Mermaid hanna fraser how to breathe. Biography. Who suits a mermaid dress

August 27, 2012, 13:46

The mermaid floated on the blue river, Illuminated by the full moon; And she tried to splash the silvery foam of the wave to the moon. And noisy and spinning, count:) and the river Clouds reflected in it; And the mermaid sang - and the sound of her words reached the steep banks. And the mermaid sang: "At the bottom, the flickering of the day is playing; There herds of golden fish walk; There are crystal cities ... M. Yu. Lermontov, "Mermaid" Australian Hannah Frazier decided to become a mermaid after watching the movie "Splash" starring Daryl Hannah. Profession - mermaid in water, model on land Age - 36 years old Height - 168 cm Holds his breath underwater for two minutes Dives to a depth of 15 meters Husband - Dave Rastovich, professional surfer Lives in Los Angeles “My childhood dream has come true! I drew my first mermaids when I was not yet three years old. And at the age of 9 I made my first ponytail. The heavy plastic tail allowed me to learn how to swim like a dolphin. In 2002, my second improved mermaid tail appeared. The design was in the form of a boomerang and consisted of two hangers, duct tape and a wetsuit.

After the first underwater filming for an Australian documentary, a third version of the tail appeared, then there were both the fourth and fifth, in general, there is no limit to perfection. Hanna swims underwater with whales, dolphins, rays, sea lions and their cubs, sea turtles. She even had a chance to swim with great white sharks off the island of Guadeloupe in Mexico. “I put on my tail and entered the water. I had to be surrounded by divers, but with a mermaid tail, I swim much faster than anyone else. At one point, I realized that I was swimming on my own, but I remained calm. I felt invincible for months after that!” “In the ocean, I experience an amazing feeling of self-expression and freedom. The ocean is the cradle of life on Earth. Marine life is very curious and respectful of the person entering their world. I feel special because I can be an intermediary between the marine world and people.”
Very often, Hanna and her husband, surfer Dave Rastovich, take underwater photographs of her unusual dives in order to draw attention to the problems of pollution of nature, oceans and the destruction of dolphins, whales, and others. marine life who are brutally and massively killed or caught.
C Hayden Panettiere On land Hanna Fraser is a professional model. Photos from

For all children, boys and girls, fairy-tale worlds make such a vivid impression that childhood dreams of princesses, mermaids, heroes, knights can sometimes change people's lives when they become adults. This is exactly what happened to the girl Hannah Fraser. She was born in Los Angeles (USA). From early childhood, Hannah dreams of becoming mythical creature- a little mermaid.

She creates her first orange ponytail.

When she matured, she decided to make her dream come true and create a real mermaid tail. She seeks to draw people's attention to the problems of pollution of the world's oceans and the extermination of marine animals. Hanna takes a lot of photos with dolphins, with baby whales. It dives to great depths in the seas and oceans.

Hannah can hold her breath for up to two minutes and swim at a depth of 15 meters. Thanks to this, she swims like a real mermaid, without diving equipment.

In 2007, she visited with famous photographer Ted Grambo on the island of Tonga to capture humpback whales. “The baby whale became interested and swam very close to me,” she said. - “Seeing this, his relatives began to make very strong sounds. The kid responded and swam away. It was a very unusual experience for me.”

The girl tours not only throughout Australia, she is often invited to other countries. Hanna swims underwater with whales, dolphins and baby sea lions. The girl swam not only with harmless animals, but also with great white sharks.
“I thought if I was going to be a professional mermaid, then I should face my fear of sharks. I put on my tail and entered the water. I had to be surrounded by divers, but with a mermaid tail, I swim much faster than anyone else. At one point, I realized that I was swimming on my own, but I remained calm. I felt invincible for months after that!”

Hanna truly loves sea creators and admires the magical, boundless ocean.

“Being in the ocean, I feel the most free and expressive. Most marine animals are curious and interested in people if they treat their world with respect. The ocean is the cradle of life on Earth and if I can be a link to inspire people disconnected from it wonderful world get closer to him, then I feel like I'm doing something worthwhile."

Hannah Fraser at the Grand Meeting of the Mermaids

Since childhood, Australian Hannah Fraser dreamed of becoming a mermaid.
A childhood dream was born after watching the movie "Splash" starring Daryl Hannah.
“My childhood dream has come true! I drew my first mermaids when I was not yet three years old. And at the age of 9 I made my first ponytail. The heavy plastic tail allowed me to learn how to swim like a dolphin,” Hanna recalls.

Now Hannah and her husband, surfer Dave Rastovich, are taking underwater photographs in order to draw attention to the problems of pollution of nature, oceans and the destruction of dolphins, whales, and other marine life, which are brutally and massively killed or caught.

“In 2002, my second improved mermaid tail appeared. The design was in the form of a boomerang and consisted of two hangers, duct tape and a wetsuit,” said Hannah.

In 2007, Hannah and her husband traveled with photographer Ted Grambeau to the Tonga Islands to photograph Hannah with humpback whales. “The baby whale, interested in me, swam very close to me,” said Hannah. The whales began to make very strong sounds. The kid answered their calls. It was a very powerful experience for me."

In 2007, Hanna traveled to Japan's Taiji coast with 30 surfers, celebrities and musicians to try and disrupt the traditional dolphin fishing for local fishermen. “The fishermen drove the dolphins into the bay, where they staged a bloody massacre. We were not allowed near the nets, the fishermen beat us with sticks. It was an indescribably brutal sight,” recalls Hannah.

Like cute girl

In Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, "real" mermaids can sometimes be seen in the city aquarium. So local free-diving enthusiasts and professional divers succumbed to the general craze for mermaids and now they themselves swim here in mermaid costumes and conduct seminars and master classes for everyone who wants to feel like a mermaid.

Most likely, many will want to try themselves in the role of a mermaid. But a more diverse choice of features and heroes is possible while playing anime games, when you can try yourself in the role of a beautiful heroine. Exciting adventures can be experienced at, the best of which can be found on the website

A mermaid performer practices her mermaid tail swimming skills at an aquarium in Guangzhou city, Guangdong province, China December 16, 2016.

Huang Huanyung, 24, practices mermaid swimming in an aquarium after finishing a mermaid workshop in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China 16 December 2016.

Dada Litiy, a professional free diver and self-proclaimed mermaid, teaches amateurs how to swim with a mermaid tail at an aquarium in Guangzhou city, south China's Guangdong province 16 December 2016.

Huang Huanyung, 24, practices mermaid swimming in an aquarium after finishing a mermaid workshop in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China 16 December 2016.

A mermaid performer swims next to sharks at the aquarium in Guangzhou city, Guangdong province, China December 16, 2016.

Mermaids. Women with legs but no faces

The idea of ​​people who died an incorrect or unclean death is one of the most ancient in East Slavic mythology, it goes back to the Indo-European layer. This most often includes suicides, those who died without repentance, who were engaged in witchcraft during their lifetime and were known with evil spirits, as well as people who died before marriage - because from the point of view of folk tradition, any death of a person who has not outlived his or her due is wrong. century and did not fulfill the life program laid down for him, especially if he died without marrying and leaving no offspring (this primarily applies to girls who died between betrothal and wedding). In addition, in the Ukrainian and Belarusian tradition, girls who died on Trinity week often become mermaids.
Trinity week is the peak of solar activity and flowering of plants, and in accordance with very ancient ideas, this is associated with the return of the souls of the dead to earth. Probably, the word "mermaid" goes back to the ancient Greek "rosalia", or "mermaids", a holiday that was celebrated in the ancient world in early May, when roses bloomed. During this period, funeral rites were held and roses and pink wreaths were laid on the graves of the dead. In the East Slavic tradition, on Trinity week, when rye begins to grow, mermaids come to earth, therefore in Ukrainian this week is called “Rusalniy tizhden” (Rusalny week).
Returning, the mermaids run on the rye, swing on the branches of trees, dance, arrange round dances. Most often appear in a crowd. During this period, they are very dangerous for people: they attack, scare, tickle to death, generally cause a lot of inconvenience. In addition, they can come to their homes, and food and some clothes are left there for them, especially people whose relatives have died the wrong way and had a chance to become a mermaid.

A magic wand is a device for good and useful magic. It helps to change the properties of objects so that they bring joy and good mood to any person. A real magic wand never does harm.

She refuses to perform evil or hurtful magic. In this case, it deteriorates and loses its magical properties forever. In addition, it will be possible to make another magic wand no earlier than in one year.

Key points

Making a real magic wand at home is very simple. With some preparatory steps, the process of creating a magic wand will take no more than 1 second. It is important to observe the obligatory simple conditions for the production of a magic wand.

First of all, you need to find the basis, or blank of the future magic wand. The basis can be any solid object that has an oblong or elongated shape.

It is not at all necessary to use stick-shaped objects - twigs, twigs, Chinese chopsticks, pencils, etc. A light elongated object made of almost any non-brittle material - plastic, metal, paper, impact-resistant glass, wood, clay and others will do.

A magic wand can even be fashioned from dough (the recipe is given below) and baked in the oven until golden brown. In this case, if the wand loses its magical properties, it can be eaten as a biscuit for tea. In a word, the scope for imagination when choosing a material is not limited.

It is necessary to fulfill only one important condition: the blank for the magic wand, no matter what it is made of, must not have sharp edges, notches, nothing that could injure or scratch the skin.

Making a magic wand

Step 1

Stand in the center of the room, straighten up, keep your head straight.

Step 2

Put the blank of the magic wand on your head, lower your hands.

Step 3

Close your eyes tightly.

Step 4

Say loudly and clearly: “Wand! Magic! Real! Be!”

It is important to pronounce these words strictly in this sequence, with conviction and firmness. It is not necessary to say it out loud, you can say it mentally to yourself, the main thing is not to break the word order.

To make a real magic wand yourself, you need:

  • One second of free time;
  • A blank in the form of an elongated object;
  • Room;
  • Special sequence of words.

The magic wand is ready for use immediately after pronouncing, the shelf life with proper use is not limited. We wish you success in the work of good magic and look forward to further cooperation.

Mermaid (or fish) wedding dresses are considered the most feminine, seductive style.

It looks quite impressive and is able to emphasize all the advantages of the figure, but not every bride is suitable.

Let's take a closer look.

What is a fish dress?

The model of a mermaid wedding dress is the most fitted cut (from the bodice to the middle of the thighs, sometimes to the knees) and the wide lower part of the skirt (which creates the effect of a fish tail).

Who is the mermaid dress for?

As you understand, such a dress clearly outlines the lines of the chest, waist and hips. Some features of the cut allow even girls who are far from model parameters to wear a fish dress.

  • For tall and slender girls, mermaid-style wedding dresses are suitable without restrictions, in any form.
  • Girls of small stature, but with the right proportions, can afford a fish wedding dress. In this case, you can visually add centimeters by wearing heels and choosing a model with an open neckline. It is better to refuse a long train.
  • Brides with small breasts are best suited for models with an emphasis on the upper part of the bodice (draperies, frills, embroidery, lace, rhinestones, complex cut). Thin straps look good too.
  • If the bride has large breasts, the wedding dress should have a good, high-quality corset that will provide the necessary support. The cutout in the form of a heart looks best.
  • If the waist is not clearly defined, choose models with a bright contrasting belt.
  • If the hips are too lush, balance the silhouette with a V-neckline, or with a slanting cut or diagonal drapery of the skirt.
  • Wide shoulders will help to hide a wedding dress with a fluffy skirt from the middle part of the thigh.
  • Fullness is not an obstacle for a mermaid wedding dress. Again, if the proportions of the body are correct. Corrective underwear will come to the rescue, which will hide everything superfluous as much as possible. The lower part of the wedding dress should not be puffy and multi-layered, give preference to a one-piece version.

How to choose the right veil for a mermaid dress?

  • The little mermaid dress goes with either a short veil or a long, non-fluffy multi-layered veil.
  • The veil should not overshadow the dress and draw attention to itself.
  • The more complex and rich the decoration of the dress, the more modest the veil. Accordingly, a veil with large trim goes well with a laconic dress.
  • The veil should repeat the pattern of lace, embroidery on the dress and blend perfectly with it in color.

Despite the fact that the style of the fish has long become traditional for wedding dresses, new, interesting variations on its theme are constantly appearing.

Lace wedding dresses fish

Lace is surprisingly gentle with this style. There are beautiful fish dresses, both fully lace and with partial trim. For example, a bodice, or a slight accent on the shoulders and shoulder blades, sleeves.

In order not to overload the image, do not combine a mermaid wedding dress with lace with rhinestones, sequins and beads in large quantities.

Wedding dress fish with sleeves

Any version of the sleeves looks good with this style (short, 3/4, to the tassels).

Focus on your taste, weather conditions and celebration program.

Strap dresses

At the same time, they look gentle and feminine on brides with fragile shoulders and a small neckline.

Wedding dress fish with an open back

Perhaps the most seductive version of a mermaid wedding dress is an open back.

Important conditions for choosing a mermaid wedding dress with an open back are clean skin and a beautiful posture of the bride.

Mermaid wedding dress with train

If height allows, brides look luxurious in mermaid-style dresses with a train.

But note that it is unlikely that you will be able to move freely in such an outfit.

As an alternative, you can buy a transformer model with a detachable train.

Happy preparation, be the most beautiful bride!

Now an easy way how to become a mermaid with a tail without a full moon at home. To transform into a mermaid, you need a small container of water, a wooden comb. You need to go out onto the balcony at night, put a comb in the water and, while closing your eyes, ask the mermaids for magical powers that help control water and ice. Then you need to get a comb from the container and, without opening your eyes, comb your hair.

It's no secret to anyone that it's best to turn into a mermaid without a full moon in the summer in warm weather. Girls who want to become "inhabitants of the water" should stay in it as often as possible. This means that swimming in lakes or rivers should become a habit (and one that will bring incredible pleasure). Girl's skin should get used to water exposure as quickly as possible in order to become a real mermaid at home.

It is important to train your body to hold your breath for a long time. However, you have to be very careful in this matter. You can also try to swim cross-legged, as the real charming little mermaids with a tail do.

If all of the above tips, for one reason or another, cannot be followed, you can use such simple and working methods of transforming into mermaids in real life. Well, if you have changed your mind about becoming a mermaid now, then you can try to turn and learn about it with all your might.

How to become a mermaid and what you need to know about them? It has always been believed that mermaids are evil and many sailors believe that a mermaid is an exceptionally bad sign. She plans to tie the sailors into her nets and send them to the bottom. To do this, mermaids make bewitching sounds that act on a person like hypnosis. That is why many sailors are sure that if you see a mermaid, you can expect trouble, and she will come at the most inopportune moment. Some even believed that if you notice a mermaid at least out of the corner of your eye, you can know with certainty that you will die.

There are domestic and western mermaids. Each species has its own characteristic differences. In our understanding, this creature is a cute girl who lacks a fish tail and scales. At the same time, a distinctive feature of the mermaid is very delicate skin. If she goes to land during the day, then under the rays of sunlight, her body begins to shine through. Given that they are spirits, the presence of organs is out of the question. This image has been created for centuries and today it looks exactly like this. At the same time, many believe that mermaids can be on land without water for a long time. Naturally, the stay of these creatures on earth has its limits. If they do not return in time, they may simply die.

Luckily for us, mermaids don't come into the world that often. Spring, winter and autumn are hibernation periods. Mermaids are at the depths of the sea and simply rest. Only when summer comes, they begin to slowly get out and do their tricks. For centuries, mermaids have been a nuisance to residents of coastal towns and villages. During the full moon, the power of these beautiful creatures is especially noticeable. They become incredibly powerful and can do whatever they want. That is why with such girls it is worth behaving as carefully as possible. All people try to bypass their "tenth" road, so as not to bring grief upon themselves once again. If you do not wander near the reservoirs, then perhaps you will not even come across anything like this. However, thousands of eyewitnesses claim that they really saw such ladies.

There are legends that mermaids, when summer comes, get out on land and take places on the rocks near the coast. They take beautiful combs from fish skeletons and start combing their long hair. During this process, water flows from the mermaids, which washes them and thereby maintains their vital activity. That is why the crest is a very important attribute for these creatures. Using it, they do not dry out in the air and can stay on land longer under the sun. If the scallop is lost or broken, then the mermaid will have little time to return back to the lake or river. Otherwise, the mermaid may simply die.

How to summon the wishing fairy

Probably everyone wants their wishes to come true. For this, they often resort to the help of otherworldly forces, for example, Fairies of Desires.

Who is the Wish Fairy?

She is said to be very beautiful and kind. This is a kind spirit that can help you and fulfill your innermost desire, and they also ask her for advice if they find themselves in a difficult situation. The Wish Fairy can help you realize your own aspirations and will be a good addition if you are trying to materialize a dream.

How to make a fairy wish?

  • desire must be good. Well, if it brings help to others.
  • you should definitely thank the fairy.
  • your mood must be good.
  • in no case do not wish harm to anyone: the fairy will not fulfill such a desire and may be angry with you.
  • state your desire clearly. The ambiguity can backfire on you.
  • only make a wish that you cannot fulfill yourself.

How to call the fairy of desires?

In order for this beautiful creature to come to you and show favor, you need to call it. There are several well-known and common ways to do this. If you do not want to get in touch with spirits, use a simpler and no less effective method of fulfilling desires, for example, runes.

First way

In order to call the fairy of desires, it is enough to draw it. Choose bright beautiful colors. If drawing is not very good, then the whole environment can be made into a collage: it should be a flower meadow or a pond. The main thing is to draw the fairy itself. After the drawing is completely ready, fold it, put it under the pillow and repeat your desire three times before going to bed.

Second way

You will need whatman paper, a pencil and a white satin ribbon (about a meter is enough). Take a pencil, simple and almost new, not too sharpened. Tie the ribbon to a pencil and write your wish on paper paper. Next, wrap the tape on a pencil and repeat what is written on the Whatman paper until the tape runs out. Put the paper on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it at night.

Third way

For another way to call the fairy of desires, prepare three saucers, pour clean water into them. It is advisable to wear a jacket that has pockets. Put the wish sheet in your left pocket. You will also need three lumps of sugar and chalk. State your desire clearly on the note. Draw a circle and place a chair in its center. Place all three saucers of water on a chair and place a piece of sugar in each in turn. You have to wait until it melts. Next, you need to go into this circle and say the spell five times: “I call you, fairy of desires, wake up from sleep, come to me at least for a minute.” Next, clearly and loudly pronounce your desire, repeating word for word what you wrote on a piece of paper. The ceremony will thus be completed. Place the saucer on the windowsill and erase the circle that you drew with chalk.

Fairy of Desires is not the only way to attract good luck to your side and achieve your goal. Sometimes a little psychology and appropriate energy are enough in this difficult matter. All the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Video How to become a mermaid true or not.

36-year-old Australian Hannah Fraser, who lives in Los Angeles (LA), works as a model and actress. However, Hannah is also an experienced underwater swimmer, a diver who has been fascinated by mermaids since the age of three. Without scuba equipment, she swims with whales, dolphins, rays and even sharks, using only her unusual tail.

Frazier made her first "professional mermaid" tail fin out of plastic at the age of 9 after watching Ron Howard's comedy "Splash" with Daryl Hannah and Tom Hanks. (Tom Hanks). Through training, Fraser has increased her time under water to about 2 minutes, which allows her to dive to a depth of 14-15 m, where she really moves like a real mermaid, without any diving equipment.

Frazier and Dave Rastovich, a professional surfer, were very upset and frustrated

members of the International Whaling Commission, which allowed whaling to continue under the guise of " scientific research". She recalls: "It was depressing, and we wanted to go somewhere to make contact with the whales and increase the level of awareness about them."

Then the couple flew to Tonga with photographer Ted Grambeau (Ted Grambeau), who managed to make beautiful photographs of humpback whales swimming with the Fraser near the Vavau Islands group, in the northern part of the Tongo Island archipelago (Vava "u Island, Tonga). Scuba diving scenes per

Illustrated on video by director Bali Strickland. Hanna says of what happened: "The humpback whale was curious and actually approached me... The whales were singing so loudly and the baby whale had a high-pitched cry that was even louder underwater. It was a very vivid experience."

Many photographers, as part of anti-whaling campaigns, show brutal acts of slaughtering whales. The images show carcasses pierced by harpoons and scenes of dead marine mammals being winched aboard. For ordinary observers, such pictures are depressing. That is why the photographer Grambo, participating

who designed the children's book The Surfer and the Mermaid, decided to focus on positive emotions that would allow young readers to truly love whales. He says, "All of the Hannah shots are really poetic; really just surreal, beautiful shots."

In 2007, Fraser organized a protest near the whaling town of Taiji, Japan (Taiji, Japan), along with 30 celebrities and musicians who swam on surfboards. This large team tried to stop the ruthless killing of thousands of dolphins by local fishermen with their actions.

and. Hanna recalls: "Half of the dolphins were caught, and the other half were cordoned off in the middle of the bay to be herded to the fishermen ...". According to her, the frightened dolphins tried to swim up to the surfers, as if they understood that they wanted to help them. However, the fishermen began to threaten the conservationists and point the propellers of the boats directly at them. Frazier finishes: "We couldn't get any closer, and we couldn't save the dolphins." Fraser felt her helplessness and saw with her own eyes how a man treats his smaller brothers. She cried for hours on end. For a while, it was even difficult for her

know your belonging to the human race.

Two years later, in 2009, Hanna met 4-meter sharks off Guadalupe island, Mexico. She decided to give up cage diving, limiting herself to her fin tail. On one of her dives, a shark approached her at a dangerous distance, so that Fraser suddenly made a scary face and screamed at her. This scared the toothy predator away, and Hannah felt invincible after that for several months.

Director Rob Benavides is currently filming a documentary about the life of Hannah Fraser.


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