What specialties are there in management? Management what kind of profession. Qualification requirements

In the business sphere, the profession of manager is well-known to everyone, but at the same time few people fully understand what the functions of this employee are and what skills they should have. Professionals of this profile are very in demand, moreover, the demand for them is only growing every year. That's just contrary to popular belief, this is not a universal direction. According to employees in the field of career guidance, in order to become a sought-after manager it is not enough to get relevant knowledge. It is also necessary to have a certain mentality, type of character and communication skills.

Who is a “manager"?

A manager is a hired manager who monitors the production, circulation of goods or the provision of services. He manages the organization or department, works remotely or directly in the office.

Management as a direction implies the organization of the work process at all its stages or individual segments. The higher the professionalism of the employee and the longer the list of skills, the wider his authority may be, the greater the salary and the likelihood of career growth.

Functions and job responsibilities of managers

To understand what kind of profession this is - a representative of the management sphere, it is recommended to study the list of requirements that are presented to the manager. It is not so important whether we are talking about strategic, administrative or production management, an employee is obliged to distribute functions among employees, provide them with algorithms for performing tasks and control all processes in the enterprise.

Regardless of the direction of activity, the list of professional duties includes the following items:

  • launch, maintenance and control of the organization in order to maintain its smooth and efficient operation;
  • determination of strategic goals and drawing up plans for the implementation of tasks;
  • assessment of risk levels of the concluded agreements, compliance with their points;
  • analysis of the company’s activities in the personnel sphere, assessment of the work of personnel, drawing up plans for motivation and encouragement of employees;
  • support of fruitful communication with business partners;
  • market analysis in order to identify demand for specialized goods or services;
  • involvement of third-party experts in solving the tasks set by senior management.

The profession of manager provides for work in various fields, regardless of whether he manages a small department or a huge enterprise. The main goal of this specialist is to increase the profit of a particular organization or reduce its costs.

Classification of Management Representatives

The description of the manager’s profession and the list of his job responsibilities largely depend on what level of management the specialist is at. In the direction there are three international levels of hierarchy. Movement up the career ladder is affected by: education, the availability of experience and skills, the ability to put theoretical knowledge into practice.

What are the managers:

  • lower link. The category includes junior superiors who have at least one subordinate. To start a career, profile education is not even required. A striking example of such an employee is a master, administrator of a store or service provider, sales manager, department head;
  • middle link. In this case, higher education is indispensable. Management is carried out at the level of department, workshop, faculty, one of the points of the network. Such a manager oversees the work of lower managers;
  • top link. This is the smallest category. Even in large enterprises, such managers are represented by a group of only a few people. Often, these employees have diplomas in a number of areas, many years of experience in a particular profile. This includes directors of enterprises, shops, educational and other social institutions, industries.

Despite the similar principles of work of managers in all areas, it is better to initially determine the preferred topics. Career direction will help establish career guidance. Through tests developed by psychologists and statisticians, the industries that are most interesting to a particular person are identified.

Advantages and disadvantages of work in the field of management

Before you go to study as a manager, it is recommended to evaluate the pros and cons of the profession. Some points can be viewed from two sides. For example, the mobility of a manager. For some, frequent business trips become a pleasant bonus, for others - an undesirable specifics of work.

David Zaslav is a Top Manager at Discovery Communications. Salary $ 156 million

Pros of direction

As in many other specialties, in the field of management you can earn great money. At the same time, career prospects are practically unlimited. Even senior executives often have room to grow, provided they have the right skills. Managers constantly communicate with people, which allows them to quickly acquire useful contacts and, if desired, change their sphere of activity. Another advantage of this choice is the demand for qualified employees. An experienced and ambitious manager will always find a good place for himself.

Cons of the professional sphere

There are negative aspects in the managerial profession. Firstly, the level of competition in this area is constantly growing. This requires full commitment from employees, continuous development, work on improving skills. Secondly, managers need to be prepared to work under stress. It is they who bear the responsibility of making decisions, they are responsible for the result. The incomes of most managers at the initial stage of their career are low. But their growth completely depends on the specialist himself.

Another important point - to work in management you need to have a special character warehouse, or attend various trainings to develop the necessary qualities. The characteristic of a person who counts on success as a manager looks something like this. This is a bright and self-respecting person with the habits of a leader and the ability to manage people. Additional advantages of the manager are sociability, analytical mindset, attentiveness, good memory.

How to become a manager

Training in the direction of "management" today is carried out not only in large specialized institutions, but even in regional training organizations.

What subjects you need to take in order to enter the university of management depends on the specifics of the direction. Today, managers are trained in both humanitarian and technical faculties. In the second case, in addition to good knowledge of the Russian language, mathematics and social studies, high marks in physics or chemistry may be required. For international management, it is additionally required to pass tests in foreign languages.

Upon leaving the school, a qualified manager should know:

  • fundamentals of law in the field of regulation of commercial and entrepreneurial activity;
  • business strategy and market economy;
  • the specifics of working with staff;
  • technologies and rules for conducting marketing research, advertising campaigns;
  • basics of taxation, document management, office work, administration;
  • principles for drawing up business plans, commercial and legal agreements;
  • ethics of business communication, labor protection regulations;
  • basics of logistics and state certification.

An additional advantage for the manager is the knowledge gained in courses in sociology, psychology, HR, the basics of advertising and marketing. It is advisable for a modern manager to speak at least one foreign language at a decent level. A person who constantly communicates with people should have the right speech and a high level of literacy.

Management as a science came to us from the West and continues to develop actively until now. Now every company has managers, and not a single company can do without them. What kind of profession is management? We will talk about this in detail in this article.
  If you draw a parallel between the profession of manager and the owner of your own business, the difference will only be in authority. Responsibilities will be the same. Therefore, we believe that any owner of the company should be a good manager. And if it is, then success will come otherwise.

What is this profession - management?

The word management itself comes from the English “manage”, ie to govern. This science is multifaceted and immense. Indeed, in order to manage an enterprise, you need to know literally everything about it: how the company is formed and how to suspend its work, how it functions, what makes its work productive, and what makes it destructive, and much more.

In practice, a manager is an ordinary mid-level manager. He usually submits to the department of the enterprise or part of it. The responsibilities of the manager include:

analysis of the organization;
  planning activities to improve the work of the company;
  implementation of developed programs;
  control over their correct execution.
  All these tasks have one main goal - to increase the productivity of the company. The manager of each department must understand how improving the work of his subordinates can help this.

What should a manager know and be able to?

In fact, the manager must be able to do everything. After all, his task is to push from the general to the particular, and for this you need to understand how the company is structured and what it lacks for even more successful work. As soon as defects are discovered, it is necessary to eliminate them taking into account their authority.
  The manager must be well aware of the work of his subordinates. Therefore, in many organizations, candidates for managerial positions are offered to work for some time on the job as an ordinary worker.
Management. Of course, the manager must be a specialist in this field, first of all. This science studies methods of managing people. These are already tried and tested methods that allow hundreds of firms to work productively.
  For example, early management methods did not perceive a person as an enterprise resource. People worked for low pay, in poor conditions, and that was the norm.

Now, modern management considers workers as its most important resource. And this is done not out of humane considerations, but by calculation. Indeed, in a comfortable environment, each employee works better, and this increases the overall efficiency of the company. Therefore, leading companies are actively working on team building and create a favorable atmosphere for them. This is what managers do. Now you know that this profession is a manager. Move on.

Mandatory Sciences for the Manager

Psychology. Since the manager has a difficult task of managing people, the manager must be an excellent psychologist. This skill allows you to learn the team from and to, act on it with the right and thoughtful methods, maneuver between the needs of the company and the needs of subordinates, and find a middle ground between them.
  Logistics. The manager must understand the logistics. This science allows us to achieve effective work of the company with minimal costs. Agree, every business owner strives for this - to minimize all expenses in such a way that the quality of work remains high.
  Economy. The manager can not do without knowledge in economics and accounting. After all, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of a company only for one reason - in order to increase profit. And in order to come to some conclusions, you need to justify them in numbers. Moreover, external factors also affect the operation of the enterprise. Therefore, knowledge is useful both in microeconomics (enterprise economics) and in macroeconomics (economy of the country and the world).
  Marketing. All enterprises sell something, so the manager needs to think about the consumer. Wherever he works: accounting department, planning, IT and any other, it is important to be able to understand and hear a potential client. To do this, the manager must also understand marketing.


The manager must see how to solve the problems that have arisen and are brewing, continuously engage in the development of the company, contributing to it. Any business owner should do this as well. Therefore, within the framework of the theme of the “Anatomy of Business” project, we recommend that you constantly work on yourself and develop useful skills, forming a good manager in yourself. And then your business will flourish!

Manager (from the English. Manage - manage) - a specialist in the management of production and circulation of goods, hired manager. Managers organize work at the company, direct the production activities of groups of employees of the company. The manager is an official of the company, the company in which he works, and is included in the middle and senior management of the companies. (Modern economic dictionary)

The main function of managers   - management, including the process of planning, organization, motivation and control. Depending on the size and number of objects of management distinguish between management levels, and, consequently, managers.

It is generally accepted to single out grassroots managers (in world practice, operational managers), middle managers, and senior managers.

Grassroots managers   - These are junior superiors located directly above the workers and other employees (non-managers). These include masters, department heads in stores, department heads, sales managers who have sales representatives (agents) under their authority, etc. In general, most managers are low-level managers. Most people begin their managerial careers in this capacity. Low-level managers can have any level of education.

Mid-level managers   - This is the bosses of lower managers. Depending on the size of the organization, there may be several levels of such managers. Mid-level managers are the shop manager, branch director, dean of the faculty, head of sales, etc. Most often, such managers have diplomas of higher education.

Top managers   - the smallest group of managers. Even in the largest organizations there are only a few people. Typical positions here will be the plant’s general director, store director, university rector, and chairman of the board of directors. This level of management requires higher education, sometimes more than one.

Obviously, the amount of wages depends on the level of management and can range from several thousand rubles to hundreds of thousands.

In Russian practice, managers can call anyone anyone, regardless of the presence or absence of their subordinates. Such situations give rise to stories for jokes, when, for example, a loader is called a weight transfer manager.

Job responsibilities

  1. It manages the entrepreneurial or commercial activity of an enterprise, institution, organization aimed at meeting the needs of consumers and making profit through stable operation, maintaining a business reputation and in accordance with the authority and allocated resources.
  2. Based on the strategic goals of the enterprise, institution, organization, plans business or commercial activities.
  3. It monitors the development and implementation of business plans and commercial terms of agreements, contracts and contracts, assesses the degree of possible risk.
  4. Analyzes and solves organizational, technical, economic, personnel and socio-psychological problems in order to stimulate production and increase sales of products, improve the quality and competitiveness of goods and services, economical and efficient use of material, financial and labor resources.
  5. It carries out the selection and placement of personnel, motivates their professional development, evaluates and stimulates the quality of work.
  6. It organizes relations with business partners, a system for collecting the necessary information to expand external relations and exchange experience.
  7. Carries out the analysis of demand for manufactured products or services, forecast and sales motivation through the study and assessment of customer needs.
  8. Participates in the development of innovative and investment activities, an advertising strategy related to the further development of entrepreneurial or commercial activities.
  9. It ensures the growth of profitability, competitiveness and quality of goods and services, increasing labor efficiency.
  10. Carries out coordination of activities within a certain direction (section), analysis of its effectiveness, makes decisions on the most rational use of allocated resources.
  11. Attracts consultants and experts on various issues (legal, technical, financial, etc.) to solving problems.

Must know:

  • legislative and regulatory acts regulating entrepreneurial and commercial activities;
  • market economy, entrepreneurship and business;
  • market conditions, pricing, taxation, marketing fundamentals; theory of management, macro and microeconomics, business administration, exchange, insurance, banking and financial affairs;
  • theory and practice of working with staff;
  • forms and methods of conducting advertising campaigns;
  • the procedure for developing business plans and commercial terms of agreements, contracts, contracts;
  • foundations of sociology, psychology and labor motivation;
  • ethics of business communication; fundamentals of production technology;
  • management structure of an enterprise, institution, organization, prospects for innovation and investment;
  • methods for assessing the business qualities of workers;
  • basics of office work;
  • information processing methods using modern technical means, communications and communications, computer technology;
  • the basics of labor law;
  • best domestic and foreign experience in the field of management;
  • rules and norms of labor protection.

Qualification requirements

Higher professional education (majoring in management) or higher professional education and additional training in the field of management theory and practice, work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years.

BTL-manager is a specialist who organizes brand promotion at points of sale through various promotions.

The anti-crisis manager is a manager of the highest class who can analyze the business, identify weaknesses and strengths and develop a series of measures that allow the owner to get out of the crisis with minimal losses.

A business trainer is a specialist in training personnel and managers of commercial companies on techniques, methods and algorithms for working in business.

Brand manager is a specialist in brand promotion in order to make it more recognizable and attractive.

A developer is an entrepreneur whose activities are connected with making a profit from the creation of new commercial real estate objects.

Event manager is a person who organizes various celebrations for organizations or individuals.

An interim manager is a person who comes to the company for a certain period and professionally solves the specific tasks assigned to him by management.

Cross-Cultural Manager - Intercultural Communications Specialist.

The visa manager manages the process of office work in the visa center, monitors the timely completion of questionnaires and other documents and monitors the timing of their submission to the right authorities.

Internet project manager - a specialist who manages the creation of the site, develops its concept, structure, features of the content, etc.

The quality manager seeks perfect manageability from the company and the conformity of its work to the accepted standards.

Human Resources Manager (HR-manager) - a specialist responsible for the formation of human resources in the organization.

The Tourism Manager is a specialist in the tourism industry who organizes tourist trips for clients. Currently, it is one of the most sought-after professions in the leisure and entertainment industry.

Project Manager - a person who manages the work on a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe organization’s activities and is responsible for it.

Head hunter is a specialist in finding candidates for key, responsible and senior positions for the company. The head hunter is looking for candidates among successful people, piece-wise professionals who are not going to change jobs.

Personnel - a popular area of \u200b\u200bstudy today. It has good prospects. This type of activity is associated with many modern professions. Each of the specialties is distinguished by features that a novice worker should be familiar with. A big jump in the demand for this area has been observed over the past 7 years. This is due to profitability, popularity and excellent prospects.

Profession specifics

Work with personnel is not a task for everyone. Anyone who knows how to communicate, loves to analyze and think a lot, strives for informal work, can apply for personnel management as a professional activity. Aspirations can be achieved through a variety of management areas. Conventionally, the manager’s activity is divided into 4 types:

  1. Diagnostician   (assessment and selection of personnel).
  2. Consultant   (optimal search for all possible methods of solving the problem).
  3. Manager trainer   (improving the efficiency of the enterprise by improving the competence of employees).
  4.   (makes decisions developing the organization comprehensively).

Professional activities related to personnel depend on the principle of work of the organization and its specialists involved in this process. Consideration of different models is allowed, and among them the most popular are consulting and personnel agencies. Their specificity of work consists in the competent selection of personnel for a vacant position.

Personnel management implies a high level of competence and professionalism. Production work involves the possession of several specialties and a specialized area of \u200b\u200bproduction.

Specialty training

At universities, you can get a higher education in personnel management, the qualification of which takes place in the study of a number of disciplines and practices.

According to the program of the specialty, the following disciplines are taught at universities:

Practice is designed to teach skills for solving production problemswhich include:

  • analysis of the labor market, tracking its development and relevance of directions;
  • creation and implementation of personnel policy;
  • management strategy development;
  • staffing the enterprise, determining the qualifications of employees and personnel records;
  • competent movement of personnel;
  • internship, training, career promotion;
  • adaptation of new employees and reorientation;
  • motivation and control of interstate relations;
  • highlighting talented people, their business qualities;
  • formation of the corporate spirit of the enterprise and conflict prevention;
  • ability to work with labor legislation.

The knowledge gained at the university allows you to qualify for good position in large corporations. The modern labor market needs professional people who are able to select and stimulate staff.

Types of HR Professionals


People with this specialty can work in recruiting agencies and organizations that need a stream of employees. The meaning of the work is competent staff assessment   based on psychological methods and verification of personal files for security purposes. Human resources management allows you to search for people while visiting exhibitions, exploring sites and visiting universities.

In recruitment agencies, staff are selected for various organizations, and therefore management training allows you to work there as:

  1. Administrator - a specialist manages the search process and evaluates the quality of personnel.
  2. Contractor - is engaged in the search, diagnosis and verification of personal files.

Work in an agency means having a higher educational psychology. The recruitment agency is often hired without experience, which allows you to start well as a personnel officer.

Most often, people are selected, focusing on professional abilities. It is better if a person knows production well or has work experience.

A head-hunter stands out in a separate group - this specialist searches for personnel with education, and, in fact, lures staff to his company. This specialty in Russia is only now gaining momentum in popularity. Such a specialist must combine extensive connections with psychological characteristics.

Trainer managers

This activity involves working in a training company that is able to offer training programs, namely sales, managerial, and training courses for promising professionals.

In such companies, anyone who has ability to design and implement programs. Another way of career growth is serious education at the university. Not bad if you have experience. Those who teach sales often have trading skills. The ideal person to form a team is a person who has assembled his own team himself.

The coach must combine the ability to communicate, quickly diagnose the situation, think creatively and study the characteristics of personnel groups.


First of all, these people can bring new knowledge to people. An important quality of the specialty in personnel management is the lack of limited thinking. Consultants need to undergo training in psychology and economics, as well as know the specifics of Russian marketing and risk calculation methods.

To obtain a job in a consulting firm requires the presence of coaching experience and education in economics and counseling. The demand for such professionals in Russia is still small, because not everyone knows that the work is highly paid and difficult. Today in our country the demand for counseling is just beginning to take shape.

Most enterprises are hiring a corporate culture specialist. These people are responsible for managing the company, advertising methods and following traditions. Work involves the presence of skills to bind various events into a single whole, to explain to people the causes of difficulties in the company and to find solutions to any problems.

This position often implies combining previous specialties. One of the methods to become a human resources manager is to go from a junior specialist to a boss. The personnel director and the head of the personnel department must interact with managers of other departments in the main areas of the enterprise. Often these managers "grow up" to the deputy leadership of the company, and therefore administrators become those who know the production itself and specializes in personnel management.

Most faculties of public administration and law have introduced specialization aimed at training administrators.

Basic principles

The description of the work of a personnel manager implies a tendency to interdisciplinary knowledge. A professional person is required to possess knowledge and technologies related to the following areas:

  • psychology (behavior and motivation);
  • law (knowledge of the Labor Code, the practice of drafting contracts and maintaining documentation);
  • organization sociology (methodology of sociological research, features of enterprise development);
  • economy (financial development of the organization and marketing).

What should a specialist know?

Upon receiving the profession of personnel management, “who to work with” is a question that acutely arises for a graduate. First you need to figure out what knowledge a professional person must have.

Work with the right speech is the main thing that is required from the employee. In addition, he must clearly and clearly state information   and analysis results. Reports and characteristics are studied by employees and management, sometimes far from sociology and psychology. The personnel officer needs to be written so that readers understand the meaning of his words.

Another requirement for a specialist is interest and pursuit of professional development   in their activities. The key focus of HR personnel is understanding the strengths and weaknesses of man. If a person is attracted to theory and practice with human resources, training in this specialty is just right for him.

The prospects for personnel management are very bright, and therefore education in this area has become relevant.

Continuing education for managers

In specialized institutions, training and advanced training of various specialists is carried out. As a rule, courses are short-term. The educational process is stationary, evening or in absentia. Profile workshops dealing with personnel management and new legislation have become popular.

An important moment in qualification improvement is the study of periodical literature and participation in modern conferences.


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