ITS services prof. Information Technology Support (ITS from the CT center). Section "Technological support"

Price for ITS "PROF"

Tariff plans for escort (ITS)



ITS Remote

ITS disk delivery

Access to updates via the Internet

Bukh.1C magazine

Souvenirs from the company

Installation of up-to-date platform releases, configurations and regulated reporting forms

Updating classifiers (addresses, banks and others)

Free multichannel telephone consultation line

A set of instructions for reflecting business situations and tax accounting

Reference books on VAT, income tax, STS, UTII, Unified agricultural tax, property tax, transport and land taxes, insurance premiums and others

Step-by-step instructions for filling out regulatory reporting forms

Legal guide to personnel and remuneration

Practical examples of reflection in the programs "1C: ZUP", "1C: ZIK" of personnel records and settlements with personnel

Calculation assistants (vacation, travel and others)

Legal support, regulatory framework "1C: GARANT"

Accounting periodicals ("BUKH.1S"; "Russian tax courier"; "Practical accounting"; "Accounting"; "Financial newspaper")

Delivery of disks, magazines and 1C souvenirs during the 1st week of each month

Updates are installed within 1 week after a new release is released

Repeated updates of 1C are installed free of charge

Promotions, bonuses, special offers!

This will come in handy!

Monthly subscription edition


  • Software updates
  • Practical and methodological recommendations
  • Guides to the main taxes and fees
  • Materials of leading economic publications
  • Explanations of changes in legislation
  • legal information

All materials are monthly updated and expanded in accordance with changes in the regulatory framework of accounting and tax accounting, as well as as new versions of programs are released.

Time-tested quality

Directory of business transactions. Accounting in "1C: Enterprise"

About 250 of the most typical situations for business practice are considered. For each situation, tables of transactions (more than 2000) and tax registers are provided, which describe in detail:

  • the procedure for calculating the amount and the date of posting;
  • tax consequences taking into account the latest changes in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • a list of documents that the accountant must draw up or must receive from the counterparty;
  • ways of entering data into the programs "1C: Accounting 8," 1C: Enterprise 8. Management of a manufacturing enterprise 8 "," 1C: Enterprise 8 "

Situations in the Handbook are grouped according to thematic criteria - according to the main sections of accounting. This method of posting materials allows the accountant to find exactly the situation that he needs at the moment in just a few seconds.

Handbook "Payments with personnel for wages in 1C programs"

The handbook is a systematic and detailed publication intended for personnel officers and payroll accountants. It contains answers to various personnel questions. The material is presented in a visual step-by-step form and offers ready-to-use procedures for HR services.

Special emphasis in the Guide is placed on the practical design of various types of payments provided for by the Labor Code, as well as payments that the employer has the right to independently establish at the enterprise.

For each payment (premium, compensation, etc.), it is described:

  • a step-by-step method of establishing different types of payments at the enterprise;
  • samples of documents;
  • taxation of each payment;
  • an example of calculating each payment;
  • the procedure for registration of settlements in the programs "1C: Salary and personnel management 8"

ITS disc set - a subscription edition intended for registered users of 1C: Enterprise programs. We deliver ITS disks to users' workplaces on a monthly basis, introduce them to their content, and update programs.

ITS PROF is a professional information system created especially for users of 1C: Enterprise. It contains recommendations on the taxation of business transactions, step-by-step instructions on how to reflect them in the program, instructions for drawing up accounting, tax reporting and reporting on insurance premiums in 1C: Enterprise, as well as news, comments and expert advice on accounting, tax and personnel accounting.

ITS PROF materials are promptly updated on the Internet and are published monthly on a DVD release.

The information system ITS PROF is intended for managers, personnel officers, economists, accountants, accountants and IT specialists of commercial organizations.

Section "News"

The section publishes:

  • legislative news - present the latest changes in legislation, as well as comments on the most interesting letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the FSS of Russia and other state bodies, as well as decisions of arbitration courts;
  • 1C: Enterprise news - informs the user about new releases, external reports, regulated reporting forms, etc .;
  • updates of reference books - tell about new materials and updates of existing materials of reference books;
  • answers to users - new answers from experts in accounting, taxation and personnel records to questions from users of ITS PROF.

News in the Internet version of the ITS appears daily.

Section "Technological support"

The section contains all the necessary information for performing routine maintenance to update the 1C: Enterprise programs:

  • current platform and configuration releases;
  • reporting forms;
  • instructions for installing updates;
  • materials on administration of "1C: Enterprise" programs.

The section "Technological support" contains methodological materials of a technical nature and electronic manuals that will be of interest to implementation specialists, accountants, novice and experienced users of 1C: Enterprise programs.

Section "Accounting and tax accounting"

This section is a set of reference books for reflecting business situations and tax accounting in 1C: Enterprise.

Business transaction guides will help an accountant to correctly reflect business transactions of varying degrees of complexity in the program: from purchasing goods and materials to accounting for raw materials supplied by the customer and leasing.

Subsection "Tax accounting in the program" 1C: Accounting 8 " will help to properly organize the maintenance of tax accounting in "1C: Accounting 8" in terms of calculating income tax and VAT when applying the general taxation system.

Subsection "Accounting policy in the program" 1C: Accounting 8 " contains instructions for reflecting transactions in "1C: Accounting 8" in order to record income and expenses when applying the simplified taxation system.

In addition, the section contains designers for drawing up accounting policies for tax and accounting purposes, instructions for drawing up accounting policies in the "1C: Accounting 8" program.

Section "Taxes and contributions"

The section includes reference books on VAT, income tax, STS, UTII, Unified agricultural tax, property tax, transport and land taxes, insurance premiums.

The reference books provide general provisions on the procedure for their calculation and payment, the positions of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia, as well as arbitration courts on controversial issues.

Also included in the section is the "Payment Orders" Directory, which contains detailed instructions on how to draw up payment orders to pay taxes, contributions and other payments to the budget in "1C: Accounting 8". Once filling out the form offered by the program, next time it is enough to select the "Transfer to budget" item in the new payment order, click "Fill" and select the type of payment from the list. It is no longer required to fill in all the necessary details (including the BCC, the payer's organization, the basis for payment, etc.).

Information from the "Inspection" subsection will help prepare for the audit, behave correctly during its conduct, assess the risk of prosecution, as well as the possibility and methods of appealing against the actions of the auditors.

Section "Reporting"

The section provides step-by-step instructions on how to fill out the regulated reporting forms in the 1C: Enterprise programs.

Instructions contain the procedure for filling out forms not only in the current period, instructions for previous reporting periods are also stored. If the reporting is submitted on an accrual basis (income tax, FSS), then in all descriptions a cross-cutting example is considered and all amounts are also considered an accrual total.

Section "Personnel and wages"

The section includes the following references:

  • Personnel Handbook
  • Covers all major HR related issues.
  • Contains information on the rules for filling out work books, on hiring and firing employees, accounting for travel and entertainment expenses and what is necessary for the organization's activities to comply with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Personal Data".

The techniques included in the guide will instruct the user on how to properly perform a particular personnel action with the least risk and maximum efficiency.

Personnel accounting and settlements with personnel in the programs "1C"

Includes practical examples for reflection in the programs "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", "1C: Salary and personnel 7.7" and, in some cases, in "1C: Accounting 8" of individual personnel operations (hiring, dismissal, record of seniority , accounting of personal data) and payments to employees (salary, bonuses, sick leave, etc.).

In addition, the reference book contains descriptions of settings for frequently used types of charges and deductions, recommendations for filling out individual reference books in 1C: Enterprise programs. Each article is a description of the order and features of performing a particular operation in a specific applied solution.

Constructor "Regulation on the processing and protection of personal data"

Constructor "Regulation on the processing and protection of personal data" is a program that will allow you to draw up a Regulation on the processing and protection of personal data using your own data at no extra cost.

In order to draw up the Regulation, it is necessary to answer the questions and enter the requested information. Answering the questions will help you formulate the comments located at the bottom of the screen.

For some points of the Regulations, several variants of wording are given to choose from. In some cases, you can use your own wording. This drafting procedure ensures the legal correctness of the document.

In addition, it is possible to save answers to questions (menu "File" - "Save Answers"). In the future, when you open the saved file, the Constructor will display all the previously entered information, which can be quickly corrected for both ready-made and just generated documents.

Calculation assistants

This is a handy tool that allows you to calculate using your own data:

  • vacation pay (with or without the use of the reserve, as well as the amount of compensation for unused vacation);
  • benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth (both under the new and under the old rules);
  • travel allowances (average daily earnings when paid according to salaries and average hourly earnings with the summarized accounting of working hours).

The handbook contains materials that will help determine how to act correctly during an audit, assess the risk of prosecution and its size, as well as cases and ways of appealing against the actions of the auditors.

The handbook covers the following types of checks:

  • inspections by the labor inspectorate;
  • checks by the migration service;
  • verification of compliance with legislation on the protection of personal data;
  • on-site inspection of payers of pension contributions.

Section "Legal support"

The section is devoted to the legal support of the economic activities of the organization and includes several reference books.

Handbook on contractual relations

The directory includes materials that are devoted to the main provisions of Part I of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on contracts. The first block tells about what the form and content of the contract should be, what methods can be used to ensure its execution and pay off, when responsibility for violation of the terms of the contract comes, and when not, what are invalid transactions.

The second block covers the most popular civil transactions used by participants in economic turnover.

The information is systematized in a special way. The materials are in three parts. The first part is devoted to the terms of contracts: those of them that must be agreed upon by the parties when concluding transactions under the threat of being recognized as non-concluded are analyzed separately (the so-called material terms of contracts). In addition, other conditions are considered, which are most often included in the text of these agreements.

The second part contains information about what is important for the parties to the contract to know when concluding, executing and terminating it. This section of the handbook guides the participant in the transaction depending on which party to the agreement he is. In the relevant materials, all important details are considered and recommendations are given in relation to each of the parties to the contract.

Special attention should be paid to the section "Forms of documents for the contract", which provides an exhaustive list of documents required for the conclusion and execution of contracts.

Each user is given the opportunity to use the proposed forms of documents in MS-Word format.

The material of the handbook is presented in a simple and accessible language, which is understandable even to a non-specialist in the field of law, and will help to avoid mistakes yourself and to control the correctness of the actions of your counterparty.

All the information provided has a practical focus: the guide contains approximate wording of the conditions in question that can be included in the contract, as well as samples of agreements, notifications, letters used by counterparties in their daily contractual activities. The responsible person does not need to develop the form of the document himself; for this, it is enough to use the proposed sample, adapting it to specific conditions.

Inspections by regulatory authorities

Contains materials that will help prepare for many types of inspections and protect your company from illegal actions of inspectors.

Here you will find answers to the following questions:

  • on what basis is this or that check carried out and, accordingly, is it lawful;
  • what is the competence of the inspection body and its officials;
  • how should the manager and employees of the organization behave during the audit;
  • whether during the inspection the deadlines established by the legislation are observed;
  • whether the documents drawn up as part of the audit have been correctly drawn up by the inspection body;
  • what responsibility the audited organization can bear if violations are revealed in its activities;
  • in what cases it is necessary to appeal against the actions of the inspection body, and in what order it can be done.

Constructor "Supply agreement"

Constructor "Supply agreement" is a program that allows you to quickly and easily draw up a Supply Agreement using your own data.

In order to draw up the Agreement, it is necessary to answer the questions and enter the requested information. Answering the questions will help you formulate the comments located at the bottom of the screen.

In some cases, you can use your own wording. This drafting procedure ensures the legal correctness of the document.

The result is a finished document that can be printed or saved to a file for editing.

In addition, it is possible to save answers to questions (menu "File" - "Save Answers"). In the future, when you open the saved file, the constructor will display all the previously entered information, which can be quickly corrected for both the ready-made and the generated document.

The section also contains Comments to laws, letters and decisions of courts, written by methodologists of the firm "1C".

Comments are given to the most important normative legal acts (laws, regulations, orders of departments, etc.), which change (cancel) existing or introduce new norms. In addition, the database includes comments to letters from various departments and decisions of federal arbitration courts, containing an assessment of any ambiguous economic situation. Each comment is accompanied by recommendations on possible options for the behavior of the organization or individual entrepreneur and the consequences of the corresponding choice.

For convenience, all comments are divided by topic and by period of admission.

Section "Auditor Answers"

In this section, you can familiarize yourself with the most interesting answers of the auditors and methodologists of the 1C firm to users' questions on accounting, taxation and personnel issues.

Base of normative documents

Contains regulatory documents corresponding in volume to the information blocks of the reference legal system "1C: Garant":

  • "Taxes, accounting, entrepreneurship";
  • "Taxes, accounting, entrepreneurship. Moscow";
  • Quick access to important documents.

The base of normative documents is weekly updated in the Internet version of the ITS. All ITS PROF materials contain hypertext links to the 1C: Garant base of regulatory documents.

Section "Accounting periodicals"

The section "Accounting periodicals" contains full-text electronic versions of the following printed publications:

  • "BUKH.1S";
  • "Russian Tax Courier";
  • "Practical accounting";
  • "Accounting";
  • "Financial newspaper".

Release schedule for 1C: ITS DVD releases for 2016







  • Updating programs

    The basic service of ITS is to receive regular updates of 1C programs. You can receive information about updates in your personal account on the official 1C portal.

  • 1C-Reporting

    This service is designed to send reports to regulatory authorities and exchange other documents with them directly from your 1C. Includes SMS notifications about the status of documents.

  • 1C: Counterparty

    ITS service, which allows you to automatically fill in the details of the counterparty and check information about your counterparties in the FTS database. This saves time and avoids mistakes when filling out documents.

  • 1C-Connect

    Technology for instant communication with a Wiseadvice support specialist or your colleagues. The ability to communicate via chat or telephony. During the conversation, the support specialist has the ability to remotely connect to your computer to conduct a demonstration.

  • Information system 1C: ITS

    Reference books, methods and manuals for 1C programs and legislation. Here you will find news with comments and expert advice, as well as step-by-step instructions for drawing up financial statements.

  • 1C: Lecture hall

    Access to regular 1C seminars on legislation and its reflection in programs, both in person and in the format of video lectures.

  • 1C: Enterprise over the Internet

    Ability to work with 1C programs remotely from anywhere in the world. Placement and storage of databases on a secure remote server 1C.

  • The auditor answers

    The opportunity to get personal advice from an expert in accounting, personnel or tax accounting.

  • 1C: Link

    A way to organize remote work in your 1C program through a browser.

  • Consultation line

    Direct communication with 1C specialists by phone and e-mail. Opening hours from 9:30 to 17:30 from Monday to Friday.

  • 1C: Cloud archive

    Automatic backup of your data to 1C secure data storage. Unlimited backups, 24/7 access.

  • 1C-Taxcom

    Exchange of legally significant documents: invoices, acts, waybills and other documents with counterparties via the Internet directly from your 1C.

  • 1C: Signature

    A simple and convenient service makes it possible to obtain a qualified electronic signature certificate for the exchange of documents with counterparties directly from 1C.

  • 1C-EDO

    Built into standard 1C solutions, the ability to exchange legally significant documents with contractors. Formation of a signature and sending a document in one click. The ability to simultaneously sign a group of documents at once.

  • 1C: ITS Industry

    An additional industry-specific ITS service designed to support users of certain industry-specific and specialized solutions.

  • 1C: Reconciliation

    ITS service for automatic reconciliation of invoices between suppliers and buyers. It is possible to reconcile both current documents and general ones before sending reports to the Federal Tax Service or submitting a VAT return.

  • 1C: PARK Risks

    Service for checking the reliability and monitoring the activities of counterparties.

  • 1C: Nomenclature

    The service allows you to upload product cards to 1C: Enterprise 8 from a standardized catalog.

  • 1C: DirectBank

    This service allows you to send payments and receive statements directly from 1C programs, without switching to the "Client-Bank".

You probably already know that there are 2 levels of ITS for standard solutions, like 1C: Accounting and 1C: Salary and personnel management. TECHNO and PROF.
With ITS of the TECHNO level, everything is simple. It includes only updates to your 1C program. But 1C ITS PROF consists of a large number of services and services. Let's try to figure out what you still get by subscribing to ITS PROF.
  • First is program updates... But unlike ITS TECHNO, with PROF, a specialist of the service company himself comes to your office and updates your 1C program.
  • Secondly, consultation line... You receive consulting support from 1C, and a 1C partner, with whom you have an ITS agreement, provides you with its own line of consultations. At the same time, it is rather difficult to get through to 1C support, so you should rely only on the consulting support of a 1C partner.
  • Third, it access to the 1C: ITS information system... It contains a large number of documents useful for accountants and HR managers, clear presentations, webinars on topical topics are held. In the system, you can always read in understandable language about changes in legislation with expert comments.
  • Fourth, these are different 1C ITS services... There are many of them and each of them can be ordered separately. But with a PROF level subscription, they are provided free of charge.
Let's now dwell on ITS services in more detail. Basically, these are special additions to 1C programs that simplify the life of an accountant.
  • 1C: Reporting. Service for transferring reports via the Internet to regulatory authorities (FTS, Pension Fund, etc.). The main advantage is that your reporting is transferred with one click from your 1C: Accounting. Regular cost for 1 legal entity face - 3900 rubles.
  • 1C: Counterparty. Allows you to fill in the counterparty's data in 1C, knowing only his TIN. The service is also convenient to use for checking the reliability of your counterparties.
  • 1C: Link.This service allows you to work in your 1C remotely via the Internet. For example, you can work from home in your office base.
  • 1C-Bukhfon.A system similar to Skype that allows you to quickly contact a support specialist and resolve your issue.
  • Electronic document management.Exchange of electronic documents with contractors directly from 1C. Two service options: EDM (through several ED operators) and Taxcom.
  • 1C-Reconciliation.Service for automatic reconciliation of invoices with suppliers and customers. Very useful when drawing up a VAT return to the Federal Tax Service.
  • 1C-Cloud archive.Service for backing up the database to 1C cloud servers. With this service, you can always restore your database.
  • 1C: DirectBank... Working with your bank from the 1C program: sending payment documents, tracking a payment, receiving a ruble statement, etc.
Actually, this is all that you get in the ITS PROF package. We think you noticed that this is a rather large package of services, for 2 472 rubles. per month Their real cost outside the package will turn out to be much higher.

Testimonial from LLC "Orlan"

The managers are very polite and helpful

“We have been cooperating with 1C-Business Architect since 2015. We plan to cooperate further, so far only within the framework of 1C: ITS support, but if you have other questions, we will definitely turn to them. The managers are very polite and responsive, documents and updates arrive on time, no problems have ever arisen. Thank you very much for such a responsible approach to work! "- Irina Andreevna Terkina, Chief Accountant of LLC Orlan, [email protected]

Review from LLC "Vympel"

There are no problems with ITS

1C-Business Architect is perhaps the best choice for 1C franchisees. They began to serve them a very long time ago, almost 10 years ago. We tried to find something even better, but after a year we returned and don't think about leaving: there are no problems with ITS, in difficult cases they can provide qualified support by programmers, and endlessly searching for errors after the delivery of work is not required, since everything works right almost immediately ", - Artem Aleksandrovich Bondarev, specialist in automation of accounting and budgeting, Vympel LLC, Moscow.

Testimonial from FOODZ MARKET LLC

We are glad that we were not mistaken in choosing the 1C assistant

"Hello! My name is Svetlana, FOODZ MARKET LLC. We have been cooperating with 1C-Business Architect for more than one year. We bought software products - they delivered them quickly, while installing "1C" technical support helped our system administrator, so we installed the programs safely, everything works fine. We have a subscription to ITS disks. The 1C support staff periodically ask whether we have problems, whether we need help. The technical support service also periodically calls to help us. The line of consultation is generally cool, it solves all issues with a bang. Naturally, we feel constant support from this company. We are glad that we were not mistaken in choosing the 1C assistant. After all, there are a lot of 1C franchisee firms, they promise a lot, but only companies such as 1C-Business Architect provide support. This is really the # 1 company. I will be happy to recommend your company to my friends. "

"Good day! Our company FI-Group has been cooperating with 1C-Business Architect for a couple of years. We also signed an agreement for 1C: ITS support. I would like to express my gratitude to the managers who are ready to help at any moment. I would like to separately note that this is always accompanied by full understanding and respect. Any problem, no matter how difficult it is (whether it be technical problems or issues related to accounting in the program), is always solved. In the future, our company plans to expand, and we will be happy to continue our cooperation. Moreover, we always recommend your company to our partners. And "1C-Business Architect" would like to wish only prosperity. KEEP IT UP!!!"


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