Bank jubilee script. Funny stories from real life of bank employees. Where to use funny stories

Birthday ditties

I go out to dance in a circle
Be with me, dear friend!
Your birthday
Congratulations to all relatives!
Everyone wishes a lot of happiness
And health is in full!
Always be happy in life
I love the mess!
Have fun, honest people,
Birthday is coming!
Let them bring you gifts
The holiday will become very bright!

Folk ditties for birthday

I sing ditties now
I want a birthday boy.

I’m for your birthday
I will give three roses.
May your eyes be happy
Glow like stars

We all went mountains
And steep banks.
We wish you happiness
And two bags of gifts.

Be beautiful, be healthy
Eat pasta.
Be fearless and cool
Like Sylvester Stallone!

I'm sitting on a log
I look at the sun.
And you, my friend, I wish
On the sea beach lie.

I fell on the porch
Sprained foot.
Don't let you get over
Black cat road.

There's a picture on the wall
There is a sailboat in the picture.
May you need it less often
There will be a syringe and a thermometer.

I go out to dance in a circle.
Move aside, dear friend!
I wish the birthday boy
One hundred friends and one hundred girlfriends.

Water is pouring from the well
Bubbles, foams.
Let a friend from you
Will not go anywhere.

I'll add Dirol in the morning
In sauce, tea and mayonnaise.
Let him be afraid of you now
This very caries.

On the sofa lay
The blanket is wadded.
May you dream
The most pleasant ones.

An asterisk fell from the sky
She hung on the bushes.
Let your face be gone
Like cabbage, sour.

In the field - wind, lights,
Long roads.
Don't be hurt
Various alarms.

Galoshes are floating on the river
Four pieces in a row.
May all the horoscopes for you
Only joy promises.

I'll pick wormwood in the garden,
I will bind it in sheaves.
So that you do not get
Cockroaches and bedbugs.

I want to congratulate you
And pat on the shoulder.
Let them give you gifts
Just like Yakubovich.

Birthday ditties

Birthday - moods
And it is in vain not to be sad.
Be cheerful and happy
Long, long you live.

We wish you on your birthday
To make everything come true.
I had enough strength to work
Left for love.

How nice on your birthday
Congratulations to receive.
And in the circle of friends and loved ones
Celebrating bread-and-butter.

We all shine with happiness,
Your birthday!
We congratulate you,
We give all the best!
Here are the flowers and here are the candies
Isn't that nice !?
And we also give a holiday
Have fun not in vain!
Be happy and healthy
Never be harsh!
May life be successful
If anything, always hold on!

Happy birthday dear friend
Happiness and health!
I'll come to visit you,
So get ready!

Birthday boy, birthday boy,
Why so handsome !?
I dressed up on my birthday
As if I had just been born!

Oh what a wonderful day
I'm not too lazy to drink!
We celebrate birthday
And we promise gifts!
The birthday boy woke up
Immediately quickly looked around!
And gifts - not a shisha,
Here are the things!

Ditties for Mom's Birthday

Congratulations to our mom,
She doesn't need advertising!
Our mom is good
And her soul is good!
Mom can do a lot
And her cooking is delicious!
After all, he does not spare his strength,
And it will always help me!
Mom, dear mom,
Happy birthday, congratulations!
May everything be fine
The house is full of happiness!

Chastushka on Aunt's Birthday

Do you think that only aged people sing ditties? But you are wrong! Chastooshkas are sung at all ages. And all because ditties are fun, interesting and incendiary! So we wrote funny ditties for such a small anniversary as a 30-year-old man. Funny rhymes, unexpected endings, and a lot, a lot of humor. We have all this. Therefore, if you have a 30th anniversary planned, then feel free to perform ditties on it, and you will see for yourself how wonderful it is!

We will sing ditties now,
The spread is rather ears,
We will sing and congratulate
Wish you good health!

Everyone gathered today
We're on Colin's anniversary!
He's still small,
He is only 30 years old!

30 years is not yet a deadline
Even though all the fluff fell out!
If there is no gray hair,
You are not old yet!

Congratulations on your anniversary,
We praise you today.
But if you are arrogant.
Then you will be left without pants!

Believe it or not!
You are 30 years old today
But you look younger
It's like you're only three!

Kolya loves our joke,
And also talk
If he starts chatting,
Someone will die laughing!

He can be very smart
I know many different topics
If you talk to him,
Take care of your ears!

Our Kolya is a handsome man,
He is, of course, in charge of the family!
Kolya's head to everything,
While his wife sleeps!

And you are your husband, Kolya, and your father,
In general, Kolya, well done!
Come on keep it up
And you live up to a hundred years!

Today you are three dozen
So let your life be sweet!
Only there is not much sweet,
And then the whole priest will stick together!

You are a young man
You always keep your tail with a pipe!
Keep it on like this
For your wife only!

To be a real man
You don't need stubble
You don't need a beard either
Just be yourself always!

Here are the ditties we sang,
How they could and how they could,
And you, Kolya, do not yawn,
Pour one hundred grams for everyone!

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We wish you on your birthday
To make everything come true.
I had enough strength to work
Left for love.

Brought to the anniversary
Congratulations from friends
Receive gifts -
Pour a glass!

Be happy, unharmed
And you live a long century
Our beloved, our dear,
The best person!

Congratulations to your
I make it public:
I want to wish love
Well, and sex in particular!

So that you do not go on foot -
I will give a car!
You will ride the Oka.
Guess which hand?

I ate and drank
I almost gave birth!
I will eat and drink more
To recoup the gift.

The birthday girl is with us
A brisk caliber.
Let her be on Miss Universe
They will choose the first "bowl".

We all congratulate you
And we wish, as always,
Happiness, joy, good luck
And you live up to a hundred years.

Anniversary birthday
We send warm greetings.
Love - sea, happiness, money
And health for a hundred years.

So what, what is fifty?
So what, what grandma?
It's all the same for us - a girl
And for the husband - sweetheart.

We all went mountains
And steep banks.
We wish you happiness
And two bags of gifts.

We were in a hurry to congratulate,
Happy birthday friend
So everyone drank the presents,
We ask for forgiveness!

Birthday, let's face it,
The holiday is wonderful
Therefore, we give ditties
We will do our best!

So that you smile sweetly
All sparkled with joy
So that your dreams come true
Life seemed sweet!

I have good reason -
Sing ditties and dance.
Congratulations, mother-in-law,
You have a good son-in-law!

We do not wish you money -
You will earn them yourself
After all, it's not about money, Vasya, happiness,
The main thing is that the house is standing.

What is Anniversary !?
This is a very cool day!
You can eat and you can drink
You can talk a lot!
Your anniversary is so good
He brought a lot of joy!
We wish you health
And we dream to hug you!

There is wine on the table
A whole bottle
Happy birthday, congratulations
We are (name) darling!

The steamer sails along the Volga,
And a motorboat down the Ob.
Happy Birthday
And we wish you love!

I’m for your birthday
I will give three roses.
May your eyes be happy
They shine like stars.

It's 55,
You can safely congratulate!
Because now we will sing
Let's drink to health!
Let luck enter the house
Money is raining!
On your beautiful anniversary
Fill us soon!

We wish you a birthday
An immense bag
So that he was full of rubles
A trifle, but nice!

Forty years - what a date
Only half of my life lived.
We want to live richly
So that I wanted and could.

To walk down the street
We must take the boots.
May forever young
There will be your legs.

Congratulations on your anniversary
Our hero of the day,
We wish you happiness, joy,
Don't ask about anything else.

There are candles burning on the cake
A certain number,
Do not count how many years
Our majesty!

I'll pick wormwood in the garden,
I will bind it in sheaves.
So that you do not get
Cockroaches and bedbugs.

The doctor pulled out of the kidneys
The stones are huge.
You have stones
Only precious ones.

Tractor eats solarium
Boeing loves kerosene
Let me congratulate you
Happy birthday!

Make your lips a bow
Make the curbs a house
On your birthday you will be yours
The cutest gnome!

It's 65
I came to congratulate!
You let me kiss
And please now!
65 is not age
This is nonsense!
You just go through life
Always be happy with everything!
I will hug a man
Congratulations whisper!
Well this is necessary at 65,
So beautiful to shine!
I sincerely wish you
There is a lot of happiness and kindness!
In gratitude, I accept
A kiss from you!


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