Resellers on eBay: make the right choice for the company. American mediation style and Russian realities. "intermediary, intermediary firm" in the books

The word "mediator" appeared in the circulation of ordinary citizens relatively recently - back in relatively recent Soviet times, people with this kind of activity were practically absent. It is understandable - the economy was planned, and no one cared about sales efficiency. Today, however, we live in capitalism, and commercial intermediaries for some reason play the role of almost the locomotive of the economy.

Who are they and their diversity

There are several interpretations of the term "intermediary". The first concerns processes related to the circulation of goods and the provision of services. In most cases, between the producers of value-added products or services and the final consumer there is a layer of certain actors. They are the intermediaries. The second interpretation of the term is a person who helps to establish links between various business entities (not necessarily the manufacturer and the consumer), counterparties. One way or another, intermediaries of all types are united by one property - for some reason they know that in one place there is a manufacturer of the goods, and in another there is (or should be) a buyer who is eager to purchase this product.

So, a person acts as a "conductor" of goods between the factory and the consumer. Intermediaries are people who can perform not only trading functions, but also some others, for example, provide the client with an additional service, the level of which for one reason or another is not available to the manufacturer. Elementary - to meet the buyer and politely communicate with him, explaining the benefits of the product. Intermediaries in the market and in business are not speculators in any way: they only fill a niche (trading and service) between the producer and the buyer of the goods. It is beneficial to work with them for the obvious reason - a person works for a percentage and is interested in selling as much as possible.

Representatives of this specialty in trade

There is a separate category - resellers, despite the fact that almost the entire range of services of people of this profile is somehow concentrated around sales. The key criterion that determines the direction of their work is the availability of a product or service with a fixed (added) value. In this, such intermediaries differ from, say, financial brokers working with “virtual” currency or raw prices formed by the exchange. The main task that resellers perform is communication between the producer of the goods and the buyer.

These people earn in two ways - by buying goods in bulk, which is cheaper, and then selling at retail, which is much more expensive, or by receiving commissions for the sale of the product. What can be examples of specific types of professions related to trade mediation? Firstly, these are brokers (selling goods and services for a commission, the size of which, as a rule, is agreed in advance). This category of intermediaries includes realtors whose commission is fixed regardless of whether he sells apartments - new buildings or "secondary". Real estate intermediaries are representatives of one of the most common professions in market economies. Secondly, distributors belong to resellers (selling goods from a firm to dealers, they earn on the price difference). Thirdly, they are salespeople (universal sellers who advertise and sell goods, earn money through a variety of schemes, as a rule, they travel from place to place all the time). Fourth, these are dealers (as a rule, they resell goods purchased at a preferential price directly from the distributor or from the manufacturer).

Finance Intermediaries

Once upon a time, conducting operations with money other than buying other goods for them was not particularly necessary - the currency had a fixed (often tied to the value of gold) price. Now cash flows are a whole field for speculation. This is used by financial intermediaries. Most actively, their work is in the field of investment. The most popular function of financial intermediaries here is to assess the risks of investment in the project. The investor thereby entrusts the disposal of his future capital not to the object of financing directly, but to a certain person who is able to analyze how profitable the project will be, what are its prospects, especially financial. Intermediaries take on the role of the entity making the decision about where the money will be invested.

The easiest way to understand this pattern is with specific institutions. Firstly, these are trustees: after receiving the money of clients, they decide how to profitably invest them in stocks, assets or, perhaps, lend someone. Secondly, these are credit unions - having at their disposal the funds of the people who entered them, they try to manage them in a profitable way. Thirdly, banks can also be referred to financial intermediaries (when it comes to deposits). Fourth, these are insurance companies that, having received money from customers, use them as part of various funded programs. Fifthly, these are pension funds, which turn the funds of citizens who have drawn up the contract into profitable payments when a person completes his labor activity. Who are financial intermediaries? These are organizations specializing in working with cash flows, which can take different forms, but the content in all cases remains approximately the same.

Marketing intermediaries

The market is a multilevel phenomenon. The manufacturer, in order to sell his product, must, firstly, familiarize buyers with the fact of its release, and secondly, deliver the goods to the final consumer. If you can’t do it on your own, marketing intermediaries will come to the rescue. There are several varieties of subjects of similar activities. For example, these are companies for the logistic support of goods, firms specializing in the storage of products in warehouses, ensuring the safety of manufactured products. Most often, they are contacted by manufacturers who do not have internal infrastructure resources for the indicated types of activity or who lack financial resources for these purposes.

Another category of marketing intermediaries is lenders (or investors) who are able to supply the business with working capital to build the necessary infrastructure or expand the staff to promote the product. In addition to lenders, a businessman can turn to insurance companies that offer protection against entrepreneurial or commercial risks. Another category of marketing intermediaries is firms and entrepreneurs who help the manufacturer study the market, correctly advertise the product, analyze demand and, if necessary, adjust the process of production.

Service Intermediaries

Services, as you know, have a number of features that fundamentally distinguish them from goods - this is intangibility, nonconservation, inseparability from the source of the provision, as well as high volatility (variability) of quality. Due to these characteristics, the role of intermediaries in the service sector is usually limited. Since the services are intangible, the client, without personally testing them, will not be able to get an idea about their real properties, about the level of service in a particular company. Intermediaries can, at best, colorfully describe the source of the service, but trust in such actions will not always be high. The client would rather find the recommendation of his acquaintance, rather than a little-known person, even if he speaks very beautifully, more plausible. At the same time, a mediation market for services exists, and there are firms specializing in such activities. Their common name is “service franchisor,” or “service intermediary.”

They conclude an agreement with the source of the provision of services and receive from him a “franchise” - exclusive rights to provide the service under a protected trademark, label, technology. The brand owner determines the basic principles by which his services should be provided. If he decides that somewhere else there is a company or entrepreneur capable of providing a service that meets the requirements, he can conclude a franchise agreement with him and will be sure that the client will receive approximately the same as if he came to the “head office” structure.

Retail industry

There is a subspecies of resellers referred to as “retailers.” They buy goods from the manufacturer or distributor, and then sell them to the final consumer with profit. Retailers operate at end sites. They have several basic functions. Firstly, this is a selection. Specialists of a company engaged in retail brokerage analyze supply chains, choose the best manufacturers from the point of view of their business model, and compile product catalogs. Secondly, this is an advertising and informational work - ordering and placing commercial displays in the media, TV, the Internet, placing information about products on display cases, printing corporate booklets and creating other sources of product data. Thirdly, this is the placement and storage of goods in warehouses, laying them out on the counter, tracking freshness and appearance. Fourth, this is the technological support of transactions with customers - acquiring, settlement and cash services, cash acceptance, exchange and return of products. This may also include lending, a discount policy. Fifthly, this is the provision of various client services - delivery, work on claims, conducting socially significant events.

Logistic Intermediaries

The most important component of the product manufacturer's work on the market is logistics. Within this area, intermediaries also exist. They are divided into three main groups - 3PL providers, 4PL providers and narrow profile companies. Logistic intermediaries appeared because of the desire of manufacturers to concentrate and direct the free into the main formats of activity. Accordingly, to solve the problems of delivering goods and factories, they turn to third-party businesses (in the "outsourcing" format). Narrow-profile firms related to logistics intermediaries are forwarders, freight and warehouse terminal operators, and transport companies. Each of them is ready to take on part of the "outsourcing" functions of the manufacturer. 3PL (third party logictics) - companies that are able to provide a comprehensive logistics service. They perform many functions, but all of them are intermediaries. These are entities that are closely integrated into the business model of the producer of goods. The contracts concluded between the factory and such organizations are, as a rule, long-term, relations are trusting. Sometimes 3PL providers take on liability obligations (which is rare for the “outsourcing” services market). There are also 4PL providers - they are companies offering the most complete range of services, a kind of "reference" providers of intermediary services in the field of logistics.

The provision of services via the Internet

With the advent of online trading, a new kind of intermediary has emerged. He does not have a clear definition, let's call them "Internet intermediaries." These are people who provide the movement of goods from the seller or manufacturer to the buyer, using the channels of the Internet. As a rule, these are legal entities or individuals who help to choose the right product (as an option - translate the description into the buyer's native language), exercise control over the delivery, provide exchange or return procedures. Resellers are connected to online trading in the following main cases. Firstly, if the online store cannot send parcels to the country where the buyer is located. Secondly, an intermediary can help deliver the goods faster than the seller will do under the standard scheme. Thirdly, the help of third parties may be necessary for the buyer if he makes purchases in different stores, and the amount for delivery is too high - you need a person who can “collect” different positions and send them at a better price to one address. Fourth, the buyer’s interaction with any way is difficult or blocked (for example, the store does not accept Russian bank cards or does not have a menu in Russian).

Features of working with intermediaries

The Russian economy is still developing, and the standards for providing many services have not yet been established. Therefore, the relationship between businessmen and intermediaries in our country is characterized by specific features. The youth of the market dictates its realities. The main feature of the market now is that Russian intermediaries sometimes think tactically - they negotiate a profitable contract with inflated interest. This is disadvantageous to anyone. The manufacturer, realizing that it has overpaid, will choose another partner, and the end consumer will be forced to buy the product expensively due to the high appetite of the intermediary.

In developed countries, the approach, as a rule, is different, more “strategic", and this is very welcomed by commercial organizations. Intermediaries there do not expect and do not strive for a one-time profit, but try to build long-term relations with producers of goods. Largely for this reason, prices in European and American stores are lower than ours (although the factory cost may be higher). Market experts believe that in Russia the development of the market of official dealers has the greatest prospects, when the price of goods offered to the final consumer is recommended by the manufacturer. The incentive for intermediaries is a discount on the receipt of products (which may increase if sales go well).

American mediation style and Russian realities

The United States, which has the largest economy in the world, is considered the reference provider of professional intermediaries. The style characteristic of American dealers - it is spectacular, "fairness." Presentations of intermediaries in front of clients acquire a pathos coloring, promises of a lot, "all at once". This approach is actively promoted in marketing textbooks at American universities, and more recently in Russian. Until now, many marketers in our country believe that the American mediators are the bearers of the best negotiating practices; these are the best professionals in the world, according to gullible Russian experts. In many ways, the principles of transatlantic origin are considered the only correct ones.

But to what extent is the style of the American mediator compatible with Russian realities? Experts suggest that in a very small. The Russians have developed a certain immunity to presentations, vivid, confident speeches of speakers, to intermediaries who sell goods aggressively and assertively. Therefore, using American tactics, an intermediary working in Russia may not be faced with excessive demand for the goods sold, but with rejection. It should be noted that in the United States the client is changing. Sociability, receptivity, credulity, openness of American buyers is a thing of the past.

A brokerage firm is a person or firm that stands between the producer and consumer of a product and promotes it.

A mediator exists where there are civilized market relations. By identifying problems and helping to solve them, the mediator acts as a kind of catalyst.

Trading companies include enterprises that are legally and economically independent of the producer and consumer of goods. They act in order to profit, which is obtained either as a result of the difference between producer prices and the prices at which these goods are sold to customers, or in the form of remuneration for the services provided to promote goods on the market.

Classification of intermediary firms

The experience of developed market economies shows that a large number of diverse enterprises, organizations and individuals that carry out trade and intermediary functions are involved.

Classification of intermediary firms can be on various grounds.

According to the main sign - this is   functions performed.   On this basis are distinguished:

  • universal   intermediaries - perform the full range of services. Ego distributors, wholesalers-merchants;
  • specialized   intermediaries - perform separate functions, so they are divided into:
    • information and contact (contribute to the establishment of economic relations between suppliers and consumers),
    • information (net) - do not have at their disposal the goods and carry out the implementation according to the conditions of the manufacturer,
    • search (they are called sales agents) are, as a rule, agents of industrial firms that are engaged in the search for buyers in certain regions. They work on the basis of an agreement or instructions, facilitate the conclusion of transactions between the seller (goods owner) and the buyer, concluding them on behalf of the goods owner,
    • attorneys (importing agents) act on the basis of an agreement on behalf of and at the expense of the principal. Agents conclude contracts where their powers are specified in terms of technical and commercial terms of the transaction. Contracts signed by agents are executed by principals. Agents receive rewards for their services. Agents can be firms or legal entities licensed for this type of activity,
    • wholesalers-sellers sell by mail, i.e. catalogs are sent to separate groups of goods, and orders are sent by mail,
    • wholesalers-salespeople not only sell for cash, but also deliver the goods to customers. Usually this is a limited range of short-term storage products (bread, milk, fruit),
    • wholesalers-organizers work with those that are characterized by the absence of containers (heavy equipment, timber, coal). They do not have stocks of goods, but, receiving an order from the buyer (retail trade enterprises), they find the manufacturer who ships the goods to the buyer.

Types of intermediaries

On the basis of subordination and the nature of the operations performed, intermediaries can be divided into three types:

  • independent;
  • formally independent;
  • dependent (related to production).

Independent Resellers

Independent Resellers   (both legal entities and individuals) act on their own behalf and at their own expense. In relation to the manufacturer, they act as buyers purchasing goods on the basis of a contract of sale. They become owners of the product and can sell it in any market and at any price.


  • full-service wholesalers who provide services for the storage of inventories, for lending, for the delivery of goods, for assistance in management. They can carry out operations with various assortments;
  • limited-service wholesalers who provide customers with significantly fewer services. They can trade for cash, without delivery of goods, with usually a more limited assortment.

Independent intermediaries form the basis of the wholesale structure system, since they close on themselves a large number of retail trade enterprises and carry out a rather wide range of operations. These include dealers, distributors, jobbers, wholesalers-merchants, wholesalers, trading houses, wholesalers-salespeople, wholesalers-organizers, wholesalers-consigners, wholesalers-post-merchants.

Dealers   - an individual or legal entity that buys goods from industrial enterprises and sells them to customers, assuming service responsibilities (minor repairs, supply of spare parts). Their income is formed due to the difference in purchase and sale prices.

Distributors   (English - distribution) - an individual or legal entity serving various industries, having warehouses and vehicles and carrying out commercial activities on its own behalf and at its own expense. Most often they sell industrial products or sell imported goods in the country.

A distributor who purchases goods, stores, stores, prepares for final consumption, makes up a group of distributors “with a full range of services” (or regular type).

Regular distributors work by specialization, have a clear number of positions for each group, so they can use specialized means of transportation, loading, unloading and storage. They are mainly in the engineering market (computers, televisions, cars).

Another group of distributors - “ irregular type»(With an incomplete, limited range of services) only acquires goods from regular manufacturers and sells them. This is a larger group. They are engaged in the sale of perishable agricultural products or small industrial lots of a diverse assortment on the principle of “buy-take” (“cache and carry”), i.e. without services.

Jobbers   - dealers who, at their own risk, buy and sell goods on their own (in small batches).

Jobbers can work on exchanges. These are stock brokers who carry out their intermediary activities, buying up large quantities of goods and immediately selling them to other jobbers or brokers, earning at the same time on the price difference. They make transactions on their own behalf and at their own expense, influence the price level and bear the risk in full.

Formally Independent Resellers

Formally Independent Resellers   appeared in connection with the desire of manufacturers to include these enterprises in their supply chain through a system of contracts. To do this, use the following types of contracts:

  • an assignment agreement, which is concluded with attorneys or with sales agents;
  • commission agreement, which determines the powers of commission agents (they find partners, sign agreements with them on their own behalf, but at the expense of the seller or buyer);
  • simple mediation agreement.

Dependent Resellers

Dependent Resellers   They are authorized sales agents (as if the manufacturer’s sales department) and work on the basis of urgent and unlimited labor agreements. Dependent intermediaries do not claim for goods, working for a commission.

Broker   - individuals or legal entities (brokerage houses) of persons who find mutually interested sellers and buyers, bring them together, but do not participate in the transaction, either on their own behalf or on behalf of the guarantor.

Their task is to find a buyer for the products of the manufacturer (seller) and seller for the buyer and to facilitate the signing of a contract between them.

Purchasing Offices   - independent commercial enterprises. Payment for their services is based on a certain percentage of annual sales.

The purchasing offices are close to brokers by the nature of their activities (they provide their customers with information on price movements, information about potential partners, and conclude transactions at the direction of their customers).

Fig. 12.2. Types of dependent intermediaries

Industrial Agents   - independent specialized firms that work with non-competing, complementary products and have the exclusive right to sell them in a certain territory.

Sales Agents   - enterprises and individuals performing, under an agreement with the manufacturer, the whole range of functions for the distribution of the entire range of products.

Sales agents   - individuals or legal entities that, on the basis of an agreement with a seller or a buyer, have the right to facilitate the conclusion of transactions for a relatively long period. Sales agents act as representatives of sellers and buyers and receive remuneration under an employment contract depending on the results of work.

Groups of sales agents:

  • representatives of manufacturers - individuals or legal entities with whom the manufacturer enters into an agreement, which determines the pricing policy for the purchase and sale of goods, the territory, the boundaries of the agent’s activities, the procedure for submitting orders, the service system, the size of commission rates;
  • distributors
  • purchasing agents - representatives of buyers who take responsibility for the safety, quantity, quality and incoming goods. They act on behalf of the buyer and fulfill his terms of purchase of goods. For their work they receive remuneration as a percentage of the volume of purchased and delivered goods.

Intermediary Commissioners   act on the basis of a commission agreement concluded with the goods owner or buyer.

The owners of the goods for this type of transaction are called the principal. He instructs the commission agent to make transactions on his own behalf and at the expense of the principal bearing all commercial risk.

Commissioners act as sellers of goods to third parties, are responsible for the safety of products. They are not responsible for the execution of transactions by a third party, payment obligations.

Consignee   - a wholesaler (enterprises or individuals) who receives goods from the guarantor in his warehouse and sells it on his own behalf, but at the expense of the supplier-manufacturer by a certain date. He offers non-food products, he sets the price. A van sends it to the store, and a representative equips the display of goods in the trading floor.

The activity is based on consignment agreement. Consignment agreement - special view   contract agreement.

Consignees act mainly in foreign trade transactions. The consignee shall make payments to the consignee for the sale of goods. Items not sold by the due date may be returned to the exporter.

Trading brokers   carry out activities as distributors of a regular type, but have a narrower profile of activity and are associated with bulky goods, the transportation and transfer of which are very time-consuming.

There are so-called unofficial intermediaries -   as a rule, these are individuals who have personal connections in various fields, acting on their own behalf. They rely on their reputation, knowledge, experience and personal relationships. As a rule, they do not bear material obligations, but receive a certain fee for their services, and are not bound by legal agreements and obligations.

In recent years, especially in Western countries, a category has appeared   "Virtual" intermediarieswho use the Internet for their activities. The seller or buyer places their sites on the Internet where they indicate their type of activity, the goods or services offered.

Factors affecting the choice of intermediary

There are many factors that influence the choice of an intermediary. These include:

  • legal security of the intermediary, i.e. the presence of necessary and legally correctly executed documents giving him the right to provide intermediary services;
  • competence of the intermediary, i.e. knowledge of the essence of the tasks that he needs to solve, knowledge of the consumer properties of the goods, the ability, if necessary, to promptly assist in the transportation, storage, preservation of goods, timely payment of goods according to agreement;
  • financial security, i.e. the ability of the intermediary to fulfill their obligations and bear material responsibility in accordance with agreements concluded by interested parties;
  • reputation of an intermediary, i.e. the opinion of those who have already used or are using its services, correctness in the preparation and implementation of their obligations and agreements.

Today, the eBay auction is the most famous online auction. Many people have learned to use it and are successfully doing business. But, it will be rather difficult for a newcomer due to the large quantity of goods, the features of the technology of product selection, selection and bidding per lot, payment and its delivery to your home. Naturally, the beginner will have a lot of questions how to simplify the whole process. In such cases, intermediary firms will come to the rescue, who will help you find the right product, conduct the right bidding, negotiate with the seller of the lot, pay for the goods and deliver it to your home.
   Of course, if you play at the eBay auction yourself, you can create yourself a positive rating and in this case you can refuse the services of intermediary firms. But, sometimes there are situations when the help of intermediary firms in the purchase of goods is simply necessary.

So, for example, there are times when eBay auction sellers refuse to cooperate with residents of Eastern Europe due to the large number of scams and network scammers. But, gradually trust increases. Although some sellers still do not trust our compatriots and refuse to work with them.
   The second example is the purchase of an expensive product, such as jewelry, a car, etc. In this case, it is better to use the services of intermediary firms, which will reduce the risk associated with such an expensive purchase. If the product does not reach you or does not come in its original form, then you can return the amount spent or compensate for the damage.
   An example of the third is a simplified form of payment. You pay the goods to the intermediary company, and she pays the purchase to the seller in the declared form of payment and in the way that is most suitable for the owner of the goods.
   The fourth example - the intermediary company will deliver guaranteed serviceable goods, since it receives it at the office located in the same country as the seller, checks the goods and only then sends it to the buyer.
   The services of intermediary firms are naturally not free, but in their price lists you can find exactly the indicated amounts for certain services. Choosing a company, do not chase the lowest price offers, approach this task responsibly, read reviews, look at the time of work in the intermediary market, etc.

There was a right choice of the intermediary therefore we present you the list of the most profitable, checked and honest intermediaries:

Affiliate program of a shopping service abroad.

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In the USA, many things are several times cheaper than in Russia. But most people do not even think about the possibility of shopping abroad. It seems to be difficult. But, thanks to the service, shopping abroad is easy!

What does eBayWorld offer?

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  • Service "Virtual address in the USA". This service will be useful to those who are fluent in English and have experience of independent purchases abroad. The service "Virtual Address in the USA" provides you with a delivery address that you can use when paying for goods in the online store! Company employees will receive your packages and send them to Russia at your current address.
  • Convenient payment methods. You do not need to start PayPal or risk your credit card to make purchases. EbayWorld accepts rubles, electronic money (Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Qiwi-wallet, etc.), money transfers and much more.
  • Low commission - from 7%. The service has a system of rewarding regular customers. The more you use the services of the service, the lower commission you pay. This is very beneficial for those who make many purchases!

You can buy things abroad 2-3 times cheaper!

Intermediaries are often mentioned in the context of purchases in foreign online stores. However, in recent years, the meaning of this term has changed dramatically and does not mean exactly what it used to be. What is the matter? What are intermediary services now and who actually provides them? Let's try to figure it out.

Intermediaries. What is it?

A good dozen years ago, when our compatriots were just beginning to learn foreign shopping, it was a slightly different picture than now. No, iconic American online stores such as,, and many others have already been, but they are overwhelmingly orders from foreign customers did not accept. And many of our compatriots, accustomed to traditional purchases, even if it was possible to make an order on their own, were wary of this matter.

  • Commission fee for intermediary services 10-15%.
  • Work with all branches of ebay and Amazon: USA, UK, Germany, etc.
  • A wide range of free services (including SMS-informer).
  • Frequent promotions: big discounts, free delivery.
  • A full-fledged support service, top-up in dozens of ways, including QIWI and RBK Money.
  • Simple and intuitive one-click ordering system.
  • is:
    • Low commission from 7%;
    • Convenient numerous payment methods;
    • Individual approach to each client;
    • Russian-speaking support service (multi-channel numbers 8-800);
    • eBay - Sniper;
    • Warehouses in 5 countries (USA, UK, Germany, Japan, China);
    • Purchase / delivery of goods directly from the Apple Store.
  • The service "Virtual Address" (Mail Forwarding) is separately provided.
  • Additional services are provided: “Verification of goods”, “Photo of goods”, “Insurance of goods”, “Customs clearance”.
  • Weekly commission discounts of up to 50% on the most popular foreign online stores (Apple Store, Victoria's Secret, Adidas, Puma, Reebok, Burberry, Lego and others).
  • Official website of the service:
  • Contact us with any question you are interested in:

Transport company Dnipro is one of the largest carriers of goods from the USA to the Russian Federation, Ukraine and other countries of the former Union.

  • Intermediary services for purchases in any online stores in the USA, mail forwarding.
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  • Free consolidation, storage in stock for up to 3 months, tracking of each parcel and an individual approach to customers.
  • Low rates for intermediary services: only $ 10 for orders up to $ 200 and 5% of the amount if the cost is higher.

Alfaparcel Ltd. provides services for the purchase, payment and delivery of goods from the UK.

  • A separate virtual address service in the UK is provided. The service is intended for those who pay for goods on their own. A customer buys a cell in an Alfaparcel warehouse and makes purchases as a resident of the UK.
  • You will be available products that are sold on:
    • UK affiliate auction
    • British online stores. For your convenience, we have compiled a catalog of online stores, which we regularly replenish; you can familiarize yourself with it directly on our website.
    • Clothing, household appliances, computers, antiques and much more from England. We provide a full range of services for the acquisition of goods by customers from the CIS countries.
    • We provide representative services for individuals and legal entities of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries.
    • One of the areas of our activity is the sale of literature in English, including antique.

SKYPE: alfaparcel

Support phone: +441945585562 (UK).

Section 1. Types of intermediaries.

Section 3. Features of the activity intermediaries.

Section 4. Rights intermediaries.

Section 5. Remuneration of intermediaries.

Mediator -   is it in commerce - a person, or firmstanding between the manufacturer and the purchaser of the product and promoting its turnover.

Mediator -it is in jurisprudence - a person organization   or promoting the seller and to the buyer   in the conclusion and execution of the contract.

Mediator -it is legal (organization,) or physical. person assisting in a transaction. An example of an intermediary in commerce:, broker.

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Types of intermediaries

Simple - trading companies, individuals and organizations that contribute to the conclusion of contracts, but do not themselves participate in their implementation. (brokers or brokerage organizations).

Attorneys-firms, persons or organizations that are involved sellers   or buyers (principals) to conclude transactions on behalf of and at the expense of principals.

Commissioners-firms, persons and organizations that are looking for partners and sign sales contracts on their own behalf, but at the expense of sellers   or buyers (committees) who carry commercial.

Consignees - a type of commission agents working on certain conditions, in particular they accept goods   to your warehouse; sell them on the markets for a long time; unsold goods   can return to the manufacturer.

Agents - legal (companies, organizations) or individualsperforming certain operations on behalf of another person (principal) at his expense and on his behalf, as well as providing for the preparation of transactions, but usually without the right to sign an agreement.

Sales - independent trading organizations engaged in the sale of goods. (Merchants, resellers, distributors).

Directions in mediation

Simple: brokers   or brokerage companies - look for and bring together interested sellers and buyers, but do not invest their funds in the execution of transactions, do not appear in the sales contracts as a party. Work mainly on serious markets   (in Britain - market   the woods).

Attorneys: they resort to their services when businessmen themselves conclude contract   They don’t know how, but they can do it. In international trade, the services of foreign attorneys are rarely used. They are called differently: in the Republic of Germany - sales representatives, in Switzerland - agents, in France - sales agents.

Commissioners: concludes concessions   purchase and sale on its own behalf and appears in it as (sometimes it agrees with the principal the technical and commercial provisions listed before the commission agent signs the purchase and sale transaction)

Consignees: take goods to their warehouse; market them for a long time term; unsold items may be returned to the manufacturer.

Agents: perform certain operations on behalf of another person (principal) at his expense and on his behalf; provide preparation of transactions, but usually without the right to sign an agreement.

Features of the activities of intermediaries

Simple: market research; informing on the development trends of goods and markets; meeting and providing representatives and their product with premises, transport; company of business meetings with contractors; the implementation of advertising; creating a favorable opinion; informing about upcoming large purchases, tenders.

Commissioners: market research; the implementation of advertising, maintenance of items of trade; protection of the commercial interests of the principal.

Exporters: the ability to raise product prices if it goes well sales.

Agents: in different countries they interpret differently: in the USA and England — any intermediary (simple, attorney, commission agent), in the Euro-continental — simple or attorney; may also call dealers, brokers, personal representatives, lawyers who carry out their actions with the knowledge of the principal under an agency agreement for a fee.

Sales: conclusion of sales contracts on its own behalf, both with sellers and with buyers (independently); market research; advertising of goods and manufacturer; maintenance of stocks of stocks of goods; the implementation of pre-sale service and pre-sale refinement of goods; creation of a stable sales network, in which there may be distributors by region, end sellers (dealers); technical support product service at all levels; are responsible for all types of risks (spoilage, loss of the purchased product, etc.; they themselves appoint the price; responsible for the risks   on customer loans.

Rights of intermediaries

Non-exclusive right sales. The intermediary receives the right to sell products in a certain territory for a certain time. But this does not prohibit the manufacturer to attract here and in the same period   and other resellers for marketing this product. The manufacturer can insist on such conditions when entering a new one so that, working with different intermediaries, compare them and choose the most promising one.

The exclusive right to sell. Having provided such conditions to an intermediary, a manufacturer in a certain territory at a specified time cannot sell these same goods either by himself or through other intermediaries. In this regard, the agreement with the intermediary on these conditions includes a number of reservations, for example, that the manufacturer: may sell such a product to government organizations, bypassing the intermediary; Do not pay remuneration for the sale of the product under contracts concluded before the contract; sell spare parts under contracts concluded before the contract; sell the product bypassing the intermediary, if it is bought as a component part of another product, etc. The following conditions may be included in the agreement: the obligation of the intermediary to implement a certain amount of the product within certain periods; the possibility of canceling the agreement if the above condition is not met; Do not trade the same product with other suppliers (or maybe trade if the goods complement each other and their joint sale helps to increase sales).

Preemptive right to sell (first-hand right). Under this condition, the manufacturer of the product is obliged to the suppliers of the product primarily to the intermediary and only after its refusal to another (without paying remuneration to the first) intermediary or to sell it independently. In an intermediary agreement with supplier list the motives by which the intermediary can refuse a product: unsatisfactory technical characteristics; low quality; overpriced price; unacceptable terms of payment.

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Remuneration of intermediaries

Payment of the difference between the selling price of the product on the market and the price at which the product is transferred to the intermediary. Stimulates an intermediary in increasing sales volumes, but is not interested in increasing the price at which he receives a product from supplier. It can be used when the supplier knows well the selling prices of such products on the market.

Calculation of the agreed percentage of the price at which the product is transferred to the intermediary and which is set at the same level as the sale on the market. Stimulates the growth of sales, interest the intermediary in increasing the price of goods sold. The interests of the supplier and the intermediary coincide.

supplierfy "\u003e Mixed settlement: accrual in the form of Percent   from Sales and Differences   prices. The nominal sales of the Product and the Price at which the Product is transferred to the Intermediary are established. You can apply this method if the Supplier is able to control the actual Prices at which the Reseller sells its Product.

Compensation in a fixed, predetermined amount. It is used in calculations for certain types of services of the Intermediary: for targeted research of the Market for a new Product; promotional event; obtaining legal advice. Compensation of remuneration according to the “Cost + bonus” system. In the calculations for the implementation of individual orders of the Supplier. The intermediary provides documents confirming the costs, and the Supplier pays them and pays the premium calculated by the agreed method (supplier of the percentage of the costs).

Payment of additional incentive remuneration for fulfillment of obligations. You can set, for example, a reward for the regularity of maintenance. The costs associated with maintenance and the agreed additional fee are paid if the Intermediary submits documents that the maintenance was carried out regularly and with high quality.

Sources - Essays - Glossary Wikipedia - Free Encyclopedia - Essays

Encyclopedia of the investor. 2013 .


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    INTERMEDIARY   - intermediary, m. 1. A person connecting, bringing the seller and the buyer or making a transaction on behalf of others, in the interests of the seller and the buyer; commission agent. An exchange intermediary is called a broker. || trans. Means of communication, communication. Post office… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

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