App restaurant. Design of public catering enterprises Download the project of a diner for 50 seats

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Course project

by disciplineDesign of public catering

on the topic50-seat cafe-diner project

Novosibirsk 2008.


1. Characteristics of the projected enterprise

2. Characteristics of the hot shop

3. Technological calculations

3.1 Calculation of thermal equipment

3.2 Calculation of the number of workers of the hothouse Cafe Designing Assortment Service

3.3 Calculation of non-mechanical equipment

3.4 Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop

4. Organization of labor of workers of the hot shop


A significant part of catering enterprises, built dozens of years ago, is no longer able to provide the production of quality products, the required level of equipment, normal working conditions of personnel, computerization of maintenance and management processes.

Cafe-diner of a common type of public catering with a wide range of dishes, including custom, wine-vodka, tobacco and confectionery; A secondary service level in combination with recreation organization [GOST R 50762-95].

In determining the type of designed enterprise, the following factors were taken into account:

Determination of the area of \u200b\u200bthe enterprise,

Layout of individual production workshops and premises, with the provision of streaming technological processes,

The work of the enterprise on culinary semi-finished products,

Methods of service, for example: the work of the enterprise in the evening at a higher class (day - self-service, in the evening - service by waiters).

Assortment of products sold, its diversity and complexity of preparation;

Technical equipment (material base, engineering equipment and equipment, room composition, architectural and planning solution and so on);

Maintenance methods;

Personnel qualifications;

Quality of service (comfort, ethics of communication, aesthetics and so on);

Nomenclature of services provided by consumers.

The development of the industry will be associated with the restructuring of the forms of nutrition of the population, the methods of organizing the production of culinary products, with the introduction of new technologies, equipment, a radical restructuring of the management structure.

The purpose of this work is: Calculation and design of a hot shop cafe-diner for 50 seats. In accordance with the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Give the characteristic of the designed cafe-diner,

Characterize hot shop

Make a production program cafe-diner

Make a schedule of the hot workshop,

Describe the organization in the workshop.

1. Characteristics of the projected enterprise

The projected enterprise is a cafe-diner for 50 seats. The mode of operation of the enterprise from 0800 to 2300 hours. Location: Tomsk region Asino. An analysis of the state of the catering industry in Asino showed that in this city there is not enough cafe-eaterials and the cafeterial system is not well developed, in general.

The company is designed as a separate building, with a separate entrance. It has convenient access roads, for visitors there is a parking lot for cars.

The flows of visitors, cargo and transport are distributed in such a way as to eliminate their intersection.

Entry to the economic courtyard is designed with an asphalt coating on a dead-end scheme. From the side of the building there are areas of lawn with landings of separate coniferous trees meet local climatic conditions.

It is assumed to be leaken all free areas, as green plantings protect public catering enterprises from dust. The remaining areas on the territory are asphalted.

Outdoor pedestrian tracks are designed to the entrances to the service premises of the enterprise.

The garbagers are designed removed from the walls to 25m, have an area of \u200b\u200b6m2. Around the garbage collectors - a brick fence. There is an entrance of special vehicles.

The premises of the doogle enterprises are combined into the following functional groups: for receiving and storing products and semi-finished products; For cold refinement of semi-finished products and processing of greenery, fruits, berries and vegetables; for the production of culinary products; for consumers; Service, household and technical premises.

The composition of the production premises of the projected enterprise is as follows: the workshop of the finalization of semi-finished products and processing of greenery (preparation), hot, cold (catching). Warehouse, tare, sanitary and engineering.

The placement of industrial premises and equipment in them should ensure the sequence of the technological process of production and sales of products, as well as adherence to technological, sanitary standards and rules.

The company also has auxiliary room of premises, a group of premises for visitors, technical, administrative and consumer and storage facilities.

Service form - during the daytime (from 8 to 14) - self-service, evening (from 15-23) - service of waiters. In the composition of industrial premises in enterprises with the service of waiters, it includes service, lounges, dispensing, which are service premises of waiters.

The designed cafe-diner as an organization is a separate link of Pop Asinovsky City Consumer Society (Goro).

2. Characteristics of the hot shop

The hot workshop is design in all enterprises, regardless of their power, where guest service halls are provided.

Hot workshop is designed to prepare hot dishes allowed in the halls of the enterprise.

When enterprises are working on semi-finished products and products of a high degree of readiness, the processes of preparation and decoration of hot dishes are carried out in one room in some sections. In the hot workshop, organize:

plot for cooking soups

plot of cooking second dishes,

plot of cooking hot drinks.

The main requirement for the planning of the workplace is its location, which will reduce the chef transitions from one type of equipment to another. The order of placement of jobs on technological lines is of great importance, since this depends on the nature of the movement of the service personnel. The shorter this path, the less time and energy of the person will be consumed in the manufacturing process, the more effective equipment will be used. Properly organized technological lines make it possible to reduce extra, involuntary movements of workers, facilitate working conditions and help increase its productivity. When the equipment is placed, it is necessary to observe the principle of direct flow, so that when performing the work of the cooking, there are no involuntary movements in the direction opposite to the technological process. The most rational linear placement of equipment. The cooks in the process move along the equipment line and rotate not more than 90 °.

For the rational organization of labor in the workplaces, it is necessary to equip technological lines, so as not to observe the sequence of operations, but also the direction in which the process leads. Since the length of technological lines is limited by the overall sizes of workshops, the use of a linear group method for the arrangement of equipment for technological processes is allowed. Parallel lines of heat equipment of the hot workshop have lines of the auxiliary equipment.

Technological lines may have a wall and island location, they are installed in one or two adjacent lines, in parallel or perpendicular to the distribution.

The hot shop is placed in the ground floors of the building, from the side of the courtyard or side facades of the building, in rooms with natural lighting, at one level with the hall.

Hot and cold goals should be conveniently connected to each other washing dining room and kitchenware, premises for cutting bread, catching and green processing, if the enterprise operates on semi-finished products, with room for receiving and storing raw materials.

3. Technological calculations

The enterprise manufacturing program is a plan of daily production of products, including the number of dishes implemented in the enterprise hall.

The initial data for the preparation of the production program are: the amount of feeding, the coefficient of consumption of dishes, exemplary costs of consumption of individual products, an approximate range of dishes and the percentage of dishes in the assortment.

The number of feed-on is determined by the chart of the hall loading (Table.3.1) compiled, taking into account the mode of operation of the hall, the average duration of food reception by one visitor, the approximate coefficient of the hall loading, in every hour of the enterprise.

The total number of visitors is determined by the formula:

NF \u003d. P * Y * x / 100

where nch is the number of visitors per hour, people,

P - the number of places in the hall,

Y - turnover space in the hall for one hour,

Calculations are reduced in Table 3.1

Table 3.1 Schedule of the cafe-diner hall for 50 seats.

Opening hours

Number of landing per hour

Number of visitors, people

The number of dishes implemented per day is calculated by the formula:

n. = N. * m,

where n is the total number of visitors,

m - dish consumption coefficient, m \u003d 2.5

n \u003d 512 * 2.5 \u003d 1280 dishes

Table 3.2 Calculation of the number of dishes in the assortment of a cafe-diner by 50 seats.


Percentage ratio,%

Number of dishes, portions

from total

from this species

Cold dishes

Gastronomic products

Second hot dishes

Vegetable, cereal and flour

Egg and curd

Sweet dishes and hot drinks

Calculation of the number of other purchased products is determined by consumption standards per visitor and are presented in Table 3.3

Table 3.3 Calculation of other cafe-diner products by 50 seats.


Units. Measurements

Norm for 1 person

Number of products for 512 people

Hot drinks

Cold drinks

Fruit water

Mineral water

Natural juice

Drink of own production

Bread and bakery products


Flour confectionery and bakery products of their own production

Candy, cookies, chocolate


In the opening hours of the cafe-diner until 18 o'clock self-service, from 18 to 23 hours service waiters.

The calculated menu with a free choice of dishes is a list of dishes names indicating the output of the finished dish and the amount by type.

Taking into account the type, class, specialization of the enterprise, seasonality of demand and collection of recipes and culinary products for catering, the estimated menu of the enterprise is drawn up.

The estimated menu of the cafe-diner 50 seats is presented in Table 3.4

Table 3.4 The estimated menu of the cafe-diner is 50 seats.

Reception number

Name of dishes

Number of portions

Cold dishes and snacks

Assorted vegetable Grocery

Assorted meat

Salad Kaleidoscope

Vityaz Salad

Milk and fermented milk products

Yogurt drinking

Broth with egg

Broth with dumplings

Second hot dishes

Sudak under mayonnaise with rice

Pork chop with buckwheat

Stew vegetable

Sweet dishes

Limon Mousse

Banana Mousse

Pudding of cottage cheese

Hot drinks

Tea in assortment (black, green)

Coffee black

Coffee with cream

Hot chocolate

Cold drinks

Min. water

Natural juice

Morse Brusnish

Morse cranberry


Kissel from lemon

Kissel from dried fruit

Bakery and flour pastry

Wheat bread in / s

Rye bread

Bun with sesame

Bun with poppy

Torzhik milk

Cupcake Metropolitan

Vatrushka with cherry jam

Candy, cookies, chocolate

Candy "Assorted"

Candy "Rafeell"




Ararat three stars

White stork

Cutting wines

Baron Darinyak

Soul Mona

Dessert Wines


Sparkling wine

Russian champagne p / cl

Siberian crown

Drawing up the schedule of the hot workshop.

The number of dishes implemented for each hour of the company will calculate according to the formula:

nF = nB * Kch.

KC. = NF / NB

Based on the chart of the hall loading, a chart of hourly implementation of dishes in a cafe-diner is drawn up. When drawing up a graph of the hourly chart of hourly implementation, the dishes are taken into account that the soups are implemented by an enterprise from 8 to 15 hours. Fried dishes are prepared for every hour of sales, boiled for 2 - 3 hours, boiled foods for snacks, cold, sweet dishes 1 - 2 times for shifting.

The graph of hourly implementation of the dishes is presented in Table 3.5, and the hot shop work schedule in Table 3.6

3.1 Calculation of thermal equipment

Calculation of cooking equipment includes, determining the volume of pincible dishes for cooking broths, hot drinks, side dishes, products for the preparation of cold dishes and culinary products.

The volume of pincions for cooking broth is determined by formulas.

V. = Vchod + Vodvoda - Vprom / K.

Vchod \u003d G / P

G \u003d G * N / 1000

Vodvoda = Vchod * in

For the preparation of broth we take a pan by 30 liters (diameter \u003d 340 mm). Cafe dish menu shop

The calculated volume of boilers for cooking soup is determined by the formula:

VC. \u003d n * v1 / K.

Due to the relatively short time of cooking soups, bumping fluid when calculating the volume of the boiler is not taken into account. When calculating the volume of boilers, the soup density is taken equal to one, the volume of boilers look at 2 hours of dishes. Calculations are shown in Table 3.8

Table 3.8 Calculation of the volume of boilers for cooking soups, beverages.


The number of servings for the maximum hour of implementation, pcs.

Volume of one portion, ml

Calculated volume, dm3

Acceptable volume, dm3

Varka Broth

Pan 3.0.

Varka Broth

Disgrace gelatin

Pan 1,2

Cooking boiling water

Cooking boiling water

For cooking soups, beverages we accept the pans with a capacity of 1.2l, 3.0l. For the preparation of boiling water for hot drinks and for production needs, we take a boiler electric KNE-50.

The calculated volume of boilers for cooking swelling products is calculated by the formula:

V. \u003d (VPhod + VV) / K.

The amount of water required for the cooking of swelling products, take on the collection of dishes recipes, the volume of boilers for cooking equipment is calculated mainly by 2 hours of implementation.

For non-swelling products:

V. = 1,15 VKR / K.

All calculations of the volume of boilers are carried out at the maximum hour of implementing C13 to 14 hours, except for calculating the volume of boilers for broth. Calculations are reduced to Table 3.9

Table 3.10 The calculation of the frying surface frying pan for frying piece products.

In the case of frying products weighing G, the calculated area of \u200b\u200bthe punch of the bowl (m2) is found according to the formula:

FR \u003d G / s * B * C

Where G is a mass (net) of a roasted product, GK; C is the volumetric density of the product, kg / dm3; B is the thickness of the product layer, (B \u003d 0.5-2); C - the turnover of the punch of the bowl for the estimated period.

The number of frying pan is calculated by the formula:

n \u003d f / f

The roasting surface of the plates is calculated separately for each type of products for the maximum hour of loading the hall, which is selected based on the workshop work schedule (C13 to 14 hours).

First, we define the area employed on the surface of the stove of the dishes required for one separate operation by the formula:

F. = n. * F. / z.

The roasting surface of the plate is determined by the summation of the areas occupied on the surface of the stove of the kitchenware necessary for a single separate operation (for the simultaneous carrying out technological operation).

FZ \u003d? FN

The overall frying surface taking into account the looseness and unaccounted operations increases by 20-30%:

Fob = 1,2 * FZH.

General roasting surface plate:

Fisterboard \u003d 1.2 * 0,179 \u003d 0.215 sq. M

We accept one PE plate - 051 with an area of \u200b\u200bfrying surface 0.51 sq.m.

The calculation of the roast cabinet is carried out by the formula:

nOT \u003d ? N. r.E. / C FZH.

The calculation of the roast cabinet is presented in Table 3.13

Table 3.13 Calculation of the roast cabinet.

As a result, the calculations found that 3 compartments are necessary in the hot wardrobe. Take to the installation cabinet frying SHE - 0.51.

3.2 Calculation of the number of workers of the hot workshopcafe Designing Assortment Service

The calculation of the number of production workers is carried out on the basis of the current capacity-intensive coefficients for the preparation of dishes, as well as according to the time standards per unit of finished products and is determined by the formula:

N.1 = ? n.* t. / 3600* T.* L.

t. = k. * 100 seconds

Table 3.14 Calculation of the number of production workers.

Name of dishes

Number of portions pcs.

The ratio of the complexity of N.

Time time T. C.

Number N1 Number

Broth with egg

Broth with dumplings

Sudak under mayonnaise with rice

Cutlet Taiga with a side dish (puree)

Pork chop with buckwheat

Stew vegetable

Pudding of cottage cheese

Coffee black

Coffee with cream

Hot chocolate

Kissel from lemon

Kissel from dried fruit

Executive number of employees: n \u003d 2,729? 3 persons.

The total number of production workers, taking into account weekends and holidays: N2 \u003d 2.729 * 1.59 \u003d 4.34; Accepting 5 people.

3.3 Calculation of non-mechanical equipment

Calculation of production tables is made by the number of employees engaged in the implementation of individual operations (according to the calculation of the number of production workers) in accordance with the raw materials processing lines and work schedule, as well as with the requirements of the technological process of manufacturing culinary products.

The estimated length of the table is determined by the formula

3.4 Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop

The area of \u200b\u200bhot is calculated by the formula:

F. = Fob / s m2.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe hot workshop, taking into account the use coefficient of 7.91 / 0.3 \u003d 26.27 m2.

4. Organization of labor of workers of the hot shop

In the hot shop, the cooking process is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broth, preparation of garnish, second dishes, and heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes is made.

The work time of the hot workshop from 08 to 23 hours.

Raw materials and semi-finished products come from a bottomhole shop, storage room dry products, cooled chambers. In the period from 8 to 10 hours, thermal processing of products is performed, which are later used to prepare cold and hot dishes, snacks.

Plots are organized in the workshop:

For cooking soups, broths, drinks;

For cooking hot dishes, side dishes;

Dishes design.

The site for the preparation of soups, broths, beverages is equipped with tables with industrial SP-1200, electric PE-0.51 stove, a cabinet of roasting SCE-0.51, insertion of heat W-500.

The plot for dishes is equipped with a table manufacturing SP-1200.

The workshop is equipped with electronic VE-15, dishes, tools, inventory.

For storing perishable products, a cabinet is equipped with a refrigerator biryusa 520.

The workshop is conveniently connected to a cold shop, a washing canteen and kitchenware.

In the workshop, cooks 5 and 6 discharges. Cook 6 discharge is a brigadier and is responsible for organizing the technological process, the quality and observance of the release of finished dishes. It monitors the product bookmark, compliance with the cooking technology.

The 5 discharge cook prepares and draws up dishes that require the most difficult culinary processing, prepares the first and second dishes, side dishes. Such a distribution of labor between employees in accordance with their qualifications helps to increase its productivity.

Hardware Specification.



Type, equipment brand

Number, pcs.

Dimensions, mm.

Electric stove

Insert thermal

Roasting cabinet


Table manufacturing

Table manufacturing with built-in washer

Table manufacturing

Cabinet refrigeration

Biryusa 520.

Travel mobile



Desktop scales

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Apartment "Restaurant for 50 seats"

(Restaurant is accepted on semi-finished products with the service of waiters)

Requirements for the General Plan

The master plan must be functionally zoned. The site should be placed on the production area, with an access road with access roads for trucks and an unloading platform adjacent to the group of storage facilities of the building, garbage collector; Zone for visitors with a platform for placement in the summer tables with a canopy (or without) and a green zone (recreation area) with trees and shrubs, artificial lighting as well as personal vehicle parking.

The load should be performed from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows, from underground tunnels from highways in the presence of special loading rooms.

The project also needs to provide for the creation of conditions for the comfortable movement of people with limited physical abilities and low-friendly populations.

When designing travel and pedestrian tract, it is necessary to provide the possibility of traveling fire trucks to residential and public buildings.

The distance from the edge of the departure to the wall of the building, as a rule, should be taken 5 - 8 m for buildings up to 10 floors inclusive. Distances between buildings I and II degrees of fire resistance 6 m. The distance from the windows and doors of the premises of the catering catering to the site with the garbage collector should be at least 20m.

The Lay General should include:

    Situation with the show of existing buildings, streets, travel.

    Designed object (dedicated part of the building)

    Playground for seasonal accommodation of additional outdoor tables

    Parking (parking space of 2.5x5.5 m) at the rate of 1 m / m per 5-7 visitors.

    Container area for garbage collection.

    Production area for unloading and serving products.

    Green plantings (trees, lawns, shrubs, floral fittings and decorative compositions).

    Small architectural forms (benches, urns, fences, parking columns, flowers, sculptures, lighting elements).

Planning Decision Requirements

The functional solution should provide for the flow of cooking process, eliminate the oncoming streams of raw materials (semi-finished products) and finished products used and clean dishes, and exclude the intersection of visitor and personnel movement.

Enterprises projected in two or more levels, including underground space, should be equipped with cargo elevators;

The entrances to the public catering and stairs for visitors and personnel should be designed autonomous.

The height of the premises of the power plant to the bottom of the protruding structures and suspended ceilings should be at least 3m

From the second floor to envision the possibility of fire evacuation. (2 evacuation ladders need, one can be outdoor)

Functional groups of rooms

All types of catering facilities include five basic functional groups of premises:

1. A group of premises for visitors;

2. A group of reception and storage of products;

3. Group of industrial premises;

4. A group of service and household premises

5. A group of technical premises.

Premises for visitors

Visitors' premises are divided into 2 functional subgroups: dining room including a pop, an advance, etc., and auxiliary premises - lobby, wardrobe, toilets.

Eating enterprises related to recreation, organize vitations and entertainment areas. These are pop and dance platforms. Such zones may be a composite center of the room, which contributes to their location, as well as a complex of decorative, plastic, color and light techniques of their solutions. These zones are different for accommodation (visible, corner and island), sizes and shape.

The width of the passage in the hall of the cafe / restaurant is 1.2 / 1.5 m (the width of the passage is determined between the backs of the chairs, from the back of the chair to the table 0.5M)

Fig.1. Schem functional connections for visitors.

Premises for receiving and storing products

Storage facilities should have a direct connection with unloading and should not be passing.

Separate storage of products should be provided: dry (flour, sugar, cereals, pasta); bread; meat; fish; milk; gastronomic; vegetables.

Premises for receiving (bootable) and storage of products (storage rooms cooled and uncooled) It is necessary to design a single block - a functional zone that has a direct connection with the freight elevators and communication with other rooms through production corridors.

In enterprises with fewers, as a rule, unloading platforms with lifting-lower mechanisms are envisaged.

Premises for storage of products are not allowed to be placed under the washing and sanitary nodes, as well as under production facilities with trap.

The width of the corridors in the warehouse, production, services. Incable group of premises - 1,3m

Fig.2 Scheme of functional links for receiving and storing products.

Industrial premises

A group of industrial premises, as a rule, should be planned to be plans in a single functional zone in order to preserve the continuity of production processes.

The placement of production workshops, as a rule, is provided for in separate rooms. At the same time, in enterprises up to 50 seats working on semi-finished products, hot, cold, changing shops, and in enterprises working on raw materials - hot and cold shops are allowed to be placed in the same room.

The placement of workshops in the structure of the building should ensure a sequence of processing of products with a minimum length of functional bonds and the absence of intersection of technological and transport streams.

Production facilities in which people constantly work should have natural lighting.

Disposal zones and buffets in enterprises with the service of waiters are located on the squares of industrial premises

The dispensing room in enterprises with the services of the waiters is located so that through technological and doorways it has direct connection with hot and cold workshops, the cutting room, serving, washer and buffet.

If the specified premises are located on one side of the handout, then the dispensing room is designed with a width of at least 2 m. When these rooms are arranged from two or more sides of handouts - at least 3 m.

Fig.3.Shem functional bonds of industrial premises

Domestic premises

In public catering enterprises, a group of service and household premises is recommended to be designed in a single zone (block), it is functionally associated with the groups of other premises by production corridors.

The entrance for personnel in enterprises up to 100 seats is allowed to be designed through acceptance premises.

Fig.4.Shem of functional bonds of office and household premises

Fig.5. Schem functional connections of the restaurant.

Composition of cafes / restaurant

Minimum specific indicators of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe restaurant / cafe (at one location in the hall) - 9.2 / 5,6m2:

Group of premises for visitors Restaurant / Cafes for 50 mate:

Minimum specifications of the total area of \u200b\u200bpremises for visitors Restaurant / Cafe-140 / 70m2

room 100 m2 (1.8-2m2 per visitor) with bar counter and place for dancing;

banquet room 30m2 (15 people)

artistic 2x 6m2

lobby 10-15m2.

with 8m2 wardrobe

toilets - 2 public

Group of facilities of reception and storage of products Restaurant / cafe for 50 mate:

Minimum required areas of reception and storage facilities Restaurant / cafes- 70 / 25m2

The approximate composition of the group:

bootable- 12m2.

pantry dry products-9m2

storeroom meat, fish, gastronomy, milk -30m2 (refrigeration cabinets can be in the same room)

storeroom beverages - 7m2

pantry and washing containers - 6m2

Production Group of Premises Restaurant / Cafe for 50 Moss:

the minimum size of the production premises is 7m2, during the reconstruction of 5m2; Minimum area of \u200b\u200bindustrial premises Restaurant / Cafes -100 / 70m2

The approximate composition of the group:

cutting shop-10m2

distribution -9M2

bread cutting - 10m2

washing kitchen, tableware -15m2

serving -5M2.

head Production-6M2

A group of service and household premises Restaurant / Cafe 50 mate:

Minimum required areas of service and household premises Restaurant / cafes- 50 / 35m2

The approximate composition of the group:

office room -10m2

placement of waiters, bartenders -6m2

showers - 2 men, 2 female

toilets - male, female

recreation Rooms, Wardrobe -10M2

lower -5M2

storage room cleaning inventory -4m2

Group of technical premises:

The approximate composition of the group:

ventcamera - 8m2

electrical -7M2

water meter - 7m2.

Approximate data:

  • The initial costs are about 5,000,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 2.5 - 3 years.
  • 50 seats, area - 180 m².
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains average prices that may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we made a detailed business plan of the restaurant with detailed calculations.

Relevance of investment in the project

Part of this issue we have already affected the article about. I heard about the difficult situation on the Russian hospitality market, perhaps, even those who do not go to restaurants at all and does not live in hotels. First, on the industry struck the ban on smoking, and then the general economic situation in the country became, to put it mildly, not ideal.

So is it worth investing in the restaurant now and will such an investment be obviously unprofitable? Turn to numbers.

According to RBC, the number of visitors to food institutions in 2010-14 amounted to 107.5 million people. The value of the market for this period increased by 74.1% and reached an impressive figure of 727.8 billion rubles.

Serious numbers. However, beginner entrepreneurs may have objections - the indicators are taken for "full", pre-crisis years, the dynamics of the next years may be negative.

According to the same source, in 2015-19, the annual increase in the volume of the market will be 11.6%. And by 2019 reaches an indicator of 1261 billion rubles.

Growth is expected due to several factors:

  • Reducing the cost of renting commercial real estate (as a result of a decrease in demand)
  • Adapting customers and market to new prices and ban on smoking
  • Insufficient market saturation (the number of restaurants for a thousand population is even 4 times lower than Western European standards)
  • "Survival" of effective players

On the last item should pay special attention. The restaurant market can be earned in almost any economic situation. Conditions are the same as in other areas of entrepreneurship - competent planning, market knowledge and regular control.

The main milestones and features of the opening of a viable restaurant are set out in this article by specialists of the company "MAPLE".

Where to begin? Format choice

"Restaurant" - the concept of a fairly capacious. The essence of the business is one - feed people for money, forgive me for such a simplification. But methods, species, destinations of the restaurant is a lot! And it is from the chosen format that the size of investments, and the payback period, and the amount of labor expended are depends.

Let us dwell on the "basic" formats of food institutions that have prospects in the Russian market.

Fine Dining

Premium class with all its attributes. According to GOST, such institutions are the classification of "Lux". Fine Dining Restaurants offer an expensive (in all senses) interior, exclusive kitchen and feed, elite drinks. The average check is appropriate - to the crisis, dine without alcohol in such a restaurant cost from 2000 rubles. Notice, we are not talking about piece "stars" like "Turandot" or "Pushkin", but about good, highly made, but mass restaurants.

At first glance, where do customers have money for such a luxury? But statistics show that the premium class of restaurants feels still not bad. There were only those visitors who visited expensive institutions for the sake of "dust in the eyes." The backbone, for which a visit to Fine Dining - a lifestyle, did not feel the trends of the crisis and did not change habits.

Casual dining

The concept that combines a premium-class service and kitchen with accessibility for the mass segment of customers. For a reasonable price, the guest receives a worked design, a competently composed menu (most often, polyprodukt), professional service.

The embodiment and conclusion in a plus restaurant of this format is not the task of simple.

Opening a high-end institution with an average check in 500-1500 rubles risky, but promising. Casual dining thresholds in Russia before the crisis, now it is a format without the right to error. Many insufficiently thoughtful institutions closed. But those who managed to optimize procurement, technological processes and work with clients - collect cream. The middle class (which, judging by the polls, also has not yet felt the crisis) wants to receive a certain level of comfort for reasonable money. So the demand for Casual Dining will be.

Fast Casual

As they like to write in numerous reviews, it is a "transition" format between Casual Dining and Fast F restaurants of this type have tried to take the best from their "parents":

  • Service waiters, high-quality interior and extended menu from segment of democratic restaurants
  • Maximum service speed and low prices from fast food segment.

There is another reason for the appearance of Fast Casual - "injury", which the media and adepts of a healthy lifestyle arranged for fast food. Yes, it worked - public opinion perceives network fast food not in the best light. And even major Fast Food players gradually go to Fast Casual. In this segment, ethnic directions are popular - Japanese, Mediterranean, East Slavic cuisine.

You can open the Fast Casual on a small area and using a factory-kitchen. This approach will reduce the initial investments and payback periods. If there is no desire (or opportunities) to work on the concept yourself, choose one of. Fortunately, there are enough them in the market.

Fast Food.

In the presentation, it seems, does not need . Fast food enterprises that appeared initially beyond the ocean, has long been stamped in Russia their part of the market. Passing the way from exotic new items to everyday reality, fast food has become attractive for investment. Especially now, when the habit is outside the house formed, and the incomes of the population fall.

The Fast Food leaves the institutions of "higher" formats - here are lower than the costs and more customers. Not only monopproduct projects offering burgers, chicken or noodles can be attributed to the rapid nutrition, but also dining rooms in the set in 2015.

The advantages of choosing Fast Food as a model for business - minimum costs, the ability to work on the food court, the flexibility of the concept. In fairness, we note that the restaurant began to consider fast food with the filing of marketers to the entire well-known American corporation.

A description of the promising formats is quite possible to complete the thought of Anton Tabakov, the actor and the recognized Moscow restaurant. In his opinion, the main problem of domestic restaurants in false benchmarks. The spirit of the institutions of the Gilyarovsky, who were the standard of domestic culture of the catering, was lost. In his place, "dust in the eyes" came, the restaurant was not a place where they eat, but in the way to boast of welfare.

Now the restaurant culture is restored. And entrepreneurs who make the institution "for food" have the right to count on success.


Under this concept, it means a kind of "Road Map" of an entrepreneur who launches the project in HoReca (Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe). Concept - if not a step-by-step instruction, then certainly a set of landmarks that will help the restaurant to withstand the timeline and start establishing without any problems.

It is necessary to create a technical task for each aspect of the restaurant:

Positioning - the choice of one of the formats of food institution:

  • Idea and theme - what exactly you are offering guests (Panasian restaurant, futuristic project, pancake)
  • Method of service
  • Unique trading offer (the difference between the project from the analogues)
  • Definition of target audience

Technological solutions:

  • Requirements for the room and location
  • Communication System Requirements (Electricity, Water Support, Ventilation)
  • Dining room zoning and kitchen

Assortment Policy:

  • Main menu
  • Wine and Bar Card
  • Seasonal menu


  • Design project interior, facade and adjacent territory (if necessary)
  • Corporate identity (brandbook)
  • Furniture equipment

Price policy:

  • Work with providers
  • Basic, seasonal and proactive pricing

Marketing Policy:

  • Programs for the output of the project to the market and subsequent promotion
  • PR events
  • Loyalty programs
  • Targeted events for various groups of visitors

Work on the concept begins after analyzing the market, demand and competitors. The data obtained will already allow the theory to check the concept for viability and evaluate development prospects.

A well-structured action plan allows not only to track the stages of work. Thanks to the concept, you can coordinate the work of all busy specialists and reduce costs.

Business plan

If the concept of the restaurant gives an entrepreneur an understanding of what exactly to do, the business plan answers questions how much it will cost and when will pay off. It is clear that it is impossible to achieve absolute accuracy - the state of the market changes, the costs appear (or disappear). But one hundred percent "hitting" is not required, the task of the business plan is to provide a deployed financial picture of the project.

This document may be compiled for themselves, for investors and partners or for credit institutions. From this, the detailing and completeness of the document depends on the increasing.

Here we will give the averaged figures oriented to Moscow. It is clear that for each region and even for each project, calculations are individual. To get numbers for their conditions, it is enough to replace our meanings with current information.

Basic Blocks Business Plan

  1. Financing the project

Capital may consist of its own, borrowed and mixed funds. The budget shares are indicated as a percentage.

  1. Lending terms

The item is filled in if you take a loan in a bank or other credit institutions.

  1. Road costs

It indicates the status of the room (rent, property, other options), the cost of creating engineering and technological projects, repair.

For a restaurant for 50 seats occupying an area of \u200b\u200b180 m², the budget will look like this:

Rental premises

The nearest Moscow region is 20,000 rubles per m² per year. The amount is 3,600,000 rubles per year.

The third transport rings area is 50,000 rubles per m² per year. The amount is 9,000,000 per year.

The center of Moscow is 100,000 rubles per m² per year. The amount is 18,000,000 per year.

Engineering design

Architectural project We are needed for construction work or reconstruction. The document includes:

  • Explanatory note
  • Footing plans
  • Cuts
  • Device partitions, windows and doors
  • Fastening equipment and pipelines
  • Warming of enclosing structures
  • Statement of decoration of the premises
  • Consumption of materials

Cost - 300 rubles per m² of area. The amount is 54,000 rubles.

Design of ventilation and air conditioning It matters not only to create comfortable climatic conditions (although it is important). During the processing of products, a large number of odors is distinguished into the air, sometimes Chad, smoke and other contaminants. Powerful air conditioning systems are a personnel security issue. And, of course, no extraneous smells should penetrate into the dining room.

The document includes:

  • Admission to the work on the preparation of project documentation
  • Explanatory note indicating the calculated parameters by air indoors
  • Plan of a system of sociable ventilation with an indication of the calculated air parameters on Ventrayes
  • Plan and axonometric technological ventilation scheme (if envisaged)
  • Plan of the air-conditioning system indicating the locations of the cold supply and drainage pipelines, as well as the impusting node of air conditioners

The cost is 200 rubles per m² of the area. The amount is 36,000 rubles.

Design of water supply and sewage It is necessary to fulfill two purposes. The first is the correspondence of water by hygienic standards established in the region. The second is to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the water supply and sewage in the kitchen. Obviously, the restaurant consumes significantly more water than administrative, and even more so a household building (it is possible to calculate on SNiP 2.04.01-85 *). Communications must withstand the load.

The document includes:

  • Admission to the work on the preparation of project documentation
  • Explanatory note with the calculated water consumption parameters
  • Certificate of drawings and reference documents
  • Plan of room with the placement of technological equipment and places of water supply and sewage
  • Scheme of the Consumption Meaning Node and GW
  • Specification of equipment and materials

Cost - 140 rubles per m² area. The amount is 25 200 rubles.

Power Design. Modern food institutions use a large number of electricity equipment. Moreover, from 220 V, and from 380 V. The project of reliable wiring capable of working with high loads should be created only by professionals.

The document includes:

  • Admission to the work on the preparation of project documentation
  • Explanatory note
  • Certificate of drawings and reference documents
  • Single-line electrical circuit in the commissioning shield indicating the number of the group and the brand of the introductory cable (according to the electrical project of the base building)
  • Mounting scheme shield
  • Lighting network plans (indicating the numbers of groups, brands and cable cross sections)
  • Power plan and socket network (with indication of groups, brands and cable cross sections)
  • Scheme Concept electrical control (in the case of automatic control schemes)
  • Plan of laying cable communications indicating installations of floating boxes
  • Specification of equipment and materials

The cost is 180 rubles per m² of the area. The amount is 32,400 rubles.

The total cost of engineering design - 147 600 rubles.

Technological design

This is the creation of an optimal scheme for the design of equipment in the room and the development of technician binding plans for communications networks.

The cost is 200 rubles per m² of the area. The amount is 36,000 rubles.

When ordering a set of equipment in the company "MAPLE" Technological design you get free.


If cafes or thematic pubs can sometimes create visual design on their own, then restaurant projects should apply for professionals.

The design "turnkey" is:

  • Development of designer decision within the framework of the concept
  • Creating 3D project visualization
  • Selection of materials and furniture equipment, arrangement
  • Design of facades
  • Author's exercise supervision

An important aspect is even if you are fully relying on the professionalism of hired designers, it is worth conducting regular coordination and to reasonable limits to participate in the process.

The "complete set" of the design will cost 1200 rubles per m². The amount is 216,000 rubles.

If the funds allow, it is worth ordering and brandbook - then all promotional materials will be performed in a single concept.

Finishing of the room

Actually, the embodiment of the design project. Prices are for the work of qualified builders. The mid-level finish (more complex to cosmetic, but also not VIP) will cost 7,000 rubles without taking into account materials.

The amount is 1,260,000 rubles.


Modern restaurant equipment is a separate industry in the hospitality industry, a peculiar "state in the state". On leading manufacturers, full-fledged scientific departments are working, creating not only more advanced technique, but also fundamentally new ways of processing products.

When choosing equipment should turn to professionals, otherwise there is a risk of "miss." Too powerful and expensive equipment will pay off for years, and cheap models will not cope with the load. In both cases, the restaurant will incur losses.

Below is equipped with a restaurant for 50 seats with a classic kitchen.

Heat equipment:

  • Parokonvectomat TECNOEKA EVOLUTION EKF 711 E UD - 214 307 rubles
  • Plate Electrical EPK-47Shch four-door with a frying cabinet - 70 600 rubles
  • Gam MD1 pizza oven - 37 961 rubles
  • Induction Plate UN-3,5KC-1 Desktop Wok - 16,971 rubles
  • The frying surface (contact processing machine) AKO-80N - 55 500 rubles
  • Risovarka ERGO CFXB 50-70X - 3,366 rubles
  • Boiler ERGO KSY-30 - 11 169 rubles

Refrigeration equipment:

  • Wardrobe Refrigerated Polair SHH-1,4 (CM114-S) - 51 210 rubles
  • Cabinet freezer Polair SN-0,7 - 51 543 rubles
  • Table cooled HICOLD GN 11 / TN - 78 530 rubles
  • Icematic E21 W ice generator - 57 622 rubles
  • Showcase Confectionery vertical with rotation Hicold VRC 350 RI - 108 190 rubles

  • Mixer Kitchen AID 5KSM150SEWH - 60 990 rubles
  • Mixer Robot Coupe Mini MP 190 Combi - 37 384 rubles
  • FAMA TS 22 meat grinder (FTS 117UT) - 57,093 rubles
  • Slisser "Convito" HBS-220JS - 20,043 rubles
  • Vegetable cutter Robot Coupe CL30 Bistro - 65 121 rubles
  • Cutting kit for Robot Coupe CL30 Bistro - 24,278 rubles

Bar equipment:

  • Quamar T94 Juicer for Citrus - 34 634 rubles
  • Coffee machine Futurmat Rimini a / 1 - 156 653 rubles

Technological equipment:

  • 2 baths of washers single-section VM 1/630 - 16,788 rubles
  • Washing bath Two-section VM 2/630 - 17 017 rubles
  • 2 tables of production used PSA 1200/600 / SRPC E - 13 510 rubles
  • 2 tables of workers island СРЦ 1200/600 / SRTSTS E - 12 540 rubles
  • 4 rack with solid shelves SK 1200/400 - 45 060 rubles
  • 2 Umbrella of exhaust featured MTU-0.8 MSV - 24,724 rubles
  • 2 Umbrella exhaust link 12 * 10 - 31 504 rubles
  • 4 shelves of wall solid PCs 600/300 - 9,544 rubles
  • Table island for waste collection ATP 111/900 - 8,674 rubles

Kitchenware and inventory - gastronormaches, frying pan, boilers, pan, cutting boards, baking molds, midnisters, flocks, spoons, etc. Cost - 73 500 rubles.

Cook knives - 31,176 rubles

Serving items - 114 106 rubles

Glass and porcelain dishes, cutlery - 213 960 rubles

Furniture for a restaurant for 50 seats (including a waiter station) - 762,725 rubles

Thus, all equipping a restaurant will cost 2,600,000 rubles.

check in

Obtaining permits and business registration - a stage that can drink more blood than all the other combined. And not due to excessive difficulty, but because of the most prompt work of all sorts of services and instances.

For the organization of the restaurant optimal will be a form (limited liability company).

First, the founders of a legal entity, unlike an individual entrepreneur, are responsible only in the amount of authorized capital. Business has risks, and it is worth protecting yourself from a possible failure.

Secondly, LLC can hire and appoint the Director-General at its discretion. This moment will be important if the business begins to expand.

Of the minuses of LLC - quite complicated reporting, which is better to pay to the outsource. Or hire an accountant.

To register a legal entity will be required:

The protocol of the meeting of the founders, which confirms the creation of LLC

Registration certificate

Certificate of Assigning Inn

Extract from the Single Registry (, Jrip)

Information letter Rosstat on OKVED codes:

  • 55.30 Restaurants and Cafe
  • 55.40 Barov activity
  • 55.52 Delivery of public catering. This includes the activities of catering enterprises for the production of public catering, its delivery
  • If billiards or karaoke are assumed in the restaurant, add the appropriate codes from the classifier (for example, 92.72)

Certificate of registration in the organs of the FOMS, FSS, FFR

Treaty with an account on opening an account

Confirmation of CCT registration (cash register)

Regular schedule

Order on the appointment of the head, chief accountant, cashier operator

Control magazine and complaints book

For premises:

  • Confirmation of the right to use the premises (lease agreement or certificate of ownership)
  • BTI passport with floor plans and explication
  • Engineering projects (see above)
  • Conclusions for projects issued by GAPAP and MVK
  • Evacuation Plan and Fire Instructions
  • Alarm service contract


  • Agreed with the SES a plan of production and technical control
  • Certificate of passing examinations for compliance with sanitary standards
  • Conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
  • Conclusion SES on the presence of necessary equipment and premises
  • Sanitary passports of the object and vehicles
  • Alcohol trade license
  • Hygienic conclusion on raw materials and ready-made dishes from Rospotrebnadzor
  • Results of medical examination staff

Object service contracts:

  • Removal and disposal of TBI and biological waste
  • Contract for deratization, disinfection and disinsection
  • Contract for cleaning the ventilation system
  • Treaty for washing overalls
  • Treaty for the removal and disposal of luminescent lamps

And these are only general documents that do not take into account the legislation of a particular region. As practice shows, it is easier to order registration and collection of permits to specialized companies.


Most regional restaurants prefer to work on ENVD (a single tax on imputed income). But this taxation system does not work for Moscow. In addition, there is a limit on the area - up to 150 m².

For the example chosen by us, the business plan is more suitable.

Conditions for the transition:

  • Up to 100 employees
  • Annual income up to 60 million rubles
  • You can not have branches and representative offices (for the starting project this item is not important)
  • It is impossible to use USN, if other organizations participation in LLC more than 25%
  • Submission of an application for the transition to USN within 30 days from the date of registration

Tax rate

Enterprises on USN do not pay VAT, taxes on income and property. Instead, one quarterly paid tax is introduced. You can pay it according to one of the two calculation schemes - from income or from the difference between income and expenses. In the first case, 6% is expelled, in the second - 15%. Regional authorities can change rates at their discretion, you can find out the exact values \u200b\u200bin the restaurant's opening region.


The question with personnel for the hospitality industry in Russia is quite acute. If bartenders and cooks are preparing, albeit "piece", then find a qualified waiter is a real problem. For the most part, waiters are the earmarket for youth. The same who remains in the industry, over time, go into managers and managers, hiring newcomers again. And so in a circle. Suffice it to say that in the 90s in Moscow there were 25 educational institutions that produce professional waiters. Now they are 2.

Full and qualified staff is formed by two ways:

  • You can "raise" your own specialists from scratch
  • Or "smoke" the desired people from competitors (however, they can subsequently smash them)

The staffing of the restaurant includes:

  • Director. Approximate salary - from 70,000 rubles
  • Chef. Approximate salary - from 70,000 rubles
  • 2 su-chef. Approximate salary - from 50,000 rubles
  • 4 chefs wagon. Approximate salary - from 40,000 rubles
  • 2 Hall Manager. Approximate salary - from 35,000 rubles
  • 6 waiters. Approximate salary - from 25 000 rubles
  • 2 bartender. Approximate salary - from 30 000 rubles
  • Driver forwarder. Approximate salary - from 35,000 rubles
  • Storekeeper. Approximate salary - from 35,000 rubles
  • 2 cleaners. Approximate salary - from 20,000 rubles
  • 2 dishwashers. Approximate salary - from 20,000 rubles

The highest and administrative compositions work in five days. Kitchen, service and stewarding on schedule 2/2.

Common monthly salary costs: 830 000 rubles.

Outcome and profitability

The cost of the restaurant is conditionally consisting of three articles - rental, wages and product costs.

The first two types of expenses are conditionally constant. But with the cost of dishes you can work - just due to the competent ratio of the markup to the cost of the product, the profit of the institution is formed.

To this stage the restaurant is suitable with the already developed menu. Universal formula for determining the markup does not exist. There is a tendency that on the hot smallest markup (100-250%), on soups and coffee is the largest (500-1000%). But the cost of each dish is calculated separately.

What you need to consider:

- solvency of the target audience. As mentioned above, the formats of restaurants can differ dramatically. How many customers are ready to give for a particular dish? Establish this will help the area marketing studies in which you work. The resulting parameter is called "perceived price" - the maximum price in which guests will buy a product in planned quantity.

- Competition. Advertising and even high quality dishes, alas, will not work if the restaurant has analogous to the angle (albeit only by name) a third-friend dish. Focus on the market. This rule does not apply to exclusive proposals.

- Fudkost. - The percentage ratio of the course of the dish and its vacation price. What part of the money earned were spent even before serving the dish. Acceptable indicators for the restaurant - 25-40%. It is not necessary to consider the cost of the product according to technological maps, but the actual consumption. Damage will be included in it, and compliments to guests, and stiff nutrition.

- Marga - That is, profits from each dish in rubles. Do you have enough total profit?

- turnover. The restaurant has "top" positions that enjoy the greatest demand. Mortar love for Salant "Caesar", for example, has long been known. Margin on such dishes can be reduced and retrieved profit due to large sales.

In pricing should be directly involved in the chef, since theoretical calculations have significant differences with the real process of working in the kitchen.

The average profitability of Forbes estimated restaurants is 15%. When indicators of 20-25%, the project can be considered successful. 10% profitability - risk zone.


Let's summarize. On the opening of your own restaurant (50 seats, an area of \u200b\u200b180 m²) will need:

One-time- For engineering and technological design, repair, design, purchases of equipment and inventory: 4,559,600 rubles.

The amount is given without taking into account the registration cost, the latter can be found in the controlling instances of your region.

Regularly - 830,000 rubles per month for salary, 9,000,000 rubles per year for renting premises in the TTK of Moscow.

The plus the purchases of products will go, this figure is entirely dependent on the menu of the institution.

The average payback period of the restaurant Casual Dinging is 2.5-3 years old.

And the Council is finally. Open the restaurant independently, versioning only on information from the Internet, extremely risky, and even more so if this is your first institution. The help of specialists with real experience in Horeca will be invaluable. Experts companies "MAPLE"carry out support for business at each stage of its construction. Their participation in the project will significantly increase your chances of success.

Cafe per 100 pos. places (Moscow region). Russian kitchen.
The poster 1 shows the master plan, with the image and show that the zones and objects are depicted. From the side of the economic courtyard there is a convenient passage of vehicles for accepting products.
The facade of the building is indicated the mesh columns window openings and points of the mark.
Poster 2 shows the plan of the enterprise on a scale of 1: 100 with the placement of equipment.
The main functional groups of cafes are manufacturing and storage facilities.
The structure of the enterprise is a workshop: hot, cold and changing shops. For a continuous production process, it is necessary to correctly place the production facilities so that they have a convenient connection between themselves.
Each workshop organized areas of production equipped with the necessary equipment for a specific technological process, as well as inventory and tools.
The warehouse premises of the projected restaurant include: loading, pantry dry products and wine-vodka products, cooled cameras for - and list destination, storage room and inventory, storeroom inventory, storeroom and washing containers, storage room. Warehouse premises are designed from the economic yard. They serve for acceptance of products from suppliers, semi-finished products, their short-term storage and production of production. The laying space layout is made in the direction of the movement of products while ensuring the most rational fulfillment of warehouse operations and loading and unloading work.
The central place at catering is covered by a hot shop. It completes the technological process of cooking: thermal processing of products, preparation of soups, sides, hot drinks. From the hot workshop, ready-made meals come directly into the handouts, and from there waiters include the order to visitors. The hot workshop has a convenient connection with storage rooms, the relationship with a cold workshop, handout, trading room and washing kitchenware.
For the convenience of organizing the cooking processes of hot dishes, the equipment in the hot workshop is set by an island method. Imported equipment of the company Zanussi 900 series, production of Italy: stove, electric boiler, electric frying pan, inserts sections, parokonvelomattomat Rational SCC 61 by 6 GN 1/1 gastrointestas.
Over the thermal island installed an exhaust umbrella of 24/20. In addition, in the hot workshop there is a boiler KNE-50, a cooling cabinet SHH-0.7, a Water-1 bathtub, a sink of lp-54, rack, production tables SB-1200, SB-1500, a mechanical processing table installed UKM ( Universal kitchen machine).
On the poster 3 shows the mounting binding equipment of the hot workshop with an indication of the input points of basic communications - electricity and water supply, removal into the sewer. They define their distances from the main building structures - walls and columns.
Poster 4 shows a plan, incision of refrigeration chambers.
Poster 5 shows the technological scheme of the dish (tell us).
On the poster 6 show the technological streams, justify - there will be a dialogue.
The main economic indicators of the economic activity of the cafe are presented on a poster 7. Gross income is 60.8% of the trade turnover, production costs and circulation - 50.2%. Profitability -%.

Designing manufacturing workshops based on the concept, features of the structure, Sanpine and other indicators (technological design) is a very important and responsible stage when creating an enterprise of the HoReCa segment.

A competent compound plan for a cafe or the project of the restaurant (plan) will help to avoid problems with coordination in various instances, as well as to save quite significant amounts in the selection of equipment. Calculation and counseling holds a chef with work experience for more than 15 years, engineer of machinery and apparatuses of food industries, Konstantin Rayzhach.

Together with the restaurant project (catering enterprises) and the specification of the truly necessary equipment, we tend to tender to equip the enterprise with equipment among several main regional suppliers.

Remember that errors in the design projects, and the inclusion in the project of excess equipment for public catering can turn into unjustified costs, the amounts of which are often calculated by millions of rubles! If you do not plan to invite the chef at the construction stage, we will be able to draw up a plan for the placement of equipment, and eliminate your unjustified costs.

Basically, we make design equipment for the kitchen equipment remotely, without departure to the catering enterprise. You will have only a room plan with dimensions and technical parameters (water, electricity ...), and the concept of a future kitchen.

Design includes the following steps:

  • Drawing up a project sketch, taking into account the technical characteristics of the premises. The following factors are taken into account: the size of the premises and the technical characteristics, the concept and future of the enterprise menu, the number of seats, the restrictions on the electricity, the presence of the gas pipeline, the features of water supply and sewage layout ...
  • Sketch matching with the customer
  • Providing the customer of the finished project with the necessary points of connecting electricians, water, sewage and ventilation
  • Providing the customer specifications of the necessary equipment

Examples of restaurant kitchen equipment design projects, cafes

Selection of the necessary equipment for catering catering.

As a rule, the equipment selection is carried out in a complex with the design of production workshops, but the selection can be performed for a finished project.

The selection of the necessary equipment for catering includes the following steps:

  • Determination with the customer of the price and quality characteristics of the required equipment
  • Conducting a tender for equipping equipment suppliers, the choice of the most optimal equipment option

The cost of developing the project of the catering enterprise with the selection of necessary equipment - from 25,000 rubles, in relation to the complexity of the project. Term of the project - from 7 calendar days. Payment terms and the ability to leave a specialist at the object are negotiated individually with each customer. Many projects we perform remotely, without departure to your company.

How we saved $ 42 456 when purchasing equipment for a small cafe

Back in 2009, we analyzed the technical project for one small (60 seats) of the restaurant in the south of Russia. After adjustments and removal of all extra, was saved $ 42 456 !!! At the same time, we did not save on the quality of the equipment. Rational SCC Parokonvectomat was installed, FAGOR refrigeration tables, Robot Coupe processor and other reliable and well-known equipment.

  • In the initial proposal of the famous supplier, the amount was 3,037,520 rubles ()
  • After changing the technological project, the amount of the contract amounted to 1,691,654 rubles ()
  • Thus, the savings amounted to 1,345,866 rubles (at the dollar rate at that time (31.7 rubles) \u003d $ 42 456)

It is only one of many cases that occur constantly.

Analysis of the finished technological project

Very often, our customers order a technological project from the equipment supplier. As a rule, the supplier makes TechProject for free, provided that you will acquire the equipment in the same organization. It is very tempting, but in this case such risks are likely:

  • The developer will not take into account the main sanitary standards, and you will receive an enterprise that does not meet the technical regulations. The intersection of flows, the wrong amount of washers or ventilation caps, the absence of the necessary production zones (workshops) - such errors are very often designers ... As a result, after the first check, you will have to rebuild the kitchen, which is not always possible, and very expensive.
  • Your technological project will be unnecessary equipment, or equipment with a much greater productivity (and, as a result, cost) than you need. As practice shows, when drawing up equipment projects, some equipment suppliers are guided, first of all, their material interests, and only then - the interests of the customer.
  • The developer technologist is literally suitable for understanding the sanitary rules, and will design production throughout the severity of the law. In the end, you will receive 30 square meters. m. of the trading hall at 70 square meters. m. Kitchen. We know how to make the kitchen of the catering company in small areas, convenient and relevant to all basic standards. Because we have been doing this for more than 15 years.

The cost of analyzing the technological project for a restaurant, cafe, bar, dining room ... ranges from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles, depending on the state of the original process, and the complexity of the problem. In any case, this, as a rule, always pays off.


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