Hire your message, order or question. Business letters. What to write in the text for each page of the online store

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On this page you can leave us a message.

The city of Odessa. We ship goods to any country in the world.

Country Ukraine


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Rules for ordering products:

1.To order goods from the store, you must ask your question correctly.

  • In the letter, please indicate the name of the goods and quantity. Based on the information received, we will calculate your discount. Save your own and other people’s time; incorrectly formatting a request leads to misunderstanding.

2.To order goods from foreign stores, you must correctly specify your request. The rules are written

3. An individual shape for weights is our milling work based on your drawing or sample.

  • To order a custom sinker mold, you must complete your request correctly. Rules for placing an order are described Here I strongly ask you not to ask questions about how much the uniform for razbobnye Cheburashkas 1 to 60 grams will cost. We do not understand what the step between the scales is in this question, how many pieces of weights should be in one form, what kind of weight or logo you want on the weights.

Text is far from the main component of the success of an online store. It may well function and make a profit, even if you have copied product descriptions, and the rest of the pages contain classic SEO bricks with many keywords. But you will still lose income.

A client may go to the website to read a standard description of a product, will not find the necessary information and will go looking for something more descriptive of your competitors. Or he may not understand anything about the delivery conditions and refuse to purchase. To reduce the likelihood of this scenario happening, you need quality copy on all pages of your store. How to write attractive texts for an online store - read the article.

General requirements for texts on an online store website

Regardless of what page on the site the text is intended for, there are a number of requirements that it must meet. These include the uniqueness and usefulness of the text, its readability and optimization. We sincerely believe that you will be able to compose texts that meet all four requirements.


Somewhere in a parallel universe, all texts in online stores are written for a specific purpose and bring benefits from reading them. Somewhere, but not in ours. The Internet is filled with texts for ticks and clues, copied from each other. After reading most of them, the reader has questions - what is in it for me and what to do with it all. For your texts to be interesting and solve readers' questions, they must have a purpose.

The purpose of a text can be good or bad. A good goal is to help the reader solve some of his problems or answer his question. Bad - useless.

Examples of a good goal:

On the main page of the store - help the client decide on the choice of store.

Examples of a bad goal:

On the main page of the store - simply tell about the store.

If a goal is what effect we want to achieve from a particular text, then tasks are a specific path for writing text.

Examples of good text problems

For the store's main page:

  • Tell us what you can buy from us;
  • Explain how we work;
  • Tell us why shopping in our store is profitable;
  • Show why buying from us is safe and you can trust us.

We will talk more specifically about the goals and objectives of the text for the main pages of the online store in the paragraphs devoted to writing each of them.


Search engines love unique texts. This is one of the indicators that influences the promotion of your website in search engines. To get at least on the first page of search results with texts copied from competitors, you need very good behavioral factors, an impeccable reputation of the domain and sites linking to you. But even if all these conditions are met, the original source of the texts will most likely be higher in the search results.

There are two types of text uniqueness - technical and factual. The difference between them is that with high technical uniqueness, the text will not always be actually unique. With high actual uniqueness, problems with the technical level most often do not arise.

Technical uniqueness is how unique your text is in terms of individual words and phrases. It is technical uniqueness that search engine robots still scan when indexing pages on a website.

A technically unique text is one that has not been published in whole or in part on any other resource. To check technical uniqueness, a variety of services and programs are used to suit every taste and color. The most common services: Advego, text.ru, Etxt and Content Watch. All of them are shareware.

The minimum acceptable level of uniqueness is different for each of the services, because they check the text using different algorithms. At the same time, the topic and purpose of the text also play a role in the level of uniqueness.

For short texts listing technical characteristics, specific medical and legal articles, culinary recipes, a sufficient level of uniqueness is from 70% for Advego, Content Watch, Etkht and from 80% for text.ru. For informational articles and main pages of the site from 90% for Advego, Content Watch, Etxt and from 95% for text.ru.

Technical uniqueness does not mean that your text is unique. It is quite possible that this is simply a competitor’s text rewritten in other words. Yes, technically it is unique, but in fact it is the same as on hundreds of other sites, and does not provide any additional information to visitors. And they are tired of the constant information noise and are leaving for more creative competitors.

In the fight for a client, another unique piece of information enters the ring - factual information.

In fact, a unique text is one in which the user discovers something new:

  • that he was not previously aware of the product or service;
  • some conceptually new information about something;
  • well-known information conveniently structured for studying.

In other words, in order to write a truly unique text, you need not just to rewrite someone else’s in your own words, but to give the text added value. These texts are more expensive, more difficult to write, they are rare, and clients really like them. But believe me, it's worth it.

Some craftsmen try to increase uniqueness using black methods. They can cause the site to receive a ban from search engines. This means that pages are not indexed and excluded from search results - people do not see such sites in Yandex and Google.

Black methods of increasing uniqueness:

  • Duplicate letters from a different layout - the average user will not notice the substitution, but the search robot sees similar “errors” and can throw the site out of the index;
  • Automatic translation into a foreign language and back - the text will not necessarily become relevant, but will most likely turn out to be unreadable; search engines may forgive, but users are unlikely to;
  • Synonymizer is a special program for replacing words from text with synonyms; a good base for it is very expensive, and everything that is free is immediately identified by search engines and the texts turn out to be unreadable.


Nobody reads continuous sheets of text. They look bulky, there’s nothing for the eye to catch on to, and in general they frighten the visitor’s brain because everything is complicated and “What about him? Let’s look again and find where there is less text.” For the attention of the reader or client, you are fighting not only with your competitors, but also with him.

Moreover, structured articles with illustrations, headings of different levels, lists and tables improve behavioral factors.

At a minimum, the text should be divided into separate paragraphs with indents between them. Try not to make all paragraphs the same size. This makes the text look monotonous and not catchy. This also applies to sentences in paragraphs. Make them different in size. The user, reading only long or only short sentences, quickly gets tired and loses interest. Experiment!

To organize the text and interest the reader, add capacious, interesting and meaningful subheadings. We'll talk about how to come up with them a little later. It is best to design headings using the built-in capabilities of the visual editor or html tags.

This is what it looks like in the InSales back office.

Properly selected illustrations can make large text easier to read. They should be part of the text, and not just a cute picture for the sake of a picture. Try to select illustrations of good quality, without watermarks from other sites or stock photos, or make them yourself.


In order for search engines to correctly understand what your page is about and what user requests it meets, they need to be prompted. This can be done by writing the main tags, making the right headings and using keywords in the text.

Basic meta tags - title and description

The title and description are not displayed on the site pages, they are intended for search engines - to indicate which queries the page is relevant to, they can also be used in the title and snippet in the organic results of search engines and interest potential visitors in what is on the page. In addition, the title is displayed in a tab in the browser.

There is also a meta tag " keywords", but there is no point in filling it out, since its content has not been taken into account by search engines for quite a long time.

In order for the search engine to correctly assess the compliance of your page with various user requests, the title must:

  1. Be unique within the site.
  2. Contain the keyword phrase as close to the beginning of the tag as possible. For example, in the title “Buy a teddy bear for a girl in a store”: “buy a teddy bear” is a key phrase in a direct occurrence, “for a girl in a store” is a query trail.

Discrimination is text that search engines can sometimes use for a snippet (text under the title in search results), based on which the user decides whether your page is interesting and whether it needs to be opened. If you did not enter the text of this tag manually, or the search engine considers it inappropriate, then it selects the piece of text that, in its opinion, most closely matches the entered query. This may not be a very successful piece of text, which is more likely to alienate the user than to interest him.

The optimal description length is up to 160 characters, including spaces. The excess volume is simply not displayed by the search engine.

The description must be unique both for your site and throughout the Internet. If two pages on a site have the same description or title, search robots, when indexing, may mistake the pages for duplicates and throw one of them out of the index.

Optimized Headers

In total, six levels of headings can be used in html markup. Only first and second level headings are required for effective search engine promotion. All others can be omitted if they are not needed.

The first level heading should only be used once on each page. For an article this is the title, for a product in an online store - its name. The first level title should contain a key phrase that will help the page be promoted in search engines. It is also necessary to include the page's key phrase in the second-level headings.

Headings of lower levels are used in texts as necessary, but it is advisable to respect their hierarchy and nesting.

Arrangement of keywords in the text

When placing keywords, it is important not to overdo it. It is generally accepted that the optimal number of keywords in the text is 2-3% of the total volume.

At the same time, the text can be optimized for two or three key phrases, but it is important not to overdo it and choose those words that look organic and natural in one text. Remember that you will be read not only by search robots, but also by people, and above all, this text should be written for people.

To analyze word frequency and SEO analysis, you can use the following services:

What to write in the text for each page of the online store

There are tricks to writing text on each page of an online store. If you decide to write texts yourself, this part of the article will help you make them better.

Home text

The text for the main page of the online store should work on your reputation in the eyes of customers and help them form an opinion. On this page it is appropriate to briefly describe who you are, what you sell and under what conditions. Formulate and write on the main benefits that customers will receive when shopping in your store.

Problems rarely arise with self-presentation, especially if it is brief and to the point. Benefits are more complicated. The benefits include a team of dedicated professionals and many years of experience with 100% satisfied clients. They look bland and unconvincing.

To correctly formulate the benefits, think about what benefit your buyer gets from the fact that, for example, you have been working with only one supplier for many years, and voice this.

“We have been working with regular suppliers for the last 10 years” → “We have not changed suppliers for 10 years, so we have new products earlier than our competitors.”

Do this transformation with every boring advantage.

But what about optimization? Everything is very simple. Place a beautiful welcome text on the first screen of the main page, and an optimized one as close as possible to the footer of the site. This will not affect indexation, but it may increase sales.

"About the company", "about us" and other similar pages

Approach the question of how to write a description of an online store with all seriousness. Users come to this page only to learn more about your store and if they have doubts about whether to make a purchase. That is why it is better not to use a million crooked keys or tired template phrases “young team of professionals” and the like when writing this text.

Try to avoid the abundance of hysterical calls to make a purchase from you.

If making a purchase requires mandatory communication with a manager or consultant, you can add their photo to the page about the company and briefly talk about them and how they can be useful. Use real photos of employees, not from stock photos - they inspire more confidence in readers.

Some stores with a past add the history of their founding and formation to this page. This is a great move if you have a story to tell, but it’s not worth using if you don’t have anything interesting in your reader’s past.

Terms of payment and delivery

It is better to do without creativity on this page. Calmly, without sales hysteria, list all the methods and terms of payment or delivery. Try to make this as accessible and detailed as possible, as if you were writing for a person who is placing an order in an online store for the first time. Where appropriate, write step-by-step descriptions of all actions.

If you work with several regions or countries, highlight delivery in different directions in the text - city and region.

There is a small life hack in writing text about payment and delivery terms. Always indicate the method that is most convenient for you first. And try to give some kind of bonus for his choice.

Description of categories

Quite often, from the search engine, the user ends up not on the product card, but on the category. And it becomes more and more scary to read texts - descriptions of categories. They are full of incomprehensible and sometimes even inadequate information. Anything - the history of the invention of electric kettles, methods of brewing tea.

And it was enough to just write a couple of sentences about the intricacies of choosing this very kettle: what size of family a certain volume is suitable for, what to pay attention to. The keys, everything that is intended for search engines, can be hidden under the list of products, at the very end of the page.

Product cards

This is the main page on the online store website. If you have written perfect texts for all other pages, and standard text from the supplier’s catalog on product cards, do not expect the number of sales to increase significantly.

The optimal length of description for one product is 400-800 characters. But this is not an absolute axiom. If the product is typical and there is practically nothing to write about it, do not get rid of it. A 1000-character description of wooden clothespins looks strange, to say the least. But, if the product is new on the market, it has interesting functions and you have something to tell the client - tell as much as necessary, do not forget to illustrate the text. Sometimes it's better to show rather than tell.

Customers love watching video reviews of products. If a video is appropriate on a product card, and if you have the opportunity to make it, do it. You will only benefit from this. As an alternative way to obtain video reviews, you can offer to film them for your clients in exchange for discounts. This way you will kill two birds with one stone - increase the number of loyal customers, save on making your own videos and get unique original content very cheaply.

Sometimes, after selecting a product, the user goes to the “Contacts” tab.

On the “Contacts” page, don’t just provide a phone number and email. Be sure to write what schedule you work on and describe the buyer’s scenario if he has questions outside of working hours. For example, leave a feedback form.

Be sure to include the physical address of the office and delivery points, if any. They can be diluted with screenshots of Google maps with a marked location, photographs of the facade of a building or driving directions.

If you are in places remote from transport interchanges, it makes sense to add not a screenshot, but an interactive map to your contacts page. You can do it for free in Google maps or in the designer from Yandex.

To inspire even more trust among clients, publish the details of your individual entrepreneur or LLC on the “Contacts” page.

Promotions, store news

You can get creative with the description of the shares. Test what format of text about the promotion your customers take more actively in it. Find your format - use it, modifying it a little each time so as not to get bored with the monotony.

At the same time, remember that if you decide to hold a competition or launch a promotion, prepare a page with the rules of the promotion. It must be written in an official style, have full conditions for participation in the competition, taking into account all the details, including legal ones.

As for store news, in this section you can write about the appearance of new categories of goods or brands in the store, about all changes regarding payment and delivery terms, about changes in the addresses of existing pickup points or the opening of new ones. Simply put, all changes in the operation of an online store directly affect its customers.

As you may have noticed, writing most texts for online stores is not difficult if you approach it wisely. Some sections will not take much of your time, but some will still have to be outsourced. It all depends only on your willingness to devote a couple of weeks of free time to writing texts. To make your task as easy as possible, we have prepared a small reminder on how not to write texts for an online store.

A cover letter is an additional document to the submitted resume.
If you send yours to a serious company with a well-known name (brand), then

The requirements for writing a cover letter are quite high.

The document must be prepared on a separate sheet; all details, which include the date of compilation, heading, signature, name and address of the recipient, must be placed in accordance with the rules and requirements for the design of business letters.

If sent by email, then the cover letter, accordingly, should be attached in Word document format.

A resume sent by e-mail to less famous and prestigious companies can be accompanied by well-written text in the body of the letter, without formatting it on a separate sheet.

In this case, contact information, initials (or first and last name) and last name must be visible.

A short version of a cover letter looks something like this (examples 1-3):

Cover letter for resume Example 1.

Dear Valeria,

in response to your “specialist in attracting wholesale clients” published in the magazine “Salary and Work”, I am sending my resume. If necessary, I am ready to provide any additional information to consider my candidacy.

Best wishes,

Petrova Elena, tel. 8-917-121-12-12

Example 2.

Good afternoon, Anastasia.

In the resume file attached to the letter. I am applying for the position of Credit Manager. Information about the vacancy was taken from the site. I would be extremely grateful if you do not ignore your resume.

Example 3.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

I ask you to consider me for the vacant position of system administrator, deputy head of the IT department.

I will be glad to receive an invitation to an interview from you.

Sincerely, Elena Petrova, tel. 8-917-121-12-12

Expanded version of cover letter

(which is intended for European and American organizations professing the HR management style) is compiled according to a similar scheme. It is necessary to reflect in the text of the cover letter:

1. Title (name) of the position (acceptably two similar or related positions) for which the resume is sent; It is also advisable to note from which source (website, newspaper) you learned about the vacant position(s); offering oneself as a candidate.

Example 4:

After reading the information on your website, I learned that your company has opened a recruitment for vacant positions in the field of sanitary control of meat and dairy raw materials.

In this regard, I would like to offer for consideration my candidacy for a vacancy related to the implementation of the function of sanitary and veterinary control, quality control of finished products and raw materials.

I believe that my knowledge and work experience can be useful both as a specialist in the procurement of meat and dairy raw materials, and as a head of the sanitary control service.

2. A very concise, but meaningful and accurate summary of the resume, which aims to confirm the compliance of your personal and professional qualities with the vacancy for which you are applying.

3. Your desire and readiness to give back, work and professional growth in the area indicated in the position, or better yet, within the walls of this company.

Example 5:

All my professional skills and knowledge, as well as expectations for subsequent promotion, are in the field of working with clients and active direct sales (both at the administrative and executive level).

Currently, I have more than 6 years of experience in direct sales on the B2B market in the manufacturing field, as well as experience in a leadership position in this area for the last two years of work.

As head of the sales department at my last job, I was personally responsible for the results and activities of the sales department in the B2B field (cosmetology and medical equipment).

Example 6:

I have been successfully operating for several years in this area in the system of state customs and veterinary control authorities, I have experience of cooperation and established connections with both leading domestic companies in the food industry and with the largest foreign suppliers. The attached resume will give an idea of ​​my potential capabilities, qualifications and professional experience.

4. Your readiness for, during which you will provide more detailed information about yourself.

5. Contact details.

Example 7:

I will gladly accept the offer to meet and tell you a little more about your possible potential and work experience. You can contact me by email...or by phone...


Example 8:

I will be happy to answer all your questions during the interview if you are interested. You can contact me by email... Thank you in advance for your time.


Cover letter sample

A cover letter is not universal for all areas and types of vacancies that interest you.

Due to the fact that the addressees of the letter are different people, the text of the letter will also differ, in accordance with each vacancy of interest, and will be slightly modified.

The cover letter always refers to a specific position in a specific organization.

When writing letters to colleagues, clients and partners, the question often arises of how to formulate this or that idea in a business style. How can we say that we don’t like something - or, conversely, that we like it? How do I report an issue or opportunity? How to invite the recipient to meet or call? How to mention possible sanctions?

It is for such a case that we have compiled a small dictionary of business phrases. Use it and your style will be quite formal and your wording will be varied.

Useful wording for correspondence

Let's start with our goal

We start with the recipient's interest

"Why did you come"





I am turning to you with a request for...

Inform you….

I would like to inform you that...

I ask (you) to allocate funds...

I ask (you) to consider the possibility of allocating funds (authorize the allocation of funds, (give instructions on the allocation of funds)…

Due to the emergence of new circumstances affecting the implementation of the project, I would like to agree with you on changes to the schedule (budget)….

Please provide assistance...

I ask for your assistance in...

I remind you (we remind you) about...

Please eliminate the backlog (debt)

I consider it necessary to discuss with you...

I want (want) to agree with you….

We invite you to discuss and agree on future plans...

I ask (you) to consider the possibility of assisting in the implementation of the project...

I provide (you) information (information) about...

I inform (you) about...

Let me inform you about...

I am contacting you in connection with...

I would like to draw your attention to the difficult situation with...

We are forced to inform...

We would like to inform you about...

We hereby notify (you) of...

Authorized to inform...

I consider it necessary to draw your attention to (draw your attention to...)...

We are contacting you due to difficulties...

We offer assistance in solving the problem...

Knowing about your concern about the problem..., we are ready to offer a solution... As you know (the following is a description of the problem)...

Guided by the interests of the enterprise, I draw your attention to...

I am turning to you with an offer...

I ask you to consider a proposal that will allow...

We offer you a unique opportunity to increase your sales...

We are glad (we have the honor) to offer (you)…

We are pleased to announce the opportunity...

We would like to draw your attention...

We inform you about an extremely favorable situation with... and invite you to take advantage of this situation to...

Specific actions

I propose to approve 10/12/2013 as the planned date for completion of construction and make the necessary adjustments to the list of activities...

Please instruct the company's finance department to allocate... and pay all previously received invoices for...

I propose to entrust the ABC department with preparing proposals for organizing...

I ask (request) your consent to….(Your assistance in…, Your instructions….)

I earnestly (urgently, as an exception) request...

We ask you to take (energetic, decisive, effective) measures to….

We demand that... take immediate action...

Please clear the backlog (debt)…

Please send your representative...


I assure (we assure) you of the effectiveness of this proposal and I count (we count...)

Waiting for your decision …

We are waiting for your decision so that we can quickly prepare the documents...

We hope for a speedy consideration (full satisfaction) of our request (claim)…

We hope that the issue will be resolved and we will not have the need to apply sanctions...

We hope that the above arguments will convince you of... and we are waiting (we are counting on)...

We count on your interest (indifference, active position on the issue, willingness to eliminate shortcomings...) and look forward to your suggestions...

We are confident that your participation will significantly improve the situation with... and achieve...

We thank you for your assistance and look forward to further fruitful cooperation...

C ãîòîâíîñòüþ îòâåòèì íà Âàøè âîïðîñû…

We will be glad to see you among our clients...

Additional wording


Farewell, the final formula of politeness

Dear Ivan Petrovich!

Dear Mr. Minister!

Dear friends! Dear colleagues (partners)!


With (deep, abiding, extreme) respect (honor)…

With gratitude (appreciation) and respect...

With wishes for success (all the best)….

Looking forward to fruitful cooperation...

Opening phrase – for responses to requests

Thank you for your interest in (you showed in ....)

In response to the request we received about... we inform...

We confirm receipt of your order from... (on...) and inform....

In accordance with your request (instructions), we inform (provide an opinion)…

In continuation of our correspondence about... we are sending you an offer...


Sincerely (on behalf of..., on behalf of...) thank you...

We express our gratitude (appreciation)…

With sincere gratitude we inform...

Thank you...We would like to thank...

Download our “dictionary” and use ready-made wording!

Mention of sanctions

We will have to:

apply to the judicial authorities (court)

initiate legal proceedings

refuse further cooperation

review plans (conditions) of cooperation

raise the issue of penalties (termination of cooperation and search for a new supplier)

raise the question of the feasibility of further cooperation

resort to the sanctions provided for in the treaty

declare our intention to seek (demand) ...

declare disagreement with the facts...


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