Department of Education of Amo Kuvandyk City District. Department of Education Amo Kuvandyk City District Drawing let there be peace

Natalia Gorobtsova

Photo report. Exhibition of drawings« May there always be peace

Spring is in full swing, May is approaching. Our entire country is preparing to celebrate Victory Day. In preschool groups of MBOU "Now Warsaw Gymnasium" A number of events were held to mark this date. Together with the children, we looked at illustrations, got acquainted with books about the Great Patriotic War, read poems and stories, listened to music, and memorized songs about the war. The purpose of the events is the same - this is, first of all, Total, education of civic and patriotic feelings, formation in children of knowledge about how Russian people defended their Motherland during the Second World War, instilling respect and gratitude for World War II veterans.

On the eve of the holiday, it was organized exhibition of children's drawings dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, children from the middle, senior and preparatory groups took part in it.

I invite you, dear colleagues, to get acquainted with the works of my students.

Valentirova Sofia "Let's protect the planet from war!"

Derevnin Saveliy “Peace to the world!”

Krause Alice “We are for peace!”

Ignatova Anastasia "Dove of peace!"

Stukova Anastasia « May there always be peace

Muminov Alexey "Peace on Earth!"

Children on album sheets

World draw on the planet,

On simple drawings of these

The sun is shining in a clear sky,

People standing in a semicircle

Smiling at each other

Holding hands and laughing

And the birds hover over them

A white flock of doves,

A slender wedge like a crane.

Warmed by the warmth of love,

A very happy planet.

Children, fathers, mothers everywhere

Flower beds with bright flowers,

And under the sun's rays

The domes are burning on the temple.

Children on album sheets

World draw on the planet,

But we are responsible for them,

We have to keep them warm

Into the world of those who came in anticipation

Words of love, not suffering,

For work and creation,

And spiritual knowledge.

World drawing, children teach

Adults to be kinder and better

And love each other more deeply,

To live more friendly and easier.

(Natalia Zimina)

Students of general education institutions of the Shipunovsky district are invited to participate in the competition, except for students of the Urlapovskaya Secondary School, as they participate in the assessment.

Any child under 17 years of age can submit an application for participation in the Competition by email. Only acceptedindividual work . .

By sending their creative works to the competition, participants agree to their publication and public display. The fact of participation in the Competition implies that the participant has read and agrees with these Regulations.

3. Management of the Competition

3.1. The management, organization and conduct of the competition is carried out by the Organizing Committee (hereinafter: “Organizing Committee”) (Appendix 1).

3.2. Organizing Committee of the Competition:

Approves the composition of the jury;

Receives and registers competition works;

Produces and distributes information materials for the competition;

Summarizes the results of the competition based on the decision of the jury.

The organizing committee of the competition provides:

    Equal and fair conditions for all competition participants;

    Posting drawings on the school website;

    Preventing the disclosure of information about the results of the competition before the date of their official announcement.

By decision of the organizing committee, the work may not be accepted for consideration for the following reasons:

    Failure to comply with work requirements – format, size, copyright infringement;

    Submission of more than one work to the competition from one participant (one is selected at the discretion of the organizing committee);

    Submission to a competition of work that does not correspond to the topic.

The jury evaluates the competition entries and determines the Competition Winner in accordance with the voting mechanism described in these Regulations.

The jury evaluates the drawings submitted to the competition according to the following criteria (on a five-point scale):

    Depth of disclosure of the competition topic;

    Compositional solution;

    Color solution;

    Originality of concept;

    Technical level of work performance.

The final assessment of each Participant is formed by summing the assessments of all Jury participants according to all criteria + votes cast by students of the Urlapovskaya Secondary School.

The jury has the right not to comment on the decision made.

Members of the Jury are obliged to ensure non-disclosure of information about the intermediate and final results of the Competition before the end date of the Competition.

4. Evaluation of competition materials

Drawings will be judged in the following categories:

    Students of primary 1-4 grades;

    Students in grades 5-9;

    Students in grades 10-11.

5. General requirements for all nominations

    Each participant can submit no more than one work to the competition.

    No more than 30 works are accepted from one educational institution.

    Each Application must be accompanied by brief information about the author of the competition drawing, data from the teacher, as well as consent to the processing of personal data.

The winning drawings will be posted by the organizing committee on the website of the Urlapovskaya Secondary School MCOU within five days after the last day of summing up the results.

Job requirements:

The competition accepts drawings made in the Paint graphic editor and saved in bmp format. The name of the competition drawing file must contain: last name, first name, age and school number of the participant.

An application for participation in the competition is drawn up for all participants, in alphabetical order (see Appendix 3).

Works that do not meet the stated age category and competition requirements will not be considered.

Competition materials are sent along with the application and consent to the processing of personal data before March 10, 2016 to the following address:Lyubovshanova @ mail . ru or by mail to the school Scoolchetirin @ yandex . ru . All works submitted to the Competition must be completed in accordance with the requirements of this regulation.

9. Results of the competition

Based on the results of the competition, winners for each level will be determined and will receive certificates forI, II, IIIplaces, the remaining participants will receive diplomas of participants in electronic form.

Organizer phone number: 89237923942 – Plotnikova Lyubov Aleksandrovna

Annex 1

Composition of the Organizing Committee


Organizing Committee

Plotnikova L.A., teacher of mathematics and computer science

Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Martynenko N.N., deputy Director of HR

Members of the Organizing Committee

Bykova O.A., art teacher

Proskurina T.V., art teacher

Lyakhova M.A., primary school teacher, school psychologist

Students from grades 1 to 11 conduct a closed vote for one of the works in each nomination.

Appendix 2

Competition calendar

from February 16 to March 10, 2016

Summing up the results of the competition and awarding the winners

Appendix 3


Children's drawing competition dedicated to the month of military-patriotic education “May there always be peace”

Nomination "__________________________________________"

Territory (district, city):





Age (years)

Name of institution

Job title


Contact details: telephones (work, cell),e- mail

Consent to the processing of personal data of persons whose information is specified in this application:

The subject consents to the processing of his personal data, that is, performing, inter alia, the following actions: processing (including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data), with This general description of the above methods of data processing is given in the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”; transfer of such information to third parties, in cases established by regulatory documents of higher authorities and legislation;placement of processed personal data (full name, class, educational institution, municipality) in information and telecommunication networks in order to provide public information about the results of the child’s participation in events organized and supervised by the Urlapovskaya Secondary School.

This consent is valid indefinitely from the date of signing.

I confirm that I am familiar with the provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, the rights and obligations in the field of personal data protection have been explained to me.

“____”_____________ 2016 ________ (_________________)

Signature with transcript

For all questions, please call 89237923942 (Plotnikova Lyubov Aleksandrovna)

From April 5 to April 10, 2011, the 1st stage of the children's drawing competition was held in order to support talented children, develop aesthetic education and involve preschool children in artistic creativity, generalize and disseminate positive best practices in developing the creative abilities of preschoolers in the Kuvandyk region. 14 preschool educational institutions took part in the competition. Competition results:

1. Recognize the winners of the 1st stage of the regional competition “Let there always be sunshine”, award diplomas and prizes to:

group of children of the senior group, Kindergarten “Kolobok” of the Zyanchurinsky village council (teacher Lidiya Mikhailovna Pomazanova)

Logacheva Valeria, Kindergarten No. 8 “Fairy Tale” (head of the Fine Arts club Bikkuzhina Zalifa Rafikovna)

Idiyatullina Alina, Kindergarten “Alenka” (head of the Fine Arts club Svetlana Aleksandrovna Gorshkova)

2. Recognize the winners of the regional competition in the “Volume Application” category and award diplomas and prizes to:

Danil Ovchinnikov, Kindergarten No. 5 “Bell” (head of the Fine Arts club Olga Sergeevna Sizyaykina)

Lukienko Nastya, Kindergarten No. 7 “Sun” (teacher Vera Vasilievna Popkova)

Ruslan Aksenov, Kindergarten No. 7 “Sun” (teacher Olga Viktorovna Kokina).

3. Recognize the winners of the regional competition in the category “Non-traditional creativity” and award diplomas and prizes to:

Ilikaeva Alina and Cherneva Daria, Kindergarten No. 9 “Teremok” (teacher Sarak Irina Mikhailovna)

Yanchurina Diana, Kindergarten “Alyonushka” Kuruilsky (teacher Berdibaeva Anisa Mindybaevna)

Saitgarieva Dinara, Kindergarten No. 6 “Cornflower” (teacher Hasko Natalya Vladimirovna)

Arina Nartdinova, Kindergarten No. 14 “Golden Fish” (teacher Olga Alekseeva Shevtsova)

4. Recognize the winners of the regional competition in the “Drawing” category and award diplomas and prizes to:
Semyonova Nastya, MDOU "Kindergarten "Firefly" of the Chebotarevsky village council (teacher Shamaeva Veronika Viktorovna)

Nailya Salikhova, Kindergarten No. 15 “Kolobok” (teacher Nadezhda Petrovna Kuznetsova)

Nastya Piskareva, Kindergarten No. 4 “Swallow” (teacher Natalya Vladimirovna Gerasimova)

“Ladybug, fly to heaven, bring us bread...”
Collective of children of the senior group, Kindergarten “Teremok” of the Zyanchurinsky village council (teacher Tatyana Aleksandrovna Golovocheva)


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