Fix Price rents premises. Franchise Fix Price. Advantages and cost of the Fix Price franchise

Franchising today is the most profitable start for a novice businessman, and choosing in-demand products and a current direction is a guaranteed success in advance. The franchise of the Fix Price store chain is the most profitable in modern economic conditions, which is associated with the sale of goods at a single affordable price - 45 rubles per item.

Advantages of working under a Fix Price franchise

Main advantages:

  1. Minimum investment.
  2. Business profitability from 50 to 200%.
  3. Highly unique offer for the consumer - a single competitive price of 45 rubles. This is practically the only sales format in Russia.
  4. There are no restrictions or obstacles in business development, which is due to the lack of direct competitors in this sales area.

In the absence of the expected profitability of the business, it remains possible to sell it profitably with minimal losses of investment deposits. The same applies.

Detailed terms for purchasing a Fix Price franchise are discussed individually when concluding an agreement. The decision made and its conditions are reflected in the documentation.

Key features and principles of the company

Product range and cost

The product range represents a rich selection of products with a high degree of profitability. These are mainly goods for home and daily consumption. The uniqueness of the marketing offer lies in a single set price. Such an offer is considered more than affordable, and this has been proven by many years of experience in this chain of stores.

Franchise users do not have to worry about the assortment - it is prepared in advance for each store. At the same time, the choice of goods offered is distinguished by its abundance and necessity, which subsequently affects the level of sales.

Not only products for their daily use are provided, but also the most popular food products, perishable food categories are excluded.

Application in the work of information systems

Fix Price retail outlets operate using information system based on SAP R3– a software package that provides the ability to fully control and manage the inventory of a franchisee’s store, the ability to conduct analytical analysis and generate reports.

The use of information systems allows each franchisee to manage their business easily, affordably and simply.

Features of transport and warehouse logistics

All groups of goods, regardless of the territorial location and geography of the store, are supplied from one DC (distribution center) of the company. An overview of the products sold in the store is shown in this video:

The ordering process is extremely simple - using the software, which forms the basis of information systems, the availability of goods in the warehouse of the distribution center is checked, after which it is enough to make a request for delivery to your retail outlet. If necessary, the Fix Price company assists in concluding contractual relations with transport organizations.

Business support

Fix Price management organizes regular advertising campaigns and develops effective promotion strategies. All Fix Price store owners are offered free advertising products, booklets, leaflets, brochures.

The introduction of promotions from large suppliers aimed at attracting consumers and increasing demand is being considered.

The company provides full business support at all stages of cooperation. You can solve all the necessary questions by writing a request to Fix Price specialists, after which you will receive an intelligible and complete answer in the shortest possible time. Collaboration is carried out in the most comfortable mode at all points of interaction.

Working conditions for a Fix Price franchise

To start working with Fix Price, you must meet several conditions and have an initial starting capital. Let's consider the basic requirements of the company's recommendation to all potential franchisees.

Requirements for potential franchisees:

  1. LLC or individual entrepreneur (the company must be active so that the services can provide other necessary company data).
  2. Room area from 50 sq. meters.
  3. Payment of a lump sum contribution is 25% of the trading operator’s capital.
  4. Royalty payment is 3% of turnover.
  5. There are no advertising or other payments.

Cost calculation

The starting capital should be 200 thousand rubles - this is the minimum amount of initial costs that go towards the most necessary needs.

Rent of premises with an area of ​​50 square meters.

It is desirable that this be a place with a high level of consumer traffic. It is not recommended to choose premises on the highest floors of office or semi-office buildings. It is advisable to pay attention to large shopping centers where there is a large flow of potential buyers.

On average, the cost of renting such premises is 70-90 thousand rubles.

Providing security alarms.

Given sufficient investment and the presence of a large number of goods in the store, an alarm system for safety is a necessity. Its cost will average from 4 to 6 thousand rubles monthly.

Retail store equipment.

Racks and shelves are necessary not only for the sales area, but also for the warehouse. In total, this will require at least 60 thousand rubles.

Payment of utilities andemployee salaries

Payment of utilities will take at least 5,000 rubles per month. Employee salaries depend on how large the store you plan to open. The staff will require at least 4-6 salespeople - cashiers, 2-4 showroom workers, a storekeeper, a loader, and possibly a manager. The salary of the listed positions varies from 10 to 18 thousand rubles.

Payment of taxes - average amount 6-8 thousand rubles, and delivery costs take away from 12 to 20 thousand rubles monthly.

Expenses for purchasing goods from the Fix Price company are a separate expense line. Its volume averages from 300 to 500 thousand rubles for small stores, and about 1.3-1.5 million rubles for large stores.

Another idea for creating a business or opening a franchise is.

Using the method of summing up the general results, it is not difficult to calculate that the initial starting capital will average from 1.5 to 3 million rubles, depending on how large the store is planned to open. But even with the maximum investment (3,000,000 rubles), a 100% return on business is expected within 6-12 months.

Profitability and profitability of business

To calculate the monthly income from such a business, you don’t need much. You can resort to any template calculations. But it is important that the basic condition is maintained - the product must be sold. With a 50% markup on goods, income will be up to 500-600 thousand rubles monthly, which is what the payback period is based on.

It is also important to focus on the consumer. This is how Fix Price sees its potential buyer:

  1. Gender – men 25%, women 75%.
  2. Age category – from 20 to 55 years.
  3. Occupation – any, housewife.
  4. Marital status – married with children.
  5. The monthly income level is 3-10 thousand monthly.
  6. The average content of one purchase is 3-10 product items.

Obviously, this is a portrait of the average buyer at the moment. Taking this into account, an assortment is compiled and a single, affordable price is set..

The profitability of the business is completely justified and is based not only on the conclusions drawn, but also on the experience of the store chain.

If you conduct a competent advertising campaign, choose a good passage location, plan the placement of goods taking into account all current marketing moves, then as a result you have every chance of finding an extremely profitable business with a high degree of profitability.

Franchise: Fix Price
Head company: Best Price (Limited liability Company "Best Price")
Year of foundation: 01.06.2007
Kind of activity: Other retail trade in specialized stores
Number of stores: 2090
Franchising start year: 2010
Franchise cost (lump sum): 25% of partner's initial capital
Royalty: 3% of revenue
Minimum initial investment amount: 3,000,000 rubles
Payback period guaranteed by the franchisor: 12 months
Minimum retail space size: 250 m2.

How to buy a Fix Price franchise

When applying for partnership approval to buy a Fix Price franchise, the franchisor puts forward the following basic requirements for applicants:

  • registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, availability of documentation from the tax office confirming the fact of registration of the company (registration certificate, TIN, OGRN);
  • availability of rented or owned retail (retail and warehouse) area of ​​250 m2, confirmed by title documents (certificate of ownership, lease agreement for a period of 3 years);
  • availability of own or borrowed (with confirmation of information from the loan source) funds to open a point, including - for working capital - 2 million rubles, an initial payment for construction and installation work - 300 thousand rubles;
  • location of the point - a populated area with a population of 25 thousand or more people, local geography - shopping centers, corridors that guarantee a high customer flow;
  • personnel - trade workers (salesmen-cashiers) - 5 people, specialized equipment - 2 cash registers.

Franchise price

The Fix Price franchise price consists of an initial payment to the franchisor in the amount of 25% of the established authorized capital and subsequent deductions from turnover. The capital itself to ensure stable operation of the network point cannot be lower than the minimum established value of 3 million rubles, most of which is allocated to the purchase of a range of products intended for sale.

Good day! Today I continue the topic and the first article that will tell you in more detail, for a fixed price store or in other words the premises of a fixed price store.

To begin with, it is worth saying that fix price store premises must be in a public place. I understand that this is quite a difficult task. Sometimes finding a suitable location can take up to 6 months.

To speed up the process, you can contact real estate agencies (preferably all in the city) and they will quickly help you find the necessary premises, for this they will naturally have to pay a certain amount of money, but it is worth it.

The location of the fixed price store premises should be as close to the city center as possible.

A large transport interchange would also be a good option.

Be sure to make sure that you have a colorful, large sign that immediately catches the eye of passers-by; at least 50% of them will want to see what kind of goods you have at fixed prices.

The arrangement of the goods in your store should be such that it is convenient for a person to come up and take the item he likes.

Fixed price store premises

In the business plan, we agreed that the premises of the fix price store will be no more than 50 sq.m., so that we can use this and we will build on it.

Let's consider what room options there may be for a fixed-price store:

  1. Own store. In our case, it will not work, since a newbie is starting the business and in order to create an entire fixed price store you will have to spend a lot of money and time. Without experience in business, there is a fairly high chance that you simply won’t make it and will burn out. It’s better to rent out the store and find another premises for yourself;
  2. Construction of a store. It simply requires a huge amount of money to purchase land, build and then purchase goods for it. And also a significant amount of time + a lot of documentation and approvals. For a newbie in business, it's definitely a 100% failure. So we will not consider this option for premises;
  3. Own commercial space (in a residential building or shopping complex). If you have your own commercial real estate (let’s say it was inherited) and is located in a normal location, then of course this is a very good option. You won’t have to pay rent, which is a natural plus for business;
  4. Rent of real estate on the 1st floor of a residential building. Quite a good option for premises to open your own fixed price store. There must be an entrance to the premises from the roadway and sidewalk. If the area of ​​the room is more than 50 sq. m., then when concluding a lease agreement, ask the landlord to separately allocate a retail area of ​​49 sq.m.;
  5. Renting premisesfixprice in shopping center or shopping center. I think this option is the best for a novice entrepreneur. The most interesting thing is that it doesn’t matter much what is sold in these shopping complexes and centers. Few people will pass by the sign, everything is 49 rubles. (in general, I indicated a fixed price of 50 rubles, but from a marketing point of view, 49 rubles will be much more effective). The main condition here is the number of visitors to the shopping center or shopping center. There are so-called “dead” stores that are visited by 10 people a day - you should stay away from such shopping malls and shopping centers.

In general, we have identified three places where it is better for a beginner to open his own fixed-price store: own commercial real estate, rent of premises on the 1st floor of a residential building, renting a boutique in a shopping mall or shopping center.

I personally would prefer the latter option. But do not forget that the area of ​​the boutique should be about 50 sq.m. In a room that is too small you will not be able to properly display your goods.

The cost for preferably no more than 1200 rubles. for 1 square meter of retail space, otherwise it will be difficult for you to promote your own business.

The larger the area you rent, the larger range of goods you can place on it at one price.

And also, do not rent space in a nook (quite often they are empty), as well as in shopping complexes where the entire first floor is occupied by a grocery store. The turnover of people in them is quite high, but only a few rise above the first floor and all the advantages of the premises simply disappear.

I have seen quite a lot of such situations, people go to the store to buy groceries, but the 2nd and higher floors are deserted and the sellers are barely collecting money for rent.

If you have any questions, ask in the discussions of my VK group “

The Western idea of ​​selling a variety of goods at a fixed price has recently been implemented in Russia. In the USA, from the beginning of the 20th century, markets were opened with a single price for products (from 1 to 3 dollars), and it is worth noting that they enjoyed great success, bringing a stable profit to the owner. In our country, a popular store is “Fix Price”, which has opened 400 representative offices in 8 years. The assortment includes 2 thousand items, the goods are sold out by a continuous flow of customers. How to purchase a franchise of the Fix Price network?

Features of a one-price store – is it profitable?

The main feature of Fix Price stores is the uniform cost of all products presented, and there are more than 2 thousand items on the network! This approach attracts the client, which allows the owner to receive a stable income every month. In order to offer an assortment at a fixed price, the company’s analysts process a huge flow of information every day, thanks to this the list of products is constantly expanding, and store income is growing along with it.

“Fix Price” sells the most popular and relevant products:

  • products: juices, canned food, tea, coffee, sweets;
  • household goods: vases, paintings, lamps;
  • cosmetics: creams, shower gels, deodorants, perfumes;
  • plastic dishes, towels;
  • cloth;
  • cleaners.

Thanks to low prices and constant replenishment of the assortment, Fix Price stores are popular among Russian buyers. The company has no major network competitors, which has a positive effect on its revenue. By purchasing necessary goods in large quantities, network owners receive an impressive discount from manufacturers.

This is interesting: The entire assortment is supplied from the central warehouse by order of store directors, so in different regions you can buy the necessary item at the same price.

The assortment of the Fix Price store includes the most popular products and goods

Franchise benefits and costs"Fix price"

The advantages of the Fix Price franchise include the following:
  • stable flow of clients and income;
  • assistance to the parent company at all stages of cooperation;
  • The contract with the franchisor has a clause under which the entrepreneur can sell the store to the owners of the chain, this will allow him not to lose the investment made in the project.
The volume of investment in the Fix Price franchise is 3-3.5 million rubles. This amount includes retail equipment, construction and installation works and working capital (at least 2 million). The monthly royalty is equal to 3 percent of the store's turnover.

Investments in the amount of 3 million rubles include construction and repair work, retail equipment and working capital

Terms of cooperation and requirements for franchisees

To purchase a Fix Price franchise you must:

  • open an individual entrepreneur or LLC, since negotiations with individuals are not conducted. A legal entity must not have problems with tax authorities, bailiffs and credit organizations;
  • own a starting capital of at least 3 million rubles. The franchisee returns 25% of the net profit to the company as a lump sum contribution for life. It is also necessary to pay a monthly royalty in the amount of 3% of turnover or 10% of store profit.

An entrepreneur cannot change the prices of goods; this is allowed only to specialists of the Fix Price company. You can open a representative office in any Russian city. The average payback period for a store is from 6 to 12 months. The franchisee looks for and rents premises for the store himself; its minimum area must be 250 square meters.

Remember: When choosing premises for a store, make sure that there is no competitor within 2-3 kilometers. Otherwise, revenue and customers will have to be shared.

Paperwork, registration

First, an entrepreneur needs to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Considering the scale of the business, we recommend choosing an LLC, since an individual entrepreneur bears financial responsibility, while the founder of a limited liability company risks only the authorized capital and property of the company. To register you should:

  • prepare a charter;
  • come up with a company name;
  • fill out an application;
  • pay the state fee;
  • leave documents with the tax office. In 1-2 weeks, the constituent documents will be ready and work can begin;
Next, you need to document the availability of premises for the store by signing a lease agreement with the owner. If the lease is planned for long-term, then it is necessary to register it with the justice authorities. When all formalities have been resolved, it is necessary to sign a franchise agreement.

Remember: Before signing a contract, be sure to contact a lawyer so as not to be deceived.

What does a franchise buyer get?

By purchasing a Fix Price franchise, an entrepreneur receives:
  • the opportunity to use a well-known brand and corporate identity of the company;
  • advertising support (on television, on the Internet, on radio). Above network advertising there are full-time employees of the head office (marketers and designers), who provide all the information and material for the franchisee (promotions, leaflets, promotional products, commercials);
  • access to a unified information system in which you can view data on product balances in stores, generate reports for a selected period of time, and analyze the work of staff;
  • assistance at any stage of cooperation;
  • instructions for doing business, which describe proven technologies for the successful development of a store;
  • free training and internship for staff in any successful Fix Price store.
  • the ability to form an assortment by selecting it from the company’s single distribution center;
  • the opportunity to sell the existing business to the franchisor (agreed upon signing the agreement).

Store staff can undergo training and internship at any successful Fix Price store.

Advertising for the Fix Price store (video)


Let's calculate the costs of opening a Fix Price store and give an approximate amount of monthly expenses for an entrepreneur.

Opening costs:

Monthly expenses:

Disadvantages of a franchise and possible problems

There are no ideal franchises, so at Fix Price we have identified several points that confuse businessmen and identified the problems that they will have to face.

  1. High volume of investment. To enter you will need at least 3 million rubles and a room of 200-300 square meters.
  2. Limited assortment selected by franchise owners.
  3. No right to influence the price of the goods. The price increases only by decision of the head office.
  4. Payment of a high royalty and lump sum throughout the entire period of cooperation (3% of turnover and 25% of profit, respectively).

In addition to the voiced disadvantages of the franchise, there are problems with the store format, which can also affect income.

  1. Theft. The store sells goods of different sizes and uses; some of them are very easy to grab and leave without paying.
  2. Low quality of goods. It is difficult to buy good products, things, and household chemicals for less than 50 rubles. Therefore, a certain category of buyers is lost.
  3. Marriage in assortment. Often goods that are damaged or expired are put on sale; this will outrage customers.

Despite all the above disadvantages, hundreds of “Fix Price” stores are successful and bring high incomes to their owners.

The Fix Price store sells goods of different sizes, some of them are very easy to grab and leave without paying


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