Features of consumption of goods and health services 0. Features of the health care market. Labor market in health care

Its place in the general system of needs of the population Features consumption of goods and health services

The main purpose of the economy as a farm is to provide people means of existenceand maintain the conditions of existence necessary people. Basic condition of existencea person is his health, so the maintenance of people's health is legitimately considered as one of the defining problems of the economy.

The means of existence in aggregate with the conditions of existence are designed to satisfy the needs of people, including such a fundamental as the need for health. Since the need for health can not be satisfied directly, by producing and providing, selling goods to the consumer called "Health", the economy is able to meet this specific need only through services and goods that contribute to maintaining and promoting health, preventing diseases and healing from them .

Given that the needs for services and health goods are manifested and are in direct relationship with other needs of people, states, societies and form an integral part of this general system of needs, consider human needs in general, highlighting the needs of the needs of interest to us. At the same time, we establish a place that occupy the needs of products and health services in the general system of personal, family, social needs.

All the fact that the person needs, what is required by him, without which it is difficult or even impossible to live, call needs.All people seek to saturate or, as economists say, satisfy their needs. Things, items, services, with which a person, family, people satisfy a variety of, numerous needs, is customary to refer to benefits.

The need for health undoubtedly applies to the number of the first living needs, whose satisfaction is the main task of health care and is provided by all its means, including economic. Therefore, health itself as a source of life needs and medical methods and health care facilities should be considered as good.

Some people need, for example in oxygen, water, partially warm, are satisfied from natural sources. Nature itself created the conditions of existence, thanks to which a person saturates such needs without much effort and costs, like animals. it freely obtained by allgoodfor which you do not have to pay money or pay difficulty, give out other things in return. The presence of such free benefits is a person owes nature. Caring for natural wealth, environmental protection, its restoration and there is a kind of fee for free benefits.

Natural sources in the form of fresh air, clean water, sunlight and heat also present free benefits that conserve and health promotion. This and much more receives a person from nature in the form of natural medicines and treatments. As the availability reduces, such goods all relate to the categories are free. In addition, due to the unfavorable environmental consequences of the production and economic activity of people leading to environmental pollution, many types of natural benefits, without which people cannot do, become antibules that undermine human health.

But many other needs, especially in food, clothing, housing, movement, in spiritual benefits can only be satisfied with the help of the existence created by the people themselves. This, as mentioned earlier, economic benefits,which do not get people for free. They are

can only be obtained for money through labor costs or in exchange for other benefits.

Is it possible to consider economic, paid, say, medical services, school training, free travel to pensioners and disabled in city transport? And much more, for which all citizens or individual categories do not pay money? Yes, these are economic benefits for which there is no one who receives them, but other people in the person of the state, society. Similar benefits are known called public.

Actually, the free, natural benefits should be paid, spending efforts to pick up nature fruits by exercising environmental activities. So the clear boundary between paid and free benefits does not exist. Continuous increase in the needs of people, an increase in their diversity, on the one hand, and the limited possibilities of their satisfaction due to the insufficiency of the available sources - on the other, lead to an increase in the share of economic benefits in comparison with free, non-economic. Even natural water and clean air are becoming increasingly available, increasingly you have to pay money for the good, formerly free. More and more benefits, a person is not directly from natural sources, but through the economy, economic activity. Creating people you need, good - this is the main economic process called production.

Created people productsand serviceshealth care is naturally to economic benefits. Even medicinal herbs and drugs of natural origin, treatment through the use of thermal sources, mud, mineral waters require preliminary efforts in the form of collecting, cooking, arrangement, packaging, transportation and other procedures. Separate types of natural treatments used are required to accompany the services of medical personnel. All this indicates the economic nature of goods in the form of goods and services used in health care.

The processes for the creation and application of treatments are so closely related to the economy that they are not called not to provide services, but tradehow to health.

Consumption, application, use of goods, saturation of needs, the satisfaction of the needs in economic science is called consumption.The word "consumption" is necessary, therefore, to understand in the broadest sense, bearing in mind and eat food, and wearing clothes and accommodation in the house, and a trip to the car, and the service in the bath (service consumption), and reading a book (consumption spiritual benefits). Consumption - the final process, in the name of which it works, the economy works. Consumption is legitimate to consider the purpose of the economy, but with one substantial reservation. It is necessary to consume exactly as much as required for a full-fledged life, in volumes caused by the physiological needs of the body, the spiritual requests of the individual, rational, scientifically based norms. Otherwise, consumption is able to abandon the unrestrained, harmful consumerismthose. In consumption for consumption, and not in the name of satisfaction of needs. Consumer trends often lead to the accumulation of people in excess

quantities, over all measures, and besides also unused. Consumer causes most often lie in greed, compliant, no-marine

The consumption of goods and health services fits into a given amount of consumption description, but at the same time has certain features. If we are talking about drugs, special types of clothing and shoes for sick people, bandages, bandages, devices that facilitate the performance of life functions, and other similar means, then consumption means in an economic sense use, example.Consumption of medical equipment means it usingin the processes of diagnosis and treatment. The same refers to buildings, premises, equipment, which generate basic means of health organizations.

It is more difficult to deal with the consumption of health services in the form of a variety of activities of medical and auxiliary medical personnel. In health care they are called treatment, care for patients. In the economy, the use of services, including medical, is customary called service consumption,at the same time, this is understood by the receipt by the consumer of benefits in the form of the results of the activities of persons providing him with help, assistance, treatment, maintenance.

In health care, the consumption of services is not always the final process in the full sense of the word. Services are completed by a certain type of production and medical activity or the stage of treatment. The rest, the final process, is the assimilation of the patient the results of treatment. The indirect analogy represents food intake, concluded, strictly speaking, its assimilation by the body. The only difference is that the results of treatment rarely absorb so quickly and reliably as food. Consumption of certain types of health care services, such as diagnostic, consulting, medical and health, expressly considered the final procedure of the relevant activities.

There is reason to talk about consumer tendencies in health care, watching patients or even pseudo-shared, ready to carry out the main part of life in medicinal institutions without need. In particular, the reserve, harmful consumerism is manifested in an unlimited, unconditioned need for health care or even drug abuse.

Many people need are saturatedin the sense that they can be satisfied sufficiently known tools. For example, a person is quite enough to consume a food diet with a calorie content of about 2500 kals. Consumption over this crisses of saturation becomes excessive, even harmful. Another thing - people always wish to consume more diverse, delicious food. Or is unlikely to have more than two refrigerators in the apartment. But the need for knowledge E ° is bounded by a clear line. To the number of unsaturated, unlimited requirement and the need for cash, although there is a requested limit number

the money is quite sufficient for the obedic existence of a person.

As for the needs for goods and health services, they should, in our opinion, attributed to saturated. Even the original need

health is saturated in the sense that the painless state of human health, the body of which normally performs the functions inherent in it, may well be called the norm of health, sufficiently satisfying the need for it. Accordingly, the possibility of the need for goods and services of health care should be considered the possibility of obtaining them in quantity and composition, time and place determined by the health of people and objectively necessary means of maintaining it. At the same time, the quality of methods and means of treatment, scientific knowledge of human health is not limited to a predetermined limit.

Are the needs of different people? Obviously, certain needs, such as food, clothes, knowledge, are peculiar to all people, others are not all, but only in need of them. The need for health is obviously inherent in all normal people, but needs in certain services and health products - those who are needing in them. It seems that the needs in the modern diagnosis of the state of the human body, dangerous diseases, in anti-epidemic measures, in sanitation and hygiene, are universal in medical and health procedures, distributed to all people (in a somewhat different degree, depending on age, gender, state Health, regional features).

To a certain extent, the needs of a person, family, groups of people, society are distinguished. Therefore, allocate personal, Family, Group, Publicneed needs.

The needs for services and goods intended for the protection of human health, treatment are mainly personal, individual. The object of care, maintenance, satisfying medical needs is ultimately personality, man. The health of a separate person is the elementary cell, of which there is a level of health of families, social groups, the population of the region, countries. Therefore, the personal needs of a person in health care products form the basis of the entire needs system in services and health goods.

In addition, there are personal needs due to the fact that self-treatment plays a huge role in medicine, homework under the supervision of doctors and even independent. Anyone needs a home first-aid kit in the form of a set of standard or individually intended medicines. Each person should have instruments for measuring temperature, and in some cases - special equipment, which is due to the nature of the disease. The presence of medical and health care products, sanitation and hygiene has become a sign of medical and even a common culture.

To the category of personal needs for health care, the presence of elementary, common medical knowledge, household background medical literature, the ability to recognize the signs of a suddenly emerged disease and provide simple urgent help. People prone to diseases or chronically patients are needed to call medical care.

In special cases, individual patients can afford to satisfy the need for the presence of a personal doctor, more often people use the services of family doctors.

Family needs of a medical nature can exceed the amount of personal needs of each family member, since sometimes there is a problem with the health and its security related to the family as a whole, for example, of hereditary diseases, the dangers of the dissemination of the disease of one of the family members for the whole family. Separate health care products, medicinal physical education, drugs can be the object of the need for the whole family or several family members. This fully refers to subjects of sanitation and hygiene.

With all the meaning of personal and family needs in services and health products, such needs can be met in almost full, at the regulatory level, only when they become part of group, social needs.For such an output there are convincing justifications.

First, the provision of medical services to an individually to everyone who needs a person at home, through personal treatment, it would require a significant increase in medical personnel, delivery of funds treatment to each individual, which would lead to a huge increase in the cost and cost of service.

Secondly, the provision of health care services in their public form allows you to focus medical and medical staff, medical equipment, diagnostic and treatment tools, to create favorable conditions for medical treatment and provision of other services within relatively narrow zone clinic and hospital hospitals. This greatly improves the quality and reliability of maintenance, treatment by giving it a comprehensive, comprehensive nature and ensuring sterility conditions. In addition, with a collective, multipart service, cost savings and the best use of the production potential of the clinics is achieved.

Caused reasons are so significant that they give reason to approve on the social nature of the majority of health care needs. There is no doubt that the health of each person represents intrinsicness and for him personally, and for the state, society. It is clear that the processes of treatment of patients are personally oriented, mass treatment is rather an exception than the rule. But the needs for services and health goods are public in the sense that they are peculiar to almost all people and can fully satisfy only

3 Using social forms. Thus, the consumption of health care products is predominantly massive public

And the Racter has a public nature.

That thesis is also supported by the fact that the same caution

Evia with all their specificity is characteristic of many people, have ten

National system spread on a mass scale. Therefore, the treatment of one

Et treats many to the same extent in which the treatment of many requires the treatment of ka * of them.

The public need for health care occurs as a result of integration, compounds and interaction of personal and family needs. fromgroup, collective. The vessel team needs a ship's doctor and a medical center, the population of the village - in a small clinic, the city needs diverse clinics, hospitals, doctors, and the country as a whole is a comprehensive health system that allows you to meet the needs of the entire population.

In economic science, the need is usually divided into material and spiritual. Materialrefer to the needs of people in things, subjects, material values, while spiritual needs- This is a need for spiritual food in the form of knowledge, beliefs, cultural values, information, information about the environment, intellectual communication.

Needs in health care have both material and spiritual nature. Material and material needs include drugs, medical nutrition, therapeutic clothing and shoes, material and technological means of treatment in the form of materials, energy, equipment, means of transportation, devices, premises, buildings, structures. The spiritual should consider the need for health science, in medical knowledge, in information about diseases and methods of their treatment, in consultations, in health culture, in a healthy lifestyle.

This is quite obvious truths. But it is not always so easy to classify health needs, referring to obviously material or spiritual. The problem is not solved so simply in relation to the nature of health services in the form of basic types of medical activities in the treatment of patients. The need for a removal operation or even replacement of organs and their parts is formally material in nature and is directly related to the application of physical effort. But it is inseparable from the spiritual need in the form of the initial establishment of the type of illness and the method of treatment. Exploring the survey data of the patient, listening to his complaints, writing the medicine, the doctor satisfies, most likely, the spiritual needs of patients, but in the process of receiving drugs, the use of other physical treatments of the need for the need is materialized, acquire a real form.

The thing is that health itself combines inseparally related, interacting material and spiritual principles. Therefore, the need for health, and the need for providing its health care products is a comprehensive material and spiritual character. This connection is so strong that it is often not possible to divide the material and spiritual aspects of health services. This is one of the most characteristic features of health care services, the needs of them and their consumption processes, which highlights the health economy in the category of highly specific sectors of the economy and services.

Usually, people's needs are customary to rank, establishing the measure of importance, the significance of a particular group of needs in the general hierarchy, often depicted in the form of "pyramid needs." Sociologists are often placed in the top of such a "pyramid" the need of people in self-realization, self-expression, self-affirmation, and in the foundation of the pyramid -

ziological needs considered as the simplest, not so

consumer and important. At the same time, the need for health and health care is not

Zn is eating as independent, but is included in the need for security

Nursery proceed from the fact that the need for health and in its guard

skinny character and without her satisfaction, other needs cannot

it is implemented, then this need deserves the highest place.

Since health is initially present in a healthy body, psychology

while the need for health does not become an adequate need for life

Only due to the loss of health comes awareness that physical and

spiritual health - basic, home vitality.


  1. What needs and how they are related to the conditions and means of creatures

  2. Name the main types of benefits and sources of their receipt.

  3. How are the production and consumption of goods in the form of goods
    and services?

  4. Describe the types of human needs, families, society in relationships
    with the health economy.

  5. What is the public nature of health care needs?

  6. How are material and spiritual needs related to each other?

  7. What does the "Pyramid of Needs" mean and how is it built?
1.4. Production and economic processes in health care

Consumption, satisfaction of needs, representing the ultimate goal of the economy, is in detrimental ways are associated with production, that is, with the creation of an economic product consumed. Production not only provides current consumption, but also creates the ability to recreate it again and reopen the product consumed product. Processes of treatment, health protection is usually not called production, although in reality health care is nothing more than the production of medical services or (in a wider plan - production and reproduction of people's health).

Production processes in the economy are equally continuous as the lives of people of society, which they are intended to provide the necessary means of existence. The economy whose kernel is a production is dynamic. Development of the economy, the change of its states is due to a number of reasons.

First, it changes, constantly exhausts the natural source of ONOMIKA - nature. So you have to limit consumption

natural resources, create interchangeable, restore renewable resources.

Secondly, it is necessary to constantly maintain the consumption of means of the existence of people and the conditions for their existence. So the "production boiler" should prepare all new and new food. Moreover, due to the growth in the number of people - consumers and the increase in their needs, it is necessary to prepare more and more voluminous and delicious "economic foods". And the same as the existence of people, society, does not stop for a minute, it cannot interrupt their effect and production economy - a system of life.

Thirdly, everything created by man, economies in the form of a "second nature" - means of production and infrastructure - constantly wear out. Dynamic economy is designed to recreate, reproduce anthropogenic nature.

In the fourth, scientific and technical and public progress stimulates people to look for new ways and means of production, improve the lifestyle - this is another indispensable economy to continuously functioning.

The economy is designed to do not be alone, but to act, work for people and in the name of people. Economic actions include the production activities of the people themselves, their interaction with the means of production and among themselves. Production leads to the transformation of economic resources in the necessary person, society an economic product.

Production factors

The economic resources involved in the production process begin to play the most active role in it, turn from the source to the market member. To emphasize this important circumstance, it is advisable, along with the concept of "production resources", to use the concept of "production factors". Under production factorsunderstand the types of economic resources that are used in production become its participants, affect the amount and quality of the product produced, including the production of health services.

In economic theory, quite often the concepts of "production resources" and "production factors" are not distinguished, considered identical. Such a point of view implies that production factors are formed from economic resources. And yet certain differences between production factors and production resources are available. The resource is what can be used, what is intended for use, and factors - what affects production is used in industrial processes, including in the production, service activities.

In economic science, the three factors manufactured are widely known: land, labor, capital.

Earth as a factor of production is not only Earth in his own sense

ov that is, land and place of placement of production factories is understood in a broad sense as a totality of all natural

cVPCOB planet land involved in the production process. This is arable mli Other agricultural land, land under production facility, minerals, water resources, recent swimming pool, vegetable and animal world of nature. Since health care is used in healthcare, and natural conditions affect health, the natural factor plays a significant role in the health economy.

Labor, understood as a factor of production, is a working force involved, that is, a part of the population participating in production activities. Labor - production factor - is usually measured by the number of workers employed in production, or by the number of working time spent by these employees. It also takes into account the quality of labor, its productivity, return. In the health economy, the labor factor plays a decisive role. The amount and quality of medical services provided directly depend on the quantitative and qualitative composition of medical personnel, the degree of satisfaction of the needs of them, the effectiveness of treatment.

Capital- Third factor of production. Under it understands the means of production used by people used to obtain the product produced. This is, above all, fixed assetsin the form of industrial buildings, structures, equipment, devices, equipment. To capital is customary and manufacturing infrastructurein the form of means of communication, communication, heat, energy and water supply.

In economic science, the main means of production considered as a factor of production are called physical capitalto emphasize its real, material nature. In a practical, applied economy, the fixed assets are called also the main funds.

In the health economy, the main means of production belongs to an important role, since:

  1. the presence of buildings and structures, equipment determines the number of places (pain
    dish beds) in hospitals, and in clinics - bandwidth, -
    all this affects the comfort of treatment;

  2. the presence of instruments, the equipment predetermines the quality and efficiency
-K ° ^ SPA and STR CT UR A fixed assets serve as a determining condition - "the effectiveness of recreational, regenerative health care.

Lov "Capital" is also tied to money, understand how

entry Capital.However, cash capital, in contrast to the physical, not

Rinnato consider the factor of production, because by themselves money in

our water is not involved. But cash capital, referred to as the capital

andor investmentused to purchase fixed assets

capital, becomes a tangible, important factor

\u003e In particular, when it comes to expanding it, increasing Tsache

A\u003e competitiveness.

Considering the concept of "Production Capital" in a broad plan, should be attached to the principal capital reversein the form of current, rapidly spent production resources. The need for working capital is often acutely felt in medical organizations, and in its importance this capital should be included in the third factor.

In addition to these three leading factors of production, another, fourth factor is often mentioned in modern economic literature. it entrepreneurshipentrepreneurial activity, enterprise. Entrepreneurship characterizes people actively involved in producing production and in the management of production capable of effectively, optimally use economic resources in order to obtain the highest results. The entrepreneurial abilities of the organizers and participants in production allow us to obtain an economic product in more and better quality with the same economic resources. If the volume of production is specified, then, thanks to the entrepreneurial factor, it is possible to reduce the number of resources consumable, carry out production at less costs, applying resource-saving technologies and progressive methods of organizing labor and production.

In the process of becoming market relations in the Russian economy and partly in health care, an idea of \u200b\u200bentrepreneurship has emerged as a private sector that distracts funds, factors of production from the state, public sector. Meanwhile, the essence of entrepreneurship in another. It is intended to inhale the initiative, to direct efforts to search for ways of more complete, high-quality, accessible satisfaction of needs in medical products and services in comparison with the level that provides state medicine.

The factor of production is permissible to consider it scientific and technical potentialcywordcharacterized by the degree of education, professionalism of workers, progressiveness of the applied means of production, using in the production of scientific achievements. Scientific and technical and technical and technological potential of healthcare - one of the main criteria for the ability of the health care system to fulfill its basis for the purpose.

Knowledge of production factors makes it possible to evaluate the production capabilities of the economy as a whole and its individual links, such as the health economy.

Production system action

Since the economy is designed to produce what people need, its main function - productionthe finite and associated intermediate economic product. Economic objects involved in production and production processes in it are called productionnoahsystem. The simplest structure of the production system and its action scheme is shown in Fig. 3.

This is a common, enlarged production scheme related to any type of production and economic activity. Production specificity

Fig. 3. Scheme of the production system.

health systems consist in a method through which production resources are transformed into an economic product of production activities, and in the nature of the product itself. Such transformation always occurs in the process of production activities.

Domestic devices are well known from everyday life, converting one type of product to another. Turning meat, bread and onions in the meat grinder, we get mince. Putting into a saucepan with water meat, potatoes, cereals and salt, bay them with water and subjected to boiling, cook cooks as a result of meat soup. Laying firewood in the oven and burning them, we get warm.

Similarly, the production economy is valid. It is served, economic resources come in, as a result of the production transformation of which an economic product is created. Of course, an analogy between the production system and the meat grinder or pots is largely conditional. In production, we are not dealing with the transformation of one type of resources, let's say material, in one type of product, and a wide variety of resources in a variety of products, and a multitude of ways.

Economic resourcesincludes both natural and labor and production facilities (tools and objects of labor), and information. All these resources come to the production system and mixed, connect to it. But this is not a mechanical connection, but the production interaction of various resources by origin. Labor resources using fixed assets and information, applying a variety of natural resource processing technologies, raw materials, materials, energy, ensure the creation of the necessary product of the required quality. So the process of production as a whole is much more so much more and diverse than a specific type of transformation of one Mate IAla to another. Nevertheless, the general scheme of the action of the production system in the leg resembles the process of turning some things into others. In health care, the work of medical workers in its union and divergence with equipment, drugs, sources of substance and energy acts on the body of people, ensures maintenance, strengthening, recruitment of health through the production of diagnosis results, drugs of NNGX funds, updated organs, conditions Vital activity, in the host of the health. Of course, the production activities of Ditin is very specific in that the transformation of resources
encompasses the involvement of a person - the object of treatment, in the process of conversion. In addition, it is solely peculiar and the product, which may be an information (diagnosis), real (medicine), physiological (physiological changes in the body achieved by treatment), a new or updated body (the result of transplanting a body, operational intervention, drug effect), Improving health status.

At the beginning of the working day, many millions of people are sent to businesses, institutions, on their jobs, ready to realize their labor abilities. As soon as these people proceed to the execution of labor "duties, they become employees, production participants,part of the production transformation transforming resources into an economic product. These are involved in the production process labor resourcesrepresenting the most important, creative part of production resources. In health care, labor resources are presented with medical personnel, researchers, auxiliary staff, employees of the management apparatus.

In the course of their work, employees use fixed means of production(called sometimes main funds)in the form of buildings, structures, machinery, equipment, tools. As soon as the employee includes the device, the unit, the machine, these resources become an integral part of the production transformation. They contribute to production and themselves participate in the transformation of production resources to the produced product, gradually wear out, partially giving themselves the objectives of production. Fixed assets represent material and material resources of production, along with other material resourcessuch as materials used in the production and energy forming coverage. INthe difference from fixed assets, the working capital is entirely used for one production cycle (for example, dressings, syringe, portion of the drug), that is, not applied multiple times.

The production process captures, "sucks" natural resourcesin the form of natural wealth. People involve many types of minerals, vegetable and animal world of nature, water, air, land. Thus, natural resources turn into working capital: raw materials, materials, fuel, energy that enter the converter and become participants, composite parts of production. They are the material basis of the economic product.

In medical production activities, natural resources such as medicinal herbs, mineral waters, healing sources, dirt, natural recreation facilities are directly used. At the same time, natural resources form the material basis for creating material and material resources used in medicine.

Federal Health Agency

and social development of the Russian Federation

GOU VPO Altai State

medical University of Roszdrava

Department of Economics and Management


in the discipline "Health Economy"

on the topic: Medical service as an economic category.

Option number 5

Performed Foreign 4 Course 792 Groups


Checked: Vorobyeva V.V.

Barnaul - 2010

1. Introduction ........................................................................... ..3

2.1 Features of medical services ............................................. 5-8

2.2 Private and public medical services ............................8-11

3. Conclusion ......................................................................... ..1.1

4. List of references used .......................................... 11

5. Practical part ................................................................12


A modern health understanding has long been beyond reasoning on moral and ethical topics and is considered, including as an economic category. The characteristic features of medical services are considered in detail. Special significance is attached to the allocation of differences between private and public benefits in the composition of medical services. This allows you to identify the features of the functioning of health in the contemporary market economy. As a result, it is possible to identify theoretical prerequisites for the existence of market and non-market relations in the health care system and their ratio. The dual essence of the medical service imposes an imprint not the development of the entire healthcare system.

    Medical service as an economic category.

In the process of public health market, special economic benefits are created: therapeutic and diagnostic services, pharmaceuticals, medical appliances and tools, etc.

Fortunately is all that, whereby human needs are implemented. Medical services as goods to satisfy the human need for medical care, protection and health promotion.

From the point of view of limited benefits in relation to our needs, we are talking about economic benefits. They are the result of the economic activities of people. A medical service as a good is called economic, if the possession of them is the result of the abandon from possessing by another blessing. Currently, given the continuous increase in the needs of people in high-tech methods of diagnosis and treatment, in highly efficient medicines and medical equipment products, a significant part of medical services belongs to economic benefits. But there are also such benefits that compared to our needs are in unlimited quantities. Such benefits are called free, or non-economic. These are natural wealth in the form of, for example, mud or balneological treatment. Fresh air, clean water, sunlight, vegetable drugs are also free benefits.

It is advisable to exercise the separation of goods on goods and services, based on the sign of materiality.

This product is a product that is in real form. In health care products are called goods, which are a condition for the provision of medical services. These include drugs, medical equipment. They can accumulate, stored for a long time, provided to consumers regardless of the place and time of their creation. Usually such a product is only an application to medical activities.

The service is an action. Unlike the goods, the services do not have the accumulation property, preservation for a long period of time. The process of their production and consumption, as a rule, coincides in time and space.

It should be emphasized that there are no significant differences in economic literature about the definition of the service. Usually under the service means specific production activities, the results of which are expressed in the useful effect that satisfies any human needs.

Describing the service, K. Marks wrote: "This expression means nothing at all, as the special consumer value, which this work adds like any work; But the special consumer value of this work was here the specific name "Services" Because Labor provides services not as a thing, but as an activity ... "; Bearing in mind consumer services. K.Marks further noted that "at any current consumption items, along with subjects of consumption that exist in the form of goods, there is a certain number of consumption items in the form of services."

F. Kotler leads to the following definition: "The service is any event or benefit that one side can offer the other and which are mainly intangible and do not lead to an excretion of anything. Manufacture of services may be, and may not be associated with the goods in its material form. " "Under services, understand the tremendous variety of activities and commercial activities."

In the work of "Economics", K. McConell and S. Brew believes that the service is "what informative (not visible) and in exchange for which the consumer, the company or the government is ready to provide something valuable."

Russian scientists also under the service understand the expedient human activity, the result of which has a beneficial effect that satisfies any human needs.

Thus, summarizing all of the above, it can be assumed that the meaningful certainty of the service as a good contributes to the special. This is good - the relationship between people, an innocent beneficial effect of direct interactions of economic entities, i.e. The result of material activity is independent of the acquisition by this result of material and real form.

It is customary to distinguish the services of a material nature, when the useful effect of activities is embodied in a material object, and so-called intangible, net services, when a useful effect is directed directly onto the person himself. The formation of the benefits of material and intangible in classical economic theory was assumed to be the form of being, from the point of view of its substance or absence. Therefore, beneficial goods believed to the material benefits, and for intangible - services. In the semantic plan, the use of the concept of "intangible benefit" is incorrect, since all the benefits are material, and materiality and materiality - not identical concepts. Based on this, the criterion, the Soviet economic science seems to be fair, attributed the services of the first kind to the field of material production, and labor on their provision to productive work that increases the cost of goods created in society. The so-called intangible sphere was considered non-productive, and labor for the provision of net services (including the activities of health workers) - non-production, not creating and increasing costs, although socially useful. The process of transformation of the economy, recognition of human capital by national wealth, forced many to rethink such an assessment. Analysis of publications on this problem (Boyarinsev V.I, Korchagin V.P., Kucherenko V.Z., Lisitsyn Yu.P., Polyakov I.V., Seleznev V.D.) allows us to conclude about the gradual overcoming approach to health care as a non-productive sphere. The health of the nation, and, consequently, the measures to preserve and strengthen it begin to be considered as one of the most important factors determining the national security of the country, its national wealth.

Health services are the activities of health workers who have their result the useful effect of restoration, maintaining and promoting health. The product of medical activities is formed in the process of providing medical services. Medical activities are not completed by the creation of material goods, does not end with the act of their assignment. Medical activities are aimed at changing the state of the object, which is a person. The task of medical activities is not to create any benefit that can be assigned, but to change the unfavorable state of a person to such a state that can be considered a blessing.

The statement of academician Yu.P. Lisitsyn about the productive importance of labor workers of the entire healthcare industry. In this regard, the scientist notes that "Home Economic and Medical Category - a medical service, as you know, is not a spiritual concept, but a materialized, manifested in the specific activities of the Medica and Paramedicine personnel on the implementation of specific measures of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, administrative and economic , managerial and other actions aimed at preserving, strengthening, improving, reproduction of individual and public health. "

2.1 Features of medical services.

Although services are only a type of specific professional activity and do not have fundamental differences from the point of view of economic interpretation, nevertheless, in health care, as in any other industry providing services, there are features.

The following characteristic features of medical services can be distinguished:

Unacceptable medical services. Features of health services are manifested, as a rule, through their embodiment in the man itself and have in most families of intangible services (intangulation). Unacceptable services manifests itself primarily in the inability to demonstrate their effect to a specific patient up to direct provision. None of the patient can never learn everything about the useful effect and side effects of the services provided to him. Evaluation of the utility of this service to the patient and the possible side effect is usually carried out by analogy of providing similar services to other patients. I would like to note that modern information technologies and allow in some cases to conduct computer prediction of the utility of the service prior to its provision (for example, in reconstructive-plastic surgery), we should not forget that it is only an approximate estimate, without taking into account many parameters.

At the same time, part of the medical services may be in addition to intangible manifestation and real embodiment (market component). For example, the installation of intravascular stents, pacemakers, orthopedic prostheses, the use of sealing material, dental crowns and prostheses, organ transplant, etc. Thus, some of the medical services contains both intangible and real (commodity) components. It is quite difficult, and sometimes it is impossible to hold a clear line between material and intangible services, because You can see interpenetration, formation of adjacent forms. The degree of tangibility of each specific medical service is determined by their quantitative relation. The separation of medical services by the degree of their tangibility is used in constructing scientifically based pricing methods. I would like to note that an increase in the degree of association of medical services has a significant impact on the increase in their value (characteristic of Russia due to the low work of medical staff).

Individual character. Health services almost always have a pronounced individual character, as they are intended in most cases a specific individual. At the same time, the quality of medical services is largely determined by the initial state of the consumer (patient). Even with the massability of the provision of services, it is not necessary to forget that in the end, the service turns out to be a specific patient. This leads to a high degree of individualization of the process of production of medical services and, as a result, the complexity of predicting the expected effect. This feature imposes high requirements for social responsibility of health workers, and also puts forward the need for their professional activities.

Inspection of the processes of granting and consumption. Consumption of a significant part of health services coincides with their production in time and space, which naturally follows from their individual character. This feature is related to the fact that these processes are carried out with the direct interaction of the subject and the object of medical activities. In most cases, medical care requires direct participation in this process not only health workers, but also patients of consumer services. There are no exception to this rule and services associated with the creation of real objects - cardiovels, dentures, orthopedic products. At various stages of providing these services, it is still inevitably the need for direct contact between the manufacturer of services and their consumer.

Medical services are a kind of useful activity that does not create material values, they usually do not lead to ownership of anything. Although it happens that a person who receives a medical service, for example, in the form of dentold, also acquires the prosthesis itself (element of goods in the service).

An element of goods in the medical service may be an extract from the history of the disease, medical examination data, a doctor's recipe, etc. But the element of the goods in the service is still impossible to consider how the goods, in the full sense of the word, because the element of goods in the service inseparable from it and independent value, as a rule, does not.

Recently, in connection with the increase in the well-being of people and the development of new technologies, there is an increase in the number of medical services provided. Investments related to the provision of medical services are considered beneficial in developed countries with a market economy. And there are not only private investors who invest their money in the creation of medical organizations and receiving profit from this, but also the state, because A healthy person involved in the creation of GDP brings income, and the country is less spending money for treating diseases and payable benefits.

At the same time, some types of medical services require large capital investments, such as hospitals, sanatorium services, diagnostic centers, and other, for example, massage therapist services, dentist, reflexotherapist can do the relatively small initial investment of capital. But they all are distinguished by a high level of professionalism of workers.

An important component of the medical market is the definition of a service involved in it. But despite the development of health care and strengthening it in the economy, the generally accepted definition of medical services has not yet been developed, because Definitions that are of great importance in the economy in general may not always approach the problems of health economics, in particular. So, it is believed that the service is a change in the state of a person or a product belonging to any economic unit that occurs as a result of the activities of another economic unit with the prior consent of the first. However, if the patient is unconscious and he needs to provide medical care, then he cannot accept consent to its rendering, and even more so on its payment. Of course, the patient needs help, but the question arises, who will pay for it and in what volume?

When answering a question that makes the consumer, a seller or an enterprise, be interested in a certain product, we encounter on a very significant in the theory of exchange, but a few specific concept of benefit. Consumer benefits and manufacturer benefits.

Under the use of the consumer (patient), you can mean the subjectively estimated product ability to satisfy the needs of their own health. Each product has a well-known basic benefit that consists in its technical and functional features (quality in a narrow sense), it is necessary to distinguish additional benefits associated with features that are not affecting the existence or functioning of the product, for example, a heated energo machine emitter. This includes additional functions of the product (the possibility of using for unforeseeled purposes), as well as accompanying circumstances (purchase, payment, product elimination after use).

Finally, additional benefits include the peculiarities of the product that increase the degree of satisfaction and prestige of its user, and the product often acquires the character of a symbol of a certain social status.

However, the "benefit" or "favor" received from medical services is quite difficult to outlines. If you can still describe the basic health of the medical service, expressing in the deliverance of the patient from suffering, the additional functions of medical services are quite rare, although there are. So, for example, a person who treated in a sanatorium, any disease often acquires an increase in the overall level of health caused by the right nutrition, recreation and physical education regime. If a person is resting in a prestigious sanatorium (for example, in Baden-Baden), he supports some social status.

The benefits of the manufacturer of medical services (doctor, hospital), usually lies in the profit, enterprise growth, guarantees of further activities, optimal capacity utilization, prestige, improving the quality of patient health, etc.

There are a number of medical service definitions. All of them are the point of view of their authors, but only a few really reflect the essence of medical services. We analyze the definition: "The dental service is any activity or the benefit that one side (dental clinic, a dentist) can offer another (patient)" (L.N. Tupikov, S.E. Tupikov, 2002). We believe that such a definition does not sufficiently reflect the focus of the human health. So if a dentist will provide transport to the patient for delivering it to a reception or dental clinic selling the other side of the paste to clean the teeth (economic benefits) - it is unlikely to be a dental service.

The next definition characterizes the medical service already as "professional actions aimed at preserving or maintaining an optimal health level of individual" (A.V. Reshetnikov, 2003). Such a definition really reflects the orientation of medical services to human health. But, with undoubted correctness of this postulate, the definition of medical services should be laid down and such a concept as good. So S.I. Ozhegov in the dictionary of the Russian Language "determines the service as an action that benefits the other.

The provision of medical services, as it is neither paradoxical, but not always can be directed only to the preservation or maintenance of the optimal level of health of the individual. For a number of data, in the United States, about 2 thousand teenage girls per year will expose themselves operations to increase breasts, and in 1998 the number of such operations has doubled compared to 1992. The German magazine "Spiegel" notes that in Germany by approximate It is estimated annually from 300 thousand to 500 thousand cosmetic operations per year. At the same time, today cosmetic operations and laser grinding of the skin are already offered tooth physicians, gynecologists and dermatologists - in order to compensate for the reduction of fees from hospital cash desks. The number of customers affected by cosmetic operations increased 10 times compared to the eighties. Among them are patients with scars on the face, blinded after the operation, even a fatal outcome is recorded. There is a case of a coma after the removal of fat, as well as suicide after a failed cosmetic operation. All this clearly does not contribute to the preservation or maintenance of the optimal level of health.

A person may have a number of special needs, which he can satisfy with the help of medical services, incl. Get the services of cosmetic surgery: hymenoplasty (plastic of virgin splava); Circumcizia, carried out during the surgery of prepuciotomy at ritual cuts of extreme flesh (Muslims, Jews); Increase the volume of the breast (often for commercial considerations of the patient). Although direct medical testimony to surgery in the listed cases may not be, but these services have consumer usefulness for the patient. In some cases, the provision of medical services at the request of the client may apply to the latter, in the future, quite tangible harm to health, but subjectively, at some point in time, a person can benefit from this and he is ready to pay for it.

In connection with the foregoing, we (S.A. Stolyarov, 2003) so define a medical service: "A medical service is any professional action aimed at changing or maintaining physical or mental health, in order to benefit its consumer (patient), in one form or another. "

The world has a tendency to diversify the service sector. Many previously isolated types of services are beginning to be united within the framework of one company, incl. and in health care. Offering a range of services, LPU can increase its competitiveness, weaken the possible risks due to their diversification.

Often services merge into a single set of financial services. There is a unification of a variety of services within the framework of the business. Firms engaged in medical services are beginning to offer services for insurance of life and health, tourist services for the treatment and recovery of patients abroad, etc. The hospital can open a pharmacy kiosk, for the sale of medicines and medical equipment; conclude an agreement with an insurance company for the provision of paid medical services that are not included in the mandatory list of free maintenance; Suggest (for a fee) transportation of home recovering by their transport, etc.

Medical services, as well as a number of others, have 5 basic characteristics (Fig. 1.9), which distinguish them from the product, for example, medicines: no ownership; intangibility; continuity of production and consumption of services; the inability of services to storage; Quality variability.

Fig. 1.9. Properties of medical services

1. Lack of ownership. If a person acquired a product having a physical embodiment, he becomes its owner, which cannot be said about the service. Medical services People are forced to acquire throughout life. Consuming the service, a person has access to it throughout a limited period of time. Having an insurance policy in his hands, his owner can contact the doctor only for a certain period, which is paid by the patient.

2. Reasonable, the elusiveness or intangible nature of medical services, for example, a survey means that they are generally impossible to transport, store and packaging. And to demonstrate, see, try, or study them cannot be obtained for these services. At the same time, it is possible to evaluate medical services only after receiving them, and even with difficulty.

Unacceptable medical services causes problems, both their sellers and buyers. This means that potential consumers cannot see or touch many medical services before buying or using them. A typical question that they can ask themselves: "What can it be like?"

The patient is difficult to figure out and evaluate that it is sold, before purchasing the service, and sometimes even after it is received. He is forced to believe the seller of services for the word. For example, the patient who applied to the medical institution cannot not only see the process of diagnosis and treatment, but also to evaluate what has been done and is done correctly. Therefore, from consumers of medical services, it is necessary to have an element of hope and confidence in the service seller.

At the same time, the unacceptable complicates the activities of their seller. Enterprises providing medical services arise the following problems:

· It is difficult to show your goods to patients;

· Even more difficult to explain to patients for which they pay money.

The company can only describe the advantages that appear as a result of the provision of this service, and the patient's services themselves can evaluate only after their implementation (although not always).

To strengthen customer confidence, a medical enterprise, providing services, can take a number of measures:

· If possible, increase the tangibility of your service;

· To emphasize the importance of the service;

· Square attention to the benefits from the service;

· Attract some celebrity to promote your service.

Increase the materiality of the service, the presence of the goods element in the service in the most different form can make it more tangible. It may be modeling the future appearance of the patient on a computer before a cosmetic operation, as well as providing customers with information about employees, their experience and qualifications.

3. Inspection of production and consumption. The production and consumption of medical services is closely interconnected and cannot be broken in time (Fig. 1.10).

Fig. 1.10. Inseparation of production and consumption

medical services

With the inextricable relationship between the production and consumption of services, the degree of contact between the seller and the client may be different, for example, during the repair of the car, there is usually no need for the personal presence of the customer, but the provision of medical services is inseparable from the one who provides them. So, treatment in the hospital is impossible without medical personnel.

It should be noted that when selling medical services, there can sometimes be exceptions and a temporary gap between their sale and consumption may be observed. So a ticket to the sanatorium is usually sold earlier than a person will receive medical services, but their continuity of production and consumption is preserved.

4. Inability to storage services. The specificity of the production of medical services is that, unlike the goods, the services cannot be made and stored. You can only have a service when an order is received or a client appears.

An important distinguishing feature of medical services is their "imyarchiness". They cannot be saved for further sale and provision. Unoccupied hospital beds, rooms in a sanatorium, not provided medical services, cannot be restored. If the demand for services is becoming more suggested, it cannot be corrected, as when selling medicines, taking the goods from the warehouse. Similarly, if the power of services exceeds the demand for them, income is lost and (or) the cost of services.

5. Quality variability or heterogeneity. The inevitable consequence of the production of production and consumption of medical services is the variability of its execution. One of the most important indicators of medical services is their quality. It is customary to allocate three components of the quality of medical care: the quality of the structure, quality of technology, the quality of the result.

The quality of the structure involves the possibility of LPU to provide medical services at the proper level. This includes the qualifications of personnel, the presence of the necessary equipment, state of buildings and premises, medicinal provision, financing, etc.

The quality of technology characterizes the optimality of a complex of therapeutic and diagnostic measures rendered by the patient.

The quality of the result is the ratio of actually achieved results with actually achievable.

All components of quality are closely related to each other and have a great influence on each other. So the low level of structure of the structure is hardly ensured by an acceptable level of technology quality, and violation of diagnostic technology and treatment can lead to adverse results for the patient. So in the Altai Territory in 2003 there was the following case. In one of the dental offices, a dentist before extraction of the tooth produced local anesthesia to three patients with an aqueous ammonia solution instead of lidocaine. Even if there was a pharmacy error in the packaging of the drug, then the doctor's fault is obvious, because He produced anesthesia in the "conveyor mode" - put the injection and sent the patient to the corridor to wait "when the language numbers" (although the patient was supposed to be in a chair under the supervision of a doctor), after which the same manipulation and in the same mode he produced with the rest of patients . Result: Low quality structure (illiterate doctor) → Not compliance with the technology for providing services (lack of patient observation) → adverse results for the patient (tissue necrosis).

The quality of the service is pretty much depends on who provides it, as well as from where and when it is provided. In one hospital, treatment and service high quality, in another, located nearby - lower quality. Inside the hospital, one doctor is polite and executive, while the other is arrogant and damages the prestige of the LPU. Even the same specialist during the day provides services in different ways.

When buying a product, the consumer simultaneously receives information about certain standards for its use. The whole thing is a person who has a medical service. Sometimes even a highly qualified doctor may allow a coarse error. Expressions of the type "My life in your hands" very well describe this situation

In most cases, the quality of medical services can be expressed only descriptively, and it can only evaluate its consumer only after it is purchased.

To reduce the variability of medical services, it is necessary to identify the causes of this phenomenon. Most often their impermanence or quality variability is associated with the qualifications of the employee, in addition, variability can be caused by the lack of competition, weak training and training, lack of communications and information, the lack of regular support from managers.

In principle, the variability of medical services may be connected with the inappropriate personal features of the nature of the medical worker who are very difficult to reveal at the stage of staff selection.

Another importantly important source of the variability of medical services, of course, the person himself, his uniqueness, which explains the high degree of individualization of the service in accordance with the requirements of the consumer, this makes it impossible to make them the mass of their production. For example, an abnormally located appendix can deliver a surgeon to a mass of problems in appendectomy. At the same time, it generates the problem of controlling consumer behavior or at least accounting for behavioral factors when working with clients.

Another problem is the ambiguity of the evaluation of the result. For example, death can be estimated from two points of view. From medical workers, all efforts may be taken, but the patient may die due to the nature of the disease and the peculiarities of his body, while the doctor may assume that he did everything depends on him. From the side of the patient's relatives, accusations may be nominated (sometimes quite justified) that the doctor did not do everything for adequate treatment of the patient.

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Acting in a market economy, health care, like any other industry to a certain extent, is subject to the laws of the market.

In everyday life, the market is most often associated with a place where you can buy products, clothing, household goods, etc. This is the most ancient form of the market - a traditional place where buyers and sellers make deals. From the point of view of the economy, the market reflects the relationship, which make up between manufacturers, vendors, intermediaries and consumers of goods and services. There are many market definitions, but they all reduce the fact that the market is a set of economic relations manifested in the field of exchange of goods and services, as a result of which the demand, supply and price are formed in the context of competition.

The market of medical goods and services is a market segment that provides medical products and services to preserve and improving public health. It makes it possible to receive and provide medical services, guarantees their necessary volume and the appropriate level of quality.

The market in health care includes a whole system of interrelated markets: medical services, drugs, medical personnel, scientific research, medical technology, medical equipment, etc.

Distinguish the following basic concepts of the market:
. demand;
. sentence;
. service;
. price;
. competition;
. marketing.

Demand is one of the fundamental concepts of a market economy. For health care demand (need) is the number of medical goods and services that wishes and can acquire society (individual patients) during a period of time at a certain price.

There are the following types of demand in the market of medical goods and services.

Negative demand: on vaccinations, reception to the doctors of individual specialties, painful, expensive procedures, etc.

Hidden demand. When individual patients may experience the need to be satisfied with the help of the medical goods and services available on the market, for example: family doctor services, disposable medical products, service services, individual dining in the hospital, etc.

Falling demand. For example, recently fell in the syringes, the blood transfusion systems of reusable, hypotensive drugs of domestic production, so the market has reacted with an increased proposal for syringes and the blood transfusion systems of one-time use, imported drugs.

Irregular demand. These are seasonal temporary fluctuations. For example, the demand for sanatorium-resort treatment is higher in the spring-summer period than in the autumn-winter. Appeals to individual specialist physicians depend on the seasonality of some diseases (flu, ulcerative disease, viral hepatitis, etc.).

Excessive demand. In health care, there is an excessive demand for urgent medical care for festive and post-vacation days, when patients suffering from chronic diseases disrupt the diet, mode, abuse alcohol; The level of injury is increasing.

C \u003d n x n,

Where C is the demand for medical services;
N is the number of patients;
P is an indicator of the appeal of the population for medical services.

The following fundamental concept of the market is a proposal. The value of the proposal is determined by the number of goods and services that the manufacturer (seller) wishes and can sell at the given time at a certain period of time.

With regard to healthcare, a proposal is the number of medical goods and services that manufacturers may provide in a certain period of time. The proposal, other things being equal, also changes depending on the price change: as the prices increase the manufacturers (sellers) offer patients more products and services. When the price is falling, their interest is reduced and accordingly decreases the volume of goods and services produced by them.

A medical service is a structural element of preventive, medical and diagnostic, rehabilitation, sanatorium-resort, sanitary and epidemiological, drug, prosthetic and orthopedic and other types of assistance having a certain value.

The most complex object of standardization in health care is medical services. The need to standardize medical services is determined by the needs of the population in obtaining accessible and high-quality medical care, as well as the emergence of fundamentally new medical technologies, medicines, medical products, equipment.

Medical services are divided into:
. simple;
. Complex.

In terms of its functional purpose, medical services are divided into:
. prophylactic;
. diagnostic;
. medicinal;
. restorative rehabilitation;
. Service.

Manipulations, research and procedures as separate medical measures aimed at providing medical care, but not having independent completed prophylactic, diagnostic, medical or rehabilitation values \u200b\u200bare auxiliary elements of medical services. For example, the withdrawal of the organ at the donor, autopsy, etc.

Under the conditions and the place of rendering, medical services can be divided into houses provided at home, in outpatient polyclinic, hospital, sanatorium-resort and other health care facilities. Under a simple medical service is understood as an indivisible service, such as diagnostic manipulation, inspection of a doctor, etc.

A comprehensive service can be represented as a set of simple services reflecting the technological process of medical care in each particular institution in each particular institution.

In addition, the standard and individual medical services distinguish.

Standard medical services are mainly provided by unified technology for the overwhelming majority of patients and have relatively sustainable pricing.

Individual medical services have a wide range of manipulations of diagnostic, therapeutic procedures, a large set of medicines and medical products. They have differentiated price list prices that make up the individuality of the costs at their execution.

Specific features of medical services:
. intangibility;
. non-breakability;
. quality variability;
. ambiguity in assessing the result;
. Medical service This product is not only a manufacturer (medical worker), but also the consumer (patient).


The medical service cannot be seen, to hear, touch, appease until its consumption. A single patient will never be able to learn everything in advance about the consumer properties of the services provided to him. Any information about this, even emanating from the attending physician, will always be probabilistic. The assessment of the consumer properties of medical services is carried out, as a rule, at the level of subjective perception of their effectiveness (useful effect and side effects), sensations and emotional experiences of patients.


Unlike goods of both medical and non-medical destinations, which are first produced, then some time can be stored in stock, or stand in the store for sale, the medical service is characterized by the fact that the process of its production coincides with the implementation process. Medical services are not subject to storage and accumulation for the purpose of subsequent implementation. It is impossible, for example, using the increased demand for one or another type of medical services; At first, accumulate, and then instantly "throw away" them from a warehouse to the market.

Quality variability

Medicine is a creative process that is characterized by the high personality and non-standardity of a professional approach to the patient, and in the end, sometimes the unpredictability of the results. Despite the strict regulation of medical activities, in health care cannot be a single, depled approach to the treatment of patients, even with the same pathology, therefore, in diagnostic and prognostic aspects, the quality of medical services can fluctuate widely.

It depends primarily on the qualifications of the medical worker, the equipment of the medical and preventive institution, the availability of medical care, the time and place of providing services, from the one who is its consumer, and many other factors.

Ambiguity in the evaluation of the result

The medical service can not always be assessed only positively. For example, when amputate legs to the patient, we will receive a positive medical effect: the patient stayed alive and can perform any work in specially created conditions, but it became disabled, and this is a negative social effect.

Medical service is a product not only manufacturer (medical worker), but also the consumer (patient)

The quality of the medical service is formed as a result of the agreed actions of the medical professional and the patient's desire to benefit. The result of treatment will largely depend on how precisely the patient makes recommendations and appointments. Incompretation of medical treatment may also cause an adverse outcome, which does not depend on the level of qualifications of medical personnel, nor on the nature of its actions.

Medical goods and services, like any product, have a cost, the monetary expression of which is the price. In the market of medical goods and services, the price takes a central place in competitive exchange and serves as one of the tools for regulating this market.

The price is the amount of money for which the "buyer" can buy, and the "seller" is ready to sell this product or a medical service. The price is a kind of compromise of the economic interests of market participants.

Prices are powerful and at the same time flexible economic management lever.
Taking into account the fact that the price is organically related to the proposal and in demand, allocate the following concepts;
. demand price;
. Offer price;
. equilibrium price.

The price of demand is such a market price with such a state of demand and suggestions when the buyer's market is developing. At this price "Buyer" is able to buy a medical service or product. Above this limit, the price cannot rise, since patients will not be able to purchase it.

The price of a sentence is a market price with such a state of demand and suggestions, when the so-called seller market is developing. This is the price for which the "Seller" offers its service or product. At the same time, the price of proposals should recoup the cost of production of medical goods and services.

With equality of demand and supply on the market, the so-called equilibrium price is established. When the price is reduced, demand increases, as people want to acquire more products or services, and, on the contrary, with increasing price, demand can go to the decline.

Thus, the market mechanism provides a dynamic balance between supply and demand. The market in this case acts as a self-regulating system, an effective mechanism for the interaction of demand, supply and competition for the formation of prices, production and sales, as well as the level of consumption of goods and services. In addition, it provides an increase in production efficiency, product quality.

However, market self-regulation is not universal and should be complemented by state regulation mechanisms, which seems to be a fundamental idea of \u200b\u200bimproving market mechanisms in socially significant areas of the economy. This is especially true for the market for goods and services in health care.

The main link of the market mechanism is competition.

Competition is a competition between economic entities, the struggle for the markets for the markets of goods and services in order to obtain higher incomes, other benefits.

Competitive struggle for economic survival and prosperity - the law of a market economy. In the market of goods and health services, competitive participants can be:
. state, municipal health care institutions - on the implementation of the state (municipal) task on a competitive basis;
. organizations producing similar goods and services for health needs;
. Promotional doctors and pharmaceutical workers providing similar medical products or medical services.

The study of competitors, the allocation of their strengths and weaknesses is extremely important for the conquest of a certain share of the medical services market. Compare your services with competitors services, you can determine our competitive advantages, market positions.

Competitive advantages are unique, special features of medical organizations that distinguish them from others. It is they who help to make a profit higher than others producing and providing identical medical products and services. Defining competitive advantages, it is important to focus on patients, on their needs and be sure that these advantages are perceived by them as such.

The following competitive advantages can be distinguished:
. high reputation for the organization of health care;
. high quality medical goods and services provided;
. orientation on the patient, its requests and wishes;
. sufficient material and technical base, highly qualified personnel, modern equipment, sustainable financial support;
. the uniqueness of the offered medical goods and services;
. Reasonable prices for patients not exceeding or lower prices for similar medical products and services of other market participants.

Competitive advantages should be considered as the basis of the strategy of the behavior of participants in the market of medical goods and services, which is especially important in the context of the development of compulsory and voluntary health insurance.

For an effective organization of production and implementation of medical goods and services, knowledge of medical marketing is needed.

O.P. Schepin, V.A. Medic

Questions for repetition

1. What is investing in the concept of "health" as a biological, economic, social category?

2. What is the social importance of health?

4. What are the economic resources and how are used to maintain and strengthen health?

6. What is the connection of health with the standard of living of the population, quality of life?

8. What does the concept of "healthy lifestyle" mean?

The main purpose of the economy as a farm is to provide people means of existenceand maintain the conditions of existence necessary people. Basic condition of existencea person is his health, so the maintenance of people's health is legitimately considered as one of the defining problems of the economy.

The means of existence in aggregate with the conditions of existence are designed to satisfy the needs of people, including such a fundamental as the need for health. Since the need for health can not be satisfied directly, by producing and providing, selling goods to the consumer called "Health",

the economy is able to satisfy this particular need only through services and goods that contribute to maintaining and improving health, preventing diseases and healing from them.

Given that the needs for services and health goods are manifested and are in direct relationship with other needs of people, states, societies and form an integral part of this general system of needs, consider human needs in general, highlighting the needs of the needs of interest to us. At the same time, we establish a place that occupy the needs of products and health services in the general system of personal, family, social needs.

All the fact that the person needs, what is required by him, without which it is difficult or even impossible to live, call needs.All people seek to saturate or, as economists say, satisfy their needs. Things, items, services, with which a person, family, people satisfy a variety of, numerous needs, is customary benefits.

The need for health undoubtedly refers to the number of the first vital needs, the satisfaction of which is the main task of health care and is provided by all its means, including economic. Therefore, health itself as a source of satisfaction of life needs, and medical methods and health care facilities should be considered as good.

Some needs of people, for example, in oxygen, water, partially warm, are satisfied from natural sources. Nature itself created the conditions of existence, thanks to which a person saturates such needs without much effort and costs, like animals. it freely received by all the benefitsfor which you do not have to pay money or pay difficulty, give out other things in return. The presence of such free benefits is a person owes nature. Caring for natural wealth, environmental protection, its restoration and there is a kind of fee for free benefits.

Natural sources in the form of fresh air, clean water, sunlight and heat are also free benefits that are conducive to preservation and health promotion. This and more people receive from nature in the form of natural medicines and treatments. As the availability reduces, such goods all relate to the categories are free. In addition, due to the unfavorable environmental consequences of the production and economic activity of people leading to environmental pollution, many types of natural benefits, without which people cannot do, become antibules that undermine human health.

But many other needs, especially in food, clothing, housing, movement, in spiritual benefits can only be satisfied with the help of the existence created by the people themselves. This, as mentioned earlier, economic benefits,which do not get people for free. They can be obtained only for money, through labor costs or in exchange for other benefits.

in urban transport and much more, for which all citizens or individual categories do not pay money? Yes, these are economic benefits for which there is no one who receives them, but other people in the person of the state, society. Similar benefits are known called public.

Actually, the free, natural benefits should be paid, spending efforts to pick up nature fruits by exercising environmental activities. So the clear boundary between paid and free benefits does not exist. Continuous increase in the needs of people, an increase in their diversity, on the one hand, and the limited possibilities of their satisfaction due to the insufficiency of available sources - on the other, lead to an increase in the share of economic benefits compared to free, non-economic. Even natural water and clean air are becoming increasingly available, increasingly you have to pay money for the good, formerly free. More and more benefits, a person is not directly from natural sources, but through the economy, economic activity. Creating people you need, good - this is the main economic process called production.

Created people productsand serviceshealth care is naturally to economic benefits. Even medicinal herbs and drugs of natural origin, treatment through the use of thermal sources, mud, mineral waters require preliminary efforts in the form of collecting, cooking, arrangement, packaging, transportation and other procedures. Separate types of natural treatments used are required to accompany the services of medical personnel. All this indicates the economic nature of goods in the form of goods and services used in health care.

The processes for the creation and application of treatments are so closely related to the economy that they are not called not to provide services, but health.

Consumption, application, use of goods, saturation of needs, the satisfaction of the needs in economic science is called consumption.The word "consumption" is necessary, therefore, to understand in the broadest sense, bearing in mind and eat food, and wearing clothes and accommodation in the house, and a trip to the car, and the service in the bath (service consumption), and reading a book (consumption spiritual benefits). Consumption - the final process, in the name of which it works, the economy works. Consumption is legitimate to consider the purpose of the economy, but with one substantial reservation. It is necessary to consume exactly as much as required for a full-fledged life, in volumes caused by the physiological needs of the body, the spiritual requests of the individual, rational, scientifically based norms. Otherwise, consumption is able to abandon the unrestrained, harmful consumerismthose. In consumption for consumption, and not in the name of satisfaction of needs. Consumer trends often lead to the accumulation of benefits in excessive amounts, over all measures, and besides also unused. The causes of consumerism are most often in greed, compliant, immigration of people.

Consumption of goods and health services fits into the general description of consumption, but at the same time has certain features. If we are talking about drugs,

special types of clothing and shoes for sick people, bandages, bandages, devices facilitating the performance of life functions, and other similar means, then consumption means in an economic sense use, application.Consumption of medical equipment means it usingin the processes of diagnosis and treatment. The same refers to buildings, premises, equipment, which generate basic means of health organizations.

It is more difficult to deal with the consumption of health services in the form of a variety of activities of medical and auxiliary medical personnel. In health care they are called treatment, care for patients. In the economy, the use of services, including medical, is customary called service consumption,under which the consumer is obtained by the consumer in the form of the results of the activities of persons providing him with help, assistance, treatment, maintenance.

In health care, the consumption of services is not always the final process in the full sense of the word. Services are completed by a certain type of production and medical activity or the stage of treatment. The rest, the final process, is the assimilation of the patient the results of treatment. The indirect analogy represents food intake, concluded, strictly speaking, its assimilation by the body. The only difference is that the results of treatment rarely absorb so quickly and reliably as food. Consumption of certain types of health care services, such as diagnostic, consulting, medical and health, expressly considered the final procedure of the relevant activities.

There is reason to talk about consumer trends in health care, watching the patients, and even more so pseudo-shared, ready to carry out the main part of life in medicinal institutions without need. Such a re-configuration (harmful consumerism) is manifested in an unlimited, not necessitated the need for health of the use or even abuse of medicines.

Many people need are saturatedin the sense that they can be satisfied sufficiently known tools. For example, a person is quite enough to consume a food diet with a calorie content of about 2500 kals. Consumption over this border of saturation becomes excessive and even harmful (other thing, people always want to consume more diverse, delicious food). Or is unlikely to have more two refrigerators in the apartment. But the need for knowledge is not limited to a clear border. The need for money, although there is a deliberate amount of money, is quite sufficient for human-free existence.

As for the needs for goods and health services, they should, in our opinion, attributed to saturated. Even the original need for health is saturated in the sense that the painless state of human health, whose body normally performs the functions inherent in it, may well be called the norm of health, sufficiently satisfying the need for it. Accordingly, the saturation of the need for goods and services of health care should be considered the possibility of obtaining them in quantity and composition, time and place defined by

the state of health and objectively necessary means of maintaining it. At the same time, the quality of methods and means of treatment, scientific knowledge of human health is not limited to a predetermined limit.

Are the needs of different people? Obviously, certain needs, such as food, clothes, knowledge, are peculiar to all people, others are not all, but only in need of them. The need for health is obviously inherent in all normal people, but needs in certain services and health products - those who are needing in them. It seems that the needs in the modern diagnosis of the state of the human body, hazardous diseases, in anti-epidemic measures, in sanitation and hygiene, are universal in medical and health procedures, distributed to all people (a few different degrees - depending on age, gender, state Health, regional features).

To a certain extent, the needs of a person, family, groups of people, society are distinguished. Therefore, allocate personal, family, group, public needs.

The needs for services and goods intended for the protection of human health, treatment are mainly personal, individual. The object of care, maintenance, satisfying medical needs is ultimately personality, man. The health of a separate person is the elementary cell, of which there is a level of health of families, social groups, the population of the region, countries. Therefore, the personal needs of a person in health care products form the basis of the entire needs system in services and health goods.

In addition, there are personal needs due to the fact that self-medicine is played a huge role in medicine, as well as homework - under the supervision of doctors or independent. Anyone needs a home first-aid kit in the form of a set of standard or individually intended medicines. Each person must have instruments for measuring temperature, and in some cases - special equipment, the choice of which is due to the nature of the disease. The presence of medical and health care products, sanitation and hygiene has become a sign of medical and even a common culture.

To the category of personal needs for health care, the presence of elementary, common medical knowledge, household background medical literature, the ability to recognize the signs of a suddenly emerged disease and provide simple urgent help. People prone to diseases or chronic patients need a means of calling medical care.

In special cases, individual patients can afford to satisfy the need for a personal physician; However, more often people use family doctors.

Family needs of a medical nature may exceed the amount of personal needs of each family member, as sometimes there are health problems and its protection related to the family as a whole (due to, for example, hereditary diseases, the dangers of the dissemination of a disease of one of the family members for the whole family). Separate funds

health care, medical physical education, drugs can be the object of the needs of the whole family or several family members. This fully refers to subjects of sanitation and hygiene.

With all the meaning of personal and family needs in services and health products, such needs can be met in almost full, at the regulatory level, only when they become part of group, social needs.For such an output there are convincing justifications.

First, the provision of medical services to an individually to everyone who needs a person at home, through personal treatment, it would require a significant increase in medical personnel, delivery of funds treatment to each individual, which would lead to a huge increase in the cost and cost of service.

Secondly, the provision of health care services in their public form allows you to focus medical and medical staff, medical equipment, diagnostic and treatment tools, to create favorable conditions for medical treatment and provision of other services within relatively narrow zone clinic and hospital hospitals. This greatly improves the quality and reliability of maintenance, treatment by giving it a comprehensive, comprehensive nature and ensuring sterility conditions. In addition, when collective, multiple maintenance, cost savings and the best use of the production potential of the clinics are achieved.

Caused causes are so significant that they give reason to talk about the social nature of the majority of health care needs. There is no doubt that the health of each person represents intrinsicness and for him personally, and for the state, society. It is clear that the processes of treatment of patients are personally oriented, mass treatment is rather an exception than the rule. But the needs for services and health goods are public in the sense that they are peculiar to almost all people and can be fully satisfied only with the use of social forms. Thus, the consumption of health care products is mainly massive social character, has a public nature.

This thesis is also supported by the consideration that the same diseases are characterized by many people with many specificity, tend to spread on a mass scale. Therefore, the treatment of one requires the treatment of many to the same extent to which treatment of many requires the treatment of each of them.

The public health requirement arises as a result of integration, compounds and interaction of personal and family needs with group, collective. Thus, the team of the vessel needs a ship's doctor and a medical point, the population of the village - in a small polyclinic, the city is needed by diverse clinics, hospitals, doctors, and the country as a whole is a comprehensive health system that allows you to meet the needs of the entire population.

In economic science, the need is usually divided into material and spiritual. Materialrefer to the needs of people in things, subjects, material values, while spiritual needs- This is a need for spiritual food in the form of knowledge, beliefs, cultural values,

information, information about the world, intellectual communication.

Needs in health care have both material and spiritual nature. Material and material needs include drugs, medical nutrition, therapeutic clothing and shoes, material treatment facilities in the form of materials, energy, equipment, vehicles, equipment, devices, premises, buildings, structures. The spiritual should consider the need for health science, in medical knowledge, in information about diseases and methods of their treatment, in consultations, health culture, healthy lifestyle.

This is quite obvious truths. But it is not always so easy to classify health needs, referring to obviously material or spiritual. The problem is not solved so simply in relation to the nature of health services in the form of basic types of medical and medical activities in the treatment of patients. The need for a removal operation or even replacement of organs and their parts is formally material in nature and is directly related to the application of physical effort. But it is inseparable from the spiritual need in the form of the initial establishment of the type of illness and the method of treatment. Studying the survey data of the patient, listening to his complaints, writing down the medicine, the doctor satisfies the most likely the spiritual needs of patients, but in the process of receiving drugs, the use of other physical treatments of treatment is materialized, acquire a real form.

The thing is that health itself combines inseparally related, interacting material and spiritual principles. Therefore, the need for health, and the need for providing its health care products is a comprehensive material and spiritual character. This connection is so strong that it is often not possible to divide the material and spiritual aspects of health services. Therefore, one of the most characteristic features of health care services, the needs of them and their consumption processes, which highlights the economy of health care in the category of very specific sectors of the economy and service sectors.

Usually, people's needs are customary to rank, establishing the measure of importance, the significance of a particular group of needs in the general hierarchy, often depicted in the form of "pyramid needs." Sociologists are quite often placed in the top of such a "pyramid" the need of people in self-realization, self-expression, self-affirmation, and in the foundation of it - the physiological needs considered as the simplest, not so significant and important. At the same time, the need for health and health care is not allocated as independent, and is included in the need for security and assistance.

If we proceed from the fact that the need for health and in its protection is of life character and without its satisfaction, other needs cannot be implemented, then this need deserves the highest place. But since health is initially present in a healthy body, psychologically people are not predisposed to be considered its highest value as long as the need for health does not become an adequate need for life. Only due to the loss of health comes awareness

the fact that physical and spiritual health is the main, the main vital value.


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