The main components and stages of strategic management. Characteristics of the process and main stages of strategic management of the organization The initial stage of the strategic management process

  • Administrative and legal guarantees of citizens' rights in the field of public administration. Appeals citizens. Administrative and judicial procedures appeal.
  • Administrative offenses against the management order.
  • Administration as a control. Functions and responsibility of the administrator.
  • Analysis and design of the workplace: concept, stages, methods
  • English revolution 17 century. (Prerequisites, the main stages and the beginning)
  • Topic 3 Strategic Management Process Organization

    Researchers identify such strategic management stages as:

    formulation of the mission and goals enterprises, i.e. statement of landmarks
    who will strive to enter the enterprise in the process of carrying out its activities;

    identification current tasks and strategies from
    The purpose to clearly demonstrate the differences between actually used and
    the desired ways of behavior;

    analysis of the external environment at an angle of actual achievement

    analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise, which, on the one hand, gives
    the ability to identify the resources available at the disposal, and on the other -
    Allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of this enterprise. Identification
    these factors and their comprehensive comparison with what have
    Competitors, should help find out the real chances of achieving the goal
    Based on those financial, material, human and information
    resources that are available to the enterprise;

    identification of strategic opportunities and threats with the aim of
    Consideration of the use of available resources, product needs
    Enterprises, use of new technologies. Do not use appearing on
    market of favorable cases and policy makers previously adopted
    strategies can be reborn in the threat to the existence of the enterprise itself or
    lead to loss of their competitive advantages;

    establishing the sphere and scale of the necessary strategy changes.
    Produced in order to compare the outlined results and what is actually
    achieved in the process of implementing the strategy. Analysis of the obtained discrepancies serves
    source for further work on improving the adopted strategy or
    represents the basis for its modification;

    taking strategic decisions. It is understood as the selection process of one
    among numerous capabilities (or actions) that lead to change
    originally accepted source prerequisites;

    implementing a strategy. Represents a comprehensive transfer of action on
    Specific activities, as well as the development of operational plans and budgets
    for all areas of activity of this enterprise;

    strategy Implementation Control . It is to verify compliance with the deadlines and in the assessment of the results achieved.

    Strategic management to a certain extent includes all previous management systems, namely, budgets for financial assessment and cost distribution to implement individual strategic decisions; use of extrapolation methods for the forecast of stable factors; Strategic planning, which is an integral part of strategic management.

    The strategic management process can be represented as the following steps: Fig. 3.1.):

    Figure 3.1 - Process (stages) of strategic management

    The complexity of this process is determined by the content of each stage that requires a large amount of research.

    Stage 1. Formation of the mission and organization goals : This is the first and most responsible decision, they serve as guidelines for all subsequent stages and in their development.

    Stage 2 Analysis of the External Environment: Economic, Political, Technological, Social, Demographic, International and other factors of indirect impact, competitors, consumers, suppliers and other environmental factors direct impact in terms of providing opportunities and identified threats of the current strategy.

    Stage 3 Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization (influences of internal factors): is carried out by diagnosing internal problems (so-called management survey). The process of diagnosing internal problems is called managerial examination.For the purposes of strategic planning, it is recommended to include five functional zones:

    1) marketing functions:market share and competitiveness; variety and quality of product range; Customers (consumers); Market research and development; pre-sale and after-sales service of customers; Sales, advertising and promotion of goods; profit.

    2) financial condition:analysis of financial activities, financial problems; the possibility of obtaining long and short-term loans; the possibility of using alternative financial strategies; the magnitude of the capital of the organization, its structure in comparison with industry indicators and indicators of competitors; work with the owners of the organization, investors, shareholders; The effectiveness of control over costs.

    3) production analysis:can the organization make its goods and services with less costs than that of competitors; whether it has access to new materials, whether there is a choice of suppliers; What is its equipment (outdated, new); whether there are mechanisms of input quality control; Can it serve those markets that cannot serve competitors; whether there is an effective product quality control system; What are the technologies and the organization of the production process.

    4) personnel analysis:what is the competence and preparation of the senior management of the organization? Is there a plan for the continuity of managers (reserve)? Is there an effective and competitive reward system? Is the preparation and advanced training of manifeships? Does the personnel work evaluation system and when it was held for the last time?

    5) analysis of organizational culture (behavior of people, norms, values, management style, susceptibility to changes, etc.) and image of the organization (both inside and outside the organization), which is determined by the impression that is created with the help of employees, customers, and public opinion as a whole.

    Stage 4 Analysis Alternatives and the choice of strategy : It consists of elements of development, finishing and analysis (estimates). In practice, they are difficult to divide, as they represent different levels of one analysis process, but use different methods.

    On the subject preparationstrategies are created to achieve the goals. It is important to develop a greater number of alternative strategies to develop a greater number of alternative strategies, to attract to this work not only leaders of the highest level, but also average.

    On the podtapa Friend Strategies are being finalized to the level of adequacy of the organization's goals and a general strategy is formed. The development of the strategy also implies the commencement of the general strategy to the level of adequacy of its development goals.

    Often, the strategy comes with the help of a product life cycle concept, which allows you to link the development strategy with the structure of the product life cycle (Fig. 2.1). The traditional curve includes distinct periods of administration, growth, maturity, recession.

    For example, if the firm wants to choose a growth strategy, and the product manufactured by it is at the stage of saturation of its life cycle, it is obvious that the firm should engage in the development of a new product.

    On the subject of Evaluation (Analysis) Alternative strategies are analyzed and evaluated by the degree of suitability to achieve the main objectives within the framework of the general selected strategy and filling it with a specific content.

    The choice of strategy is the central moment of strategic planning.

    The culmination point of the choice of development strategy is the analysis and evaluation of alternative options.

    Stage 5 Strategy Implementation Management. To monitor the process of implementing the strategy and be confident in achieving the goals, the heads of the organization must determine and implement the necessary strategic changes, develop plans, programs, projects, motivate the process, i.e. Manage them. Without these changes, even the most reasonable strategy may be ineffective. You can highlight three levels of strategic changes in the organization:

    1 - indigenous reorganization: The organization leaves one industry and goes to another, while changing product range, sales markets, technology, the composition of resources, and consequently a mission. The leader has the greatest difficulties with the implementation of the strategy.

    2 - radical changes: Deep structural changes within the organization (association or separation of divisions, the emergence of new products, changes in organizational culture, etc.).

    3 - moderate changes: Most often (in marketing, organization of production, active search for new sales channels, explanatory advertising, etc.).

    Stage 6 Strategy Evaluation: Effectiveness of it, the need to make adjustments, etc.

    Strategic management process

    Strategic management can be considered as a dynamic process of interrelated management tasks, each of which is also a process. The essence of strategic management is determined by the following five tasks.

    • 1. Development of strategic vision and determination of the organization's mission.
    • 2. Stopping strategic goals and objectives for their achievement.
    • 3. Planning strategy.
    • 4. Implementation of the strategy.
    • 5. Assessment of results, amending the strategic plan or methods of its implementation.

    These tasks logically flow one of the other and to some extent reflect the sequence of steps in strategic management (Fig. 1.7).

    Before switching to a more detailed study of the above tasks performed as part of the strategic management process, we will give them a brief description.

    Well-informed strategic widces - a prerequisite for ensuring effective strategic leadership.

    Fig. 1.7.

    For the effective development of the company's strategy, first of all, a clear concept of your business is needed - visionwhich is the basis of goal. The manager should clearly imagine the nature of his company today and in the future, and also consider the long-term concept of the development of the company for 5-10 years. Exactly what is seen by the manager regarding the place of its company in the market, as well as the long-term course of its development, and is strategic vision.

    On strategic lifting is based the mission of the organization. In the general sense, the fact that the organization is going to do and what she wants to become, is the destination (mission) of the company.

    The mission is the main common goal of the organization, expressing the meaning of its existence (destination). Since any organization is an open system, it can survive ultimately only if some need to satisfy some need outside it. Therefore, it is in the environment that the common goal of the organization should be sought. Profit can never be proclaiming the main objective of the organization, because it is a purely internal problem, although very important. The mission is a more specific guideline than the vision, therefore its implementation is associated with a certain period of time.

    Strategic vision and mission are always individual and distinguish one company from another in part of the activity and development path.

    To achieve good results, you need to put good goals. Goal In contrast to the mission, express the desired final state of the individual characteristics of the organization related to specific areas of its activities. A specified goal is a number of desired results, to achieve which certain efforts and organizational actions are required. The definition of goals translates the strategic vision and the general formulation of the mission to concrete tasks For execution associated with the results of the organization's activities.

    The role of the procedures is impossible to overestimate. Objectives are the initial moment of the planning process, they underlie the construction of organizational relations, they are based on the personnel motivation system. Objectives are also a reference point in the process of monitoring and evaluating the results of the organization's activities in general and individual workers.

    The mission and goals serve as guidelines for all subsequent stages of developing a strategy and at the same time impose certain restrictions when analyzing development alternatives.

    The strategy needs an organization to see the way to achieve its goals and the fulfillment of the mission. The third task of strategic management includes the development of a strategy to achieve the goals set in each area of \u200b\u200bthe organization's activities at a certain management level. The result of this stage is strategic Plan - A document containing the purpose of the organization, its direction of development, long-term and short-term tasks and strategy.

    The appointment of the strategic planning process is clearly and systematically described a strategic choice made by the organization to ensure its long-term development. This choice should be consistently implemented in solving and program action.

    The strategic planning process itself (Fig. 1.8) is not much different from the decision-making technology. The mission and goals can be considered an impulse of the decision on the direction of the development of the company. In the process of choosing the strategy, it is necessary to constantly solve problems related to the choice of alternative actions based on

    Fig. 1.8.

    restrictions and criteria identified as a result of analyzing the organizational environment. The search for alternative solutions is largely due to the adaptive nature of strategic planning.

    The diagnostic stage of the strategy development process consists of an analysis of the factors of the external and internal environment of the organization, which may affect the ability of the organization in achieving their goals.

    Analysis of the external environment represents a process by which the organization implements the following: assesses changes affecting various aspects of activities; determines which changes are a threat to an organization; Determines what changes are provided to the development of the organization. In other words, the analysis of the external environment serves as a tool with which the strategy developers control external factors with respect to the organization in order to predict potential threats and opening opportunities.

    Analysis of the inner environment - This is a process, with which the assessment of the functional areas of the Organization to identify its strategically strong and weaknesses. Thus, it is determined whether the organization has internal forces to take advantage of external capabilities, and weaknesses are revealed, which may complicate the problems associated with external hazards. Comparing domestic strength and weaknesses with external threats and opportunities, the organization can start choosing a relevant strategic alternative.

    The choice of strategy is the central moment of the strategic planning process and is carried out when all possible alternative options for the direction of the organization's development are considered. The choice should most of the conditions for the external and internal environment, i.e., the restrictions that are established as a result of a situational analysis of the organizational environment, as well as the selected objectives of the organization's activities. The effectiveness of the choice of strategy depends largely on the correct assessment of each strategic alternative. Possible results in quantitative and qualitative indicators should be determined in the implementation of each of the possible strategic alternatives. When comparison, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them should be determined, the possible general consequences and the likelihood of their implementation should be determined.

    Generally the purpose of this stage is the choice of a certain and unambiguous strategic alternative, which will maximize the long-term efficiency of the organization.

    Planning a corporate strategy is not completed by any immediate action. It usually ends with the establishment of general directions, following which ensures the survival and development of the organization.

    The developed strategy should be turned into concrete actions, and then to the results. After selecting the fundamental general strategy, it must be implemented by combining with other organizational functions. The main components of the linking strategy with actions on its implementation are tactics, policies, procedures and rules.

    Tactics - as well as the strategy, originally a military term, meaning maneuvering for the efforts of certain purposes. From the point of view of the management of the Tactic Organization, this decision on how resources should be distributed to achieve strategic goals. A different tactic is a way to achieve "victory." If the main question of the strategy is "what the organization wants to achieve?", Tactic focuses on that - "How to achieve this?". Accordingly, the main difference between strategy and tactics is the difference between goals and means. For example: "Increasing market share" is a strategy, and "aggressive advertising aimed at promoting goods" - tactics. Characteristic traits tactics:

    • Tactics are developing in the development of the strategy;
    • Tactics are produced mainly by mid-level executives;
    • Tactics are designed for a shorter period of time than strategy;
    • Tactical results, in contrast to the strategy, as a rule, manifest themselves very quickly and easily correlated with specific actions.

    Politics, The higher management form is a general guidance for action and decision making, which facilitates the achievement of strategic goals. It can be considered as an intra-profit "code of laws", which determines in which direction the decisions can be made and actions are made.

    Procedures Essentially pre-programmed solutions. They usually describe the sequence of actions that need to be taken in a specific situation that has a tendency to repeat. The manual, developing standardized instructions, uses positive past experience and thus saves time (no need to repeat the analysis) and warns from errors.

    Rule It differs from the procedure because it is designed for a specific and limited question. The rule determines what should be done in a specific unit situation. Managers use the rules when it requires a guaranteed implementation of specific actions to specific methods.

    A task implementation of the strategy It is the most difficult and time-consuming part of strategic management. It refers to all levels of management and must be taken into account in most structural divisions of the organization. While the development of the strategy is related to business activities and is more representing an analytical process, the implementation of the strategy involves mainly managing business processes and people.

    Strategic management is strategic reference planning. The selected strategy and its implementation plan is not able to provide for all problems that may arise on this path. The main reason, as has already been repeatedly noted, is a high level of environmental variability, which leads to the constant emergence of new and unforeseen circumstances. In the process of strategic management, nothing is final and all preliminary actions undergo changes depending on changes in the organizational environment, which can be worn as the nature of threats and opportunities. The course of external and internal events sooner or later forces to revise the purpose of the company, the goal of the activity, the strategy itself and the process of its implementation.

    Evaluation of performance results, analysis of changes, the adjustment of the strategy becomes the natural and necessary components of the strategic management process. This process is used as a mechanism. feedback To adjust the strategic plan and / or methods of its implementation. To be effective, the assessment should be carried out systemically and continuously and cover all organizational levels.

    In the process of assessing the results of activity as one of the tasks of strategic management, three clearly distinguishable stages can be distinguished: the definition of a system of performance indicators in which the strategy is evaluated; Measurement and comparison with the desired; Taking the necessary corrective actions.

    The first stage is directly related to the strategic goals and objectives of the organization, which are essentially quantitative and qualitative criteria used in the evaluation process. The last stage is corrective actions - is simultaneously the end and the beginning of the strategic management cycle as a continuous management process.

    Adjustments are usually affected by particular, but sometimes there is a need to revise the main strategy under the influence of significant external changes or a sharp deterioration in the financial condition of the firm.

    Summarizing the foregoing, it can be said that the task of the evaluation process under consideration is to find ways to improve the existing strategy and ensure that it is performed. The immediate responsibilities of managers within the assessment stages - to determine in a timely manner when it is necessary to make appropriate changes to the strategy and the ways to implement it.

    Questions for self-test

    • 1. Compare the concepts of "strategy", "Strategy of the Organization", "Strategic Management". How to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy?
    • 2. What does it mean to "develop a strategy of the organization" and why is it necessary?
    • 3. What elements should include a strategy?
    • 4. List the advantages of a strategic approach to management.
    • 5. How are the strategy and success of the organization?
    • 6. What is the feature of various systems and methods for managing the organization and conditions of their effectiveness?
    • 7. What complementary subsystems is the system of strategic management?
    • 8. Why is it for most modern organizations with a relevant problem with the simultaneous use of two control modes - strategic and operational?
    • 9. What is the process of strategic management from the point of view of the main tasks of strategic management?
    • 10. Give a brief description of the main stages of developing a strategy.

    The strategic management process is a set of consecutive actions aimed at achieving the goals set by the organization in a dynamic, variable and indefinite environment that allows optimal use of existing potential and remain receptive to external requirements.

    The main stages of strategic management:

    Environmental analysis;

    Determination of the mission and objectives of the organization;

    Formation and choice of strategy;

    Implementation of the strategy;

    Evaluation and control of the implementation of the strategy.

    The model of the strategic management process is presented in the diagram (Fig. 1.1).

    Fig. 1.1. Strategic management process

    The analysis of the medium is the source process in strategic management, as it creates a base for determining the mission and the objectives of the organization, developing a strategy for its development.

    The internal environment of the organization is analyzed in the following areas: marketing, finance and accounting, production, personnel, management organization.

    When analyzing the external environment, economic, political, social, international factors, as well as competition factors are being investigated. In this case, the outer environment is divided into two components: directly (direct exposure environment) and macrobractions (indirect environment).

    The purpose of strategic analysis is the identification of threats and capabilities of the external environment, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization (this is the so-called SWOT analysis).

    The process of determining the mission and goals consists of three subprocesses:

    The formulation of the organization's mission, which in a specific form expresses the meaning of its existence;

    Definition of long-term goals;

    Definition of medium-term purposes.

    Formulation and choice of strategy involve the formation of alternative directions for the development of the organization, their assessment and the choice of the best strategic alternative for implementation. This uses a special toolkit, including quantitative methods of forecasting, developing future development scenarios, portfoliaries.

    The implementation of the strategy is a critical process, since it is in the case of successful implementation that leads an enterprise to achieve his goals. The implementation of the Strategy is carried out through the development of programs, budgets and procedures that can be viewed as medium-term and short-term strategy implementation plans. The main components of the successful implementation of the strategy:

    The objectives of the strategy and plans are brought to employees in order to achieve an understanding of what the organization seeks, and involve the strategy in the process of implementing the strategy;

    The management in a timely manner ensures the receipt of all resources necessary for the implementation of the strategy, forms a plan to implement a strategy in the form of target installations;

    In the process of implementing the strategy, each level of management solves its tasks and implements functions attached to it.

    The results of the implementation of the Strategy are estimated, and with the help of the feedback system, the organization's activities are monitored, during which the previous steps can be adjusted.

    As can be seen from the scheme, the process of developing a strategy is iterative (cyclic). Thus, the definition and selection of the strategy can occur at the stage of analyzing the external environment, and the assessment of the strategy will require additional external analysis. In addition, changing the strategy leads to the need for monitoring and annual adjustment of strategic decisions and plans.

    The strategic management process also includes the five main components forming the following chain of prospective target solutions.

    Vision ® Business Scope ® Mission ® Strategy ® Programs and Plans

    Vision is the image of the possible and desired future state of the enterprise. It allows the entrepreneur to decide on the type of activity and the position that he would like to occupy in the market.

    Business scope is a type of activity associated with a specific economic unit, a program, etc. Defining a business involves an assessment of its prospects and clarifying its specific place and opportunities in relation to competitors. Business identification issues in a competitive environment are reflected in the formulation of the organization's mission.

    The mission, or publicly significant role of the enterprise, is a qualitatively pronounced set of major business objectives.

    In other words, the mission is a set of target business areas. Within each of the directions, a system of goals that are achieved by implementing the strategy may be allocated.

    Strategy - an integrated model of actions intended to achieve the goals of the enterprise. The content of the strategy is a set of decision rules used to determine the main activities. Strategy implementation tools are programs and plans that are designed to solve the tasks of the distribution of resources, powers and liability among divisions (employees) participating in the implementation of the Strategy; Development of operational plans and programs.

    Earlier, the stages of the strategic management process:

    1. Vision of the organization and its role in strategic management
    2. Popova, I.V. Strategic management. Basic course [Text]: Tutorial / I.V. Popova; Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. - Vladivostok: Publishing house VGUES, 2015. - 184 p., 2015

    The strategic management process consists of several consistently performed steps (Fig. 1)

    Fig. 1. Basic stages of the strategic management process

    Analysis of the external and internal environment

    Mission formulation

    Defining goals

    Development of strategies

    Implementation of the strategy

    Correction (based on Plan / Fact)

    Stages "Mission Formulation", "Definition of Goals" and "Strategy Development" can be combined into one stage "Strategic planning" - key stage of strategic management.

    Strategic planning -a set of actions and decisions taken by the management that lead to the development of specific strategies intended to help organizations achieve their goals.

    Teacher comments:

    The material about the mission and the purpose of the organization was missing here, these are individual questions for the state careplate.

    After the strategic goals of the enterprise or organization are formulated, it is determined ways to achieve them, that is, a strategy is developed.

    Strategy - Long-term, qualitatively defined direction of the organization of the organization related to the sphere, funds and forms of its activities, the system of relationships within the organization, as well as the position of the organization in the environment.

    Strategy - the priority direction of the enterprise, which is formed on the basis of the existing field of projects (ways to solve problems and evaluate the available potentials). .

    Distinctive features of the strategy:

    one). The process of developing a strategy does not end with a specific action and development of areas, the promotion of which provides growth and strengthening the position of the company.

    2). The formulated strategy should be used to develop projects by searching. The role of the strategy is to focus on certain sites or opportunities and discard all other opportunities as incompatible with the strategy.

    3). The need for this strategy disappears as soon as the course of developing events will lead the organization to the desired development.

    Strategy Binding link between the mission and concrete plan. It differs from the mission because it is focused on achieving specific goals. The plan for the plan is based on the strategies formulated.

    Thus, the organization's strategy is generated based on the purposes of the organization, taking into account the results of the analysis of the external and internal environment.

    Types of strategies

    1. Basic strategy- Fundamental decision on the development of the organization. That is, whether the organization will grow or cut (fold) activities. Or will fix the scale of activity at the existing level. Growth or folding activities is usually estimated in terms of product sales volumes in physical terms (and not in value).

    Basic strategies reflect four different approaches to the growth of the company and are associated with a change in the state of one or more of the following elements: product, market, industry, the position of the company within the industry, technology.

    The first group of basic (reference) strategies make up so-called strategies concentrated growth. These strategies that are associated with a change in product and (or) market and do not affect three other elements.

      strategy enhancing position in the marketIn which the company does everything to win the best positions with this product in this market. To implement this strategy, large marketing efforts are required;

      market development strategyconsisting in finding new markets for the product already produced;

      product development strategythe solution to the problem of growth due to the production of a new product and its implementation at the market has already been developed.

    Second group of basic strategies.These strategies are called strategies. integrated growth. Usually the firm may resort to the implementation of such strategies if it is in a strong business. The firm can carry out integrated growth, both by purchasing property and by expanding from the inside. At the same time, in both cases there is a change in the position of the company within the industry.

    Two main types:

      reverse vertical integration strategy aimed at the growth of the company by acquiring or enhancing control over the suppliers, as well as by creating subsidiaries carrying out supply;

      strategy forward going into integration, expressed in the growth of the company by acquiring or already enhancing control over the structures between the company and the final consumer, i.e. on distribution and sale systems.

    Third Group of Basic Strategies - These are strategies diversified growth.

    These strategies are implemented if firms further cannot develop in this market with this product within the framework of this industry.

    The strategies of this type are the following:

      strategy of centered diversification, based on the search and use of prisoners in the existing business of additional opportunities for the production of new products (car - motorcycle);

      horizontal diversification strategy. With this strategy, the company should focus on the production of technologically non-related products that would use the available firm capabilities, such as supplying the area. Since the new product must be focused on the consumer of the main product, then in terms of its qualities it should be a concomitant product already produced (health club for subscribers);

      strategy of conglomerative diversification, consisting in the fact that the company is expanding due to the production of technologically related to new products that have already been implemented in new markets. This is one of the most difficult development strategies (Coca-Cola - Sports Inventory).

    The fourth type of basic strategies business development are strategies abbreviation. These strategies are implemented when the firm needs to regroup forces after a long period of growth or due to the need to increase efficiency when decades and fundamental changes in the economy are observed.

    Select four types:

      liquidation strategy, which is an extreme case of a reduction strategy and exercised when the company cannot lead further business;

      strategy "Harvest", imposing a long-term loan to business in favor of the maximum receipt of income in the short term. This strategy applies to promising business, which cannot be profitably sold, but can bring revenues during the "harvest";

      strategy abbreviationThe fact that the firm closes or sells one of its departments or businesses in order to make a long-term change in business borders. Often, this strategy is implemented by diversified firms when one of the productions is badly combined with others;

    2. Competitive strategy- the choice between orientation to the entire market or on its part, as well as between the main competitive advantage (low price of the product or its distinctive features). Competitive strategies:

      Leadership by costs- Products similar, the enterprise is trying to reduce the price.

      Differentiation strategy - Some of the quality of the product (packaging, dimensions, after-sales service, environmental friendliness, etc.) is attached to the difference (of course, for the better) from competitors products. As part of this competitive strategy, the product is focused on all consumers.

      Concentration strategy - Orientation on isolated market segments (for satisfaction of a specific need). It is believed to specialize in the quality (focus-differentiation).

    3. Functional strategy- Selection of decision-making rules in each functional area. Thus, the functional strategies have several organizations (for example, marketing strategy, financial strategy, etc.). It is desirable that they are enshrined in writing in the form of a politician.

    In particular, the functional strategies are the following:

    Production strategy ("To produce or buy") - determines that it is the enterprise that produces itself, and which acquires from suppliers or partners, that is, how deeply the production chain is being worked out.

    Financial strategy - the choice of the main source of funds: development at the expense of own funds (depreciation deductions, profit, issue of shares, etc.), or at the expense of borrowed funds (bank loans, bonds, commodity loans of suppliers, etc.).

    Organizational strategy decisions on the organization of employees (choosing the type of organizational structure, wage system, etc.).

    Other types of functional strategies may be allocated, for example, research and development strategies (R & D), investment strategy, etc.

    In addition, each of the functional strategies can be divided into components. For example, the organizational strategy can be divided into three components:

      the strategy for constructing an organization is the choice of the type of structure (divisional, functional, project, etc.);

      strategy for working with personnel - a way of training personnel (mainly managerial personnel 1), training of employees (at an enterprise or in educational institutions), employee career planning, etc.;

      the wage strategy (in a broader sense - promotions and penalties) - in particular, an approach to the remuneration of the highest managers (salary, bonuses, participation in profits, etc.).

    Approaches to the process of developing and implementing the strategy

    The importance of strategic behavior that allows the firm to survive in a competitive struggle in the long term, has increased dramatically in recent decades. Acceleration of environmental changes, the emergence of new requests and a change in the position of the consumer, increasing competition for resources, internationalization and globalization of business, the emergence of new unexpected business opportunities opened by the achievements of science and technology, the development of information networks that makes it possible to lightly distribute and obtain information, wide The availability of modern technologies, changing the role of human resources, as well as a number of other reasons led to a sharp increase in the value of strategic management.

    However, the strategy, one for all companies, does not exist, as well as there is no single universal strategic management. Each firm is unique in its kind, therefore the process of developing a strategy for each company is unique, as it depends on the position of the company in the market, the dynamics of its development, its potential, the behavior of competitors, the characteristics of the goods produced by it or the services provided by it, the state of the economy, cultural environment And many more factors. At the same time, there are some fundamental moments that allow us to talk about some generalized principles for developing the commitment strategy and implementation of strategic management. These include the strategic management process.

    An analysis of the literature on strategic management shows that the opinions of the authors to the process of developing and implementing the strategy are ambiguous. Different authors offer different approaches.

    I. Ansoff allocates the following group of key solutions in the formulation of the strategy: an internal assessment of the company; Evaluation of external capabilities; Formulation of goals and selection of tasks; Decision on the portfolio strategy; Competitive strategy; Creating alternative projects, their selection and implementation.

    According to M. Mescona, the strategic management process consists of nine steps. This is: Development of the mission and goals of the organization; Evaluation and analysis of the external environment; management survey of strengths and weaknesses; Analysis and choice of strategic alternatives; Implementation and assessment of the strategy.

    S. Vuton and T. Horn consider the process of strategic planning in the context of three stages, decomposed, in turn, nine steps. It:

    1) strategic analysis, consisting of: analyzes of the external and internal environment and their aggregate assessment;

    2) selection of the strategic direction, including: forecasting; determination of the mission and goals; and identifying strategic "discrepancies" between forecasts and goals;

    3) implementation of the strategy providing for: consideration of alternative embodiments of the strategy; analysis of each option for competitiveness, compatibility, feasibility, risk, and so on; Drawing up a strategy execution plan.

    A. Thompson and D. Strickland are considering strategic management in terms of solving five tasks: determining the scope of activity and formulation of strategic installations; setting strategic goals and objectives for their implementation; formulating the strategy to achieve the intended goals and results of production activities; implementation of the strategic plan; Evaluation of the results of activity and change of the plan and / or methods of its execution.

    The model of the strategic process V. Markova and S. Kuznetsova consists of four stages: determining the goal; analysis of "gaps", including an assessment of the external and internal environment; formulating the strategy, taking into account the consideration of alternative options; Implementation of a strategy based on the compilation of plans and budgets.

    O. The Vikhansky Strategic Management process considers how the dynamic set of five interconnected management processes: an analysis of the medium; determination of the mission and goals; Selection and implementation of the strategy, assessment and control of implementation.

    Comparing the approaches of these and other authors to determine the content side of the strategic management, it can be stated that the principles of I. Ansoff and the city of Minzberg adhere to the principles of I. Ansoff. They consider the methodology of strategic management as consisting of two complementary subsystems:

    1) management of strategic capabilities, including analysis and choice of strategic position, or "planned strategy";

    2) Operational management of real-time problems, allowing firms to respond to unexpected changes or "implemented strategy".

    The essence of the strategic management process

    Strategic management can be defined as the process as follows:

    1. Strategic management at the enterprise must submit a number of consecutive interrelated stages, each of which uses the results of the previous one as a basis for making decisions.

    2. The first element of this process is the procedure for determining the mission of the company, the final - receiving the source data to organize the current management of the company. Do not intervene in conceptual disputes on the content of the mission, we emphasize that all authors agree on the essence of the mission as the most general image of the company's business success. The current control uses specific (quantitative) signals, and it follows the following position.

    3. The technology of strategic management involves movement from abstract definitions for specific numerical development criteria. Many refuse such a claim by calling it excessive rationalization. However, dropping it, we will not be able to close the strategic management on the technology of current management, and therefore will leave the strategic management of the "thing in yourself" that has nothing to do with the urgent business problems, and is unlikely to solve the tasks formulated above.

    4. If you agree that a significant number of strategic management elements is dealt with quantitative information, it is possible to apply special formal methods that allow you to process not completely structured and not always accurate, but rather blurred information. The possibility of developing and administering to the technological process of strategic management of a number of formal techniques using a mathematical apparatus, focused on working with information containing uncertainty (for example, a mathematical apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets). Such formalization of individual procedures will increase confidence in solutions generated.

    5. The accepted strategic decisions should reflect the system approach, i.e. We are the result of the analysis and synthesis of individual strategies of enterprises (both product marketing and functional).

    6. Such activities should be carried out with a certain periodicity associated with market features and company capabilities.

    The strategic management process includes setting goals, developing strategies, identifying the necessary resources and maintaining relationships with an external environment that allow organizations to achieve the tasks.

    Severe two main ultimate strategic management products.

    One of them is the potential of an organization that ensures the achievement of goals in the future.

    What in this context should be understood under the potential of the organization? Turn to Figure 3.1.

    Figure 3.1 - Concept of commercial organization

    From the "entrance", this potential consists of raw materials, financial and human resources, information; From the "exit" - from manufactured products and services, from the set of rules of social behavior, following which helps the organization to achieve their goals. It is important to note that not all products and services of the organization may be included in its potential, but only those that are tested from the point of view of potential profitability. This means that the organization's products are created on the basis of new promising technologies, has distinctive features and will be in demand in the market.

    Another finite product of strategic management is the internal structure and organizational changes that ensure the sensitivity of the organization to change in the external environment. In an entrepreneurial organization, this suggests the ability to detect and correctly interpret external changes, as well as lead response adequate actions that suggest the availability of strategic opportunities for developing, testing and implementing new goods and services, technologies, organizational changes. The potential of the organization and strategic capabilities are determined by its architectonics and quality of personnel.

    Architectonics of the organization make up:

    Technology, manufacturing equipment, structures, their power and opportunities;

    Equipment, its capabilities and processing capacity and "information transfer;

    Level of organization of production;

    Power structure, distribution of official functions and powers to make decisions;

    Organizational tasks of individual groups and persons;

    Domestic communications and procedures;

    Organizational culture, norms and values \u200b\u200bthat lie in OS-new organizational behavior.

    The quality of personnel is determined by:

    Attitude to changes;

    Professional qualifications and skill in design, market analysis, etc.;

    The ability to solve problems relating to strategic activities;

    The ability to solve issues related to organizational changes;

    Motivation of participation in strategic activity and ability to overcome resistance.

    Thus, strategic management activities are aimed at ensuring a strategic position, which should ensure the long-term viability of the organization in changing conditions. In the commercial organization, the head engaged in strategic problems ensures the permanent potential of profitability. His tasks are to identify the need and conduct strategic changes in the organization; create organizational architectonics that promotes strategic changes; Pick up and educate frames capable of conducting strategic changes to life.

    Unlike strategic operational management, it is engaged in using the existing strategic position of the Organization in order to achieve its goals. In the commercial organization, the head, which is engaged in operational issues, should turn the potential of the organization into real profit. Its tasks include the definition of general operational tasks, motivation, coordination and control of both managers and performers within the organization.

    Both strategic and operational management suggests the creation and maintenance of a certain organizational architectonics, selection and education of personnel. However, these elements are different for two types of management. Strategic architectonics aims to change, is flexible and does not have rigid structures. Operational architectonics are resistant to change, is aimed at efficiency. If the head that implements strategic management seeks to change, is inclined to take risks, has the skills of managing new directions, the leader performing operational management opposes changes, is not inclined to risk, competent in the analysis, coordination and control of complex activities.

    The commercial organization management system includes two mutually complementary types of management activities - strategic management associated with the development of the future capacity of the organization, and operational management that implements the existing potential in profit. Strategic management requires entrepreneurial organizational behavior, and operational management functions on the basis of increased behavior. Recently, the organization is more needed in the simultaneous use of both types, behavior, for which they need to create such a structure of their architectonics, which would have allowed to successfully develop both entrepreneurial, and increase styles of organizational behavior.

    Strategic management can be determined as such a management of an organization that relies on human potential as a basis for the organization, orients industrial activities to consumers' requests, carries out flexible regulation and timely changes to the organization that meets the challenge from the environment and the other As a result, it allows the organization to survive and achieve its goal in the long run.

    Strategic management process

    Strategic management is a process that includes the following main elements and steps (Fig. 3.2):

    Figure 3.2 - Basic elements and stages of strategic management

    Strategic analysis;

    Forming a strategy and strategic choice;

    Implementation of the strategy;

    Evaluation and control of the implementation of the strategy.

    Strategic analysis Requires a clear understanding by the leadership of Togo, at what stage of development is an enterprise before deciding where to move on. This requires an effective information system that provides data for the analysis of past, present and future situations. The well-carried out business diagnosis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise's activities provides a real estimate of its resources and capabilities, and is also a starting point for developing a strategy. Knowledge of a competitive environment in which the company works.

    A feature of strategic management is its orientation into the future, and therefore, it is necessary to determine what to strive for what goals to put. Along with the analysis of the internal environment, the organization of the need is also a diagnosis of an external environment in order to know the possibilities and threats of development in the future.

    Analysis of the external environment is carried out in seven regions (spheres), how are the economy, politics, market, technology, competition, international situation and socio-cultural behavior. Thus, the strategic analysis acts as the most important stage of management when developing an effective strategy, which is based, as a rule, on the three components:

    O properly developed long-term goals;

    O in a deep understanding of the external competitive environment;

    O Real assessment of our own resources and opportunities.

    Analysis of the medium is considered the initial stage of the strategic management process, as it provides the basis for determining the mission and the objectives of the organization and the development of the strategy. The outer environment is a set of variables, threats and opportunities outside the enterprise and unnecessant short-term control by the leadership. The inner environment is a set of variables (forces and weaknesses) inside the organization and manageable management during the short-term period.

    Strategy formation - Determination of the mission and goals (long-term and short-term). The formation of the strategy is the process of determining the mission and objectives of the organization, as well as the choice of the strategy for achieving these goals.

    Strategic choice Includes the formation and assessment of alternative directions for the development of the enterprise. The most preferred option is taken. There are special methods for predicting and evaluating future situations based on development scenarios and portfolio analysis. It is believed that the formation and evaluation of alternative development options is an independent value for management and is implemented during strategic planning. At the same time, the time framework, resources, sources and financing volumes and responsible for the implementation of intended events are determined.

    Allocate operational and promising planning. The first is intended to provide an effective organization of the current activities of the enterprise, and the second is the survival of the organization in the future.

    As part of prospective planning, traditional long-term and strategic are usually distinguished. The main factor of strategic planning is the state of the external environment. It (in contrast to the traditional long-term) does not use the idea that the future is better than the past and does not relieve in determining the future to the extrapolation method. The basis of strategic planning lies, firstly, the analysis of the real state of the external environment or its individual segments in terms of the prospects for the development of the company. Secondly, the choice of promising sectors of the external environment, the development of long-term landmarks and fields of activity.

    Strategy implementation - A process in which the strategy is transformed into actions based on developed programs, budgets and procedures, and this is the process of conducting strategic changes in the organization that translated it into such a state in which the organization will be ready to conduct a strategy.

    The implementation of the selected strategy provides for the adjustment of the two previous steps. The activities of the leadership are aimed at modernization (if necessary) the management system, aligning the strategic objectives of the organizational structure of the company, the allocation of the necessary resources, as well as to preparing personnel. In other words, strategic management is formed in such a way as to help managing the organization to anticipate business development trends, track external influences.

    The strategic decisions at this stage include: the reconstruction of the enterprise, the introduction of new products and technologies, organizational changes in the legal form of the enterprise, the structure of production and management, wages, etc., entering new markets, and the acquisition (merger) enterprises, etc.

    Evaluation and Control of Strategy Implementation - Provides consistent feedback between the implementation of the strategy and the objectives of the organization. Strategic control is aimed at finding out the extent to which the implementation of the strategy leads to achieving the objectives of the company.

    Strategic management also has its own algorithm: what should be done (conceptual aspect, the formation of a general goal); how to do (technological aspect); using what funds (resource aspect); in what time frame and which sequence (temporary aspect); who will do (personnel aspect); What the organizational management structure should be (organizational and managerial aspect).

    In recent years, the paradigm of the development of the company's strategy has significantly changed. If earlier it was believed that the strategy should be known only to the narrow circle of senior managers and should not indulge in publicity, then in our days, preference is given openly formulated. The strategy should be a matter of not only the management of the company, but also all its ordinary employees.

    As can be seen from the scheme, the process of developing a strategy is iterative (cyclic). Thus, the definition and selection of the strategy can occur at the stage of analyzing the external environment, and the assessment of the strategy will require additional external analysis. In addition, changing the strategy leads to the need for monitoring and annual adjustment of strategic decisions and plans.

    Questions for repetition and consolidation

    1. Name the main approaches to the process of developing and implementing the strategy.
    2. What is the essence of the strategic management process?
    3. What elements are the organization's architectonics?
    4. Give the definition of strategic management.
    5. What elements and stages include the strategic management process?

    Tutorial output:

    Strategic management. Basics of strategic management. Textbook. MA Chernyshev and others. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009. - 506 p.


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