How to write an office note to an employee's post: sample document. Sample Features from the place of operation Sample employee presentation to increase the post

Employees are often addressed to the personnel department for recommendatory letters. They may be needed for the court, for lenders, with employment to a new position. In the article, we will look at the sample characteristics on an employee from the place of work and give some tips, how to write it right.

Positive characteristic from the place of work: whether the employer is obliged to issue it

Characteristic is a document in which the employer gives an assessment of the personal and professional qualities of the employee. Some may calculate that such paper is a remnant of the past, but if the personnel department or the management department received a written request for its provision, the employee cannot be refused. Taking into account Art. 62 TK RF, the process of writing the characteristics from the place of work can not exceed three working days from the date of treatment. This norm extends not only on those subordinates that are currently in the company at the moment, but also on those with whom labor relations are already terminated (see, for example, the definition of the Moscow City Court of 09/09/2011 in case No. 33-28750).

  • with employment to a new position;
  • when issuing a loan;
  • when dealing with guardianship bodies;
  • for granting a school;
  • when awarding a prize, state award;
  • for trial.

Depending on the place where this document is addressed, accents and wording of the qualities of the employee are selected.

Varieties of characteristics

Characteristics are:

  • external;
  • internal;
  • positive;
  • negative.

External is the characteristics that are provided to other organizations or government agencies. By drawing up such a document, it is necessary to clarify the purpose of the document requesting the document, the characteristics and form of the presentation will depend on this.

Internal characteristics are used, for example, when translating an employee to another department or to another unit, to an increase within the organization, where it works. In such a document, it is necessary to make an emphasis on business qualities and employee skills.

In some cases, the personnel specialist may ask to prepare a document for an employee of his immediate chief, having previously given a sample to him how to write a description to the employee. It is permissible and even correct, especially if a new person is working in the personnel department, which is not familiar with all employees, or the team is so big that the personnel is difficult to assess the qualities of a person.

Note that the employer is not obliged to coordinate the text of the characteristics with the employee to whom it is needed. But if he does not agree with the content, it may challenge the document in court.

Example Features: General requirements

In the current Russian legislation, there is no template for the preparation of such a document. Nevertheless, the general rules still exist.

The characteristic should be issued on the official form of the organization. If this is not approved by the internal register of the enterprise, then in any case the full details are indicated in the form, especially if the characteristic from the place of work is provided at the official request of some institution.

So, in this document Must be indicated:

  1. Personal data that includes FI. Persons, date of birth, marital status, data on military service and education, as well as information about the availability of various awards.
  2. Information about work. This section contains information about work experience, about the time of adoption, on personnel movements within this organization, information about employment achievements and professional face skills. If the worker in the course of work was headed for training, advanced training, etc., then it is also worth indicating in the characterization. Also in this section indicate information about the existence of various merit (gratitude, encouraging, etc.) or disciplinary penalties.
  3. Personal characteristics. This information is probably the most important part of the whole characteristic. It may contain various information relating to personal qualities of the face. If the employee is the head of the unit, then it is worth noting its organizational qualities, the presence or absence of liability for subordinates, the degree of readiness for the adoption of complex decisions, the demandingness to itself and subordinate, other qualities. If the employee is the performer, then you can specify the degree of its readiness to carry out instructions of the head, initiative, the desire for excellent results, etc. Also in this section can be indicated on the relationship of the person with the labor collective: whether it enjoys credibility and respect or relationships in the team Do not add up due to the complex nature or other features of the employee.

Since this is an official document, it is necessary that it be signed by the head of the organization. Mandatory signature and print, if it is in the company. It is important not to forget to put the compilation date.

Another practical advice: the characteristic will be easier to use if all information fit on one sheet.

Sample characteristic from the place of work on the working: what to write

The main requirement for the document, of course, is objectivity. As a result, the general description should create an image characterized and help to form a right opinion.

In this case, the content may vary depending on who it is prepared for whom. If the employee intends to go to the guardianship authorities with the purpose of adoption, in the characteristic, it is necessary to highlight his personal qualities, for example, to mention benevolence, caring, good manners. If the worker is planned to promote the career ladder or he needs to be employed in a new place, there will be such epithets such as "executive", "initiative", "responsible". For the trial, details are needed how honest people, as belonging to their duties, what relationship with his colleagues.

But there is another, a pleasant reason to prepare a characteristic - awarding the state awards of the Russian Federation. In this case, personnel professionals should be guided by the recommendations from the letter of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation of 04.04.2012 No. AK-3560 and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 7, 2010 No. 1099 "On measures to improve the State Award System of the Russian Federation". The letter contains guidelines for issuing documents on awarding. In particular, it is said that the information should help assess the contribution of the awardable, while it is important to mention the qualifications, personal qualities, high merits of the employee, an assessment of the effectiveness of its activities. It is directly prohibited to list the labor functions, a track record or describe the life path of the specialist.

Sample such a characteristic can be downloaded in the applications to the article.

Examples of positive characteristics from work


(on the Blanc of the organization)


Issued __________________________________________

(Surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, position)

FULL NAME. Work (is /-l) in ____________________________________________ Starting with "______" _______________ 20___. During the time, it was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which successfully completed, according to programs: ___________________________.

FULL NAME. It has extensive knowledge of the existing specialty and is always aware of the latest events in its field. It has excellent business negotiation skills.

FULL NAME. He established himself as a responsible employee aimed at a great result, is always ready for the rapid adoption of innovative solutions and liability for their adoption and for the actions of subordinates. Ready for work in all conditions, including hours.

It is distinguished by punctuality, delicacy in communication with subordinates and colleagues, for which he has respect in the team. Required to yourself.

"______" _______________ twenty___


This characteristic was issued by F.I.O., date of birth: ___________________________, working in ______________________________________________.

(Name of the organization and its details)

c "______" _______________ 20___ to the present in office _________________.

It has higher education in the specialty _____________________________________.

Family status: ______________________________________________.

(specify the presence of spouse (s) and children)

This employee is a worthy professional. Disciplinary recovery has never been subjected.

With colleagues is in friendly relations. Friendly and restrained, in any situation is ready for a peaceful decision of the conflict. No harmful habits. It has the right life priorities and landmarks. I am pleased to participate in the social life of the team.

This characteristic is issued to provide in ___________________.

___________________ ___________________

Position I.O. Surname Signature

An example of a negative characteristic

Consider how a negative characteristic from the place of work looks like (the preparation of such a review is possible, for example, in the case of personnel certification).

Spring LLC

№ 567/13


Petrova Olga Ivanovna, 03/08/1984 born.

Petrova Olga Ivanovna works in Spring LLC since January 2018. Having been a sales manager. The manager's responsibility includes the following:

  • sale of enterprise products;
  • interaction with customers;
  • drawing up a marketing plan of the enterprise;
  • search for new product sales channels;
  • maintaining customer contacts;
  • maintaining customer accounting cards.

From the first days of work in the team of Petrova O.I. He showed himself as a conflict person. Repeatedly expressed his negative opinion on employees of the enterprise, about his leadership. Expressing neglect towards management and customers.

Professional skills Petrova O.I. Low. Ability to increase professional potential are absent.

During the fulfillment of the tasks, there were repeatedly breakdowns for the delivery of products due to the fault of this employee. Systematically not fulfilled plan for the sale of products.

Petrova O.I. Repeatedly received disciplinary penalties and reprimands due to lateness to work and repeated paste. With his immediate responsibilities, this employee does not cope. The question was raised about the discrepancy of the position.

Head of Sales Department

Sumarkin M.V.


What should not be in the document

As we have already noted, the regulations for drawing up the characteristics do not exist, but still there are certain prohibitions when writing this document. It is necessary to avoid:

  • emotional definitions;
  • insults to the address characterized;
  • unreliable information;
  • personal views of the employee for politics, religion and the like;
  • grammatical and stylistic errors in drawing up a document, as well as any abbreviations.

Templates for use

All examples that will be lower are given to familiarize yourself. But they can be used in work, replacing some of the information on these specific employees. In our case, the sample will be given the characteristics on the driver from the place of work for different situations.

Expert Tips - Consultant on Work and Career

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In personnel office proceedings, not only "classic" characteristics on employees are often in demand, but also more specific their options are ideas for the position. These documents are their volume and structure, special rules for design. The information blocks themselves are specific. Just follow these simple step-by-step advice, and you will be on the right track while solving your issues in work and career.

Short step by step guide
So, consider the actions that need to be taken.

Step -1
Representations are different: to promotion, to the use of disciplinary recovery, to dismissal, to the assignment of special title, etc. Getting Started writing an appointment to a position, specify the main goal for myself: to express the initiative and proposal to transfer an employee to a new official stage for him and justify this decision. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -2
Conditionally disseminate the document into two parts. One will be headlock, the other is the main one. In the first important details: the date is not required), the view (view), its name. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -3
There is no strict approach to defining the name of the presentation. For example, such options are possible: "an idea of \u200b\u200btransfer to position", "Submission to the appointment to the position." Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -4
In the main part of the presentation, include the following employee information: surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, position. You can start a document by a row - established language stamp: "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (data) seems to be appointed to position (name)." Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -5
Next, make a reference to education (which educational institution has finished when, what profession and specialty received). Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -6
Give the characteristic of the manufacturing (labor) of the employee. Use for this employment book data or other documents that confirm the experience, the experience of the candidate for the position. Describe the main grounds for the recommended movement on the "service staircase". If this is a superior position, indicate the merits of the subordinate, its achievement, success. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -7
Evaluate the results of the employee's work in the previous position as a whole, its role in the implementation of significant projects for organizing and performing special tasks. Specify the attitude of the employee to the case, analyze the quality of official duties. Mark professional skill, individual abilities. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -8
The final part of the submission to formulate the following details: signature of the compiler of the document, the conclusion of personnel service specialists (in the absence of a different structural unit of the organization), mark on the consent of the employee to transfer to another position. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -9
Take note: For any organization, there are always painless personnel changes in which the use of the "domestic reserve resource" is predictable. That is why the so-called rotation programs are being developed in enterprises - the prospects planned for the future "horizontal" and "vertical".

We recommend paying attention to the following advice on work consultant and career
Note that strict standards and rules for compiling representations do not exist for different purposes. Choose the optimal option for volume and content adequate to the organization adopted in the organization standards.

Additional Information and Useful Soviets of the Expert on Work and Career
Within the framework of rotation programs, transfers to positions with relevant ideas are carried out on a sufficiently formalized basis, and the interests and motivation of personnel are advantageously linked with the tasks of the enterprise. The practice of moving employees with such personnel policies is very effective.

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NB Belova,

Each personnel personnel service is sooner or later, it is necessary to draw up a characteristic or submission to an employee. The most difficult thing is to those who are first faced with such a responsible business as the preparation of his staff on labor and social activities.

There are no any regulatory requirements for drawing up characteristics and representations. Their content is largely formed by the practice adopted in the organization of office standards, education and experience of personnel staff.

In order to facilitate the work of the personnel and all those who have to compile these documents, we give a number of rules and recommendations on their preparation and design and begin with the characteristics.


Characteristic is a document with a review of the labor, public or other activities of a citizen, a brief description of its qualities shown in labor and social activities. The need for it occurs when a citizen or his behavior is required to give an assessment and take into account the powerful decision.

Depending on the purpose of compilation and use, the characteristics are divided into characteristics intended for use in the organization (hereinafter referred to as "internal") and characteristics, compiled at the requests of third-party (relative to the organization) of subjects and intended for use outside the organization (hereinafter - "External characteristics").

Features intended for external use

External characteristics are drawn up at the request of the employees themselves (for submission at the request of the request), the requirements of state and other bodies, third-party organizations. Objectives for which the employer is requested from the employer, can be diverse: both to solve household issues (for example, employee receipt in the educational institution, obtaining a loan, etc.) and to address issues related to the adoption of a state employee (in T . at the jurisdictional) or the municipal body of the powerful solution (for example, the issuance of various permits, applied to an employee of state-exposure measures (award or punishment), etc.).
The most difficult personnel officers are the compilation of characteristics requested by lawyers, organs (officials), in the production of which is the case of an offense, the commission of which is imputed to the employee, the courts (judges).

In all cases of attracting an employee to administrative or criminal liability, the court and the authority authorized to apply administrative penalties, when permitting the case and appointment of punishment, should take into account the personality of the perpetrator, its property situation and other circumstances that are important for the right permission of the case. To do this, they are endowed with the right to request information, characterizing the employee, his family and property situation, others. In most cases, in the documents with the requirements, the necessary information is not specified, which information is needed to be a court or other jurisdictional authority. In view of this, an employee of the personnel service at best can consult with a lawyer or an employee himself, and at worst - must independently determine what information is needed to the requesting characteristic.

We present general rules that will help simplify the solution of a number of difficulties arising from drawing up characteristics.

This part may immediately include information about the organization that issued a characteristic, for example:

Instead of "employee" in the header to the text, you can specify a specific name of the position (profession, specialty), which occupied) by the employee. However, this approach is more suitable for internal characteristics, as the entire work activity of the employee is important for external, and not only in the last position (by the last profession).

In practice, the header is often indicated a year of birth, for example:

Here, in the header part, the date of drawing up the characteristics, for example, is as follows:

The date of compilation may be indicated and as part of signatures of officials assumed by the characteristics, or at the end of the text (see below).
The main part of the characteristic can be divided into the following information blocks:

Consider them in detail.

Common biographical information

Under common biographical information, date and place of birth, information about education (level of education, educational institutions and the time of education) is understood. Personnel service establishes this information on a personal employee card and other accounting documents.

Common biographical information can be made in two ways:
but) in the narrative form of presentation- When the data is indicated in one sentence (in several sentences of one style) with the preservation of a single meaning, for example:

b) in the question mark of the presentation - When the data is specified as a list, for example:

If the employee has several levels of education (in different directions) or two (or more) education of one level (for example, two higher), then they are reflected in the characteristic with an emphasis on the main or main thing for the employee.
In the same block, information about military service is indicated, for example:

In a brief certificate of the employee's biography, information about the marital status - a marriage state, the presence of children, etc., for example, may be included.

Brief certificate of employment to the last job

This block is rarely included in the characteristic - as a rule, at the request of the employee or his lawyer. In this case, the personnel service officer indicates from 3 to 5 jobs until the last place, for example:

These data are established by the employment record of the employee.

Characteristics of work at the last place of work

In this information block, personnel service employees can be recommended to state information about the employee in the following order:

1) posts (professions, work), who occupied the employee (performed) in this organization, quick description of duties According to the last position (work performed) or in several recent positions (works) of the subject requested the characteristic. For example:

A more detailed listing of the duties performed by the employee must only be indicated if the employee itself is asks for this, a lawyer or other person requested. It seems that for such situations it is easier to prepare a copy of the official or production instructions of the employee, and in the characteristics of the main emphasis, to achieve an employee, for example:

2) Business qualities of an employee shown by him in the course of work. In fact, this block provides an assessment of the behavior of an employee given to him by his colleagues, direct supervisor, subordinate employees, personnel service. To prepare the characteristics in this part, estimates may also be used, the employee during the last certification.

What kind of business qualities should be in the characteristic, the personnel officer must determine with the employee, a lawyer or other requesting a person, and with the impossibility of consultations with stakeholders, independently, guided by the objectives and foundations of drawing up the characteristics.

It is always difficult to start listed by the quality of the employee. In order to facilitate this process, we recommend using Table 1, in which the personnel officer, the direct supervisor of the employee or the subordinate must answer the main key questions about the employee - "What?" Or "Who is he?" - in different directions.

Table 1

Areas of activity

What? / Who?

Guidelines: Leadership, ability to plan and organize work, authority in colleagues and subordinates, demanding, etc.

Creative activity: Initiative, the ability to put and solve creative tasks, the ability to find non-standard approaches to solving problems, etc.

Social and communicative activities: sociability, conflict resistance, stress resistance, ability to work in the team, etc.

Educational activities: Own learning, tendency to self-educational, ability to train and educate others, etc.

The left column of the table employee of the frame service may complement at its discretion. Filled by the direct supervisor of the employee, his colleagues, employee of the personnel service, the right column of the table is basic to describe the business qualities of the employee. For example:

Fragment of the filled table

Areas of activity

What? / Who?

Professional activity: Qualification, competence, professional abilities, professional thinking, knowledge of knowledge by profession, etc.)

Highly qualified specialist

Executive activity: Organizations, performance, operational, perseverance, efficiency of instructions / orders, hard work, good faith, discipline, diligence, accuracy, independence, etc.


When transforming short estimates in the main partition, the characteristics must be followed by the following rules:


to describe the qualities of the employee, the narrative form of the document text is used, for example, "showed", "characterized", "refers";

the style of the presentation should be neutral, when describing the qualities of the employee, it is unacceptable to use emotional and expressive language tools, shaped comparisons (metaphor, epithets, hyperball, etc.);

the text characteristic should be capacious and clear, characterized by the logical and grammatical linity of the text, simplicity of the language; The presentation of the presentation, however, should give the reading characteristic the opportunity to make a complete picture of the employee;

the text of the characteristic is unacceptable the use of spoken speech, industrial, professionalism, the use of foreign words and terms in the presence of equivalent words and terms in Russian, their own cuts of words, expressions ", etc.", "Dr." and other;

despite the fact that the characteristic is a description of the quality of the employee, however, it is undesirable to use personal pronouns ("he", "she", etc.).

With this, the business qualities of the employee can be described as follows:

Official duties refer to conscientious and responsible. Disciplined. When solving complex issues, it shows independence and efficiency. Diligent in the execution of management orders.
It has organizational abilities, enjoys the authority of colleagues and employees of related units. Demanding about yourself and subordinate.

In the sample, the description of the qualities of the employee is given with the help of verbs and brief adjectives. The same information can be stated as follows:

During the work of Sergeeva O.P. He showed himself as a highly qualified standardization specialist who knows the technical regulation legislation.
To the execution of official duties Sergeeva O.P. Refers in good faith and responsible. It is characterized by a high degree of discipline. When solving complex issues, it shows independence and efficiency, diligence in the execution of managing orders.
Sergeeva O.P. It has organizational abilities, uses the authority of colleagues and employees of related units, shows a demandingness to itself and subordinate.
Able to find non-standard approaches to solving the tasks facing the division, creatively approaching the case.

As can be seen from the fragment presented, the description of the business qualities of the employee is given in the manner presented in the table (in the direction of activity). This approach is considered the most correct, but not the only one. Preparing the characteristic, the compiler can list the quality of the employee not by groups, but in accordance with the logic of the narration.

The characteristic to the employee must be as objective as possible. By drawing it out, a personnel officer must give real and true, and not desired or ideal, a description of the employee. If the latter has shortcomings, they should be reflected in the characteristic. As practice shows, the characteristic is considered more objective, in which the ratio of deficiencies and positive qualities is 1: 5, then there are no deficiencies in more than 20%. Changing the ratio in favor of negative qualities makes a characteristic of a negative, and in favor of positive - causing doubts in objectivity.

Listing the disadvantages of the employee (according to the same areas of activity as positive qualities), should be correct and refrain from clearly pronounced negative estimates. The disadvantages are desirable to lift with advantages, and some cases need to be tried to neutralize them with the transfer of positive qualities, for example:

The said at all does not mean that if the employee has no shortcomings, then to give the characteristic of greater objectivity they need to come up. Just need to strive for this document as accurately as possible an employee;

3) participation in the projects of the organization, employee contribution to the organization of the organization. This unit should be given after describing business qualities. If the employee participated in important projects, it is desirable to characterize the degree of his participation, personal contribution and, if possible, designed for quality, for example:

4) Personal qualities of an employee shown by him in the course of labor and social activities. When describing the personal qualities of the employee are guided by the above rules. Like business, personal qualities are described in the form of judgments about the employee. In order to make it easier to remember the character of the employee's character, you can also use the table in which the compiler first gives short answers to the question of what "and only then transforms them into a single text.

table 2

If, when evaluating business qualities, you can still talk about some objectivity, then the assessment of personal in the overwhelming majority is subjective, unless it gives a large group of people. Moreover, personal qualities can be interpreted in different ways. For example, the characteristic of "ambitiosen" can be interpreted in two ways: and as a positive feature, allowing to draw conclusions that the employee is committed to great achievements, and as a negative, testifying that the employee exists excessive pride and self-conceit.

Therefore, as well as in the case of business qualities, words should be taken carefully. The same should be said about the shortcomings - if they are evident in the opinion of the compiler, it is necessary to try to balance their advantages.

Taking into account the said personal characteristics can be described as follows:

If a psychologist does not participate in the compilation of the characteristic, should not be takenlated by a psychological assessment. Maximum, what a personnel officer can make, this is a character warehouse (calm, impulsive, etc.) or temperament (sanguine (balanced, movable), choleric (unbalanced, movable), phlegmatic (balanced, inert), melancholic (unbalanced) , sedentary). It should be noted that the conclusions about the warehouse of the nature or temperament of the employee will be objective only if they are based on long observations behind it;

5) results of training, retraining and advanced training. Basically, this information is given in the characteristics requested by the new employer of the employee, the authorities establishing a new professional status of the employee, etc. In the characteristics compiled for submission to court and other jurisdictional bodies, this information will be redundant if only they are not given for "full-picture "Or to compensate for the lack of information about labor activity. In this case, information about the training of an employee can be linked to its business or personal characteristics as follows:

6) information about awards and promotions, disciplinary penalties. This information is established according to the personal account of the employee. If the employee has several homogeneous promotions, they can be specified in general form. Significant promotion and awards must be highlighted, for example:

If the employee has "unretended" or "outstanding" disciplinary recovery, then when solving the question of whether they should indicate them in the characterization, the personnel officer should be guided by the principle of objectivity of information. However, it should be noted that the right to specify or not specify one or another information is entirely personnel service if there is no direct indication in the request from jurisdictional organs that disciplinary penalties should be indicated in the characterization (if available).

Characteristic of social activities

In this information block, it is indicated in which public associations or bodies a worker consists in which public projects and events he takes part, etc. In this block, social activities of the employee can be described both within the organization and abroad, but about which the personnel service is reliably known from employee messages, other sources. For example:

Other information

Once again, we pay attention to employees of personnel services to the fact that the characteristic is not a personal or account of the employee, but a document in which the employer should evaluate the employee. If the court, law enforcement and other bodies were interested only in reference data about the employee, they would have enough copies of a personal card or discharge from it.

In the event that an employee of the personnel service fears to make a mistake in its assessments or cannot give them due to the absence of psychological education, or considers it necessary to refrain from assessments, but nevertheless, inform the information that may be of interest to the subject using the characteristic, it can be advised Just state the facts that took place during the work of the employee in the organization. In the event that he himself was not a witness to these facts, it is advisable to specify where this information is known to him. In the characterization, you can make a summary of the statements, statements or statements of the employee who can additionally characterize it. For example:

Despite the fact that this information is a statement, it can entail more substantial consequences for the employee than the estimated characteristics. Therefore, you need to give a report as it will be interpreted.
What is undesirable to do in the characteristic, so it is forecasts and assumptions, unless this is not particularly needed.

The objectives for which the characteristic is given.

At the end, the characteristics are indicated for what purposes the characteristic is issued. If it is known to know, then this is directly indicated in the characteristic, for example:

If the characteristic is prepared for use in several organs, it can be written in it:

If the calculation date is not specified in the header part, it can be specified in this information block, for example:

The performance site can also be indicated in the header part, for example, if the characteristic is prepared for presentation to potential employers, the view site can be specified as follows:

Features intended for internal use

Cases and foundations of the compilation of internal characteristics must be defined in local regulations. Mostly the need for them arises when issuing questions about translations for vacant positions, on the application of encouragement measures or disciplinary impact, to determine the conformity of the employee of the position or work performed (in the course of certification), on behalf of the employee of new duties (for example, leadership of the new project), On the direction in a long and responsible business trip, etc.

The recommendations set out in the previous section can be used in the preparation of internal characteristics. However, in the internal characteristics, the greater emphasis should be made on the work of the employee.
Depending on the purpose of compiling the characteristics in addition to the qualities of the employee, an assessment of the creative potential of the employee can be given, conclusions about his aspirations, expectations and claims (for example, for career growth), recommendations on the use of its qualities, etc.

Often, the internal characteristics are composite parts of other documents, for example, representations, which will be discussed in the next issue of the magazine.
Since the internal characteristic is drawn up exclusively for internal use, then it is not necessary to specify the view in it.
In some cases, there is a need to specify an official at the request of which the characteristic is drawn up.

Rules for design and issuing characteristics

Usually, the characteristics are compiled by personnel service staff. At the same time, the primary characteristic that falls into the form of an official document is usually prepared by the direct supervisor of the employee. As a basis for the general characteristic, polls of colleagues or subordinate workers can be taken.

Regardless of who prepares the characteristic, in the local regulatory act of the organization should be clearly defined by who has the right to give out the characteristics and whose signature they should be certified.
For the characteristics designed for external use, the main requirement is their official. Therefore, they must be signed by the first person of the organization or the person authorized and to be marked with the seal of the organization. In a number of companies, it is assumed to certify the characteristics of the second signature - the direct head of the personnel service.

Internal characteristics are signed only by the head of the personnel service or the compiler of the characteristic, print printing in them is not affixed.

Characteristics relate to documents containing personal information about the employee, and, consequently, their preparation and submission should be carried out in compliance with the rules of chapter 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to Article 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer cannot report personal data of the employee to the third party without receiving written consent to the employee (the exception is cases when it is necessary to prevent the threat of life and health of the employee, as well as in cases established by federal law).

In the event that the initiator of the compilation of the characteristic intended for external use is the worker, the characteristic is issued to it on receipt. Take a receipt of receipt of the characteristic follows the lawyer of the employee who receives it in hand. To account for the external characteristics issued by the Organization, a corresponding book (magazine, an album), provided for by the local regulations on the protection of personal data of workers, in which marks about the characteristics issued and the painting of recipients are affixed (upon receipt). In the direction of the characteristics by mail, it is made on the receipt marks, affiliated on the basis of postal notifications.

With the characteristics transmitted or sent by mail the initiator of its preparation, a copy is removed, which is placed in the personal business of the employee. Moreover, it concerns both the characteristics of working employees and fired.

Effect of characteristics

In conclusion, the first part of the article will once again return to the content of the characteristics.

When they are drawn up, there are a large number of questions about the echoids of bringing one or another information. The desire of employees of personnel services "not harm" sometimes leads to the fact that the characteristics turn into "praise sheets".

According to judges, officials of jurisdictional authorities, making decisions on punishment, most characteristics are written on a single template, and they are all similar to the ideas of workers to award. If the initiators of the initiation of a criminal case or an administrative offense case are the employers themselves, then there is a complete opposite - the characteristics of workers who committed official offenses against the interests of the enterprise owners are originally similar to the sentences. Objective characteristics - units.

To give a universal advice - to write in the characteristic, everything and only "the truth and nothing but truth" would be increasing, for the simple reason that, firstly, any human assessment of events and behavior is subjective and "each of its own truth", and Secondly, because it is more difficult to make a positive assessment to use the employee than negative, and does not matter who is subject to its use. We believe that the minimum of harm and maximum benefit will bring the above-mentioned advantage of the advantages and disadvantages of the employee, if, of course, the latter are available. As for the advantages, even if it is impossible to form an idea of \u200b\u200ban employee, there are a number of neutral and impartial estimates that may be based on the characteristics.

The most responsible is to draw up the characteristics for vessels or other bodies that decide on the application to the employee of the punishment, to issue an employee of permission (for example, for adoption), etc. In order for the characteristic to be the most complete, you need to try to consult with a representative of an employee or an organ requested the characteristic.

After such a characteristic is drawn up, a personnel officer must give it one of three estimates: "Positive", "satisfactory" or "negative." If it is difficult to do this, then you can ask your colleague (of course, without reporting the data about the employee).

In no case cannot be assumed that the characteristic is written for "proforming". External characteristics, especially judicial, are able to change human life. Here are just a few examples, as characteristics from the place of work and place of study affected the fate of people:
a) Positive characteristic:

Fragment of a court decision

b) satisfactory characteristic:

Fragment of a court decision

c) Negative characteristics:

Fragment of a court decision

By compiling the next characteristic, it must be remembered that its use can change not only the life of the employee, but also other people, for example, adopted by the baby - putting their signature in the characteristic, you are peak up and his fate. Therefore, be careful with the words!


NB Belova,

A submission is understood as a document in which the initiative is expressed on the application to the employee of concrete measures or on the employee of certain actions. In many respects, the performance resembles characteristics. Moreover, in some of them, the characteristics are included in the form of separate blocks. However, these are different documents that differ in both the content and design.

The view can be consecrated into two parts: header and main. The following are the following details:


date and number. Based on the fact that most of the representations are strictly individual in nature, the registration number may not be assigned to them - in this case, the records of submissions are conducted by the date of their issuance and surnames of workers;

document type(representation);

title to text. Unfortunately, the uniform approach to the definition of the name of the type of document under consideration in practice did not work: in some cases, the title to the text responds to the question "Why?" (for example, "to promotion"), in others - "What about?" (for example, "about promotion"). According to the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OSD), the documents under consideration should be called "an idea of \u200b\u200bencouragement", "an idea of \u200b\u200btranslation to another work". At the same time, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the title is determined on the basis of the formulation of the main action - "seems to ...", then the documents under consideration should be referred to as the "submission to encouragement", "representation to the use of disciplinary recovery", etc.
Since uniform requirements for the preparation of the documents under consideration are not established, it seems that both approaches are "an idea of \u200b\u200bencouraging" and "submission to encouragement" - will be true. At the same time, in order to unify, the personnel service should give preference to one of them.
The view may not be allocated in the presentation. In such cases, the text emphasizes the direct formulation of the presentation - "seems to be ..." (for example, as in the sample of the presentation of the transfer to another work given in the "Paper" section - p. 82);

data on the compiler of the presentation. Report compiler may be indicated as a document header (see a sample view to the use of disciplinary penalties on page 81) and at its end in the signature details (see a sample of submission to encouragement on page 79 of the Paper section);

destination.In the event that a specific solution should be taken on the view, the person to whom the representation is addressed is indicated in the header as shown in the sample of submission to promotion (p. 79 of the paper section). The addressee is not transmitted when the text of the presentation provides for a place to indicate a decision on the presentation and signature of the person who adopted it (for example, as in a sample of submission to the use of disciplinary recovery - page 80 of the section "Paper").

In the main part of the presentation, first of all, accounting information (surname, name, patronymic, position or profession, date of birth, etc.) should be given. Their composition is determined by the personnel service for each view of the submissions (see recommendations for the preparation of certain types of representations). Depending on the type of presentation in it, individual information blocks are given: the characteristic of the qualities of the employee necessary to address the application for the employee of concrete measures; grounds for applying to the employee of the relevant measures; Direct view; Conclusion of the relevant subdivisions on submission; Other information. The very idea may be formulated as follows:

"I present _____________________ to ____________________________________";
(data about the employee)

"_____________________ is submitted to ____________________________________".
(data about the employee) (actions or measures against employee)

In practice, such a formulation is also often used:

"_________________________ is worthy of __________________________________________."
(data about the employee) (actions or measures against employee)

Depending on the measures to which the employee is represented, other information may be included in the presentation (see the next section).

Types of representations and their content

I. Submission to promotion

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe promotion of the employee is the most common type of representation. It is provided for in the system of personnel workshop of a significant number of organizations and state bodies.

Before proceeding to the content characteristic of this presentation, you need to pay attention to the next moment. It is not always the wording "Preparation of the submission to the promotion of an employee" means the compilation of a separate document - submission. In most regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for the promotion and awarding of employees, the provision given means the preparation of documents for encouraging staff at all; The specific types of documents are provided for by the instructions for office work, other local regulatory acts of the organization. For example, the preparation of the submission to awarding employees by some departmental signs of differences in labor involves the preparation of such documents as letters-petitions (addressed to the head of the authority to be encouraged), premium sheets, others.

If the personnel service intends to include directly to promotion into the office work system, then it is desirable to take into account a number of the following recommendations in the development of its form:
1) In the presentation, it must be a place for credentials. Their composition depends on the "under whom" the form is developed. So, in the promotion of the employee, which will be the direct supervisor of the employee, not to completely provide graphs to indicate those accounts, access to which only personnel service has access. For the form of such a presentation, sufficiently general data, which is known to the direct supervisor of the employee - the names, name and patronymic position (work performed), the tablet number. In the event that graphs include graphs for more information, for example, work experience in the organization, the time of replacement of the last position (execution of work in the last profession), etc., they can be filled by a personnel officer after receiving a partially completed presentation from Head of the Structural Unit. In this case, in the subscripts, you can specify who fills one or another graph, for example:

Fragment of representation

to promotion

2. Date of birth ________________________________________________

3. Position / Profession __________________________________________
(indicated by the head of the employee)
4. Tabel number __________________________________________
(indicated by the head of the employee)
5. Work experience:
- General _________________________________________________________
(indicated by the personnel service)
- In the organisation _________________________________________________
(indicated by the personnel service)
- in his position (at the profession performed) _____________
(indicated by the personnel service)

If the view is developed directly for the personnel service and will be addressed to the head of the organization, the composition of credentials can be significantly larger, for example, about the employment contract, education, once again, please note that the question of which credentials should be indicated in the view, Personnel service solves independently;
2) In submission to encouragement, it is desirable to provide a place to reflect information about the existed disciplinary from an employee, for example:

"Information about unnoticed disciplinary recovery ________________";

3) In the event that, according to personnel service, a person who has the right to apply encouraging, to make a decision on encouragement, it is necessary to know information about the employee, the form of submission provides for graphs for the brief characteristics of the employee, for example:

"A brief description of _______________________________________".

The characteristic can be highlighted in a separate information block (see below). If only merits and achievements are important for the person who makes a decision on the promotion of an employee is important for which the employee itself is presented to promotion, it is enough to provide lines in the form of submission to list them, for example:

"Specific merits (achievements, successes, differences) _____________";

4) In the submission to promotion, it may not be provided for the possibility for indicating the direct supervisor of a particular type of promotion. In this case, the document formulates a general proposal to apply to the employee of encouragement without indication, which, for example:

"___________________________________ seems to be promoted."

For the final decision on the presentation, individual graphs or information block are envisaged;
5) The presentation form should provide a place to sign an employee who has prepared a submission.

In the event that the promotion system provides for the coordination of the ideas made by direct managers, with the personnel service, then in the form of a submission it is advisable to provide a place for its conclusion.

Depending on how the personnel of the organization or other person should express its decision on the presentation, when developing a submission, it is necessary to provide a place for a resolution or to express a specific decision.

Thus, the representation can be broken into the following information blocks:

Taking into account the above, the submission to promotion can be compiled according to the sample given in the "Paper" section - p. 79.

For cases of submission to the promotion of a group of employees in order to reduce document management, it is advisable to develop a separate presentation.

The main part of such a presentation can be designed according to the following sample:

Fragment of representation

Per ______________________________________________________________
(motive promotion)
seem to promote in the form of _______________________________
(Specific type of encouragement)
1. ______________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________
(surname, name, patronymic; position, profession)

This form is used in the event that a group of employees seems to the same type of encouragement. To represent several workers, the sample given in the "Paper" section on page 80 can be used to represent multiple types of promotions.

II. Submission to the use of disciplinary recovery

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe use of disciplinary recovery is used in the system of personnel deproduction of a significant, but not large number of commercial organizations. This is largely due to the fact that to make a decision on attracting employees to disciplinary responsibility, sufficient documents confirming the fact of making disciplinary misconduct (acts, protocols, reports, report notes, etc.).

If the personnel service intends to consolidate the duty to nominate the initiative on the use of disciplinary penalties behind the heads of structural units and unify the documents in which such an initiative is expressed, then when developing a submission, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations given in the previous section (to develop a submission to encouragement). So, first of all, the personnel service must determine the composition of the accounting information. In the main part of the presentation, it is advisable to provide graphs for:

The presentation may provide for a place for bringing a brief characteristic to an employee.

In the same way, as in the case of a submission to encouragement, a place for the resolution of the head of the organization or other person authorized to make decisions to attract workers to disciplinary responsibility should be provided for the use of disciplinary recovery. The view to the use of disciplinary recovery can be drawn up in the form given in the "Paper" section (p. 81).

III. Presentation of translation

This type of representation is also found not in every organization. As a rule, the submission of the translation is introduced into the office management system to address the issues of translation as a senior management position and in cases where local regulatory legal acts provide that the appointment is made to the corresponding representation of a higher officary.

In the presentation of the translation, it is necessary to provide a place for:


accounting data (surnames, name and patronymic positions occupied by the date, date of birth, education (level, educational institution, exposition date, specialty for education), other information from the personal card required to solve the issue of translating to a vacant position);

direct presentation - "seems to be appointed to the post ____________________";

characteristics of the employee's work on the basis of an employment record or other documents confirming the experience of the employee;

grounds for submission to translation (merit, employee achievements, etc.);

signatures of the compiler of the submission, the conclusion of the personnel service or other structural unit, marks about the consent of the employee for the translation.

Since the translation into a superior position can be conventionally considered a promotion, then when developing a specific form of submission, it is advisable to take advantage of the recommendations given in subsection I of this section, and, in particular, to provide a place to address the head of the organization (other official) on the presentation. As an example, an presentation version given in the "Paper" section (p. 82) can be used.

IV. Representation on the employee during certification

The traditional procedure for certification of personnel involves the preparation of the presentation on the certified employee.

In the most common form of presentation on the certified employee, in addition to the place to indicate accounting data on employee (surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, held at the time of certification, appointment dates for the position, education, general work experience, sentence of position, etc.) The place is given to:


characteristics of the production (service) activities of the employee and the qualifications of the employee;

information on the compliance of the professional training of employee by qualifying requirements for the post and discharge of remuneration (according to the results of previous certification);

estimates of the work of the employee for the period between certification, incl. Evaluation of participation in the implementation of individual projects, the implementation of special tasks ,;

estimates of the employee's relationship to the work and quality of performance of official duties, employee personality, including its professional qualities and individual abilities;

preliminary conclusions on the compliance of the professional training of employee by qualifying requirements for the post and the category of remuneration at the time of certification.

In the form of submission to the executive employee, in addition, it is envisaged to reflect the results of the activities headed by an employee of the structural unit, the results of the implementation of the project coordinated by him.

Usually, responsible for the preparation and design of the presentation is the immediate head of the employee. The document signed by him is transmitted to coordinate in personnel service or directly to the attestation commission. If the local position on the certification of the organization's personnel is provided for the approval of the presentation with the personnel service, then in the form of a presentation should be provided for a place for visas for approval or special frameworks.

When developing a form of representation on a certified employee, a version of the presentation may be taken, in which the meaningful part is designed according to the following sample:

Option view

on the certified employee

1. Surname, name, patronymic _______________________________________

2. Position held at the time of the certification _________

3. Date of appointment for office _________________________________
4. Motivated assessment of professional, personal qualities and
Official results _______________________________

___________________________________ _________ _____________
(position of the head, (signature) (decoding)
"___" ___________ _______.
With the view acquainted _________ _____________
(signature) (decoding)
"___" ___________ _______.

In some organizations and institutions, the procedure for compiling the presentation on a certified employee is characterized by certain features. So, for example, when certification of medium-sized educational institutions, the presentation for certification is being prepared by the Council of Educational Institution on the basis of the report of the Director on the results of the work at the General Meeting of the Collapse and is signed by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Advisory Institution, indicating the dates and numbers of the minutes of the meeting, Council meetings. Consequently, the form of the presentation should provide for the place to indicate the details of the listed documents.

Since uniform requirements for the procedure for conducting certification, and, consequently, the form of submission on the certified employee does not establish legislation, the organization may provide a special approach to the reflection of the employee's assessments. For example, in a number of banking organizations, personnel certification is carried out according to the scheme established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for its employees in the Regulation on the Certification of Employees of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 15.05.1994 No. 01-000. In this scheme, the form of submission provides for the possibility of stating estimates by expert groups, which include representatives of various units that are most often interacting by the acquisition with a certificate employee. In this case, each expert is assessed by the parameters specified in the submission form:

forms of representation

(at a specialist)

Surname _______________________ Position ______________________
Name ___________________________ ________________________________
Patronymic ______________________ Place of work ___________________

II. Specialist assessment (rate on a 7-point scale
Performance of Labor, Professional and Personal Qualities
Certified specialist. For extreme values, scales (1 and 7 points)
The necessary explanations are given. Drive the circle that score that
Your opinion, most corresponds to the level of certified):

Evaluation of labor performance indicators

Each work has been spent on
spent significantly much less time
more time than it dictates
it is dictated by experience or experience or plan
Plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

In some organizations, the scheme for holding certification does not provide for the preparation of submissions to employees - they are replaced by the reviews about the activities of the employee, reviews about the employee or characteristics-reviews. These documents differ from the ideas that in them, in addition to the above information, the special information block provides reviews about the employee of his direct supervisor and the preliminary conclusions about the conformity or inconsistency of the employee of the office or established requirements.

In conclusion, it should be noted that there is no presentation in the considered view as such a formulation of the presentation - the employee is presented.

V. Submission to the assignment of a special title

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe appropriation of a special title is the core of the procedure to assign employees of a number of state bodies of special ranks. Since mainly this procedure is governed by special regulatory legal acts, the forms of submissions are approved by these acts.

Mainly forms include the following information blocks:


accounting information (surname, first name, patronymic, position, education, service experience, etc.), information on the appropriation of the last special title (details of the assignment document, the nature of the assignment of the title (next, early);

direct representation indicating the special title, the deadlines, the nature of the assignment (next, early);

characteristics of professional, business and personal qualities of an employee (a description of the service activities with specific results achieved, information on the implementation of recommendations, data during previous certification). In the presentation to the assignment of the next special title, ahead of schedule or to the step above, it is indicated, for which specific merits or indicators for the service, the employee seems to assign a special title;

conclusion of the personnel subdivision on the submission (on support, disagreement with the presentation, rejection of the presentation);

a certificate of assigning a special title employee (special title, details of a document assignment document).

Since the presentations to the assignment of special ranks have a circulation only in some state bodies, their samples seem to be superfluous. The same staff members who have to solve issues with the preparation of submissions considered, we recommend to study the schemes provided for by special regulatory acts, for example, instructions for organizing work on the application of promotions and disciplinary penalties in the controls of drug trafficking and psychotropic substances (the order of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for drug traffic control dated 09.06.2004 No. 174), instructions on the procedure for the submission of employees and citizens adopted by the service in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, to the assignment of special ranks (Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia of 30.04.1998 No. 280).

Vi. View to dismissal

This type of submission is also applied in government agencies. The introduction of it into the system of personnel records is due to the specifics of the service in government bodies (when the right to formulate the issue of the dismissal of the employee, his immediate supervisor or the head of the relevant structural unit) and the peculiarities of building their recruitment apparatus are given. But in the transfer of this experience in commercial organizations with minor personnel services, it is unlikely that there is a special need - loaded under the design of mandatory documents. As for the linear managers, the heads of structural divisions, then involve them in the procedure for compiling representations and is presented at all.

For those who nevertheless intend to introduce submission to the dismissal system to dismiss, pay attention to a number of regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for the dismissal of state bodies, for example, to the instructions on the organization of work on the dismissal of employees with service in the control bodies of drugs funds and psychotropic substances (order of the Federal Service for Drug Control of Drugs dated 23.06.2004 No. 186), Methodical recommendations on the organization of work on the reception of citizens of the Russian Federation to the service (work) in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation for the appointment to the post, by dismissal Persons of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation and the institutions of the State Customs of Russia (Order of the State Customs Service of Russia of March 17, 2004 No. 115-p), Instructions on the procedure for applying the Service Provision in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation in institutions and bodies of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation ( Ikaz Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 26.04.2002 No. 117).

It should be noted that some companies will soon be obliged to provide for the submission to dismissal in their system office work. This applies to those organizations in which citizens are already undergoing or will undergo an alternative civilian service. According to the Regulation on the procedure for the passage of the alternative civil service, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28.05.2004 No. 256, the decision to dismiss a citizen with an alternative civil service is made on the basis of submission to dismissal; In the presentation to the dismissal, the grounds for which the citizen is subject to dismissal from an alternative civil service is indicated. When developing a form of such a submission, the personnel service can use poses approved by the above regulatory legal acts.
In any case, in the form form it is necessary to provide graphs to indicate the following information:

Fragment of representation

It seems to be dismissal in accordance with ______________________
points, Articles of the Federal Law)
In connection with __________________________________________________.
(Reason for dismissal)

In the form of submission to dismissal, it is also necessary to provide a place for marks of the employee who are discharged with the submission and signature of the staff.

In completion, it is necessary to note once again that any regulatoryly fixed rules for the preparation and design of ideas do not exist. As for the above techniques, they should be considered as recommendations.

Also on this topic.

Please prepare the characteristic on the employee most often addressed to personnel professionals:

  • officer himself;
  • government agencies;
  • head of the Organization.

In the first and second cases, the ready-made characteristic from the place of work is needed to present it into some instances outside the organization in which the employee works (for example, in the guardianship and guardianship authorities; or in the educational institution in which it is studying without separation from production ; or at a new place of work; or in court). Thus, the characteristic is required to external customer.

In the third case, some intra-organization procedures are preparing associated with an employee's assessment, and the document will be used within the institution. His customer is internal.

Specialists of the personnel service are not obliged to write a characteristic on their own, because they cannot know the business qualities of each employee, but they must organize the preparation of such a document: contact the immediate boss, to assist him in writing and designing the document.

The content will depend on the objectives of creating the characteristics. Therefore, we consider various options that are often found in practice.

Examples of positive and negative characteristics

To begin with, we give an example of a positive characteristic from the place of work. This is the most common option in which the strengths of the person and its positive professional qualities are listed.

Nikiforov Semen Ivanovich - a specialist of a high profile, which is working in the "Electrosystem" LLC 15 years. His total work experience is 22 years old. During his work in LLC "Electrosystems", he established himself as a responsible, qualified employee. Semen Ivanovich competently, quickly and effectively solves the tasks set before him. The projects of installation of electrical systems commissioned by him are qualitatively and in a short time. The main positive qualities of Ivanovich's seeds are his responsibility and perseverance when the goal is reached. It is also impossible not to note his ability to competently explain the task to other specialists. Nikiforov Semen Ivanovich twice awarded gratitude from the leadership of LLC "Electrosystems".

Now we give an example of a negative characteristic:

Mitrofanov Ivan Ilyich worked in the "Electrosystems" LLC for 1 year and 3 months. During this time, he did not show high professionalism. Despite some positive qualities, Ivan Ilyich is characterized as a small-cipplated employee. The absence of discipline was manifested in non-compliance with the timing of the performance of work, regular delays. Ivan Ilyich twice subjected to disciplinary recovers.

Characteristic when encouraging

Promotion can be initiated by the management of the organization. In this case, the procedure requirements can be flexible and determined by local regulatory acts:, the provision of encouragement, etc. Often, the characteristics of the direct supervisor also includes a package of documents for the submission of an employee to promote.

Sample Characteristics from the place of work on the worker, which is planned to be awarded the Certificate of Honor

To select faithful words for characteristics, you need to think about what qualities in the company are considered the most valuable, and based on this to identify the employee. An example of the characteristics from the place of work, presented above, focuses on the performing qualities. However, it is possible that your company is especially welcome:

  • loyalty, the loyalty of the company and its leaders;
  • or the ability to make decisions on behalf of the initiative;
  • or responsible attitude to the quality and timing of work;
  • or the ability to build relationships with customers ...

But there is another type of encouragement - awarding the state awards of the Russian Federation. In this case, the documents from the place of work are made to serious requirements (in detail about this - in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2010 No. 1099 "On measures to improve the State Award System of the Russian Federation", as well as in the letter of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation of 04.04.2012 No. AK-3560). The letter contains guidelines for issuing documents on awarding.

Sample Characteristics to the employee to receive the State Names

Characteristic when solving the issue of recovery

The employee made misconduct, and the question arises of the recovery: reprimand or dismissal. Perhaps a service investigation is conducted. What kind of sentencing choose? For a response to this question, all circumstances and materials of the incident are carefully examined. If the positive characteristic from the place of work will be taken into account, containing such estimates as:

  • responsibility for the work performed;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • compliance with labor discipline, etc.,

that punishment for an employee who committed misconduct can be relaxed.

Sample characteristic when solving the issue of recovery

Characteristic with raising

In a large organization with an extensive hierarchical structure, or in state and municipal authorities, many internal procedures are strictly formalized. For example, exists. A set of documents for each participant of such a reserve includes characteristics. They emphasize on the qualities of an employee necessary for a candidate for a leadership position: competence, volitional, organizational abilities, intelligence and authority.

Sample Characteristics when improving

Characteristic with certification

The Labor Code does not regulate the procedure for holding in the organization. However, if such a procedure is planned, it is necessary to compile a local regulatory act - the provision on the attestation, approving it by order. The position should contain a list of documents provided by the Attestation Commission, including the characteristic on the certified employee.

The characteristic needs to include:

  • information on education, advanced training, positions, work experience;
  • evaluating the results of work and implementation of significant projects;
  • information about the availability or absence of penalties or promotions.

Sample characteristics when conducting certification

Characteristic to court

During the court hearings, the characteristics on the defendant (the accused) are often attached to the case materials: any participant in the trial, including the worker against which the case was initiated. Look at the sample characteristic on the driver from the place of work - it became a circumstance that mitigates administrative responsibility (the decision of the Davlekanovsky District Court of August 23, 2010 Case No. 12-93 / 2010).

The employer must remember that the document issued by him becomes a kind of testimony, and try to be as accurate as possible and truthful.

Sample Characteristics for Court

Use in your work the sample characteristic to the employee from the place of work from the previous section as a template, substituting its definitions.

This document:

  • compiled on the form of the organization;
  • includes employee personal data (FI., Year of birth, family status, work experience, position, education, etc.);
  • contains a detailed description of business and personal qualities;
  • completed by the phrase explaining the purpose of drawing up a document (most often "for granting a court" or "for presentation at the place of the claim");
  • signed by the head of the enterprise;
  • completed printing (if available).

Chairman of the Attestation Commission

Tsrtdia "Polaris" E.V. Belyakova

deputy. Director for Organizational

mass work E.I. Shestakova


to the employee who has newly appointed to the leadership position, a candidate for a leadership position for certification in order to establish the compliance of the position of the Steeringman

on Shestakov Elena Igorevna

Deputy Director for Organizing Work

1. General

1. Date of birth (number, month, year)

08/06/1962 year

2. Information on education (higher, which professional educational institution graduated (a), the end date.

Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, 1990

3. Diploma specialty.

Cultural and educational work

4. Qualification by diploma.

CultProwver. Director- organizer of bulk holidays.

5. Education in the preparation of "State and Municipal Management", "Management", "Personnel Management":

5.2. The name of the institution.

5.3. Duration of learning.

5.4. Date of learning.

6. Advanced training courses for the management profileactivities:

"Additional education of children as an integral part of general education."

Institute of Management and Economics, St. Petersburg, 72 hours, 2001.

"Expert activity in education"

Murmansk Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education and Culture Workers, 72 hours, 2010.

"Director's innovations in theatrical action"

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education C - St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, 72 hours, 2012


6.1. Name of courses.

6.2. The name of the educational institution.

6.3. Number of academic hours.

6.4. Year of ending.

7. Common work experience (years)


8. Pedagogical work experience (years)


9. Work experience in this position (years)


10. Work experience in this institution (years)


11. Date of appointment to the post by which the employee is certified

2010 year

II. Home achievements in professional activities

The presence of a qualifying category for pedagogical activities:


Honorary diploma of the management of the administration of the administration of Monchegorsk Murmansk region, 2009;

Honorary Mission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2009

Honorary diploma of the administration of the administration of Monchegorsk Murmansk region, 2010;

Thank youth of the head of the municipality of the administration of the city of Monchegorsk Murmansk region, 2010

Availability of a scientist ______________________________________________________

III. Prerequisites for appointment for manual position

Consisted (a) in the reserve to replace senior positions in educational institutions with ______

Shestakova Elena Igorevna in the Tsrtsi "Polaris" from 2001 to 2010 worked as head of the department. In 2010, appointed the post of Deputy Director andheads the department organizational and mass work,the purpose of which is- the creation of a unified system of educational leisure, ensuring the formation of social activity, civil position, a healthy lifestyle, the creative principle of the child's personality, the comfortable sphere of family leisure.

The following areas of activity were most common in the department, which determine the current model of organizational and mass work of the department asan effective way of a reasonable organization of leisure through the organization and conducting mass events, involvement of the pupil in the bright world of the game, competitions, competitions, holidays, the development of traditional and innovative experience, knowledge, education, Communication:

Socially significant programs (for various categories of residents of the city - large families; children with disabilities and orphans; WWM veterans, etc.);

Mass, thematic, theatrical, game leisure programs;

Traditional creative holidays, concerts;

Festivals, contests, reviews, competitions, stocks;

Organization of leisure programs for supporting children's health camps and participating sites during the holidays;

Cultural and leisure activities commissioned by UO, SOSH, institutions, organizations of the city.

Shestakova E.I. He established itself as a competent specialist who has knowledge in the field: strategies for the development of education in Russia and the principles of educational policy; goals, content, shapes, learning and education methods, modern concepts and technologies; types of educational institutions, their place and role in the education system, requirements for the results of their activities; the foundations of the economy of education; regulatory and legal basis for the functioning and development of the education system; theoretical fundamentals of management, leading management schools and concepts, specialty of management in the field of education; principles for analyzing and building educational systems and methods for planning their activities; Effective leadership styles; systems and methods of material and moral incentives for workers; modern methods for monitoring educational, financial and business activities and office work in the institution; Requirements for conducting office work in an educational institution.

Indicators of professionalism E.I. Shestakova are such qualities as: sociability, humanity, organizational abilities, initiative, love and respect for children, permanent work on improving leisure activities, objectivity in the assessment of their work and professional activities of colleagues, knowledge of modern domestic and foreign technologies of training and upbringing. The head of the department owns the techniques of convincing impact, has a high educational activity, monitors the special literature, uses progressive ideas of pedagogy, has a pedagogical tact, can analyze the activities of the educational institution, to identify the most significant problems and find effective ways to solve them; develop regulatory and organizational documentation of the educational institution; develop programs for the development of leisure activities within the educational institution; build an organizational structure of department management; plan and organize control of the department's activities; Motivate performers to achieve high results in labor activity and advanced training; warn and resolve conflicts in the team; organize the development of innovation; hold business meetings, conversations, organize group work.

Proper condition of the regulatory framework; program of leisure activities, calendar plans, target program for educational work; state of the logistical base department; quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the movement of personnel composition of teachers- organizers; Socio-psychological climate in the led team; The quality and level of sanitary and hygienic conditions The state of office work in the department is indicators of productivity of the center's leisure activities.

Elena Igorevna's activities are built on the aggregate of management and pedagogical activities (diagnostic, communicative, desigrating, designer, organizational, assessment, analytical, stimulating, axiological). A special place in the work of the head of the department occupies an increase in professional skill, which includes self-education, training on courses advanced training, exchange of professional work experience with colleagues. It has extensive experiences of professional self-education.

Critically refers to the results of their work, has an active position in matters of an effective organization of productive educational activities aimed at estimation and correction of the creative process to achieve high results. Creative an opportunity to show a creative approach in solving a variety of pedagogical problems. Forms ways of joint activities and cooperation, it tries to find creative solutions to achieve their goals.

As the head of the department, Shestakova EI has the goal of its own management activity - identifying the prospects for the development of creative activities of the Center, improving the quality of leisure activities, using the potential opportunities of teachers and educators of additional education and improving the form and methods of training, education and leisure activities. This goal is justified by the problems, management needs in Polaris, it is specific, measurable, resource is provided and built into the context of the Center's activities, the municipal education system as a whole. For the realization of the target, adequate methods and means corresponding to the modern requirements for the organization of management are selected.

As a result of planning and forecasting the activities of the department, a positive dynamics of the growth of the number and quality of leisure activities was provided (including the organization of paid measures) with respect to similar indicators for the previous period, the resource-methodological provision of leisure activities complies with modern requirements of leisure activities and implemented by the revised educational program "The Future begins Today". Professional competence of teacher organizers also meets modern requirements for educational, educational and leisure activities. A variety of types of educational activities and forms of leisure organization contribute to increasingly attracting viewers, participation of students, their parents in events, cooperation with other institutions, expand the educational space and the growth of the demand for organizational and leisure activities of various levels. The department formed a planning and control system. When planning the work of Shestakova E.I. Consides the individual features of development: inclinations, interests, health status of students; It knows the methods of diagnosing the level of intellectual and personal development of children, owns a set of variable techniques of pedagogical technologies, performs their selection and applies in accordance with the existing conditions. Since 2010, being Chairman of the Art Council of the Central Council, Polyaris, Shestakova E.I. It actively leads to regularly updating and improving the quality of the repertoire of creative teams, an increase in the level of training of leisure activities, exhibition activities.

The relevance of professional experience shows his connection with the advanced directions in the training and education of the younger generation, compliance with modern achievements of psychology and pedagogy.E.I. It is characterized by a high degree of satisfaction from the profession and self-realization in it, it has a rather high level of total culture, which allows it to freely navigate not only in its direction, but also in adjacent areas, and as a result - effectively implement their professional functions.

In its work, various forms and methods of control uses, the effectiveness of which is made up of focus, planness, systematic, timeliness and efficiency.

Hosted by the methods of analysis, Elena Igorevna conducts analytical work on identifying, studying, generalizing advanced pedagogical experience, regularly complies with the results of the result planned, promotes personal development, improves the quality of creative preparedness of teachers department. In order to determine the degree of compliance of leisure programs, regulatory requirements are monitored by the department's activities. Analysis of monitoring results allows Shestakova E.I. Make a conclusion about the effectiveness of the organization of leisure, methodological support in the activities of teachers of the department, participated in professional competitions ("Heart I give to children" 2009-2010 U.G. Kuznetsova T.V. Grigoriev B.V.;regional competition ; "Festival of Pedagogical Ideas" -20111-2012 U.G.- Morozova N.G., Zyablov N.N. ; participation in pedagogical conferences, master classes, pedagogical workshops, workshops, both in the center and at the municipal, regional levels.) Evaluation results The head of the department uses and takes into account the teachers' self-education planning, certification, to monitor the status of the software Department.

Elena Igorevna has an effective social experience. As part of the initiative, creative, copyright groups, participates in the development and implementation of socially significant models, shares, projects ("step to success") and programs, cooperates with the heads of institutions of other professional spheres, expanding the network and system of interaction with social partners in areas of activity. Takes an active part in the work of the Methodological Council of the Methodius "Polaris", heads the professional, creative association of teachers (MO), develops educational and methodological benefits, guidelines, programs, scenarios of theatrical concerts, shows, diagnostic tools. Owns modern educational technologies and techniques and effectively applies them in practical professional activities using funds, methods that appropriate to the goals set optimally combining traditional and new educational technologies. The introduction of innovative forms and methods contributes to the optimization of methodological support, the use of variable ways to work with information, self-development technologies and self-education, the creation of additional conditions for the design of the ways of professional self-realization, analyzing self-improvement. Since 2009. 2011. g participated in experimental activity, being a member of the working group of the city innovation platform fortopics: "Diagnosis of performance and effectiveness of the teacher of additional education"

In 2011-2012 U.G. Works on the organization and conduct of seminars within the framework of the work of the city innovative reference school on the topic: "Modern methodological approaches to the organization and conducting mass events in educational institutions of Monchegorsk." (Release of a collection of methodological materials).

Information competence is one of the important qualities of Elena Igorevna, it always promptly provides an effective search, structuring of information, its adaptation to the peculiarities of the educational process and the organization of leisure activities of the Center.

To obtain relevant information on changes in the education system, the exchange of pedagogical experience, in order to self-education, Elena Igorevna usesin the work of ICT - various digital network informational educational electronic resources, professional tools, software and methodological complexes for performing professional practical tasks. Applies computer and multimedia technologies in work.

(Educational forum on the pedagogical portal min. Arr. Of the Russian Federation; Forum. (Round tables and video conferencing with the participation of prominent figures of education, televisms); network of creative teachers (; School-Collection. EDU. RU; "Consultant Plus"; "We held in the profession"; Internet education federation - the project "School Sector"; "4 steps";Internet - the state of teachers-http: // He is a member of the All-Russian Club of Social Networks of Education Workers N S; It has publications on the Internet.Actively publishes postings on Russian sites. Special activity - Russian sites and Created its mini site for the deputy. Directors ( a href \u003d ""\u003e Laboratory of Pedagogical Skill

\u003d ""\u003e site deputy. ORD director on site, Where those developed by Elena Igor's Methodological materials, (programs, scenarios, plans, reports, etc.) on electronic media are presented. Participates in network communities in professional contests, forums, has a certificateparticipant of remote seminars on interactive technologies and Special Software Software SMART TESHNOLOGIES INC, Polymedia G. Moscow 2012 is engaged in developing a personal Internet site. Takes an active part in the 17th All-Russian Competition of Grants "Dreams come true", the purpose of which is the complete implementation of creative potential.

The development of informational concepts, knowledge and skills, monitoring the activities of participants in professional communities is a powerful means of supporting professional activity, allowing to develop, constantly remaining relevant and competent teacher - the head of the department. The level of competence and professionalism allows Elena Igor to take an active part in the city expert commission on the accreditation examination of the activities of municipal educational institutions.

To improve the quality of the activities of the department's teachers, Internet materials are used, all available vehicles.

A training and methodological base (collection of video phrases and 3D models, animations, multimedia discs, audio materials, scenarios and methodical products of different genres on OMR, documentation, photo IT was created.

During the entire period of work in the center of Shestakova E.I. It is actively working as part of attestation, tariffing committees, is a member of the jury of the competitive events of the center and urban events.

Elena Igorevna is working to form a rational organization of labor, ensuring the psychological climate, cohesion, development of the creative team of like-minded people, strengthening the old and introduction of new traditions in the department that contribute to the effectiveness of leisure activities. In addition, Shestakova is a positive person with an active life position, the creative energy of which is an example for teachers, students and parents.

The compliance of the business and personal qualities of the head, the results of practical activities correspond to the goals set, tasks andrequirements for qualifying characteristics by position. Created and brings positive results to the pedagogical model of leisure work, based on combination: individual and collective work; parallelism of impact on personality and team; The complexity where the psychological and pedagogical conditions are taken into account: a positive field of emotional and intellectual stress, the creative nature of collective activities, coincidence of the interests, needs and opportunities of teachers of the organizational and mass department with the content and role-playing functions of the pedagogical leadership.The work done is advisable, effective and is the basis for certification in order to establish the compliance of the position of the leading employee of the newly appointed leading position.Professional qualifications, pedagogical skills, Professional performance - The totality of all indicators provides the opportunity to give a positive assessment of the performance of work and appoint a Shestakov E.I. on a leading position.

"___" ___________ 20 ___ g.

Director of TsGDII "Polaris" __________________ (deciphering the signature)



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* In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" I agree (agreed) to carry out any actions (operations), including: obtaining, processing, storage, in relation to My personal data required for certification.

"___" ______________ 20 ____ Signature____________________

To the presentation attached:

A copy of the employment record or order of appointment;

Copy of diploma (s) on education

A copy of the certificate of advanced training of office (at least 72 hours),

Copy of document confirming ICT training


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