Conditions and factors of the quality of management decisions. Quality parameters of management decisions and conditions for their provision. Need help learning a topic

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by discipline: Management decisions

topic: Factors of the quality of management decisions


The importance of the problems associated with the factors of making managerial decisions attracts the attention of a wide range of scientists and practitioners. Decision making is a systematic process. The relevance of the topic of this work is due to the fact that decision making and quality factors are an integral part of the management process, the center around which the organization's life revolves. A manager who makes certain managerial decisions must combine certain qualities: the art of analyzing situations, deep professional knowledge, decision-making techniques and methods, professional skills in working with people.

Decision-making is inherent in any type of activity, and the performance of one person, a group of people or the entire people of a particular state may depend on it. From an economic and managerial point of view, decision making and consideration of the quality factors of these decisions should be considered as a factor in increasing production efficiency. Production efficiency, naturally, in each specific case depends on the quality of the decision made by the manager.

In conditions market economy with fierce competition, the transition to the concept of scientific management focused on achieving competitiveness by improving the quality of managerial work ensures the survival of the organization. Those who do not want to work efficiently go bankrupt. Every year, from 8 to 12% of firms in industrialized countries go bankrupt due to poor management, and the quality of decision-making leaves much to be desired.

In this paper, the goal is to disclose the conditions and quality factors affecting the adoption of management decisions in order to act more rationally and in a systematic way, and thus the decisions were the most effective.

Conditions and factorsquality of management decisions

For a detailed consideration of the quality factors of managerial decisions, it is necessary to understand what the very concept of managerial decision is.

In the sociological literature, there are various points of view on what decisions made by a person in an organization are considered managerial. The point of view seems to be justified, according to which only those decisions that affect relations in the organization should be classified as managerial ones.

Management decisions, therefore, are always associated with changes in the organization, they are usually initiated by executive or an appropriate body with full responsibility for the consequences of controlled or enforced decisions. The boundaries of competence within which he makes a decision are clearly defined in the requirements formal structure... However, the number of persons involved in the preparation of the decision is much greater than the number of persons vested with authority.

Preparation of management decisions in modern organizations it is often separated from the function of their acceptance and involves the work of a whole team of specialists. In the "classical" management theory, it is, as a rule, a function of staff services. The process of implementing a decision is associated with the implementation of a special plan, which is a set of activities aimed at achieving goals and timing of their implementation. The development of such a plan is the prerogative of the relevant services in the management apparatus. However, today those who will implement it, that is, the direct performers, are involved in its development.

Management solution is the choice of an alternative, made by the head within the framework of his official powers and competence and aimed at achieving the goals of the organization.

Expanded adoption management decision is understood as the whole management process.

Management solution is a creative act of the subject of management, aimed at eliminating problems that have arisen in the object of management. decision making competence validity

The effectiveness of a management decision is defined as the ratio of results to the costs of its implementation. In the process of developing management decisions, the following factors must be taken into account:

1. description of the problem (its complexity, degree of novelty, certainty and type);

2. development of the problem (availability of program methods and skills for its implementation);

3. characteristics of information (volume, availability, reliability, relevance, etc.);

4. limited resources;

5. organization of development of solutions;

6. competence, education and work experience of managers;

7. subjective factors (compatibility of employees, their cohesion, etc.);

8. information technology / collecting, analyzing and processing information.

A systematic approach to solving the problem using scientifically grounded methods and models of their implementation ensures high quality management decisions. A significant influence on the decision is made by the organization's personnel: its qualitative composition, creative capabilities and psychological compatibility.

Factors affecting the quality of management decisions. The quality of management decisions largely determines the end result and depends on a number of factors:

b the quality of the initial information, determined by its reliability, sufficiency, immunity from interference and errors, the form of presentation (it is known that the accuracy of the calculation results cannot be higher than the accuracy used to calculate the information);

ь the optimal or rational nature of the decision being made;

ь the timeliness of decisions made, determined by the speed of their development, adoption, transfer and organization of execution;

ь compliance of the decisions made with the current management mechanism and the management methods based on it;

ь qualifications of personnel involved in the development, decision-making and organization of their implementation;

the readiness of the managed system for execution decisions taken.

Requirements for management decisions. In order to be effective, i.e. achieve some of the goals, the solution must satisfy a number of requirements:

l unity of goals - consistency of solutions to previously set goals. For this, the structuring of the problem and the construction of a tree of goals should be carried out;

ь validity and competence - the reasoning and validity of the decision, as well as the compliance of the rights and obligations of the decision-making bodies.

Arguments, if possible, should be formalized (contain statistical, economic and other data). To achieve scientific validity and legitimacy, it is necessary to ensure:

b - application of scientific management approaches to the development of solutions;

b - study of the influence of economic laws on the effectiveness of the decision;

b - application of methods of functional cost analysis, forecasting, modeling and business case for every solution.

l clarity of wording - focus on a specific performer;

b the brevity of the wording of the adopted decision - the fulfillment of this requirement increases the specificity, effectiveness of decisions and contributes to a better assimilation of the task by the performer;

l flexibility - the existence of an algorithm for achieving a goal when external or internal conditions change, descriptions of the states of the control object, external environment, in which the implementation of the solution should be suspended and the development of a new solution should be started;

ь timeliness and efficiency of decision-making, increasing the value of the decision;

l Objectivity - Managers should not ignore actual conditions or actual state of affairs when developing options for solutions.

This requires:

b - get quality information characterizing the solution development system;

b - to ensure the comparability (comparability) of solutions;

b - to provide multivariate solutions;

b - to achieve the legal validity of the decision;

the possibility of verification and control, the absence of real control measures, especially when it is known at the stage of developing decisions, can make all the rest of the work on preparing and making decisions meaningless;

l automation of the process of collecting and processing information, the process of developing and implementing solutions - using computing technology, which significantly reduces the development time of the solution and increases its validity;

l responsibility and motivation in making a high-quality and effective decision;

l availability of an implementation mechanism - the content of the decision should include sections covering the organization, stimulation, control in the implementation of decisions.

In addition, in order to be of high quality, the control solution must be stable in efficiency against possible mistakes in the definition of initial data (robust) and flexible - to provide for changes in goals and algorithms for achieving goals. Otherwise, insignificant deviations of the initial data, which may arise at any time and for various reasons, will make an effective management decision ineffective.


When considering this topic, I tried, as succinctly and thoroughly as possible, to reveal the frequently encountered factors that can affect the quality of decisions made, and made the following conclusions for myself;

Decision is about choosing an alternative. The need for decision-making is explained by the conscious and purposeful nature of human activity, arises at all stages of the management process and is part of any management function.

Decision making (managerial) in organizations has a number of differences from choice an individual, since it is not an individual, but a group process.

The nature of the decisions made is greatly influenced by the degree of completeness and reliable information available to the manager. Depending on this, decisions can be made under conditions of certainty (deterministic decisions) and risk or uncertainty (probabilistic decisions).

The quality of the decisions made can be influenced by many factors, the main ones can be considered;

The accuracy of the calculation results, and the accuracy largely depends on the completeness and reliability of the initial information,

· Timeliness of making managerial decisions, that is, the speed of making, the speed of processing ...

· Qualification of specialists who carry out development, decision-making and how the implementation of these decisions is organized.

List of letterstours

1. Ternovoy AI, Ternovoy KI, Uchitel Yu. G. Development of management decisions ed. UNITY-DANA 2007

2. Smirnov E.A. Management decisions ed. Accent-2001

3. Kuznetsova L.A. DEVELOPMENT OF A MANAGEMENT SOLUTION. Textbook / Chelyab. gosun-t Chelyabinsk, 2001

4. S.V. Potapov How to make decisions confidently, without mistakes Eksmo-2007

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Quite often, when talking about the requirements for management decisions, they confuse the concepts "quality" and "efficiency".

Considering the decision-making process as a sequence of two interrelated, but at the same time independent stages - the development of a decision and its implementation, it is necessary to note in accordance with this two modifications of the management decision: theoretically found and practically implemented.

In relation to the first one should apply quality concept , and to the second - efficiency .

Thus, the quality of a managerial decision is possible and must be assessed even at the stage of its adoption, without waiting for the actual result to be obtained.

Quality of management decisions - it is the degree of correspondence of the parameters of the chosen solution alternative to a certain system of characteristics, satisfying its developers and consumers and providing the possibility of effective implementation .

These characteristics should include all of the above requirements for management decisions.

Traditionally, many managers associate the quality of products with the technology of its production and the professionalism of personnel - this is the easiest and most natural way to improve the quality of products.

However, in practice production activities allocate three levels of quality management:

1. Industrial , including the improvement of equipment, materials, personnel qualifications;

2. Technological , involving the creation of functional management structures to coordinate all production activities of the company to improve the quality of products;

3. Managerial , including the formation of a quality management system in the entire structure of the company, including the top and middle management, technology and production.

The quality of management decisions is determined by the quality of all the procedures and operations used.

For the success of the entire SD process, order is also required in the field of management activities - a source of SD. In this area, international and domestic standards and regulations are being formed. Currently, within the framework of the PRDD they are guided by two standards - ISO 900X and GOST RF R 1.0-92.

ISO (International Standart Organization) is an internationally recognized standardization organization. She coordinates efforts to create global quality standards. The general term "ISO 9000" refers for brevity to a group of international standards for quality management and quality assurance.

4.1. Organizational and psychological prerequisites for the quality of decisions

Validitydecisions should not raise doubts among the executors. Along with the answer to the main question: "What needs to be done?" performers should be clear about others:

Why it is necessary to do it this way and not otherwise;

The better the old new order of things;

· To what extent it corresponds not only to the interests of the enterprise, but also to each employee.

Timeliness decisions are the second condition for efficiency. A belated decision does not correct the situation. If a problem arises in the enterprise, events do not wait, they develop directionally. It takes time to resolve problems. During this period, the situation is studied, the necessary data is collected to prepare, make a decision and implement it. The more time a leader gives himself to prepare and make a decision, the less it remains for execution. By placing subordinates within a limited time frame, the leader deliberately harms the effectiveness of his own decisions. The time for making decisions must be correlated with the state of the moral and psychological climate in the team, therefore it is useful to conduct targeted psychological preparation for a new decision.

· Prohibiting;

· Permissive;

· Constructive.

The most difficult psychological situation is created when prohibiting solutions. (The leader refuses to support the proposal, cancels the measures planned by the subordinates, prohibits certain actions.) If this is repeated systematically, the leader risks losing the support of the team.

When permitting decisions should first ask subordinates to comprehensively substantiate the proposal, identify difficulties and ways to overcome them. This is important in order to avoid the error of the subordinate and not to suppress his initiative in the future. The leader should delve deeper into the essence of the matter, correlate proposals with long-term plans and better evaluate the thinking of the subordinate.

Constructive decisions, developed by the leaders themselves, on the advice of a psychologist, it is better to declare as prompted from below (as a rule, examples of this are found). The leader's ambition may be somewhat undermined, but the effectiveness of the solution wins.

Compliance of the decision with the forces and means its implementation is also of no small importance. It is known that under the same objective conditions, managers set themselves and their subordinates tasks of varying difficulty, which is explained by the self-esteem of the individual. In this regard, leaders are distinguished:

· With overestimated inadequate self-esteem (overestimation of forces and means);

• low inadequate self-esteem (underestimation, excessive modesty);

· Adequately high (knowledge of their great capabilities);

· Adequately low self-esteem (awareness of the limitations of their capabilities).

Depending on which group the leader belongs to, he makes decisions:

· Overwhelming for themselves and subordinates;

· Much lower than real possibilities;

· Appropriate to opportunities and tense;

· Modest but reflective of available resources.

A fifth option is also possible, in which the leader accepts a deliberately lightweight option.

On the whole, a significant, but feasible load for the team is preferable, since it is more profitable economically (with objective wages), and psychologically, it develops the team by overcoming increasing difficulties.

The rigidity of the regulation of the activities of subordinates one of the conditions for the effectiveness of decisions. There are three levels of hardness:

contour decisions - roughly outline the scheme of actions of subordinates and give them freedom in choosing methods of achieving the goal;

structured solutions - in which the main parameters are rigidly fixed, but the manifestation of initiative is allowed on secondary issues;

algorithmic decisions - practically exclude the initiative of subordinates, strictly regulating their activities.

The assessment of the benefits of any level of severity is considered in relation to specific situation... Contour solutions are effective in cases where subordinates know the problem well, are conscientious, and have experience in solving it. Algorithmic decisions are given in conditions when subordinates work without sufficient effort, or in particularly responsible actions, even with rather experienced subordinates. Examples of algorithmic solutions are safety rules, instructions for accidents, fires and other stressful situations. All the variety of psychological prerequisites for the quality of decisions is shown in Fig.

So, the performance of the enterprise depends on the quality of management decisions. They must meet certain requirements, proceed from the prevailing economic conditions, and be adopted in compliance with organizational and psychological prerequisites.

4.2. Distortion of information at the enterprise and the quality of management decisions

The quality of management decisions, in addition to the qualifications of the manager himself, also depends on the completeness and reliability of the information available to the manager in the decision-making process.

Marketers are responsible for providing management with the information necessary for making management decisions regarding the behavior of an enterprise in the market.

Situations that most seriously distort the information that goes to the manager:

1. “ORGANIZATIONAL IMPERFECTION” is manifested in the absence at the enterprise of a single center for processing and analyzing information coming to the head of the enterprise.

Moreover, the problem of reducing and comparative analysis data entirely falls on the top executive who is already overloaded with purely administrative problems. This often means that the most valuable insights are lost.

There is also no comparison of information from units for reliability, which also reduces the quality of information support for management.

Negative influence of this filter can be reduced by a summary of all heterogeneous information intended for the head of the enterprise into a single format that represents the dynamics of the most overall indicators the work of the enterprise and regularly enter it into the manager's computer in the form of graphs, diagrams, etc.

2. “LOW QUALIFICATION – 1” is manifested in the absence of good specialists at the enterprises in the field of information search and presentation, which means that the quality of these works is usually low.

An effective but expensive method of dealing with this filter is to invite outside experts to conduct research on issues of interest to the company.

3. “LOW QUALIFICATION-2” is manifested in the inability of top management to work with information. Many top managers do not like to admit they do not understand or know something, fearing to lower their authority before subordinates and, as a result, reject misunderstood information.

Considering this point, it is necessary, firstly, to present the material in the simplest possible language, and, secondly, to try to find out which form of information presentation is most acceptable for a given leader and without falling into ambitions to gradually "tame" the leader to the consumption of information, for example, by re-submitting important information in a different form of presentation (text, tables, graphics).

4. "METHOD OF INFORMATION PROCESSING" is manifested in the introduction of limiting conditions characteristic of one or another mathematical method used in information processing. If the processing method is chosen incorrectly, important information can be lost (cut off).

5. “SUCCESSFUL ATTITUDES” is manifested in the desire of managers to use standard methods for solving emerging problems, already worked out earlier on similar tasks (managerial experience).

Any manager in the course of his activities, sooner or later develops a model of successful actions (attitude) in the face of a constant set of factors and dependencies between them in the given external environment.

When complex information is received, an experienced leader using such a model, analyzing the situation, is able to quickly choose the optimal line of behavior.

But with the growth of uncertainty and variability of the external environment, the same model, which takes into account only the experience of the past, stops working and becomes a brake that prevents the restructuring of the manager's consciousness.

The manager is tempted to reject inconvenient information not related to past experience. This happens especially often with marketing information, which, like the marketing idea itself, has not yet taken root in many Russian enterprises.

The degree of manifestation of this filter can be measured and in a certain way characterizes the “aging” of management personnel at the enterprise.

6. “REAL POWER” is manifested in the rejection of information by managers who have real power in the enterprise, if this information threatens their position.

In any enterprise, regardless of its size and form of ownership, there are groups of people or divisions that are fighting among themselves for power in the enterprise, which can be expressed either in control over financial flows, or in a predominant influence on the head, which ultimately allows the winning faction to determine enterprise policy.

If the thinking of the “winners” is based on past experience and does not correspond to the current situation, the enterprise will inevitably lose its position in the market and enter the crisis zone, since the main resources of the enterprise are distributed in favor of the leading group, often to the detriment of the interests of the company as a whole.

An effective means to reduce the influence of this filter is to improve the economic and marketing qualifications of managers at all levels in the enterprise.

7. “RESISTANCE OF THE MIDDLE MANAGEMENT” is manifested in the rejection by the middle management of the controlling influences on the part of the top management, since the middle management sometimes does not understand the whole essence of what is happening and perceives it as a threat to its position.

The resistance of middle management is manifested in the “pushing” of “linear” tasks to the level of top management (issues of supply, production, etc.).

This effect is largely a consequence of the lack of awareness of middle management about the motives for decision-making by top management, as well as the fact that the middle manager usually does not have all the necessary information to make optimal decisions within his competence.

This situation is most typical in the field of marketing decision-making, since the awareness of the relevance of marketing in Russian enterprises goes “from top to bottom” and therefore mutual misunderstanding between top and middle management is especially strong.

Therefore, it is important that the manager, in addition to issuing instructions, not only “shared” marketing information (by affiliation) with subordinates, but also strongly supported the systematic improvement of the marketing qualifications of management at the enterprise.

This reduces the effect of "resistance" of middle management, when implementing marketing activities.

One of real effects marketing in the stage of its formation at Russian enterprises is to create a comfortable information environment for the process of making managerial decisions regarding the behavior of an enterprise in the market.

Part of this process can be the identification of information filters in the enterprise and work to reduce their harmful effect on the quality of marketing information.

To be effective, a solution must meet a number of requirements:

1) be real, i.e. proceed from achievable goals, actually available resources and time;

3) be resistant to possible errors in determining the initial data;

4) prepare, accept and perform, taking into account possible emergency situations;

5) be realizable, i.e. not contain provisions that would derail performance;

6) be flexible, i.e. change the goal and (or) the algorithm for achieving the goal when external or internal conditions change;

7) provide for the possibility of checking and monitoring performance.

Factors affecting the quality level of management decisions,there may be many. They can be conditionally divided into two groups:

a) situational nature, associated with the awareness of the problem, alternatives to its solution and their consequences. This group includes the study of the situation, analysis and forecasts, methods used, management organization, etc .;

6) a behavioral nature associated with motives, value orientations, level of requirements, willingness to take risks of persons who develop and make decisions.

The factors of the first group act at the stage preceding decision-making and contribute to the formulation of the problem. The factors of the second group are manifested in the behavior of the leader and his employees in the course of developing management decisions. In the practice of decision-making at individual stages, these groups of factors can intertwine.

The quality of the management decision also depends on such factors as: the quality of the initial information, determined by its reliability, sufficiency, immunity from interference and errors;

1) the optimal or rational nature of the decision being made;

2) the timeliness of decisions made, determined by the speed of their development, adoption, transfer and organization of execution;

3) compliance of the decisions made with the current management mechanism and the management methods based on it;

4) the qualifications of personnel involved in the development, decision-making and organization of their implementation;

5) the readiness of the controlled system to execute the decisions made.

The reasons affecting the quality of the decisions made are very diverse and can be of an organizational, economic, psychological nature. Among them:

§ a significant amount of decisions made. If a leader signs from 300 to 1000 or more orders per year, then it is difficult for him personally to ensure a high degree of their validity;

§ inconsistency of new decisions with previous ones, duplication;

§ transformation of the goal of the solution in the process of its movement along hierarchical levels. When passing along the "vertical", the solution should not diverge from the interests of individual hierarchical levels;

§ acceptance of pseudo-decisions, i.e. decisions that do not have specific content: vague, unverifiable, reflecting a general attitude, wishes (“pay attention”, “raise”, “take the necessary measures”, “strengthen requirements”, etc.);

§ insufficient technologization of the preparation and decision-making processes;

§ lack of a procedure for agreeing decisions;

§ setting unrealistic deadlines for the execution of work ("mobilizing" deadlines can only be an exception and should not turn into a system);

§ making decisions under the influence of emotions, etc.

The ability to find the causes of poor quality solutions will limit the possibility of their occurrence at different stages of the development and execution process and thereby contribute to the effectiveness of solutions.

management management forecasting competitiveness

For a detailed consideration of the quality factors of managerial decisions, it is necessary to understand what the very concept of managerial decision is.

In the sociological literature, there are various points of view on what decisions made by a person in an organization are considered managerial. The point of view seems to be justified, according to which only those decisions that affect relations in the organization should be classified as managerial ones.

Management decisions, therefore, are always associated with changes in the organization; they are usually initiated by an official or an appropriate body, which bears full responsibility for the consequences of controlled or implemented decisions. The boundaries of competence within which he makes a decision are clearly defined in the requirements of the formal structure. However, the number of persons involved in the preparation of the decision is much greater than the number of persons vested with authority.

The preparation of management decisions in modern organizations is often separated from the function of making them and involves the work of a whole team of specialists. In the "classical" management theory, it is, as a rule, a function of staff services. The process of implementing a decision is associated with the implementation of a special plan, which is a set of activities aimed at achieving goals and the timing of their implementation. The development of such a plan is the prerogative of the relevant services in the management apparatus. However, today those who will implement it, that is, the direct performers, are involved in its development.

Management solution is the choice of an alternative, made by the head within the framework of his official powers and competence and aimed at achieving the goals of the organization.

In the extended plan, management decision making is understood as the entire management process.

Management solution is a creative act of the subject of management, aimed at eliminating problems that have arisen in the object of management.

The effectiveness of a management decision is defined as the ratio of results to the costs of its implementation. In the process of developing management decisions, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • 1. description of the problem (its complexity, degree of novelty, certainty and type);
  • 2. development of the problem (availability of program methods and skills for its implementation);
  • 3. characteristics of information (volume, availability, reliability, relevance, etc.);
  • 4. limited resources;
  • 5. organization of development of solutions;
  • 6. competence, education and work experience of managers;
  • 7. subjective factors (compatibility of employees, their cohesion, etc.);
  • 8. information technology / collecting, analyzing and processing information.

A systematic approach to solving the problem using scientifically grounded methods and models of their implementation ensures high quality management decisions. A significant influence on the decision is made by the organization's personnel: its qualitative composition, creative capabilities and psychological compatibility.

Factors affecting the quality of management decisions. The quality of management decisions largely determines the end result and depends on a number of factors:

b the quality of the initial information, determined by its reliability, sufficiency, immunity from interference and errors, the form of presentation (it is known that the accuracy of the calculation results cannot be higher than the accuracy used to calculate the information);

ь the optimal or rational nature of the decision being made;

ь the timeliness of decisions made, determined by the speed of their development, adoption, transfer and organization of execution;

ь compliance of the decisions made with the current management mechanism and the management methods based on it;

ь qualifications of personnel involved in the development, decision-making and organization of their implementation;

ь the readiness of the controlled system to fulfill the decisions taken.

Requirements for management decisions. In order to be effective, i.e. achieve some of the goals, the solution must satisfy a number of requirements:

ь unity of goals - consistency of solutions to previously set goals. For this, the structuring of the problem and the construction of a tree of goals should be carried out;

ь validity and competence - the reasoning and validity of the decision, as well as the compliance of the rights and obligations of the decision-making bodies.

Arguments, if possible, should be formalized (contain statistical, economic and other data). To achieve scientific validity and legitimacy, it is necessary to ensure:

application of scientific management approaches to the development of solutions;

ь study of the influence of economic laws on the effectiveness of the decision;

b application of methods of functional and cost analysis, forecasting, modeling and economic justification for each decision.

l clarity of wording - focus on a specific performer;

b brevity of the wording of the adopted decision - the fulfillment of this requirement increases the specificity, effectiveness of decisions and contributes to a better assimilation of the task by the performer;

l flexibility - the existence of an algorithm for achieving the goal when external or internal conditions change, descriptions of the states of the control object, external environment, in which the implementation of the solution should be suspended and the development of a new solution should be started;

ь timeliness and efficiency of decision-making, increasing the value of the decision;

l Objectivity - managers should not ignore actual conditions or the factual state of affairs when developing options for solutions.

This requires:

ь obtain quality information characterizing the solution development system;

l ensure the comparability (comparability) of options for solutions;

ь to provide multivariate solutions;

ь achieve the legal justification of the decision taken;

the possibility of verification and control, the absence of real control measures, especially when it is known at the stage of developing decisions, can make all the rest of the work on preparing and making decisions meaningless;

l automation of the process of collecting and processing information, the process of developing and implementing solutions - the use of computer technology, which significantly reduces the time for developing a solution and increases its validity;

l responsibility and motivation in making a high-quality and effective decision;

l availability of an implementation mechanism - the content of the decision should include sections covering the organization, stimulation, control in the implementation of decisions.

In addition, in order to be of high quality, the control solution must be stable in efficiency against possible errors in determining the initial data (robust) and flexible - to provide for changes in goals and algorithms for achieving goals. Otherwise, insignificant deviations of the initial data, which may arise at any time and for various reasons, will make an effective management decision ineffective.

Topic 3 Conditions and factors of the quality of management decisions.doc

Topic 3. Conditions and factors of the quality of management decisions

1. Properties of quality solutions

2. Conditions and factors of quality of decisions

3. Organizational and psychological prerequisites for the quality of decisions
1. Properties of quality solutions

The quality of managerial decisions is understood as a set of properties that ensure their successful implementation and obtaining a certain effect. As part of the properties of management decisions, the validity, timeliness, efficiency, consistency, concreteness, simplicity, authority, etc. are highlighted.

Validitymanagement decisions are manifested in the need to take into account the entire set of factors and conditions associated with its development. At the same time, an important place is given to the quality of the information used, its reliability and completeness, timeliness of receipt.

Efficiencymanagement decision emphasizes the obligatory ratio of the expected and achieved economic and social effect with the costs of its development and implementation. Compliance with this requirement is the main prerequisite for the survival and prosperity of an enterprise in a market economy.

Managerial work as the sum of resolved managerial situations, and the quality of decisions - as a determining criterion for the effectiveness of this work. In this regard, in the practice of enterprises, an indicator is used that indirectly evaluates the quality of management decisions made through the number of decisions made. It is calculated by the formula

Expressed as a percentage, this indicator characterizes, in essence, the quality of management, although not absolutely, but with a certain degree of inaccuracy.

Decisions must be made on time. In this sense, the importance of timely decision-making emphasizes the established opinion of business executives who prefer an insufficiently grounded decision to its absence at all.

The consistency of a managerial decision expresses the need for its preliminary agreement with decisions previously made in a given firm, as well as verification regulatory documents management and control bodies (federal, regional, departmental).

For the solution to be competent,it must be accepted by the body (person) having the appropriate powers, legal basis, right to do so.

Concretenessmanagerial decision is manifested in a clear indication: who, what and when should be done.

The solution should be simple in form and clearcontent, to be understandable not only to the person receiving it, but also to the addressee of the performance.

From the point of view of office work, a managerial decision (order, order, resolution, etc.) must include the ascertaining and operative parts. The first reflects the essence of the problem, its characteristics and features; the second - the goals of the solution, the means of achieving them. It also names the persons responsible for the timely implementation of the decision, also defines the forms and terms of control, encouragement and sanctions for possible violations.

An important prerequisite for high-quality management decisions is their professional development, taking into account economic and social expediency. Competent analysis of the problem situation, correct setting goals and objectives, the preparation of alternatives and the choice of the optimal option according to the established criteria are necessary components of the quality and effectiveness of management decisions.
^ 2. Conditions and factors of quality of decisions

At the enterprise, as a rule, many interests, desires, intentions collide. Even complex algorithms cannot express the resultant of all these forces. Therefore, in every managerial decision there are elements of subjectivity that depend on the knowledge and abilities of the leader.

At the same time, certain objective provisions are laid in the basis of management decisions, with which every leader is obliged to reckon. The degree of their use depends on the ability of managers to proceed from objective positions and develop solutions taking into account the scientific foundations of management.

The objective economic conditions for the development of competent management decisions are:

1) knowledge of the real development trends of the controlled object;

2) possession of methods for the positive use of the prevailing trends in the activities of the enterprise;

3) orientation in common purposes development of the country's economy as a whole;

4) determination of tasks arising from these goals for the controlled object;

5) a clear understanding of the state of the object, the external environment (immediate environment), trends in their development;

6) possession of a set of methods for transferring a controlled object from an actual state to a desired one and giving it the necessary directions of development;

7) the ability to respond in a timely manner to the changing situation and new tasks put forward by the market, the economic policy of the state.

To comply with these conditions, the manager must have information that comes from different sources - internal and external, is acquired in the course of training and retraining, the accumulation of experience. However, even with well-organized information support, both correct and erroneous decisions are made.

Improving their quality is facilitated by preliminary thinking through the following organizational issues:

1) where and who makes the decision;

2) types of decisions made at various levels;

3) the time required for making decisions after receiving information;

4) system of registration and transmission of the decision;

5) a system for monitoring the implementation of decisions made and checking their actual effectiveness.

For managers of different levels, a certain type of decision is characteristic. So, the closer the manager is to production and the smaller the scale of his work, the greater the share of operational decisions, the more specific the targeting. These managers include the foremen of the workshop, sections. The general director of the corporation is engaged in the development of promising solutions:

Determination of development paths;

Implementation new technology and technology;

Mastering new products;

Revealing market capacity;

Determination of the development trend of industries that consume products;

Possibility to enter the world market, etc.

The manager must make a decision taking into account the influence of external (changing conditions of supply, sales) and internal factors (changes in personnel, difficulties of a structural nature).

The decision time period is different for measures of different scales. Operational decisions should be made at the most short time, sometimes instantly (for example, by an electrical dispatcher). On promising issues, haste in decision-making is unacceptable, since it is necessary:

Weighing all the circumstances now and in the future;

Collection additional information, carrying out special studies;

Formulation of the final solution and ways to achieve it;

Determination of the content and schedule of work related to decision-making.

In the course of implementation of the decision, the means of monitoring the progress of its implementation are established, the frequency of control operations and their content are thought out. Control forms can be reports, operational information, automatic alarms, reports, documents, etc.

There can be many factors affecting the quality level of management decisions. They can be conditionally divided into two groups:

A) factors of a situational nature associated with the awareness of the problem, alternatives for its solution and their consequences. This group includes the study of the situation, analysis and forecasts, the methods used, the organization of management at the enterprise, etc.;

B) factors of a behavioral nature (in the process of developing solutions): motives, value orientations, level of requirements, willingness to take risks of persons who develop and make decisions.

The factors of the first group act at the stage preceding decision-making and contribute to the formulation of the problem. Factors of the second group are manifested in the behavior of the leader and his employees in the course of developing management decisions.

In the practice of decision-making at individual stages, these groups of factors can intertwine. Schematically, the structure of factors influencing in the decision-making process can be represented as follows (Fig. 1).

Figure: 3.1.Quality factors of management decisions
^ 3. Organizational and psychological prerequisites for the quality of decisions

The reasons influencing the quality of the decisions made are very diverse and can be of an organizational, economic, psychological nature. Among them:

1. A significant amount of decisions made. If a leader signs from 300 to 1000 or more orders per year, it is difficult to ensure a high degree of their validity.

2. Newly adopted decisions are not linked with the previous ones, duplicate the existing organizational order.

3. Transformation of the goal of the solution in the process of its movement along the hierarchical levels. When passing along the "vertical" the decision should not meet the divergence of interests of the individual

New hierarchical levels. Taken together, the number of tasks on each of them should be equal to the whole - the original concept of the solution.

4. Making pseudo-decisions, that is, decisions that do not have a specific content: vague, unverifiable, reflecting the general attitude; wishes (such as "pay attention", "raise", "take the necessary measures", "strengthen requirements", etc.). According to the survey results, such decisions can be up to 10% of the total number of decisions made. They got the name "bureaucratic alibis". Simulating real control actions, pseudo-solutions lead to pseudo-control.

5. Insufficient technologization of preparation and decision-making processes. Despite the fact that the main share of decisions in the activities of managers are typical (repetitive), programmable (about 58%) decisions, however, the technology (a kind of standards) for preparing and making such decisions is not developed.

6. Imbalance of control action on various subsystems of the firm various problems... Often, a disproportionately large share of the head's attention is paid to a narrow range of problems of the current functioning of the enterprise, to one or another subsystem. Most often, this situation develops as a result of insufficient delegation of authority.

7. Lack of a procedure for agreeing decisions with executors. Some managers find this procedure unnecessary because it takes time. But, as a rule, the time costs are subsequently compensated for, since workers are more willing to implement decisions in the development of which they take part.

8. Establishment of unrealistic terms for the execution of work ("mobilizing" terms). Sometimes the manager uses this technique in order to increase the activity of employees. However, this can only be an exception and should not turn into a system.

9. Low level of innovative (strategic) solutions. Their share usually does not exceed 10% and most often concerns small-scale reorganizations.

10. Decisions are not sufficiently concretized by the elements of the "executive concept" (who, what, by what means, in what time frame, etc.).

11. When preparing decisions, the standards of office work are not observed, there may be no parameters, without which their implementation is difficult or even impossible.

12. Insufficient information support for decision-making.

13. Imperfection of the used mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of the implemented solutions. Sometimes it is limited to a statement of compliance with deadlines, and not to the achieved result and the costs incurred to obtain it.

14. Making decisions under the influence of emotions.

15. Ignoring the systemic and integrated approaches (taking into account the action of various factors).

16. Choosing a stereotyped solution from a variety of alternatives.

17. Making a decision without taking into account the possibility of risk and prevention of its consequences.

18. Haste, insufficient economic study of the accepted course of action.

19. Using false assumptions, wishful thinking.

20. Making a decision on the basis of a compromise, not for reasons of its true dignity, but for the reconciliation of different points of view, etc.

Orientation in the reasons for the low quality of solutions will limit the possibility of their appearance at different stages of the development and implementation process and thereby will help to increase the efficiency of solutions.

The decisions are justified not only by organizational, technical, legal, but also by psychological criteria.

In particular, experienced leaders create a supportive psychological environment prior to announcing a decision to create a positive impression on subordinates. It is not recommended to "catch up with fear", as opposition to the leader is created.

Validitydecisions should not raise doubts among the executors. Along with the answer to the main question: "What needs to be done?" performers should be clear about the answers to other questions:

Why do you need to do this and not otherwise;

The better than the old is the new order of things;

To what extent does this correspond not only to the interests of the enterprise, but also of each employee.

Timelinessdecisions are the second condition for efficiency. A belated decision does not correct the situation. If a problem arises at the enterprise, events do not wait, they develop directionally. It takes time to resolve problems. During this period, the situation is studied, the necessary data is collected to prepare, make a decision and implement it. The more time the leader gives himself to prepare and make a decision, the less it remains for execution. By placing subordinates within a limited time frame, the leader deliberately harms the effectiveness of his own decisions. The time for making decisions must be correlated with the state of the moral and psychological climate in the team, therefore it is useful to conduct a purposeful psychological preparation for a new decision.




The most difficult psychological situation is created with prohibitingsolutions. (The leader refuses to

Keeping the proposal, cancels the measures conceived by subordinates, prohibits certain actions.) If this is repeated systematically, the manager risks losing the support of the team.

^ When resolvingdecisions should first ask subordinates to comprehensively substantiate the proposal, identify difficulties and ways to overcome them. This is important in order to avoid the error of the subordinate and not to suppress his initiative in the future. The leader should delve deeply into the essence of the matter, correlate proposals with long-term plans and better evaluate the thinking of the subordinate.

^ Constructive decisions, developed by the leaders themselves, on the advice of a psychologist, it is better to declare as prompted from below (as a rule, examples of this are found). The manager's chas-love may be somewhat undermined, but the effectiveness of the solution wins.

^ Compliance of the decision with the forces and means its implementation is also of no small importance. It is known that under the same objective conditions, leaders set themselves and their subordinates tasks of varying difficulty, which is explained by the self-esteem of the individual. In this regard, leaders are distinguished:

1) with overestimated inadequate self-esteem (overestimation

Forces and means);

2) underestimated inadequate self-esteem (underestimation, due to excessive modesty);

Depending on which group the leader belongs to, he makes decisions:

A) unbearable for themselves and subordinates,

B) much lower than real possibilities,

C) appropriate to the possibilities and tense,

D) modest, but reflecting available resources.

A fifth option is also possible, in which the leader accepts a deliberately lightweight option.

In general, a significant, but feasible load for the team is preferable, since it is more profitable economically (with objective wages), and psychologically, it develops the team by overcoming increasing difficulties.

^ The rigidity of the regulation of the activities of subordinates - one of the conditions for the effectiveness of decisions. There are three levels of hardness:

contourdecisions - roughly outline the scheme of actions of subordinates and give them freedom in choosing methods of achieving the goal;

structureddecisions - decisions in which the main parameters are rigidly fixed, but on secondary issues, initiative is allowed;

algorithmicdecisions - practically exclude the initiative of subordinates, strictly regulating their activities.

The assessment of the benefits of any of the levels of severity is contextualized. Contour solutions are effective in cases where subordinates know the problem well, are conscientious, and have experience in solving it. The algorithmic character of decisions is given under conditions when subordinates work without sufficient effort, or in especially responsible actions, even by rather experienced subordinates. An example of algorithmic solutions are safety rules, instructions for accidents, fires and other stressful situations. The whole variety of psychological prerequisites for the quality of decisions is shown in Fig. 2.

Ensuring high quality management decisions is a complex problem. Its resolution depends on the observance of many conditions and taking into account a number of factors. At one time, domestic authors proposed to help managers create "managerial quality control departments" at the enterprise.

Figure: 3.2.Psychological prerequisites for the quality of management decisions

In essence, this is an expert group, subordinate to the leader. It should include specialists from the departments of the scientific organization of labor and production management (NOT and UP), improvement of management, sociologists, clerks, lawyers, and a manager's assistant. The regularity of the group's work is determined by the volume of cases to assess the quality of decisions.

The expert group performs three types of procedures:

1. Checks the compliance of the prepared solution with the rules and requirements for the preparation of administrative documents.

2. Evaluates the need for a specific solution and individual tasks included in its composition.

3. Evaluates the possibility of implementing both the entire solution as a whole and its individual tasks. In this case, two five-point rating scales are used: according to the need and the possibility of a solution.

The opinions of 3-5 experts are used for the assessment. After each expert evaluates the draft decision, a table of average scores is drawn up according to the need and the possibility of making a decision (Table 1).

Possible options for actions (situations) 1

1. The optimal situation is when a high score is obtained on both scales (with an average score of 4-5).

2. High scores on the "necessity" scale and low scores on the "opportunities" - the project is returned for revision to the department where the solution was prepared to develop tools and methods that increase the possibility of its implementation.

3. Decisions that received a low score on the scale of "necessity" are excluded from those that are submitted to the head of the enterprise for consideration and signature.

A draft decision with a favorable assessment by the expert group is transferred to the head along with a sheet of expert assessments and with the conclusion of the expert group. The usefulness of creating "managerial quality control departments" is obvious. The effectiveness of "ec-spertiza" is manifested in different directions:

The working time of managers of the highest management ranks is saved due to the release from a deep assessment of the quality of prepared managerial decisions;

The group plays the role of a "managerial filter" that filters out poorly prepared decisions that do not have a target or problem orientation;

The role and significance of the functional services of the management apparatus is assessed through the quality of the main product of their activities - management decisions; the assessment is associated with the effectiveness of the implementation of decisions;

Assistance is rendered to the services and departments of the management apparatus in focusing attention on the key problems of the functioning and development of the organization of production;

The responsibility of the heads of functional services for the quality of the prepared documents is increasing.

With a well-oiled system of preparation of management documents (decisions), such an expert group can split up.

So, the performance of the enterprise depends on the quality of management decisions. They must meet certain requirements, proceed from the prevailing economic conditions, and be accepted in compliance with organizational and psychological prerequisites.

Control questions

1. What is meant by the quality of management decisions?

2. What is the composition of the properties that ensure the quality of management decisions?

3. Name economic conditions developing solutions.

4. What are the organizational conditions for making decisions?

5. What are the situational and behavioral factors in the development of solutions.

6. What are the reasons influencing the quality of management decisions?

7. What are the psychological prerequisites for the quality of decisions.

8. What is the essence and significance of the examination of management decisions?


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