Children's franchises. Children's clothing store Stilnyashka

This is a very good business in terms of motivation, but do the math yourself. 3.5 million investment. Only a club, without a garden - a direct minus, in the future for sure. Total. club + garden - definitely. Then already 4 million investments. If you work for 2 years, you need about 200 kopecks per month in net income. Add the payroll, which in principle should not be small, otherwise they will go to the same kindergartens and schools, but state ones, where everything is white. The team is at least 5-6 people, that is, payroll is 200k, no less. And if you have a garden, then even more, about 250k. Then rent, utilities, royalties, taxes, expenses for the life support of the facility. Total 100k, plus or minus 10%. In addition, entertainment expenses and expenses for franchise development (participation in conventions and seminars, training of employees (after those who were trained under the franchise), innovations that can be introduced after signing the contract). In total, expenses will average 350 - 400 thousand per month. And if the room is large, then they can get close to 500 thousand. The price of the subscription is 5000 for 8 classes. You need to have about 100 full-fledged subscriptions in order to make at least some profit. Considering summer, we need to have even more. Look at the clubs around you, find out how many children there are. And in principle, taking into account one-time visits and additional visits, the average bill is even less. 3-3.5 thousand per client per month. Therefore, the real payback period is at least 3-3.5 years of very hard work. Add here licensing and the associated hassle, staff turnover, the need for constant monitoring and very careful selection, training, placement and motivation of employees. The result: 10% of those who are satisfied and are probably not opening their first club. 30% of those who pull and in general are in the black. 30% of those who crave but without much chocolate. and 30% of those who resell the property in the first three years. Decide for yourself which group you can join, and if anything, go for it. And to summarize: - never take out a franchise with credit money - never take on it without a financial cushion - if possible, do it only with the money of an investor or co-investor.

Ellona Gurieva 10.26.2018 at 12:40

The eldest son went to the Baby Club in Moscow)) we were very happy)) we returned to Vladikavkaz)) 3 more children appeared)) when we found out that a franchise was opening in our city, we were the first students)) we have VERY kind, attentive and professional Teachers) ) this year we sent our 4th child and we don’t regret anything)) we are waiting for additional clubs and will definitely go)) thank you very much

  • Alena Sharova 03/04/2018 at 18:31

  • Olga 03/17/2017 at 00:06

    My husband and I have been partners in the Baby Club for several years now. We have several clubs in Moscow. The business is very interesting, profitable and most importantly socially significant! Very powerful support from the Management Company both at the opening stage and in operation! It’s also very cool that there are a lot of colleagues (network partners) because there are about 250 Baby Clubs. We exchange experiences and are constantly working to improve our business! This again provides help from the Criminal Code. The business will be profitable if all standards are observed and if you are completely immersed in everything that is happening. Yes, the investment at the start is not small, but it’s worth it! One of the clubs made a good profit in the first month. I can tell you about the features of the business personally. Write on [email protected]

    1. Baby club representative 03/20/2017 at 11:01

      Valentina 03/09/2017 at 15:59

      I am a lawyer by nature, but I have long decided to change my routine work to working with children, which has always inspired me. Initially, I planned to become a specialist in working with children, and after starting to study various offers on the labor market in the field of preschool education, I discovered the Baby Club. Later, having learned that BC is a franchisor, our family decided to open their own Baby Club in our city. Being a new person in this business, I was pleasantly surprised by the friendliness and professionalism of the employees of the BC management company, as well as the well-functioning training scheme for partners and socialists. Thanks to the accessible training system, I quickly mastered quite complex material on marketing, management, psychology, etc. I hope for our long and fruitful cooperation!

      1. Baby club representative 03/10/2017 at 09:57

        Valya, have a good start! In Krasnodar, everyone is really looking forward to the opening of the Baby Club. We are also very pleased that such a great partner has appeared on the network.

        Oleg 03/06/2017 at 18:37

        I bought the Baby Club franchise a little over a year ago. From the first month I was in good profit. I believe that preschool education is one of the most interesting and underdeveloped niches in Russia. I will be happy to share my experience and communicate in person. My club is located at the Slavyansky Boulevard metro station (Starovolynskaya street, building 12, building 5; Baby Club Matveevsky). +79857840555

        1. Baby club representative 03/10/2017 at 10:01

          Oleg, thank you for your feedback. You are an exemplary partner for us. He quickly made the decision to purchase, quickly opened the club and became a profit. Even the owners of older clubs learn from you. Glad you're with us!

          Lisa 01/05/2017 at 13:16

          I am the mother of a child who went to a baby club located on Leninsky Prospekt. We stopped going there because we realized that the baby had never learned anything. We sent him to kindergarten. He liked it there more than at the club

          1. Baby club representative 02/16/2017 at 17:24

            Lisa, good afternoon. Can you be a little more detailed? How many classes did you attend and what group did you go to? Please share, what result did you expect, but did not achieve, when you came to the Baby Club? Kindergarten and children's club are slightly different things. There are more differences than similarities. All children are different - this is precisely what our teaching methodology is based on, so in the club we select training individually for the child. Kindergartens, after all, are more focused on standard forms of education, like all of our education.

            Victor 10/04/2016 at 11:45

            I’m just shocked by this franchise - where can you see that you need so much money for a kindergarten? My wife at one time worked for the Baby Club, and nothing good came of it - we just lost extra money, and for the price they offer for children’s education in this place, almost no one came to us.

            1. Baby club representative 02/03/2017 at 18:03

              Good afternoon, Victor! Thanks for your feedback. True, it turned out to be somewhat confusing. It’s not entirely clear what it means that your wife worked FOR the Baby Club? And what does “nothing good came of it” mean? Please explain, did you buy a franchise from us or did your wife work as an employee in one of the clubs? If you really bought a club franchise from us, you would know that the cost of the subscription is set by the franchisee himself. In addition, with each potential partner, before purchasing a franchise, we calculate the financial model, carefully select the premises, and assess the potential and risks. We carry out marketing activities so that even before the opening, passes are sold to parents. So, you either confused us with someone else, or you didn’t buy our franchise at all.

              1. Baby club representative 02/03/2017 at 18:10

                Nastya, thank you for your feedback! Oddly enough, you are right, but not in everything. Indeed, our franchise is not suitable for those who are only focused on money. Here you really need to love children, want to do something for the future generation. Our franchise is for those who want to be involved in this, who want to love what they do. You can’t earn millions of dollars here, but six- and seven-figure sums in rubles are even very high. Fortunately, you don’t need to be a psychologist or have a pedagogical education to successfully develop our franchise business. Hiring teachers, yes, you don’t have to be one yourself.

                Alexei 09/07/2016 at 15:30

                In principle, I don’t like working with children, but my wife is a former kindergarten teacher, so it was with great grief that she persuaded me to take up this business. I am a businessman, so I had an investment from her - labor and competent work. Our city is quite developed, so those willing to help were found quickly, but there are a lot of problem children who are covered by their parents. More than once they broke something, but the parents refused to pay - like they pay so much for classes. I don’t even know now whether there is any benefit at all. The money, of course, is slowly returning, but it’s painfully slow.

                1. Baby club representative 02/03/2017 at 18:22

                  Alexey, thank you, great review! They correctly noted that those wishing to visit our club are found very quickly. This is true. It’s a pity we didn’t write what city you’re from. We at the Management Company smiled when you wrote that children cause significant damage by breaking something in the club. Is it true)). And they still couldn’t understand what they were breaking there? Educational cubes, or maybe balls from a dry pool? It is also difficult to damage a children's rug. In any case, we are glad that the investment is paying off. You also always have the opportunity to participate in the mentoring program, when successful partners help new and existing clubs quickly start earning money for free. You can get recommendations on subscription pricing, or implement marketing activities that have already been tested in practice and brought results. All that remains is to take it all and implement it. Good luck and good profits!

                  Victoria 08/24/2016 at 21:15

                  I am a teacher by training, but over time I got tired of working for pennies, and I decided to open a kindergarten from this company. I will say right away that the amount of investment and contribution for a simple teacher is, to put it mildly, prohibitive, but I firmly decided to stand my ground and still purchased this franchise. To be honest, I had a lot of trouble with loans and other things, and I also had to arrange everything well, recruit staff and study the curriculum. I’ve been working as a franchise for a year now, and, of course, there is revenue and people seem to be coming, but I have almost no free time - sometimes I need to rearrange the curriculum or work with the children myself if one of the staff is sick. In short, it's hard work.

                  1. Baby club representative 02/03/2017 at 18:36

                    Victoria, thank you for your feedback! Tell me, did you buy a franchise with the possibility of a kindergarten? Usually, franchises are popular in the club format. Everything you write is correct. When opening a franchise, and not just a Baby Club, you need to equip everything, make repairs to the premises, hire staff, and learn how to run a business. The business needs to pay especially much attention during the first year. This is why the Management Company invests so much in its partners. We provide ready-made design projects for premises and zoning. We select candidates for teachers and assistants (by the way, the selection is so thorough that out of 100 selected candidates, only 30 get a probationary period), train them, pass on all our methods. It does require time resources and energy. However, gradually the clubs begin to bring returns and partners buy second and third clubs. Oddly enough, but there is more time. This is noticeable in our mentoring program, when successful club owners (sometimes several at once) share knowledge, experience and best practices with those who are still at the beginning of their journey. And the successful ones always have time for this. Victoria, the main thing is to be sure to take everything that the Management Company can give you. There are always opportunities (ask a question, ask for help, consult). Use them. Your curator is always in touch with you.

                    Olga 08/09/2016 at 18:45

                    Hi all! I've only been working on this franchise for six months. I do not even know where to start. Firstly, the down payment, investment and royalties are very high. At the same time, the services we provide are quite expensive - not every parent will agree to pay such an amount, especially considering that there are free kindergartens. I have my own baby club, which I have already regretted, because even though our city is small, many do not understand why such establishments are needed. It is said that the franchise will pay off after two years, but I don’t believe it - there are very few children, although I am in a convenient location and have advertised everywhere.

                    1. Baby club representative 02/17/2017 at 17:18

                      Olga, good afternoon! We checked all concluded contracts in 2015 and early 2016. We didn’t find anyone named Olga from a small town. There is Olga from Korolev, but she earns very, very good money. And this review is definitely not hers. There is also Olga from St. Petersburg with an opening date that does not look like yours. But this is definitely not a “small town”. In general, we consider the financial model with all potential partners. We look at the population of the city and select the cost of a subscription. No one from us can purchase a franchise at random without first calculating the payback and money. And investments in premises are always large, no matter if you open your own club or any franchise. If we missed something, please let us know. Write by email [email protected] your name and city. We will definitely figure out how to make the club profitable so that it pays off sooner. Let me remind you that you can also participate in a mentoring program, when the most successful clubs act as mentors and help newcomers become more effective. Ask your supervisor about this and other opportunities.

                      Natasha 07/28/2016 at 19:15

                      I have worked in schools for almost ten years, so I have experience working with children. I learned about this franchise from a friend when she took her daughter to baby kindergarten. Now I’ve been working as a franchise for two years; I need to work for another six months before I break even because of the high royalties. In addition, you need to constantly advertise this place, otherwise the flow will disappear.

                      1. Dmitriy 07/19/2016 at 08:45

                        I don’t recommend anyone to get involved with this franchise, and here’s why. At a minimum, you will wait a very long time for it all to finally pay off. At most, you'll be wasting your money. Running such a business is like opening your own factory, where there are a lot of subtleties. At the same time, there can be no talk of quick payback here. It is probably easier to buy some premises and rent it out than to open a private kindergarten with expensive tuition fees. Russia is going through a time of crisis, so many young families cannot afford it at all. If we talk about some wealthy people, then it is much easier for them to hire a private person who will raise their child much better. Here you bear great responsibility for your work, and in general, as you know, raising other people’s children is generally very difficult.

                        1. Baby club representative 02/16/2017 at 18:05

                          Dmitry, good afternoon! Let us guess, you are definitely not our partner and have never worked with us. It is clear from the text that you are not familiar with our values ​​and have not seen the financial model. But you wrote the right things - there are “a lot of subtleties” here. This is business. Like all businesses, it is not simple, if such a thing exists at all, because even the “buy a premises and rent it out” scheme has its own subtleties. It's also very likely that you don't have children. Otherwise, you would know for sure that “a private person will better raise your child” is, to put it mildly, not true)). No one can raise a child better than the parent himself. A child will develop better and faster if mom and dad play with him. Sometimes parents take their children to developmental clubs, where the child has the opportunity to play with other children and develop using special, well-thought-out methods. Children's clubs are not involved in raising children; that is not what they are for. Parents raise children. Our business is not simple, it is for those who are close to the children's theme, who love children and want to open a business, earn money and do what they love. You can apply for a franchise on our website and sign up for a presentation. Here we talk in detail about our business, our approach and values.

                          Valery 07/14/2016 at 15:00

                          Working with children is a difficult thing, but on the other hand, there is a clear shortage of kindergartens, and there are not fewer children. I’m not a teacher by training, so I didn’t really understand children’s programs - everything was already ready and worked out. But then there were troubles from my staff - some did not want to work according to the company’s programs, which really angered me. Why reinvent the wheel? As a result, I quarreled with the staff and many left me. The franchise didn't work out.

  • Archived announcement

    The information on this page may be out of date.

    Data current as of 06/04/2018

    Franchise Bambini-Club

    Investments 1,275,000 - 3,150,000 ₽

    Franchise reviews

    Irina Kotanova

    In January 2016, I began to actively move in this direction, studying offers on the Internet. The idea of ​​acting independently, without a franchise, has repeatedly arisen. Then I flew around different cities in search of the best option. As a result, I settled on the Bambini-Club private kindergarten franchise. Why? The leaders of this network are experienced, open, with the correct alignment of values ​​and priorities. At any time, 24*7, I receive detailed answers to all my questions. The enormous psychological support a couple of weeks before the opening was very important and invaluable to me. Now my kindergarten is already open, and, despite the most inactive period for this business - the end of June - in the first week I concluded 11 contracts! All this is only thanks to the competent support and consultations from the Bambini-Сlub team: Daria, Ivan, Christina. Thank you guys very much! You are the most wonderful! I never decided to open up without the support of a team of professionals, despite numerous arguments from my friends and relatives - there are too many subtleties and nuances that need to be taken into account, too many mistakes will have to be made before you take the right and effective path

    You can add your review about this franchise

    Franchise cost and cost of ownership

      Entrance fee

      225,000 - 2,250,000 ₽

      7,000 rubles from 4 months

      Other current payments


    About company

    The history of the Bambini-club company begins in 2011, it was then that the company’s founder, Daria Sergeeva, opened her first kindergarten, which was located in a rented apartment on the 10th floor of a residential building. Things were going well, so in 2013 the Bambini group of companies scaled up to 3 kindergartens, with one in Thailand.
    In 2015, Daria, together with entrepreneur Ivan Maltsev, began to develop her own franchise of private kindergartens under the brand of the same name.
    Why do parents all over Russia choose Bambini-club?
    - all kindergartens are equipped with modern, comfortable and ergonomic furniture; children have only new toys at their disposal;
    - specialized developmental programs have been developed for children of different ages, including those with a linguistic focus. Every year new methods and development formats are introduced: children's acrobatics, mental arithmetic, Baby fit, karate, culinary master classes and much more;
    - kids receive varied and healthy meals five times a day;
    - video cameras are installed both inside and outside each kindergarten, which provide round-the-clock monitoring and safety for children. Any parent can monitor what their child is doing from their computer or smartphone.
    To date, the Bambini-club franchise has 58 kindergartens in the largest cities of the country, 2,582 children enrolled and 90 million in net profit!
    In Novosibirsk, where there are already 9 kindergartens, our company has taken a leading position, but our main goal is to become the leader in preschool development in the Russian market. According to preliminary forecasts, by the end of 2018, about 150 kindergartens under the Bambini-club brand will operate in Russia.

    The company's goal in the future is to become leaders in preschool development on the Russian market.

    Home information

      Year the company was founded

      Franchising launch year

      Franchise businesses

      Own enterprises

    Franchise Description

    The Bambini-club franchisee agreement is presented in three packages with a different set of options that suit most entrepreneurs:
    - “Quick start” (cost – 225 thousand rubles. From us you receive a complete package of ready-made business technologies that successfully work in dozens of gardens throughout Russia).
    - “Gold” (In addition to a package of recommendations, a ready-made business model and a brand book, you receive regular technical and legal support for two months. The cost of the package is from 485 thousand rubles).
    - “Platinum” (includes all the “Quick Start” and “Gold” options. As well as the personal participation of our specialists and experts in launching your business: we will come, monitor the process, launch the work and serve the first clients. Cost – 980 thousand rubles) .
    Each franchise partner, upon concluding an agreement, receives a ready-made business plan and step-by-step guidance on opening and running their own kindergarten. In other words, we provide you with a scheme for obtaining a guaranteed profit, which successfully works in many cities of Russia.
    Our franchise package includes:
    - search for premises;
    - detailed business plan;
    - brand beech;
    - advertising;
    - website;
    - selection and purchase of equipment;
    - assistance in legal registration;
    - personnel selection;
    - consulting by a personal project manager 24/7, etc.

    Training and support

    What do we offer?
    - You will receive round-the-clock personal online support from our specialists 24/7, as well as a step-by-step plan for starting a business: our team will bring you results.
    - When concluding a franchise agreement in the “Platinum” format, we personally help launch the business and conduct master classes on servicing the first clients.
    - You will receive a business book that includes more than 500 pages of clear instructions, as well as videos, courses and presentations that are designed to answer the most popular questions.
    - You will receive an original development program on which the work of the gardens is based.
    - Our company has a development department, which employs 14 specialists in various fields (PR, HR, marketing, education, etc.). In fact, we provide you with a whole staff of professionals in various fields.
    - We use 31 advertising channels to develop and promote the Bambini-club brand. All campaigns have been worked out, and we will transfer these strategies to you.
    - You will also receive the book “How to open a profitable kindergarten” from the creators of “Bambini-club”: a set of materials with recommendations for running a business. All methods have been repeatedly tested in practice and have proven their viability. The result is 100% payback within the first 6 months.

    Requirements for franchise buyers

    Unlike most competitors, we do not promise potential franchisees mountains of gold right away. We carefully select our future partners: after receiving an application, we analyze the regional market and study the potential of a particular city. Suffice it to say that for a preliminary assessment of the territory we have 55 parameters. This is a signature feature of Bambini-club. If the declared city meets all our criteria, we move on.
    As for personal and professional qualities, our partners have already become: teachers, young families with children, pensioners, young entrepreneurs, experienced businessmen, etc. Based on our experience, any person with ambitions will achieve success under the strict guidance of Bambini-club professionals.
    An advantage may be having your own registered legal entity (LLC or individual entrepreneur) and free space that can be used for a kindergarten.
    However, the main criterion here remains focus on results and determination when opening a new business. Gender, age, education are not determining factors for us.
    If you don’t just want to open your own business, but dream of doing what you love, share our love for children and the desire to bring the same values ​​to the world, we will be glad to see you as partners. We will provide you with comprehensive support and guarantee that your business will achieve payback and profitability.
    The Bambini-club franchise team is an energetic community of like-minded people working towards a common goal.

    Premises requirements

    Where is the best place to open a kindergarten? Properly selected premises are 50% of the success of your business. Bambini-club specialists have developed a 37-point checklist for selecting places for kindergartens. This list takes into account everything from the presence of engineering infrastructure to landscaping elements. Using a special program, we will select for you the optimal premises for the future kindergarten in your city. We bring each stage to a specific result.
    Join our network "Bambini-club"!

    "Bambini-Club" is a network of kindergartens designed for clients with high incomes. Children in kindergartens study a wide range of disciplines: mathematics, the starry sky, the world around them, music, reading, creativity, etc. A special feature of the kindergartens is the emphasis on learning English. Children are taught according to a special program that allows them to understand a foreign language from childhood. Much attention is paid to the health of children. Therefore, they are regularly examined by a regular pediatrician, and the air in the rooms is ionized. It is especially worth noting that parents can always watch what their children are doing thanks to a 24-hour online broadcast of classes.

    You can buy a franchise and create a garden in the premium segment.

    Advantages of cooperation with Bambini-Club:

    • assistance with finding clients;
    • To start, you need a small initial capital;
    • high profitability;
    • assistance with methods that allow children to learn effectively;
    • no need to pay royalties;
    • within two months you can reach the break-even point;
    • there is an opportunity to expand the business and create a network of similar kindergartens;
    • ready-made sales scripts;
    • assistance with promoting services on the Internet;
    • employee training;
    • tips on purchasing necessary equipment and toys. A list of reliable suppliers is provided;
    • Tips on how to choose a room and make the desired design.

    You can make an application on the website, indicate your data in a special form, and they will calculate the economic indicators of the future project for free. "Bambini-Club" have stable popularity, including thanks to:

    • high-quality meals five times a day, which take into account the individual preferences of each child;
    • a unique play area where you can have fun;
    • the kindergarten is open 24 hours a day, all days of the week;
    • Considerable attention is paid to children's health.

    Reviews about the Bambini-Club franchise

    We haven't found many reviews about this franchise, but those that are available online are purely positive. We also analyzed reviews from parents whose children attended such a kindergarten. We didn't find anything negative here either.

    Children's franchises are usually divided into: kindergartens, clubs, schools, centers, studios, shops. But first, let's understand the terms: what, for example, is the difference between a garden and centers, clubs, and other things?

    You will come across the following names:

    • state kindergarten

    takes children from 3 years old, in many cities you have to get on the waiting list literally immediately after the baby is born, there are a lot of children, relatively lenient prices (often 1500-2000 per month), the possibility of subsidies from the administration for low-income families, all day stay, meals, clubs and training - either not, or with a separate additional payment.

    • private kindergarten

    prices are higher (in the regions usually about 10-15 thousand per month), meals, all day stay - until later for the convenience of parents, small groups (most often 6-8 people), attention of teachers and educators to everyone - most of the training is free built into the process.

    • children's centers (aka children's clubs) and studios

    additions to kindergartens. The guys spend less time there, about a few hours, and this time is spent in thematic classes, that is, essentially in circles. In the center there are more opportunities (for example, languages, drawing, invention, etc.), in the studio there are usually 1-3 directions (for example, modeling and drawing).

    • children's entertainment center (aka town or amusement park)

    everything is clear here, there is a place with attractions, cubes, swings - carousels and supervising staff. Children are allowed with adults and play all this fun for money.

    • children's store

    no comments, a store with themed children's goods. Often combined with a studio, for example, super plasticine is on sale, and on certain days there is a modeling class from the same.

    As you can see, in practice the division can be conditional, and in practice hybrid forms are more common: kindergartens-clubs, shops-studios, etc.

    You may also come across names that do not reflect the correct essence of the business, such as private children's schools. More on this below, but for now let’s go through the list of children’s franchises.

    Franchises of private kindergartens

    Kindergartens imply a long stay for a child from 6 to 10 hours a day, and sometimes even around the clock. 24-hour stays are more common in cities with populations of over a million people; in the regions it is practically not practiced.

    In kindergartens, nutrition, sleep, games and child development are organized. The child masters everyday skills, if they do not already exist (for example, a potty, self-care), and acquires communication skills and playing together in a group (socialization). Development is usually divided into the main program and additional ones. services.

    A ready-made kindergarten franchise will provide you with the information you need to open a kindergarten, the right to use the brand (along with the obligation to follow its policies and design), and advice from support staff on issues that arise.

    Network of kindergartens Small Country (kindergartens with state subsidies)

    Description. Main program: Mosaic Park (certified by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation). Add. classes: English, speech therapist, music, dancing, logorhythmics, sand therapy, art studio, etc.

    Finance. Investments: 600,000 -3,000,000 rubles. Lump sum payment (one-time payment): 2 options - 880,000 or 1,490,000 rubles. Monthly payment: 5% of income. Payback: from 6 months. Profit: from 173,000 to 600,000 rubles. / month There are government subsidies: before 13 thousand rubles. per child. Requirements for the premises: area of ​​at least 100 sq.m., no basement, semi-basement, attic allowed. Heating and water supply are required.

    Options. Gardens open: 60. Seats: 20 - 60. Age: from 1.5. Meals: 5 times a day. The Small Country private kindergarten franchise will be of interest to you primarily if you are ready to invest decent money and have experience working with children and in selling services to parents.

    Sun School Network (English kindergartens)

    Description. SunSchool has been operating since 2014. A special feature is compulsory English classes and an emphasis on communication skills. Main program: English Talented and Gifted methodology. Add. classes: chess, martial arts, dancing, speech therapist, psychologist, etc.

    Finance. Investments: 4,000,000 rubles. Lump sum payment (one-time payment) 1400 thousand rubles - 1800 thousand rubles. Monthly payment (royalty): 5% of turnover. Payback: 18-26 months. Profit: from 300,000 rub. / month

    Options. Gardens open: 65. Seats: from 30. Age: from 1.5 years to 7 years. Stay: full from 7:00 to 19:00, evening groups until 23:00, weekend groups. Meals: 5 times a day. Requirements for the premises: non-residential from 150 m2 on the 1st floor, or detached (for example, a cottage) from 200 m2.

    Komarik is a network of kindergartens focused on child health.

    Description. This franchise is based on the methods of Dr. Komarovsky, built on the basic principles of valeology (the science of health and healthy lifestyle). The same principles underlie kindergartens that operate according to his system. The program for working with children is focused on improving the health of the child. As part of the franchise, you will receive comprehensive support in the development of your project.

    Finance. Lump sum payment – ​​no. Royalties - no in the first year, from the second year - 15 thousand rubles. The required amount of investment is from 1 million 200 thousand rubles. Estimated profit – from 100 thousand rubles. The estimated payback period is from 1 year.

    Options. Currently, 5 kindergartens have already been opened - 2 in Russia, as well as kindergartens in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Children from 1.5 years old are accepted. To organize a kindergarten, you need a separate room with an area of ​​6 or more acres. A cottage or the first floor of a residential building may be suitable for placement; the house must be new (built less than 10 years ago).

    Bambini-club. Bambini Kindergarten.

    Description. Bambini Club is a premium kindergarten in your city, plus assistance in selecting and hiring staff, full legal support, a ready-made unique, bright and creative design project, a full package of business technologies, a proven marketing strategy, 24-hour support from a personal manager.

    Finance. Royalties - no. There are several options for a lump sum payment, from 175 to 950 thousand rubles. Starting investments from 594 thousand rubles. Alleged o The project's bathability is 4-6 months. The expected monthly net profit upon completion of the payback period is from 350 thousand rubles.

    Options. The year the company was founded is 2009. 2 own kindergartens and 17 opened as a franchise. The franchise was launched in 2015. Places in the kindergarten - from 24. You can open one of the best preschool educational institutions in your city.

    Panda (network of kindergartens)

    Description. A network of kindergartens for children aged 1 year and older, founded in the Moscow region (Khimki) in 2009.

    Finance. The lump sum contribution for Moscow and the Moscow region is 700 thousand rubles, for the regions 500 thousand rubles. Royalty: first 3 months 10 thousand rubles, then 20 thousand rubles. In the summer from June to August - only 15 thousand rubles.

    To determine the possible profit and payback period of the project, you should write to the founders of the franchise, and they will calculate the figures directly for your region, based on the salaries, rent and other indicators you provide.

    Options. Online video surveillance in the parents' smartphone. Meals 4 times a day. Strictly healthy children are accepted. The staff includes teachers and psychologists. 10 kindergartens are open.

    How to open a kindergarten: franchise or independently?

    You can find many positive reviews about private garden franchises, but you need to understand that many positive reviews may be initiated by the franchise representatives themselves.

    Most often, under the contract you will receive three things:

    • business plan and marketing, that is, the company will tell you how to attract customers;
    • internal organization of processes, that is, actually how everything should be arranged from the inside;
    • educational technology, that is, lesson plans, instructions, etc.

    It may turn out that in your market, advice on attracting clients will not work, training sessions will be “raw”, and the organization of processes will be lame. Naturally, in this case there is no need to talk about fabulous profits and payback. But you have already spent 200-500-700 thousand on a lump sum payment, and pay royalties every month, on average 10 thousand rubles.

    It is not always possible to give up a franchise: some contracts may include huge penalties (1-1.5 million) for leaving. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing a franchise, and weigh everything a hundred times before making a decision. And first of all, look at the reviews of dissatisfied people, because you may have to face the same problems.

    For example, in “Little Country” not everyone is happy with the methods of working with children, the payback is close to zero, and again with the constant costs of repairing and updating furniture.

    “Sun School” is periodically criticized for the attitude of managers and lack of support; paid payments do not at all guarantee the presence of children, especially during the off-season; some franchisees sit for several months without children and without money.

    They complain about “Umnichka” that it brings in little money, there are no prospects, there is no zest to surprise customers. Plus, repairs and replacement of furniture are expensive - but this can be applied to any private kindergarten or club.

    Try to find the phone numbers of already franchised gardens and talk to their owners - perhaps their experience will help you a lot and open your eyes to the pros and cons of a future business.

    If you have a lot of money and are short on time, a franchise option is suitable, where a kindergarten will practically be opened for you, through the efforts of the parent company.

    If money is really tight, try opening up on your own. All the necessary information on sanitary standards, educational processes, etc., will be given to you during consultations with local authorities of Rospotrebnadzor, education, etc. Of course, you will have to invest more effort and time, but it will cost much less, and here's why:

    • you won’t have to pay a lump sum fee or regular royalties
    • there will be no requirements from the head office for furniture design, logo, etc. - which means it will be possible to do something simple and economical at first
    • you can open in a small room, with an eye to further development, if things go well
    • If things don't work out, it's easier to get out of business.

    Children's club franchises

    Children's clubs and centers are essentially the same thing, only the names are different, depending on what the organizer likes best.

    Their main task is the development of children in clubs and sections. But unlike the latter, a set of developmental activities is collected here, and the children can be occupied in different areas for several hours. There are many franchises of children's clubs, from which you can choose the one you like. For example, there are clubs dedicated to languages, intellectual or artistic education.

    Smart girl. Network of children's eco-clubs.

    Description. The Umnichka club is not just a center for the development of children, it is a place where any child can fully realize their potential and realize themselves as an individual. If you are active and want to engage with children, investing your emotions and receiving gratitude from children and their parents, then this project will suit you. Comprehensive support in project implementation, from registration consultations to employee training.

    Finance. Investments from 1.5 million rubles. Franchise cost: 400, 600 and 900 thousand depending on the chosen option . Royalty: 5 thousand rubles. in the first year, 10 thousand rubles; in the second year, 20 thousand rubles. in the third year and beyond. The expected return on investment period is from 18 months. Profit from 200 thousand rubles per month.

    Options. 9 children's clubs have already been opened. Age – from 9 months to 14 years. Room – at least 50-80 sq.m.

    Me myself. Early development centers.

    Description. If you want to be part of an all-Russian organization with annual forums, guidance from a curator, constant consulting, and your own production of furniture and toys, then this project is suitable for you. IMyself is a space in which a child feels like a unique creator of his own universe, playing and developing in it, developing his skills and gaining new knowledge.

    Finance. The lump sum fee only for the training program is 190 thousand rubles, for a club franchise 640 thousand rubles, and a club with a swimming pool 980 thousand rubles. Royalties only for the club (15 thousand rubles) and the club with a swimming pool (30 thousand rubles). Starting investments from 1.5 million rubles. Turnover per month from 300 thousand rubles.

    Options. 15 enterprises. Age – from 1.5 to 4 years. Required room area – from 40 sq.m. The premises must be located in a residential area or area within walking distance for potential students.

    Fox&Kids (Children's Academy)

    Description. A unique developed multimedia program for teaching lessons to children in a language they understand. Our children know more than their peers, and parents see what their young talents are capable of. In just one year, the school can become a large-scale project in the city that will attract hundreds of children.

    Finance. To open an academy you need 650-800 thousand rubles and 2 months to organize it. Lump sum payment 250 thousand rubles, royalty 16 thousand per month. About 9 months payback. Original lesson plans that cannot be copied are provided, as well as a ready-made design project for the academy. The estimated profit is over 110 thousand rubles monthly.

    Options. Full automation of the business, the opportunity to train over 200 children in each academy. Ready-made multimedia lesson projects that make this center stand out from others.

    Baby - club. Network of children's early development clubs

    Description. This is a symbiosis of a kindergarten and a club, intended for children from 8 months. up to 7 years. The main idea is the careful development of intelligence. Children are prepared for school, taught social skills and encouraged to think about what they would like to do in life.

    Finance. There are 2 formats available for opening. Baby club + part-time kindergarten, or bilingual club and full-day kindergarten. The lump sum contribution is 1.2 million for Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1 million for the region and 600 thousand rubles for a small city. Plus start-up investments: about 1-3 million rubles. with the first option and 2-4 million rubles. Payback from 2 years.

    Options. 237 clubs have already been opened in 75 cities. The gross revenue of the entire network for 2016 amounted to 717 million rubles. Agree, this is impressive!

    Children's center franchises

    The same as clubs, only now with the name “centers”. As a rule, they are grouped around one idea (for example, foreign languages), there is no food, children’s stay is limited to a few hours during the day, and they are in class. As a rule, when you buy a children's center franchise, you will receive organizational documents, approaches to attracting children, a package of standard advertising, and training programs that you cannot copy if you want to “get out of business.”

    Kroshka Ru (early childhood development centers)

    Description. Kroshka Ru is a network of modern centers dedicated to the early development of children. There are three franchise options for creating a project - office, studio and center, depending on the planned volumes. It is also possible to additionally purchase a franchise for organizing children's parties.

    Finance. The lump-sum contribution depends on the type of project (for an office - 190 thousand rubles, for a studio - 760 thousand, for a center - 970 thousand), a similar approach to the size of investments (300 thousand, 2 and 3 million, respectively). At the end of the contract, you can extend it for 5 years for 50% of the lump sum. There are no royalties. Return on investment is expected in 6 months (office), 15-2 years (studio) and 2-2.5 years (center).

    Options. The network is designed for children 1-7 years old. The center has 15 of its own educational programs, the studio uses 6-8 programs, and the office usually uses 3 programs. For a studio there should be 90-100 sq. m of space, and for the center - 180-240 sq. m.

    Syoma (development centers)

    Description. Syoma is a ready-made largest business project for the creation of children's learning centers working according to modern programs. This is a well-known brand in Russia, so there should be no problems with recognition. The format of a children's center can be different - a family club, a kindergarten, a short-term or extended stay group.

    Finance. The minimum franchise is 170 thousand rubles, and the monthly royalty is a stable 7,000 rubles. Total investments from 230 thousand rubles. Possibility of receiving assistance and discounts when purchasing equipment, organizing business advertising from the central office. Payback occurs in 4-8 months, after which the profit is planned to be from 150 thousand rubles.

    Options. 300 operating centers in Russia and abroad. Opportunity to receive equipment for training in the Montessori program for free (Italian teacher Maria Mantessori proposed her own system of training and education at the beginning of the 20th century). In 2015, more than 50 franchises were acquired.

    Edison (life hacks organization)

    Description. There is no better way to motivate children to learn than to show them everything they have learned in practice. The Edison school is not a dry theory in the field of physics and chemistry, but a living practice. During lessons, children conduct various experiments, make crafts, and test scientific laws in practice. Children are taught the most popular life hacks to make their lives more practical and meaningful. Edison's desire to study after school increases significantly.

    Finance. The franchise starter package costs 159 thousand. Moreover, after a short time, the profit is already 125 thousand rubles every month.

    Options. The company has been developing its business for 7 years. More than 35 franchises were sold. Within a short period of time, one establishment can attract over 120 new visitors. Upon completion of training, children are given a certificate, and they take all the crafts home.

    Polyglots (children's language centers)

    Description. These are specialized language centers. The main focus of the center is English. But if parents wish, children can also attend Spanish, German and French lessons. The programs are designed for children from one to 12 years old.

    Finance. The planned income is from 100 to 250 (for Moscow 350) thousand rubles per month. The lump sum payment for Moscow and the Moscow region is 490 thousand rubles, for other regions - 340 thousand rubles. Royalty is standard - 6 thousand in the summer and 12 thousand the rest of the time. Starting investment (excluding the purchase of a franchise) for the regions - from 330 thousand rubles, for Moscow and the region - from 410 thousand rubles. The average payback period is from 6 to 12 months.

    Options. The first center was opened in St. Petersburg in 2006. Since 2012, more than 50 franchise centers have been opened in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The opening of the center will take only 30 days. On average, the Center accommodates 200 people. Room from 50-70 meters.

    Growth point (children's centers for harmonious development)

    Description. The creators promise modern development methods, developmental and educational activities, love for children, children's parties and events.

    Finance. Three opening options. Start - lump sum payment of 80 thousand rubles, no royalties. For this you will receive a package of documents and advice on taxes and legal issues. Studio - lump sum payment 360 thousand rubles, royalties 9 thousand per month. You will receive additional consultations and educational programs for ages 6 months and older. up to 5 years. They will help with the website and automated accounting system. They will secure exclusive rights to the territory.Children's center - royalty 9 thousand per month, lump sum payment 500 thousand rubles. They will add documents, programs and scenarios for children from 5 to 10 years old, consultations. Also exclusive rights.

    The franchise management does not provide the promised payback period and initial investment, since it depends on the specific situation.

    Options. Growth Point has been operating on the market since 2007; currently 33 centers are open in 22 cities.

    Children's school franchises

    Let us immediately make a reservation that the name of children's schools is actually incorrect. Why? The school must, among other things, provide a compulsory state education program. So that the child receives a document (certificate) with which he can enter an institute or college.

    This is not the case at the educational institutions listed below. These are franchises of private children's schools, which are essentially the same interest clubs as regular children's centers and clubs.

    There is perhaps one difference from them - “schools” try to complete courses around one idea, for example, learning foreign languages ​​or beauty and image. All other classes are adjusted to them - for example, choreography, plastic arts, makeup for beauty, or rhetoric, English, German, etc. for language schools.

    Network of child development schools Intellect (preschoolers)

    Description. The Intellect school network has been on the education market for 5 years. A unique teaching methodology allows you to work with preschoolers, as well as with older categories of children. The main direction of training is aimed at speed reading, memory, attention and logic.

    Finance. The cost of the franchise (lump sum) will cost 350 thousand rubles. Payment for using the brand (royalty) 15 thousand rubles per month. Monthly expenses for maintaining the school: 50 thousand rubles and salary of 2 teachers - 80 thousand rubles.

    The group is designed for 40 children, with a tuition fee of 5,500 rubles per student per month. Possibility of organizing two groups. The monthly income for training two groups is 440 thousand rubles, taking into account all expenses of 145 thousand rubles, the net profit remains 295 thousand rubles.

    Options. 14 centers have been opened in 8 cities of Russia. 3,500 students are trained. Two age categories: 4-6 and 7-15 years. The duration of classes is no more than 90 minutes, 2 or 3 times a week. Payback in 2-3 months.

    Yunium (for schoolchildren)

    Description. Educational courses are aimed at teaching subjects from the school curriculum, foreign languages, creative activities, computer courses, as well as preparation for the Unified State Exam and State Examination. Classes are conducted to develop memory, intelligence, speed reading and leadership technology.

    Finance. The total investment will be 1.5-2 million rubles. Payment of a lump sum contribution of 600 thousand rubles, it is designed for 5 years, after which it is paid again. Royalty - monthly 7% of profits. Payback is expected from 8 months to 1 year.

    Options. There are 57 Unium centers open in the Russian Federation, 19 of which operate as franchises. The age of the students is from 7 to 17 years. Classes are held on weekends, the work schedule is drawn up individually. Administrative and legal support from management. Exclusive rights to the territory for work, with the right to expand, centralized accounting. Requirements for premises from 130 sq.m.

    foreign language centers YES

    Description. The center has been operating for 16 years. English, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese are taught here; Both children and adults learn.

    Finance. Initial investments from 1.5 million rubles. Opening time is about 2 months. Lump sum payment 397 thousand rubles. Royalty - 39 thousand rubles. monthly in the first year, from the second - 27 thousand rubles. The planned profit is up to 800 thousand rubles per month. The payback time of the project is from one year.

    Options. 18 branches have been opened, 9 of them operate as franchises. Using the author's methodology allows you to conduct classes more effectively. Assistance in finding specialists, training them and regular trainings.

    School of Beauty and Social Education IMAGE

    Description. The school teaches children a culture of behavior, aesthetic appearance and good manners. Classes help develop children's creative potential and expand their inner world. Pupils participate in beauty and talent competitions. Age category from 3 to 15 years.

    Finance. Franchise cost - options from 60 thousand rubles. up to 500 thousand rubles. Planned monthly costs - no more than 100 thousand rubles. Royalty - 10% of profit per month, advertising fees - no. The payback period for the project is from 3 months. Projected net profit from 116 to 265 thousand rubles. per month.

    Options. The school has 25 years of experience in the franchise format. Involvement of original teaching methods and individual approach to each child. Training of teachers and provision of ready-made programs for classes with children. Classes are held on weekends, with a convenient schedule.

    Children's school of speed reading (according to the method of Shamil Akhmadullin)

    Description. The speed reading school has been operating since 2014. Classes are aimed at comprehensive training of intellectual skills. More than 120 unique exercises have been developed within the framework of the author’s methodology. They allow you to increase your reading speed and improve the memorability of what you read. Classes are organized in a playful way.

    Finance. Investments: from 300,000 to 700,000 rubles. Lump sum payment (one-time payment): 200–700 thousand rubles. Royalty 20–50 thousand rubles per month. Payback period: 3–5 months. Profit more than 120 thousand rubles/month.

    Options. Franchise speed reading schools operate in 21 cities (on exclusive terms). It is planned to open in 8 more cities. Pupils' age: from 6 to 17 years, 2 lessons per week for 60-70 minutes. Course 10–12 lessons. There are no special requirements for premises and repairs. Personnel qualifications: teacher, psychologist.

    ‘’TALENTO’’ (children’s club, talent discovery)

    Description. The programs are developed based on the world's leading development methods and are aimed at discovering talents. The club conducts classes for children, organizes sports and creative studios, a school of robotics and light engineering, and a model school. It is possible to organize outdoor events and trainings.

    Finance. Investments: 750–1060 thousand rubles. Lump sum payment (one-time payment) 180,000–250,000 rubles. No advertising fees. Monthly payment (royalty): 5–10 thousand rubles. Extension of the contract for 5 years, no additional payment required. Profit from 140 thousand rubles/month. Payback period is 7–12 months.

    Options. 22 clubs have been opened in Russia and Kazakhstan. The area of ​​the premises is from 70 to 180 square meters with 2 bathrooms. Priority: first floor in a residential area, separate entrance. Possible location in a shopping center. The classes are divided into age categories: children (from 1 to 3 years), preschoolers (from 4 to 7 years), schoolchildren (7–12 years), high school students (from 13 years).

    Travel school JUNIOR EXPEDITIONS

    Description. Classes are held in the fresh air outside the city and are focused on the holistic intellectual, physical, and psychological development of children. 3 types of services: children's parties, educational events on a regular basis, separate programs for schoolchildren or kindergarten groups.

    Finance. Investments from 650 thousand rubles; for St. Petersburg and Moscow from 900 thousand rubles. For cities with a population of up to 400,000 people, conditions are selected individually. Lump sum one-time payment of 300–450 thousand rubles. Royalty 5% of revenue from the 2nd year of operation. Profit from 175,000 rubles. Payback period is 6–12 months.

    Options. Audience: children from 3 to 12 years old. Most classes are held on weekends. Office space of 50 sq. m. is required. In one group there are no more than 12 people and 2 employees, a psychologist and an instructor.

    Codologia (children's programming school)

    Description. The classes have game scenarios and are aimed at developing computer skills and digital literacy. Two possible formats: a separate classroom or a classroom based on an existing child development center.

    Finance. The investment amount is 300–500 thousand rubles. Royalty 3% per month. Monthly turnover is 200–500 thousand rubles. Marketing payment 3 thousand rubles. per month. Lump sum one-time payment of 150–300 thousand rubles. Payback period is 6–12 months. Profit 50–300 thousand rubles monthly.

    Options. The first school was opened in 2016 in Samara. Audience: children 4–16 years old. The general program includes 3 levels of 8 lessons. 4 lessons per month. The lesson lasts 90 minutes. There are up to 10 students in a group. Own CRM system. Enrollment for the school continues throughout the year. The minimum area of ​​a classroom is 25 square meters. m.

    Mental arithmetic (Uniqum kids)

    Description. This is a system of clubs where children learn to solve arithmetic problems in their heads - without a calculator, and even faster than one. Training focuses on the skills: analytical thinking, photographic memory, logic, concentration and focus on results.

    Finance. There are no royalties. The franchise management also promises a minimum lump-sum (initial) contribution.

    Options. The first school centers were opened in Samara in 2015. By September 2017, such schools had appeared in 30 cities (Russia and Lithuania).

    Children's store franchise

    Children's stores are another interesting format. This niche includes franchises of children's clothing, shoes, stationery, toys, and other children's products.

    Children's store franchises are often characterized by the absence of a lump sum fee and royalties, which pays off for the head office with regular purchases of goods for sale. But there are also franchises with initial fees and royalties. In any case, the starting investment will be only slightly less than in the case of opening private kindergartens. And most of them will be an investment in goods in circulation.

    Shop-studio Orange elephant

    Description. The company has been on the market since 2005. It has its own production in China and offers its own original products for children from 2 to 12 years old. These are sets for drawing and modeling. Creative master classes and entertaining presentations are held in the studio salons. The company's products develop fine motor skills in children and reveal the potential of children.

    Finance. Lump sum payment 295 thousand rubles. The total investment budget depends on the opening option: 580 thousand rubles for a studio store (including payment for the franchise), and 980 thousand rubles in the case of granting exclusive rights to the region, the cost of the exclusive rights themselves is included in this amount and is separately calculated by the franchise management for each who applied.

    Options. More than 400 franchise stores have been opened in various countries around the world. Launch of the project within 21 days from the date of filing the application for the franchise. Exclusive products and original techniques. Own production and environmental friendliness of all products.

    Children's educational goods stores Umnitsa

    Description. Unique products for children that have no analogues on the market. The company offers products for the development of children's creative, emotional and intellectual abilities. Age category from babies to teenagers. Educational products for children are in great demand among the population.

    Finance. The lump sum fee is 50 thousand rubles, there are no royalties or advertising fees.Investments - from 250 to 500 thousand rubles, depending on the population of the city. Including the first purchase of goods 120-220 thousand rubles. Payback period is 9 months, but sales are subject to seasonality.

    Options. It owns 6 stores and cooperates with 700 partners. There are 49 franchise stores. Automatic receipt of goods from the online store. Retail outlet from 4 to 8 sq.m. Number of employees -1-2 people.

    Knitted eco-friendly toys

    Finance.There is no lump sum fee. The markup on dolls is from 50% to 100%, resulting in a payback within 6 months.Profit from 50 thousand from the second month of work.

    You can take a test package for 59 thousand rubles (right to use the brand, 12 dolls with clothes, stands, business cards); package for a small city for 95 thousand rubles (15 dolls with clothes, exclusive for the city, group on Instagram), exclusive package for the city from 150 thousand population (20 dolls, more clothes and business cards, the rest was already in the previous one) for 145 thousand rubles .

    Options. Delivery of goods without intermediaries. High quality and natural materials ensure constant demand. Possibility to set your own markup.

    Children's clothing store Stilnyashka

    Description. Chain of children's clothing stores. The company was founded in 2008, and began operating as a franchise in 2014.Russian production and affordable prices. Children's clothing is produced in the children's fashion house, by its own designers. The Stilnyashka brand is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. The company plans, in a couple of years, to present its collections at the global level. In 2017, the production of clothing for children from 0 to 2 years will begin.

    Finance. Investments from 1.8 to 2.2 million rubles, including trade equipment up to 500 thousand rubles, renovation of premises 200 thousand, and purchase of goods for 1-1.5 million. Without entrance fee and royalties, as well as hidden payments . Payback within 8-12 months.

    Options. 57 own stores have been opened, including franchise ones. The required store area is from 55 to 100 square meters. m. Mandatory interior design of the store is dollhouse style. Constant release of new collections and expansion of the range.

    Prodigy (educational children's toys)

    Description. Educational toys in the following sections: logic, sensory, writing and reading, creativity, board and story games, construction. Prodigy toys are designed for children up to 7 years old.

    Finance. Lump sum payment 150 thousand rubles. There are no royalties. Initial investment from 250 thousand rubles. The payback period is expected to be from 6 months.

    Options. The assortment includes more than 200 items of toys. About 200 franchise stores and minimarkets have been opened. Of these, according to information in reviews, every third one is profitable.

    Reviews. According to reviews from those who have already tried it, it is a rather complex franchise. Recommended prices for products may turn out to be uncompetitive, there are few or no new products, long delays in the delivery of goods (this is especially depressing on New Year's Eve and other holidays), plus you need to carefully monitor the compliance of the paid and delivered goods, weak support from the central office.

    Children's clothing "ARTEL"

    Description. Artel is a Russian manufacturer of children's clothing. Two factories of 4500 sq.m. are located in Tula. Clothes are sewn in “capsules”, that is, individual items match each other in style and color. New collections - 2 times a year.

    Finance. Lump sum payment - 50 thousand rubles, royalties - no. Starting investment - 800 thousand rubles and above, planned payback - from 9 months.

    Options. The clothes are designed for children from 0 to 14 years old. Currently there are 5 franchise stores open. For those who bought a franchise - another 10% discount on goods from the wholesale price. There is no need to buy rows, there is no strict volume of goods - you can buy individually. Exchange for a new product up to 30% of the lot.


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