The procurement plan must be placed in EIS. With changes and additions from. How to place a procurement plan and schedule in EIS

First of all, we will deal with how to place the procurement plan for 2020. It must be done before placing a plan schedule, since the latter is formed on the basis of the first.

Step 1. In the Personal Account, go to the state procurement planning section.

Step 2. Click on the "Create" button.

Step 3. Make the required information. We were told about the filling of the procurement plan in a separate article.

How to add a schedule to EIS

The schedule is prepared on the basis of the procurement plan. There are two types of customers depending on the control published by them, the procedure for placing the schedule varies for them. On how to fill in the schedule, we were told in detail in one of the articles. Now we'll figure it out how to place a plan schedule for 2020 in EIS.

Step 1. In the customer's personal account, go to the page "Plans-graphics of state procurement of goods, works and services" and click on the "Create Plan-schedule" button.

Step 2. The context menu will open in which you want to select the appropriate item. As a rule, a new schedule is created based on the procurement plan.

Step 3. Select the document to the desired fiscal year.

Step 5. When everything is ready, you need to send a document to control. If errors are detected, it will be returned to refinement. If not - publish.

How to accommodate with direction

If the customer's organization is included in the list of organizations subject to control under Part 5 of Article 99 44-FZ, and is not a unitary enterprise (read more about this in the article on Financial Control), then you need to send a document for verification before placement. To do this, in the context menu of the procurement schedule, select the specified item.

This will display a warning message.

If there are violations when filling out the fields, the scan result is displayed.

Eliminate the identified violations and repeat the shipment. In the absence of violations will appear printed form. After you sign an electronic digital signature document, it will learn to check the controlling authorities.

How to place in EIS without direction to control

If the organization is not included in the list of those that are subject to control or is a unitary enterprise, then for the placement, go to the "Procurement Play Play Play Plans page and select the specified item.

If the EIS has a later posted version of the procurement plan, with which the placement of the schedule schedule is associated, a notification will be displayed.

If a later posted version of the basic procurement plan does not exist, a message is displayed confirming the placement of information.

EIS's user manual

Detailed instructions are set out in the official user manual.

If errors occur when publishing

When placing a document in the information system, technical problems may occur. To solve them, the support service is organized. Request "I can not place a procurement plan on the site" - one of the frequent.

If the Customer has faced a situation at which it is impossible to place a schedule plan for 2020, he collects evidence and records the problem in writing, contacting the EIS support service. His task is to prevent the controlling authority as much evidence of the correctness of its actions and evidence of errors of the work of the EIS in the form:

  • screenshots of errors;
  • correspondence with support service;
  • telephone negotiation records (if possible);
  • complaints;
  • other evidence that the customer has taken all possible actions, including the fixation of the dates when actions were performed.

Ministry of Economic Development supported the creation of a special portal Public organization "Forum of contractual relations", which contains complaints about the work of EIS.

  1. Take advantage of another browser.
  2. Check certificate validity electronic signature and the rights of an authorized person.

Hello, dear (Aya) colleague! In today's article, we will talk about the unified information system in the field of procurement. Figuratively expressing, it is one of the "whales", which keeps the system of public procurement in our country. Therefore for successful work With state procuses to know about this system, and even more so be able to use it every specialist, whose activity is somehow related to the state order. We will not understand the details of working with this system in this article, and consider only general questions, namely: what is EIS, for what it is needed, and also what functions and tasks does it perform? The material of the article will be useful both to suppliers and beginner customers. I propose hard not to delay and proceed to the study of the article. Go…

1. What is EIS?

As already mentioned in the water part of the article, EIS is decrypted as a single information system.

According to paragraph 9 of Article 3. Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 № 44-FZ "On contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs "(hereinafter referred to as the text 44-ФЗ)unified Information System in Procurement - a set of information contained in databases, information technologies and technical meansproviding formation, processing, storage of such information, as well as providing it with the use of the official website of a unified information system in the Internet network (hereinafter - the official website).

2. EIS official website

From January 1, 2016, on the replacement of the official site Russian Federation On the Internet to post information about the placement of orders for the supply of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services came a single information system in the sphere of procurement.

The main purpose of creating such an information system was to increase the transparency of state procurement, in order for all processes within the contract system from the procurement planning stage to completing the execution of contracts become more public.

All the information contained in EIS is open (with the exception of information containing state secrets) and is provided free of charge. In addition, such information should be complete and reliable.

Responsible state body For the development of the concept and determination of the EIS functional requirements is the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (mayor). A senior treasury is the responsible department for the development and operation of the system.

On the initial stage The creation of a unified information system in the field of procurement was considered two options:

  1. creating a system based on the existing website of the state procurement;
  2. creating a system from scratch.

In view of the fact that the second option turned out to be more resource-intensive, it was decided to create a system based on the existing site. For this reason, the EIC address remained the same -

The old version of EIS is located at

According to Part 7 of Article 4, 44-ФЗ, the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities are entitled to create regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement integrated with a single information system. However, in the presence of discrepancies in the posted information on the Subject and EIS website, the priority has information posted in a unified information system. Those. Suppliers say that to search for information on government procurement, both within 44-FZ and within the framework of the 223-FZ EIS functionality will be more than enough.

3. What information is contained in a unified information system?

According to Part 3 of Article 4, 44-ФЗ EIS should contain:

3) information on the implementation of procurement plans and schedules (from January 1, 2017);

4) information on conditions, prohibitions and the restrictions on the admission of goods originating from a foreign state or a group of foreign countries, works, services, respectively, carried out provided foreign persons, a list of foreign countries, groups of foreign countries with which the Russian Federation concluded international treaties on the mutual application of the national regime in the implementation of procurement, as well as the conditions for the application of such a national regime;

5) procurement information and contract execution;

6) the register of contracts concluded by customers;

7) ;

8) Library model contracts, model terms of contracts;

9) the register of bank guarantees;

10) the register of complaints, planned and unscheduled inspections, their results and issued prescriptions;

11) The list of international financial organizations established in accordance with international treaties, whose participant is the Russian Federation, as well as international financial institutions with which the Russian Federation has entered into international treaties;

12) the results of monitoring procurement, audit in the field of procurement, as well as control in the sphere of procurement;

13) Customer reports provided for by 44-FZ;

14) catalogs of goods, works, services to provide state and municipal needs;

15) regulatory legal acts;

16) information about developing on commodity markets prices of goods, works, services purchased to provide state and municipal needs, as well as about the requests of goods, works, services placed by customers;

17) other information and documents, the placement of which in a single information system is provided for by 44-ФЗ, federal law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services for individual species legal entities"(Hereinafter 223-FZ) and adopted in accordance with them with other regulatory legal acts.

4. What does eis provide?

EIS provides:

  • formation and placement of information through the EIS information interaction with other information systems without the need for an additional entrance to the EIS personal account;
  • implementation of control of information and documents to be placed in the EIS, interacting with other information systems;
  • transition to the use of OKPD2 and OKVED2;
  • implementation of functionality for the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship;
  • implementation of advanced functionality for control bodies and audit bodies;
  • using reinforced unqualified electronic signature for signing electronic documents;
  • submitting applications for participation in the definition of a supplier (contractor, performer) in the form of an electronic document.

5. Benefits of EIS

The main and fundamental difference in the unified information system from the previously existing site of the state procurement is the maximum automation of the procurement process from placing the notice before summing up and executing the contract. All data entered into the system are automatically processed, and based on this data requires the required reporting. The entire document management system is on the site in open access.

EIS is tightly connected with other regional information systems and electronic platformsThat in the aggregate creates a single information space.

Also, the undoubted advantage is the fact that all procurement plans, as well as schedule plans, will be placed in EIS (from January 1, 2017) only in a structured (machine-readable) form. This innovation will significantly expand the ability to search for procurement information using simple search queries, such as in search engine Yandex or Google.

I note that on the old website of the state procurement, these documents were placed in a scanned form, which did not allow suppliers, and other interested parties to fully search for information. Now, such an innovation will allow suppliers in advance to predict demand among customers to their goods, work or services and make a long-term plan for participation in procurement.

In addition to the functional changes, the developers were performed and technological work on improving performance and fault tolerance EIS, improved search functions, a search parameter designer appeared, the user interface of its open part is optimized. The system has acquired a more modern and beautiful interface. However, the complete set of features will be available to users from January 1, 2017.

6. Legislative regulation of the work of EIS

The requirements for the creation and supervision of the EIS are described in the Federal Law No. 44-FZ as well as in the Government Resolutions of September 30, 2014 No. 996 "On the distribution of powers between the Ministry economic Development and the Federal Treasury when creating the EIS "and dated January 23, 2015 No. 36" On the procedure and deadlines for commissioning EIS ".

On this, my article came to an end. I hope that the information was useful for you. See you in the following issues.

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The Government of the Russian Federation. 7. Government of the Russian Federation, Higher executive bodies state power Subjects of the Russian Federation, local administrations have the right to define a list for more informationincluded in schedule plans. ConsultantPlus: Note. From July 1, 2018, federal law of 31.12.2017 N 504-FZ in part 8 of Article 21 changes are made. See text in the future edition. 8. Features of inclusion in the plan-schedule of information on centralized procurement, joint competitions and joint auctions, procurement, in the implementation of which closed ways of determining suppliers (contractors, performers) are applied, as well as separate purchasesprovided for in paragraph 7 of Part 2 of Article 83, part 1 of article 93 and Article 111 of this Federal Law, can be established by the Government of the Russian Federation. (as amended.

Article 21. Graphic Plans

Placement of the plan, plan schedule and contract in EIS First of all, based on the needs of the customer, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 17 of the Law No. 44-FZ, a procurement plan is formed for a period corresponding to the term of the Federal Law on the Federal Budget for the next fiscal year. Both the planning period, federal laws on the budgets of state extrabudgetary funds of the Russian Federation, the law of the subject of the Russian Federation on the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation, the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation on the budgets of the territorial state extrabudgetary funds, the municipal legal act of the representative body municipal Education About the local budget.

Planning plan, schedule plan and contract in EIS

The Law N 44-FZ is not allowed to accommodate the procurement of procurement, documentation on procurement, the direction of invitations to participate in the definition of the supplier (contractor, performer) (hereinafter - the counterparty) in the closed method, if such notifications, documentation, invitations contain information, Not appropriate information specified in schedules. Information regarding each procurement, which should be included in the schedule, is listed in h.
3 tbsp. 21 of the law N 44-FZ. It includes: - identification code Purchases, defined in accordance with Art. 23 of the Law N 44-FZ (paragraph 1 of Part 3 of Art. 21 of the Law N 44-FZ); - the name and description of the procurement object with the indication of the characteristics of such an object, taking into account the provisions of Art.

13 Important issues about the plan-schedule of procurement of 44-ФЗ

It should be borne in mind that the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive bodies of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local administrations have the right to determine the list of additional information included in the schedule plans (part 7 of Art. 21 of the Law N 44-FZ). The procedure for the formation, approval and management of procurement schedules to ensure federal needs is established by the Government of the Russian Federation (h.
4 tbsp. 21 of the law N 44-FZ). Requirements for the form of schedules and the procedure for their placement in EIS are established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Part 6 of Art. 21 of the Law N 44-FZ). In force of Part 8 of Art. 21 of the Law N 44-FZ The Government of the Russian Federation can also establish features of inclusion in the plan-schedule of information on: - centralized procurement (Article 26 of the Law N 44-FZ); - joint competitions and joint auctions (Art.

Plan-schedule for procurement by law N 44-FZ

Article 21 of the Law N 44-FZ entered into force on January 1, 2016. Therefore, procurement schedules in accordance with the requirements established by Art.
21 of the law N 44-FZ, should have been formed by customers in 2016 for 2017 and subsequent years (Part 10 of Art. 21, Part 2 of Art. 114 of the Law N 44-FZ). In 2014 - 2016, only the formation of schedules on the temporary rules of the transition period was carried out (h.

2 tbsp. 112.

Law N 44-FZ). Features that operated in 2016 are considered in a separate material. Plans graphics are formed by customers in accordance with the procurement plans provided by Art.

17 of the Law N 44-FZ, and contain a list of goods, works, services to provide state and municipal needs for the fiscal year ( 1 and 2 Art.

Hurry up to fine: Terms of Procurement Plan and Plan schedule

  • on the execution of the contract (the results of a separate stage of the execution of the contract, the delivery of goods, performed work or the service provided, including their compliance with the plan-schedule), on the observance of the interim and final terms of the execution of the contract;
  • about inappropriate performance contract (with an indication of violations permanent) or the non-fulfillment of the contract and the sanctions that are applied in connection with the violation of the terms of the contract or its failure;
  • the change or on the termination of the contract during its execution.

It is worth noting that on the basis of paragraph 4 and paragraph 5 of Article 93 of the Law No. 44-FZ Customer has the right to not post a report on the execution of the contract and (or) on the results of the individual stage of its execution only on contracts concluded with the only supplier.

How are the timing of placing a schedule in EIS?


The formed plan is approved within 10 working days after bringing to the state or municipal customer of the volume of rights in monetary terms and (or) fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation (paragraph 7 of Article 17 of the Law No. 44-FZ). In accordance with paragraph 9 of Article 17 of the Law No. 44-FZ, the approved procurement plan is subject to placement in EIS within 3 working days from the date of approval or change of such a plan, with the exception of information constituting the state secrecy.


Thus, in the EIS, the Customer places all the information since the planning and ending with the execution of the contract. Since 2016, customers are required to publish schedule plans solely in structured form, and since 2017, the Customer will also have duties to post procurement plans on the basis of which graphics will be formed.

Approved rules for posting in EIS schedules and procurement plans

In accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of procurement, customers are obliged to post reports on their activities in a single information system from the moment of planning before the execution of the contract. Consider in more detail what documents should be placed in EIS and in what time frames.

Placement schedule according to law No. 44-FZ in EIS in accordance with paragraph 10 of article 21 of Law No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services for providing state and municipal needs" (hereinafter - Law No. 44-FZ) Customers for 1 year annually form schedules and approve within 10 business days after receiving the volume of rights in monetary terms and (or) fulfillment of obligations or approval of the plan of financial and economic activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian.
When purchasing goods, go services in order to eliminate the effects of emergencies, adjustments are published on the day of sending requests for quotations. The updated schedule should appear on the Internet no later than a three-day period from the moment of making changes.
For violation of this period or not posting information at all, the customer will have to pay an impressive fine. Responsibility for non-compliance with the deadlines for non-compliance with the timing of posting in the EIS plan-schedules of procurement controls are imposed on customers fines. The amount of recovery varies from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. Such a norm is established in accordance with Article 7.32.3 of the COAP of Russia. Control over the actions of customers when planning and placing information on the Internet lead treasury, regional financial organizations, as well as the Ministry of Finance.

Law 44 AP Accommodation in EIS Plan Graphics

The schedule is subject to change by the Customer in the event of a change in the procurement plan, as well as in the following cases: 1) an increase or decrease in the initial (maximum) contract price, the contract price concluded with the only supplier (contractor, performer); 2) a change before the procurement of the term of execution of the contract, the order of payment or the size of the advances; 3) change the date of the start of procurement and (or) method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer), canceling the customer of procurement provided for by the schedule; 4) the implementation of the decision taken by the Customer on the results of the compulsory public discussion of the procurement and not requiring changes to the procurement plan; 5) In other cases, in accordance with the procedure for the formation, approval and management of schedules, established by parts 4 and 5 of this article.

Law 44 FZ accommodation in EIS plan schedule

The procurement plan and schedule for 2018 should be submitted to the universal review no later than January 1. Similar rules will need to be guided and when planning purchases for subsequent periods.

Terms of placement of changes in the schedule per 44-ФЗ in the schedule plan, if necessary, allowed to make amendments. The customer can remove from it an irrelevant more position, adjust the NMCC, change the deadlines for the execution of contracts. In this case, each action must be justified. All accusative adjustments will certainly be reflected in EIS. Changes in the schedule can be made for 10 or less days before the appearance of a procurement notice to EIS. If the publication of the notice is not provided, then edits can be made at least 10 days before the date of the contract.

A document containing the conditions and characteristics of each order in budget institution, It is a schedule (paragraph 2 and 4 h. 3 of Art. 21 44-FZ). It is drawn up on the basis of a procurement plan approved earlier by the head of the institution. The term reducing the development of PG, as well as the PZ, - 10 working days after adopting and bringing to the organization of budget commitments to the next fiscal year and planned periods. On how to place a schedule for 2019, as well as a procurement plan, we will also tell me further.

How to place a procurement plan in Eis

From the current year there is an innovation, in the rad who has changed the procedure for publishing PG. The schedule in the institution is formed on the basis of the data reflected in the PZ. Therefore, first of all it is worth learn how to place a procurement plan for 2019.

Consider the formation and publication algorithm in the Unified Information System of the PZ.

To form an approved PP in EIS, it is necessary to choose the action "Create Procurement Plan".

To place the formed PZ, you need to select the "Place" item. The following tab is displayed:

The latter action will set the mark in the cell, confirming the familiarization of the Customer with responsibility. After that, the active button "sign and place" will be the active button. After her pressing, the current PZ will be in the status of "posted".

The procedure for publishing a plan schedule, in turn, varies from the standard affiliation of the Customer's organization on a sign of the control of published information. The time for placing planned documentation in the open part of the site - 3 working days from the date of approval of the procurement plan and plan schedule, respectively.

Publication of a plan schedule with control direction

In the event that the institution acts as a customer to be controlled by authorized bodies in accordance with the provisions of Part 5 of Art. 99 44-ФЗ, and at the same time is not a unitary enterprise, the published PG must be directed to the check by choosing in the opening list in the EIS point to "place and send to control", agreeing with the pop-ups.

If there are errors that require correction, disorders and shortcomings, the following window will appear:

After all the errors admitted will be corrected, the printed form of the plan schedule will be displayed. The following procedure follows the procedure for signing the document with the EDS key and sending to the audit by controlling authorities.

Publication without reference

In the event that the Customer is a unitary enterprise or an organization that is not included in the list of those who are necessarily subject to control, the publication passes as follows:

  • authorization B. personal Cabinet in EIS;
  • the transition to the "Plans-Graphics Play Play Plans";
  • filling out each field of the required information;
  • select the appropriate position.

The emergence of errors when publishing

In the event that errors arise when placing the planned documentation, then in the service technical support Request letters are sent to an indication of a clearly formulated problem, for example: "It is impossible to place a schedule for 2019."

In case of difficult situations, when the responsible person of the Customer's organization (the contract manager or other authorized person) creates a technical request for error, in particular, "I can't place a procurement plan on the site", it needs to prepare a package with acquittal documentation containing as many confirms as possible His case of materials: Screenshots of error pages with a reflection of real dates, fixed correspondence with technical Service, competently compiled statements, complaints and complaints.


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