Permit for fish farming. How to open a fish farm and what you need for this business

The business of breeding and growing fish is currently becoming more and more attractive for entrepreneurs in Russia. For many breeders, this is also an activity for the soul, the joy of being in nature, calm contemplation of the calming surface of the water, happily splashing fish; it is not for nothing that fishing is an ancient traditional occupation for men. As a result of the efforts made, you can get a tasty and healthy product, as well as valuable raw materials for processing and manufacturing various culinary products.

Prospects for the development of fisheries

A business based on the cultivation and breeding of fish is promising occupation, because the:

Nuances and complexities of this business

Despite all the obvious advantages of making a profit from fishing, it should also be noted possible difficulties, which will accompany the conduct of this business:

  • This type of production is relatively low, about 10-20%. It can be slightly increased due to the accelerated cycle of fish farming and the formation of stable demand for products. Unfortunately, many fish farmers in our country admit that due to the crisis, it is more profitable to resell already grown fish than to start the entire cycle from scratch.
  • A solid investment and a long project - about 2-3 years, depending on the type of fish. An additional nuance is the seasonality of sales of products for open reservoirs - usually in the autumn. While the rest of the time the business will only require cash investments, mainly for feed.
  • The risk of reduction or destruction of the fish population on the farm due to non-compliance with basic conditions of detention, improper nutrition and resulting diseases of individuals. Fish is quite sensitive to external conditions, so owners of reservoirs should strictly follow all the rules for growing it.
  • Difficulties may arise at the stage of obtaining permits for opening this type of business.

In order to neutralize all possible risks, it is recommended that before starting your own fish farming business, you carefully study all the literature available on this issue, perhaps attend specialized courses, take excursions to successful fish farms in order to gain the necessary experience.

Competent and detailed management of fisheries is required.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Organizational aspects

It is permissible to register a fish farming business with a status depending on production volumes. However, it must be taken into account that large companies still trust legal entities more when collaborating.

First you need to select pond for breeding fish. This can be a natural or artificial pond, a specially created pool with a closed water supply, or a technology for growing fish in cages. Then, through marketing analysis of the local market, it is necessary to determine type of fish being launched and required production volumes. The following is the procedure for registering a purchased or leased reservoir and obtaining the required permits.

Permission to organize a fish farming business is taken from the local government authorities in charge of the pond area, from the State Committee for Fisheries (permit to catch fish), from the State Committee for Water Resources (control of water resources). It may be necessary to conduct an environmental assessment and obtain permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Also, to carry out business activities related to the sale of fish or the organization of paid fishing, it is necessary to obtain certificates from the sanitary and epidemiological station.

When choosing sources of financing, you should understand that a businessman will be able to receive his first income no earlier than 2 years after opening the business. Therefore, attracting borrowed funds in the form may be unprofitable. Here, the preferred methods will be: having your own funds, searching for an interested investor, or developing aquaculture as a branch of agriculture.

Choosing an affordable and profitable type of fish

The greatest demand among buyers is the following types of fish:

  1. The carp family - carp, crucian carp, tench, bream, silver carp;
  2. The salmon family - trout, salmon, salmon, pink salmon.

The most profitable options for breeding fish in commercial quantities in terms of the ratio of costs, living conditions and expected profit are carp and trout. Weight of adult carp: 1.2-1.7 kg, trout: 0.8-1 kg. Before reaching such a mass, carp grow for 3 years, trout for 2.5 years. The most popular types of carp are scaly, naked, mirror, trout - river, rainbow.

Fish breeding specialists advise buying already grown fry for about 4 months, since hatching fish from eggs, that is, raising them from the very beginning, can be a very costly and risky endeavor. It is better to buy planting material for reservoirs from trusted fish factories.

An example of organizing a trout breeding business is discussed in this video:

Thinking through where to sell products

Implementation The resulting fish products depend on the volumes and are possible in the following ways:

A certificate will be required to sell fish through grocery stores and supermarkets. It is possible to install a mini-pool with live fish in supermarkets to advertise products, but stores are reluctant to do this. It should be remembered that there is competition in this type of business, and that purchasing fish is not available to all potential buyers due to the high price of the product. In addition, funds for sold fish are received only upon its sale, that is, payments are deferred.

Preparation of the reservoir

Basic areas of fish farming:

  1. Pond farming (natural or artificial) is suitable for raising many types of fish.
  2. Pool farming with the installation of a closed water supply can also be suitable for most fish species.
  3. Breeding fish in cages, large barrels, and bathtubs is acceptable for large breeds.

The best location for the reservoir would be a rural area; even your own plot of land or cottage would be suitable. Access roads must be connected to the reservoir. An advantageous location would be the presence of a nearby settlement for an established sales system.

In order for fish to develop correctly, the reservoir must comply certain parameters:

  • a place that is not too elevated, but not low, is suitable to avoid the consequences of flooding;
  • one of the sections of the pond must be in partial shade to avoid overheating of the fish;
  • a small number of trees around the pond is permissible, since the roots can deform the pond, and in the fall the leaves will clog the pond;
  • The optimal pond size for a mini-fish farm is 30-50 square meters. m;
  • the depth of the pool or pond is at least 1.5 m;
  • a clean bottom without peat or silt is necessary;
  • To breed different fish you will need a variety of soil;
  • the vegetation of the reservoir is justified in moderate quantities;
  • the bottom topography should be complex: with alternating deep and shallow water, with rapids and ledges of various sizes;
  • In winter, a layer of unfrozen water of about 1 m is needed in the pond. Holes are made in the ice thickness, covered with straw, so that the fish do not suffocate. You can also freeze a bunch of reeds vertically into the ice.

The reservoir will house the fish, raise it, select eggs and incubate the young. In large developed farms, several types of reservoirs are installed: spawning pond, nursery pond, feeding pond, wintering pond. Periodic cleaning of the pond from fish waste products is imperative. This is a less productive method than raising fish in pools, but it is convenient for land owners.

Artificial pond It is made using a special technology of a rounded shape, the soil at the bottom is compacted, and it is cemented. A plastic film is placed on the bottom, water is filled to about 1/3, then a layer of soil or river sand is placed and underwater plants are planted. Then all the water is added. The pond sits without fish for some time so that the water reaches a natural temperature and its own environment of microorganisms appears. It is recommended to fill several buckets from a natural reservoir so that the water quickly becomes “alive”.

Pond size the depth should be at least 1.5 m, and the area should be at least 10-15 cm in length per individual. There are some nuances here: with great depth, it is better for fish to winter, but in summer such a reservoir will warm up unevenly. A shallow pool with a large surface area absorbs more oxygen, which is beneficial for the fish. Before the first start, it is necessary to equalize the temperature in the pond and in the portable container with fish so that there is no temperature shock. In the future, water purification and aeration and control of vegetation on the water surface will be required.

Fish farming in pools with RAS(installation of closed water supply) requires certain costs, but this is a promising option. Their cost is high, but the density of fish in them is the highest. For normal development, water must be continuously purified and enriched with oxygen. In a recirculation system, fish grow quite quickly; for example, trout reaches marketable weight within 2 years.

For installation cages containers welded from sheet iron are required. They can be purchased ready-made or made yourself. The cages must be covered so that the birds do not catch most of the young fish.

Thus, the type of reservoir can be any, the main thing is to create comfortable conditions for keeping fish.

Selection and purchase of suitable equipment

Necessary equipment for fish farming includes:

There are both domestically produced devices and their foreign analogues on the market. Preference today is given mainly to Russian manufacturers due to budget savings.

Organizing an appropriate water climate for fish

The temperature of the water, its acidity, and the oxygen content in it determine the health and growth of the fish. Another important condition is the purity of the water, the absence of mechanical and chemical impurities in it.

Climatic conditions may vary for keeping different fish species. So, warm water (24-26 degrees) is best for carp, and cooler water (16-19 degrees) for trout. To maintain such conditions, carp can be kept at a depth of 1.5-2 m, and trout - up to 15 m, respectively. A deviation of the temperature column in one direction or another can threaten the deterioration of the fish’s condition.

Required condition Fish farming involves periodic water filtration and aeration. When optimal conditions are created, the fish will grow faster, which is very important for business.

Fish breeding technology

Each fish breed has its own breeding characteristics that must be taken into account in business planning. At the same time, 1-2 workers can service the fishery mini-farm.

Use two core technologies fish farming:

  1. Traditional - consists of step-by-step actions for growing fish, as a rule, this is a 2-3-year cycle. Each technological operation is carried out in a special pond, upon completion of which it is necessary to drain the water. The fish are transplanted several times, which is very labor-intensive and associated with population losses.
  2. Continuous – provides for growing young fish up to a weight of 1-1.5 kg and further keeping the fish without transplanting. Only two ponds are required: for fry and feeding. This technology is less labor-intensive and more in demand.

Also fish can be grown intensive and extensive methods:

  • With intensive feeding, the fish receive special food in addition to natural food. Farm productivity here will be greatest.
  • With extensive feeding, the fish consumes natural food without special supplementation. This method requires minimal investment.

Regardless of the chosen technology and method of fish breeding, it is important to remember that the water in the reservoir should be kept constantly clean and flowing, and it should be technically aerated and limed to regulate acidity. The fish manages to gain the required marketable weight in about 2-3 years. The growth and productivity, reproduction, and health of fish depend on the conditions of detention, the quality of water, food and the climatic zone in which the farm is located. Periodically (every 10 days) it is necessary to inspect the fish and give medicinal supplements for prevention.

The technology using RAS is discussed in the following video:

Feeding rules

The effectiveness of nutrition depends on the biological characteristics of a particular fish species, nutritional needs, opportunities for their growth and development, and is also related to environmental conditions. The food differs in composition and beneficial properties not only for each breed, but also for adults and young animals within the same species. The energy requirements of fish are relatively small.

Despite the fact that the purchase of feed is the main expense item in fish farming - 50-60%, it is important use only high-quality feed, which significantly accelerate the growth of fish. Protein-rich foods are especially necessary. A gain of 1 kg is provided by 4 kg of feed. For comparison: from a reservoir the size of 1 hectare you can get fish products - 0.3 tons per year with natural feeding and 1.2 tons with intensive feeding.

Required components of complete food for fish:

  • amino acids to maintain appetite and favorable growth rates, especially for fry;
  • fats of plant and animal origin for the growth and health of the body;
  • fiber – for trout – 20%, for carp – at least 40%;
  • biologically active substances: premixes and enzyme preparations;
  • food of plant origin - mixtures of cereals, including bran, which provides carbohydrates and B vitamins;
  • animal feed: meat and bone and krill meal;
  • dairy products for young animals: skim milk powder, milk powder;
  • medicinal food to improve immunity.

For all breeds of fish, suitable food is a mixture of cereal and legume grains, which is steamed to swell for feeding. The volume is no more than 3-6% of the weight of the fish; it is important to observe the measure here. Food is given 1-2 times a day at the same time in a certain place in the pond. To do this, you can use special feeders: tray tables to keep track of how much food has been eaten. Before feeding, you can ring a bell to attract fish.

Financial part

To organize fish breeding you will need initial investment from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles (depending on the size of the reservoir), which includes the purchase (or rent) and improvement of a pond (swimming pool), installation of cages (if provided for by the technology), purchase and installation of the necessary equipment, business registration and obtaining permits .

Main costs:

  1. Purchase of planting material (fry): 10-50 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase of feed: 10-50 thousand rubles.
  3. Staff salaries: 30-50 thousand rubles.
  4. Other costs (transport, utilities): 20-30 thousand rubles.

Total profit(excluding taxes) approximately: 200-300 thousand rubles.

Payback period: 2-2.5 years depending on the type of fish and method of cultivation.

Additional income can be obtained from organizing paid fishing trips and recreation near the pond - up to 10% of the total fish farming, as well as from processing fish raw materials, manufacturing canned food and various types of fish products.

How to grow carp at home is described in the following video:

2018-01-25 Igor Novitsky

By approaching the formation of the pond correctly, studying the water parameters and preparing everything for the launch of the fry, the owner will be able to grow the fish to the optimal size. Careful care and cleaning of an artificial reservoir will allow you to increase the amount of fish for sale, and therefore increase the volume of profit received.

At the moment, many experts in the field of fish farming consider the fishing business to be a rather promising area. Therefore, by creating conditions for its development, it is possible to solve the problem of providing the state with fish and help fish farms in such a difficult task as growing various fish species.

Previously, it was popular to breed fish in artificial reservoirs, but in this case, poachers prevented the growth and development of young and older individuals, which is why fish farmers began to engage in organized reproduction and cultivation of fish on mini farms and at home. But in order for fish breeding to be successful, a novice fish farmer needs to study the breeding instructions and adhere to all the prescribed rules. Without what will home fish farming not bring the desired results?

Home fish farming from scratch

The most important resource for growing any type of fish is water. The growth, development and health of young animals will depend on its quality.

Step one. Creation of an artificial reservoir.

Before you start creating a pond, you need to devote time to a complete analysis of the water, studying all the indicators and quality standards necessary for populating the reservoir with new residents.

For this purpose, it is best to contact Epidemiological Surveillance and ask specialists to conduct the necessary analyzes of the aquatic environment and provide advice on improving it, if necessary. If the water quality does not meet standards, do not despair. It is enough to aerate and clean the pond and everything will return to normal.

Step two. Determining the quality of water resources.

The water in a fish pond must have the following characteristics:

  • Optimal salt ratio;
  • Regular and irregular temperature conditions;
  • The total number of microorganisms living in it and PH;
  • General transparency;
  • The presence of minerals necessary for future fish;
  • Color qualities;
  • The ratio of gases dissolved in water;

If all these characteristics meet the stated standards, then it will be possible to grow fish without any problems.

Step three. Launching the fry.

Before you release the fry into the pond, you need to know what temperature conditions are suitable for the breed of fish you have chosen. There are fish that are more suited to cold water, and there are fish species that will only feel comfortable in warm water.

Cold-loving species include grass carp, carp, catfish, crucian carp, sterlet, silver carp, trout, peled, etc. Heat-loving fish need to ensure the water temperature is not lower than twenty degrees, and for those who prefer cool waters, from ten to twenty degrees. Wintering in a reservoir will also be determined by the species of fish.

Step four. Stages of growing fish.

In order to properly build your mini fish farm, you need to know that when growing fish, the stages of breeding are taken into account. First, the fish spawn, then the fry appear, followed by the wintering stage, the next stage of growth, and experienced fish farmers consider the feeding stage to be the last step.

Taking them into account, it is possible to clearly distinguish between these periods and create the necessary scheme for the growth and development of young animals and grown individuals. For each of these stages, it is best to equip your own pond or use plastic pools.

In a pool or spawning pond, fish farmers hatch fry from the eggs. The hatched fry are transplanted into a pond where they will grow. Upon reaching a certain age, they are placed in a nursery pond, where they will gain weight. When the generation gets stronger and there is no longer any need to worry about its health, it is transferred to a feeding pond, and for wintering a special wintering pond with conditions appropriate for fish is used.

In order for fish to grow and develop well, the water in the reservoir must be clean and enriched with oxygen. Also, it should not contain hydrogen sulfide and methane. To avoid their occurrence, the pond must be created in an appropriate area, which can be determined using a geodetic map. Also, the reservoir must have appropriate vegetation that will saturate the water with substances beneficial to fish.

Step five. Feeding.

Not only water plays an important role in growing fish, but also the use of appropriate feed additives. In order to grow healthy fish, it is necessary to use feed mixtures appropriate for each breed. They consist of fats, fiber, legumes, grains, proteins, minerals and vitamins that fish need. The secret of success is simple: in order for the fish to grow well, fish farmers fertilize the reservoirs and mineralize them.

For each age of fish, it is necessary to use their own feed additives, just as to boost immunity, they use therapeutic-stress food to help the fish cope with the disease and gain immunity to it. That’s basically all that fish farmers who decide to grow fish at home need to know.

Breeding fish at home as a business

For growing fish, the most important thing is water; without it, it is simply impossible to breed any of the fish species. It is for this reason that before deciding to grow fish at home, it is necessary to build a suitable artificial reservoir for it.

For this purpose, you can rent a state reservoir, but it is better to abandon this idea. Because it will take you a lot of time to obtain various permits and approvals, and in addition to all this, your “fishing place” will also be threatened by poachers trying to catch as much fish as possible in your reservoir. For this reason, it is best to forget about renting a pond from government agencies. Moreover, the cost of a business based on state lease will be very expensive for you.

Another option is to create an artificial pond on your country or summer cottage. Creating an artificial reservoir will also not be cheap, but it will still require significantly less material and stress from you, and you will also be one hundred percent confident in the reliability of your business.

If you want to breed fish for which fresh water is suitable, then you can use a polycarbonate greenhouse with a plastic pool installed in it. It is also necessary to purchase compressor and filtering equipment, which will cost three thousand dollars. If you can create such equipment yourself, you will significantly reduce the cost of equipment for the pond. But before you start creating or purchasing it, you need to find out exactly what equipment and materials you will need.

Pond equipment

Water purification in a reservoir should be done using a gravity filter. Installing it is quite simple and it will not take much of your time. It costs about five thousand rubles. It is used not only for water purification, but also allows you to remove microorganisms that cause water blooms and the appearance of mud.

In order to saturate the water with oxygen, compressor equipment is used. Its cost can reach ten thousand rubles. In order to prevent the water in the reservoir from blooming, sterilizers with ultraviolet diodes are used. To pump water out of a reservoir, you need to purchase a hydraulic pump (about five thousand rubles). You can also make it by assembling it yourself from tubes. In this case, the reservoir will be filled with water from underground sources and springs. Feeders can be purchased at stores that sell fishing tackle. Also, do not forget about drainage equipment.

Costs and technology of fish farming

The benefits of fish farming are obvious. On the market, let’s take sturgeon, for example, a kilogram costs about two hundred rubles. By buying fry or breeding them yourself, you can get up to a ton of fish per year, which is about one and a half thousand kilograms, which means three hundred thousand rubles.

By spending one hundred and fifty thousand on your fishing business, you can work off the costs in a year and still make a profit. The main thing is to find sales points and then you don’t have to worry about profits.

Of course, only those people who understand all the risks and are ready to take them can engage in fish farming, because this type of business is quite competitive. And if you are not ready to fight and breed really high-quality and selected fish, it is better not to start it.

And now, finally, you have made a firm decision to create your own fishery. What documents will you need? Since you will be starting a business, you will need to register your business. This will also require additional costs. Also, to grow fish you will need a license, which will need to be issued. And when you receive the first “harvest”, you will still have to undergo product quality control and obtain special permission from the relevant structures.

What is the best fish to choose for breeding?

While it is easy to calculate the costs of creating an artificial reservoir, the costs of purchasing and growing fish are very difficult. It is for this reason that it is necessary to draw up a clear business plan.

The most unpretentious fish to eat and keep is carp. It is also affordable. When purchasing a ton of carp fry, you will need to spend about a thousand dollars. Moreover, this fish breed will not begin to reproduce immediately, but only after three years. In addition, during the cold season, carp grow twice as slow.

In industrial terms, all varieties of sturgeon are considered the most profitable fish species. An adult sturgeon weighs on average five hundred grams. A kilogram of sturgeon sold wholesale will cost approximately ten dollars. In your artificial pond, you can grow about a ton of such fish in six months. And this means that this business can really be called profitable.

Growing fish at home on a mini-farm: how to organize it correctly?

If you follow all the tips described above, then growing fish in your pond or pool is not a problem. This is exactly what farmer Mikhail Atamanov does, growing sterlet and trout on his farm in Yaroslavl. Over the course of a year, he grows and sells up to ten tons of fish and does not intend to stop there. According to him, such a business brings him not only tangible profit, but also pleasure.

However, even if you go fishing once every five years, you can’t argue with statistics: prices for fish are constantly rising, and during the crisis it has almost doubled in price! Even in the saddest times for entrepreneurs, when trout fell in price from 175 to 140 rubles per kilo, the business remained more than profitable.

For those who are just planning to start fish farming in Russia, there is one more argument in favor: fish farms have already managed to switch to a single agricultural tax, which allows you to pay only 6% of income reduced by expenses, and also forget about VAT, social tax, income and property tax.

An entrepreneur’s profit increases if he sells fish alive, in special vehicles that deliver it directly to retail outlets.

But we must immediately warn that breeders have a rather complicated relationship with trade: not everyone wants to deal with live fish - wholesalers do not deal with it, and even in Moscow only 10% of stores have special aquariums and equipment.

Before we begin

Before you start purchasing equipment and collecting documents, you need to decide what kind of fish you will breed, because the operating technology of the entire farm depends on this.

The two most interesting options in terms of demand are carp and trout.

Carp is easier to grow: it is unpretentious, tenacious, most reservoirs are suitable for it, and for care it is enough to read a couple of specialized books.

Breeding salmon and trout is many times more expensive - the fish are quite capricious and will require the services of a specialist fish farmer. But if opportunities allow, it is better to do both.

Large fish are traditionally in greatest demand. The optimal weight for carp is 1.2-1.7 kg; under natural conditions it reaches this size in about 3 years. Trout can be brought up to 1 kg, but it usually takes about 2.5 years to grow.

Therefore, in addition to selling live fish, you can also organize paid fishing.

The cost of fishing depends on the location, infrastructure and, of course, the type of fish: for example, in elite salmon reservoirs you can charge at least 1,500 per person.
In addition, you can offer your guests related services - fishing gear, bait, feeding, preparing the catch with a chef, alcohol, overnight accommodation, etc.

Main risks: fish diseases and epidemics, administrative barriers, possible difficulties during implementation.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open a fish farming business”


There are several main options for fish farming: in natural lakes and specialized pools.

In addition, you can often find cage farming of large fish, as well as growing fish in artificial mini-reservoirs, which are more reminiscent of barrels or bathtubs.

There are quite a lot of unclaimed reservoirs in Russia, on the basis of which you can start your own fisheries.

Another thing is that renting a pond or lake is not so easy.
To do this, you need to go through seven circles of hell of approvals, paperwork, competitive bidding, etc. In addition, not all ponds can be rented in principle.

First of all, restrictions are imposed on reservoirs that have the status of a monument, as well as those located near cities, villages, summer cottages, etc.

One way or another, all questions about rent should be addressed to the local administration.

All Russian fisheries are divided into conventional zones.
For example, Moscow belongs to zones 1-2, and the Krasnodar Territory and Stavropol belong to zones 5 and 6. Fish farming there is the most profitable, so it’s time to move to warm regions.
And if you are planning paid fishing, pay attention to the distance to major cities - it is advisable that it does not exceed 50 km.

In general, when choosing a pond or lake for fish breeding, everything matters: area, depth, average water temperature and oxygen content directly determine the health and growth of fish.

The larger the body of water, the easier it is to breed fish in it, especially since the temperature regime there is more uniform. The optimal size can be considered a reservoir with an area of ​​10 to 100 hectares and a depth of 1.5 m, otherwise the fish simply will not survive the winter.

As for the temperature, carp can withstand temperatures of 24-25 degrees, and trout can only withstand 16-19; at 24 they already begin to die.
In order to determine the best conditions and stock the reservoir with fish, it is necessary to call specialists from the Fisheries Research Institute, who will conduct a fisheries biological study.


For a fish farming business, we first need planting material. Planting material is usually purchased in early spring so that the first harvest can be harvested in the fall. Carp planting material will cost about 150 rubles per 1 kg.

It is best to take fry that are already 1 year old - they take root better and their survival rate is higher. In addition, carp grows very quickly: 10 tons of carp turn into 100 tons after 3 years.

The growth and development of fish directly depend on the food supply. Therefore, the main expense item falls on special food: it must contain at least 25% protein. The fish is fed at least 2 times a day, but it is important to know when to stop, otherwise it will stop growing and become sad.

The average price of food for carp is about 10 rubles per kg, and in winter the carp hibernates and does not eat anything. It’s more difficult with trout - for it you need to buy German feed, whose cost starts from 1 euro per kg. In addition, do not forget to add medicinal food to your diet to boost immunity.

By the way, useful advice: after stocking with carp, you can put an extra pike or pike perch into the pond.
This is done in order to knock out trash fish from the reservoir - eru, bleak, top swimmer and others from their gang.
The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise they will inadvertently eat both the fry and all your profits.


In principle, the fish in the lake are self-sufficient and do not require 24/7 monitoring. But you won’t be able to cope here alone either.
You need to hire a couple of assistants who, at a minimum, will feed the fish, clean the shore, clean the pond and check the health of the fish every week, because the disease and epidemic of our domestic scaly fish is almost the main risk in business.

Documents and licenses

In order for the fish farming business to be legal, and all efforts not to be in vain, you will have to run.

As mentioned above, you need, at a minimum:
1 . negotiate with the local government and obtain permission to rent a reservoir,
2 . contact cats that have a scientific research program established by law, approved by the fisheries committee, and receive a scientific and biological justification.
3. contact the State Committee for Water Resources and obtain permission to catch fish.

You usually don’t need to license or certify anything, but orderlies and various types of inspections may come to you with enviable regularity.


Practice shows: selling fish is often no less difficult a task than raising it.
Somehow it turned out that fish breeders do not have a good relationship with trade. On the one hand, selling live fish is much easier and more profitable. On the other hand, wholesalers with live carcasses, for obvious reasons, do not work.

Therefore, your main goal is to establish connections with shops, cafes and restaurants.

There is enough time for this, but in the meantime, think about how to attract clients for paid fishing, build your own plant for cutting and smoking fish, or open your own fish shop in the city. But this, sorry, is a completely different story.

Bottom line

The fish farming business in Russia is undoubtedly very interesting, but at the same time quite troublesome and risky.

It is not suitable for a first business: It is much more interesting to consider it as a sub-business for a fish store or a profitable hobby, especially in conjunction with fishing.

Difficulties will haunt you at almost every stage, and the first profit will not come soon.
Despite the fact that many abandoned reservoirs are suitable for breeding, in practice, you will face bureaucratic red tape or heavy investments in equipment.

Salmon fish are quite difficult to breed without the help of a specialist fish farmer, and the population must be carefully protected from disease throughout the year. In addition, some breeders have difficulty implementing it.

But with patience, diligence and, of course, good karma, you can be sure: your efforts will pay off a hundredfold and a decent profit awaits you... and truly exciting fishing!


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