Virtual walk through the autumn forest presentation. Presentation on familiarization with the surrounding world "Walking in the forest

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A walk in the forest Performed by a teacher of the 1st category of the MDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 54", Saratov Dementieva Valentina Vladimirovna.

Rules of conduct in the forest

The trunk turns white, the cap turns green. Stands in white clothes, Dangling earrings. I put on orange beads by autumn With a slightly bitter, but pleasant taste. In winter they will be able to enjoy, bullfinch, pichuga, jay and titmouse.

He is in the forest, like a hero - all huge - up and down! The leaf is beautiful, carved, green in summer and spring. The autumn giant is glad to put on his brown outfit. From the branches, as if for tricks, he will sketch acorns. In hot summer it is green, with a lush and shady crown. In autumn it is yellow, red or orange - beautiful! Later, the leaves, like gloves, he drops in disorder. Anyway, what is his name? Guessed? This is ... (maple).

Deciduous forest Hello, forest, dense forest, Full of fairy tales and wonders! What are you talking about with foliage On a dark, stormy night? What are you whispering at dawn, Covered in dew as in silver? Who is hiding in your wilderness? What kind of animal? What bird? Open everything, do not conceal: You see - we are our own!

Norway spruce - haughty from a distance, and close - a cozy house ... Here we will wait out the rain. Y. Nasimovich The pines want to grow to the sky, They want to sweep the sky with their branches, So that the weather will be clear during the year. Tokmakova I.

Coniferous forest In the coniferous forest, where peace and coolness, Pines and firs stand in ranks. They do not need a change of clothes, They look longingly at the spring rite. Strict virgins bowed to the winter wind in the rays of silence. Slender trees will hardly be touched by the sonorous trills of the messengers of spring.

Mixed forest So the birches cling to the pines, They twisted their braids with moss, Ah, beautiful earrings - They wake up in the pines - love! They gently cling To the emerald beauty, And fluffy nodding, Bow their heads to the foliage.

Fizminutka "Walking in the forest" We will rest a little, (Stand up, legs together, hands) Let's get up, take a deep breath. (through the sides - up - inhale, lower down - exhale) The children walked through the forest, (Walking in place,) They watched nature. (Head turns left-right) They looked up at the sun (Stand on toes, arms through the sides) And their rays warmed. (up and look up.) We have miracles in the world (Sit down, hands on your belt.) Children have become dwarfs. And then everyone stood up together (Stand on tiptoes, hands on the belt,) We became giants. (back straight, stretch up.) Butterflies flew, (Running in place, smoothly waving his arms.) They waved their wings. We clap together, (clap hands,) stomp our feet. (Stomps are in place.) We took a good walk (Children sit down in their places) And we were a little tired. (And listen to the birds singing.)

Shrubs The main difference between a shrub and a tree is that a shrub does not have a distinct main stem (trunk). At the bush, immediately from the root, many thin trunks depart, forming a bush. For this very characteristic feature you can always easily distinguish a shrub from a tree.

herbaceous plants

Mushrooms Borovik In the autumn forest to hunt With a box, a mushroom picker hurries. Mushroom picker to find hunting Large clean ... (boletus). Fly agaric Look how good! Red hat with polka dots, Lace collar - He is not new to the forest!

Fizminutka "For raspberries". Let's go to the forest for raspberries, let's go to the forest. (children lead a round dance, holding hands) We will pick up ripe berries, we will pick up. (they walk in a circle, bending down, as if picking berries) The sun is high, (they stand facing in a circle, stretch their arms up) And there is a path in the forest. (they bend down and try to reach the floor) My sweet you, (they walk in a circle, holding hands) Raspberry.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Conversation with children of senior preschool age in the educational field "Knowledge" "What grows in the forest?" Who grows in the forest?

Purpose: To clarify the idea of ​​the forest as a community in which plants (trees, bushes, herbs, mushrooms) and animals (animals, birds, insects, amphibians) live. Learn to establish the simplest causes ...

A conversation about the forest and the rules of behavior in the forest

Material about the inhabitants of the forest: trees, insects, birds, animals, mushrooms, berries growing in the forest and caring for him about the rules behavior in the forest.

Olga Stepanyuk
Presentation on familiarization with the surrounding world "Walking in the forest"

Presentation on familiarization with the surrounding world. Senior group.

Theme "Walk in the woods".


Cognitive development:

To expand children's understanding of the diversity of the plant world.

To give knowledge about the species diversity of forests: coniferous, deciduous, mixed.

To form ideas about what is environmentally friendly for a person Environment is a health factor.

Learn to name the distinctive features of trees and shrubs.

Build respect for nature.

Physical development:

Maintain and improve physical and mental health

Social and communicative development:

To systematize knowledge about the benefits of the forest in the life of humans and animals, about the correct behavior in the forest.

Dictionary activation:

Entering new words - coniferous, deciduous, mixed.


Solomennikova OA Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. Senior group. - M. : MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2015. - 112p. (page 42)

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Presentation on the topic: Walk in the woods

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

Walk through the forest. The rain passed along the garden path. Drops on the branches hang like earrings. Laughing to tears. The rain rustled across the wide meadow. Even the flowers were surprised at each other: In the cups of leaves, on each blade of grass By a little light, by a piece of silver. (A. Yashin.)

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

Purpose: To learn how to compose and solve problems using the material of other subjects. Try to imagine that all plants and animals have disappeared from our lives. How sad it became outside the window! There are no habitual poplars on the street, no nettles near the fence, dandelions and plantains have disappeared, butterflies and ants are not visible, cats and dogs have disappeared ... But this is not the worst thing. What would happen if something that we cannot see, but without which we could not live - air, oxygen - suddenly disappeared? Is life possible without plants and animals?

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

How many years do oak, pine and pear trees grow? A large area of ​​the globe is covered by forests. We can rest in the shade of trees, breathe fresh, clean, oxygenated air. The forest provides man with food. This is the house where animals and birds live. Protect and take care of the forest. How many years do oak, pine and pear trees grow if a mammoth tree growing in Central America reaches the age of 2500 years? Mammoth tree - 2500 years - 100%; Oak - ? years - 40%; Pine - 400 years -?%; Pear -? years - 12%.

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

Who destroys mosquitoes and flies in the forest? Early summer mornings in the forest are not yet hot. Cold dew glistens on the grass. The sun will quickly dry the grass and warm the air. Here in the clearing stands a spreading thousand-year-old oak. His shadow is so beckoning. We sit on the soft grass under the oak, close our eyes, anticipating the pleasure of the coolness, and suddenly an annoying mosquito squeak. Here comes the first fly. Mosquitoes and flies are carriers of infection. What do you think, who destroys mosquitoes and flies in the forest? These are birds, frogs and spiders. To catch up with a fly, a bird must develop a speed greater than a fly. How is the speed of a fly and the speed of a raven measured as a percentage of the speed of a swift?

slide number 5

Description of the slide:

Spiders are the main killers of flies. How long does a spider live if its average lifespan is 1.2% of that of a mammoth tree? A spider's web is very thin. To encircle the equator with a cobweb, you need only 340 g, but it is very strong, stronger than a steel thread of the same thickness.

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

Who is the strongest on earth? The mass of the elephant - 5 tons - 100%; The mass of the load carried by him at a time -? t - 30%. An ant can carry a load 10 times its own weight. How many years does an ant live if its life expectancy is 1% of the life expectancy of a mammoth tree?

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

Ants are great workers! Ants clear the forest of debris. They live as a large family in an anthill, which “grows” with the family and is always built with a margin. But the anthill itself is only a small visible part of the ant house, most of which is underground, at a depth of up to 20 m. There is ventilation, storage, children's rooms, and even kitchens. Each ant performs strictly defined functions in the anthill. There are ants - builders, soldiers, nannies. There are even ants - "live barrels", food sources that do nothing and do not even move. Ants' favorite delicacy is the seeds of various trees and herbs, which they collect until about mid-summer. Fifty thousand seeds of an ordinary aspen weigh only 4 g (compared to the weight of the ant itself, they are, of course, very heavy). How can this be expressed as a percentage?

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic: "A walk in the autumn forest"

This material will be useful to educators when conducting classes in the older group. It was held with pupils as part of the thematic week "Golden Autumn".

Synopsis of directly educational activity "A walk in the autumn forest" in the senior group

Compiled and hosted by: Aksenova Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher 1 qualification category municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten general developing species No. 95 "Rostochek" of the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region
Program content: To expand children's ideas about the diversity of the plant world. To form ideas that for a person an ecologically clean environment is a factor of health. To give knowledge about the species diversity of forests: deciduous, coniferous, mixed. Learn to name the distinctive features of trees and shrubs. Build respect for nature. To systematize knowledge about the benefits of the forest in the life of humans and animals, about the correct behavior in the forest.
Preliminary work. Conversation, reading works of art about nature. Didactic games. Solving riddles. Conversation about the rules of behavior in the forest. Learning physical education minutes "Our forest is so good!".
Material and equipment: a laptop; media projector; slides depicting forests, deciduous and coniferous trees, shrubs, mushrooms, berries and herbaceous plants; path plan

GCD progress:
An audio recording of the sounds of the forest sounds. The teacher makes a riddle:
The house is open on all sides.
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come into the green house -
You will see miracles in it. (Children: Forest)

caregiver: That's right, today we will remember everything we know about the forest kingdom. Why does a person need a forest? (children's answers)
The teacher draws attention to the media projector screen, which depicts a forest. Sums up.: “We came to the forest with you. The forest friendly and affable welcomes everyone in its domain: it protects from the scorching rays of the sun, reveals many mysteries, treats with forest gifts. The forest is the habitat of many forest animals and birds. This is their home, where they breed, find food and protection. The forest is man's true friend. Walking in the forest is very important for people's health. The forest is the home of animals and plants. The forest is a farmer's friend. The forest is the decoration of the planet!

He draws the attention of the children to the fact that on the stump lies a letter addressed to them from the old man Lesovichka.
Reading the letter aloud:
“Dear seniors! The old Lesovichok is writing to you. I live in the forest and I will be very glad if you come to visit me. I love the forest very much and I am always glad to see guests! Sincerely, old man Lesovichok.
Invites children to remember the rules of behavior in the forest and go for a walk.Educator: I have special characters. I will show cards with signs, and you tell me how to behave in the forest.
- You can't make noise in the forest.
- You can't litter in the forest.
- You can't make fire.
- Don't destroy bird nests.
- Do not uproot plants.
- Do not break tree branches.
- In the forest, you need to walk along the paths, looking under your feet.

Child 1:
If you came to the forest to walk, Breathe fresh air,
Run, jump and play, Just mind you, don't forget
that you can't make noise in the forest. even sing very loudly!
the little animals will be frightened, they will run away from the forest edge.
do not break spruce branches. and more often remember:
Child 2:
Clean up trash from grass! no need to pick flowers!
do not shoot from a slingshot, you did not come to kill!
let the butterflies fly, Well, who do they interfere with?
there is no need to catch everyone, Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.
You are just a guest in the forest. Here the owner is spruce and elk.
Take care of their peace, After all, they are not our enemies!

Educator: Guys, today I propose to go for a walk in the forest. - Wear down jackets, hats with earflaps. - What's happened? (We do not have down jackets, warm hats.). - Why? (Warm). - What should we wear? (Jackets, knitted hats). - What clothes? (Autumn). - From shoes? (Rubber boots, sneakers). - And boots, for what season? (For winter). Well, what are you wearing? (Yes). What is the best way to get into the forest? (There is a discussion of the problem. We come to the conclusion that a bicycle is the best transport for a walk, because it is silent, does not pollute the air, and it is easy to go around obstacles.) We sit on bicycles. (Children imitate cycling movements). A picture of the forest is projected onto the screen. The teacher reads:
Our forest is so good!
You won't find a better forest!
We have things to do in the forest,
We are nowhere without a forest.
We will protect the forest and help everyone together,
Both animals and birds will need help.
You grow up for the joy of people
We will be friends with you
Good forest, mighty forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!

Educator: Notice how beautiful and quiet the forest is. Let's walk along the paths. First, let's go with our eyes along the blue path, then along the red one, turn and go along the green one.

He asks what is the name of the forest where birches, maples, oaks, mountain ash grow? Summarizes the children's responses:“Such a forest is called deciduous because deciduous trees and shrubs grow in it.”
Deciduous trees on the media projector screen.
The teacher asks what other types of trees the children know. Summarizes the children's responses:
“Coniferous trees are pine, cedar, spruce, fir and others. Such a forest is called coniferous.
Coniferous trees on the screen of a media projector.
The teacher asks:
“What is the name of the forest in which deciduous and coniferous trees grow? What forest are we walking in? Deciduous and coniferous trees grow in a mixed forest, we walk in a mixed forest. The teacher leads the children to understand that by keeping the forest clean and tidy, we are helping plants and animals.
A picture of a mixed forest is projected onto the screen.
Walking in the forest is very beneficial for health. Let's take a walk in the field.

We'll take baskets
Let's go to the forest for berries. (Children walk in a circle one after another.)
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's look for berries. (They stop, perform a “spring”, clap their hands.)
Let's run along the path (Run in circles.)
Let's jump over puddles. (Jumping on two legs.)
We look under the leaves (They sit down.)
Gather berries for dinner: (Imitate picking berries.)
Blackberries and raspberries,
Blueberries and viburnum. (They walk in place.)
Clusters of ripe lingonberries
And some strawberries. (Perform "spring", clap their hands.)

Bushes on the media projector screen.
The teacher asks:
How are trees different from shrubs? It is true that a tree has one trunk from the root, and a shrub has several rather thin stems - stems. What shrubs do you know? Tell us about the shrubs - hawthorn, blackberry, sea buckthorn, lilac, wild rose and others. (Children's answers.) Raspberries and currants are also shrubs. They grow both in the forest and in the country. The fruits (berries) of these shrubs are very tasty and healthy. What other berries grow in the forest? (Strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries.)

The teacher asks: What other plants are there in the forest? That's right, mushrooms. Mushrooms are edible and inedible. Mushroom pickers carefully cut them with a knife so as not to damage the root (mycelium). Then mushrooms will grow in this place. Mushrooms feed on people and forest dwellers. Especially loves squirrel mushrooms. She even dries them for the winter and puts them in a hollow.”
There are berries and mushrooms on the media projector screen.
The teacher asks:
What other plants are there in the forest? (Children's answers.) In herbaceous plants, dandelion, plantain, bluebell, the stems are soft, juicy. There are many beautiful herbaceous plants in the forest that bloom very beautifully!”
Herbaceous plants on the screen of a media projector.
The teacher draws the attention of the children that there is again a letter from the old man Lesovichok on the stump, and reads it out:
"Guys! How you pleased me - you observed all the rules of behavior in the forest. I want to give you pictures of forest plants. I propose to color all the plants and, together with adults, draw up the book "Plants of the Forest". This book will help you get to know wonderful world nature. And I always look forward to your visit. Walking in the forest is very useful for children and adults! All the best! Sincerely, old man Lesovichok.
The teacher invites children to color pictures of plants in their free time and make a collage "Autumn Forest".


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