Suitable tsp 15k for bridges of cars. Transmission oil. Determination of the tendency of oil to foaming

→ TSP-15k (TM-3-18)

Transmission oil TSP-15K (TM-3-18)

TSP oil is the residual oil that is obtained by adding a small amount of distillate filler. Also, a complex of additives is added to the TSP-15K oil, which have a beneficial effect on its properties and enhance the effect and effectiveness. The additives affect the extreme pressure, low temperature, antiwear and antifoam properties of this oil, making it versatile for its purpose.

Fields of application of TSP-15K (TM-3-18) transmission oil

The main area of \u200b\u200bapplication of this oil is the gearbox and final drive, which have a two-stage gearbox with helical spiral-bevel gears. Most often, such units and assemblies are found in the structure of a KAMAZ vehicle and other trucks for various purposes. Oil TSP 15Kmaintains performance at temperatures from -20 degrees Celsius to +130 degrees. The duration of work under such conditions is quite significant.

It should be added that this oil is used in a large number of trucks, therefore, the demand for it is constantly high. The peculiarities of this oil are that it is perfect for the specificity of the aggregate connections of trucks.

The Ural-Kub company offers its customers to purchase TSP-15K (TM-3-18) oil with the following packaging forms:

- into a metal barrel with a volume of 216.5 liters

- in a polyethylene barrel with a volume of 227 liters

- in eurocanisters with a volume of 5, 10, 20, 50 liters

- in any container of the client at will

We are one of the leading companies selling fuels and lubricants of various types and classes, therefore all our products meet the basic requirements, are reliable and of high quality.

Transmission oil TSP-15K meets the requirements of GOST 23652-79

How to buy oil TSP-15K (TM-3-18)

Specifications TSP-15K ( TM-3-18)

Indicator name The norm according to GOST (TU)
Density at 20 ° С, g / cc cm, no more 0,910
Kinematic viscosity, sq. mm / s:

at 100 ° C
Viscosity index, not less 90
Dynamic viscosity, Pa-s, at -20 ° С, no more 75
Mass fraction,%, no more:

mechanical impurities 0,01

water traces
Temperature, ° С:

flashes in an open crucible, not lower 191

solidification, not higher -25
Corrosion test for 3 hours on copper plates at 120 ° С, points, no more 2c
Thermooxidative stability on a DK-NAMI device at 140 ° С for 20 h:
increase in viscosity at 100 ° C,% no more 7
sediment in petroleum ether,% no more 0,05
Foaming tendency, cubic meters cm, no more:
at 24 ° C 300
at 94 ° C 50
at 24 ° C after test at 94 ° C 300
Tribological characteristics on a four-ball friction machine:
seizure index, N, not less 539
wear index at 20 ° С for 1 h and axial load 392 N, mm, no more 0,5
Compatibility with rubber brand UIM (volume change),% 1-8
5.1. Oil samples are taken in accordance with GOST 2517. The volume of the combined oil sample of each brand is 2 dm 3.

5.2. When testing for corrosion on copper plates of TSp-10 oil, redness is allowed, including shades from yellow to crimson. The appearance on the plates of green, brown-black and gray-steel spots and deposits is a rejection sign. When testing oil of the TSp-14 gip brand, the presence of foci (spots) of darkening and discoloration on copper plates does not serve as a rejection sign (with a total darkening area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 50%); stains and black deposits are not allowed.
The corrosion test is carried out on plates of copper grade M1k in accordance with GOST 859 and steel grades 40, 45 or 50 in accordance with GOST 1050.

5.3. When determining the ash content of TEP-15 oil, the residue is calcined at (850 ± 50) ° C.
(Modified edition, Amendment No. 3).

5.4. Determination of thermal oxidative stability

5.4.1. Method for determination of thermo-oxidative stability on a gear machine.
The essence of the method lies in the oxidation of the oil at an elevated temperature for 50 hours and the subsequent determination of the increase in the viscosity of the oxidized oil and the content of substances in it that are insoluble in petroleum ether or gasoline. Apparatus and materials
Thermo-oxidizing machine in the following set:
stainless steel gearbox with a pair of gears made according to VAZ drawings;
air heater, consisting of two insulated elements, 2 A each;
temperature control and regulation system, consisting of two thermocouples and two potentiometers;
a current generator providing a load on the gears with a power of 128 W;
electric motor with a power of 0.75 - 1 kW with a rotational speed of 1410 min -1;
rotameter for measuring air flow.
Catalyst plate 50 x 24 x 2 mm in size from M1k copper in accordance with GOST 859.
Plastic cuvettes or centrifuge cups with a capacity of 100 cm 3.
The brush is nylon (nylon).
Gasoline B-70.
Petroleum ether grade 70-100. Preparing for the test
The walls and all parts of the box (except for gears and bearings) are thoroughly cleaned with a brush, washed with B-70 gasoline and dried. The gears and the bearing are inspected for damage, washed with B-70 gasoline, and then with petroleum ether and dried. The edges of the copper plate are ground, then washed, dried and weighed with an error of not more than 0.0002 g. The bearings, gears and the catalyst plate are installed in the box. Close the box and pour 120 cm 3 of the test oil through the inlet tube. Testing
Mark the time and turn on the electric motor. The output power of the generator is set to 128 W and the air flow rate is 1 dm 3 / h. Heat the oil to 155 ° C and maintain the temperature with an accuracy of ± 1 ° C. After 30 minutes of machine operation, an oil sample (2 cm 3) is taken and the kinematic viscosity at 50 ° C (GOST 33) is determined. Then, samples of oils for determining the viscosity are taken every 10 hours of machine operation. At the end of 50 hours of testing, the machine is stopped, the oil is poured into a clean flask or glass, and the viscosity at 50 ° C and the amount of substances insoluble in petroleum ether and gasoline (separately) are determined according to GOST 6370. The gears and copper plate are removed, examined and described condition of parts and parts of the box, bearing gears and a copper plate. Remove deposits from the catalyst plate and weigh it to determine the copper activity of the oil.

Transmission oils include oils used to lubricate gears of transmission units, as well as in hydraulic transmissions.

Various types of gears are used in modern cars. Screw (hypoid) gears are especially widespread. Their advantage over gears with straight teeth is greater strength of the gear teeth with equal dimensions, smooth and quiet operation. But the requirements for helical gear oils are higher than those for straight-toothed gear oils, since the sliding speeds in such gears are higher.

In transmission units, transmission oils perform the following functions:

Reduces wear on parts;

Reduces frictional energy losses;

Increase heat dissipation from rubbing surfaces;

Reduces vibration and noise of gears, and also protects them from shock loads;

Protect parts of mechanisms from corrosion;

In addition, oils for hydromechanical transmissions act as a working fluid in a hydraulic turbine that transfers power. The most important properties of TM:


Anti-wear, EP, anti-pitting;

Thermal and thermo-oxidative stability;

Resistant to the formation of emulsions with water;

Minimal impact on rubber products, varnishes, paints and plastics;

Chemical and physical stability during storage and transportation.

Depending on the design features and purpose of gear drives, specific requirements may be imposed on oils. So, oils for driving axles with a frictional differential lock must have good frictional properties,

oils for transmission of vehicles with intermittent operation - good protective properties, etc.

The conditions in which the oil works are determined by the following factors: temperature regime, gear rotation frequency (speed of relative sliding of rubbing tooth surfaces), specific pressure in the contact zone.

The operating temperature of the oil in the transmission units varies over a wide range - from the ambient temperature at the beginning of work to 120 ... 130 ^ C and even 150 C during operation.

In the temperature mode of operation of gears, three most characteristic temperatures are distinguished: the minimum - at the time of the start of the transmission, equal to the lowest ambient temperature; maximum - corresponding to extreme working conditions; average operational - the most likely during operation.

The minimum oil temperature in vehicle transmission units in a cold climatic zone can reach -60 C. The maximum and average operating oil temperatures depend on air temperature, operating conditions, oil viscosity and other factors. The average operating temperature in vehicle transmission units is usually 60 ... 90 ° C. The actual temperature of the oil in the contact zone of the gear teeth is 150 ... 200 "C higher than the temperature of the oil in the bulk. A noticeable effect on the temperature is exerted by the sliding speed on the surface of the teeth in the zone of their contact. The sliding speeds in cylindrical and bevel gears are 1.5 at the engagement. ... 3 m / s; in some units they reach 9 ... 12 m / s; for hypoid gears, sliding speeds are 15 m / s or more.

In cylindrical and bevel gears, the specific loads in the engagement pole are usually 0.5 ... 1.5 GPa, reaching in some cases 2 GPa. In hypoid gears, they are twice as high. Under these loads, the conditions for hydrodynamic lubrication deteriorate.

Gear oils are a complex colloidal system that includes two groups of components: the first is the base oil, the second is functional additives to improve the performance of oils.

Among the most promising are synthetic oils, which are characterized by a very flat viscosity-temperature curve.

Classification and assortment. A wide range of oils is used in vehicle transmission units. According to GOST 17479.2-85 "Motor oils, transmission oils and hydraulic fluids. Designation system" oils are classified by

classes and groups depending on them viscosity and performance properties (tables 18.5 and 18.6).

Table 2.1Gear oil viscosity grades

Taking into account the division into classes and groups, transmission oils have conventional designations. For example, the designation TM5-12 is deciphered as follows: "TM" - transmission oil, number "5" - a group by performance properties, number "12" - viscosity class.

Table 2.2

Classification of transmission oils by performance

Mineral oils without additives

Straight-toothed, spiral-bevel and worm gears operating at contact stresses up to 600 MPa and bulk temperatures up to 90 "С

Mineral oils with anti-wear additives

Straight-toothed, spiral-bevel and worm gears operating at contact stresses up to 1200 MPa and bulk temperatures up to 90 С

Moderate performance EP mineral oils

Straight-toothed, spiral-bevel and worm gears operating at contact stresses up to 2000 MPa and temperature in the volume up to 90 "С

Mineral oils with EP

Straight-toothed, spiral-bevel and worm gears operating at contact stresses over 2000

Group representatives TM-1 are nigrols winter and summer (TU 38-101529-75), used in old car models. Nigrols are crude residues from the direct distillation of oil, characterized by unsatisfactory antiwear, antioxidant and low temperature properties. Not applicable on modern cars. Base oils (TB-20, TS-14.5), which serve as the basis for the manufacture of automotive gear oils, can also be referred to this group.

To the group TM-2 applies oil for gearboxes and steering - TS (OST 38.01260-82, former designation GOST 4002-53), class 18. This oil has low performance properties, it is used on a limited scale only on old models of passenger cars.

The TM-3 group includes Tep-10, TAp-15V, TSp-15K oils produced in accordance with GOST 23652-79.

TSp-10 used for the lubrication of heavily loaded cylindrical, bevel and spiral-bevel gears of trucks. Serves as a winter for the temperate climatic zone and all-season for the northern regions of the country.

TAP-15V serves for the lubrication of heavily loaded cylindrical, bevel and spiral-bevel gears of trucks.

TSp-15K has improved antiwear, antioxidant and low temperature properties as compared to the oil TAP-15V. Serves as an all-season for a temperate climatic zone. Designed for heavily loaded cylindrical and spiral-bevel gears, including heavy trucks KamAZ, KrAZ, UralAZ.

The TM-4 group includes oils Tsp-Ngip (GOST 23652-79), Tsz-9gip (OST 38-101158-78), Tsgip (OST 38-01260-82, the former name is oil according to GOST 4003-53).

TSp-14gip (class 18) is used for hypoid gears of trucks all-season in temperate and hot climates. Possesses high extreme pressure, but insufficient antioxidant and anticorrosive properties. Oil performance deteriorates sharply when water gets into it; in this case, the oil should be changed immediately.

TSz-9gip (class 9) is intended for use in transmission units of trucks in the Far North at air temperatures down to -50 ...- 55 "C. Due to its low viscosity and deterioration of antiwear properties at high temperatures, this oil is used only in winter.

TSgip intended for hypoid gears of old car models. Due to insufficient low-temperature, antiwear and antioxidant properties, it is not recommended for new car models.

The TM-5 group includes TAD-17I oils (GOST 236532-79) and TM5-12rk (TU 38.101844-80).

TAD-17I (class 18) are obtained by mixing residual and distillate oils with the addition of multifunctional and depressant additives. The oil possesses high performance properties, is universal and can be used in heavy-duty cylindrical, spiral-bevel and hypoid gears of trucks and cars in moderate and hot climatic zones.

TM5-12rk (class 12) is obtained from a low-solidifying, selectively refined oil, thickened with a polymer additive, with the introduction of a multifunctional additive. The oil is one of the universal for the operation and maintenance of cylindrical, spiral-bevel and hypoid gears of trucks. It is intended for use as an all-season, primarily for use in northern regions.

The main variety used for automotive hydromechanical gearboxes, is oil stamps A (TU 38.101179-79). It has a pour point of -40 ° C, it is used all-season in a temperate climatic zone. Oil has been developed for cars operating in the northern regions of the country MGT(TU 38-401-494-84), which in terms of performance corresponds to grade A oil, but has the best low-temperature performance - it is efficient up to -50 ° C.

IN hydrostatic transmissions cars, in particular in power steering, use oil R. It is used as an all-season in a temperate climatic zone.

From oils of foreign production to automatic transmissions only mineral oils of the ATF series are used, usually the Dexron brand with different numerical indices. They are all red in color and can be mixed in various proportions. Them the resource before replacement is 50 ... 70 thousand km. 6, a box of a passenger car is poured with b ... 9 liters (for an all-wheel drive "Ford Bronco" - 18 liters). Recently, yellow and green oils have been used. Mixing them with Dexron is unacceptable.

Transfer type

Oil change period, thousand km

Minimum application temperature,

Drive axles of old car models

Gearboxes and drive axles for cars and trucks

Gearboxes of trucks with carburetor engines; drive axles with pegypoid gears for cars and trucks

Gearboxes, driving gears, axles of trucks with non-hypoid gears

Drive axles of trucks with hypoid gears

Gearboxes of trucks with carburetor engines; drive axles of trucks with non-hypoid gears

Gearboxes and drive axles of cars when operating in the North

Winter period

Gearboxes and drive axles for trucks

Abroad, SAE and API classifications are used for marking gear oils.

According to the SAE classification, oils are divided into summer (for example, SAE140), winter (75W) and all-season (75W90). The correspondence of the viscosity grades according to GOST and SAE is given in table. 18.8.

Table 18.8

Approximate correspondence of the viscosity grades of transmission oils according to GOST and SAE

SAE viscosity grade

Viscosity at 99

Compliance with the viscosity class according to GOST

not less

no more

According to the API classification, gear oils are classified according to the level of antiwear and extreme pressure properties:

GL-1 - used in gearing at low pressures and sliding speeds (do not contain additives);

There are 5 classes in total, which correspond to the groups designated according to GOST TM-1, -2, -3, -4, -5.


Transmission oil TSP-15k (TM-3-18) is an all-season universal mineral transmission oil, manufactured on a mineral basis from a mixture of distillate and residual oils of sulphurous oils, containing extreme pressure, antiwear, depressant and antifoam additives. Long-term efficient at temperatures of -20 ... + 130 ° C.

TSP-15k oil is used all-season, a single oil for the gearbox and main gear (two-stage gearbox with spur and spiral bevel gears) of KAMAZ, KrAZ, Ural and other trucks in cases where the oil must meet API GL-3 and viscosity SAE 90W... The oil is intended for all-season operation of equipment in areas with a temperate climate at temperatures down to -25 ° C.

TSP-15k by the viscosity class and the degree of operation stress is similar to the markings TM-3 and TM-3-18, which stand for:
"TM" - transmission oil;
"3" - service number. groups;
"18" - viscosity at +100 ° С.
"T" - transmission oil;
"C" - oil is made from crude oil with a medium sulfur content;
"P" - oil contains additives;
"15" - actual value of viscosity at +100 ° С; "K" - the oil contains an improved additive package.

Oil TSP 15k efficiently for a long time in a wide temperature range: -25 ... + 130 ° С. The period between replacements of this brand of oil depends on the design features of the transmission, the mode of operation of the vehicle and can range from 36,000 to 72,000 km. According to API GL-3 meets the standards and norms of manufacturers such as: Mobilube GX 90 BP, SpiraxEP 90W Mobil, Shell, Gear oil EP SAE 90 Esso, etc.


The main benefits of oil TSP 15k:

  • reliable operation in areas with a temperate climate of transmission units under conditions of medium and high loads;
  • stability of oil properties during long-term operation;
  • high chemical and thermal oxidative stability;
  • high anti-corrosion and anti-foam properties;
  • extended oil service life while maintaining operational properties.


C.N.R.G. oil TSP-15k proved to be excellent as the main transmission oil in vehicles of the Municipal Budgetary Institution "Specialized Installation and Operations Department", which is responsible for road safety in the city of Kaluga. It has up to 100 units of special equipment in its fleet: trucks and cars, buses, special road and municipal equipment, rollers, asphalt pavers, harvesting equipment, tractors and graders of Russian and foreign production (GAZ, VAZ, MAZ, UAZ, ZIL, KAMAZ , Lada, Toyota, Bucher, Broddway, TARSUS, Vogele, HAMM, etc.). ...

MBU "SMEU" has reduced operating costs for equipment maintenance by 20% by reducing the price of oils. Based on the results of operation, the company's specialists provided a review, which you can find at the link ().

GOST 23652-79 (as amended 1-9)

Oil TSP-15k corresponds to the typical characteristics presented in the table.

One of the Russian lubricants that have successfully survived the flow of Western analogues after the collapse of the USSR, today is TSP-15k transmission oil. This product is produced by several large firms, and the demand for it is still quite high.

There are several reasons for this. Firstly, many factories producing heavy equipment in Russia still make gear and worm gears with low contact loads and relatively low rotational speeds, which makes it possible to effectively use the TSP-15k.

Secondly, the price for this liquid is low. Below we will consider in detail what the TSP-15k oil is and where it is used.


According to GOSTs, lubricants must be suitable for a wide variety of tests. This generates an impressive list of characteristics.

Some of them are very specific and are used in narrow areas. Others are significant and directly determine where a particular lubricant can be used.

Below we will consider several significant technical characteristics of TSP-15k transmission oil:

The characteristics of TSP-15k have now grown qualitatively relative to the same grease produced in Soviet times. The reason lies in the use of a more technologically advanced additive package and a cleaner base.

Scope and analogues

Traditionally, the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of TSP-15k oil is Russian agricultural machinery and trucks, such as KamAZ, KrAZ and URALs.

Even the index "k" in the name of the lubricant is still popularly associated with the word "KAMAZ". Basically, it is poured into the transmissions of those trucks that were produced no later than 10 years ago.

According to GOSTSAEAccording to GOSTBy API
9 75 WTM-1 |GL-1
12 80W / 85WTM-2GL-2
18 90 TM-3GL-3
34 140 TM-4GL-4
- - TM-5GL-5

More technological oil is poured into the new transmission units of modern Russian cars. Although some pieces of equipment are still coming off the assembly line, in the bridges and transfer cases of which it is permissible to fill in lubricant from this category.

In technical terms, the use of TSP-15k oil is suitable for their use in any units in which the following conditions are met:

  • the transmission of kinematic energy is carried out by means of toothed cylindrical and bevel gears, worm and hypoid gears;
  • maximum possible contact load below 2500 MPa;
  • the maximum operating temperature does not exceed 130 ° C.

The TSP-15k transmission fluid is classified as TM-3-18 according to GOST. When translated to other international standards, this means that the oil is close in characteristics to the API GL-3 class and to the SAE 85-W80 class.

The American GL-3 standard is as close as possible, but it is not a complete analogue of TSP-15k in key parameters.

Popular manufacturers of TSP-15k and reviews of their products

Below is a short list of manufacturers of TSP-15k transmission oil:

All of the above oils do not have sharply negative reviews. The basic rule, in order to use them as safely and efficiently as possible, is to replace them in a timely manner and not pour into unsuitable assemblies.


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