The dove was beating its wings against the window for what. Why a pigeon knocks on the window according to signs. What does the white dove represent

The dove has always been considered a symbol of peace and happiness. Unfortunately, judging by the statements of many members of the forum, they simply hate pigeons and call them whatever they like, but not a symbol of peace. This "love" is especially great among the owners of expensive cars. And all because these peaceful birds love to throw their droppings on the hood or roof of the car, or to tap their paws on the glossy finish of the car. But these car owners do not think that a person who does not have extra money cannot have an expensive car. And if the bird is nagging, then it is always for money. Is it really bad? In the place of each person, it would only be necessary to rejoice at such an event, and our rich people are angry with birds that promise them good incomes.

Folk omen a dove flew into the house

A dove flew through the window - to the imminent death of someone living in this house. There are very different signs about pigeons among the people. Many people are very superstitious about this particular sign. But, the fact is that this superstition has a lot BUTthat you should pay special attention to. If your window is open wide open and a pigeon flew into your window, then this does not have to be. Pay attention, if your unexpected guest has something in his beak, for example, a blade of grass, twig, leaf - this means that he brought you good news. An event that will change your whole life for the better should happen in your life in the near future. It's a completely different matter when the window is closed, and the feathered messenger still flew in. We have mosquito nets everywhere at home, so not only the bird, but also the mosquito could not fly through the window. However, it so happened that there was a turtle dove on the glazed balcony. We had to open a special window to release it. And a week later, my dad was gone. If trouble should come in, then it will come in with the windows closed. And don't blame the birds. They are just messengers and nothing more.

Sign a dove sat on the window and beats into it

The dove beats through the window - to death. You should not just blindly believe this sign. Earlier, when there was no trace of glass yet, a feathered guest could safely fly into any window with his message, even though with a good, though with bad... And now all around the glass, because of the air conditioners, the windows are not opened. Yes, the messenger flies to you, but cannot break through. And with what news he flew in, you don't even know. So it turns out that a person is always inclined to think about bad things. Or perhaps they wanted to bring you good news.

If a pigeon sat on a windowsill: omen or superstition?

If a pigeon has settled on your windowsill, then no trouble threatens you. Pigeons, like many animals, are able to foresee all troubles in advance, and even more so accidents. Indeed, if this bird has settled near your window, it means that while it is next to you, there will be no fires, floods or any other troubles in your house. But now, if the dove lives next to you, you need to feed her and monitor her behavior. If only your pet disappears and stops flying to you, then you should think and be more attentive to everything that happens around. Make sure not only that the gas in your house is closed, but also pay attention to the smells from the neighbors' apartment if you live in a multi-storey building.

Folk omens about pigeons for the weather

Pigeons hide in clear weather - wait for bad weather. These birds are considered the most sensitive of all fauna. They are able to feel the coming bad weather a few hours before it. People look at the sky - clear and clear, and somewhere far away a storm is already raging, although we still do not see it. But these gentle birds feel such changes long before we can notice it. Those people who closely follow pigeons will never be unprepared for drastic changes in nature. They can always prepare for bad weather in advance.

Are pigeons birds of God?

It is a grave sin to beat and slaughter doves. Even children know about this sign. The dove is a bird of God, which most often carries only good news. Some believe that in the form of these birds, angels and the souls of our deceased relatives fly to us, who loved us very much during our lifetime. This is not superstition, but pure truth. When there were hunger years after the war, there was no money, and it would not have been saved, because there was practically no food, some people caught and ate pigeons. But where are these people now? Are there any offspring left after them? And if there is, what happened to them? There are many questions. The example of some families could show that such families are doomed to extinction, but for ethical reasons it is better not to talk about this. It should be noted only one thing, if the dynasty still exists, then its representatives are mainly alcoholics and drug addicts, from whom you should not expect much.

Lucky omen: a pigeon is nagging, which means you are a good person

A pigeon will not fly up to an evil person. This sign - it is true... Not every bird can trust a person. In this case, we are not talking about domestic pigeons, which are accustomed to people, but about wild ones, who are used to trying to survive themselves. Wild bird in general, very rarely flies up to a person. But sometimes she makes an exception. The trust of such a pigeon must still be earned before it begins to fly to you and ask for food. But if the pigeon only senses a catch or insincerity, then it will not fly close to your windowsill. Only sincere kindness will help you feed this proud bird.

Whatever angry motorists say there, pigeons were, are and will be messengers who bring us messages from above. Many signs about pigeons are superstition, people's fear of what they do not understand. But there are also such signs that you need to know and always remember.

There are several options for interpreting the signs associated with pigeons, which depend on whether the bird has flown into the house, just hit the transparent window glass or knocks on it on purpose. If you do not specifically feed or train carrier pigeons, then each appearance of birds on your window has a certain meaning. What does a dove mean, knocking or flying through the window?

Sign: a dove knocks on the window

When dove knocking on the window, omen talks about receiving news in the near future. It is not for nothing that pigeons all over the world are associated with mail, with its delicate knock on your window glass this winged "postman" informs you that you need to wait for news soon. But what kind of it will be - good or bad, people do not indicate in signs - everyone must decide for himself what to expect, not forgetting about other accompanying signs and sensations.

Sign: a dove hit the window

If the bird does not just walk on the windowsill and knocks on the window, namely a dove hit the window - a sign has a more negative connotation. The bird tried to fly into your house, but it was prevented by some transparent obstacle. But the consequences are predicted to be negative only if the bird continues to fight, trying to get into the apartment. This behavior of birds predicts a quick death. If he just flew past and inadvertently touched the glass, then this will not affect the owner of the house and his loved ones.

Sign: a pigeon flew into the apartment

Sign "a pigeon flew into the apartment" often interpreted unambiguously - this is death. But in fact, if the window is wide open, then by chance birds can come to your house quite often. Not every time you should consider such a lost bird as a messenger with bad news about imminent death. A positive sign associated with the fact that the bird flew into your house is what it brought there. If a bird has a blade of grass, a leaf of a tree or a twig in its beak, then such a guest is to the good news. Even if he does not leave his cargo in your apartment, you should expect good news in the near future.
In order not to take all bad omens to heart, you should go to church and remove the anxiety from the soul. Do not forget to study the positive aspects of such ambiguous signs and expect only positive signs from the world around you - and you will definitely receive them, and your life will change for the better.
In general, all popular superstitions are divided into two opposite poles - positive and negative, and with these signs about pigeons. Which one to believe is up to you, but you always have something to choose from, so we advise you to turn towards only the positive meaning of these signs.

There are many popular beliefs that such a beautiful and proud bird like a dove should bring only good news and happiness. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Then how do you know what the pigeon is knocking on the window for and which of the many versions will be the only correct one?

The bird can knock on the window and in a dream. In this case, this omen is always "unlucky". If a bird knocks on the window and then flew in - expect trouble, also, if the bird beats against the glass, trying to fly into the house, this is to trouble. It is much worse if a bird that hits the glass ends up shattering. This means that some terrible event should happen in the future, perhaps even death.

Since ancient times, all birds, including pigeons, are considered messengers from other worlds. Many legends say that through birds, the souls of the dead want to warn us about something or convey some information. Most often, a dove acts as an intermediary between a deceased person and his relative, when the soul of the dead sends to his loved ones with a request for reunification. Unfortunately, few people really pay attention to such moments. That is why, the sign that a bird is knocking on the window is not the most joyful of all.

Today, this sign is still relevant, but you need to know that the interpretation of the sign depends on many factors. The meanings of this sign may differ depending on whether the pigeon is sitting on the windowsill or flew into the house through the window, whether it knocked once accidentally or does it purposefully. It often happens that the message can only be interpreted by the person to whom the pigeon knocks on the window. This sign, good or bad, depends on what events are taking place in a person's life at the moment. If a pigeon purposefully knocks on the window, then you need to trust your own feelings, only they will be able to tell what it is connected with and what kind of message the bird should convey to its "recipient", whether it be a warning in some new undertaking or, conversely, a message about that it is worth discarding all unnecessary doubts and immediately get down to business.

In the event that a pigeon does not sit on the windowsill, but knocks on the window in flight, or even accidentally knocks on the glass, this also has a bad interpretation. More often, this situation means a serious illness of one of the household members or even death. But it should also be borne in mind that the bird could accidentally hit the window in flight, without any purpose. In this case, the family and relatives are not in danger.

If a pigeon first knocks on the window, and then flies into the house, then such a sign can be interpreted differently in different situations. To find out why a pigeon is knocking on the window in such a case, you need to carefully consider it. If he has something in his beak or paws (it doesn't matter what exactly), this is a good sign, then in the near future a person who saw this bird will have good news or some acquisition about which he has long been dreamed. But there are other situations, for example, when a mosquito net is stretched on the window or it is open quite a bit, not completely, but the pigeon was still able to fly into the house, it is considered a harbinger of death.

A few knocking pigeons, or even a whole flock, promise no bad news and events. And if a pigeon knocks and immediately begins to clean the feathers, this means that the person who sees him must take care of protective equipment when leaving the house - most likely he will get caught in the rain or just in bad weather.

It is generally accepted that if a white dove flies around the house, while constantly knocking on the window or even trying to fly into the house, this means that the girl living there will soon get married. The dove, however, announces that it is necessary to wait for matchmakers.

When interpreting this sign, it must be remembered that birds very delicately feel the biofield of people. And if they fly by at the moment when the person is very upset, they can lose their bearings and knock on the window quite by accident.

There are many folk signs that have been known since ancient times. Many of them are related to the behavior of birds. The titmouse is considered a good and kind bird, therefore, the signs associated with it promise bl ...

There are many signs associated with pigeons. What does it mean if a pigeon knocks on the window and what is this sign. For many centuries, pigeons have become a part of city life, leaving their native rocks. The amazing ability of these birds to navigate, the ability to communicate, attachment to people and places allowed people to use birds to convey important messages.

Pigeon mail has long been considered the most reliable, although it was available only to the wealthiest people. The bird easily overcomes considerable distances by air, it is not worried about the lack of roads, blockages, enemy posts and ambushes of robbers on the roads. If you remember the biblical story, Noah sent the dove to search for land, which for the third time brought an olive twig in the key.

Bad omens about pigeons and how to avoid bad meanings

If a pigeon does not knock with its beak, but rather beats against the glass, flying off, over and over again, this may mean illness, death or other bad news. You can reduce the bad meaning of omens if you immediately take a whole bag of millet or other cereals that pigeons love and scatter it outside the house, outside the fence, in the park. Do not sprinkle millet on the playground. If the birds quickly flock for a treat, the trouble was averted.

The dove that managed to fly into the house - a friend will need your protection. Feed and release the bird.

Signs about pigeons in dreams

  • The dove plays an important role in dreams. The dove can not always knock on the window, even if changes, discoveries, news are outlined in your fate. In this case, a dove or dove will simply dream of you. In a dream, pigeons often report newborns, and the upcoming visit of friends. The more elegant and beautiful the pigeon, the better, more pleasant and unexpected the news. A pigeon's nest is difficult to see in reality. But in a dream, it means an amazing opportunity for good luck. A wounded dove in a dream - they will turn to you for help that needs to be provided. The sign says in this case that the refusal can very badly affect your well-being.
  • Catching and eating pigeons is not a very good omen, it means treachery, betrayal of those who trusted you. At one time, fried and stewed pigeons in cream were present on the tables of aristocrats, emphasizing the nobility's contempt for the rabble. If in a dream you kill pigeons - a bad omen, it means that you are venting your anger at your family. But there are pigeons in a dream - to a good rich life, except when they are served in blood sauce.


Signs about pigeons have been collected for more than one century. Oddly enough, these birds do not even know how to sit on branches - their legs are adapted for rocks, flat surfaces. In cities, they are completely dependent on the person and his help. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of feeding the birds in the park - this omen brings good luck. If a pigeon knocks on the window, reward him with something tasty for good news. You can also bun. Pigeons have been living next to humans for so long that they have learned to assimilate bread.

The dove hit the window - a sign that may mean something to you. Someone will brush it off, say that all this is nonsense. But tell me, how often do pigeons beat against your windows?
ogy bird.
As a rule, a pigeon is associated with positive, light and good in our life. It is not for nothing that it is customary to release white doves at weddings and holidays.

If a dove hit the window

Dove beats out the window

The dove is a bird that Noah entrusted with the honorable mission of scouting the earth for life. If a pigeon beats through the window, then according to some legends, then the spirit of a deceased relative wants to warn you about something. Moreover, it is worth paying attention to the time of day: if this happens in the morning, then the news is good. If after dinner, then this event is associated with the sorrows to come.

Dove and window

Dove on the window - a dove on a windowsill or window symbolizes the possibility of career growth, promotion or improvement in financial situation.
The pigeon sat on the window - usually, this is a positive change in life. The dove symbolizes peace, but if it sits in the window, this is a positive phenomenon. You can make up with someone who was on you at lunch. It is also worth remembering that a pigeon does not always bring good things. For example, if a pigeon sat down on the kitchen table, this is close to death.

Who knocks on my house

Notification of the departed

The dove knocks on the window - this phenomenon is associated with the belief that another relative who has gone into the world wants to warn you about something. Pay attention to the time. In the morning, this news is associated with something good. In the evening, this bodes well.

Dove and people

Dove of peace - everyone has heard this expression. Many ancient diplomats had a dove as their coat of arms. There is one more belief that should not be ignored. God blessed these birds, and if you harm them, sooner or later it will badly affect your life path.


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