How to improve a beeline modem. Repeater gain. Types of antennas amplifying the signal

The network of the "green" operator, like any other, is distributed unevenly. Somewhere devices catch the Internet better, somewhere worse - and then the question arises of how and how to amplify the signal of the MegaFon modem. You can buy devices specially created for this purpose, but it is too simple and expensive. It is much cheaper to build an antenna from improvised means, especially since special knowledge and skills are not required for this.

Signal amplifier for the modem Megaphone

Compact modems of operators, although they allow you to stay connected away from the home Internet, but sometimes they give out a low connection speed or even refuse to see the network. A variety of factors affect this:

  • the distance to the nearest cell tower - the farther it is, the worse the signal will be;
  • the density of the surrounding buildings and the number of walls separating from the street - part of the radio waves are absorbed when passing into the building or through obstacles. That is why we observe a weak signal in basements, metro and large shopping centers;
  • natural phenomena - rainfall and even foliage on trees affect communication;
  • time of day - Internet speed drops if a large number of users go online simultaneously. This can be observed at lunch, when people are distracted from their worries, or in the evening, when they come from work;
  • computer specifications. If they do not meet the requirements described in the documentation for the modem, you can not hope for a stable Internet;
  • standard settings. In the "Default" mode, the modem switches to 2G already with 2-3 "sticks" of the antenna. With a hint of poor communication, working at full speed fails. To refuse to switch to 2G, go to the modem program, search for “Network Search Mode” in the “Connection” tab and select an item with a name like “Always 3G”.

Before you despair and try to amplify the signal of the MegaFon 3G modem with your own hands at home, check to see if any of the above interferes with the device. Change the conditions: from the middle of the room, go closer to the window, go outside or direct the router towards the tower. If simple actions do not help, stock up on tools, materials and start assembling the antenna.

Using speakers

The easiest way to make an amplifier for the MegaFon modem is to take ordinary speakers. Connect them to a network or computer, put next to the device and watch. According to user reviews, the signal in the presence of speakers improves by 10-20%.

Just keep in mind that when approaching technology, an annoying hum is heard in the speakers. If you are going to try out the method, reduce the sound to a minimum in advance.

Made of copper wire

In this option, you will have to make a little more effort. But the time spent pays off in full: the Internet signal can be improved by 90-95%. To create an impromptu amplifier you will need:

  1. 3-6 meters of copper wire;
  2. any canned food or drink in a can;
  3. can-opener.

To start, open the can of canned food. Cut off the top cover completely to make it look like a glass. Eat or give contents to households, and wash and dry the container.

Remove the protective cover from the router. Wind one end of the wire tightly around the SIM card. Another wrap around a tin can. Hang the last part through the window onto the street and direct the improvised glass to the tower. Insert the modem into the computer and try to connect.

The video has a more complex but powerful homemade antenna. The author gives detailed manufacturing instructions and assembles the design on the camera for clarity.

USB extension cable

If there is no copper wire at hand, use the authorized MegaFon modem amplifier in the form of a USB cable. Buy a cord of suitable length. Plug one end into the computer, insert the router into the other. Position the last part so that the signal improves - send it through the window or fix it on the ceiling.

To protect the modem from snow and rain, people make special holders from improvised means. The same tin container or plastic bottle is suitable for this.

  • The tin can must be removed from the top lid, rinsed and dried. Closer to the bottom, cut a vertical rectangular hole to the size of the end of the USB extension cable that is in contact with the modem. Insert the cable, connect the router - it should be located inside the can. Fill the edges of the hole with glue from the gun or cover with electrical tape to prevent water from getting inside. Tighten the open top with foil.
  • For the second option, take a plastic bottle, 3-4 unnecessary compact discs, 2 old plastic cards, Secunda glue, a stationery knife, sandpaper, hotmelt adhesive. Cut off about a third of the bottle from the side of the neck. Fold the disks with a chamomile, treat the places of application with an emery cloth for better adhesion and glue them with “Second”.

Take one card, put a router on it and mark the outline of the device. Fold the long sides of the credit card along the marks to make it look like a scoop. Bend the centimeter on one of the short sides of the second card - this will be the mount of the future holder. Glue the workpieces with the reverse sides. Attach the holder to the middle of the “camomile” from the discs.

To even the edges of the bottle, melt them with a hot knife. Put the modem on the holder, pull the cable through the neck of the bottle, connect to the device. Glue the edges of the container to the disks with hot-melt adhesive - a plastic cap will protect the router from rain. After that, it remains only to attach the makeshift antenna to the window, insert the other end of the extension cord into the computer and connect to the Internet.

Using repeater

If you can’t make an amplifier with your own hands, a ready-made repeater can save. The device is a special antenna that improves the quality of signal reception from the base station. You do not need to configure a repeater - just plug it into a power outlet, connect to a modem, and work.

The speed of the Internet with a repeater increases almost always. The only exceptions are those cases when communication services are not provided due to the lack of operator coverage in the selected area.

Similar devices are sold on Chinese sites, in official stores of the operator and network retail outlets specializing in technology. They cost, depending on the characteristics, from 500 to 1500 rubles. At you can find popular REMOs “Connect 2.0” and REMO LTE MIMO INDOOR. For 650 and 999 rubles, respectively, according to customer reviews, in suitable conditions they increase the speed by 5 times.

More interesting on our website.

Friends, hello everyone! For a long time I did not add notes to the site. And so: the topic of today's conversation is the amplification of a 3g modem signal outside the city. That is, if you live in a rural area, in a village and you have a weak 3g signal, or just 2g at all - you should read this note to the end. And it's probably worth watching the video below.

What happened before the signal amplification

Actually, six months ago, I used 2-way satellite Internet. Expensive equipment and space traffic prices. In short: paid 25,000 rubles, then 1,000 rubles a month for a speed of 20-30 k / bps. And they blocked it constantly, because constant downstream traffic was prohibited, and this or that process from the system on the laptop climbed up.

In the middle of winter, my friend and I decided to search again for the 3g network. And found! Normal 3g turned out to be 200 meters from me in the direction of the mountain, and 15 meters above me, respectively. But it already is! There is! And it was decided to buy equipment for my new high-speed Internet. Before the equipment arrived, I worked on the network through an old USB-modem Megaphone, suspended from a window using a USB-extension cable. It already worked in EDGE at speeds up to 200 kB / s, which is better than it was and 3 times cheaper.

I decided to take this kit: an antenna for a 3g modem with a signal amplifier, a universal 3g Huawei modem with Wi-Fi, a cable of 10 meters, an antenna adapter. The price of the kit is 6500 rubles. I also ordered a wall bracket for 400 rubles. You could certainly do it yourself. I took everything in the online store Why I chose them - I liked the approach. There is not a lot of equipment on the site, but the seller assures that exactly what is for sale is the best in one or another indicator, everything is selected on the basis of field tests, so to speak (they are also installers).

In less than a week, I went to the city to the SDEK office to pick up the goods from Rostov-on-Don. All set.

How does a 3g modem work after installing the kit

The antenna is now installed approximately 4.5 meters from the ground. I would put it higher - the signal would be even better. But the house is already on a hill, I did not want to put a mast. Thunderstorms are not rare in the summer.

And so, what we have: MegaFon HSPA + RSSI: -91dB, Ec / lo: -3dB. Incoming stream - 6-10 mb / s, outgoing 3-4 mb / s. In different ways, it depends on the weather or something else. But this is just fine for me! Now you can watch and download videos online. It remains to buy an unlimited SIM card.

Conclusions made by me

With the presence of 3g somewhere in the district, but in the complete absence of 3g in a place where you need fast Internet, you can amplify the signal. Direct visibility of the tower is not needed for this. Between my house and the nearest city with a tower - 20 kilometers. This is 20 kilometers of dense Ural taiga, hills and ravines (the recent presence of the Ural Range affects the nearby). The issue price for me was 6500 rubles. If you do not need Wi-Fi in the modem - even cheaper.

And yes, more. When I posted the first video on my YouTube channel, they wrote to me that such antennas are much cheaper. So, how many links were given to me - I was convinced that they were just similar. The declared parameters were different. So the antennas for $ 10 and $ 40 look similar - they still work differently, presumably. Keep this in mind, and when buying an ultra-cheap product, then do not say that such antennas do not work.

Video from my channel on the subject of the Internet in the village



How to strengthen the Internet signal of a 3g modem in the country or in the village

In houses and apartments, where there is no possibility of connecting a wired Internet via a fiber optic line, there is an option to use wireless access via a USB modem. Similar devices are available from popular mobile operators. Megaphone was no exception. Unfortunately, sometimes a weak signal level does not allow you to enjoy the Internet, so you need to understand how to fix the situation.

3G USB-modem is a small device in the form of a flash drive. Ease of use is that after the purchase you do not need to configure anything. It is enough to connect the modem to the PC, and the operating system will configure the program itself.

Subscribers can purchase new models of USB modems, the main feature of which is high data transfer speed:

  • E173 - 7.2 Mbps;
  • E1820 (E352) - 14.4 Mbps;
  • E367 - 28.8 Mbps.

Outgoing speed of all types of devices - up to 5.76 megabits / s.

The throughput indicated above is theoretical. Often when using the gadget malfunctions occur. Low data transfer rate - the scourge of the provider and subscriber. Solving this problem by the operator (building a new base station or changing settings) is problematic.

The reconfiguration of the sectors leads to the fact that at the client's address the coverage and signal level will become better, but at the same time, in another part of the village it will deteriorate. Instead of one problem, the operator can get several. The subscriber has to fix the failures on his own.

What does speed depend on?

The following factors affect the data transfer rate:

  • Computer performance - on the box with the modem, the characteristics and requirements for the PC are necessarily indicated. If the characteristics do not match, then the device may not work, or function incorrectly;
  • Weather conditions: rain, snow, fog, even blossoming leaves on the trees, can interfere with the transmission of the radio signal and lead to a decrease in speed;
  • Distance - the farther the base station is located, the worse the coverage and level of the cellular signal;
  • Network congestion by time of day - there are several daily peaks when the BS is overloaded. The number of channels does not change, but the number of users who enter the network varies constantly. The more people connected at the same time, the lower the data transfer speed. This is well manifested, in resort towns - in winter and autumn, mobile Internet works perfectly for local users, but with the onset of the tourist period there are problems with access to the network;
  • The presence of metal structures near the construction, cranes, cladding of the building - all elements can influence the radio signal, taking it on itself. As a result, if they started to build a new house nearby and drove a crane, a decrease in speed and signal deterioration occur in the district.

All of which depends on the propagation of radio waves, affects the data transfer speed.

How to amplify a 3g modem signal on a megaphone?

If the bandwidth at your address has dropped, and this happens all the time, then you can solve this problem using:

  • Hardware
  • Antenna
  • Homemade amplifiers.

Before using one of the methods, it is necessary to analyze the situation in order to determine what is most suitable.

Signal Enhancement Hardware

The hardware includes various signal amplifiers, repeaters, repeaters. These are devices that are installed in the house, connect to a power source (outlet). The repeater acts as a transceiver from the BS to the subscriber. A repeater, on the other hand, is an amplifier that receives a signal from a BS, improving its quality and passes it on to the terminal equipment of the end user. They do not require any settings. Their main function is to increase the signal level in the room. When using this equipment, speed can reach maximum values.

A significant drawback is the high cost. You can buy them in specialized stores. The operator also sells some models.


Directional antennas also help amplify the signal of a 3G modem. They can be installed both indoors and outdoors. The design has the same functionality as amplifiers - it “attracts” the signal and redirects it to the modem. Antennas are slightly cheaper than repeaters and repeaters, but they are less effective.

DIY signal amplification

The cheapest and easiest way to boost the signal is to find a good place for the modem. Surely you know which side the operator’s base station is on. Try to place the modem in the opening of the window that is directed to the BS. If this measure does not help, then the operator advises using an extension cord. This is a long cable that, on the one hand, connects to a computer or laptop, and on the other hand connects to a router. Using this cable, you can position the modem in the room as close to the ceiling and the window. Also, the cable can be taken out of the room. The device must be protected from moisture by wrapping it in a bag or cutting an opening in a plastic container.

Users share their likes: you can attach something spherical to the modem - many use lamps to warm their ears, stainless steel plates or even colanders. The modem is located in the middle. The whole structure is placed in the window opening. The principle of operation resembles a satellite dish. In this case, the nearest BS acts as a satellite.

How to amplify the signal of a 4G modem on MegaFon?

4G MegaFon modem is a device for wireless Internet access in a network of standard LTE / UMTS / GSM. The great advantage of the router is its versatility - it can work both in LTE and 3G, as well as in 2G.

The device does not require additional settings. The first time you connect, the computer OS will install itself.


4G-oriented routers have some features:

  • Micro SD Card Slot (recommended capacity - up to 32 GB) - the card is not supplied.
  • Online update of the program to the modem (when you are in the home region, traffic is not paid);
  • There is a connector for connecting an external antenna (MIMO technology) - CRC9 (it is not included).

Signal amplification on a 4G modem is no different from the principles of improving third-generation routers. For amplification, repeaters, repeaters, including artisanal ones, are used. The only thing that these devices must support 4G format. Devices that boost the 3G signal may not have any effect on the LTE modem.

When buying an amplifier device, be sure to check with the seller for the formats that it supports.

DIY signal booster

Making a 4G signal amplifier at home is pretty simple. To do this, you need a single-core copper wire, 10-12 m of coaxial cable, fasteners and plastic.

"Eight" is being prepared from wire. Such a device is called the Harchenko antenna. In the center, the structure has a joint. A cable is soldered to this connection. The other end will wrap around the modem itself for several turns. A metal plate can be attached to the antenna, which will act as a reflector. Also, the edges of the rhombus are sometimes wrapped with foil. The antenna is located on the roof or pillar.


Of all the possible repeaters, repeaters and amplifiers, the best option is a femtocell. This device is a small base station. Radiation standards do not have any effect on human health, but the quality of communication when used becomes ideal. The devices are installed in areas with poor coverage, in basements, at remote sites.

The problem is that femtocells are not sold to individuals. And if you buy it, then there will be little sense from it. The operator prescribes the station parameters on the BS. If this is not done, then it will not work. Devices are issued to corporate customers after conducting radio frequency research. For the femto to function, a fixed Internet connection with a speed of 5 Mbps is required.

Using a miniature station at home is not cost-effective.

Users living in rural areas face certain difficulties that are unknown to urban residents. For example, with the problem of a bad 3G modem signal, which is available for almost every resident. The only way for a villager to get on the Internet is with a regular USB modem.

Of course, not all rural residents have problems with a bad signal. In particular, the level of communication and the Internet in settlements located near large cities is sometimes more effective than in the city itself, because the speed of the Internet depends on many different factors, including even such as the terrain and network congestion.

If the user has problems with the signal quality of the 3G modem, then of course he will ask himself the question: how to amplify the signal of the 3G modem? Indeed, in addition to signal amplification, there will be no other way, since poor Internet will not become a factor for a person to move him to another location. Looking ahead, we can say that it will be as efficient as possible if you buy a gsm / 3G VEGATEL cellular signal amplifier.

First you need to make sure that there are no alternative network signal amplification solutions. Perhaps a simpler solution would be to change the operator or connect to the wired Internet, which is spreading rapidly in Russia. The opinion about the need to change the modem when changing the operator is erroneous. All modems from three Russian operators are delivered by Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE. Blocking under one or another operator, in Russia they are sold under the name of the provider. All these modems can be unlocked, with the exception of only completely new models. However, however, over time, and they are replaced by new unlock methods.

Before changing the operator, you need to unlock the modem, a description of how to unlock it is available on the Internet. After that, you only need to change the SIM card. If changing the operator did not work, you will need to work on how to amplify the signal yourself at home.

How much to pay

All options for modem signal amplification are conditionally classified as paid and free. In the case of a paid option, you need to buy additional types of equipment (cables, antennas, signal amplifiers), and this option becomes suitable when the signal quality is poor.

Things are much simpler with the free options. You can slightly improve the signal quality by assembling amplifiers from improvised means, such as a colander, a tin can or a winding of copper wire. To improve the quality of the network signal, Russian "kulibins" are ready to perform many tasks.

Good Internet

First you need to understand some of the rules of a "good" Internet, which will allow you to keep the signal quality always at a high level.

  1. Since when using modems they are often disabled, it is best to abandon the use of USB extension cords. The operation of the 3G modem directly depends on the cable length. The length of the USB cable when using it should not be more than 1.8 meters.
  2. The direction of the modem should always be towards the tower.
  3. The quality of communication directly depends on where the modem is located relative to the window. Sitting in the center of the room, users often complain about the poor quality of the Internet. You can position your desktop by the window, which “looks” towards the operator’s base tower.

Make your Internet accept only one specific “signal” if it constantly jumps between WCDMA and EDGE. Having entered the modem settings, select the “Network” item and make the installation “3G / WCDMA only”.

Free Ways

No equipment requires amplification of the 3G modem signal at home. It is necessary to stock up only with scissors, a knife, a pair of screws and "straight" hands.

Method 1 You need to take a bundle of ordinary copper wire, open the cover of the 3G modem and make 10 turns at the location of the SIM card. Further, without cutting the copper wire, the rest should be thrown into the window of your own window. Then from a simple tin can you need to make a “glass” and wind it on the other end of the wire. With the cropped side, position the bank to the base tower for double signal amplification.

Method 2 The signal amplifier can be ordinary speakers that reproduce the sound of your computer, which must be plugged in and installed near a 3G modem. In order to avoid characteristic “clicks” you need to lower the sound to a minimum level.

Method 3 The modem can work in the best mode using certain software. It often happens that EDGE, HSPA, 3G | WCDMA icons appear in a 3G modem program. Choosing the mode from which the signal goes best, the modem automatically activates it. Let us describe an example of signal amplification of a 3G modem Megafon independently using HSPA Locker. To hold the signal, this utility constantly sends certain data. Having connected to the Internet, you need to download the HSPA Locker application and install it on your computer.

After the slider reaches the maximum level (up to 3 KB / s), you need to click the "Start" button. The flashing green circle will mean the successful start of the software.

After downloading the application, you can use high-quality Internet.

Paid ways

Demanding certain financial costs from the user, these methods allow you to receive a 3G signal in places where it is absent. Depending on the method, the amount of expenses can vary in the range of 100-5000 rubles.

Method 1 Suspending a modem on a window using a USB extension cable is one of the most common ways to amplify a signal. A 1.8-meter cable costs about 100 rubles. You can buy it at any computer hardware store. The USB extension cable must be inserted at one end into a laptop, and the other into a 3G modem and suspended on a window.

Method 2 Before buying a modem, you should first learn about the quality of services that this or that operator provides. In the absence of choice and a low level of quality, you must choose a 3G modem with the ability to connect an external antenna. Despite the small number of such models on the market, they can be easily found on the market. Their cost is much higher, but when you connect an external antenna, the Internet will also be much more efficient.

Method 3 Significantly improve the signal from the tower using the signal amplifier for USB modems, for example, the popular “REMO Connect 2.2” in our country. It is a plastic plate on a small stand in which the modem is inserted. Connect this cellular signal amplifier to a PC using an extension cord. Since there is no USB hub in the REMO Connect 2.0 kit, it has a relatively low price (900 versus 1.3 thousand rubles).

Although, this method is not as effective as the purchase of a kit for strengthening cellular communication with the hands of the manufacturer VEGATEL.

Method 4 The signal amplifying antenna described in the third method is internal. For the most urgent cases, there are also so-called external or external types of antennas. Such antennas are mounted on the roof or wall of a house, like a conventional television antenna. The modem is connected using a special FME adapter. Various methods are used to connect the adapter to the modem: using Velcro, glue or a clip, and also using a special socket for connecting.

Such simple methods are designed to improve the quality of the network signal. You can also try to invent new ways and methods with your own hands.

Quite often, an Internet modem provides access to the Internet. Such a device is quite convenient, takes up little space and allows you to have access to the World Wide Web not only within the city, but also on vacation, in the country or on vacation. You will need a PC or laptop. The main thing is that the signal quality is distinguished by the stability and stability of the connection. However, often this important communication parameter does not meet the necessary requirements. As a result, a weak signal prevents or even restricts Internet access.

What to do in this case? Let's start in order.

First, let's figure out what affects the signal level, connection quality, thereby determining the effective operation of the modem?

Firstly, this is the distance to the nearest cell tower. Secondly, the presence of other wireless devices nearby that could cause interference. Nearby industrial enterprises, most of which use jammers, can also affect. Thirdly, the isolation of the room. It is one thing when a signal passes through wooden walls, thin plasterboard structures, and quite another if massive concrete partitions meet on its way. Fourth, this is the location of the modem itself. 3G and 4G signals are much stronger near windows or on the upper floors of the room.

Rainfall can also slow down the data transfer rate: rain, snow, hail, fog, etc. Even the relief of the surrounding area is affected: mountains, hills, tall trees, etc. We should not forget about the software of the computer or laptop itself. The RAM may be overloaded or the hard disk contains a large number of system errors, viruses, etc. Less commonly, problems with signal transmission are explained by problems on the base station tower. For example, slot occupancy, i.e. a large number of currently connected subscribers.

From all of the above, we conclude that the quality of the 3G and 4G modem signal depends on a large number of factors. Not everything can be affected by the user. However, eliminating at least most of them, you will be able to significantly improve the data transfer rate.

How to determine your data transfer rate?

Modem speed can be easily found using special online tests. You will need a computer, browser and Internet connection.

One of the simplest resources is considered to be Its principle of operation is that you download a small file, and the site, meanwhile, analyzes the data transfer speed. Here you can choose your own test parameters and the size of the control packet (200 KB, 1000 KB, 3 MB). Best to dwell on the largest document. The test takes longer, but its results are much more accurate.

A popular worldwide resource for testing Internet speed is By the way, its interface is the most attractive and informative. When you enter this site, the nearest test server is automatically selected, which speeds up the procedure and positively affects the accuracy of the results. When testing the data transfer speed on a 3G or 4G modem, be prepared for the fact that about 20 Mb will be taken from your traffic.

This online service displays not only the speed of transmission and receipt of information, but also analyzes ping. This value is displayed in milliseconds and shows the server response time to your request. Ping is an important indicator. Especially if you use programs like Skype or like online games.

If with the help of such tests it was revealed that the data transfer and reception speed is less than 80% of the one stated in the contract with the provider, then you need to contact the support service. If the speed is fully consistent with the promised indicators, but working with web pages seems painfully long, then you should think about a more expensive tariff.

How to find out your base station?

The problem of constant interruption in the operation of a 3G or 4G modem is most often associated with a weak signal level. Some users identify the reason for the low speed of the Internet in a simple way. If the data transfer rate is low constantly, regardless of the time of day, then the reason is the distance from the tower. If the speed improves at night and in the morning, then this is the congestion of the base station (BS).

Basically, a bad 3G or 4G signal is associated with a large distance from the BS to the user. Therefore, it is important to know its position, which will make it possible to make special amplifiers or simply place the modem in that part of the room that is as close as possible to the BS. Advanced users, knowing the numbers of various BSs, will be able to configure the modem so that it connects not only to the nearest tower, but also to the one that has more free radio channels, thereby significantly improving the speed of the Internet connection.

Find your BS help online resource You need to know only 4 parameters:

  • Code of the country in which the operator is located (MCC). For Russia, it is 250.
  • The unique code of the operator itself, called MNC (Mobile Network Code).
  • Local Area Code or LAC. This is a kind of combination of several base stations within the same territory, which are served by one controller.
  • The last parameter is CellID (CID). This is the identification number of the sector where the BS is located.

How to find out all these parameters? To do this, you can use the Netmonitor application or the web resource of the same name. By the way, on this site you can find a map where most of the BSs in the central part of Russia, belonging to the most popular telecom operators, are represented.

We find out through the netmonitor all the necessary values \u200b\u200band enter them in a special search box on the main page Next, check the boxes opposite “Google data”, “Yandex data” and “Averaging”. Thus, the accuracy of determining the coordinates increases. Click the "Find" button. We look at the map marked places with the location of the BS.

Modem signal amplification methods

The most popular include:

  • Installing a PC or laptop with a modem near the window;
  • Using a USB extension cable and positioning the modem on a windowsill or on the street;
  • Creating a reflector, that is, a device that amplifies a signal (some craftsmen make it out of pots and colanders, someone uses speakers and frequency resonance);
  • The use of a factory amplifier 3G or 4G signal (average cost is 1000-2000 rubles).

Each of these methods can improve the signal quality by 10-30%. A complete lack of results cannot be ruled out. For example, a long USB extension cable can cause the modem to run out of power, and it will no longer be detected by the computer.

An effective but costly solution is the repeater. This amplifier is precisely 3G or 4G signal. Its undoubted advantage is that it increases the speed of data transmission and processing not only of a particular modem, but also of several devices. With its functioning in a radius of up to 50 m, cellular communication will also work better. We recommend purchasing a repeater to improve the signal in the basement or basement.

An effective and budgetary way to amplify the modem signal is a special antenna, which is quite easy to do on your own. Let's look at a few examples.

We assemble the antenna to amplify the modem signal with our own hands

  • At home, you can simply amplify the signal 3g or 4g with your own hands. Especially often, these home-made antennas are used in a country house or in a country house to enhance the level of a cellular signal, including for receiving Internet. The simplest antenna is done in a few minutes. A small winding of copper wire is taken, which is wrapped several times around the modem, and displayed 40-80 cm closer to the window or outside the room. The number of turns should be selected based on the thickness of the device. The main thing is to wrap the part in which the SIM card is located. You can put a tin can on the end of the wire. Is such a design effective? Quite. Expect an increase of 5-10%.
  • For another simple antenna you will need an empty metal can of coffee. In the side, right in the center, a hole is made into which we fix the modem. Ideally, when the outside of the device protrudes about half or slightly less. Then we connect the modem via a USB extension cable and using the sample method we find a good place with the best signal.
  • Quite often, to amplify the modem signal, they create a frame antenna that has a zigzag shape and resembles 2 rhombuses made of copper wire. Both have one point of contact with each other, consisting of two angles. It turns out a non-rounded “eight”. On the Internet, this design is better known as the Kharchenko antenna. Next, a high-frequency cable is soldered to it (as for TV). It is best to solder part of the wire to the connector - it will become like a plug. The other end of the cable is stripped to wrap the modem itself (5-6 turns). To increase efficiency, it is worth equipping the antenna with a reflector - a plate of metal or foil. We fasten the structure as high as possible, for example, on the roof or top floor.


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