The number of duty locks. Calculation of the annual production of products before and after the introduction of automation tools. Calculation of fot workers

Practical lesson 4. Justification of the number of workers.

Solve the proposed tasks. Analyze the results obtained. Draw conclusions. In accordance with the course of the course, the task is performed on this topic (for example, version 10, and the task number is solved, respectively, 10, after 25 task number, for version 26 will correspond to the problem 1, etc.)

Methodology Performing a reference job 4

Justification of the number of workers.

Justification of the number of workersit is the start of the formation of savings and costs and labor efficiency growth. The determination of the calculated number of workers is carried out by the formula:

where σt ePP - the total labor-intensity of the production program (N / h);

ABOUT r - planned scope of work (in rubles, pcs., units. Equipment);

F. 1 - the time fund of one worker, corresponding to the planned period (hour, min);

IN 1 - Development of one worker for the corresponding planning period (rub., Piece);

TO oNPL - The planned factor of rules is 1.1.

Calculated number (h r) Corrected depending on the changing organizational and technical conditions of production. With an increase in production, the calculated number increases on the growth rate of production. An increase in the implementation ratio of norms leads to a decrease in the number, since the denominator increases in the calculated formula (1). The presence of loss of working time (to p) leads to a decrease in the workout coefficient (to zan.), the utilization factor (to and \u003d 1-K p) and leads to an increase in the necessary (valid) number of workers, since it reduces the denominator in the calculated formula (1). Consequently, the ratio between the calculated (h r) and felting (h i'm in) The number of workers is determined by the formula:


Example 1.

Determine the number of technologists in the enterprise, if the planned annual production volume of equipment and equipment, to which technological processes need to be developed, is 5,000 thousand USD; The conditional annual production of one technologist, calculated on the actual annual volume of production in monetary terms, is 25 thousand USD; The coefficient that takes into account the additional work performed during the development of the technological process is 1.15.

Czech \u003d Σor / B \u003d 5000/25 \u003d 200 people.

ЧРВ \u003d Чр * kD \u003d 200 * 1,15 \u003d 230 people, where kD-coefficient, taking into account additional work.

Answer: The number of technologists in the enterprise is 230 people.

Example 2.

In the base year, the volume of commercial products at the factory number of workers is 730 people. amounted to 2650 cu In the planned year, with an increase in the production volume by 8%, the relative reduction in the number of employees should be made at the expense of the following factors: the modernization of equipment - 26 people, the organization of complex teams and the combination of occupations - 12, the reorganization of the departments of the main mechanic and energy - 3 people. At the same time, due to the production necessity, the instrumental area with an increase in the number of 11 workers is expanding. Calculate changes in labor productivity to change the development of one employee.

    We determine the productivity of labor in the base year:

PR \u003d TP / CR \u003d 2650/730 \u003d 3.63 cu / person.

    Determine the number of workers in the planned year:

CR \u003d 730-26-12-3 + 11 \u003d 700 people.

    We determine the volume of commercial products in the planned year:

TP \u003d 2650 * 1.08 \u003d 2862 USD

    We define the productivity of labor in the planned year:

PR \u003d TP / CR \u003d 2862/700 \u003d 4,088 cu / person.

    Changing the productivity of labor in comparing the planned with basic in kind:

ΔPR \u003d 4,088-3.63 \u003d + 0.458 cu / person.

    Changing productivity in comparison of the planned with basic in%:

ΔPR \u003d 4,088 / 3.63 * 100% \u003d + 112.62% - 100% \u003d + 12.62%

Answer: Changes in labor productivity in comparison of the planned with basic in%: 12.62% and natural dimension: +0.458 cu / person.

Task 4.

Solve proposed tasks

Task 1. In the base year, the volume of commercial products at the factory number of workers is 680 people. was 3250 cu In the planned year, with an increase in the volume of production, a relative reduction in the number of employees should be made at the expense of the following factors: the modernization of equipment - 28 people, the organization of complex teams and the combination of occupations - 15, the reorganization of the departments of the chief mechanics and energy - 5 people. At the same time, in connection with the production necessity, the instrumental area with an increase in the number of 14 workers is expanding. Calculate changes in labor productivity to change the development of one employee.

Task 2.The production time consumption of the planned volume of products according to basic standards and production conditions is 2792 thousand Norms. According to the plan to introduce a new technique, the complexity will decrease for the year by 4.2%. Due to the improvement of the organization of labor, the loss of working time will be reduced by 2%. Determine the number of employees if the working time foundation per worker per year is 1880 hours.

Task 3.. The number of served machines in the workshop 120, the service rate is 8 machines, the number of shifts - 2, the nominal flow of working time per worker per year is 262 days, the real - 232 days. Determine the planned list and fiscal number of service workers.

Task 4.In the workshop there are 250 units of equipment. In the planned year, their number increases by 15%. Service rate for the duty locking of 20 equipment units, in the planned year it will rise by 10%. The plant works in two shifts. In the planned balance sheet of working time, workers' unheums for all reasons are 12%. Determine the planned list of duty tracks.

Task 5.Nutrition standards for servicing workers, the following: Machnikov - 0.2 people, collectors - 0.12 people, regulars - 0, 08 people. Determine the norm of the valuable and list number of serving workers, if in the workshop 50 machines, 40 collectors, 18 regulators. Replacement coefficient is 1.78, the nominal flow of working time per year is 260 working days, the real - 230 working days.

Task 6. T.the detection of the annual production program of the factory is 2500 thousand Norms. In accordance with the plan for improving the efficiency of production, it is planned to reduce the consideration by 15% from July 1. The planned percentage of the implementation of the rules on average in the factory is 130%; An effective working time fund according to the planned balance of the time of one worker is 238 days, and the duration of the working day is 7.6 hours. determine the number of major workers in the planned year.

Task 7. The actual number of industrial and production personnel in the baseline was 2800 people. It is planned to increase product volume by 105%, and labor productivity - by 106%. Determine the planned number of industrialized personnel.

Task 8. The overall repair complexity of equipment in the workshop is 5000 units. Service rate is planned at 500 units. The service rate is planned at 500 units of repair complexity per mechanic in shift; The planned efficient and nominal working time funds are equal, respectively, 240 and 270 days. Determine the list of fixtures of repairmen with two-day work.

Task 9. The production time consideration of the planned volume of work on basic standards is 2630 thousand Normo-h. It is planned to reduce the consideration of 120 thousand norms. Determine the planned number of manufacturing workers if the working time fund is planned to be 1,800 people / h. Per year, and fulfilling the rules of production by 116%.

Task 10. To determine the number of technologists in the enterprise, if the planned annual production volume of equipment and equipment, to which technological processes need to be developed, is 7,500 thousand USD; The conditional annual production of one technologist, calculated on the actual annual volume of production in monetary terms, is 5 thousand USD; The coefficient that takes into account the additional work performed during the development of the technological process is 1.18.

Task 11. In the basic year, the volume of commercial products at the factory number of workers is 980 people. amounted to 2890 cu In the planned year, with an increase in the volume of production, 6% there should be a relative reduction in the number of employees at the expense of the following factors: the modernization of equipment - 28 people, the organization of complex teams and the combination of occupations - 14, the reorganization of the departments of the chief mechanic and energy - 5 people. At the same time, due to the production necessity, the instrumental plot with an increase in the number of 13 workers is expanding. Calculate changes in labor productivity to change the development of one employee.

Task 12.The production time consideration of the planned volume of products according to basic standards and production conditions is 3272 thousand Nords. According to the plan for the introduction of a new technology, the complexity will decrease by 4.8% per year. Due to improving the organization of labor, loss of working time is reduced by 3%. Determine the number of employees if the working time foundation per worker per year is 1880 hours.

Task 13.. The number of served machines in the workshop 100, the service rate is 5 machines, the number of shifts - 2, the nominal flow of working time per worker per year is 266 days, the real - 234 days. Determine the planned list and fiscal number of service workers.

Task 14.There are 280 units in the workshop. In the planned year, their number increases by 12%. Service rate for duty locksmith 20 equipment units, in the planned year it will rise by 12%. The plant works in two shifts. In the planned balance sheet of working time, workers' unheums for all reasons are 10%. Determine the planned list of duty tracks.

Task 15.The number of numbers for servicing workers, the following: Machnikov - 0.4 people, collectors - 0.16 people, regulators - 0, 08 people. Determine the norm of the valuable and list number of serving workers, if in the workshop 40 machiners, 30 collectors, 14 regulators. Replacement coefficient is 1.8, the nominal flow of working time per year - 262 working days, real - 232 working days.

Task 16. T.the core of the annual production program of the factory is 2450 thousand Norms. In accordance with a plan for improving the efficiency of production, it is envisaged from July 1 a decrease in time consumption by 13%. The planned percentage of the implementation of the rules on average in the factory is 120%; An effective working time fund according to the planned balance of the time of one worker is 236 days, and the duration of the working day is 7.8 hours. determine the number of basic workers in the planned year.

Task 17. The actual number of industrial and production personnel in the base period was 3,400 people. It is planned to increase product volume by 104%, and labor productivity - by 103%. Determine the planned number of industrialized personnel.

Task 18. The overall repair complexity of equipment in the workshop is 6000 units. Service rate is planned at the level of 600 units of repair complexity per mechanic in shift; The planned efficient and nominal working time funds are equal, respectively, 246 and 278 days. Determine the list of fixtures of repairmen with two-day work.

Task 19. The production time consideration of the planned volume of work on basic standards is 3300 thousand NORMO. It is planned to reduce the complexity of 110 thousand norms. Determine the planned number of production workers if the working time fund is planned to be 1820 people / h. per year, and fulfilling the rules of production by 112%.

Task 20. Determine the number of technologists in the enterprise, if the planned annual production of equipment and equipment, to which technological processes need to be developed, is equal to 6750 thousand USD; The conditional annual production of one technologist, calculated on the actual annual volume of production in monetary terms, is 5.5 thousand USD; The coefficient that takes into account the additional work performed during the development of the technological process is 1.16.

Table 1


Gross products, thousand rubles.

Table 1


Gross products, thousand rubles.

Development per employee PPP, rub.

Percentage of increasing production volume compared to the basic period

Percentage of production growth compared to the basic period

Table 1


Gross products, thousand rubles.

Development per employee PPP, rub.

Percentage of increasing production volume compared to the basic period

Percentage of production growth compared to the basic period

Table 1


Gross products, thousand rubles.

Development per employee PPP, rub.

Percentage of increasing production volume compared to the basic period

Percentage of production growth compared to the basic period

Table 1


Gross products, thousand rubles.

Development per employee PPP, rub.

Percentage of increasing production volume compared to the basic period

Percentage of production growth compared to the basic period

The calculation of the number is based on the calculated complexity in the PPR graph (Table 6.6) and on the basis of the working time balance (Table 6.8).

Calculation of the number of duty personnel

1. The number of duty personnel is determined by the following scheme: Determined by the uncerticity of the workers' shift- :

, (6.11.)

where, - Total in terms of consideration, then (see the PPR schedule);

T is an effective time fund for continuous production (see scheduled balance of working time);

t - shift duration (8 hours).

1.2. Determined by the uncertic number of workers per day - :

, (6.12.)

where C is the number of shifts per day.

1.3. For accounting workers missing for various reasons calculate the list of duty personnel- according to the formula:

, (6.13.)

where, k is a list coefficient.

We accept the number of duty personnel in the number of __ people, 5 category.

2. The number of repair personnel is determined by the following scheme:

The repair personnel of the shop is engaged in the repair of equipment, it usually works in a day shift (i.e., production is interrupted).

In the calculation of the number of repair brigade, it is taken into account that the organization of repair work is mixed, that is, capital repairs are carried out by contracting organizations, therefore, the complexity of capital repairs is not taken into account in the calculation.

2.1. Determine the number of repair personnel:

, (6.14.)

where, k is the runtime coefficient (1,1);

T is an effective time fund for interrupted production.

2.2. Determine the list number of personnel:

, (6.15.)

where k is the literal composition coefficient (1.15).

The calculated number of workers distribute to discharges:

1. Staff duty - all working 5 discharge

2. Repair personnel: 6 category (brigadier) - 1 person. (brigadier);

5 category - ... people;

4 category - ... people;

3 category - ... people

Calculation of the number of managers, specialists and MOP

The need for IER, specialists and MOP is determined in accordance with the approved management structure. The reserve for the ITR is planned only for interchangeable personnel (shift master).

Based on the standard schedule, the number is calculated:

, (6.16.)

Calculation of the Foundation for Whether the workshop staff (plot)

In this section you need to answer the following questions:

1. The concept of the wage fund.

2. The concept and composition of the main and additional wages of workers.

Calculation of fot workers

I. Calculation of photo duty officers lead according to the following scheme(Electrician on duty 5 equipment repair) :

1.1. We define the wages of the salary of the duty personnel, rubles:

, (6.18.)

1.2. We define a prize, rub.:

, (6.19.)

For duty personnel - 75-85%.

1.3. We determine payment for the night hours:

, rub., (6.20)

where k is a night coefficient (take equal to 13%)

1.4. We define the extra charge for the evening:

, rub., (6.21)

where k is an evening coefficient (take 7% equal)

1.5. We define the extra charge for the festive watch:

, rub., (6.22)

where k is a festive coefficient (accept equal to 2%)

1.6. We define the fund of the main salary:

1.7. We determine the FRSP, taking into account the district coefficient (RK):

1.8. Determine the Additional Wage Fund:

, (6.25)

- Nevickers to work.

for duty personnel, see Table 6.8.

1.9. We define the photos for the year:

1.10. Determine the average monthly salary:

, (6.28)

where, 12 is the number of months a year.

Similarly, the phot for repair personnel is made, but it is necessary to take into account that the process of production is discontinued.

II. Calculation of fot repair personnel lead according to the following scheme:

2.1. We define the tariff fund salary of repair personnel, rubles:

, (6.29.)

where with "- an hourly tariff rate, rub.

2.2. We define a prize, rub.:

, (6.30.)

For repair personnel - 75-85%.

2.3. We define the fund of the main salary:


2.4. We determine the FRSP, taking into account the district coefficient (RK):

Where RK is a district coefficient (adopt equal to 1.2).

2.5. Determine the Additional Wage Fund:

, (6.33)

where, the permissible additional coefficient;

It has, but only if the sanitary worship duty officer does not have to perform work, which, in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, it has no right to perform without a partner, or without registration of outfits and admission and as part of a brigade of at least three people.

The duty staff are persons who are on duty in the change made to the management and switching equipment.

Various requirements are presented to duty personnel, depending on the sphere of their activities, relevant regulatory documents. The number of responsibilities, the rights and responsibility of duty personnel should be defined in job descriptions, as well as in:

    a) operational instructions;

    b) instruction on labor protection and fire safety;

    c) instructions for eliminating accidents and other local regulatory documents.

The number of necessary duty personnel is determined by technology officials (production) duties and is established by the head of the organization.

See, for example, order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated March 24, 2003 No. 115 "On approval of the rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants", p. 9.1.54.: "The need for personnel duty on a thermal point and its duration is established by the management of the Organization depending on local conditions" .

Thus, the rules and norms of the technical operation of the Housing Fund (Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated September 27, 2003 No. 170) provides for the presence of a schedule of attendants of the attendants (plumbing sanitary equipment) - § 5.2.4., P. 5.2.6.

The number of duty locksters - plumbers is not regulated.

If the duties of duty locksmith plumbers working in the evening and night shift are only responsibilities such as: for example:

    systematically carry out the search and inspection of structures and equipment;

    report to the higher duty officer about all deviations from the specified modes of operation of structures and equipment;

    strictly observe and require compliance with other rules and instructions installed in this section;

    do not allow any special tolerances to your site without special tolerances or permission to administration.

    if an accident occurs, immediately report on the crash to the master (boss) of shift or dispatcher;

    take measures to eliminate the accident in accordance with the production instructions;

    in further actions, be guided by the production instructions or instructions of the wizard (chief) of shift or administration,

In this case, it can be one duty plumbing fitter.

See also Ti-130-2002. Typical safety instruction for locksmith-sanitary equipment "(approved. Gosstroke of Russia 11/21/2002), paragraph 1.23." On cases of injury and all faults in the work of mechanisms, equipment, violations of safety requirements, worsening the working conditions, emergency situations of the mechanic Plumber must inform the Master (boss) of shifts and adopt prophylactic measures in circumstances, ensuring its own security. "

If the duties of duty locksmith-sanitary equipment include the fulfillment of the necessary repair and preventive work during duty, such employees should be at least 2.

See, for example, the order of the Ministry of Communications of Russia dated 05.12.1994 No. 271 "On Approval and Enforcement" Rules for Labor Protection on Radio Enterprises of the Ministry of Communications of Russia "(together with POT RO-45-002-94).


P. 8.14. Repair and prophylactic work on radio funds should be carried out by teams (groups) as part of at least 2 people.

The manufacturer of the work should have a group of electrical safety during the works performed on the equipment with a voltage above 1000 B, not lower than IV, and on the equipment with a voltage up to 1000 V - not lower than III.

Members of the operational and repair team (group) performing work on the equipment must have a group of electrical safety not lower than III, but performing mechanical work (plumbing, plumbing) - with the I group of electrical safety.

In addition, for example, such works as the production of work on the repair, inspection and prevention of sewage and plumbing wells, pits, tanks and structures are the works of increased danger, and therefore they should be carried out by the brigade of workers at least 3 people after receiving the instruction on the protection Labor and outfit for work production.

See Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 16, 2002 No. 61 "On approval of intersectoral rules for labor protection during the operation of a water supply and sewage economy" clause 5.2.1., Section 5.2.4.

Labor economy:

Task 1. Calculation of the planned number of duty tracks

In the workshop there are 250 units of equipment. In the planned year, their number increases by 15%. The duty mechanic serves 20 units. On the planning period, the service rate rises by 10%. The plant works in 2 shifts. In the planned balance sheet of working time, workers' unheums for all reasons are 12%. Determine the planned number of duty tracks.

Task 2. Calculation of performance of production standards

Determine the performance of labor-intensiveness and developmentals, if it is manufactured for a change of 140 parts at the rate of production of 130 parts, 53 people are required to manufacture a batch according to standards, and 57 people are spent.

Task 3. Calculation of the planned number of workers

In the workshop of the chemical plant there are 60 devices for generating mineral fertilizers. Each apparatus is served by a link in three people. Work schedule - 2 shifts for 6 hours. Each worker works 225 days a year. Determine the planned number of workers.

Task 4. Calculation of production volume of production

In the annual plan of the enterprise installed the following indicators:

Indicator Reporting period Planning period

Product production, thousand rubles. 500 000 550 000

Production to single worker, rub. 125 000 135 000

Determine the increase in production volume due to the growth of labor productivity and the number of employees.

Task 5. Calculation of a comprehensive time rate and timing of the task

1) Preparation of the workplace - NVR -20 people-hour.

2) unloading materials and structures - 170T, NVR - 0.16 people-hour per 1T.

3) Installation of M / structures - 130t, NVR - 2.2 people-hour per 1T.

4) Welding work 1,300 pog. m, nvr - 0.3 people hour for 1 pm.

5) painting of structures - 30 sq.m, NVR - 0.35 people-hour per 1 sq.m.

6) Cleaning auxiliary devices - NVR -7 people-hour.

Scheduker 4th category (hour tariff rate 5 rub. 39 kopecks) made for 8-hour shift 35 products at a time of time for one product 15 min. The work is charged on the 5th category (the hour tariff rate is 6 rubles. 70 kopecks). Determine the percentage of rules, a piece of salary and the share of the tariff in a piece of earnings.

Annual production of products - 500,530 thousandth, and labor-intensity of the product - 0.4 NOROGO-hour Duration of work shift - 8 hours With a single mode of operation of the enterprise internally variable time loss with in the wine workers - 2%, and the loss of time for regulated simple - 3% Performing rules of production - 104104%.

Determine the necessary number of workers partners

The average number of industrial and production personnel at the enterprise in the reporting year - 120 people volume of commercial products - 1280 thousand UAH In the planned year, labor productivity will increase by 8%, and the volume of production is 55%.

Calculate the number of industrial and production personnel in the planned year

In the underlying year, the average number of employees at the enterprise was 710 people this year the total number of dismissed from work at the enterprise is equal to the individuals, including the owner of them will be desired - 10 people accepted 15 people to calculate the coefficients of the personnel movement on the enterprise.

Turnover on one Seller (MGRN): previous year - 32.0; reporting year - 45.5;

Index of retail prices of the reporting year - 1.10;

Medium Index Turning Party Turnover - 1.15

Task 11.

In the previous year, products were produced in the amount of 215 million UAH next year its issue is planned to be increased by 5% the number of operating in the previous year amounted to 250 people, in its planned year it is envisaged to reduce it on OsiB.

Determine what increase in productivity is scheduled at the enterprise

Analyze the exercise on the production plant for the feasibility plan for the year and calculate the impact on it changes in the number of employees and average wages on the basis of their table 1.

According to Table 2, analyze the dynamics of labor productivity in the enterprise and to find out the magnitude of the growth of commercial products of the combination of production enterprises by changing the productivity and number of employees (intensive and extensive factors).

1. Radiation and structure of the RMS plant

The appointment of the RMS plant is the organization of a complex of operation, maintenance and repair of the main technological and mechanical equipment, as well as the leadership of this complex of work.

The structure of the RMS enterprises consists of three forms of the repair service:




The decentralized form is characterized by the fact that repairmen and material and technological means are dispersed by technological workshops, in which their own equipment is also organized independently.

Advantages: High mobility, operational repairs.

Disadvantages: - The need for a large machine park and industrial premises.

The centralized form is characterized by the fact that all repair personnel and all material and technological means are concentrated in other centralized workshops, divisions, repair organizations.

Advantages: - High quality repairs.

Disadvantages: - High cost of repair work.

Mixed form is a combined form that combines both above the listed forms of repair work. With such

the work system other than the centralization of the mechanical service outside the workshop, repairmen work in the workshop itself and have a repair and mechanical workshop, with a small machine park, technical archive.

Dignity: - Repair is carried out by repairmen of the workshop.

The maintenance and repair organization is engaged in the repair and mechanical service of the plant, which is headed by OGM.

For this workshop we take a mixed form.

2. Radiation and structure of the OGM of the enterprise.

Purpose of OGM.

1) organization of work on the operation, maintenance and repair of equipment in the enterprise shops.

2) coordination of workshops and services of the plant for the preparation of annual and monthly charts of the PPR.

3) Development of activities, to perform repairs and control of their implementation.

OGM activities

OGM activities include the processing of repairs for repairs, applications for spare parts, and are also made and manufactured orders and outfits for the manufacture, and the purchase of parts and spare parts. He heads the OGM chief mechanic who is directly subordinate to the chief engineer of the enterprise.

Structure of the OGM of the enterprise

3. Form of repairs at the enterprise

There are five maintenance options for the main and auxiliary equipment:

1) repair at the factory manufacturer;

2) repairs at the repair plant;

3) repair by the forces of special repair organizations;

4) repairs in the RMC plant;

5) Repair by the RMC shop.

4. Purpose and structure of the RMS shop

At the head of the RMS, the shop stands a mechanic of a workshop, which manages the repairs carried out in the workshop, and also monitors the state of the equipment of the workshop. In submission at the mechanic, the shop is: locksmiths, welders who carry out minor repairs.

The appointment of the RMS shop is to carry out all types of planned equipment repairs, as well as not planned. The repair service should always work efficiently and simply, not allowing equipment downtime, which can lead to material losses.

Structure of the repair and mechanical workshop service.

5. Calculation of the number of repairmen of the workshop

Calculation is made according to the following formula

where: to the joint venture coefficient,

To the joint venture \u003d 1.4 ÷ 1.8; Take to the joint venture \u003d 1.4;

F n - nominal annual flow of working time of one repairman, F H \u003d 2002ch;

To M - the coefficient of mechanization of work, to m \u003d 1.3;

K H is the runtime coefficient, to H \u003d 1.2;

Total labor costs for repairs and inspections of the entire workshop equipment, including accessories and their number,

N 1 -τ | + N 2 ∙ τ 2 + ... + n m -τ n, (62) where:

n M - the number of same type machines;

τ n is the complexity of equipment repairs, average annual (person hour);

for small enterprises

τ \u003d τ ∙ τ t ∙ τ to; (63)

13262 hours - according to practice.

By calculating h SP \u003d 5.8. We accept h SP \u003d 6.

6. Number of duty locksters

The duty officer of the inspection includes maintenance of equipment. If the mechanical equipment fails occur in the change, the duty mechanic comes to eliminate the failure.

The number of patches is determined by the formula:

where k d - the coefficient of accounting for the number of duty tracks, K d \u003d 0.2.

The remaining indicators are similar to those given when calculating the number of repairmen of the workshop.

We accept the number of duty tracks equal to 1, i.e. 1 locksmith for shift.

5.6. Types, methods and repair systems in the workshop

5.6.1. Types of repairs

In non-ferrous metallurgy, there are two types of repair current (T), and capital (K).

At the current repair, the machine partially disassembled nodes and parts, and separate parts and nodes are replaced or restored, the mechanisms are revised, the lard is replaced or restored, the machine tests are carried out.

If the machine has details with a different service life, then two current repairs are carried out.

Current repairs depending on the power of the enterprise are performed either by the shops, factory RMS, or special repair brigades.

Current repairs are performed according to schedules of precautionary repairs. Cost of current repairs are attributed to the workshop cost.

With overhaul, the machine is completely disassembled into parts, cleaning, repairing base parts, replacement or restoration of parts, assembly, regulation, idling test and under load. Depending on the power of the enterprise and the type of equipment, this repair is carried out by the workshop forces, enterprises or with the involvement of special repair enterprises. Capital financing is made from depreciation deductions. Performed according to the graphs of the PPR.

5.6.2. Repair methods.

Repair methods are three species:




1. Individual - with the method from the machine being repaired, worn parts are extracted and sent to the recovery cchens. After the item is installed in the same machine. This method is applied at low power enterprises.

2. The impersonal - with the method from the repairing machine, removed parts are extracted and are sent to the recovery settings, and the parts are installed or new, or previously recovered, taken from the spare parts warehouse. It is applied in enterprises where large breaks in the work of technological lines are not allowed, as well as at high power enterprises.

This method has drawbacks, there are two:

The so-called "Occasion of Capital";

The need for additional areas for storing parts and
nodes. There are two varieties of "impersonal" method of repair:

a) CRKK - periodic replacement of the repair kit;

b) aggregate-nodal method.

3. The mixed method is a combination in certain proportions of individual and "impersonal methods.

5.7. Repair systems

Three system of planned repairs are used:


Standard PPR;

Periodic system of PPR.

1. Nothing - the PPR system provides periodic (once a month) bypassing the mechanic equipment of the workshop, during which he concludes about the need for repair (applied at low-power enterprises).

2. Standard PPR - is to apply the appointed resource, on the exhaustion of which the equipment, despite its technical condition, is replaced or repaired. It is applied in cases where a possible failure can lead to human victims, or large material losses.

3.Teriodic system - it is associated with repairs according to the graph of the PPR. It is applied in enterprises with full equipment loading (around the clock).

We accept the individual repair method and the periodic system of the PPR.


The calculation of the CPR graph is carried out according to the methodology proposed in the "Regulations on the PPR ...".

The initial data for the calculation are the standards of the frequency and complexity of the types of repairs, from the "Regulations on the PPR ...". The source data is shown in Table 5.1.

Table 5.2.

Schedule of PPR.

Equipment and brief technical characteristics


Number in cycle

Elevator H \u003d 18m

transporter Shnekova

diameter \u003d 0.5

Air seporator

Sleep filter

Mill Bowl dry grinding

5.5.1. Repair at the factory manufacturer

It is to clean the equipment, laying in a special container and after sending the manufacturer.

At the factory, the equipment is unpackled, then disassembled on the nodes and parts, the details are performed. The unfit parts are sorted, worn are restored. Then the car is going, it is started at idle (running in). Next, it is packaged in the same container and sent to the consumer.


a) replacement of worn items with details with the same fields of tolerances;

6) repair in a shorter time;
c) Higher repair quality.
disadvantages : Great cost of repair.

5.5.2. Repair at the repair plant

The repair plant is usually located near the enterprises with the same type of equipment, as well as equipment with similar technological features. This plant is equipped with a necessary machine park, technological park, tools and adaptations, driveways, etc.

There are two options for repairing equipment with the involvement of repair plants:

1) When the repaired equipment is sent to repair directly, to the plant. At the factory, the equipment is unpackled, disassembled to the nodes and parts, the equipment defects are performed, the worn parts are restored or replaced with new ones. The car is going, running in, and after sending the equipment to the consumer.

Disadvantage: Low quality manufacturing compared to the manufacturer.

2) Repair plant commits specialists - repairmen on the enterprise where repairs are carried out. At the same time, the company provides these professionals with a necessary tool, working conditions, materials, and in some cases, locksmiths and welders.

5.5.3. Special repair brigades (contractors)

These are organizations that have high-class engineers in their own state of engineers and locks. They are provided with the necessary equipment for repairing any complexity. The advantages include high quality repairs conducted in a short time, and the disadvantages of the high cost of repair.

5.5.4. Forces of the RMC Plant

The company organizes a repair and mechanical workshop equipped with the necessary machine parks, devices and tools, and

also repair venues. RMC is staffed by the necessary staff of repair personnel.

Their work (the work of the RMC) is built on the charts of the PPR. According to this schedule, all types of inspections and repair of the plant are carried out, the RMC is subject to the main mechanic of the plant.

5.5.5. Forces of the RMS shop

The workshop has a specific staff of the current daily work. For the period of repair, the repair team is allocated from this state, led by the brigadier. Remuneration of members of the repair brigade or chord, or a piece of premium. At the end of repairing repairmen perform daily current work. The dignity is to stimulate the work of the repairmen, and the small fluidity of frames.

5.11. Lubricant farm shop

The main task of the lubricant service is to ensure reliable and economical lubrication at all stages of the existence of equipment.

The organization of lubricant in the workshop should be based on the certification of equipment with the preparation of cards and lubricant tables.

Passportization covers all technical, lifting - transport equipment and mechanisms for consumers of lubricants. Based on the lubricant cards and tables, the requirements for lubricants by type and brand are calculated, based on the consumption of shift, per month and during the year. In accordance with the consumption standards and lubrication tables, the required amount of lubricants for each equipment unit determine. Calculations of the need for lubricants performed by mechanics of workshops and other manufacturing enterprises, proven and generalized in OGM serve as a basis for compiling relevant applications. Arrival, storage and issuance of lubricants manufacturing sites are carried out by workers in the warehouse of the workshop lubricants.

5.11.1 Application for fuel

Table 5.3.

Application for fuel

5.12. Workplace Slicer

The scheme of the workplace of the locksmiths and the arrangement of the auxiliary equipment is shown in Fig.16.

Scheme of fitter room

1 -Terctic-drilling machine;

2 rolling machine;

3- Cabinet for storing the tool and inventory;

4 lathe machine;

5- Metal table

6.7- vestacle

5.13. Warehouse shop shop

There are three types of warehouses:

1) open warehouses;

2) closed not heated;

3) closed heated.

This workshop has an open warehouse that is protected from the effects of atmospheric precipitation using a canopy. This warehouse stores the parts and components of machines, as well as various types of consumables that are not afraid of atmospheric precipitation. Also in the workshop there is a closed warehouse on which the equipment, parts and components are stored, which are afraid of direct exposure to precipitation and sun rays. Such consumables as bearings are stored in special cabinets with a constant ambient temperature.

5.14. Outfit tolerance for repair

Enterprise, workshop _____________________________________________________________

Outfit-tolerance № _____

On the work of increased danger

1. Manufacturer of work ______________________________________________________ (Enterprise, shop, position, surname, and, О.)

2. Allowed to execute ______________________________________________

(place of work, equipment name, summary of work)

3. D omitting to work _________________________________________________

(Position, Surname, and, O.)

4. M Events to ensure the safety of work:

4.1 Stop ______________________________________________________________

(stop location, position)

4 .2. Disable ___________________________________________________________

(switch, valve, highway, etc., remove the tag)

4.3. Install ___________________________________________________________

(Blood, deadlock, plugs, signal lamps, etc.)

4.4 Take a sample for an aerial analysis _____________________________________

4.5. Fence _____________________________________________________________

(work zone, post posters)

4.6. Provide security measures when working at height and in wells _____________


4.7. Warn _____________________________________________________________

(Machiners of adjacent cranes and cranes of adjacent spans with a signature in a Wakten magazine)


4.8 Warned safety measures at the railway tracks ______________________


(Installation of signs, posters, fences, deadlocks, etc.)

4.9. Specify routes to the place of work _________________________________________

(If necessary, apply the scheme)

4.10. Additional events ___________________________________________


5. Admission to the tolerance issued _____________________________________________________

(Position, Full name)

6 Mermina performed:

7Clocked: Head of Shift (Plot) _________________________________________


(surname, signature)

7.1. __________________________________________________________________________

(post surname, signature)

8 events have been completed, the safety of work is provided, the manufacturer of work with the working conditions acquainted and instructed, allowing tolerance - allowing to work ___________________________________________________________________

9C The working conditions are familiar and instructed, the preparation checked, the workplace was accepted - the manufacturer of work ______________________________________________

(position, surname, signature, date, time)


1 is working, the outfit tolerance from the manufacturer accepted ______________________


(date, time, position, surname, signature allowing)

5.15. Project organization of work when repairing the machine

In preparing the repair of large and complex equipment, a draft organization of work is drawn up, which is developed by the organization - the Contractor and is consistent with the Customer.

The project of repairs should provide technical means of mechanization of work subject to execution, composition and qualifications of repair personnel. Organization of obtaining, delivery and storage of nodes and equipment parts. Organization of repair and installation sites and sites at the site of work, as well as measures for the safety of their implementation.

Pore \u200b\u200bregulates the procedure and measures to ensure the operations of the preparatory, disassembly and restorative assembly periods.

5.16. Calculation of the operational chart of capital repairs

1) At the first stage, it is necessary to write out of the "typical norms ..." list of all operations performed by repair operations, indicating the number of nodes, laboriousness of operations and discharge of repairmen.

2) Determine the estimated number of brigade to perform repair operations by the formula:

H K \u003d τ k / t K \u003d 25.4 / 8 \u003d 3,175 people. (65)

We accept the nearest importance - the composition of the brigade of 3 people: locksmith 3,4,5 discharges,

where τ k is the regulatory complexity of the implementation of one repair, the person;

t to - repair time, hour

3) Rules for drawing up the schedule:

There must be strictly alternation of operations;

Repairmen should move with one operation to another without breaks;

In each repair day there should be the same number of repairmen;

Comply with the logical, from the point of view of safety, operations;

Repairmen should not interfere with each other.

4) The length of the segment on the graph is determined by the formula:

T 0 \u003d (τ 1 + τ 2 + ... + τ n) / N Rem (66)

where τ 1, τ 2, τ n is the complexity of the operation marked on the graph by one segment, the person-hour;

Prem - the number of repairmen on this operation, a person.

T o1 \u003d 0.6 / 3 \u003d 0.2 hours;

T o2 \u003d (0.1 + 0.5) / 1 \u003d 0.6 hour;

T o3 \u003d (0.8 + 2.0) / 2 \u003d 1.4 hours;

T o4 \u003d 0.8 / 1 \u003d 0.8 hours;

T o5 \u003d (0.5+ 0.5) / 2 \u003d 0.5 hour;

T o6 \u003d 0.5 / 1 \u003d 0.5 hour;

T o7 \u003d 0.6 / 1 \u003d 0.6 hour;

T o8 \u003d 5.0 / 2 \u003d 2.5 hours;

T o9 \u003d (1.5 + 0.4) / 1 \u003d 1.9 hour;

T o10 \u003d 3.0 / 3 \u003d 1 hour;

T o11 \u003d (0.6+ 1,2) / 2 \u003d 0.9 hour;

T o12 \u003d 0.9 / 1 \u003d 0.9 hour;

T o13 \u003d (0.8 + 0.6 + 0.8 + 0.2) / 3 \u003d 0.8 hour;

T o14 \u003d 2.0 / 3 \u003d 0.67 hours;

T o15 \u003d 1.5 / 3 \u003d 1.5 hours

5) When connecting to the performance of repair operations included in formula (5.11), other repairmen of the length of the segment is adjusted.

6) When the repairmen transitions with some operations to other expressions (5.11) is adjusted.

7) If the repairmen not associated with the activities of the workshop repair and mechanical service activities are connected to the execution of individual operations, then a separate line is allocated for these types of work. The laboriousness of the work of these workers is not taken into account in (5.10).

8) If, when performing the repair of equipment, a large amount of welding is needed, gasoelectrics are involved in repairs. The complexity of the works of gas energy complexes is not taken into account in the expression (5.10). If the volume of welding work is not large, then these operations can perform insights of 4 and 5 discharges. The laboriousness of the work in this case is taken into account in the expression (5.10).

Table 5.4.

Vedomost Defects

No. p / p


and the scope of work

the name of detail

Necessary materials


Quantity, pcs

Mass, kg.

Name Size

Mark, Gost.

Units. measured

Quantity, pcs

Repair of reducer


Gear wheels

Cardboard padding

Induced oil oil

GOST 20346-74

GOST 20793-72.

Baraban Corps

Bahibana cover

Sheet steel

GOST 19904-74


GOST 5721-75

Cardboard padding

GOST 20376-74

Table 5.5.

The statement of spending parts

TECHEDD \u003d M20.

5.3 Grease equipment.

Lubricants in their composition are divided into mineral, vegetable, animals and synthetic.

The most widespread use in non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises received oils of mineral origin.

In the wet grouse, the following nodes are lubricant: gearbox, roller housing, roller roller bearings, drive, gear roller bearings. The grease of the gearbox is carried out by dipping gear wheels into the oil.

The lubricant of the tungsten compartment equipment is carried out by filling the liquid oils directly into the support stations of the mill and the syringe in the bearing nodes of crushers, elevators and support stations of furnaces and mills.

Description of oils. The oils used for lubricating equipment of a grinding and furnace of the tungsten compartment are used by the following types of oils: 1) An industrial oil and-40 2 is used for lubrication of rollers and reference stations. and Litol. These types of lubrication are applied in accordance with the operating conditions (high temperature and dustiness).

Lubrication is carried out daily before starting work. The consumption of lubricants is determined by the upper level of the fill and fluctuates in the range of 8-10 liters of oil 200-250 gr. thick lubricants. Disadvantages: Liquid oils do not have sufficient consistency due to the poor quality of their manufacture, has a very low consistency coefficient, which leads to premature wear of rubbing surfaces.

To lubricate gears, apply a lubricant that has a long time to hold on the surface of the teeth and create a sufficiently durable oil film that protects the metal surfaces from contact.

In accordance with the rules established at the factory of JSC "Win", S.M. Complete workshop with central warehouse G.S.M. Storage is carried out in non-aggravated ventilated and separate rooms separately. Receipt is carried out directly by the overhead of the recipient's workshop. Accounting for lubricants is carried out according to the approved list of consumption G.M. The machines formed as a result of the operation of the mechanisms of airborne contamination and clogging of cranks must be updated and clean the crankcase from the old lubricant and the storage in the container intended for this and is coming to the central collection point of the processed oils for regeneration.

For lubrication, industrial oil is possible 45 according to GOST 1707-51. Grease bearings Rolleropor are carried out by lubricant cyatimm 203 according to GOST 8773-73.

Table 5.1.

Lubrication costs per year.

Nodes and their details

Drawing number or GOST

Number in the aggregate


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