Amulet bird of happiness made of fabric. Fairytale bird made of fabric. How to make a paper amulet

An amulet with a bird of happiness is an ancient Slavic amulet that protects the house and family from everything negative. The so-called "doll" in the form of a bird with a loose tail and wings has long been hung in the middle of a room or above a samovar. The steam coming from the samovar made the bird whirl - as if it looked into all corners with sharp eyes, extracted and neutralized all the bad things that it found in the house.

This talisman has not yet lost its strength and popularity, and besides, it is surprisingly beautiful and can become a highlight of almost any interior. You can buy an amulet in a special shop or make it yourself by watching a special master class and reading the literature on making a talisman - a chip bird of happiness.

The value of the amulet

The talisman in the form of a wooden bird is called differently - it is called a "chip bird", "northern bird", "Arkhangelsk", "Pomeranian dove". The prototype of this amulet is the fabulous Firebird, endowed with magical powers and powerful solar energy. She bestows health and happiness good people, burns diseases, quarrels and troubles with magical fire. Another prototype of the talisman is the Phoenix bird, whose magic is also associated with fire. Burning in the fire, she is reborn in it, and her tears have healing power.

The meaning of the amulet is revealed by an ancient northern legend about how a boy fell seriously ill in the severe cold in the family of one person. The child did not get out of bed and dreamed only of the sun, which had been hiding behind clouds and a veil of blizzard for many days. At night, sitting at the bedside of a sick son, the father picked up a few chips from the floor and decided to make a toy out of them. He sincerely wanted to bring joy to the child, so he made a very beautiful toy bird out of wood chips with his own hands and hung it on a thread in front of the hearth.

Waking up, the boy saw the circling Firebird, through the carved feathers of which fiery sparks flashed. She seemed to him a real miracle - as if the sun itself looked to visit. Delight and joy helped the child recover, and the bird remained hanging on a thread in the middle of the house, as a talisman and talisman. The legend says that the children in this family never got sick again.

Nikolay Gnatyuk Bird of Happiness

VIA "Hello, song" - "Bird of Happiness"

VITAS - Bird of Happiness in Circus

It is believed that the amulet - the bird of happiness protects the inhabitants of the house from:

  1. Diseases (primarily children, but also adults);
  2. Theft and any other losses;
  3. From fires and other disasters;
  4. From witchcraft influence: damage, love spell, evil eye;
  5. From people with bad thoughts;
  6. From quarrels and conflicts within the family.

If one day you see that the amulet has fallen or broken, it means that you or your house were in some kind of danger, and the bird took the blow. When this talisman breaks, you cannot just throw it away - you must definitely burn it, since it is in the fire that the bird of happiness and its light energy are reborn and return to you. Now you can buy or make a new amulet - it will protect and protect you again.

How to make an amulet out of wood

Of course, the easiest way to purchase such a talisman is already in ready-made, especially since they are sold in a wide range - all are surprisingly beautiful and different. But people endowed with ingenuity in working with wood can create an amulet by hand, nourishing it with their own positive energy, love and warmth. To make a talisman, choose high-quality types of wood, such as pine, spruce or fir. You will need two bars - from one you will make the body, and from the other - the wings.

Feathers for the wings and tail should be the same shape - a pre-drawn cardboard template will help you with this. Applying the template to the part of the bar marked “under the tail”, circle the contours and give the bar the appropriate shape. Now the tail part needs to be split into thin plates, each of which will be a separate feather. The thickness of each feather should be about a millimeter or a little more so that the bird looks light and delicate.

Having split the tail part, carefully bend the feathers in turn - to the right and to the left. On the second bar, you need to draw the contours of the feathers of the left and right wing and split them into planks in the same way. Then the wings also “dissolve”, bending the feathers and fixing them together. We attach the blank with wings to the body, and in the center of the back we make a hook for thread or twine.

How to make a paper amulet

If the technology for making a wooden amulet seems too complicated for you, you can try to make it out of paper. To do this, you need a square sheet - you can cut it out of a landscape sheet (A4 format). We bend the sheet diagonally, and then we bend the corners to the fold line. We turn the leaf over to the other side and again bend the corners to the center.

Now the workpiece needs to be bent in half (along the center line), and the left corner is bent up and slightly obliquely (this will be the neck of the bird). We bend the left corner inward, and bend its tip in the shape of a beak. We also bend the right corner inward. Thus we get the body of the bird.

We make wings and tail from corrugated paper - just fold it with an "accordion" and cut it out in a figure. The edges of the "feathers" can be painted over in a darker tone. In the same way we construct a crest. We make a slot on the body and insert the wings, and glue the tail and crest. Paper bird - the amulet turns out to be light, beautiful and airy.

In the myths of the Slavs there is a legend about a magical bird, which is famous for its protective properties. This is a powerful amulet for the home, family.

The amazing property of this amulet is that it is able to bring joy and peace to the house. The bird of happiness is now able to bring good luck and peace to your home.

What is the legend about?

Back in the days of paganism, when people worshiped not one particular god, but many at once. But one of the gods, who was in a special place for people, then was the god of the Sun. The legend tells that one family lived in the northern side, a little boy lived in it. Once this boy caught a bad cold, did not recover for a long time, it was so hard for him that he did not get out of bed.

The father of a little boy was upset about this, he wanted to somehow help his son, so he asked him a question:

“Boy, how can I help you, what do you want?”.

To which the son replied that he wanted to see the sun.

Fulfilling such a desire proved to be a difficult task. After all, the family lived on the north side, and it was a fierce winter outside. The days were overcast, the sky was covered with dark clouds. The father thought, sitting near the hearth, how to fulfill the desire of his son. At that moment, he just put firewood on the fire, along with them, chips got there. Looking at these chips, my father came up with an interesting idea.

He found wood chips, connected them together and decorated them with hand carvings. Father spent the whole night doing this work. By morning, he had an amazing openwork bird, which had magical light wings. The father hung this invention over the hearth. The air that came from the hearth made the bird, its feathers swirl over the brazier. When the son woke up and saw this amazing bird, he was delighted and said: “The sun is right here!”.

Such a vivid childhood impression led to the fact that the son began to recover quickly. Since that day, the bird of happiness has been recognized as a home amulet. She was greatly appreciated, and diseases almost ceased to enter the house.

It is believed that since then this amulet has been made in all homes. It is customary to hang it over a samovar so that the warm air makes the bird of happiness whirl. They say that when a bird is spinning, it looks through all the corners of the house, if a disease or evil spirits have hidden somewhere, or bad energy has simply accumulated, then the amulet will definitely drive it all out of the corners of the house.

What does the bird of happiness mean?

The amulets of the Slavs contain sacred meaning. To some extent, this amulet symbolizes the Sun. It is solar energy in the form of this talisman that fights against all bad energy. The sun, through this talisman, literally burns out all the bad things that are in the house.

Amulet "Bird of happiness" with your own hands. Northern Tale

talismans and amulets. The stork is the bird of happiness. folk superstitions

The talisman of our Slavic ancestors also symbolizes. In the amulets there is a connection between Heaven and Earth. The legend, of course, tells about the talisman, which is large, the bird resembles a peacock. The feathers of the bird, its tail personify fire, which blinds a person with its radiance.

There is a legend about the Firebird, where the main character goes in search of a magic feather from this bird. In this tale, the bird has wisdom, beauty and knowledge, which it receives from the golden apples that it feeds on. The feathers of this character have magical powers. They are able to give health, get rid of evil spirits in the house. If a person is evil, then the power of fire is in amulets, the feathers of a bird will overshadow him with their radiance, and if a good person sees the feathers of this bird, then visual acuity will return to him.

If we take European mythology, then we will talk about magic bird Phoenix. This bird was born in fire and he also died in fire. Among the Slavic ancestors, the bird was born in the spring, and died in the fall. In the amulets of Europeans, there is also such a symbol.

It used to be a great honor to have such a talisman in the house. Every man in the house tried to master the skill of making such a legendary bird with his own hands and thereby enclose the power of fire in the amulets. To make this amulet with your own hands, you need to use certain types of trees, this is cedar or pine. In addition, you need to have good skills in the craft, as this is a very delicate work.

The main properties of the amulet?

The main meaning of the bird of happiness lies in the fact that it personifies light, respectively, it fights with everything dark, evil. With the help of the bird of happiness, you can overcome various diseases. The fact is that many diseases are caused by the destruction of the energy body. You can also get sick because of bad energy in the house. So such a talisman is able to align the energy of both a particular person and the energy of the whole house as a whole. The bird of happiness that you made with your own hands or purchased ready-made will be able to protect you:

  • In amulets there is a power that raises immunity in you and your children.
  • In the amulets there is protection of the house from the penetration of thieves, loss.
  • Amulets protect the house from fire.
  • The meaning of the bird of happiness is to ward off damage, the evil eye, and birth curses from the house.
  • The joy of such a talisman also lies in the fact that he takes unkind people away from your doorstep.

If the family is worried moment of crisis, the husband or wife knows that the spouse has a hobby on the side, if you are afraid that someone will make a love spell on your spouse, then be sure to get this Slavic talisman. To make it work in full power, activate it. The power of fire, the power of life of this amulet will help overcome all obstacles on the way to family well-being.

For a woman, such a charm can be a real salvation. A woman is much more sensitive than a man, she immediately feels that if her chosen one looks to the side, then you can immediately apply this amulet.

The amulet works very well with children. Immunity increases in children, the amulet is very interesting to them visually, they love to look at it, so they better absorb its energy.

How to consecrate the amulet?

An important point is the correct activation of the amulet. If you do not carry out the ritual of consecration, then the amulet will remain only a beautiful craft. To carry out this ritual, you need to prepare 10 candles from the church, incense. It is very important that the ceremony is performed in sunny time.

To perform the ritual, you need to go to an open field or park. All candles need to be fixed in the ground, then light them. Then you need to smoke incense and read the prayer three times. When the sun rises especially high, the bird should be raised high into the sky and say these words:

“There is a tree in the woods, it is damp there in the forest. The tree grows and reaches for the sky as best it can. As it rose up so from it and the children of its branch fell. They have no growth, they have no flowering, so there is no growth and flowering for my illnesses and troubles. The sacred fire burns you, the sacred fire drives you away. The Lord will protect me and have mercy. Amen".

Thanks to this text, the birds will be filled with healing solar energy. After such a conspiracy, on your own behalf, ask for a talisman to guard your home.

After that, the bird amulet should be placed in your house, in the room where your family most often gathers. You can hang the talisman over the baby's bed for a while. Just like the amulet doll, the bird of happiness, the amulet will protect the baby from evil.

If you wish, you can make the amulet yourself, for this there is a special master class.

"! Many people believe in the power of amulets. They have special power if they are made independently for themselves or loved ones. There are many varieties of such things. Do-it-yourself charms for the home with a photo :

One of the strongest are the amulets suspended above the entrance to the housing. Everyone knows about the horseshoe for good luck? But not everyone has heard about the bird-amulet. Meanwhile, it is very simple to make it, and in addition to protecting the house, it will also help to create a unique decor in it.

In order to make a bird amulet with your own hands, you will need twine, three multi-colored threads for wings and a tail, beads for an eye, a red thread that will tie all parts of the body together, scissors, a ruler, thread or string for hanging.

The twine must be cut into threads of two sizes. Approximately 40 pieces (torso, head and tail) should be about 30 cm long, and for wings - 50 or 40 pieces of 20 cm each.

The threads cut for the body must be wrapped twice in the middle so that the resulting loop is one and a half centimeters larger in size than the volume of the bundle of ropes itself. Tie in a knot and cut off the ends. Now we begin to form the bird's head, not forgetting to prepare a place for the peephole.

In order for the beak to turn out to be of the correct shape, it must be wrapped very tightly, first in one, and then in the opposite direction.

After the beak is made, we proceed to the formation of the neck. To do this, step back a couple of centimeters from the end of the beak and wrap a small section of the beam tightly with a thread.

Wings are the main decoration of the bird. In order for them to turn out even, prepare a cardboard form. Attach it to the body and start attaching a second bunch of threads around it, a little smaller. After the work is completed, the threads must be cut along the edge, and the form itself removed.

A beautiful tail is easy to make. The usual way of weaving a pigtail allows you to achieve a stunning visual effect. Weave very tightly in a checkerboard pattern.

Decorate the wings the same way.

In Russia, often children's toys were at the same time amulets. One of these fun for kids was the bird of happiness. Fairy-tale birds were made by hand from improvised materials (wood, straw, fabric, etc.) and hung over the cradle. Whether this increased happiness in a peasant family is unknown, but where children are loved and they try to make various toys for them with their own hands, it certainly lives.

You will need:

  • a beautiful piece of fabric;
  • any filler (cotton wool, rags, synthetic winterizer);
  • red thread number 10.

Work order

  • Cut out a square from pretty fabric. For the amulet, the fabric is laid tear with your own hands. Fold the fabric diagonally and form the beak of a bird of happiness by wrapping even number of times with thread. Make 3 knots by wrapping and slipping the spool under the thread, tightening and not tearing off.

  • Right next to the knot, put some cotton wool and form a head with your own hands.

  • Secure again with a few turns of thread and 3 knots. Don't break the thread.

  • We make the wing of the bird of happiness. Divide the remaining fabric into three equal diagonals and tie the last one closer to the head.

  • Throw the thread over the neck of the bird of happiness to the other shoulder and make the second wing.

  • Make a waist. Should be on the back "Veles Cross". For this odd make the number of turns in one direction diagonally, and the same number in the other.

  • Thread a thread under the cross and hang the bird of happiness from the chandelier.

The photo shows how to make a bird by cutting out only two parts from any piece of fabric according to this pattern. Please note that the drawing shows a pattern of the tummy and half of the back. For the back, the fabric must be folded in half with your own hands. Then the parts must be cut out, retreating 5 mm at the seams and sewn.

This simple soft toy very easy to make. It can be complicated by sewing on a large black beak, and you get a cheerful crow. For those who do not know how to make a fire bird, this pattern can also be a hint. All you need to do is sew a long beautiful tail, pin a small crest and the toy is ready.

AngryBirds - city crow

This angry crow toy appeared, like many others from the famous cartoon. It is better to sew AngryBirds from thin drape, felt or velor. It is necessary to cut out the details of the bird from a fabric that will not crumble. The photo shows the pattern without seam allowances.

You need to start sewing the crow from the body, collecting it with your own hands in 4 segments with a seam over the edge. We sew the beak separately. We fill it and the crow with any filler. We sew all the details, glue the eyes and eyebrows. Everything, the crow is ready.

This handmade soft toy can be a handy accessory as a sofa cushion. And replacing the small beak with a wide one and removing the scallop, you get a charming duck.

Both the rooster and the duck are sewn in the same way and very simply. Sew a square bag, then fold the top corners together and sew perpendicular to the bottom. Stuff and attach beak, crest, eyes and wings.

You can make such an owl needle case with your own hands from two small pieces of fabric, cutting them out, as shown in the photo. For the body, you need to cut out the two parts shown. On one of them, sew a forehead, eyes and paws with your own hands, sew a bag, fill it with cotton wool and attach wings.

  • tree;
  • skin;
  • metal.
  • A special symbolism is applied to the surface of the amulet. The image can be drawn by hand or printed out the finished picture. It is better to always carry such a charm with you.

    Amulet Traveler

    If a person is often on the road, the Slavic amulet Putnik is useful to him, thanks to which the traveler will always think clearly, will be able to avoid any danger that awaits him on the way. In ancient times, this amulet was worn mainly by male warriors. Today, representatives of the weaker sex can also use it.

    Materials for making a talisman:

    • quality metal;
    • tree (pine, ash).

    A charmed bag of salt from accidents on the road

    Our ancestors revered coarse salt, believing that it protects from evil spirits and the evil eye. It was used in various rituals, and also made protective amulets from it. To make such a talisman is very simple. This will require:

    • Thursday salt;
    • dried St. John's wort;
    • fabric bag.

    Place salt and herbs in the bag, tie it up and leave it overnight in front of the icon of the Mother of God. In the morning, taking the amulet in your hands, read "Our Father". After that, read the plot three times:

    “Oh, Mother of Christ, and my Guardian Angel, you, the defenders of the servant of God (name). The servant of God, like lightning, does not spoil his enemy and the sorceress, nor the evil enchantress. Keep the servant of God (name) in everything, in all roads, both in the morning and at night. Save, Lord."

    Website "Magina"

    Then cross yourself three times and say:

    "Jesus Christ is in front of me, the Most Holy Theotokos is behind me, Guardian Angel above my head, keep me whole."

    Website "Magina"

    Always carry the resulting amulet with you. It can be put in a bag or hung in the car on the rearview mirror.

    Amulet Silk good luck

    A snare of good luck can be made from threads. Threads are better to take silk. If you know how to do it - good, if not - then a free loop is enough.

    The color of the thread depends on what exactly you want to attract into your life.

  • red, if you call love, spring, health, you want to conceive a child;
  • if you need more money luck - green snares are placed;
  • if you want to reap a rich harvest, please your household and those who are nearby, put brown snares.
  • The snare can be threaded - and then it is hung over the entrance to the dwelling, over the window.

    If you are making a larger snare, take the tape. Then it can be made not only a magical tool, but also a home decoration.

    Remember, no matter what and for whom you catch, these are honest snares: no knot will catch joy or grief for you or the one to whom they are intended, they only lure good luck or bad luck, and to keep it, hook it, or, on the contrary, catch and defeat - you need to be able to.

    Making talismans of different nations

    Each nation has its own principles and features of making amulets. They work because of faith, which makes them special and gives them great strength.

    Ukrainian talismans

    Clothing and the interior of the dwelling were decorated with magical symbols. Ukrainian talismans contain symbols of the four elements:

    • water;
    • air;
    • Earth;
    • Fire.

    Embroidery played an important role in the creation of talismans. Each pattern represents something different:

    • flower embroidery prevailed on the clothes of unmarried women;
    • married - plants with fruits;
    • single guys - oak branches and green leaves.

    Often, special conspiracies were read on embroidery.

    Popular Ukrainian amulets include a motanka doll, “bags of well-being”, herbal preparations. The amulets of this people not only perform a protective function, but also differ in beauty.

    Udmurt amulets

    Udmurt amulets were decorated with ornaments and drawings characteristic of this culture. They were made from the following materials:

    • copper;
    • bronze;
    • iron;
    • wood;
    • bones and horns of animals.

    To this day, this people decorates clothes and household items with embroidery with symbols. The function of amulets is to protect the owner from any negative impact on his soul and psycho-emotional state.

    Cossack amulets

    Cossack talismans and amulets served as protection from enemies. Wealthy Cossacks had several amulets at once, which also protected them from damage and the evil eye.

    Healers were engaged in the manufacture of magical items. When the amulet was ready, special rituals were performed over it during the lunar month. The healer gave the talisman to the Cossack, talked about the rules of care and storage.

    At a special price were amulets created during a strict fast.

    Khanty amulets

    Khanty amulets are often made in the form of rag dolls, stuffed with special grass collected at a certain time. Such talismans protect from negativity and help to find personal happiness.

    The Khanty people often decorate their clothes with embroidery. There are quite a lot of Khanty ornaments:

    • fox paw;
    • bear trail;
    • hare ears;
    • cedar cone, etc.

    Some of them are embroidered strictly at a certain time. For embroidery, different threads are used (woolen, paper, silk).

    Japanese mascots

    Japanese talismans speak for success or happiness, help achieve your goals, and can sometimes be inherited. Japanese houses are decorated with many sculptures and figurines. At first glance, it may seem that these are ordinary trinkets. But each of the gizmos has magical powers:

    • protect the home;
    • bring good luck;
    • protect children.

    Popular Japanese talismans include the lotus flower, the Kokeshi doll, the Japanese maneki-neko beckoning cats. Magic objects are made of glass, porcelain, plastic.

    Protect for happiness with your own hands

    You can make a charm for happiness yourself. Sew a burlap bag, fill it with herbs and decorate with various elements. Suitable for decoration:

    • corn;
    • sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
    • beans;
    • coins;
    • cereals;
    • herbs that can be braided.

    If the amulet is intended for a man, you can attach red pepper to it, and the fruits of mountain ash and wild rose are suitable for a woman.

    The talisman of family well-being is the bird of happiness, which can be made from jute. This will require:

    • jute thread:
    • woolen threads of different colors;
    • CD.

    Photo gallery: self-made bird of happiness from jute

    Take the box from the CD and make about 30 turns on it. Remove the twine from the box and pull another thread at the fold Make two loops from the thread
    Gather the loops together and, wrapping them with red thread, make a beak Take the tourniquet and wind it around where the neck should be Take scissors and cut the loops at the bottom to make a ponytail
    Make another winding of 30 threads and insert it into the body where the wings should be. Separate the torso from the tail with a tourniquet. Do the same with the wings. After that, cut the loops and trim. Your bird of happiness is ready!

    The bird of happiness will be an excellent decoration for the house, it will bring comfort and prosperity to the home.

    How to clean and charge the amulet

    Cleansing is a magical action that is carried out with various amulets, amulets and talismans. You need to perform the ritual in a calm environment, no one should distract you. It is important to be in a good mood.

    For purification, the forces of four elements are used:

    1. Fire. To purify a magical item with fire, purchase a white candle. Light it up, carry the amulet through the flame. The candle must be discarded after use. If the amulet is flammable, clean it with sunlight. To do this, on a clear sunny day, take it outside and leave it until the evening.
    2. Earth. In the evening, the talisman must be buried in dry ground and left until morning. Also, a magic item can simply be left on the ground, surrounded by stones.
    3. Air. Go outside on a clear day. Face east and raise your hands holding the amulet. Stay like that for half a minute. Then do the ceremony, turning alternately to the south, west and north.
    4. Water. The amulet must be washed in clean water (flowing or spring water is suitable). If the talisman is made of materials for which contact with moisture is detrimental, then simply spray it with drops of rainwater, and then dry it.

    How to clean a silver amulet

    If you want to clean the silver amulet, the most in a simple way will place it in running water, which will wash away all the negativity. Do it with the words:

    “Let water wash away all troubles and misfortunes from silver, and give me protection from negativity and happiness.”

    After that, remove the remaining moisture with a napkin or cloth. Leave the amulet in the open air for several hours. It is important to ensure that sunlight hits, which can charge it.

    Cleansing after prolonged wear or from someone else's negative energy

    You can also clear the amulet before putting it on, after wearing it for a long time or from someone else's energy with the help of the forces of the four elements. To do this, you need to perform the following rite:

    1. Type clean water into a bowl or jar, add salt there and leave the object to be cleaned in this water for several hours.
    2. Take out the thing, do not pour out the water.
    3. Take the container outside and leave it in the sun during the day. This will get rid of negative energy.

    Things that cannot be wetted can be cleansed with incense. Incense sticks will do. The amulet must be fumigated with smoke.

    It is not difficult to make a talisman or amulet with your own hands. The main thing is to put your soul into the process of its creation, and believe that the magic item will definitely help you. Be sure to clean and charge it properly before use.


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