Making the procurement plan for the start of procurement. Introduction to the procurement plan for the start of the purchase of procurement time the frequency of implementation of the planned procurement how to fill

Federal Law of 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ "On contract system In the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs "(hereinafter - the Law No. 44-FZ) regulates the procurement process in sufficient detail, establishing the timing of almost each step. However, the power ministries and departments will have to be guided not only by this Law, since they provide procurement not only to ensure their own needs, but also to ensure the defense and security of our country. In the article, consider the deadlines that must be observed in the implementation of procurement, including the state defense order, since administrative responsibility is established for their violation.

Procurement planning.

Procurement planning is an important stage of procurement. In accordance with Law No. 44-FZ, planning is carried out through the formation, approval and management of procurement plans and procurement schedules. All deadlines that must be observed in the preparation and conduct of these documents are defined in the following decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation:

    dated 05.06.2015 No. 552 "On approval of the rules of formation, approval and management of the procurement of goods, works, services to ensure federal needs, as well as requirements for the form of a plan for procurement of goods, works, services to ensure federal needs";

    dated 05.06.2015 No. 553 "On approval of the rules of formation, approval and management of the plan-schedule of purchases of goods, works, services to ensure federal needs, as well as requirements for the form of a plan-schedule of purchases of goods, works, services to ensure federal needs."

For clarity and amenities, we will present the following deadlines in the table.



Approval of procurement plans and procurement schedules

Within 10 business days from the date:

- bring approved limits for state and municipal institutions;

- approval of plans (programs) of financial and economic activities for budget and unitary enterprises;

- conclusions of agreements on the provision of subsidies for the implementation of capital investments for autonomous institutions

Accommodation in one information system (EIS) procurement plans, procurement schedules

Making changes to the procurement schedule

Not later than 10 days before the day of posting in Eis, the publication of procurement, sending an invitation to participate in the definition of the supplier (contractor, performer) for each procurement object

Placing changes made to the Procurement Schedule or Procurement Plan in Eis

Within three working days * from the date of approval of such plans, with the exception of information constituting the state secret

* Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 29.10.2015 No. 1168 "On approval of the rules for posting in a unified information system in the field of procurement of procurement plans of goods, works, services for providing state and municipal needs, procurement schedules of goods, works, services for state and municipal Needs. "

At the same time, the peculiarities of the procurement planning within the framework of the state defense order are established by the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 275-FZ "On State Defense Order" (hereinafter - Law No. 275-FZ). In particular, according to Art. 5 of this Law The Government of the Russian Federation approves the state defense order and measures to fulfill its implementation within a month after signing by the President of the Russian Federation federal Law About the federal budget for the next fiscal year and planning period.

When approving the defense order, the Government of the Russian Federation approves state customers. Recall that in the role of those such in this case are:

    federal organ executive power;

    State Corporation for Atomic Energy "Rosatom";

    State Corporation on Space Activities "Roskosmos".

It is worth noting that when approving the defense order, the Government of the Russian Federation has the right to establish the timing of the placement of tasks (paragraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 12 of Law No. 275-FZ). This should help ensure the work of the PCP enterprises from the beginning of the next year (without delays).

According to Part 1 of Art. 6 of Law No. 275-FZ The state defense order is placed in the manner prescribed by law No. 44-FZ, taking into account the features determined by law No. 275-FZ. However, this law does not regulate the deadlines for the procurement procedures, so we will be guided by the norms of legislation on the contract system.


For violation of the procurement plan, the procurement plan (changes made to these plans) or the procurement plan for procurement plan, procurement schedule (changes introduced in these plans) in EIS. 4 tbsp. 7.29.3 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation provides administrative responsibility. Customer officials will be able to fine in the amount of from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Dates that need to be observed when determining the supplier.

Any procurement procedure can be divided into several stages: preparation of documentation, its placement in EIS, collecting applications or proposals, determination of the winner and conclusion of the contract. Almost for each stage, the law No. 44-FZ determines the timing of the commission of certain actions for each type of procurement (open competition, request quotes, etc.) they are their own.

For example, consider the most common forms of the provider's definition: competition and electronic auction.

Stage competition


Placing notifications in EIS

Not less than 20 days before the date of opening envelopes with applications for participation in the competition (Part 1 of Art. 49 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Amendments to the Competitive Documentation

Five days before the deadline for submission of applications, the deadline for submission of applications must be extended in such a way that at least 10 working days remain from the date of making changes to the competition documentation (Part 6 of Article 50 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Cancel purchase

No later than five days before the deadline for submission of applications (part 1 of Art. 36 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Placement of the protocol of the opening of envelopes in EIS and the opening of access to applications in in electronic format

Not later than the working day following the date of signing the Protocol (Part 7 of Art. 52 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Consideration and assessment of applications

Not more than 20 days from the date of opening of envelopes with applications and (or) opening access to applications submitted in electronic form (part 1 of article 53 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Placing a protocol for reviewing and evaluating applications in EIS

Not later than the working day following the date of signing the protocol (one copy is stored at the customer, another copy within three working days from the date of its signing is sent to the winner of the competition or the only participant) (Part 12 of Art. 53 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Signing the Contract Winner and the Direction of His Customer

Within 10 days from the date of placement in the EIS protocol of consideration and evaluation of applications (Part 3 of Art. 54 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Conclusion of a contract

Not earlier than 10 days and no later than 20 days from the date of placement in the EIS protocol of consideration and evaluation of applications (Part 2 of Art. 54 of Law No. 44-FZ)

It should be noted that when purchasing goods, works or services, information about which is made up of state secrets, closed ways of determining suppliers, such as a closed competition, are applied. With it, it is important to draw attention to the following deadlines (Art. 85 of Law No. 44-FZ):

    the notice of the closed competition is placed by the Customer in the EIS at least 30 days before the date of opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the competition. If the notice is not required, the customer is obliged no later than 20 days before the date of opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the competition to send invitations to take part in a closed competition to persons who comply with the requirements provided for by law No. 44-FZ, and have access to the information constituting state secret;

    competitive documentation should be sent to those interested in participating in procurement to persons within three days from the date of receipt from them requests. If the request sent a person who sent an invitation to take part in a closed competition, the documentation should be provided no later than two working days from the receipt of the relevant request;

    no later than 20 days before the date of opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the closed competition, the Customer sends a list of all persons who sent competitive documentation to their requests to the authorized federal executive authority, and copies of all invitations to take part in such a competition;

    the protocol of the opening of envelopes with applications for participation in the competition, as well as the Protocol for the consideration and evaluation of applications for participation in it no later than the working day following the date of their signing, are sent to the authorized federal executive body, that is, in the FAS. In the same period, a copy of the report of the consideration and assessment of applications for participation in the competition should be sent to the participants of a closed contest, submitted applications for participation in it.

Procedure for holding electronic auction more complicated because another one is added actor (In addition to the customer and participants) - the electronic platform, on which, in fact, the purchase is carried out.

So, as usual, competitive purchase begins with the placement of notice:

    no later than seven days before the deadline for accepting applications - with NMCC up to 3 million rubles;

    no later than 15 days - with NMCCs more than 3 million rubles.

If during the collection of applications, any of the participants will ask for clarification of the provisions of the electronic auction documentation, the Customer is obliged to provide those within two days (part 4 of Art. 65 of Law No. 44-FZ).

Customer in own initiative Or, in accordance with the request for an explanation of the provisions of the electronic auction documentation, it is entitled to make a decision on amending the documentation on such auction no later than two days before the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the auction. Within one day, the date of the adoption of this decision should be placed in the EIS. At the same time, submission of applications for participation in such auction should be extended so that at least 15 days remained from the date of placement of changes to the date of the deadline (with NMCCs more than 3 million rubles) or at least seven days (with NMCC less than 3 million rubles.).

You can cancel the holding of an electronic auction not later than five days before the date of the deadline for accepting applications (Part 1 of Article 36 of Law No. 44-FZ).

Since the application for participation in the electronic auction consists of two parts, according to Part 2 of Art. 67 Law No. 44-FZ Considering the first part of the application Customer may not more than seven days from the date of the deadline for submitting applications. According to the results of consideration, a protocol is drawn up, which should be placed in EIS no later than the expiration date of applications. Two days later, the date of consideration of the first parts of the applications is carried out by the auction itself.

Consideration by the Customer's Commission of the second parts of applications should not exceed three working days from the date of placement on electronic platform protocol of electronic auction.

For your information:

The final protocol should be posted no later than the working day following the date of its signing (Part 8 of Art. 69 of Law No. 44-FZ).

With the winner of the auction consists of a contract. His project without signature of the Customer must be placed in EIS within five days from the date of deployment of the final protocol. For five days from the date of posting the draft contract, the winner of the auction must accommodate the signed contract to the EIS.

According to Part 7 of Art. 70 of the Law No. 44-FZ within three working days from the date of placement in the EIS signed by the winner of the electronic auction of the contract Customer is obliged to place a contract signed for its part.

Each pitch of the Customer, each of its action (as, however, and the actions of the participants) are rigidly regulated. It should be noted that we considered the total time without considering that the provider's definition can be suspended (for example, in connection with the complaint) or changes may be made to the notice.

Payment of goods, works or services.

Slightly abide by the procurement and conclusion of the contract with the winner. In the course of the contract execution by law No. 44-FZ, many actions have defined, the deadlines for which the Customer must not violate.

For example, this concerns the payment of the delivered goods, performed by the work provided by the service or individual stages of the execution of the contract. Most recently (from 01.05.2017), the timing of payment for state contracts was adjusted.

By general rule Payment period under the contract should be not more than 30 days from the date of signing by the Customer of the Admission Document, with the exception of some cases (Part 13.1 of Art. 34 of Law No. 44-FZ).

In particular, if the purchase was carried out among small business entities and socially oriented non-Profit OrganizationsThe contract concluded with such an organization must contain required condition On payment by the Customer of the delivered goods, made of work (its results) provided services, individual stages of the execution of the contract for no more than 15 working days from the date of signing by the Customer of the Admission Document (Part 8 of Article 30 of Law No. 44-FZ).

If the timeline of the customer of goods, works or services is not included in the draft contract and documentation, this may turn into a fine under Part 4.2 of Art. 7.30 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - in the amount of 3,000 rubles.

Terms of the direction of information for inclusion in the register of contracts.

After concluding the contract, the Customer must send certain information on it to the Federal Treasury, the authorized executive authority of the subject of the Russian Directory or local governments (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 No. 1084 "On the procedure for maintaining the register of contracts concluded by customers, and the register of contracts containing information that make up the state secret") to include it in the register of contracts.

It is necessary to do this no later than three working days from the date of the contract. In the same period, information on the changed contract conditions should be reported in the treasury.

In addition, within three working days, the Customer is obliged to send to the Treasury:

    information on the execution of the contract, including information about the payment of the contract, the accrual of contest (fines, penalties) in connection with inappropriate performance obligations provided for by the contract;

    information on termination of the contract with the basis of the grounds;

    document for admission in the event of a decision on the reception of the delivered goods, performed by the work provided by the service.


For violation of the timing of the direction of information to be included in the Contract Register, Part 2 of Art. 7.31 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation provides administrative responsibility for officials - a fine of 20,000 rubles.

Register of unscrupulous suppliers.

According to part 4 - 6 tbsp. 104 of the Law No. 44-FZ Customer should be sent to the Control Body (FAS, its territorial authorities) information about the procurement participant and the supplier for inclusion in the registry of unscrupulous suppliers.

Transfer such information is necessary in the following dates (Article 104 of Law No. 44-FZ):

    within three working days from the date of concluding a contract with a participant, the application or suggestion of which the second number was assigned if the winner of the provider's definition was evaconed against the conclusion of the contract;

    within five working days from the expiration date of the contract specified in the documentation for the procurement of the contract, if the only participant Procurement, which filed an application or proposal and with which a contract is concluded in cases provided for by paragraph 24, 25 h. 1 Article. 93 of the Law No. 44-FZ, evaded from his conclusion;

    within three working days from the date of termination of the contract by the court decision or in connection with the unilateral refusal of the customer from the execution of the contract.

Failure to comply with these deadlines is fraught with administrative responsibility under Part 2 of Art. 7.31 Administrative Code: The official faces a fine in the amount of 20,000 rubles.

Report on the execution of the contract.

Recall that such a report is placed in EIS according to Part 9 of Art. 94 of Law No. 44-FZ. The timing of its placement was established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 No. 1093. The report is published by the Customer in EIS within seven working days:

    from the date of payment by the customer of obligations and signing them a document on the reception of the performance of the contract and (or) the results of a separate stage of its execution, and in the case of the creation of an acceptance commission - from the date of signing such a document by all members of the Acceptance Commission and approval by its customer for a separate stage of the contract;

    from the date of payment by the Customer of the obligations under the contract and signing a document on the reception of delivered goods, performed works and services rendered, and in the case of the creation of an acceptance commission - from the date of the signing of such a document by all members of the Acceptance Commission and approval by its customer;

    from the day of termination of the contract, i.e., from the day, determined by the Parties to terminate the contract, the day of entry into force of the decision of the court on termination of the contract or the day of entry into force of the decision of the supplier, contractor or artist (hereinafter - the Contractor) or the Customer's contract.

Failure to comply with this period is qualified by controllers as an administrative offense according to part 1.4 of Art. 7.30 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for which a penalty is imposed:

    on officials - in the amount of 15,000 rubles;

    on the legal entities - in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

Dates that need to be observed when terminating the contract.

It should be noted that in order to comply with the terms of interest, the termination of the contract in the event of a decision by the Customer's decision to unilaterally refuse its execution. Cases of making such a decision are necessarily named in Art. 95 Law No. 44-FZ.

So, the decision to unilaterally refuse the execution of the contract, the Customer must within three working days from the date of its adoption:

    place in Eis;

    send the supplier (contractor, performer).

The date of proper notification of the Supplier recognizes the date of receipt by the Customer confirmation of the provider of the specified notification or the date of receipt by the Customer about the absence of the Supplier to the address indicated in the Contract. If it is impossible to obtain the specified confirmation or information of the date of such a proper notice, the date after 30 days from the date of placement of the decision of the Customer on the unilateral refusal to execute the contract in the EIS is recognized.

The decision of the Customer on the unilateral refusal to execute the contract comes into force and the contract is considered terminated after 10 days from the date of proper notification by the customer of the supplier (contractor, contractor) on unilateral refusal to execute the contract (Part 13 of Art. 95 of Law No. 44-FZ).

Responsibility for violation of deadlines.

Fines for violation of the deadlines in the implementation of purchases are rather big, and the specific fine size depends on how much expired execution of a phase of purchase. So, according to Part 1 of Art. 7.30 Code of Administrative Code of the Russian Federation Violation of the timing of posting in EIS information and documents, the placement of which is provided for by law No. 44-FZ, when conducting a competition and auction, not more than two working days entails the imposition of an administrative penalty in the amount of 5,000 rubles. And on legal Persons - 15,000 rubles. But when you violate these deadlines for more than two working days, a fine for officials will be 30,000 rubles, for the establishment - 100,000 rubles. (Part 1.1 of Art. 7.30 Code of Administrative Code).

The maximum penalty for violating the timing of information and documents during the request for quotations, the request for proposals, the purchase of procurement at the only supplier (contractor, the contractor) is 10,000 rubles. for officials and 50,000 rubles. For the organization (Part 1.2, 1.3 of Art. 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

The largest fine for the organization is 500,000 rubles. - Provided by Part 3 of Art. 7.30 Code of Administrative Code. It is applied to unavimune information and documents in EIS, the placement of which is established by law. For example, the FAS Commission for Control in the Sphere Defense Plan in decision of 03.08.2017 № PGOZ-190/17 considered: since the customer did not place in Eis project documentation When carrying out auction for overhaul, there is a commission of an administrative offense that falls under the action of Part 3 of Art. 7.30 Code of Administrative Code.

The remaining fines are significantly lower - up to 50,000 rubles. They apply to K. officials For the reduction of the deadlines for submitting applications for participation, violation of the timing of the signing of the protocols, non-compliance with the expiration of the procurement notice.

In conclusion, we note that the observance of the deadlines is almost always checked by the control body. Since the result of their violation can be not only administrative responsibility, but also the abolition of procurement, we recommend customer officials responsible for drawing up procurement documentation, its conduct and other procedures, be careful.

Information to be transferable is named in Art. 104 of Law No. 44-FZ, and some deadlines were refined in the registry rules of unfair suppliers approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2013 No. 1062.

"On the procedure for training and accommodation in a unified information system in the sphere of procurement of the report on the execution of the state (municipal) contract and (or) on the results of the individual stage of its execution."


speaker: Tatyana Leontiev

Basic requirements, regulatory legal acts regulating planning

From January 1, 2016, all state and municipal customers are obliged to justify and plan their procurement in accordance with the requirements of the Law No. 44-FZ and the Special Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation. Planning functions are assigned to contract managers and contractual services of customers (Part 4T.38 of Law No. 44-FZ). It is necessary to focus on this, since the responsibility for drawing up and actualization of schedules is carried by contract service employees or contract managers.

Please note that from this year the schedule should contain the Count "Approve", which must be completed. Accordingly, if there is no such column in your regional system in the electronic schedule, then you need to print the form of a plan with this graph.

What other regulatory legal acts are needed to customer for 44-ФЗ when planning procurement?

Decision Governments Russian Federation dated October 29, 2015 No. 1168 "On approval of the rules for placing EIS in the sphere of procurement of procurement plans of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs, procurement schedules of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs."

Decision Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2015 No. 555 "On the establishment of the procedure for justifying the procurement of goods, works and services to ensure state and municipal needs and forms of such a justification."

Order The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 29, 2015 No. 422 "On approval of the procedure for the formation of a procurement identification code".

A number of amendments to these rulings made a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 73, in accordance with which changes have been made, including in the form of procurement plans (PP of the Russian Federation 1043, PP of the Russian Federation 552):

The final amount of financial support provided for procurement in the current fiscal year, the planned period and in the following years (if the procurement is planned to be carried out after the planning period), it should be detailed to the amount of financial support for each code of the budget classification and the amount of financial support for Each agreement on granting a subsidy.

Only individual customers are required to detail funds for the CBC. For example, budget and autonomous institutions created by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipal entities, do not detail the amount of financial support for the agreements on the provision of subsidies from the relevant budgets.

The second change that concerns all the customers has already been requirements for schedules (changes in PP of the Russian Federation 553, PP of the Russian Federation 554):

The procurement schedule must contain applications containing justifications for each procurement object, including: Justification of the NMCC, concluded with the only supplierdefined in accordance with Article 22 of the Federal Law, indicating the procurement of the number and units of the measurement of goods, works, services (if available) included in the procurement facility.

This change led to an increase in the amount of work for customers, especially since no exceptions for small purchases on points 4 and 5 there is no. Accordingly, forming a schedule plan, the customer must form the calculation of the NMCC for each position and apply it to the schedule plan.

Deadlines to be formed procurement plans, remained the same and constitute a period corresponding to the term of the law (decisions) on the budget for the next fiscal year and the planning period, that is, it is standard about three years of planning. The plan is preparing in advance.

Thus, the period to which the procurement plan needs to be shaped depends on how many years a budget is accepted, and, accordingly, from the level of the customer. For customers federal Level Acts defining the planning time are the law on the federal budget and the law on the budgets of state extrabudgetary funds of the Russian Federation. For customers in the subject of the subject - the law of the budget entity, the law of the subject on territorial extrabudgetary funds. For customers municipal Level - Municipal legal act on the budget.

Please note that the plan is formed for the approved budget, regardless of what time and the amount of the Customer brought the limits of budgetary obligations.

Terms of formation plan projects Procurement, established earlier, canceled, and now they comply with the regulations adopted at the regional level.

Terms of approval and placement of procurement plans

After approval of the budget and, accordingly, bringing limits / approval of the Plan (Program) of Financial and Economic Activities / Customers are required:

  • approve the procurement plan within 10 working days;
  • place it in Eis for 3 business days.

Important! In accordance with Article 191 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the period of time defined by the period of time begins the day after the calendar date or the events that the beginning is determined. PG placement day is not included in the calculation of 10 calendar days (the countdown begins from the next day).

If the term in law is specified in calendar Days And the end of the term falls on the day off, it is transferred to the first working day after the deadline. If workers are specified, days, respectively, are considered only working days.

Example: If the Plan of Financial and Economic Activities is approved by the founder on December 29, 2017, the procurement plan should be approved until January 22, 2018 and is posted in EIS until January 25, 2018.

Separately in PP of the Russian Federation 73, the deadlines for the approval of procurement plans for unitary and autonomous enterprises are established:

  • for GUP and MUP - 10 working days from the date of claim of PFHD;
  • for autonomous institutions - 10 working days from the date of conclusion of agreements on the provision of subsidies for the implementation of capital investments in the objects of capital construction of the state (municipal) property or the acquisition of real estate facilities in state (municipal) property.


From January 1, 2016, the Regulations on the rationing of procurement in accordance with Art were entered into force. 19 of the Law No. 44-FZ, and, consequently, procurement objects in projects of procurement plans should be included with the regulatory costs.

Justification of procurement

From January 1, 2016, customers must establish procurement when planning their procurement (PP of the Russian Federation of 05.06.2015 No. 555). This applies both to the procurement plan, and to the schedule schedule.

Algorithm of formation and approval of the procurement plan for 2018 - 2020

Step one. Before forming a procurement plan, it is necessary to prepare his project in the form established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2013 No. 1043, which contains clear requirements for filling out the form of the procurement plan.

Step second. Direct the draft procurement plan to organs that perform the functions and powers of the founders, the main managers of budget funds, in the period established by local acts

State customers must provide procurement plans to the main managers of budget funds, and budgetary institutions - founders). This usually happens in the summer.

Step Three. After sending projects to higher institutions, if necessary, they are adjusted. After that, on the basis of approved plans for financial and economic activities or limits of budgetary obligations during ten working days The procurement plan is approved.

Public customers must approve procurement plans within 10 working days from the date of bringing the limits of budgetary obligations, and budgetary institutions and unitary enterprises - after the approval of the FCD plan.

Step fourth. Approved plans are posted in EIS within three working days from the date of approval. The procurement plan must contain the distribution of the full volume of the procurement planned for the entire planning period.

The procurement plan does not contain each specific purchase, but includes information in aggregated form - financing amounts for specific purposes. Deciphering each particular purchase is made in terms of graphics, which is compiled based on the procurement plan.

Features of filling out the form of a procurement plan

In order to form a plan, you must fill out the installed form.

First, when drawing up a procurement plan, it is necessary to justify the procurement object and the compliance of this object of procurement target and the established requirements for goods, work, services.

When forming a plan schedule for a fiscal year, NMCC is justified, a method for determining the Supplier and additional requirements for procurement participants (if available).

The procurement plan consists of fifteen graph:

  1. Identification code.
  2. Purchases.
  3. Name of the procurement object.
  4. Volumes of financial support.
  5. Planned year placement of notice / contract.
  6. The volume of financial support.
  7. Terms (frequency) implementation of the planned procurement.
  8. Information about COO and 2-stage contests (yes / no).
  9. Information on the compulsory public discusses of procurement (yes / no).
  10. Date, content and justification of changes.

Purchase Identification Code (Line 2)

Although the procurement identification code (IKS) and is formed by the system automatically, it is necessary to understand how it is formed and what falls into it.

Year of accommodation

1-2 discharges

The last two digits of the year of posting notification of procurement, or the direction of invitation, or the conclusion of the contract with the only supplier are indicated. Even if the purchase was for 2018, but the procurement notice is posted in 2017, then the number "17" should be introduced, and this purchase will fall into the schedule of the previous year.

Customer code

3-22 discharge

The identification code of the Customer (Code of Property Form + Inn + PPC) is taken from the registration data in personal Cabinet in Eis.

Number Purchase Plan

23-26 discharge

The procurement plan is drawn up for three years. Within each year there is its own numbering. The IKZ indicates the purchase number included in the formed (approved) customer for the next fiscal year and the planning period of the procurement plan (values \u200b\u200bfrom 0001 to 9999 are assigned to ascending order within the year In which it is planned to place the procurement notice, conclude a contract with EP).

In ascending order within the year: 1,2,3. From the new year - a new numbering.

Room by Plan -Rf

27-29 discharges

The procurement number included in the procurement schedule formed (approved) is indicated (values \u200b\u200bfrom 001 to 999 are assigned in increasing order within the relevant sequence purchase issue in terms of procurement).

At the stage of compiling the procurement plan, zeros are put.

Object code from catalog

30-33 discharges

Information about the code of the procurement object by the catalog of labor formed on the basis of OKPD2, with detail to a group of goods (works, services):

30-31 discharges - class;

32 category - subclass;

33 category - group. With the exception of "enlarged procurement" *

"... in the case of the acquisition of several goods in one lot of several goods (works, services) belonging to different groups On the OKPD2 code, the Customer in the formation of the IKZ in 30 - 33 discharges indicates the value "0000". "

Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of April 24, 2017 N OG-D28-5071

Expense code

34-36 discharges

Code of the type of costs for the budget classification of the Russian Federation

* "Enlarged" information for each CBC code (contracts under one point have one IKZ)

Procurement information is indicated by one line for each of the following procurement objects:

  • medicinal preparations purchased in accordance with paragraph 7 of Part 2 of Article 83 of the Federal Law;
  • goods, works or services for an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles (in case of conclusion by the Customer of the Contract in accordance with paragraph 4 of Part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law);
  • goods, works or services for an amount not exceeding 400 thousand rubles (in case of conclusion by the Customer of the Contract in accordance with paragraph 5 of Part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law);
  • services related to the direction of the employee to the service business trip (in case of conclusion by the Customer of the Contract in accordance with paragraph 26 of Part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law);
  • teaching services provided by individuals;
  • excursion services (guide) rendered by individuals.
  • services for the maintenance and repair of non-residential premises transmitted to free use or operational management Customer, Water-, Heat, Gas and Power Supplies, Protection Services, Export Services household waste In case these services turn out to other people or other persons using non-residential premises located in a building in which the premises transferred to the customer to free use or operational management (paragraph 23 of Part 1 of Article 93)
  • procurement of services U. individuals For the purposes of Rosstat (paragraph 42 of Part 1 of Article 93)
  • services for the provision of access to information contained in documentary, documentographic, abstract, full-text foreign databases and specialized databases of international scientific citation indices (paragraph 44 of part 1 of article 93).

Documents containing an indication of the IKZ

Documents in which ICA should be indicated in part 1 of Article 23 of Law No. 44-FZ. These include:

  • purchase plan
  • plan-schedule
  • procurement notification, invitation to take part in the definition of the supplier carried out by the closed method
  • procurement documentation
  • the contract (ICA is indicated by the Customer, including in contracts of prisoners in accordance with paragraphs. 4, 5, 26 and 33 of Article 93 of Article 93 of the Law N 44-FZ. At the same time, in such an IKZ, 30 to 33 indicates the value of 0. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia from 03/15/2017 N D28I-1118)
  • other documents provided for by law

This list is open.

On the fact of the ICZ, it is also indicated in other documents: contract execution reports (IKZ is affixed automatically), acceptance documents under the contract, acts of external examination, the register of the contract (automatically), the register of unscrupulous suppliers (FAS Russia), the banking guarantee registry (stipulated bank) , agreements on the conduct of joint (centralized) procurement and others.

IKZ is also indicated:

  • when conducting joint competitions and auctions (subparagraph 1.1 of paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Article 25 of the Law N 44-FZ);
  • in the register of contracts concluded by customers (paragraph 12 of Part 2 of Article 103 of the Law No. 44-FZ);
  • in the register of unfair PPI (paragraph 5 of part 3 of Article 104 of the Law N 44-FZ);
  • in the protocols for defining suppliers.

A responsibility

If the IKZ unspecifies in the documents provided for by law N 44-FZ may entail the responsibility established by current legislation. According to part 1.4 of Article 7.30 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, administrative responsibility is provided for the placement of documents to be placed in the EIS to be placed, with violation of the requirements provided for by law.


Make sure that the IKZ is always specified correctly. If the IKZ is formed incorrectly, then change it without canceling the procurement procedure itself, it is impossible.

Procurement Objectives (Rows 3-4)

In the "Purpose of Procurement" line indicates information about the purpose of procurement. To do this, the "Type Type" field is first filled by selecting one of the values \u200b\u200bof the drop-down list:

  1. achievements of goals state program (including the target federal program, departmental target program, other document of strategic and program-targeted planning)
  2. performance of international obligations
  3. performing functions and powers government agencies

Most often the value "achieving the goals of the state program" is selected. Then you need to choose the program itself from the program directory (more than 700 items), and the result is inserted by the keyboard yourself.

For example: Prevention of infectious diseases, including immanoprophylaxis. The result is a decrease in the incidence of infectious diseases.

Rows 5 - 12

5. Name is indicated arbitrarily and can be formed: stationery, office furniture, drugs, communication services wired, etc.

6. An exemption placement: indicates a year when it is planned place notice Or conclude a contract (if the notice is not formed).

7 - 11. Financial support: This is not an NMCC, but the amount of financial security for each year, for example, for drugs.

12.Surcons, the frequency of procurement: indicates the frequency of procurement and production of labor (daily, as necessary, monthly, once a year and more).

Rows 13-15

13. Additional information: Procurement information, which due to technical or technological complexity, innovative, high-tech or specialized nature are capable of putting only suppliers (contractors, performers) having the necessary level of qualifications, as well as scientific research, finding, design work. Format: YES or NOT.

14. Information on the compulsory public discussion. Format: YES or NOT.

Grounds for making changes to the procurement plan on the example of Resolution No. 552 for federal customers

Running plans in accordance with the change:
  • procurement purposes
  • requirements for purchased products (incl. marginal price) and (or) regulatory costs for providing customer functions;
  • Changes to the law (decision) on the budget;
  • Implementation of laws (local NPA), decisions (orders) of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive authorities in the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • Change of brought limits;
  • As a result of compulsory public discussion;
  • Use of savings;
  • Issuing a prescription;
  • Changing the timing and (or) periodicity of the acquisition of labor;
  • The emergence of circumstances, to anticipate which at the date of approval of the procurement plan is impossible.

Running purchases

There are often purchases, contracts for which are concluded in the same year, and are executed in the following (for example, food, communication services, etc.). The question arises, in the procurement plan of which year to make such purchases. Of course, they should be made to the 2017 procurement plan. But the amount is reflected in the payments of 2018 (planned payments).

The form of a substantiation of purchases of goods, works and services to provide state and municipal needs in the formation and approval of the procurement plan

N p / n IKZ Name of the procurement object Name target program Name of the event of the state program, the functions of the state body, the management body of the State Extrabudgetary Fund, the municipal authority and (or) the name of the International Treaty of the Russian Federation Justification of the compliance of the object and (or) of the objects of procurement of the event of the state (municipal) program, functions, powers and (or) to the International Treaty of the Russian Federation Full name, date of adoption and number approved in accordance with Article 19 of the regulatory legal (legal) acts establishing regulatory costs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The following data is entered in the formation form:

Column 2. Identification code. (The procedure for the formation of the ICA is established by the order of mayor of No. 422 dated June 29, 2015).

Column 3. Name of the procurement object. It practically corresponds to the fact that in existing schedules it is called "the name of the subject of the contract" - for example, a personal computer

Column 4. Name of the state program, the program of the subject of the Russian Federation, the municipal program. Including the target or departmental target program, other document of strategic and program-targeted planning, if the purchase is planned within specified program. At the moment, in accordance with budget legislation, which provides for the widespread application of the program and target management and budgeting method, the activities of state and municipal institutions, as a rule, is carried out within the framework of state and municipal programs. As part of these programs, budgetary expenses for the activities of institutions (part 4 of Article 21, Article 179 of the BC of the Russian Federation) are formed.

For example, In the Moscow region, the activities of regional state institutions of the average vocational education It is carried out within the framework of the regional state program of the Moscow region "Education of the Moscow region" for 2014 - 2018 (the subprogram "Vocational education").

Column 5. Name of the event of the state program, the program of the subject of the Russian Federation, the municipal program. Including the target or departmental target program, other document of strategic and program-targeted planning), the name of the function, the powers of the state body, the management body of the state extrabudgetary fund, the municipal authority and (or) the name of the International Treaty of the Russian Federation. As the procurement goals, federal legislation provides for not only the implementation of state or municipal programs, but also the implementation of the international obligations of the Russian Federation, the functions and powers of state bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of state and territorial extrabudgetary funds of the Russian Federation, state bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, municipal authorities, with the exception of those performed in The framework of state and municipal programs.

An example of the name of the event

Improving material and technical base public institutions Vocational education

(if the purchase was planned at the expense of budget funds transferred to the institution in the form of a subsidy on targets not related to the implementation of the State Region)


"Implementation educational activities under the contracts for the provision of paid educational services in educational organizations of vocational education "

(if the purchase due to extrabudgetary funds of the institution obtained by him for the provision of paid educational services).

If the purchase is carried out according to the Law No. 233-FZ, the rationale is not required.

Column 6. Justification of the compliance of the object and (or) procurement facilities to the event of the state (municipal) program, functions, powers and (or) to the International Treaty of the Russian Federation. At this point, it is necessary to indicate how procurement complies with the above event of a state or municipal program.

Column 7. Full name, date of adoption and number of approved NAPs establishing requirements for rationing or indication on the absence of such an act for the corresponding procurement object. For example, if a car purchase is planned for the head or deputy head of the federal state body with personal consolidation, then such a car may cost 2.5 million rubles, if for the head (deputy head) of the structural division of this body - no more than 1.5 million rub. If the purchase of labor is planned, according to which such normalization will be installed, in the column it is necessary to specify the details of the corresponding regulatory legal act or write that the act is not approved.


Before filling out the rationale to read. Regulation on normalization operating in your region

An example of the rationale for SGOZ in EP of claim 4.5 in accordance with the Rules of Justification of the Procurement (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.06. 2015 No. 555)

Purchase Identification Code Name of the object and (or) procurement objects Name of the state program or program of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal program (including the target program, The name of the event of the state program or the program of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the municipal program (including the target program, the departmental target program, other document strategic and Justification of the compliance of the object and (or) objects of procurement of the event of the state (municipal) program, functions, powers and (or) International Treaty of the Russian Federation Full name, date of adoption and number approved in accordance with Article 19 of the Law of Regulatory
2 3 4 5 6 7
Procurement of goods, works, services for an amount not exceeding 100 (400) thousand rubles (in accordance with paragraph 4 (paragraph 5) part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law) Municipal program "Education Development" for 2016-2020. The cost of ensuring the activities of municipal educational institutions "School and pre-school food", "Ensuring the safety of educational institutions ... municipal Area", Subventions to ensure students in junior grades (1-4 inclusive) free power. Purchase is carried out in order to implement the relevant event of the subprogramme NPA is not approved

How to form a schedule plan for 2018, the timing of the preparation and adjustment of the plan

Speaking about the schedule, you should remember three postulates:

  1. The schedule is the basis for procurement.
  2. Purchases not provided for by schedules cannot be implemented (Part 1 of Article 21).
  3. Formed by the customer in accordance with the procurement plan (Part 2 of Article 21)

Terms of preparation plan schedule

State customers

Budget institutions

Unitary enterprises


AU and others

(Part 4 and Part 6 Article 15)


Project plan schedule in terms set:


after making the Law on Budget for consideration in the State Duma


after making the Law on Budget for consideration in the State Duma

after making the Law on Budget for consideration in the State Duma


Project Plan

Clarifications and bringing limits

Clarifications and Approval of the FCD Plan

clarifications and conclusions of the Agreement / Top

Approval term within 10 working days

From the date of bringing limits

Since the approval of PFHD

Since the approval of PFHD

From the date of bringing funds to the account or conclusion of the Agreement

Structure plan schedule:

  • CGOZ (reference);
  • name and description of the procurement object, its characteristics (Art. 33)
  • NMCC (thousand rubles)
  • Advance size (%)
  • Stages of payment (amount of planned payments) for the entire period
  • Unit of measurement and code in Okey (if you can measure)
  • Quantity
  • Periodicity (daily, once a month, etc. / number of execution steps (month, year)
  • Size Supply Application and Contract
  • Planned time placement of notice / contract conclusion (month, year)
  • Term of the end of the execution of the contract (month, year)
  • Purchase method
  • The advantages of Article 28 and Article.29
  • SMP and Sonko
  • Bans, restrictions, tolerance conditions Article 14
  • Extra. Requirements and their rationale
  • Mandatory public discussion
  • Information on the bank support / treasury support contract *
  • Information about the authorized body / institution
  • Information about the organizer of the joint contest \\ auction
  • Date, Content and Justification of Changes

Features of the drawing plan schedule

The rules for describing the procurement facility are set out in Article 33 of Law No. 44-FZ. The customer in the description of the purchase of the procurement object should be guided by the following rules:

  • In the description of the procurement object, functional, technical and qualitative characteristics, operational characteristics of the procurement object (if necessary) are indicated.
  • Description of the procurement object may include specifications, plans, drawings, sketches, photos, work results, testing, requirements.

Catalog of goods, works and services

Please note on January 1, 2018 entered into force of PP. d itend 10 pp. B p.1 3 PP of the Russian Federation of 08.02.2017 N 145 "On approval of the rules of formation and maintenance in EIS ... Catalog of labor". In the description of labor, in accordance with the requirements of Article 33 of the Law, information is included:

but) consumer properties and other characteristics of labor, including functional, technical, qualitative characteristics, operational characteristics (if necessary).

Information will be available in the catalog:

The following duty arises: in terms of graphics, the name and description of the procurement object must correspond to the positions of the labor directory if there is this object in the directory.

If there are no appropriate positions in the catalog, the customer carries out a description of the goods, work, services in accordance with the requirements of Article 33 of the Federal Law No. 44-FZ. As the code of the catalog, the corresponding position is missing in the directory, the code is specified according to OKPD2.

If there is a position in the labor directory, and the customer wants to specify additional information At position, additional consumer properties, including functional characteristics, then it is obliged to include in the description of labor justification of the need to use such information.

It should be remembered that the procurement plan and schedule are two interrelated documents. In terms of procurement, there may be one position, and in terms of the schedule there are several, but on the contrary, it cannot be: it is impossible to technically combine purchases from the procurement plan in terms of graphics.

Change schedule schedule

Grounds for changing the schedule schedule:

  • adjustment plan schedule;
  • change of volume and (or) cost, NMCC;
  • changing the date of commencement of procurement, timing and (or) periodicity of the purchase of goods, performance of work, the provision of services, the method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer), payment stages and (or) of the inventory and the deadline for execution of the contract;
  • customer Customer Customer;
  • use of savings;
  • issuing a prescription by control bodies;
  • results of compulsory public discussion;
  • the emergence of other circumstances, to anticipate which on the date of approval of the procurement schedule was impossible.

It is important to remember that changes in the procurement object must be implemented no later than 10 days before the day of posting the procurement notice. After making changes.

Termination, Change Contract and Schedule

Customer's responsibility to make changes to the procurement plan and schedule when changing or terminate the contract is not legally resolved. However, with a decrease in the price of the contract, the graph "Planning payments" should be adjusted to free up funds. If limits were withdrawn, the contract must be terminated.

Features of filling out the formation of procurement

From January 1, 2018, the innovation (PP of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 73) came into force, according to which the NMCC substantiation must be applied, including the procurement object, the number and units of measurement of goods, works and services .

Question There is a question: how to place the EIS substantiation of the NMCC in terms of graphics, taking into account the new rules, if there are limitations on the number of characters, and in the specification several positions and each you need to specify a measure of measurement and quantity?

An example of filling out justification

Name of the procurement object Initial (maximum) contract price, contract price concluded with the only supplier (contractor, performer) Name of the method of determining and justifying the initial (maximum) contract price, the contract prices concluded with the only supplier (contractor, performer) Justification of the impossibility of applying for the definition and justification of the NMCC, the CCEP of the methods listed in paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the Federal Law "On the contracting system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services for providing state and municipal needs" (hereinafter - federal law), as well as the rationale for the method Definitions and justifications of the NMCC, CKEP, not provided for by Part 1 of Article 222 of the Federal Law Justification of the initial (maximum) contract price, contract prices concluded with the only supplier (contractor, performer) in the manner prescribed by Article 22 of the Federal Law Method for determining the supplier (contractor, artist) Justification of the selected way of determining the supplier (contractor, artist)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Grocery 110 000,00 rub. method of comparable market prices (market analysis). The method of comparable market prices (market analysis) is a priority to determine and justify the initial (maximum) contract price for identical products, according to Part 2 of Article 22 of Law No. 44-FZ. - The initial (maximum) contract price is defined in accordance with the requirements of Article 22 of Law No. 44-FZ from and taking into account Methodical recommendations For the application of the methods for determining the initial (maximum) price of the contract, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of October 10, 2013 No. 567.Things was carried out in Appendix No. 1 Request for quotations (Part 2 of Article 72 of Law No. 44-FZ) NMCC does not exceed the established limit of 500 thousand rubles. And the customer has a limit (no more than 10% of the CZHO) on the request for quotations.

An example of calculation with an indication of each position specification (rationale for the calculation of the initial (maximum) price of the contract for the supply of food)

Name of product

(works, services)

price per unit rub.

Monitoring prices

Average unit price, rub

Contract price, rub.,

NMCC \u003d V * C

The coefficient of variation, %

Commercial offer

Organization 1.

Commercial offer

Commercial offer I \u003d 3

1 Buckwheat kg 70 15,6 17,2 18 15,93 318,6 7,7
2 Semolina kg 15 21,50 25,00 27,00 19,50 292,5 14,3
3 Peas kg 10 15,00 20,00 22,00 19,00 190,6 18,1
4 Hercules kg 15 15,6 17,2 18 15,93 318,6 7,7
5 Lentil kg 10 15,00 20,00 22,00 19,00 190,6 18,1
6 ETC.

Features Justification of procurement

For procurement, carried out in accordance with paragraph 7 of part 2 of Article 83, the rationale for the procurement is carried out in accordance with the decision of the medical commission.

In relation to procurement carried out in accordance with paragraphs 4, 5, 26 and 33 of part 1 of article 93, the annual volume of these purchases is subject to the rationale.

The form of justification in the formation and approval of the plan plan schedule is attached to the procurement schedule plan.

In case of changes in the procurement plan (schedule), changes are made to the appropriate forms of procurement

Administrative responsibility

The COAP provides 36 grounds for attracting administrative responsibility, the size of which on a number of foundations depends on the size of the NMCC.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to put a position in the PZ into several OKPDs, (for example, drugs), and in GHG this position is divided into separate purchases with different OKPD2? Yes. It was mistaken with the OKPD2 code, you can change the purchase code in the already posted position of the procurement plan, without canceling the purchase? Since this field is tied to the IKZ, it is not corrected. In this case, it is required to cancel this position and make it anew with the correct OKPD2 code. Are we obliged to observe any deadlines to actualize the procurement plan if there are changes to the PFHD? The deadline for making changes to the PZ in the event of the need for its adjustment is not legally established. The main thing is to adjust the plan before making changes to the schedule and placement of notifications (contracting). There is no regulated period between amending the indicators of the PFHD institution and procurement plan. Direct administrative punishment was also established for non-reporting changes to the procurement plan or a violation of the deadline for making changes after changing the indicators of the PFHD institution. The first version of the PG may contain not all planned purchases? Is it possible to indicate in the first edition of the PG not all means provided for by the estimator (PFHD) (only on individual articles)? Formally, the ban is not provided, but on the basis of the principles of formation of planned documents, the first edition must maximally contain all purchases (must be "distributed" all means). Also, in the grounds of making changes to the procurement plan, only those that allow you to change the procurement already placed.

The customer does not agree with the presence of disorders when placing information in the EIS information when planning procurement

1. Procurement planning is carried out through the formation, approval and management of schedules. Purchases not provided for by schedules cannot be implemented.

2. The schedules include:

2) the name of the object and (or) name of procurement objects;

3) the amount of financial support for procurement;

4) deadlines (frequency) implementation of the planned procurement;

5) information on the compulsory public discussion of the procurement of goods, work or services in accordance with Article 20 of this Federal Law;

3. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes:

1) requirements for the form of schedules;

2) the procedure for the formation, approval of schedules, amending such schedules;

4. The Government of the Russian Federation has the right to establish the features of inclusion in the plan-schedule of information on centralized procurement, joint competitions and auctions, procurement, when implementing closed methods for determining suppliers (contractors, performers), as well as separate purchasesprovided for in paragraph 7 of Part 2 of Article 83, paragraph 3 of Part 2 of Article 83.1, part 1 of Article 93 and Article 111 of this Federal Law.

5. Plans graphics are formed for a period corresponding to the term of the Federal Law on the Federal Budget for the next fiscal year and planning period, federal laws on the budgets of state extrabudgetary funds of the Russian Federation for the next fiscal year and planning period, the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation, laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on budgets of territorial state extrabudgetary funds, municipal legal acts of the representative body municipal Education About the local budget. The schedule plans include taking into account the provisions of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation information about procurement, the implementation of which is planned after the planning period. In this case, the information specified in Part 2 of this article is made in plans for procurement schedules for the entire period of planned procurement.

6. The schedule is formed by a state or municipal customer in accordance with the requirements of this article in the process of drawing up and reviewing projects of budgets budget system The Russian Federation, taking into account the provisions of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation and is approved within ten working days after bringing to the state or municipal customer, the volume of rights in monetary terms for adoption and (or) fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. The schedule is formed by state, municipal institutions, state, municipal unitary enterprises in accordance with the requirements of this article when planning the financial and economic activities of state, municipal institutions, state, municipal unitary enterprises and is approved within ten working days after approval of the plan financially economic activity of state, municipal institutions, the plan (Program) of the financial and economic activities of state, municipal unitary enterprises.

8. Plans graphics are subject to change if necessary:

1) bring them in line with the change in the requirements established in accordance with Article 19 of this Federal Law, the requirements for goods purchased by customers, works, services (including the utmost price of goods, works, services) and (or) regulatory costs for ensuring the functions of state bodies, government bodies of state extrabudgetary funds, municipal authorities;

2) bringing them in line with the change in the changed to the customer the volume of rights in monetary terms for adoption and (or) fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation, a change in indicators of plans (programs) of financial and economic activities of state, municipal institutions, state , municipal unitary enterprises, a change in relevant decisions and (or) agreements on the provision of subsidies;

3) implementation of the decision taken by the Customer following the compulsory public discussion of the purchase in accordance with

The state procurement plan is the main document reflecting the needs of the customer for the long term. It contains targets and timing of the implementation of the planned purchases, the volume of allocated funds for their implementation and plays important role In the activities of the customer. However, the requirements for this document on 44-FZ and 223-ФЗ differ.

Planning goals

A competently compiled document will help to form a procurement plan, procurement period, as well as determine the guideline of the Customer's activities, which significantly simplifies work. Plus, thanks to the preliminary informing of the business community, more favorable contracts are conclusion. This article will help unmistakably fulfill the obligation to plan procurement operations.

One of the main criteria for the purpose of execution of the goal is the procurement period in terms of procurement is the period during which events must be implemented and the result required by the customer will be achieved, that is, the date of the purchase of purchases in terms of procurement and its end is displayed.

Planning is necessary for:

  • implementation of activities provided for by documents of strategic and program-targeted planning;
  • execution of international obligations of the Russian Federation;
  • fulfillment of powers of state, municipal bodies and subjects of subjects.

How to fill in the purpose of procurement in terms of procurement (sample) is represented in the image. Other examples can be found on the EIS website.

44-FZ plan

Planning is carried out in accordance with Article 16-17 44-FZ. Duration of action regulatory Act The budget determines for what period it is necessary to approve the document: 1 or 3 years according to part 3-4 of Article 169 of the BC of the Russian Federation, or for the entire purchase time, if the period of its implementation exceeds the term of the budget law.

Starting the conversation on the planning of the Customer's activities in the sphere of procurement to provide state and municipal needs, first of all it should be noted that the process of planning the procurement of goods, works, services by state and municipal customers is determined by the fundamental goals and principlesFZ number 44. Therefore, planning is aimed primarily on improving the efficiency of use. financial resources and the effectiveness of procurement, provision of publicity and transparency of procurement, as well as the prevention of corruption and other abuses in the sphere of procurement to provide state and municipal needs.

Since the beginning of the entry into force of the Federal Law No. 44, that is, from January 1, 2014, to the present, when planning its procurement activities, under the contract of the contract system, customers are obliged to form a single document reflecting the needs of the customer in goods, works, services, and also contains the estimated procurement time. We are talking about the plan schedule.

However, as you know, From January 1, 2016. It comes into force order two-stage planning which is stated in Part 1 of Art. 16 FZ No. 44. Two-stage planning is the formation, approval and maintenance of two mandatory documents for the implementation of the procurement activities: In addition to the schedule, customers will have to form, assert and place another document on the time being - a procurement plan.

Procurement plans

We remind you that Art. 16 "Procurement Planning" and Art. 17 "Purchasing Plans" of Federal Law No. 44 come into force From January 1, 2016.At the same time, procurement plans should be formed for a period corresponding to the term of the federal law (municipal legal act) on the relevant budget for the next fiscal year and planning period Taking into account the provisions of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation (part 4 of Art. 17 FZ No. 44). We'll figure it out in more detail.

Work on the development of projects for procurement plans Customers must be conducted in mid-2016. Due to the fact that the procurement plan, as already noted, according to budget legislation, must be compiled for a period of three years,it should reflect information about all purchases that the customer involves implementing from 2017 to 2019 inclusive.

Thus, the first procurement plans for a three-year period should be developed and approved by customers already in 2016.

Many customers are concerned about the fact that objectively predicted the needs of goods (works, services) to meet their needs for a period of 3 years quite difficult. On the one hand, this is true. However, we should not forget that if there is a reasonable need for an already approved and posted procurement plan, the customer has the right to make changes. At the same time, the grounds for making such changes are contained in the document defining the procedure for maintaining a procurement plan.

Requirements for the formation, approval and implementation of procurement plans approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2013 No. 1043 "On the requirements for the formation, approval and management of procurement plans of goods, works, services to ensure the needs of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and municipal needs, as well as requirements To the form of plans for procurement of goods, works, services "(hereinafter - Resolution No. 1043).

So, paragraph "A" Part 4 of the requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans approved by Resolution No. 1043, it was established that state and municipal customers in the deadlines established by the main managers of the budget of the subject of the subject of the Russian Federation (local budget), but no later than deadlines set by higher executive bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation (local administrations) form procurement plans and represent them no later than July 1 of the current year The main managers of the budget funds of the subject of the Russian Federation (no later than August 1 - the main managers of the local budget) for the formation on their basis in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation, the rationale for the budget allocations for procurement.

Similar, but somewhat different from the specified timelines are established for budget and autonomous institutions of the subjects of the Russian Federation (municipalities).

Moreover, from January 1, 2016 The decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.06.2015 No. 552 "On approval of the rules of formation, approval and maintenance of the procurement of goods, works, services to ensure federal needs, as well as requirements for the form of a procurement plan, works, services to ensure federal Needs "(hereinafter - Resolution No. 552).

Resolution No. 552 approved:

- Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of the procurement plangoods, works, services for federal needs;

- Requirements for the form of a procurement plan Goods, works, services for federal needs.

In this way, from January 1, 2016 Formation, approval and maintenance of the procurement plan - duty Customer due to legislation.


As for the order of the customer over Plan-schedule, Note the following.

The procedure for maintaining schedules is regulated by Article 21 of the FZ No. 44, entering into force from January 1, 2016 (With the exception of part 11, entering into force on January 1, 2017).

So, first of all, the Customer needs to know that the schedule contains a list of works of works, services assumed to procurement to provide state and municipal needs, and is formed on fiscal yearin accordance with the procurement plans.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 112 FZ No. 44 The procedure and features of the placement, as well as the form of schedules for 2015 - 2016 identified:

1) joint order of the ministry economic Development Russia and the Federal Treasury No. 761 / 20n dated December 27, 2011. "On approval of the procedure for placing on the official website of schedules for placing orders for the supply of goods, performing work, the provision of services for the needs of customers and shapes of schedules for placing an order for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of customers ";

2) joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Federal Treasury No. 182 / 7N dated March 31, 2015 "On the features of accommodation in a single information system or before commissioning the specified system on the official website of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunications Internet for information placement On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services planning schedules for orders for 2015 and 2016 "(hereinafter referred to as Order No. 182 / 7N), which entered into force on May 23, 2015

We pay attention to: Order No. 182 / 7n recognized invalid:

Joint Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury of September 20, 2013 No. 544 / 18n "On the features of the Internet on the official website of the Russian Federation in an information and telecommunication network Internet to accommodate information about the placement of orders for the supply of goods, work, the provision of plans -Gravics placement of orders for 2014 and 2015 ";

Joint Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury of August 29, 2014 No. 528 / 11N "On Amendments to Feature Placement on the Official Website of the Russian Federation in an information and telecommunication network Internet to accommodate information on placing orders for the supply of goods, work, The provision of plans for schedules for placing orders for 2014 and 2015, approved by the joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury of September 20, 2013 No. 544 / 18n.

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.06.2015 No. 553 "On approval of the rules of formation, approval and conducting a plan-schedule of procurement of goods, works, services to ensure federal needs, as well as requirements for the form of a plan-schedule of purchases of goods, works, services To ensure federal needs, "(hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 553).

Resolution No. 553 approved:

Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of the plan-schedule of purchases of goods, works, services to ensure federal needs;

Requirements for the form of a plan-schedule of purchases of goods, works, services to ensure federal needs.


Perhaps it will be useful to read: