Production of paper bags from scratch: a business plan. How to start a packaging business

In many industries, plastic containers are used - this is the most inexpensive and convenient way to package food, medicine, hygiene products, toys. So, entrepreneurial activity in this direction can become highly profitable. To start a business, you have to find a suitable premises, buy equipment for the production of plastic containers, and study the technology. The Russian market is not crowded with offers, so newcomers have every chance to take a strong position in this segment. A small enterprise, if you establish distribution channels, will very soon begin to bring consistently high profits.

To minimize any financial markets, analyze the sales market in a particular region. Are there many competitors? Will you find wholesale buyers? Where will you buy raw materials? Having drawn up a detailed business plan for the production of plastic containers and packaging, you will be able to calculate the costs and plan further activities.

Our business valuation:

Starting investment - 3,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 6/10.

Registration of a container manufacturing business

Start by registering your business. In this case, it will be more convenient to register an activity in the form of an LLC - this will make it possible to establish cooperation with wholesale buyers and suppliers of raw materials.

The selection of OKVED, the choice of the form of taxation, the drafting of the charter of the future company - the procedure for registering an LLC is quite complicated. And in order to save yourself from running around the authorities, it is better to entrust the case to lawyers.

Decide on the product range

The production and sale of plastic containers as a business is a profitable direction. But in order to minimize financial risks and not open the 10th plant in the region, analyze a specific sales market. Plastic containers are different. Start the production of one in which nearby industrial enterprises are interested - this will reduce transportation costs for the delivery of finished products, and you will be sure that the entire volume of manufactured containers will go to buyers.

Interested in purchasing plastic containers:

  • pharmaceutical companies,
  • food factories,
  • enterprises for the production of hygienic products.

Learn the technologies for manufacturing different types of plastic containers - then you will be able to supply diverse products to the market. You will definitely find wholesale buyers!

Production technology and necessary equipment

The production of plastic containers and packaging can be carried out using different technologies - it all depends on what characteristics the finished product should have, and on the raw materials used. You will need the help of an experienced technologist to draw up specific recipes. You can work according to GOST or TU.

Polyethylene terphthalate, high and low pressure polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, polystyrene are used as raw materials at plastic packaging manufacturing plants. Look for suppliers of raw materials that are geographically closer to the plant being opened. It is beneficial to use recycled materials.

Enterprises often introduce several technologies for the manufacture of plastic containers:

  • Extrusion. This is how hollow containers are made - vials, bottles.
  • Vacuum forming. This is how cups, bottles, blisters of various shapes, correxes for confectionery products are made.
  • Casting. This is how bottles are made.

The production of containers and packaging for food products will differ from the technology for manufacturing blisters and jars for medicines. But in general, the technological chain can be described as follows:

  • Production of blanks on special equipment. To optimize the process, it can be more profitable to buy ready-made blanks.
  • Molten plastic or workpiece through special equipment takes the desired shape.
  • The finished product is cooled.

Choose the equipment based on which technology is selected. Explore the market for suppliers of automatic lines to equip the workshop - there are quite a few offers. The production line consists of the following machines and devices:

The price of equipment for the production of plastic packaging will depend on the capacity of the line, its configuration, and the country of origin. It is better to choose a line that will allow you to produce several types of products. To equip a low-power workshop, at least 1,500,000 rubles will be required.

Production room

Investments will be made in the repair of the premises. Here, all the standards that are put forward by the supervisory authorities - SES and the fire inspection must be observed.

As for the workshop area, look for a building of at least 100 m 2. The premises must be divided into zones - the acceptance of raw materials, production itself, warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products. Office space and staff rooms will also be required. Look for an empty building on the outskirts of the city - rent is cheaper here. In addition, the production of polymer processing is considered harmful - the workshop, according to the regulations, should be located away from the residential area.

Sewerage, heating, water supply, electricity - all the "benefits of civilization" should be in the workshop. You will spend at least 300,000 rubles on the reconstruction of the premises.

Profitability of packaging production

The production of food plastic containers and packaging will require impressive cash investments. If you calculate all the costs of launching an enterprise, you get at least 3,000,000 rubles - the purchase and commissioning of equipment, the preparation of the workshop, the provision of raw materials, business registration, rent for the first month of operation. And the costs can be even higher if you provide your own fleet for the delivery of finished products. But at first, novice entrepreneurs can use hired transport or offer customers only the service of self-pickup of finished products.

As practice shows, an enterprise producing plastic containers will be able to recoup all costs no earlier than after 2 years of operation. And the main problem that awaits the "young" factories is the lack of wholesale customers. Already at the stage of developing a business plan, try to establish contacts with potential customers for your products.

You will have to invest in advertising in order to promote your product in the consumer market. Calling industrial enterprises, advertising on TV and radio, articles in thematic magazines, participation in exhibitions - use different marketing tools!

To start receiving high incomes, it is not necessary to launch a highly invested business in the manufacturing sector. Today, given the huge selection of a wide variety of equipment, it is quite realistic to open your own business to provide certain services to these same enterprises. This includes the business of packing and packing bulk products. Entrepreneurial businessmen have recently turned their attention to this niche. And this is due to the fact that not all producing companies equip their workshops with filling and packaging equipment, simply ordering this service from third-party organizations.

A business plan for packing and packing bulk products is the initial stage in organizing your own business, no matter how simple it may seem. Here the entrepreneur will be able to analyze the market, take into account all the costs and calculate the costs. What is important to pay attention to when working on a project?

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 300,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 5/10.

Prospects for the development of the packing and packaging business

According to experts, the first thing consumers pay attention to when approaching a store shelf is product packaging. Given this, it becomes clear why many manufacturing companies pay such attention to the appearance of products supplied to the market - labels, container design. And this is one of the most important prerequisites for providing bulk food packaging services on the market.

But is it really impossible for large companies to purchase their own automatic packaging machine for bulk products and pack the manufactured goods within the walls of their own workshop? The fact is that sometimes the price of the line of the desired functionality is quite high, which is completely unprofitable. And producing companies, large and small, sell goods to the market in bulk lots - bulk and unpackaged. And it is bought either by wholesale warehouses or large supermarkets, which, basically, are the end customers of services. And given that in almost every locality there are more than enough such potential customers, even a mini packing and packaging workshop can become a profitable business.

In addition to a wide range of potential customers, this niche is characterized by other advantages:

  • The technology of packing bulk products is extremely simple, especially since all operations here, with the proper equipment of the workshop, will be carried out using special equipment.
  • A large selection of machines allows you to choose equipment that is different in price, dimensions and functionality.
  • It is possible to launch with a small investment, since here you do not have to purchase large volumes of expensive raw materials.
  • You can buy a manual machine for packaging bulk products and set up a business right at home.

Many entrepreneurs have already proven in practice that packaging in bags, bags, bags and film can bring high incomes. The main thing is to correctly plan your future activities, purchase high-quality equipment and find regular customers.

Business development options for packing and packaging

Before you look for a room for a workshop and buy a device for packing bulk products, it is important to decide which path to follow in the future.

There are 2 options here:

  • In the first case, you will have to earn money by providing services to third-party manufacturing companies - factories and farms. Finding customers, with functional equipment, will not be difficult. The cooperation agreement prescribes the main terms of the transaction - the cost of packaging and the timing of the order. This scenario of business development will require investments only for the purchase of a line and containers.
  • If you choose a different way of developing your future business, then you will have to purchase not only a packing machine for packing bulk products, but also these same products. In fact, here the entrepreneur organizes his own wholesale warehouse, which accepts unpackaged goods, and then resells them already packaged.

Before making a final decision, it is worth analyzing a specific market and deciding which of the directions will be more profitable from a financial point of view. For example, if a certain product is in demand in the region, but there are practically no offers for its sale, it is worth buying bulk products in bulk and, already packaged, supplying it to the local market. Wholesale warehouses and so many? Then it is better to start establishing cooperation with producing companies.

What products can be packaged?

Equipment for filling and packaging of bulk products, presented on the market today, is very diverse, and therefore, you can take orders from many manufacturers.

The entrepreneur has the opportunity to take for packaging not only food products, but also other products - construction, medical. The technology is essentially the same, the differences are only in packaging and purchased equipment.

What options are there?

  • Powdered raw materials (soda flour, cocoa,).
  • Fine-grained raw materials (rice, sugar, peas, beans).
  • Coarse-grained raw materials (seeds, coffee beans, dried fruits).
  • Tablet raw materials (tablets).

In order to cooperate with many partners, it is better to immediately buy a more functional automatic machine for bulk products, which can process any of the indicated goods.

What packaging methods are available?

Business variability allows you to open your own enterprise using any of the possible methods.

Packing and packaging can be done in 2 ways:

  • Manual. This option is less expensive, since there is no need to buy machines for packing bulk products. But it is also less productive, because manually, purely physically, the entrepreneur will not be able to work with large batches of products. But even such a method is quite a place to be - for example, as a home business, when small-scale packaging of piece goods is carried out. And when things go uphill, you can buy an inexpensive semi-automatic device, which will greatly speed up the process and enter larger markets.
  • Machine. The first thing you need here is to buy a machine for packing bulk products. This option is much easier, since all the work is carried out by automatic machines. Despite the investments that will have to be made in the business, all costs will pay off in the shortest possible time.

Many companies successfully combine these 2 methods. And it turns out that the workshop has not only an automated packing line for bulk products, but also manual labor is actively used to fulfill orders from individual customers. And this is quite justified - a packing machine "can" do a lot, but there are products that require manual work.

In what containers is it possible to pack and pack products?

Even before you buy equipment for packing bulk products, it is important to decide on the packaging container.

Packaging has long ceased to be just a container for products. Now it also serves for advertising purposes, encouraging the consumer to purchase with its appearance. This includes information about the manufacturer and the properties of the product itself.

Packaging for bulk products can be very different. And it is better to stop your choice on the one that meets the following criteria:

  • low price,
  • reliability,
  • convenience for transportation,
  • presentable appearance.

ziplock bags

The functional automatic bulk product packaging line can use many kinds of materials for product packaging. As a result, the following container options are possible here:

  • paper packaging;
  • bags (ziplock, polyethylene);
  • corrugated box;
  • jars (glass, tin)
  • sachet.

When organizing your own wholesale warehouse, you have the opportunity to choose a variety of packaging containers - whether it is packing in cans or paper bags. But cooperating with third-party organizations, all the necessary materials will have to be purchased in accordance with the requirements that the customer imposes.

And packaging raw materials, with well-established distribution channels, the entrepreneur will have to buy in large quantities. And in order to reduce the cost of delivering the necessary material, it would be nice to buy film for packaging and other containers from those suppliers that are geographically located closer to the workshop.

What equipment to equip the workshop?

Electronic weighers

The choice of specific equipment is not even influenced by the price of equipment for packing bulk products, but by the type of product that will be packaged in the future. And this issue should be approached responsibly, otherwise, you can miss the opportunity to cooperate with profitable customers.

The operation of the equipment is extremely simple. A product is placed in a separate bunker, a certain dose of which is prepared by an actuator. Next, the product is fed to the dispenser, through which it enters the container. The packaging at the final stage is corked and, if necessary, “decorated” with labels.

Apparatus for filling and packaging bulk products can be classified according to the way the product is fed. And for working with powdery, fine-grained and coarse-grained raw materials, the following types of dispensers are more suitable:

  • auger,
  • volume,
  • linear.

It is not at all necessary for a “young” enterprise to acquire a whole industrial complex for packaging - until the customer base has been developed, this may turn out to be inexpedient from a financial point of view. A machine of small or medium power is suitable here, which costs between 150,000-300,000 rubles. But more modern equipment, when packaging for bulk food products is automatically pasted over with labels, costs much more - about 500,000-1,000,000 rubles.

Complex for packing bulk products P 82-F

You can significantly save on the technical equipment of the workshop by buying used machines or ordering them from China.

Additional equipment that can be equipped with a workshop includes special labeling machines. Also, many entrepreneurs eventually install machines for the manufacture of containers in the workshop - this way you can significantly save on the purchase of raw materials.

Business investment

It will be difficult to name the specific amount of investment required to start a product packaging business. The main cost item here will be the purchased equipment. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan, first of all, you need to take into account the cost of technical equipment.

According to the most minimal estimates, together with the purchase of equipment and the preparation of premises for further work, it will take ≈300,000 rubles to organize a business. But if we talk about a high-power multifunctional line, then investments can increase to 1,500,000 rubles.

To calculate the profitability of the workshop, it is important to take into account the variable costs, which will include bags for packaging, as well as the cost of renting the premises and paying wages. According to the economic calculations of experts in this field, the profitability of the planned business can reach 40%, because if there are constant orders, the purchased equipment will never be idle. Accurate profitability data is individual for each particular enterprise, since only it sets the cost of the services provided. And it will depend on what kind of packaging was used for bulk products and what labor costs the company had to incur.

The business will reach the break-even point only when a permanent customer base is built up. To increase the loyalty of potential customers, you can offer them discounts on services.

When making any purchase, the buyer always pays attention to the packaging. Packaging containers protect the goods from mechanical damage, dust, moisture, etc. The quality and pleasant appearance of the packaging give the impression that the purchased product corresponds. Is it possible to make money on this? The article will describe to you a business plan for the production of packaging.

Project Summary

Consider the example of a business for the production of plastic containers for dairy products: sour cream, yogurt, etc.

In the Russian Federation, the production of packaging materials, especially plastic containers, is very poorly developed. Containers imported from abroad are expensive, and their cost can ultimately be up to half the price of the goods. It follows that the niche for the production and sale of packaging is currently developing and the competition is relatively low.

You can open a business in any city where there are milk processing plants. This will ensure regular orders, as the population constantly purchases dairy products.


To start your own business, you need to register as a legal entity. For this, registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC is suitable. During the registration process, we select a taxation system (STS "income" or STS "income minus expenses"). We recommend the 2nd option of taxation, because the tax base will be reduced by documented production costs.

You will need to develop or purchase ready-made specifications for your products.

For registration, it is better to contact a specialized organization. The total cost will be about 110 thousand rubles.

Room search

The equipment is required industrial, which means that it needs a 380V supply network. Because of this, you need to look for a building in a production area with communications. You will need a room of approximately 90-110 square meters. m. Equipment and a warehouse will be located on this area. The monthly rent will be approximately 50-60 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

Suppose you decide to open the production of plastic containers. To do this, you will need to buy a thermo-packing machine, a compressor, molds for products that you will produce.

The initial investment will amount to 1,720,000 rubles.

If the model of the machine allows the production of different containers, then in the future it will be possible to buy additional molds in order to expand the range of products. This will help attract new customers. These can be pharmaceutical companies, grocery stores, household chemicals manufacturers, etc.

Purchase of raw materials

For production, polypropylene is needed (the cost of 1 kg is approximately equal to 60 rubles) and polyethylene (32 rubles per kg).

At least 3 tons of each type of polymers will be needed monthly. Thus, the cost of raw materials will be:

3,000 x (60 + 32) = 276,000 rubles.


For the stable functioning of the new enterprise, 9 workers will be needed (3 shifts of 3 people each). We also need a cleaner, a driver, a designer, an accountant.

Let's summarize the cost of staffing in a table

267 thousand rubles will be allocated for salaries every month.

Marketing and Advertising

The launch of your project must be advertised. If you miss this point, then building a customer base can become a very long and difficult task. Advertising can be launched by signs, on the radio, on the Internet. It will be good to go to potential buyers and offer a product. For a greater likelihood of obtaining a clientele, we recommend developing a system of discounts or special conditions for regular customers.

If you immediately intend to offer a large range of products, then you can create your own website with a description of the product and promote it through contextual advertising on the Runet. A high-quality site will cost about 40 thousand rubles, it will also need to be maintained, which will cost about 10-12 thousand rubles. every month.

Financial plan

Starting costs

Total: 1,985,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses

Each month, the costs will be about 699,100 rubles.


The average wholesale cost of plastic packaging for dairy products is 3 rubles. per piece (depending on the complexity of the design and size). Sales are carried out in batches in the amount of 2 thousand pieces. For the stable operation of the enterprise and reaching a stable profitability, it is required to sell at least 300 thousand packages per month.

In this scenario, the net profit after taxes will be 150 thousand rubles, and the profitability will be 18%. The indicator can be considered small, but the plant's capacity is enough to produce at least 1 million packages per month. This will increase profitability in the future. If you organize your own collection of recyclable materials for work and minimize the cost of this income item, the result will be even higher.


As any business start-up, you may encounter several significant problems:

  1. A small number of container forms in the assortment limit demand and complicate the search for customers. After some time of successful work, it is planned to expand the range of offers.
  2. Low demand in the region. Marketing analysis and preliminary negotiations are carried out in advance with the leaders of local dairies and small farms.
  3. The emergence of competitors. Development of a permanent clientele, fulfillment of delivery plans, constant work on expanding sales markets.


Your attention was presented to the business plan for the production of packaging with calculations. With a competent approach to starting your own business, production will lead you to a consistently high income.

Every year around the world, more and more attention is paid to environmental protection. Scientists are trying to find even more effective ways to conserve natural resources and prevent environmental degradation. One of the promising business lines in today's society is the manufacture of paper bags, which remain the most environmentally friendly and affordable alternative to plastic packaging.

Paper packaging products currently available in our country

Unfortunately, in our country, paper packaging is not as popular and widespread as in Europe. But still, do not forget that there is a huge amount of food that is forbidden to be packed in plastic bags. Otherwise, they can lose their taste properties and lead to serious poisoning. The production of paper bags is an actual direction for a businessman, since the demand for this type of packaging will increase every year. This will ensure a steady growth in profits and awareness of your brand.

Among the most popular types of paper packaging we still have:

  • production and printing of paper bags - - and food bags;
  • packaging for flowers, earth and organic fertilizers;
  • industrial packages that are used for packaging and transportation of charcoal and various types of building dry mixes;
  • packaging for fast food, the temperature of which is capable of melting plastic;
  • gift wrapping paper.

As you can see, you have many different ways to sell your finished product. In addition, there are other areas in which paper packaging will be the best replacement for plastic. Learn the practical experience of our Western colleagues, who have long turned the production of paper packaging into a profitable business.

Benefits of a paper packaging business

Due to the low price of raw materials and production equipment, you do not need a very large amount of money to start such a business. In addition, the dimensions of the equipment used are quite compact, which will save on renting production space. At the same time, even a person without experience is able to work on such equipment, and the sales market for finished products is so extensive that in a few months after the start you will need to think about expanding production.

A paper packaging business is a great option for a novice entrepreneur who does not yet have enough experience and free cash to develop in more serious areas. You can produce packages of various designs with corporate identity elements of the customer's company or start the production of exclusive gift packaging. It will depend only on you what kind of finished product, its design, cost will be. It is desirable at the stage of design development to finally decide on your target audience, study the competition in the market and conduct marketing research. So you can bring to the market a really worthwhile, competitive product that will attract the right attention from potential customers.

By developing a strategy and paying attention to studying the needs of the target audience, you can get regular customers. Among them, the main consumers of eco-friendly packaging will be:

  • industrial enterprises;
  • trade networks;
  • fast food establishments;
  • cooking;
  • marketing and advertising agencies;
  • souvenir shops.

In addition, you can sell finished products not only wholesale, but also retail directly to the end consumer. To do this, you will need to establish production and pay special attention to the development of high-quality design, since the decision to purchase certain goods largely depends on originality.

Stages of the production process

The production of paper packaging is a simple and fast process that does not require significant time and money investments. The paper used has a sufficiently high density and can be reused. The entire production process consists of 6 consecutive stages:

  1. Production of blanks according to a pre-designed project. Depending on the scope of use of the finished bag, the perforation procedure may not be carried out.
  2. Drawing a logo or drawing. For these purposes, various modern methods of application are used - silk screen printing, offset printing, flexography. Also, the logo can be applied to paper by embossing. You can choose the best option for yourself with the help of a qualified specialist from one of the printing houses in your city.
  3. Firmware or gluing the bottom of the package.
  4. Production of a semi-finished product of the valve, if the production of closed bags is envisaged.
  5. Carrying out the bonding of the bottom.
  6. Packaging and transportation of finished products.
  7. Depending on the initial capital and business plan, you can purchase completely different production lines in terms of price and characteristics. The basic set consists of: a machine for multilayer gluing of blanks, equipment for forming and gluing bags, piercing machines.

    You can gradually expand such production by purchasing new equipment in order to increase production rates. But first, we recommend organizing a small workshop for the production of paper bags, where the volumes will not exceed 50 bags per hour. Even such a small business, with proper management and constant modernization of the production process, will allow expanding production several times in a few years. Your main goal in the early stages will be to attract new customers and keep them with the advantages of your company.

    According to experts, the payback period for such a business is up to a year and a half. At the same time, the average level of profitability exceeds 30%. As you can see, this is a really promising type of business!

Production of cardboard packaging: economic feasibility of business + general information about products + marketing research + organizational issues + development stages + recommendations on raw materials + requirements for premises, personnel + technical equipment of the enterprise + sales features + profitability.

In the modern world, packaging products are indispensable items that are of no small importance in the connection between manufacturers and consumers. They can take various structural forms, be made of different materials: paper, metal, plastic, glass, wood, etc.

However, cardboard packaging is the most popular. The demand for this type of product is only growing. Despite the saturation of the market, there is no significant imbalance between supply and demand.

So why not become a successful entrepreneur by investing in carton packaging?

Economic feasibility of the production of cardboard packaging

The manufacture of packaging is a business area that, if properly managed, will bring a decent profit to the entrepreneur. This is due to the really high demand for production results, i.e. finished products.

Take a look at one of the major industrial sectors of each state, namely the packaging industry. You will see that over the past 10 years, packaging has become a priority product in the national economy.

Packaging consumption is high, especially in industrialized countries such as Russia. 78% of freight traffic occurs with the help of cardboard containers. This means that the need for pallet containers is growing by at least 10% every year.

Interestingly, the Russian Federation is characterized by a significant predominance (12 times) of imports over exports. Those. hundreds of millions of dollars, which would be quite enough for the establishment and development of domestic industrial production of packaging, go to the purchase of various types of imported packaging products.

An entrepreneur can have no doubts about a good turnover of packaging, since it remains and will be in demand due to such factors:

  • increase in the range of products;
  • retail trade infrastructure development;
  • increasing the value of packaging as a means of protecting goods throughout the entire logistics process, as a marketing tool, etc.

In the production of cardboard packaging need:

  • transport;
  • trade, pharmaceutical, food industries;
  • chemical industry, etc.

It should be noted that the creation of such products has a short cycle. It is supplied to consumers along with food products, essential goods. As a result, the packaging business has a high turnover ratio and an excellent opportunity for cash accumulation.

According to statistics, the costs spent on the production of cardboard packaging pay off within a year. However, this period of time may be different, since it depends on the breadth of activities and other factors. Profitability reaches 20%.

If you have appreciated all the advantages of packaging production, proceed to which you will be guided in the future.

1. General packing information.

Packaging provides many possibilities:

  • bearer of trademark symbols and corporate identity;
  • for the consumer, this is the product identifier of a particular production;
  • reflection of brand ideology;
  • providing novelty;
  • a way to express your individuality, draw attention to the product, create consumer preferences;
  • a tool that disseminates information about the product, its unique properties;
  • a means of communication with customers on an emotional and informational level.

Mostly boxes and boxes are made from cardboard. These types of cardboard packaging are deservedly in unprecedented demand, which is explained by a lot of advantages.

Among which:

  • wide and reusable application;
  • low cost;
  • automatic execution of technological operations, i.e. assembly, capping, etc.;
  • a light weight;
  • long service life;
  • saving space during storage and transportation;
  • the ability to use any type of finish / print;
  • variety of design styles, sizes, designs.

Cardboard and corrugated cardboard boxes are most often used to pack pharmaceutical, food, chemical products, cabinet furniture, household appliances, etc.

2. Marketing research of the carton packaging market.

The results of market research are of great importance for determining the stages of production, the parameters of the necessary equipment.

In addition, the information received helps to make the right choice regarding the production technology, correctly draw up a technical task for packaging design.

The largest segment of the Russian market is the segment of cardboard containers. Consumption of packaging products exceeds 25 kg per person. This is about 50% of the world average, despite the fact that domestic producers do not fully satisfy the needs of buyers (by 60-70%).

Cardboard packaging is more environmentally friendly and economical than other types of similar material. Therefore, it is used by most enterprises.

The production of cardboard packaging has been expanding recently also due to its use for the storage of liquid products, food and gift items. It has already bypassed polymer and glass containers in the following sectors: water, dairy products, juices. However, over the past 5 years, it has been inferior to blown bottles. The market develops and begins to explore new niches.

Even crisis periods in the Russian economy do not affect the production of cardboard packaging. There has been a positive trend since 2012. The output of packaging products is crowned by no less than 8.1%.

At the same time, one cannot remain silent about the problems hindering the development of the packaging industry:

In addition, the number of cargo transportation decreases, the level of income of the population and the cost of raw materials increases. Therefore, there are also negative marks in the turnover of retail trade.

In the first 3 months In 2016, the production of corrugated cardboard packaging prevailed, the volume exceeded 1 billion square meters. m. This is 85.2% of the total amount of packaging products produced.

The demand for corrugated packaging is due to its cheapness. According to the types of packaging products in the structure of production, cardboard boxes account for the most (about 48%), the second position is occupied by boxes (10%), and the third place is taken by packs (6.7%).

Market saturation is average. A number of enterprises are engaged in the production of cardboard packaging:

  • Viko;
  • TimPak;
  • PCBK Group of enterprises;
  • Apollo Group;
  • Union;
  • Nizhkarton;
  • Remos-Alpha;
  • Mostar;
  • Antek;
  • Gofroline;
  • PM Packaging;
  • Kaluga tare and packaging factory;
  • Corrugated;
  • yellow box, etc.

In terms of packaging production, the Central Federal District leads (47% of the total volume or 566 million square meters), followed by the Volga Federal District (its share is 17.3%). The top three is closed by the Northwestern Federal District (14.6%).

In the development of the timber industry, there is also a positive moderate trend. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, in 2018, investments in the production of wood products will reach 111.5% compared to 2014, and in pulp - no more than 93.6%.

Organizational moments in the opening of a factory for the production of cardboard packaging

It is recommended to register an enterprise as an LLC or OJSC, and choose a general taxation system. The production of cardboard packaging must be carried out in accordance with the standards of GOST 7376-89, 7691-81 and 7420-89.

From OKVED suitable:

An entrepreneur needs to take care of drawing up a business plan, studying competitors, analyzing the consumer market, thinking through marketing and sales policies.

The main issue is the choice of concept. When planning activities, the business owner needs to indicate in which direction he is going to work, whether he will buy the raw material base for the production of packaging from suppliers or plans to manufacture it on his own.

What direction to choose? You will receive the answer in the process of marketing research. Custom-made cardboard packaging is in demand. However, large-scale orders will not be received.

Therefore, it is advisable to position such production as an additional service and competitive advantage. Gift wrapping is seasonal. Therefore, the launch of the production of these products must be carried out before the holidays.

Many companies make cardboard packaging for flower nurseries. Cardboard boxes and packaging products for sweets are considered to be constantly in demand.

However, the production of candy packaging carries high costs. Since the container is in contact with the food product, high quality requirements will be put forward for it. And the finished product is more expensive.

Also examples of manufactured cardboard packaging are:

  • boxes,
  • packs,
  • substrates,
  • divider boxes,
  • archive folders,
  • octabins,
  • storage trays, etc.

Production of cardboard packaging: detailed points

At the first stage of production, the raw material is chosen (brand and other characteristics of the cardboard), it is determined what shape to make the packaging, what sizes. The color design is decided, designs, text, image are developed, which will be on the packaging.

The dimensions of the cardboard packaging products are selected in such a way that good stability is ensured. If it falls during transportation or storage, it will create an unfavorable impression.

To find out what design to give to a cardboard package, you need to answer a few questions for yourself.

For example:

The dimensions of the modular cartons must match the dimensions of the store racks and pallets. And they have the following indicators: 100x120 cm and 80x120 cm. Large cardboard boxes are available in configurations: 790*390x430, 910*600*470, etc.

For bulk goods, confectionery, perfumes, souvenirs, medicines, books, shoes, etc. the following sizes apply:

Under such a production process as design, they understand the drawing up of a drawing of a development of a cardboard package, the development of a graphic solution, and layout design. These operations ultimately lead to the creation of a prototype product.

In order to facilitate design, reduce labor intensity and avoid errors, CAD is included in this production process, i.e. design automation systems. They are specialized And universal.

The first consist of complex software systems:

The production of cardboard boxes is a multi-stage process. After the design, previously agreed with the client, and the template for the future packaging have been developed, they begin to cut the cardboard on a special cutting machine.

Then the carton must be labelled. At this stage of production, the products indicate the fragility of the goods to be packed, the direction of use and the degree of moisture resistance.

Symbols should be applied to the cardboard packaging:

  • Identification marks of interest to the customer, consumer. The procedure for their application is regulated by law.
  • Handling signs reflecting the rules of operation, safety, loading and unloading, transportation of packaging.
  • Material of manufacture, including its non-toxicity.
  • Ecological signs indicating the harmlessness of a cardboard product for humans and nature.

In the production of packaging, the preferences of the customer must be taken into account. The entrepreneur and the client must discuss in advance what the parameters of the cardboard product will be.


  • dimensions;
  • the number of holes to provide ventilation;
  • availability of transportation devices;
  • approximate weight of items to be packed, etc.

The next stage in the production of packaging is its gluing, which is carried out using folding machines. Next, cardboard products are dried, wrapped in propylene and stored.

Finished products are tested for compliance with the criteria of strength, impact resistance, moisture resistance, rigidity.

The production of unique packages is usually small-scale, as it is more expensive. In such cases, there is often a request for lacquering of cardboard containers, which improves not only its appearance, creating the effect of a smooth surface, but also its technical characteristics. For more reliable protection, the packaging is also hot stamped.

But, if cardboard packaging is produced in a narrow range and on a large scale, then the production will be in-line.

1. What raw materials to take for the production of packaging?

To determine the production of packaging from which material to engage in, you need to know the characteristics of the packaged goods, the terms and conditions of their storage.

If an entrepreneur is going to manufacture cardboard packaging for food products, he must produce it with physiological harmlessness.

Cardboard has a multi-layer structure, which gives it rigidity and thickness. As a raw material, wood semi-finished products, cellulose. The production of cardboard packaging based on waste paper will be less expensive. But this raw material is not tough enough.

Kraft (high-strength cellulose) has the best properties regarding rigidity, wear resistance, moisture resistance. Cardboard can be used from the first fibers, but such material, along with good quality, is also expensive.

Its operation in the production of packaging products is justified only with expensive orders. Kraft pulp is also made from virgin fibers, but it is cheaper and has a brownish tint.

When an entrepreneur plans to produce cardboard packaging based on waste paper due to economy, it is necessary to give the raw material additional rigidity.

Usually recycled cardboard is taken for mass production, when special requirements are imposed on the price of finished products. For example, for medicines, perfumes, tea, cheap tobacco products, household chemicals, children's games, etc.

Coated or coated boards are involved in the production of colorful packaging. When purchasing raw materials, it is necessary to rely on a price target not per ton, but per 1 sq. m. m of material with the required rigidity and barrier characteristics.

Basically, entrepreneurs use sheets of cardboard T-23, T-24, from which boxes, boxes and other packaging products are then stamped.

2. Where to buy raw materials for the manufacture of cardboard packaging?

Since the production of cardboard and corrugated cardboard is a very labor-intensive and costly task, it is better to purchase a raw material base from suppliers.

Contracts for the supply of raw materials that will be used in the production of cardboard packaging should be concluded with trusted suppliers. you can also through the Internet, paying attention to the duration of the company, prices, reviews about it. Negotiate to reduce the wholesale cost of purchases.

They apply for raw materials to such enterprises:

  • Carton Service;
  • PTK BIK;
  • moving factory;
  • Container of goods;
  • ITC-Trade;
  • VELAR and others.

It makes sense to establish cooperation with pulp and paper mills, of which there are at least 26 units in Russia. It is assumed that the purchase of cardboard from them will be much cheaper.

3. Selection of premises for the workshop for the production of cardboard packaging.

To organize the production of cardboard packaging, a sufficiently spacious room is required to accommodate the equipment. The site must be at least 300 sq. m.

A mandatory requirement is the presence of:

  • ventilation,
  • plumbing and electricity,
  • heating,
  • fire safety systems.

The design of the premises occupied by the production of packaging should be carried out in accordance with the following standards:

  • SNIP 2.04.05-91;
  • SNIP 21-01-97.

It is necessary to monitor the temperature so that it does not fall below and does not rise above 18 ° C. There are also requirements for humidity - no more than 70-80%.

Warehouses for raw materials and finished packaging should be at least 100 square meters. m. They should be protected from sources of moisture, groundwater ingress. The temperature in the warehouses should be within 5°C.

4. Personnel composition of the production of cardboard packaging materials.

If an automated line is engaged in the production of cardboard containers, a minimum number of workers will be required, at least 2 people. Moreover, there is no need to impose high requirements on their qualifications.

They will assemble the package. Wages can be paid according to the piecework system. An employee is also needed to test cardboard boxes. In addition, the production of packaging products needs an accountant, sales manager, locksmith.

If you will be delivering, you need to hire a driver and a courier. The working shift is established in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The minimum duration of one is 8 hours.

5. Equipment for the production of cardboard packaging.

90% of the machines involved in the production of cardboard packaging are imported. Equipment for the production of cardboard packaging is usually bought by American, Italian, French, Swedish.

The cost of one normal machine that prints cardboard packaging starts from 1 million rubles. With limited capital, it is acceptable to purchase used equipment.

Automatic lines are configured using the touch screen.

Their package includes:

Although these lines are more expensive, they allow for production on a large scale, while reducing the burden on labor resources. The operator does not need to perform any calculations, it is enough to drive in the required dimensions of the future packaging.

Moreover, the equipment is easy to reconfigure for the production of packaging of other shapes/sizes, and the cardboard is fed automatically. During the cycle, the equipment produces 3, 5, 7-layer blanks.

Machines are produced by the following companies:

  • Emmeci Group (Italy);
  • Young Shin Machinery (South Korea);
  • Panotec (Italy);
  • TRANSPACK (China).

This machine (Emmeci MS 92) is capable of producing 1,000 cardboard packages with dimensions of 20x30 cm within an hour. Having chosen the desired dimensions and program (there are about 50 of them), it remains to wait until the production line itself cuts the blank, makes the necessary overlaps, cuts.

6. Marketing policy in the production of packaging: the search for customers.

To find customers, you need to run advertising, preferably in print, radio and television. If finances allow, run an advertising campaign on the Internet.

This will attract more customers. You can create your own business card site, in which you can display a photo gallery of cardboard products, a price list, and contact information.

Look for clients among:

  • confectionery factories,
  • pharmaceutical companies,
  • trading companies,
  • food manufacturers,
  • freight services,
  • shoe factories, etc.

Offer for a fee to apply the logo of the customer company on the packaging during production or additionally produce labels. And with bulk purchases, you can provide free shipping, deferred payment and other bonuses.

Production of cardboard boxes as a business idea.

How to make money on cardboard? Equipment for
production of cardboard packaging.

7. Profitability of production of cardboard packaging.

Three factors influence the profitability of the enterprise:

  • cost of carton packaging
  • production run,
  • selected raw material and its price.

Equally important are the cost-effectiveness of equipment and the competent organization of the workflow.

Some businessmen decide to relocate from the capital of Russia to the Moscow region in order to save on renting premises and at the same time reduce the cost of packaging.

If you correctly perform cost optimization, the production of cardboard containers will achieve profitability in the range of 20-30%.

The expenses will go to:

  • rent - from 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • equipment - 1 million rubles;
  • salary - 200 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - from 35 thousand rubles;
  • transport costs - 50 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - about 40 thousand rubles.

The total cost of organizing a business will result in 1.6-2 million rubles. They will pay off in 1.5-2 years. One sheet of cardboard can produce 10 standard boxes. One should be sold at an average price of 18-20 rubles.

Learn, your prices should be somewhat more attractive than those of competitors, besides, the cost of cardboard boxes, depending on their size, type of cardboard, design, is different.

If we take the average price of 1 sheet of cardboard, it will be about 50 rubles. This means that in the purchase of 2 thousand sheets of raw material, it is necessary to invest approximately 100 thousand rubles. From this amount of cardboard, you will produce at least 20,000 packaging units. If you sell each for 20 rubles, the revenue will be at least 400 thousand rubles.

If you subtract all current expenses, including taxes, the net profit under the mentioned conditions will be 80-100 thousand rubles. Knowing the productivity of the equipment and the number of workers, shifts, you can calculate the profit more accurately.

In practice, the income from the packaging industry is more significant, because. the indicated numerical values ​​are averaged. In addition, exclusive branded packaging is not taken into account, from the manufacture of which the entrepreneur will receive more.

A small enterprise producing cardboard packaging may well count on such a result.

As you can see, this business line is a profitable business for start-up entrepreneurs.

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