Basic methods for assessing branding efficiency. Brand Promotion Effective Branding

Recently, branding questions are increasingly becoming an object of theoretical research and scientific research. Nevertheless, these studies remain problems, theoretics are rarely treated, among them - assessment of branding efficiency. Weak theoretical development of this problem is reflected in the actual practice of brand management. Despite the growing need for accurate measurement of the effectiveness of measures to create and promote the brand, in fact, only a few companies actually apply the performance of branding. If these indicators are used, they measure the effectiveness of the application of only a separate branding event (for example, the effectiveness of the use of marketing communications tools to promote the brand), and do not assess the branding efficiency as a whole as a set of measures to create and develop brand.

Thus, there is a need for a clear technique, which allows to evaluate the effectiveness of various branding activities in the complex, i.e. In the integral evaluation of efficiency. This article proposes one of the options for possible approaches to solving the designated problem.

The first part of the article is devoted to a brief analysis of existing models for assessing branding efficiency. In the second part of the article, an integrated approach to the assessment of branding efficiency is proposed, a description of the structure and content of the main stages of the assessment in accordance with the proposed model is given.

Differentiation of approaches to the assessment of branding efficiency

The concept of branding efficiency. Efficiency characterizes the ratio of the resulting effect and costs for its implementation and is a "kind of price or a fee for achieving this result" [Bug, 1999, p. 341]. Thus, to determine the concept of "branding efficiency" it is necessary to determine the costs of branding and the result obtained.

Brending costs are determined by the summation of the costs of the creation and development of the brand: the cost of its development, creation and promotion through marketing communications. Information on the costs of conducting branding activities is usually relatively available and convenient for processing and analyzing.

However, when calculating costs, the following factors should be assessed:

  • the time period for which the costs of branding are calculated;
  • structural components of costs in valuation. So, it is known that investment in advertising, on the one hand, lead directly to an increase in sales, which are measured immediately, on the other hand, these investments create awareness and image of the trademark, which contributes to future sales;
  • discount rates when completing costs (to bring past spending to the present period).

Branding effects. Any effect reflects the degree of achievement of some specified result, when evaluating which the actual or expected indicators with a pre-adopted target indicators are compared (planned indicators). If the result is not achieved at all, then efficiency loses its positive economic significance. Thus, in the company's production and economic activity, an indicator of effectiveness expresses, as a rule, the amount of income per unit costs, such as the profitability of products [Biahnkov, 1999, p. 341].

In branding, determine the concept of effect is much more complicated, since the construction of the brand is associated with the creation of not only material, but also emotional and symbolic values. Therefore, the concept of effect in branding multidimensional. Due to the integrated nature of costs and results, when assessing branding efficiency, a set of branding effects should be considered.

It seems that effects in branding can be divided into effects of perception, behavioral and economic. The effects of perception are associated with the creation of awareness of the brand and the formation of a positive attitude towards it (with the help of various activities of marketing communications). Behavioral effects are associated with the formation of loyalty to the brand. Economic (financial and market) effects are associated with increasing sales volumes or brand market share, increasing brand's brand capital.

Approaches to assessing branding efficiency. Currently, many authors to some extent touched upon the issue of assessing the success or efficiency of branding, offering different approaches to solving this difficult task. Below in generalized form, a number of approaches and models are presented to estimate the performance of branding. Obviously, a demonstrated brief review does not exhaust all existing approaches, but most of the proposals remaining beyond its frameworks to one degree or another shall be similar to those below for estimating the effectiveness of branding.

Model L. De Chernatoni. L. De Chernatoni (L. De Chernatony) in his work focuses on the importance of a holistic approach to an assessment of the brand management efficiency. In 1998, they had a study that demonstrated the need to use a whole complex of criteria to assess the success of the brand, both based on business indicators and received by assessing consumer opinions.

Later, this approach was developed in the development of a matrix consisting of two columns (internal and external brand assessment) and five lines (brand vision, organizational culture, brand tasks, brand essence, implementation and resource search for brand).

In fig. 1 shows five categories representing building blocks (sequential stages) of creating and developing a brand. As part of each of them, issues were formulated (only 51 questions), allowing to determine the branding efficiency at each specific stage of the brand construction.

Answers to these questions are given on a scale from 0 to 5 points. For each of the categories, an integral assessment is calculated (arithmetic estimates throughout the number of issues within a certain category). So, for example, in the case of the "Brand Vision" option, the denominator is 14.

Fig. 1. Evaluation of branding efficiency at various stages of brand construction
Compiled by :.

The next stage is the construction of a "Health" chart of the brand, which makes it possible to evaluate its viability. Thus, in the hypothetical example, the Chernothtonus, the analyzed brand uses powerful support from the "organizational culture", but has problems from the point of view of the brand tasks (Fig. 2).

A carefully conducted analysis of the "Health" chart of the brand allows specialists to identify those areas in which measures need to be taken to improve the performance of the brand management.

Model M. Sherganton. M. Sherrington (M. Sherrington) proposes to evaluate the performance of branding, using the Key Performance Indicator - KPI (KPI), which is tied to the company's strategy and its specific market vision [Sherganington, 2006, p. 220]. Shergangton focuses on the need to allocate dominant KPI, arguing that it is an excellent way of focusing a business on the right nature of growth and check whether the goal is achieved "[Sherrington, 2006, p. 224]. On the one hand, the simplification of the system of indicators aimed at adapting to a particular market situation is justified. On the other hand, there are certain boundaries of simplification, and therefore, to reduce such a complex and multidimensional construct, as a brand, to one dominant indicator is unreasonable. In addition, such an approach still requires constant tracking of the strength (viability) of the brand and additional testing of the adequacy of the elected dominant KPI, which may not be simplified, but, on the contrary, complicate the assessment system as a whole.

Fig. 2. Health chart brand (hypothetical example)
A source: .

Model D. Akera. Brend Management Guru, American Specialist D. Aacher (D. Aaker) believes that branding efficiency should be assessed on the basis of the analysis of indicators of the use of brand assets, such as "brand awareness", "perceived quality brand", "brand loyalty" and "Associations associated with a brand."

Assess the effectiveness of the use of assets allows the system of indicators (Fig. 3), which the author called "a dozen brand capital indicators" ("Brand Equity Ten"). At the same time, the author believes that effective management of brands includes a system of not only financial, but also behavioral and market indicators [Aacher, 2003, p. 376-377]. It should also be noted that this "dozen" does not necessarily represent the optimal set for all possible situations and, according to the author, requires a modification for binding to a specific situation and the task being performed.

As shown in Fig. 3, the first four groups of indicators are consumer assessments of brand capital assets obtained as a result of research. The fifth group uses indicators reflecting the situation in the market (market share, brand representation in the distribution network). At the same time, according to D. Akera, the core parameter of the march capital remains the loyalty of the consumer to the brand, since it represents an "entrance barrier for a competitor, the possibility of obtaining a price award and time for response when the competitor's innovations appear, as well as a barrier on the way of destructive price competition "[Aacher, 2003, p. 380].

Fig. 3. "Ten indicators" of brand capital Source: [Aacher, 2003, p. 380].

T. Munoza and S. Kumara. T. Murrance (T. Munoz) and S. Kumar (S. Kumar) offer to build a branding assessment system based on three metrics (perception metrics, behavioral metrics, financial metrics), which make it possible to assess branding efficiency. At the same time, the company itself determines which metrics will be included in these groups. The lack of the proposed model is that it does not include market indicators (for example, market share indicators and the level of brand distribution), focusing only on consumer and financial metrics.

Research D. Leman, K. Keller and J. Faulery. In 2008, the results of the study of D. Leeman, K. Keller and J. Farleja, dedicated to the study of the brand metrics were published. The main objectives of this analysis were the identification of "universal" brand metrics (purified from cross-cultural differences in the perception of brands) and the establishment of the cooding between them. The results obtained allowed to form an estimated system from six key brand metric groups, including a "understanding of the brand", "comparative advantage", "interpersonal relationship", "brand history", "Brand Preference" and "Brand Commitment". In addition, it is emphasized by the need to pay more attention to such metrics as "interpersonal relationships" and "Brand History". Unfortunately, this study is devoted to purely consumer metrics (to a greater degree - metrics of perception and to a lesser extent - metrics of behavior). Nevertheless, the generated metric groups can be used in constructing a general model for assessing branding efficiency.

Model S. Davis and M. Danna. There is another model for assessing branding efficiency - the approach proposed by S. Davis (S. Davis) and M. This (M. Dunn), on which we offer to stay somewhat more. In their opinion, in order to assess the role of the brand in achieving the company's strategic and tactical objectives, it is necessary to develop indicators (metrics) of branding efficiency - "Measured parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of a brand-oriented company actions, i.e. Companies adhering to strategic solutions The rules for the compliance of such decisions of the existing or desired brand politics "[Davis, Dann, 2006, p. 147].

To develop indicators of branding performance S. Davis and M. Domn offer to use the concept of contact branding. It is based on the fact that by allocating and controlling the contact points of the brand and the consumer, you can estimate the brand control efficiency. In this case, under contact points are understood by all those methods that "existing and potential consumers come into contact with the brand, and which can or are already used to influence the current or future solutions associated with the brand" [Schulz, Kitchen, 2004, p. 137].

To assess the effectiveness of Brending Davis and Dunn, propose to analyze the formation of consumer experience from the position of three groups of consumer contact points and brand, such as:

1) experience before making a purchase;

2) experience during the purchase;

3) Experience after making a purchase (Fig. 4).

At the same time, the authors of the model note that the division of contact points to the specified groups is very conditionally, since the same points may be more than one group at the same time and influence the behavior of both potential and real buyers.

Fig. 4. "Wheel" of contact points with a brand
Designed by: [Davis, Dann, 2005, p. nineteen].

The first group of contact points, aimed at attracting new consumers, forms knowledge about the brand before making a purchase. Contact experience with a brand can be purchased primarily due to the impact of various marketing communications tools: advertising, viral marketing, PR-shares, sales stimulation. These marketing communications funds are aimed at, first, to create awareness of the brand; secondly, to form the perception of the brand and the associated expectations; Thirdly, convey the main benefits and advantages of the brand goods to a potential buyer; Fourth, make the turn on the brand in the customer selection kit. At the same time, in our opinion, it should not be overwhelmed with the help of marketing communications (first of all advertising), exaggerate the expectations of buyers from acquiring this brand, since the negative experience of using the brand goods after purchase can lead to the disappointment of consumers and the reluctance to re-purchase products under the appropriate brand title.

The second group of contact points is formed during the purchase. It is aimed at creating a positive consumer contact with a brand during the purchase. The formation of a favorable impression of the brand is influenced by the quality of service and professionalism of trading personnel, the atmosphere in the store, merchandising, stock stimulation shares at the place of sales (distribution of test samples, tasting).

The third group is contacts after making a purchase. She aims, firstly, to maintain a favorable image among consumers who made the brand purchase; And, secondly, to achieve a high level of satisfaction from the perfect purchase. For the formation of positive experience after the purchase, after-sales service, warranty, service is very important. However, the main goal of the formation of the experience gained after purchase is the increase in the number of loyal companies and the brand of buyers. The realization of this goal is helped by not only the high level of maintenance and support of the brand in accordance with the expectations that have arisen before and during the purchase, but also programs to promote loyalty (discount programs, sales promotions, clubs of constant consumers).

As a result, the effectiveness of the contact branding is to ensure that the consumer gets a positive impression at all levels of contact with the brand. Negative experience gained by the buyer at one of the levels of contact points will lead to the ineffective branding in general. In other words, a favorable impression obtained by the Buyer at one of the levels of contact points with a brand is not always able to "compensate" a negative attitude towards it, experienced at another level. Thus, poor after-sales service will undermine the buyer's trust in the brand, and the brand promises made at the two previous stages of formation will be in vain. It becomes obvious that it is the total amount of contacts with a brand, with time accumulated by consumers, determines their response to branding programs that are not limited to only the management of individual contacts, but provide for the management of the entire process of forming consumer experience before, during and after the purchase.

In this regard, the brand manager is very important to understand how the available and potential consumers come into direct contact with the brand.

Contact branding metrics in the model S. Davis and M. Danna. There are two types of metrics, which, according to S. Davis and M. Dunn, should be taken into account in the company's metric system. Tactical metrics provide diagnostics of branding efficiency in terms of the formation of the buyer's experience at contact points with a brand. The authors note that these metrics "help to evaluate the activities that you have relevant to existing or potential buyers, within one of the three groups of contact points with a brand" [Davis, Dann, 2005, p. 244].

Tactical Davis and Dunn include the following branding efficiency metrics: brand awareness; understanding brand; The relevance of the brand; confidence in the brand; fulfillment of brand promises; Brand preference; Consideration of the brand; ; Promise to the brand; satisfaction with a brand; Brand recommendation [Davis, Dann, 2005, p. 245-252].

Thus, the listed tactical metrics should be taken into account when evaluating the effectiveness of the company's activities at contact points with a brand. The effectiveness analysis provides the ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the brand and determine those points of contact with the brand that require special gain.

Strategic metrics, in turn, "provide diagnosis of brand impact on business efficiency. These metrics help to assess the influence of your actions to form a brand for the overall brand efficiency, and thus the entire company as a whole. "[Davis, Dann, 2005, p. 244].

The following six strategic branding efficiency metrics make it possible to estimate how the company's efforts to create brand and actions at contact points with it affect the overall results of the work:

1) brand expansion;

3) retention of brand buyers;

4) brand buyer;

5) price premium for brand;

6) brand commitment.

The choice of certain metrics to assess the efficiency of branding depends on the specific purpose of the assessment. Without a clear understanding of concrete goals, the company will constantly experience difficulties in determining which metrics is really fundamental importance for it. Table 1 can give a landmark in choosing the most appropriate metrics for the company, taking into account its goals.

Table 1. Joint consideration of the goals and metrics of the brand

A source: .

Integral model of branding efficiency assessment

Each of the above approaches to the assessment of the performance of branding has its own advantages and disadvantages. For most of them, a prerequisite for the need to use consumer and financial and market metrics to obtain an adequate estimate indicator is characterized. We share this position, however, in our opinion, none of the existing valuation models cover fully all the necessary indicators. One of the most promising approaches to develop a new, integral model for assessing branding efficiency is the contact branding model S. Davis and M. Danna. The choice of the metric of the effectiveness of contact branding as a fundamental indicators in the system of performance of branding events as a whole is explained, in our opinion, the fact that they are:

  • are practical oriented because they allow us to evaluate how the brand exhibits itself outside of companies from the point of view of expectations of buyers and actions of competitors;
  • provide information for the adoption of thoughtful strategic and tactical solutions to create, promotion and after-sales service of the brand;
  • provide diagnostics of brand impact on business efficiency;
  • allow companies to more effectively place investments in support and development of brands;
  • speakers the starting base indicators (indicators of the effect of the first level - the effect of perception), on the basis of which it is possible to build a chain of behavioral, market and financial indicators of the assessment of the effectiveness of branding [Starov, 2008, p. 251].

However, the metric system proposed in the Davis and Danna model, we propose to structure not from the position of the implementation of strategic and tactical purposes, but from the position of the interdependence and interconnection of the metric. It seems that this approach allows you to create a basis for developing an integral model for measuring branding efficiency, where each of the 17 metrics associated with a specific category of contact points with a brand can belong to one of the following four generalized metric groups allocated on the basis of contact branding marketing activities:

1) Metrics perception;

2) behavioral metrics;

3) market metrics;

4) Financial metrics (Fig. 5).

These groups metrics allow integrated monitoring of branding efficiency (primarily the implementation of the effects of perception, behavioral, market and financial effects), i.e. Track how efficient investments in the construction and development of the brand are used.

Perception metrics determine the degree of consumer awareness of the brand, understanding their advantages and benefits from its acquisition, the possibility of its inclusion in the selection kit, i.e. Assess the behavior of consumers until they make the shopping of the brand.

Fig. 5. "Wheel of Contacts" and Metrics Brending Efficiency

Behavioral metrics aspects aspects of consumer behavior mainly after making a purchase, which manifest themselves in the preference of the brand, re-shopping, the formation of loyalty and willingness to recommend the liberated brand to others.

Market metrics determine the competitive positions of the brand in the market, predetermine the economic and financial results of branding. Indicators such as the market share, the brand development index, the level of distribution, represent the basic market metrics assessment of branding efficiency.

Financial metrics reflect the return of investment in the brand, financial assessment of the growth of brand capital in connection with successful contact branding events. This uses such indicators as ROBI (brand efficiency) and the current value of the brand.

All these types of metrics provide the ability to evaluate the performance of branding to the full (Table 2). According to famous specialists in the field of brand management T. Munoz and S. Kumara, "the key benefit of the brand assessment system is that it allows you to link branding and financial results." All listed indicators are interrelated and interdepended. Improving the targets of one of the metric groups contributes to an increase in the performance of the indicators of another group of metrics.

For example, will follow the link between market and financial metrics. Strong brands own a significant market share: as a rule, the share of the brand leader is twice as much as the share of the brand coming in second place, and through the brand that occupies the third position in the market. The brand with the highest market share produces the highest cost. According to a study of 2600 companies, the rate of return of investments of trademarks that have a market share equal to 40%, on average three times higher than similar grades, the market share is 10% [Doyle, 2001, p. 237] (Fig. 6).

Table 2. Branding Efficiency Metrics

Metrics perception

Behavioral metrics

Market metrics

Financial metrics


Acquaintance and availability of inclusion in the set

Decision on purchase


Behavior in the market

Creating cash flows

Are you aware of brand consumers?

What are consumers think about the brand?

How do buyers behave?

How do buyers behave after buying?

How does the brand behave in the market behave?

How does the brand creates value added?

Induced awareness

Spontaneous awareness

Differentiation of the brand

Relevance of the brand

Trust Brand

The impact of the brand on the purchase decision

Understanding brand

Acquisition of buyers with brand

Buying brand

Brand preference

Price premium

Superiority brand

Satisfaction Brand

Brendom adherence

Promises to brand

Holding brand buyers

Share brand market

Brend Distribution Level

Brand Development Index

Expansion of the brand

Cost brand

Designed by: [Davis, Dann, 2005, p. 245-253; Munoz, Kumar, 2004, p. 383].

Fig. 6. The relationship of market share and return standards in brand
Source: [Doyle, 2001, p. 238].

Consider the specified metric groups in more detail.

Metrics of brand perception (Table 3) are divided into two groups:

  • awareness metrics;
  • metrics dating with brand and availability of inclusion in the set of selection. The measurement of this group metrics is carried out during consumer marketing research. The group of perception metrics are included as metrics widely used in other models of assessing branding efficiency (for example, awareness or influence of the brand on the purchase decision) and less common metrics (for example, a brand understanding).

Table 3. Brand perception metrics


What measures?


Brand Awareness and Recognition

Measures the degree of brand notice on the market

Acquaintance with brand

Differentiation (uniqueness) brand

Measures the degree of uniqueness attributed to existing and potential buyers brand

Relevance (relevance) brand

Shows the importance and relevance of the value of the brand for various interested parties, taking into account the unsatisfied market needs

Trust Brand

Measures whether the brand promise really seems to be existing and potential buyers accurate and convincing

Consideration of the brand among alternative purchase options

Shows how much consumers are ready to include a brand in the final set of purchases

The impact of the brand on the purchase decision

Demonstrates the likelihood with which the brand is included in the final set of options considered before making a decision on the purchase

Understanding brand

Measures whether potential buyers really know what the brand means which value it provides and what benefits can be obtained thanks to the experience of interaction with the brand

Behavioral metrics (Table 4) are aimed at assessing a cognitive and affective attitude to the brand that forms a general opinion about him. They can also be divided into two groups of indicators:

1) related to the purchase decision;

2) related to behavior after making a purchase.

Table 4. Brand behavioral metrics


What measures?

Decision on purchase

Acquisition of buyers with brand

Shows the number of new buyers who acquire a company as a result of action assets management of the brand


Shows whether buyers are considered to be the test brand unique and superior to other analogues

Buying brand

Measures the number of existing buyers who have acquired more of your goods or services as a result of your brand creation efforts and thus brought you higher income.

Price premium

Determines the size of the award to the price that is possible to be installed for the brand relative to prices for trunk goods of competitors in this category

Brand preference

Defines the priority of the brand in the available customers set options


Brendom adherence

Allows you to evaluate whether buyers really return to the brand

Holding brand buyers

Measures the number of buyers that the company would lose if it did not use a reasonable brand asset management strategy that provides an understanding of the degree of loyalty that buyers have to brand

Implementation of the brand promise

Measures the degree of confidence of existing and potential consumers brand promises

Satisfaction Brand

Determines the degree of conformity of BNED Consumer Expectations

Shows the number of buyers committed by brand, and evaluates their willingness to recommend brand to other people

Designed by: [Davis, Dann, 2005, p. 245-253].

Market metrics. The main market metrics to determine the effectiveness of branding should be attributed in our opinion, the following indicators:

  • the market share of the brand;
  • brand development index;
  • brand Distribution Level;
  • extend brand.

The brand market share is one of the most important marketing indicators of branding efficiency, reflecting the competitiveness of the brand, its ability to attract potential and real buyers.

The share of the brand market can be determined by the formula proposed by G. Dauling [Dauling, 2006, p. 102]:

The share of the brand market \u003d the degree of penetration X (the frequency of the purchase X is the number of purchased). (1)

Based on formula (1), it can be concluded that three strategies should be used to increase market share:

1) an increase in the number of purchased brand goods for one visit to the store (through the use of various sales promotion techniques, in particular sales of packages containing several units of branded goods at a price of one unit, as well as the use of coupons in sales places Ceils Promotichn;

2) an increase in the frequency of brand purchases on the market (strategy aimed at the conviction of people to use the marching goods more often and more intense);

3) an increase in the degree of penetration of the brand (the percentage of buyers of the desired brand from the total number of buyers acquiring goods to some category to which this brand belongs).

Switching dynamics between brands and market share. The market share and its dynamics can be traced by taking as a basis the analysis of switching between brands. In this regard, research is deserved by the study of this problem, conducted by J.-zh. Lamben (J.-J. Lambin).

For simplicity, Lamben's switching was limited to the consideration of the market consisting of two competing brands. As shown in Fig. 7, in terms of the speaker, each particular purchase has three outcome options:

1) Buying goods brand A;

2) Buying goods brand b;

3) Refusal to buy.

Fig. 7. Switching dynamics between two brands

Modern realities of the market create such a situation in which competing companies are forced to fight for the buyer. Today, all areas are offered a wide range of products, numerous brands flooded the market. Before making a large purchase, people look not only on product characteristics, but also on the brand it belongs. Therefore, the creation of a marketing concept to promote goods and services should occupy the first positions in the company.

The company's brand promotion is carried out by several common ways.

  • The use of advertising campaigns within the media. In this case, we are talking about the positioning of the organization in the press, on television, on the radio (may be interesting -).
  • Applying promotion through the Internet. Companies create official sites, forums, use social networks, portals .. Here you can find the latest news of the economy, learn new knowledge and business skills, give an advertisement about the product, talk about the company, and publish an article with reference to the company.
  • The formation of marketing policies is another of the effective ways. As part of its application, the creation of rational pricing, the formation of a set of shares is taken into account.
  • Taking participation in seminars, exhibition events, profile presentations, and so on.
  • Sponsorship, in order to maintain the reputation of the brand, the hosts of large organizations are engaged in charitable events and become sponsors.

So, the promotion of the company's brand is a difficult task, requiring the organization of maximum return and adoption of certain decisions. The choice of the optimal method of promotion is associated with persistence and follow the goals will make it possible to achieve an optimal result.

The program associated with the rejection of the new brand is quite extensive. It includes several key stages.

  1. Research. A specialist at this stage should collect diverse information that will act as a base for events. This moment includes an assessment of the brand, its advantages, analysis of competitors.
  2. Setting targets. In this case, data taken from previous steps are used as the basis. Traditionally, the promotion of the new name includes several basic purposes - increasing the brand awareness, creating an image with a positive shade, the conquest of the market.
  3. Select consumers. In this case, it is necessary to focus on satisfying the needs of a potential audience. There are several groups of aspects representing maximum interest in the creation of marketing and PR links. This is directly employees, partners, buyers.
  4. Selection of influence tools. These are various marketing techniques that include the creation of service centers for maintenance, design of the design part, the creation of long-term mutually beneficial relations with investors (see).
  5. Strategy Development. After receiving the necessary information and the passage of other steps, the moment occurs, within which other parameters are determined. They include market type, people who are focused on the strategy, brand development stage.
  6. Definition of the budget. In this case, each detail of the proposed promotion plan is considered on an individual basis. Detailed calculations are carried out, estimates are compiled, further efficient planning is being built. Next, the strategy is embodied.
  7. Evaluation and analysis of efficiency. This is the final stage, which involves evaluating the effectiveness of the activities carried out and determining the level and quality of achieving the set targets.

The company's brand promotion is carried out in stages in order to correctly execute each major item. There are many methods for this type of activity, but modern and progressive companies are focused on PR on the Internet.

Brand Promotion Online: Most Effective Methods

The Internet acts as a rational way to maintain trademark at the proper level. It is often that it becomes the best option to introduce the marketing concept and conquest of the consumer. Promotion in social networks, the creation of corporate sites and their optimization is all contributes to ensuring that the company takes the leading position in the market and has become memorable. Therefore, this type of promotion is assigned a special role.

Seo optimization (search Promotion) and traffic Promotion

This is a way that allows you to withdraw a promotable resource for the first positions of the search for issuance / increase resource attendance. This method allows not only to increase the level of sales, but also plays several other important roles. It serves as a Piary, website promotion, improving consumer relations to the company. The direction allows you to achieve the growth of the company attendance, as well as its recognition in wide masses. So, SEO is an affordable way to promote any business, including small entrepreneurship. Such brand promotion on the Internet will allow the business owner to "kill two hares", in particular, to aim on strategic perspectives and get tactical benefits.

Contextual advertising and contextual-media advertising

If it is necessary to achieve an operational achievement of the result, the ideal method of action is to create contextual advertising. It does not require constant verification of some indicators, unlike the CEO, but the return will not be so long-term and promising. That is, you will see the result while we are engaged in advertising your own resource. The obvious advantages of this instrument lies in a clear focus on the target audience, the instant launch of the advertising company is well predicted, transparent statistics is the ability to quickly adjust your promotional promotion. But as a key way to promotion, this option is applied less often - it is expensive. Its basic goal is to increase sales and grow recognition.

Interactive advertising

Currently, this method of promotion is subject to continuous improvement, more and more new types of formats appear, methods of such promotion are updated. Currently, leaflets, huge posters and other art directions, which not just attract attention, but also for a long time are remembered by representatives of the target audience. And this is the optimal help as part of the formation of the brand concept.

The guidance of the success of any brand is the correct feed. Someone comes up with an innovative design, the other takes the design of Soviet goods and, slightly modifying under modern trends, uses the familiar to many stylistics in its goods. Both options are advantageous, but only their implementation does not always correspond to expectations. Suppose you have an idea how to issue your goods - beer, as an example. It would seem that it is simpler: a bottle and a sticker. And here is not. Look at the beer banks in the store, and you will see that they all differ, sometimes even form containers. All this is done so that the buyer can remember the goods, and even in the dark, to the touch, could determine what brand he holds in his hands.

And this concerns any brand. Such giants like Apple and Microsoft have a whole staff of marketers and brand managers who are tirelessly work for the benefit of their prosperity. But now you have recently discovered your business, and have employees in your company who will be engaged exclusively to develop products design - it is obligated. So, it is better to apply for the development of a brand to studios, which created dozens of concepts and successfully embodied them. So, we present you three workshops, from under the experienced hands of which are famous brands.


Antre is a design studio that develops brands, rebranding, restyling, creating trademarks, logos, concept design, assortment design and creativity for advertising. But since the article about branding, we will focus on this type of service. They solve case marketing challenges on the development and concept of the product: a new brand, a new product group or category, product upgrades, repositioning.

For corporate branding, they offer various services in creative concepts if you have already invented the brand concept on your own.

One of the features of the anthra design studio is the low price. Yes, it sounds trite, but many Moscow agencies offering either the same price or lower, often work with disposable orders and cooperation on the long term is not considered. Anterstore work for a long time and systematically and cooperate on an ongoing basis with many well-known companies.

In addition, they have a few more features that are only available in their studios:

1. Model systematization of the target audience 5W. They analyze what, who, when, where and why.
2. Universal model brand platform. Beliefs, barriers, reasons for confidence in the brand, as well as the nature of the brand.
3. Stages of brand development and business tasks. Tasks of the brand in periods of development.
4. Map of behavior through perception. Change "current - desired" or new behavior.
5. Description of the elements of the brand platform defined by the product. Functional and rational benefits, as well as the cause of trust.
6. Types of cause of trust in the brand.
7. Description of the elements of the brand platform defined by the target audience.
8. Types of barriers benefits in descending order of complexity.

In the art gallery you can familiarize yourself with the executed orders. They create packaging and develop concepts for many well-known brands, including for Faberlik, Letual, Freedom, Man, Schröder and other companies. If such large companies trust the studios, it clearly talks about the quality of the fulfillment of the tasks set before the design studio.

Rolling Press

Rolling Press - Graphic Design Studio, which owns an extensive knowledge base in the branding area. Engaged in the development of neminiga, the visual identity system of the company, as well as the creation of a brand strategy and brand platform.

The studio has its own typography of widescreen printing.

Designers Rolling Press prefer live communication with the customer when discussing the details of the project, the scope of work and further cooperation. Also, Rolling Press is always glad to help its customers in the project implementation.

The process of developing the visual identity of the brand consists of several stages. First there is a briefing, and then decipher the brief. After that, the studio conducts an analysis of competitors and target audience. Then follows the brand concept development step: a unique idea will be filed as a presentation, where it will be shown how this idea works on key media.

And the final stage is the development of a brandbook.

One of the most important stages - design. A good design can be identified with the ship: the stronger and more reliable, the better it floats. ROLLING PRESS will create a unique brand image that will be recognizable for the consumer.

All studio projects are built on simple geometric forms and a clear grid design system.

Rolling Press is a good choice for those who are ready for bright and bold ideas that will help solve marketing tasks and achieve their goals.

Levon Grigoryan Branding

For the development of brands Levon Grigoryan Branding uses the "Interdisciplinary Brand Design Algorithm Rainbow Brand Effect".
The main components of the algorithm are the brand communication platform, brand metaphor and brand interface. Brand development takes place in 9 stages:
1. At the first stage, a deep diagnostics on the SCORE model is carried out to synchronize the vision. The interview is held both with business owners, top management and key employees, and with representatives of the target audience.
2. Research is carried out in four directions: product / service, target audience, competitors and market. Information about the consumer characteristics and benefits of the product is collected. The portrait of the nucleus of the target audience is drawn up, an external audit of the positioning of competitors is carried out, and market trends are being studied.
3. General conclusions are made. What the company gives in contrast to competitors, taking into account the needs of CA and the market opportunities.
4. Positioning based on the conclusions made. That is, who, who, whom the company wants to gain a consuming in the consciousness of the consumer.
5. Based on the same conclusions, the brand platform is being developed: the vision of the future, brand value, mission and brand character.
6. The brand metaphor is being developed, which connects the communication platform with a brand-shaped platform, sets directions for the development of the name, slogan, logo, branded elements, Key Visual, stylistic solutions, and so on. The metaphor helps the message quickly remember and entrenched in consciousness.
7. With the help of the brand metaphor, the strategic part is recorded verbal. Create names, slogan and descriptor.
8. A visual identification system is being developed: a logo, a color palette, fonts, a styractive element, photostille and carriers of corporate identity.
9. A brandbook is created, which describes the brand strategy, rules and principles governing the use of branded elements.

Such an approach allows you to develop a spectacular brand with a messaging, which will allocate it from the total mass and consolidates in the minds of the target audience.
Levon Grigoryan Branding services are suitable for those who need not only a good design, but also a real brand that works and brings money.

How to promote the brand?

Any brand at different stages of development can be needed artificial promotion. Often it is required on the initial route of the company, but it does not bother into the stooping moments, when the popularity of the brand falls or does not rise naturally. Actually, there is nothing wrong with this method, and marketers often resort to such solving problems with popularity. The reservation of such a screw is in the structure of social networks and services, where all indicators are expressed in numerical values. Such data is easily exposed to strain and strongly affect the behavior of the target audience, which, as we said earlier, attracts ordinary buyers. Behind such services, you can contact the professional ISMM marketing agency. Promotion in Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, VKontakte, Google+ and other popular services, chewing likes, Repographs and subscriptions - the main activity of the Agency.

What will the brand development and promotion give you?

Will you become buying goods with packaging, seeing, Artemiy Lebedev will cross over several times? Beautiful brand, memorable name and bright packaging is what will attract buyers. Well, the more consumers, the higher your profits. And when the demand rises, you can raise the price and price.

In addition, a beautiful brand is a pledge of trust. When the design of your goods is no worse than the products of famous brands, this magically affects the desire of investors to invest their money in your business. Everything else, the brand will be constantly expected, so if you think about selling your business, then the price of the transaction will be calculated by seven or even eight-digit amounts.

So, if you start your business or have long been on the market, but you want to update your brand, then order the development in professional branded agencies and be sure to do its active promotion.

In the process of developing and implementing a branding strategy, it is necessary to evaluate its effectiveness. To date, the problem is that only few enterprises in practice use branding efficiency indicators (Table 2.3)

In general, the effectiveness is the ratio of the results of costs. In marketing theory allocate economic and communicative efficiency.

Determine economic efficiency relatively simply due to the availability and accuracy of data. It is through the basis of the basis of financial indicators the calculation of economic efficiency priority for financiers. In marketing, you can estimate the costs of marketing activities, but it is practically no possible to estimate its economic effect, due to the impact of many factors.

Table 2.3. Common Brending Efficiency Definition Metrics

Percentage of respondents

Customer satisfaction

Recall levels and awareness

Repeated purchases

The intention to make a purchase

Return investment in brand

Annual profit

Market share

Annual income

Stability and durability of the brand

Price stock

Price premium compared with private trademarks

Financial impact of exemption investment in the brand

Price premium compared to closest competitors

Communication efficiency can be defined as indicators to achieve an information message to the audience for which it is calculated and perceived by them of this message.

You can get this information through research and surveys of the target audience, while interpretation of data and identifying the accuracy of the information received.

So, effectiveness characterizes the ratio of the resulting effect with the costs of its achievement and is a "kind of price or a fee for achieving this result. Accordingly, in order to set the branding efficiency indicator, it is necessary to determine the costs of it and the resulting effect.

In general, branding assumes the creation and development of the brand, which puts the main task of developing and the most correct reporting of the brand image to consumers. Perceiving this image, "the consumer must quickly and correctly identify the brand and restore through knowledge, experiencing or association, the content signs of the brand that make up its identity."

If the monitoring was detected between the brand planned and perceivedly perceived, it must be eliminated by using marketing tools.

So branding costs are a set of expenses for creating a brand, its development and promotion. When calculating costs, the following conditions must be taken into account:

The period for which costs are calculated;

Structural components of costs in value estimation;

Discount rates when completing costs.

The resulting branding effect can be described as an achieved degree of compliance between the marking identity, the creation of which is investing by the Company, and the vintage image, which is formed at the level of consumer perception.

Any effect shows the degree of achieving one or another specified result, in the evaluation of which the actual or expected indicators are compared with a pre-adopted target (planned indicators). If the result is not achieved at all, then efficiency loses its positive economic significance. All effects in branding can be divided into effects of perception, behavioral and economic, and the first two groups of effects are presented both from the position of the consumer and from the position of internal branding. Economic (financial and market) effects are associated with increasing sales volumes or brand market share, increasing brand's brand capital.

Thus, the performance of branding is the ratio of investment in the brand and the degree of compliance of the brand identity of the brand imagine. An assessment of the performance of branding due to its multidimensional nature and complex costs should be carried out on the basis of the analysis of the basic effects whose groups are highlighted above.

The first two groups represent models that are assessed directly to branding efficiency. And the rest estimates marketing efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, profitability, within the framework of these models, methods for calculating important indicators were proposed and the relationships between the results of marketing activities and financial indicators were developed.

The first direction of the formation of methods for assessing the effectiveness of branding is models oriented to analyzing the assets of brand capital components. The main models in the framework of this direction are presented in the works of D. Akera, L. Chernatoni, F.J. Les. The "dozen indicators" of the capital of the brand D. Aacker.

D. Aacker focuses on the fact that although effective branding begins with good calculations, it should not be based only on financial criteria (sales volumes, cost structure, mark-ups, profitability of the brand). The problem is that these criteria, according to D. Akera, "only those investment proposals that give an immediate financial result are attractive to short-term sufficient. However, it is necessary to develop a reliable and fairly accurate system of financial estimated indicators of the brand force, which would complement the criteria for assessing the assets of the brand capital (we are talking about the four basic assets of the brand capital: awareness of the brand, associations with it, his perceived quality and commitment to him). Measuring these indicators is based primarily on consumer research. Thus, in the model D. Akeker, we are talking about some integral assessment of the brand strength, including both financial and market and consumer indicators.

With the selection of the necessary indicators of the assessment as a basis, four key criteria were taken, according to which the indicators should:

1) reflect the measurement object (i.e. brand capital);

2) reflect the structural elements that are actually controlling the market;

3) be sensitive to change (reflect the change in brand capital);

4) To be designed so that they can be used in relation to brands, product categories and markets.

D. Aacker introduces the "dozen indicators" of the valuation of the capital of the brand (Fig. 1). It should be noted that this "dozen" does not necessarily represent the optimal set for all possible situations, in addition, according to the author, requires a modification for binding to a specific situation and the task being performed.

Fig. 2.5. "Dozens of Indicators" Brand Capital

The first four groups of indicators are consumer assessments of the assets of the brand capital, obtained by research, the fifth group - the reflection of the market situation. In this case, the core parameter of the march capital remains, according to D. Akera statements, loyalty to the brand. As the main advantages of the model under consideration, it is possible to record accounting indicators of market behavior. At the same time, this approach does not imply a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between the set presented in the model, indicators and does not solve the task of obtaining an integral assessment of the effectiveness of branding activities.

Map "Health" Brand L. Chernatonil. Chernatoni in their works emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to assessing branding efficiency. They were conducted a study that demonstrated the need to use a whole complex of criteria to assess the success of the brand, and this must be criteria both based on business indicators and obtained by assessing consumer opinions /

Later, this approach was developed in the development of a matrix consisting of two columns (internal and external brand assessment) and five lines (brand vision, organizational culture, brand tasks, brand essence, implementation and resource search for brand).

In fig. 2.6 Presents five categories representing "building blocks" (consistent stages) of the creation and development of the brand. As part of each of them, issues were formulated to determine the branding efficiency at specific stages of construction. Answers to these questions are estimated on a scale from 0 to 5 points. For each of the categories, an integral assessment is calculated (arithmetic estimates from the total number of questions within a certain category).

The model developed by L. Chernothni will allow you to get integrated in which it is convenient to operate from the brand control positions, and is quite visual. In addition, the undoubted advantage of his model can be called attention not only to the external assessment of the brand, but also to the internal - accounting of the brand's strength from the point of view of the company's personnel is no less important than the results of assessment on consumer metrics. At the same time, in our opinion, internal assessment is given too close attention: the number of indicators focused on identifying the attitude of personnel to the brand, almost twice the number of consumer metrics in the model. Another disadvantage is the lack of direct financial indicators, the main focus is on the assessment of the brand due to the indicators of its capital. It should be noted that at the basis of the approach L. Chernatoni lies a trexual model of brand capital (Fig. 2.6), borrowed from the works of P. Feldvik.

Fig. 2.6. Evaluation of branding performance at various stages of brand construction

Vintage attributes representing brand capital assets predetermine its strength, which, in turn, affects its final value. P. Felvik formulated a set of provisions regarding the assessment of the performance of the brand, in particular, they identified the main indicators traditionally measured by managers or brand owners:

Current efficiency: Combinations of market share and price, modeling methods for separating fundamental consumer demand from external factors;

Diagnostics of existing trends and "Starting Warning Systems":

measurement of consumer relations, recognition and consumer behavior (reflect commercial efficiency);

Brand features to provide companies with future long-term profitability ("It would be good if there was an effective indicator that allows you to encourage brand managers for supporting its viability, and not just for maximizing its share in the market or current annual profit. However, so far such an indicator is found, and It is not known whether it can exist at all ").

Overall efficiency, whose assessment for the brand can be undertaken to purchase, sell or evaluate, as well as the use of data obtained for future strategic planning.

Figure 2.7. Trekhiural Capital Model Brand on Feldvic

In the work of F.J. Le Plan and L. Parker noted that the annual benchmarking is one of the most important tools, while especially emphasizes the need to carry out a parallel vague value of the brand for customers and employees.

Model F.J. Le Plan and L. Parker suggests the selection of a set of control indicators and an annual comparison with them. Measurements offered by the authors include:

Study of induced and spontaneous awareness of the brand and its specific elements, including individual characteristics and related visual associations;

Baller assessment of brand capital customers - at the company level, in the market segment and on the basis of the impression of customers;

Customer readiness analysis pay a higher price for the product or service in general and the size of a possible mark-up;

Determining the number of options for choosing products or services of competitors who will explore the client in search of the replacement of a brand name of it or to acquire a new brand product or service.

It is necessary to compare these indicators not only with the results of past years, but also with the indicators of competitors. The authors also pay attention to the obligation to assess the profitability of investment in the brand.

Among the main advantages of the model should indicate serious attention to the research process, which includes personal telephone interviews, focus groups, client panels and quantitative polls. In addition, the model assumes an assessment of the profitability of investments, although, in our opinion, the proposed method is not sufficiently visual and transparent.

The second group of approaches to the assessment of branding efficiency is focused on analyzing indicators by metric groups. This is a fairly well-studied area, the most interesting as part of our analysis are approaches S. Davis and M. Danna and T. Munoza and S. Kumara.

Model S. Davis and M. Dunna assumes that to assess the role of the brand in achieving the company's strategic and tactical objectives, it is necessary to develop indicators (metrics) of branding efficiency - "Measured parameters for assessing the effectiveness of a brand-oriented company actions, i.e. Companies adhering to strategic solutions to comply with such solutions to the existing or desired brand policy. "

To develop indicators of branding performance S. Davis and M. Domn offer to use the concept of contact branding. The content of this concept is disclosed in the fact that by allocating and controlling the contact points of the brand and the consumer, you can estimate the brand control efficiency. At the same time, under the contact points are understood by all those methods that use those "available and potential consumers come into contact with the brand and which can or are already used to influence current or future solutions related to the brand."

To assess the performance of branding, you need to analyze the formation of consumer experience in three groups of consumer contact points and brand: The first group of contact points is aimed at attracting new consumers and forms knowledge about the brand before making a purchase; The second is formed during the purchase and is aimed at creating a positive consumer contact with a brand; The third group is a contact after purchase, it is aimed at maintaining a favorable image among consumers who have made the purchase of branded goods, and to achieve a high level of satisfaction from a perfect purchase. At the same time, the division of contact points for these three groups is very conditional, since the same points may turn out to be more than one group at the same time and influence both potential and real buyers.

As a result, the effectiveness of the contact branding is to ensure that the consumer gets a positive impression at all levels of contact with the brand. Negative experience gained by the buyer at one of the levels of contact points will lead to the ineffective branding in general.

There are two types of metrics that should be taken into account in the company are tactical and strategic (Fig. 2.8). Tactical metrics ensure the diagnosis of branding efficiency in terms of the formation of the buyer's experience at the contact points with the brand and "help to assess the activities related to existing or potential buyers, within one of the three quantos of contact points with the brand. Strategic metrics, in turn, provide diagnostics of the brand impact on business efficiency and "help to assess the influence of ... actions to form a brand for the overall efficiency of the brand and thus the entire company as a whole."

The choice of certain metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of branding depends on specific purposes, without a clear understanding of which the company will constantly experience difficulties in determining which metrics is really important for it.

The main advantage of this model is to use the principles of contact branding, i.e. Accounting for the nature of the brand in the formation of a set of metrics. At the same time, financial and market metrics are missing in the model, i.e. It allows us to evaluate only the direct results of the brand communications outside the direct connection with financial results.

Fig. 2.8. Tactical and strategic branding metrics

T. Munose and Sh. Kumara

T. Murry and S. Kumar propose to build a branding assessment system based on three groups of metrics (perception metrics, behavioral and financial metrics), which make it possible to evaluate branding efficiency. At the same time, the company itself determines which metrics will be included in these groups.

Perception Metrics Metrics determine the degree of consumer awareness of the brand, understanding their advantages and benefits from its acquisition, the possibility of including it in the selection kit, i.e. Assess the behavior of consumers until they are purchasing a branded product. PERFORMANCE METRICS Metrics and Metrics (Performance Metrics) reflect aspects of consumer behavior mainly after making a purchase that are manifested in the preferences of the brand, re-shopping, the formation of loyalty and readiness to recommend a loving brand to others.

Financial metrics (Financial Metrics) reflect the return on the investment in the brand, the financial assessment of the growth of brand capital in connection with the successful branding events.

These types of metrics make it possible to fully estimate the branding efficiency (Table 2.4). All listed indicators are interrelated and interdepended. Improving the targets of one of the metric groups contributes to an increase in the performance of the indicators of another group of metrics.

The advantage of the proposed hike account of financial indicators. The main disadvantage of the proposed model is that it does not include a sufficient set of market indicators (for example, brand distribution indicators), focusing mainly on consumer and financial metrics.

The third group of models is an assessment based on a balanced system of indicators (SSP) developed by R. Kaplanov and D. Norton. The main premise of the SSP is that the full picture of the enterprise's activities cannot be obtained on any particular key indicator. In this regard, there is a need for a balanced model, which includes a number of external and internal indicators focused on the relevant success factors and demonstrating causal relations between short-term and long-term tasks, as well as between the planned result and factors that directly affect the effectiveness of its activities.

The efficiency management system is targets, key indicators and strategic measures. Under the efficiency key (KEY Performance Indicator, KPI), the characteristic or parameter is implied by which the achievement of the target is measured.

Table 2.4. Key metrics to evaluate branding T. Munozo and W Kumara

Metrics perception

Behavioral metrics

Financial metrics


The availability of inclusion in the set of choice

Decision on purchase


Creating value

Induced awareness

Spontaneous awareness




Perceive quality

The intention to make a purchase

Understanding brand

Motivation shopping

Trial Purchase


Readiness to overpay for brand



Profit with 1 buyer

Share brand in buyer's costs

Saving costs

Market share


Cash flows

Market Capitalization

Cost brand

The use of the Principles of SSP allows to integrate the marketing and branding assessment system into the overall performance assessment system within the organization. However, the main disadvantage of such models is their emergency bulky, the complexity of application in practice and the possibility of using only under the condition if the SSP is implemented in all functional units. In addition, within such models, branding and its results are considered only as one of the indicators of marketing performance, i.e. Branding remains a tactical tool. According to the approach to the effectiveness of the marketing efficiency R. Kaplan and D. Norton, the introduction of an assessment of marketing efficiency with the use of the SRP approach makes sense only in the case of the introduction of this system on higher levels (i.e., the condition of the overall assessment of the organization's activities on the principles of the SSP should be implemented), What is a key limitation of the implementation of the marketing estimate level.

When developing such a system, it is important to control the coincidence of the ISP goals at the marketing level with goals on higher levels of assessment.

At the level of marketing SSP, the key prospects will be "relationships with clients", "Marketing performance", "Marketing activities" and "Information and innovation". In the process of implementing the marketing SSP, each of the prospects produced a number of indicators (individual for each organization), which will be used as KPI to assess the performance of marketing activities. The formation of the list of indicators should occur on the basis of sequential execution of eight steps, and A. Pricewner leads not only a description of these steps, but also recommended for their implementation.

In accordance with the proposed algorithm, the process of developing and implementing the marketing indicators takes at least six months, and the success of the system for the company can be determined no earlier than two years later. Such a temporary limitation is critical in modern economic conditions - in a dynamic, ever-changing environment. At the same time, the introduction of the SSP in the company is a highly laborious process, and the proposed approach to assessing the effectiveness of marketing (and branding) is directly related to the need to use this system at all levels of management of the organization.

Nevertheless, the model proposed by A. Pricewner is effective in terms of reflecting the interdependence of different levels: causality is the basic principle of building a balanced system of indicators, i.e. It is important not to simply form a set of some KPI, but also to establish clear relationships between them.

The fourth group of models of assessing the effectiveness of branding includes approaches related to economic and econometric calculations. These models are a greater degree of indicators or recommendations for the choice of a specific KPI with a complex calculation method.

R. Best argues that for an objective assessment of the efficiency of the company, it is necessary to use financial indicators as an internal indicator and marketing indicators as an external indicator - only in this situation the assessment system will be balanced.

It allocates three main groups of marketing efficiency indicators:

1. Market performance indicators - an assessment of the external market conditions and attractiveness of the market (growth rates, market share, market attractiveness, and industry potential).

2. Competitive performance indicators are the competitiveness of goods of the company (price competitiveness, product quality and services, brand, level of costs).

3. Customer performance indicators are the effectiveness of cooperation with consumers (assessment of satisfaction, preservation, loyalty, awareness of customers and perceived consumer value).

All indicators allocated by the author are distributed by categories: "Internal - external" and "current - finite". Internal indicators reflect the situation within the company, external - the situation in the market; Current indicators are leading financial performance indicators, the final reflects the financial result.

In addition to indicators of marketing efficiency in R. Best allocates indicators of marketing profitability and proposed formulas for their calculation.

Model M. Sherrington suggests an assessment of branding efficiency based on the share of the brand in the market through KPI and complex multifactorical econometric models, allowing to estimate the effect of factors on the KPI level. However, the system error is incremented in the model:

M. Sherrington focuses on the need to allocate dominant KPI, arguing that it is an excellent way to focus business on the right nature of growth and check whether the goal objects are achieved. " On the one hand, simplifying the system of indicators for practical use is necessary. On the other hand, there are certain boundaries of simplification, and to reduce such a complex and multidimensional construct, as a brand, to one dominant indicator is unreasonable. At the same time, such an approach requires constant monitoring of the strength and viability of the brand and additional testing of the adequacy of the elected dominant KPI, which may not be simplified, but, on the contrary, complicate the assessment system as a whole.

Thus, each of the approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages. For most, a prerequisite for the need to use consumer and financial and market metrics to obtain an adequate estimate indicator is characterized. The authors share this position, but it is believed that none of the existing models of assessment covers fully all the necessary indicators. Currently, the need for an integral model for assessing branding efficiency has been formed, which would take into account, on the one hand, consumer and financial metrics, on the other - the external and internal effects of branding.


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