Fundamental for building a system of budgets is. Techniques for building corporate budgeting systems. Building performance evaluation functions

Budgeting system is an organizational and economic complex, represented by a number of special attributes introduced into the enterprise management system. The most important of these are:

  • the use of special carriers of management information - budgets,
  • appropriation structural units the status of business units (centers of financial responsibility - CFD),
  • a high level of decentralization of enterprise management.

Traditionally, budget was understood as financial plan, in the form of a balance sheet in which costs are reconciled with revenues. However, in the enterprise budgeting system, this category has acquired a broader semantic content. Often a budget is understood as any document that reflects any aspect of activities in the process of fulfilling the mission of an enterprise. The budget sets the direction of activity. It also reflects the actual results of these activities. The main idea implemented by the budgeting system is combination of centralized strategic management at the enterprise level and decentralization operational management at the level of its subdivisions.

Decentralization of enterprise management when using a budgeting system means:

  • delegation of management powers (and, accordingly, responsibility) to lower-level links,
  • increasing the economic independence of these links,
  • endowing the links with certain property necessary to solve the tasks facing them,
  • assignment to the links of the costs associated with their activities.<Закрепление>means providing the ability to manage these costs broadly,
  • assigning to divisions a part of the income they receive,
  • alienation of part of the income received by each division to finance the activities of divisions that are unable to receive such income from outside,
  • the primacy of the mission of the enterprise over the goals of individual divisions. The degree and possibilities of interference by higher levels in the activities of lower levels determines the level of centralization of management. It can change from the highest (everything is decided and the director and the executive management are responsible for everything) to the lowest (each division is a legally independent entity).

The main elements of the budgeting system businesses are income, costs, financial results(deficit or surplus), principles of building the budget system.

Budget revenues - cash that are received free of charge and irrevocably at the disposal of the corresponding Central Federal District - the center of profit or income. Anchored income is income that goes completely into the corresponding budget. Regulatory income - funds transferred from one budget to another. They can take the following forms:

  • subsidy - funds transferred on a gratuitous and irrevocable basis to compensate for the deficit,
  • subventions - funds transferred on a gratuitous and irrevocable basis for the implementation of certain targeted expenses,
  • subsidy - funds transferred on the basis of equity financing of targeted expenditures.

Budget expenditures - funds allocated for financial support of the tasks and functions of the subject of management.

Budget deficit - excess of budget expenditures over its revenues. Sequestration of expenditures is a regular reduction in all items of expenditure (except for protected ones) with the threat of a budget deficit.

Budget surplus - excess of budget revenues over its expenditures.

Budget classification - systematized economic grouping of budget revenues and expenditures according to homogeneous characteristics.

The system of enterprise budgets is based on the following principles:

  • unity of the budgetary system;
  • differentiation of income and expenses between the levels of the budgetary system;
  • independence of budgets;
  • completeness of reflection of budget revenues and expenditures;
  • balance of the budget;
  • lack of budget deficit;
  • efficiency and economy of the use of budgetary funds;
  • general (aggregate) coverage of budget expenditures;
  • reliability of the budget.

The principle of unity budget system means unity

  • regulatory framework,
  • forms of budget documentation,
  • sanctions and incentives,
  • methodology for the formation and use of budgetary funds.

The principle of differentiation income and expenses between separate budgets means the assignment of the corresponding types of income (in full or in part) and the authority to carry out expenses for the relevant management entities.

The principle of independence budgets means:

  • the right of individual subjects of management to independently carry out the budgetary process;
  • Availability own sources budget revenues of each subject of management, determined in accordance with the methodology for forming the budget of the enterprise;
  • the right of management entities independently, in accordance with the current methodology, to determine the directions of spending the funds of the respective budgets;
  • inadmissibility of withdrawal of revenues additionally received in the course of budget execution, the amounts of excess revenues over budget expenditures and amounts of savings on budget expenditures;
  • inadmissibility of compensation at the expense of other budgets for losses in income and additional costs arising in the course of budget execution.

Completeness principle reflection of revenues and expenditures of budgets means that all revenues and expenditures of the subject of management are subject to reflection in its budget.

Balance principle budget means that the volume of the budgeted expenditures must correspond to the total volume of budget revenues and receipts from the sources of financing its deficit.

When drawing up, approving and executing the budget, it is necessary to proceed from minimization principle the size of the budget deficit.

The principle of efficiency and the economy of using budget funds means that when drawing up and executing budgets, the relevant management entities should proceed from the need to achieve the specified results using the least amount of funds or achieve the best result using a certain budget amount of funds.

Principle of general (aggregate) coverage of expenses means that the budgetary expenditures of all CFDs should be covered by the total amount of the enterprise's income.

The principle of reliability budget means the reliability of the indicators of the forecast of the socio-economic development of the enterprise as a whole and individual subjects of management, the realistic calculation of budget revenues and expenditures.

2. Factors of increasing production efficiency when introducing a budgeting system

The purpose of implementing a budgeting system is to improve the efficiency of the enterprise. Efficiency criterion is the excess of the income of the enterprise over its costs when performing the functions assigned to the enterprise (its mission).

The efficiency is enhanced by the following factors.

First, the whole set is brought into a single balance. financial flows associated with the formation of income and costs. The problem of their coordination is solved both at the level of the enterprise and its individual divisions. Full clarity is created about how each ruble of the budget appears at the enterprise, how it moves and is used.

Secondly, assigning budgets to departments transfers a significant part of the responsibility for the level wages employees from the director of the enterprise to the heads of these departments. Middle managers get the opportunity to manage the income and costs of their departments within the overall budget of the enterprise.

Thirdly, the principle of material interest of all personnel in the results of work as their unit and the enterprise as a whole is implemented. The actual payroll of the unit is calculated at the end of the budget period on a leftover basis as the unused part of the cost limit set for it. The limit grows as income rises. It becomes profitable to raise incomes and reduce costs, as this will increase wages.

Fourthly, the budgetary process implements all the functions of financial management at the enterprise, namely, planning, organization, motivation, accounting, analysis and regulation. Moreover, financial management is carried out in real time.

Fifth, it becomes possible to orient financial policy towards solving specific problems. For example, an enterprise in a complex financial situation, can lay in the basis of the budget the necessary funds and the schedule for the repayment of their overdue accounts payable.

Sixth, the basis financial planning a plan for the production of products, material and technical and personnel support is laid. The budgeting system becomes the basis for the integrated management of all areas of the enterprise.

3. System of enterprise budgets

The budgetary device of the enterprise is organizational principles building a budget system, its structure, the relationship of the budgets combined in it.

Enterprise budget system - a set of budgets based on production, economic relations and the structural arrangement of the enterprise, regulated by its internal regulatory documents. Consolidated (total) budget - a summary of all budgets used in budget system enterprises. Includes the budget of the enterprise as a whole and the budgets of individual subjects of management in its composition.

The traditional structure of the system of budgets at the enterprise is shown in Figure 1. This figure also reflects the relationship between individual budgets and the logic of developing the overall (consolidated) budget of the enterprise.

The system presented in Figure 1 can be supplemented with the following aspects of the classification of budget documents:

  1. by functional purpose:
  2. in relation to the level of integration of management information:
    • the budget of the primary accounting center,
    • consolidated budget,
  3. depending on the time interval:
    • strategic budget,
    • operational budget,
  4. depending on the stage of the budget process:
    • planned budget,
    • actual (executed) budget.

Usually at the enterprise level, the main budget documents are considered

  • <Бухгалтерский баланс>(property budget) - form 1 of the company's financial statements;
  • <Отчет о прибылях и убытках>(budget of income and expenses) - form 2 of the accounting statements of the enterprise;
  • <Отчет о движении денежных средств>(cash flow budget) - Form 4 of the accounting statements of the enterprise;
  • The budget of the production and economic (operating) activities of an enterprise is a document reflecting the production and sale of products, other production results (not included in the official reporting, it is developed in any form).

In the budgetary process, the decomposition takes place, and then the integration of the information of the above documents, which are the budget of the enterprise. The indicators of the enterprise budget are made up of the indicators of the budgets of workshops, services, departments. Shop budget indicators - from the indicators of the budgets of sites, etc. Wherein<Бухгалтерский баланс предприятия трансформируется в систему балансов имущества центров финансовой ответственности. <Отчет о прибылях и убытках>enterprises - into the system of budgets of income and expenses of the Central Federal District.<Отчет о движении денежных средств>enterprises - in the system of budgets of cash flow of the Central Federal District.

The budget of the production and economic activities of the enterprise is transformed into a system of budgets for the operations of the Central Federal District.

4. Implementation of the budgeting system

The system that implements enterprise budget management includes the following parts:

a) economic, b) organizational, c) informational, d) computer.

The economic part of the supporting system is represented by a kind of economic mechanism operating within the enterprise. This mechanism assumes:

  • assignment of certain property to the divisions of the enterprise, vesting with the rights to manage this property, income and costs,
  • the use of special methods for the distribution of the income received and the formation of costs,
  • the use of methods of economic incentives.

Budgeting requires a significant amount of regulatory information - consumption rates, prices, tariffs, etc. To obtain it, significant preparatory analytical work is being carried out. In its process, a thorough inventory of the company's income and expenses is carried out. Reserves and losses are identified.

Organizational support includes a modification of the organizational structure of enterprise management and a change in its workflow. At the same time, the implementation of the system usually does not require a radical restructuring of the organizational structure. In this area, the minimum requirements are as follows:

  1. each subdivision is assigned a status:<центр дохода>, <центр прибыли>, <центр затрат>etc.,
  2. a subdivision is created that operates the budget management system (settlement and financial center, treasury, etc.),
  3. the head of this department is vested with the powers of the deputy director of the enterprise,

Rice. 1. The traditional structure of the budget system.

  1. the document flow diagram of the enterprise changes as follows:
    • new documents are introduced - mandatory plans for income and expenses,
    • all types of actual costs of the enterprise are checked against the budget before their execution.

The computer part of the software includes

  • personal computers,
  • a universal software environment (the Excel system has proven itself well in solving these problems),
  • a specialized software package that implements the development and execution of budget documents.

As examples of specialized software systems, one can cite R / 3 (SAAP firm),<Галактика>(firm<Галактика>), (firm), etc. Most of these complexes are positioned by their developers as a universal tool suitable for use in any enterprise.

However, the experience of implementing such systems has shown that in each case it is necessary to customize the system for each specific enterprise. This setting is reduced to taking into account the specifics of the enterprise in the field of planning, accounting, document management, etc. This setup is extremely time consuming. Its cost can be an order of magnitude higher than the cost of purchasing a universal piece of software. Therefore, every setting<универсального>software complex is reduced to the development of a unique system suitable only for one specific enterprise.

As has been noted many times, the budgeting system implements all the functions of enterprise management, including accounting. In relation to the enterprise accounting system, autonomous and adapted versions of the budgeting system are possible.

Adapted version based on the use of accounting information. Standalone option involves the creation of its own accounting system independent of the accounting department.

Each of these options has certain advantages and disadvantages.

Adapted version relies on well-established accounting information flows. It is free from duplicate accounting information and in this respect is cheaper than standalone. The use of the adapted version is especially attractive with well-developed analytical accounting, when property, income and costs are accounted for by divisions of the enterprise. It should be noted that such accounting is sometimes equated with budgeting.

However, budget planning is a significant problem here. An important principle of the budget management system is the comparability of planned and accounting information. Therefore, in the adapted version, the planning should be kept in<бухгалтерском>style. That is, if accounting is carried out in the context of accounting accounts, planning should also be carried out accordingly. This raises a number of complex methodological problems that have not yet been satisfactorily resolved. And the stronger the analytical accounting, the more difficult the planning.

Standalone option uses its own accounting system. This causes duplication of accounting information. Administrative costs are increasing. However, at the same time, the budgeting system is simpler, cheaper in development, and often, and operation due to the use of less complex algorithms for planning and accounting.

It is advisable to use the stand-alone option in the case when the accounting system of the enterprise is in an unsatisfactory state (which is typical for many Russian enterprises). First, the budgeting system cannot rely on inaccurate accounting data. Secondly, it often turns out to be faster to implement a duplicate accounting system than to expect the accounting department to work again. And, finally, it is much easier to put things in order in the accounting department using the methods of material interest, implemented by the budgeting system.

For modern Russian conditions, the following strategy for implementing a budget-based management system seems appropriate:

  • at first, a less perfect, but simpler and cheaper autonomous version is being introduced,
  • after it is mastered, debugged, and the company gets used to working in a budgeting environment, it makes sense to implement an adapted version of the system, including highly efficient interconnected planning and accounting units.

The functional aspect of the budget management system can be presented in the form of Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. The composition of functional blocks that implement the budgeting system

The main functional blocks of the system are:

  • planning block,
  • metering unit,
  • analysis block,
  • normative base.

The objects of planning, accounting and analysis are the property of the enterprise and the sources of its financing, cash flow, income and costs and operating activities.

When developing budgets, full compliance with production plans, income and costs, cash flow and property of the enterprise must be ensured. The plans of the enterprise as a whole should be disintegrated into the system of the corresponding plans of individual divisions. At the same time, interconnection of current (operational) and medium-term (technical and economic) plans should be ensured. The production plan must be provided with material resources, and the latter - with finances.

The budgeting system involves the recreation of not only financial, but also production planning, planning of material and technical and personnel support.

The accounting and analytical blocks of the system must be fully compatible with the planned. The composition of accounting and planning information should be completely the same.

The analysis should compare the planned and reported information and identify the causes of deviations.

A prerequisite is the adequate use of analytical data by the administration and the development of regulatory responses.

The basis of the budgeting system is the regulatory framework.

It includes the consumption rates of raw materials and materials, prices, tariffs, payment standards, rates, etc. This information is collected by the accounting unit, researched, rationalized and then applied in the planning process.

An important segment of the regulatory framework is the norms for the distribution of income and the formation of cost limits. This information arises in the process of planning budgets and is used in their execution.

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Budgeting is one of the managers' control panels. But why? After all, these "remotes" in the hands of managers are already quite enough, why was another method of managing the finances of an enterprise invented for business efficiency? Let's take a look at some theory.

Let's start with the global system, namely with the question of what is “financial management”.

By itself, the term "management" means management. However, the word "management" is not used in the financial sphere, since the mighty Russian language represents the term "management" as a physical impact, for example, driving a car.

You would probably think that what difference does it make whether to drive a car or finance. Here you need to look deeper.

Financial management is not just the management of financial resources and financial activities of an enterprise. It is the brain of the organization that collects information about the financial resources and financial performance of the enterprise; it is the brain that calculates the received data on the financial resources and financial activities of the enterprise; it is a brain that analyzes every detail of education, movement of financial resources, and also analyzes the implemented management decisions in the financial policy of the enterprise.

Until a certain time, financial management was implemented in the field of decisions already made. But in our time it has become vitally important to carry out short-term and long-term planning of financial activities, a look into the future of the life of the enterprise in numbers.

Hence the budgeting system arose. Thus, budgeting is an ongoing procedure for drawing up, maintaining and executing budgets (financial plans).

Financial planning is the process of developing a system of financial plans (budgets), indicators to ensure the development of the enterprise with the necessary financial resources and increase the efficiency of its activities in the coming period.

There are many reasons for budgeting. Here are examples of some of them:

Uncertainty of the future;

Uncertainty about the future;

Coordination of various structures of the enterprise when they use financial and material resources, limited resources, etc.

The main goal of budgeting is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise, its financial stability and development.

This is achieved by solving the following tasks:

· Determination of the amount of possible cash inflows (from all sources of cash inflows);

· Determination of the possibilities for the sale of goods, works, services (their quantity and cost) based on the results of concluded contracts and competition;

· Justification of all possible costs for the period of budgeting;

· Establishment of optimal proportions in the distribution of financial resources;

· Analysis of the efficiency of the enterprise according to the results of the prepared budgets, analysis of the financial indicators of the enterprise;

· Identification of risks, analysis of the need for their application, and their reduction.

Principles of the budgeting system

Like any system, the enterprise budgeting system has a number of principles that have developed as a result of studying this topic:

1. The principle of unity.

This principle means that budgeting should be carried out uniformly throughout the enterprise. In other words, all divisions of the organization are united, interconnected, have the same economic goals; communication between divisions is carried out by coordinating the budgets of all divisions.

2. The principle of participation.

This principle means that each structure of the enterprise is involved in financial planning: it provides data on the financial indicators of its division, makes adjustments; heads of all divisions participate in making management decisions when analyzing the results of budget execution.

3. The principle of continuity.

For the purpose of budgeting efficiency, the planned activities in the enterprise should be carried out regularly and continuously.

With the constant drafting and adjustment of budgets, their effectiveness is at a high level. Also, for the continuous drawing up of current budgets, it is necessary to carry out the plan-fact-analysis procedure, since on its basis the values ​​for future budgets are compiled.

4. The principle of flexibility.

This principle is a characteristic feature of budgeting. It lies in the fact that the financial manager has the right to adjust the budget, and when drawing up it, lay in a little more or less funds, thereby creating a reserve for security, for example, excess "credit potential", which, if necessary, can attract a loan.

5. The principle of efficiency.

According to this principle, the cost of budgeting should not be higher than the cost of its application. That is, financial planning should improve the efficiency of the enterprise, and not vice versa.

The budgeting system in our country began to develop later than abroad. As a rule, this system is inherent in large corporations and enterprises, limited liability companies live a modest life, but, despite the small turnover of funds, budgeting could contribute to their development.

Based on the experience of foreign countries, it is possible to identify a considerable number of advantages when using budgeting in an enterprise.

These include:

Budgeting helps to control production activities, to manipulate it justifiably. Without the availability of a production budget, the head of the enterprise sees only the final result, be it positive or negative, it is difficult to assess the reasons for the result;

Budgeting significantly increases the efficiency of allocation and use of the firm's resources, and also allows you to identify weaknesses.

If the enterprise does not have a budgeting system, then, basically, in order to analyze the activities of the enterprise, the indicators of the current period are compared with the previous one. But this can either lead to incorrect conclusions, or the situation may not fully manifest itself.

If the results of work have changed for the better, this is good, but it does not take into account the opportunities that have opened up, which were not there before, which may not be used for new and new better results.

Financial Responsibility Centers

As we said earlier, budgeting is not just a budgeting process. It's a long cycle: planning - composing - executing - analyzing. This is a colossal work that should be performed not by one person, but by a department. Financial managers are assisted in this by financial responsibility centers.

The Center for Financial Responsibility (CFR) is that part of the financial structure of a company that carries out business operations in accordance with its budget and owns all the necessary resources and powers for this. Financial Responsibility Centers are subdivided according to the responsibility for achieving the goal for specific budgets.

The following CFDs can be distinguished:

· Cost center - a structural unit (or a group of departments), the head of which is responsible for compliance with a certain amount of costs (for example, a production workshop, a purchasing department). For efficient operation of the cost center, a budget of expenses is drawn up, which must be respected; a target setting is given to minimize costs, but at the same time, they need to take into account that when costs decrease, product quality may decrease due to the purchase of lower-quality raw materials, or the hiring of unskilled employees;

· Center of income - a structural unit (or a group of departments), the head of which is responsible for compliance with a certain amount of income; this unit is associated with the main activity and can affect the income of this activity (for example, the sales department);

· Profit center - a structural unit (or a group of units), the head of which is responsible for maintaining a certain amount of profit (revenue - direct costs - indirect costs);

· An investment center is a structural unit (or a group of units) of an enterprise, the management of which is responsible not only for revenues and costs, but also for investments and the efficiency of their use (for example, the department of additional education, which develops new curricula).

Based on this, we will draw up Table 1.1, which reflects the results of the introduction of Financial Responsibility Centers: positive features and difficulties that can be encountered.

Table 1.1 Result of the introduction of Financial Responsibility Centers

Positive features

Achievement of a transparent work of the enterprise

The need to disclose confidential information to a large number of employees (the heads of the Central Federal District are devoted to the intricacies of management accounting, which is not always good)

Empowering managers of financial responsibility centers with authority and responsibility contributes to the development of personnel and increases their motivation

Conflicts related to the distribution of indirect costs between the Central Federal District and the calculation of prices

Expansion of the rights and competencies of employees (in particular, financial)

Making wrong decisions due to insufficient competence of the second level of management

Increasing the speed of making correct decisions at low

Lack of uniform standards in the activities of different Central Federal District

levels, due to the fact that the CFD manager is "narrow"

specialist, but at the same time very good

Inaction, indifference, resistance from employees who may not be interested in achieving transparency and efficiency

The ability to motivate employees for the financial results of their activities

Resistance from employees who do not want to make independent decisions and take responsibility, as well as engage in accounting work

More accurate calculation due to the use of multiple overhead cost allocation bases (if there are several cost CFDs)

Increased time and other costs

resources for management accounting

Positive features

Negative traits, difficulties

Stimulation of cost reduction (work within approved budgets and individual plan-fact analysis for each center of financial responsibility)

The emergence of unhealthy competition between individual CFDs

When assessing the execution of the plan by the centers of financial responsibility, budgeting is the basis, and the work of CFD managers is assessed by reports on budget execution, which motivates managers to be accountable. If the plans are not fulfilled, attention should be paid to those responsible for these plans of the Central Federal District.

Functions of the budgeting system

The budgeting system allows you to make decisions in terms of analyzing the optimality of production, planning the release and sales of products, making investments.

When setting budgeting in an organization, the following issues should be considered:

1) which department or employee (depending on the size of the enterprise) will be involved in budgeting;

2) the choice of a method for the future implementation of budgeting;

3) how control over budget execution will be carried out;

4) the choice of methods and methods for analyzing deviations from the planned value.

Based on the experience of small enterprises, we can conclude that the economic department is engaged in budgeting, which includes financial managers, economists and a manager.

Economists, in cooperation with the accounting department, present the actual and normative budgetary costs and results, and financial managers are engaged in the development of recommendations for optimizing the results.

Economists calculate the expected result of activities in different areas and assess how realistic it is to achieve it. They are also obliged to anticipate the economic situation of the organization after a certain period of time when analyzing the execution of various budgets.

To consider the following issues, we will analyze the functions of the budgeting system.

Budgeting is designed to fulfill three main functions:



1. Planning.

This function is most important, since budgeting is its foundation, the beginning of the budgeting process cycle. Budgets are drawn up on the basis of the strategic plans of the organization, which ensures the rational distribution of the financial resources of the enterprise.

When creating budgets, there is a quantitative certainty about the prospects of the firm, all results, future efficiency and costs acquire monetary expression.

In addition, the budgeting system contributes to a clear and correct choice of goals, the development of a business strategy, and the correct performance of the function of strategic management.

Among other things, budgeting is the foundation of management accounting. The entire accounting system must present accurate facts on types of products, structural divisions, areas of trade, or all of these indicators at the same time.

The budgeting system in the organization allows you to have accurate information, to compare the intended goals with the results of its activities (plan-fact-analysis).

3. Control.

Of course, this function is also very important, since no matter how good the plan is, it will remain useless if there is no strict control over its execution.

Also, to exercise control in the field of budgeting, it is necessary to regularly revise budgets and, if necessary, make adjustments.

Budgeting methods

Even at the stage of drawing up the regulatory framework that will regulate the budget process, it is necessary to determine the method of developing budgets.

It is believed that there are three main methods of budgeting that can be applied at all stages of the budget cycle, that is, during planning, and reconciliation and approval. These are the following methods:

- "upwards";

- "top down";


When using the bottom-up method, budgets are drawn up on the basis of lower structures to higher ones, that is, starting from the plans of activities of departments and projects, which are then passed up to determine the final results and indicators for the whole company.

With the next method - "from top to bottom" - everything happens the other way around: the numbers of the leading divisions go down to the lower divisions, that is, budgets are drawn up on the basis of the desired (target) indicators that are compiled by the management of the company.

For this method, the totals are determined on the basis of economic forecasts, as well as the strategy of the enterprise.

With the iterative method, the budgeting process includes several stages.

First, information about the desired results of the enterprise comes from senior management to subordinate departments; then information about opportunities is collected, then summarized from below and fed back up the hierarchical management structure, and such a scheme can be carried out several times, depending on the situation.

In the planning procedure, the management of the enterprise in order to make correct and rational decisions, it is necessary to have generalized and filtered information from all departments, which is available to the managers of the lower level.

They, in turn, are provided with this information by the budgetary process at the stage of analysis, built according to the “bottom-up” principle.

At the same time, very often the lower-level managers themselves can plan their activities more rationally if they have full information received from the management, which, as a rule, is much better aware of the general picture within the company and knows the long-term goals of the company. Top-down budgeting is very useful from this perspective.

Judging by practice, it can be seen that iterative methods of budgeting are more often used, which contain features of both options - the question is which approach prevails.

Bottom-up budgets are about collecting and filtering information from lower-level executives to company executives.

Managers who are responsible for implementing budget targets draw up budgets for the areas of activity within which they are responsible.

This approach is very competent, since In the process of budgeting, managers apply the accumulated experience, knowledge of the importance and problems of a particular area.

This increases the likelihood that the right goals will be set and the correct budgets adopted, for the execution of which the unit will strive to achieve the planned goals.

But with such a difficult process, there is also a drawback: a large amount of effort and time will be spent on coordinating the budgets of various structural units.

In addition, quite often transmitted indicators "from below" can be greatly changed by managers during the budget approval procedure, which in case of an unjustified decision of changes or with weak argumentation, a negative reaction of subordinates may appear. And the more often such a situation occurs, the more likely it is that the trust in the leadership will decrease, as well as the attention to the budget process on the part of lower-level managers.

In the future, this may affect the accuracy and care of data preparation or even indicate deliberately false numbers in the initial versions of the budgets.

The “bottom-up” budgeting method is quite widespread in Russia, both due to the unclear market situation and due to the reluctance of the management to engage in planning.

Top-down budgets require the management of the enterprise to have a clear understanding of the basic intricacies of the organization and the ability to form a transparent and realistic forecast, at least for a short period.

This method ensures consistency in the budgets of different departments, and also allows you to set targets for sales, expenses, etc. to assess the performance of financial responsibility centers.

The most rational method is an iterative budgeting system, in which, first, control financial figures are given from top to bottom, and after formation in the opposite direction, from bottom to top throughout the entire system of enterprise budgets, up to the main financial budgets - the income and expenditure budget (BDR). the cash flow budget (BDDS) and the Consolidated Balance Sheet.

If the set goals are achieved, the budgets are presented to the management for approval, after which they become directive from the project and are sent to all managers of the company for implementation and control of their implementation.

If, according to the results of the analysis, a discrepancy between the obtained final indicators and the desired ones is found, then the company management receives a task to prepare a different version of the budgets. Such manipulations are repeated until a suitable version is reached, which will be accepted as approved.

The budgeting system is an organizational and economic complex, represented by a number of special attributes introduced into the enterprise management system. The most important of these are:

- the use of special carriers of management information - budgets;

- assignment to structural divisions of the status of business units (centers of financial responsibility - CFD);

- a high level of decentralization of enterprise management.

Traditionally, a budget was understood as a financial plan in the form of a balance sheet in which costs are aligned with revenues. However, in the enterprise budgeting system, this category has acquired a broader semantic content. Often a budget is understood as any document that reflects any aspect of activities in the process of fulfilling the mission of an enterprise. The budget sets the direction of activity. It also reflects the actual results of these activities. The main idea implemented by the budgeting system is a combination of centralized strategic management at the enterprise level and the decentralization of operational management at the level of its divisions.

Decentralization of enterprise management when using a budgeting system means:

- delegation of managerial powers (and, accordingly, responsibility) to lower-level links;

- increasing the economic independence of these links;

- endowing the links with certain property necessary for solving the tasks facing them;

- assignment to the links of the costs associated with their activities; “Anchoring” means providing the ability to manage these costs broadly;

- assignment to divisions of a part of the income they receive;

- alienation of a part of the income received by each subdivision to finance the activities of subdivisions that are unable to receive such income from outside;

- the primacy of the mission of the enterprise over the goals of individual departments. The degree of the possibility of intervention by higher levels in the activities of lower levels determines the level of centralization of management.

The main elements of the budgeting system

The main elements of the budgeting system are revenues, costs, financial results (deficit or surplus), principles of building the budget system.

Budget revenues are monetary funds that are received free of charge and irrevocably at the disposal of the corresponding Central Federal District - the center of profit or income. Anchored income is income that goes completely into the corresponding budget. Regulatory income - funds transferred from one budget to another:

- subsidy - funds transferred on a gratuitous and irrevocable basis to compensate for the deficit;

- Subvention - funds transferred on a gratuitous and non-refundable basis for the implementation of certain target costs;

- subsidy - funds transferred on the basis of equity financing of targeted expenses.

Budget expenditures - funds allocated for financial support of the tasks and functions of the subject of management.

Budget deficit - the excess of budget expenditures over its revenues.

Sequestration of expenditures is a regular reduction in all items of expenditure (except for protected ones) with the threat of a budget deficit.

Budget surplus is the excess of budget revenues over its expenditures.

Budget classification is a systematized economic grouping of budget revenues and expenditures according to homogeneous characteristics. The system of enterprise budgets is based on the following principles:

- the unity of the budgetary system;

- differentiation of income and expenses between the levels of the budgetary system;

- independence of budgets;

- completeness of reflection of budget revenues and expenditures;

- balance of the budget;

- deficit-free budget;

- efficiency and economy of the use of budgetary funds;

- general (aggregate) coverage of budget expenditures;

- the reliability of the budget.

When building a budgeting system, it should be remembered that financial planning is closely related and relies on the marketing, production and other plans of the enterprise, obeys the mission and general strategy of the enterprise: no financial forecasts will gain practical value until production and marketing decisions have been worked out.

Principles of building a budgetary system

The principle of the unity of the budgetary system means the unity of the following elements: regulatory framework; forms of budget documentation; sanctions and incentives; methodology for the formation and use of budgetary funds.

The principle of differentiation of income and expenses between separate budgets means the assignment of the corresponding types of income (in whole or in part) and the authority to carry out expenses for the respective management entities.

The principle of autonomy of budgets means:

- the right of individual subjects of management to independently carry out the budgetary process;

- the presence of own sources of income for the budgets of each subject of management, determined in accordance with the methodology for forming the budget of the enterprise;

- the right of management entities independently, in accordance with the current methodology, to determine the directions of spending the funds of the respective budgets;

- the inadmissibility of the withdrawal of incomes additionally received in the course of budget execution, the amounts of excess income over races

moves of budgets and amounts of savings on budget expenditures.

The principle of completeness of reflection of budget revenues and expenditures means that all revenues and expenditures of the subject of management are subject to reflection in its budget.

The principle of a balanced budget means that the volume of budgeted expenditures must correspond to the total volume of budget revenues and receipts from sources of financing its deficit.

The principle of efficiency and economy in the use of budgetary funds means that when drawing up and executing budgets, the relevant management entities should proceed from the need to achieve the specified results using the least amount of funds or achieve the best result using the amount of funds specified by the budget.

The principle of total cost recovery means that the budgetary costs of all centers of financial responsibility should be covered by the total amount of income of the enterprise.

The principle of budget reliability means the reliability of the indicators of the forecast of the socio-economic development of the enterprise, the realistic calculation of budget revenues and expenditures.

Factors of increasing production efficiency when introducing a budgeting system

The purpose of implementing a budgeting system is to improve the efficiency of the enterprise. The criterion of efficiency is the excess of the enterprise's income over its costs when performing the functions assigned to the enterprise (its mission).

The efficiency of the enterprise during the transition to the budgeting system increases due to the following factors:

1. The whole set of financial flows associated with the formation of income and costs is brought together in a single balance. The problem of their coordination at the level of both the enterprise and its individual divisions is being solved. Full clarity is created about how each ruble of the budget appears at the enterprise, how it moves and is used.

2. The assignment of budgets to departments transfers a significant part of the responsibility for the level of wages of workers from the director of the enterprise to the heads of these departments.

3. The principle of material interest of all personnel in the results of the work of their subdivisions and the enterprise as a whole is implemented. The actual payroll of the unit is calculated at the end of the budget period on a leftover basis as the unused part of the cost limit set for it. The limit grows as income rises. It becomes profitable to raise incomes and reduce costs, as this will increase wages.

4. The budgetary process at the enterprise implements all the functions of financial management, namely, planning, organization, motivation, accounting, analysis and regulation. Moreover, financial management is carried out in real time.

5. It becomes possible to orient financial policy towards solving specific problems. For example, a company in a difficult financial position can lay the foundation of the budget for the necessary funds and a schedule for repayment of its overdue accounts payable.

6. The basis of financial planning is the plan of production, material and technical and personnel support. The budgeting system becomes the basis for the integrated management of all areas of the enterprise.

Enterprise budget system

The budgetary structure of an enterprise represents the organizational principles of building a budgetary system, its structure, the relationship of the budgets combined in it.

The budgetary system of an enterprise is a set of budgets based on production, economic relations and the structural arrangement of an enterprise, regulated by its internal regulatory documents. Consolidated budget - a collection of all budgets used in the enterprise budget system. The consolidated budget includes the budget of the enterprise as a whole and the budgets of individual management entities in its composition.

The system of enterprise budgets can be supplemented with the following aspects of the classification of budget documents:

- by functional purpose: property budget, income and expenses budget, cash flow budget, operating activity budget;

- in relation to the level of integration of management information: the budget of the primary accounting center, the consolidated budget;

- depending on the time interval: strategic budget, operational budget;

- depending on the stage of the budget process: planned budget, actual (executed) budget.

Usually, at the enterprise level, the following are considered as the main budget documents:

1. Balance sheet (property budget) - form 1 of the company's financial statements.

2. Profit and loss statement (budget of income and expenses) - form 2 of the accounting statements of the enterprise.

3. Statement of cash flows (cash flow budget) - form 4 of the accounting statements of the enterprise.

The budget of the production and economic (operating) activities of an enterprise is a document reflecting the production and sale of products, other production results (it is not included in the official reporting, it is developed in any form). The budget for the production and economic activities of the enterprise is transformed into a system of budgets for the operating activities of the centers of financial responsibility.

Implementation of the budgeting system

The system that implements the management of the enterprise budget includes the following parts: economic, organizational, informational, computer.

The economic part of the supporting system is represented by a certain economic mechanism operating within the enterprise. This mechanism assumes:

- assignment of certain property to the divisions of the enterprise, granting the rights to manage this property, income and costs;

- the use of special methods of distribution of the income received and the formation of costs;

- the use of methods of economic incentives.

Budget development requires a significant amount of regulatory information - consumption rates, prices, tariffs, etc. To obtain it, significant preparatory analytical work is carried out, during which a thorough inventory of the company's income and expenses is carried out, reserves and losses are identified.

Organizational support includes a modification of the organizational structure of enterprise management and a change in its workflow. At the same time, the implementation of the system usually does not require a radical restructuring of the organizational structure. In this area, the minimum requirements are as follows:

- each subdivision is assigned the status: "income center", "profit center", "cost center", etc .;

- a subdivision is created that operates the budget management system (settlement and financial center, treasury, etc.);

- the head of this department is endowed with the powers of the deputy director of the enterprise.

The document flow diagram of the enterprise changes as follows:

- new documents are being introduced - mandatory plans for income and expenses;

- all types of actual costs of the enterprise are checked against the budget before their execution.

The computer part of the software includes:

- personal computers;

- universal software environment;

- a specialized software package that implements the development and execution of budget documents.

Budgeting system options

In relation to the enterprise accounting system, autonomous and adapted versions of the budgeting system are possible.

The adapted version is based on the use of accounting information. The stand-alone option involves the creation of your own accounting system, independent of the accounting department.

Each of these options has certain advantages and disadvantages.

The tailored version relies on well-established accounting information flows. It is free from duplicate accounting information and in this respect is more economical compared to the stand-alone one. The use of the adapted version is especially attractive with well-developed analytical accounting, when property, income and costs are accounted for by divisions of the enterprise. It should be noted that such accounting is sometimes equated with budgeting.

However, budget planning is a significant problem here. An important principle of the budget management system is the comparability of planned and accounting information. Therefore, in the adapted version, planning should be kept in an "accounting" style. That is, if accounting is carried out in the context of accounting accounts, planning should also be carried out accordingly. This raises a number of complex methodological problems that have not yet been satisfactorily resolved. And the stronger the analytical accounting, the more difficult the planning.

The stand-alone option uses its own accounting system. This causes duplication of accounting information, resulting in increased management costs. However, the budgeting system is cheaper to develop and easier to operate.

The main functional blocks of the system are:

- planning block;

- accounting unit;

- analysis block;

- normative base.

When developing budgets, full compliance with production plans, income and costs, cash flow and property of the enterprise must be ensured. The plans of the enterprise as a whole should be correlated with the system of the corresponding plans of individual departments.

Consolidating budgets

If the company is a holding company consisting of several separate enterprises (business units, branches, separate legal entities), then the question arises of the formation of consolidated budgets and reports for the entire company.

Consolidation of budgets can be done in two ways:

- joint planning and keeping records of the activities of all enterprises in one system, which allows you to immediately form consolidated budgets and company reports;

- maintenance of separate accounting and the formation of own planning and reporting documents for each of the company's enterprises and their subsequent consolidation into consolidated budgets and company reports.

Various areas of activity of the company's enterprises, an increase in the number of heterogeneous business transactions contribute to the maintenance of separate specialized accounting for each enterprise. This leads to the need to consolidate separate budgets and reports of the company's enterprises, which, in turn, requires the development of a methodology for this procedure.

In the presence of business transactions between various enterprises of the company, the consolidation procedure becomes more complicated, and it becomes necessary to exclude internal turnovers when forming consolidated budgets and reports. One of the most common types of internal turnover is intra-group sales. The profit of internal turnover can be included in the balance in the balance sheet, for example, in the composition of the products that the trading house purchased from the company's enterprises. Difficult cases arise if the profit of internal turnover is part of the materials, which are then used to manufacture products.

In order to correctly exclude all the influence of internal turnovers during the consolidation of budgets and reports, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of the organization of the company's business and develop a consolidation methodology. The creation of such a tool will make it possible to quickly and efficiently prepare consolidated budgets and reports for providing to interested users and making management decisions.

In modern conditions, enterprises spend budgeting using

accounting programs, usually in the form of planning

income and costs for the coming period without linking them to

necessary resources, that is, fragmentarily. At the same time, at

budgeting compliance with the rules for budgeting should be combined with the organizational structure of the enterprise

(centers for the formation of income and expenses), the choice of target

management functions and planning horizon.

The system of enterprise budgets is based on the following principles:

unity of the budgetary system;

differentiation of income and expenses between the levels of the budgetary system;

independence of budgets;

completeness of reflection of budget revenues and expenditures;

balance of the budget;

deficit-free budget;

efficiency and economy of the use of budgetary funds;

general (aggregate) coverage of budget expenditures;

reliability of the budget.

When building a budgeting system, it should be remembered that financial planning is closely related and relies on the marketing, production and other plans of the enterprise, obeys the mission and general strategy of the enterprise: no financial forecasts will gain practical value until production and marketing decisions have been worked out.

Stages of the budgeting process:

1. Motivation and target management functions are established,

planning horizon, activities, nomenclature produced

products and influencing factors, performance indicators for each division

2. Determines the directions of capital investments, a list

acquired non-current assets, their quantity and value.

3. A list and amounts of current expenses with a breakdown are established

for the reporting periods that the company will incur in the context of the expansion of activities, with a change in the structure and volume

sales, the need to increase the size of cash flows.

4. The income budget is formed taking into account the factors that determine

the price of products (works, services) at the enterprise.

5. The total amount in the budget of income is compared with the amount

costs calculated in the budgets of capital investments and general

running costs. Determined by income coverage of current expenses

and the possibility of implementing the adopted development strategy.

6. Indicators of efficiency of capital investments are determined

based on the data of the budget of the same name.

7. A sales budget is drawn up taking into account a number of factors, including

including: stages of the "life cycle" of the product, the possibility of rapid

establishment of production, competition in the market. Installed

the growth rate of sales during the planning horizon, which

Allows you to clarify incoming cash flows.

8. A budget of expected receipts is formed, taking into account

Terms of commercial lending to buyers and customers.

According to the accounting data, the percentage of income is determined

cash in the month of sale, also the percentage of repayment

accounts receivable in a later period and uncollectible

receivable. Thus, it is established

the final value of the incoming cash flow in

each reporting period (month, quarter, year). If expected

to the receipt of the amount are not satisfied, then the sales budget is adjusted.

9. The values ​​of indicators of the budget of direct costs are determined

for consumables, where the required list is taken into account,

volume and cost of inventories for production, their seasonal stock

and the rate of expenditure, delivery and storage costs.

10. A budget is prepared for the expected payments to suppliers and contractors

on the basis of the commercial

credit (deferred payment) on their part.

11. The total amount of the budget of the expected income is compared

with the final amounts of the budget of the expected payments. Determined

the solvency of the enterprise and its ability in the established

12. A budget is drawn up for the preparation of production of the product, where

the quantity of the product that must be kept on

beginning and end of the forecast period.

13. Budgets of fixed and variable costs are calculated

for wages for employees of the main production, apparatus

management, taking into account their number, existing forms and systems


14. Budgets of fixed and variable costs are prepared with

breakdown by type of cost in the planned reporting periods. Are planned

the amount of contributions to extrabudgetary funds. Revised budgets of permanent

and variable costs, taking into account the actual timing of payment

amounts of taxes and fees.

15. A list of funding sources is established, their

the cost and size of the incoming financial flow, taking into account the dividend

equity capital raising policies. Determined

size, structure and weighted average cost of capital.

16. The main factors influencing the implementation are identified.

investment projects and their values ​​for calculating cash flows

forecast and extended period

17. A forecast budget of cash flows is drawn up, reflecting

receipts (cash inflow) and payments (outflow

funds) when maintaining current, financial and investment


18. Formed forecast forms of the balance sheet and

report on financial results.

19. The profitability of activities and the stock are calculated

financial strength based on information from compiled


The result of budgeting is the coordination of business conditions

and available resources to support the planned

values ​​of profit, profitability, price of attracted capital

and size. This allows you to proceed to the compilation of production

Plans and activities for each structural unit, in

The process of implementation of which and when the conditions of management change

adjust the prepared budgets.

Operational financial planning, its goals and objectives.

Operational financial planning uses the approved strategic positions in day-to-day activities to achieve the set goals. Operational planning is the process of developing financial plans that ensures the best use of all the resources of the enterprise (both own and borrowed). Operational planning helps to carry out the current regulation of the course of production for the purpose of uniformity and rhythm of work, allows you to quickly and in time practically correct the situation, coordinate individual actions of various divisions united by a single goal - to ensure the financial stability of the enterprise through the implementation of the financial strategy.

Operational financial planning includes preparation and execution of a payment calendar, cash plan and calculation of the need for a short-term loan. The development of a payment calendar consists in determining a specific sequence and timing of all settlements, which makes it possible to transfer payments to budgets and off-budget funds in a timely manner and to provide financing for the normal economic activity of a commercial organization. The payment calendar is usually drawn up for a month (quarter) with the development of indicators for smaller periods (15 days, ten days, five days). A correctly drawn up payment calendar makes it possible to identify possible errors, lack of funds, reveal the reason for such a situation, schedule appropriate measures, and thus avoid financial difficulties.

In many commercial organizations, along with the payment calendar, a tax calendar is drawn up, which indicates when and what taxes should be paid. This avoids delays and interest. In addition to the payment calendar, a cash plan should also be drawn up, which is a plan for the turnover of cash through the cash desk. The cash plan not only reflects the company's solvency, but is also necessary to control the receipt and expenditure of cash. A commercial bank serving an enterprise also needs its cash plan in order to draw up a consolidated cash plan for servicing its customers in a timely manner.


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