offset, in this group of fields you enter the values ​​by which you want to change the current coordinates of the object, and they are counted not in the World coordinate system, but in the auxiliary one, attached to the object. Also, the auxiliary coordinate system determines how the object will be transformed using the mouse.

The red translucent rectangle in the figure shows where you can select the type of auxiliary coordinate system attached to the object. In the drop-down menu, you can see the following coordinate systems:

view- coordinate system relative to the view (selected projection window). That is, whenever you move to a different viewport, the coordinate system is rotated so that the z-axis is perpendicular to the coordinate grid.

Screen- the z-axis is directed perpendicular to the screen. If you make the Perspective view active right now, then in the other projection windows the coordinate axes will be reflected at an angle.

parent- coordinates are measured relative to the parent object's coordinate system.

Local- movement, rotation and scaling is carried out relative to the local coordinate system of the object. This is especially useful during rotation, when we need to rotate an elongated object around its own axis.

gimbal- like Local, but is designed specifically for Euler (Euler) rotation, where the coordinate axes may not necessarily be perpendicular to each other. (this is a separate topic)

Grid- if you have an auxiliary grid located at an angle to the main grids, then the coordinates can be counted relative to it.

Pick- You can select any object, and count the coordinates relative to it.


Our program for a week in Dubai.

Well, now, in order, I will tell you our recreation program, what we managed to see, you can evaluate the various pros and cons, it will come in handy!

The first day.

Breakfast at the hotel (after which we decided not to go to it anymore). Then we went to the bus stop, waited a couple of minutes (we were lucky, in general, buses in Dubai run every 30-40 minutes). The road to Al Mamzar took 40 minutes. The bus kept stopping and dodging.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

We arrived at the beach at 10 am, it was cool.

The air warmed up just before dinner. Al mamzar is not just beach-a-park, the entrance costs 5aed.

The territory is large, a lot of greenery, everything is beautiful and clean. The park is surrounded by the coast of the Persian Gulf. The park has many changing rooms with showers and toilets. Everything is quite comfortable. We spent a long time on the beach on the first day - until 3pm. On the first day, we were deceived by the insidious Arabian sun. Since the cool breeze blew all day, the heat was not felt, and we forgot about the sunscreen, because we did not even feel the sun burning. But 2 hours after leaving the beach, the tan began to appear, and we were red as crayfish. Do not repeat our mistakes, even if it seems to you that it is not very hot outside - use sunscreen, because you are in the desert. Burnt out by the sun, having received a shock dose of ultraviolet radiation, we could only walk around Deira and meet with a separate guide on this day. We flew from a tour operator Coral Travel . To be honest, we did not like the careless attitude of the guide and the girls who met us. They practically did not tell anything about the country, they answered every question with an air of how you got it. We meet this for the first time. They just made a tour. I didn’t want to buy anything from them, but I also didn’t want to go somewhere else and waste time looking for excursions, so we still bought an excursion to Abu Dhabi.

Second day

On the second day, we decided to finally leave the territory of Deira, and get acquainted with the "magnificent" Dubai. Around lunchtime we went toJumeirah Open Beach - the beach near the Parus hotel. With trepidation, we entered the subway, which we heard a lot about as the most comfortable in the world. And they were somewhat disappointed. We didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Stations are mediocrely finished (approximately like stations on the outskirts of Moscow). But the metro is safe, there are no steps and holes at the entrance, and the platform is blocked by a wall, no one can fall under the wheels of the train. Well, it's clean. After reading the reviews, we go into the last carriage to enjoy the view, because the metro is elevated. We go in and drive several stations in the dark. We are already tired of waiting for beauty, we have already stopped hoping, and then ... we leave for the surface. It's just space. It feels like the metro from Deira is a time machine that took us to the city of the future.

We drive past a crescent-shaped museum under construction, piles of skyscrapers flash before us. We stand with our mouths open. And here it is, the Burj Khalifa!

It is easy to distinguish those who are on the Dubai Metro for the first time. They ride in the last carriage (because best view), looking around, constantly filming. We also stood. Dubai is a city of contrasts. Here you go by subway past skyscrapers and you are in New York. You look in the other direction - low-rise buildings with flashing minarets of mosques - a typical Arab country. You go further - an abundance of shopping centers, car dealerships, somewhere factories. A lot of buildings.

Dubai reminds of a bride in preparation for the wedding - fuss, she has not yet had time to put on a dress, but already in a beautiful robe, curlers on her head, but makeup and manicure are already ready.

I think a couple more years, and it will be a gorgeous bride in front of the altar. Having reached the desired metro station, we change to a bus and go to the beach, 20 minutes and here it is - a magnificent Sail right in front of us.

The day was cool, the wind was so strong that it was forbidden to swim in the sea. We wandered along the beach, walked to the gates of the hotel (all tourists who bought a tour of Dubai are taken to them). We even managed to go in and admire the lobby of the jumeirah hotel next to the sail))) We walked and enjoyed long enough that we waited for the sunset. The sail is gorgeous, but when the sun sets, it creates a wonderfully romantic atmosphere. We arranged dinner right on the seashore, admiring the Sail at sunset.

When it got dark, we went by bus to Dubai Mall. This is the most "pop" and promoted place in Dubai. It is famous fountain show and laser show to the Burj Khalifa. The show goes on in the evening, every half an hour. We wandered onto the terrace of the apple store, it had a great view of the fountains and the Burj Khalifa. We spent about an hour here watching several fountain shows. Beautiful, what can I say. If you've been to Dubai and haven't been to the Dubai Mall for the fountain show, you haven't been to Dubai.

Then we walked around the mall, like in a museum, because there are expensive brands, not for mere mortals. We admired the fish in the aquarium, and the model of the new largest tower in the world. Then we went down to the channel and watched the show one more time, but from below and closer. Dubai mall is wealth, chic. It is felt in everything. We got closer to Burj Khalifa took a closer look at it.

At night it looks more interesting than during the day. We did not go upstairs, as it is quite an expensive pleasure (40-50 dollars). Many bloggers advised not to spend money, because it is more beautiful from below than from above.

We walked for a long time, tired, and went to look for the metro.

We walked for a long time shopping center until you find the exit to the subway. And then the most interesting began - a long transition with moving paths. We haven't seen anything like this before! And how spellbound they rode on them. Even with the help of moving walkways we walked 20 minutes to the subway. How far would we go without them! All the same, it's a great idea!

Day Three

On the way - buying souvenirs, which spent a lot of money. They promised to show us the Ferrari Park. We only saw the park's Ferrari restroom and gift shops. Then the date market. The only dirty place in all emirates. We saw Abu Dhabi mainly from the bus window, we were given only 40 minutes to walk, near the Sheikh Zayed memorial.

Everything was very fast and running. We only got a general idea of ​​Abu Dhabi. But we concluded for ourselves that we will come sometime separately to Abu Dhabi.

Very beautiful.

Abu Dhabi produced good impression, and the organization of the excursion, unfortunately, no. We hoped that in such developed country how the UAE will not have this waste of time on souvenirs (after all, even in Turkey it was possible to buy excursions with and without shopping)

Day four

We spent the next day in the Dubai Marina area. This is the European district of Dubai. There are few people in closed clothes, many girls are not shy about wearing short skirts. Again, in the morning we swam and sunbathed on the beautiful free beach, which overlooks the Ferris wheel under construction.

And in the evening we walked along the beautiful embankment along the canal, admiring the night view of the skyscrapers. Luxurious yachts and cruise ships sailed around. For many it was possible to buy a ticket already with dinner. But this pleasure was very expensive for us. Therefore, we preferred to just walk, have dinner, smoke a hookah in this magnificent place.

If we had more money for a ticket, we would choose this particular area of ​​Dubai. By the way, it was here that Yegor Creed's video for the song "Spend" was filmed. If I were Yegor Creed, I would also spend a lot of money in Dubai. But I'm just Dima from Ryazan).

Day five

But the next day of our budget vacation, we still really swanked))) I went to Le Mer beach by taxi, for which I paid about 400 rubles. Le Mer is considered the best beach in Dubai. There is a developed infrastructure - many cafes, shops, a water park. There is where to take a walk, everything is very nicely finished, in the style of the Wild West. You can see the work of very good designers. The beach itself is quite spacious. Probably the most spacious, not counting Al Mamzar. We also liked the hammocks in the water on this beach.

At first we were afraid to approach them, we thought that they were paid and were more expensive than sunbeds. But they turned out to be freely available - wallow as much as you like. As elsewhere, there was a free clean toilet and even a shower with hot water outside. For those who want to thoroughly take a shower - there are paid showers. In general, the beach is a solid five!

Of all the beaches in Dubai, I would choose to alternate a beach holiday on Al Mamzar and Le Mer. They are more interesting and spacious than Marina Beach or Jumeirah Beach. At sunset, we went to another unusual place in Dubai, Dubai Venice, to admire the night Sail from there.

Dubai Venice is a complex consisting of small villas, which are located between narrow channels. Imitation of Venetian streets in the desert.

In general, the emirates resemble some kind of fairy tale. As if a genie had come out of a bottle, a wish was made to him - I want an ultra-modern city to flourish in the desert - please. I want beautiful squares and parks to bloom in the desert - please. I want an island to appear in the sea and a hotel in the shape of a sail would shine on it with all the lights - yes, there you are!

So we could not resist, and took a ride in a small boat along the canals of "Venice", admiring this beautiful view.

It seemed that time had stopped. I definitely recommend spending at least one evening in Dubai Venice! Tired but satisfied, we took the bus to the hotel.

But this is where our adventure has just begun.

We waited a long time for our bus, and eventually got on another one, which, as it turned out, was going in the opposite direction for us. We are back in the Dubai Mall. It was already 11 pm. But we still managed to watch 1 session of the fountain show. And they ran to the subway. We were in the metro at 23.35, and the entrance to it was closed right in front of us. Almost didn't make it. The only way to get to the hotel was by taxi. But the hotel is far from the Dubai mall. Therefore, we did not come up with anything better than walking a couple of kilometers to save some money. At the same time, we walked around Dubai at night.

It turned out that there are not so many skyscrapers in the center, in an hour we passed by all of them. When our strength was completely exhausted, we took a taxi. We walked 3 km, the savings should have been significant. But it was not there. Our plan failed miserably! Because on our way we met Men at work on the bridge (in the emirates they prefer to carry out repair work at night, so that the city does not stand still). The road was blocked. And we took a detour. Our savings went to hell. We paid as much as 43 dirhams (770 rubles) for a taxi.

That's how we shushed that day - we ordered a taxi twice, and even rode an expensive boat in the area for millionaires. Well, just real sheikhs!

Day six

The next day, we were already quite tired from such a busy program, in particular, from the previous day, so we didn’t experiment, but just went to Al Mamzar to relax.

And in the evening we decided to ride the abra again. But not in the millionaire district, but in our district, on the creek channel. And the table for this trip is only 1 dirham. 80 times cheaper than in Venice. But it's also pretty fun. We got into a small boat. There were no whites but us.

The Pakistanis looked at us very surprised. We swam only 5 minutes. The boat brought us to the other side of the canal - to the souvenir market. Souvenirs here were not cheap, so we just took a walk and drove back on the same abra. It's amazing that such cheap entertainment still exists in such an expensive country. To feel the whole flavor of Dubai - I advise everyone to take such a boat trip for 1 coin!

Day seven

The next day, to our great regret, we had to leave. We had half a day free, which we devoted to buying souvenirs.

Advice! Magnets, souvenirs, caps, T-shirts and other irreplaceable things that every tourist brings with him from a trip need to be bought in shops like all for 5, all for 10, etc. There are really very reasonable prices. One of the most famous such stores - day to day.

There we collected all sorts of trinkets. By the way, one of our hotel neighbors liked this store even more than the fountain show in Dubai Mall. She bought a whole mountain of clothes there. Although it is there very low quality-disposable. I would not advise you to get especially carried away with shopping here, only souvenirs. I also like to bring all sorts of goodies as souvenirs. We followed them to carrefour . There is the largest selection, and there are products that are unusual for us. There we collected dates two times cheaper than in Russia, and they turned out to be 5 times tastier. What we sell is not dates. We regretted not taking enough. Take more! We also collected carrefour spices by weight. We did not take spices at the market, as we heard that there may be bugs and other living creatures, dust from the road. In Carrefour, spices are stored in closed containers. The aroma of oriental spices is great! They turned out to be magical. Even the simplest dish, a pinch of spices makes it much tastier. In Asia, of course, it goes too far with spices, but if you throw them in moderation, it will be very good! We also took several exotic fruits with us to Russia. Nothing grows in the UAE, everything is imported, but despite this, the fruits here are excellent. We bought a couple of mangoes and avocados. They were much juicier than ours. Probably too far to carry (((

In general, for gifts and souvenirs - to the supermarket and day to day. Don't waste your time in tourist markets! It's time to leave.

Surprisingly, it started to rain on our last day. Just like last year when we left Tunisia. Dubai said goodbye to us, shedding tears of parting.
Don't cry, we'll be back! Necessarily!


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