Sewing soft toys as business reviews. How to make money on homemade toys? Textile Toy Business: Investments

  • Choice of direction
  • Checking demand
  • Registration of activities
  • Technology
  • Materials (edit)
  • Product cost
  • Sale

Women who are constantly at home often think about opening own business on toys self made... This is especially true for girls who want earn in maternity leave with the help of your favorite hobby. This view earnings can indeed be very profitable, since hand made always sells for more than manufactured goods. The only thing is that before you get down to business, you need to carefully consider all the nuances of the business. In order not to miss anything, we recommend that you read this article.

Choice of direction

To open successful business on children's toys, it is necessary to clearly define the direction of activity. You must choose what you know how to do better than others. These can be designer dolls, cute toy animals (bunnies, bears, kittens, etc.) or bouquets of plush animals. For lovers of knitting the best choice would be the popular trend of amigurumi (knitted dolls). By the way, handmade toys can be made from a variety of materials:

  • fabrics;
  • wood;
  • felt;
  • felt;
  • flowers;
  • wool.

It all depends on your skill and desire. In any case, you can learn almost anything. Moreover, on the Internet there are many detailed master classes, specialized forums where people share their reviews and exclusive patterns. Of course, if you want to make money on homemade toys big money, you should try and come up with something of your own and clearly define the direction for business development.

Checking demand

So, you have chosen a direction for the business of children's toys, but do not know if you can make enough money on it? Here, again, the Internet comes to the rescue. By using free service Yandex Wordstat, you can check how relevant your chosen option is in the given time... Everything is extremely simple: enter the direction you are interested in in the selection line and see how many people are interested in it per month. You can see an example of such an analysis in the photo:

Do not be afraid to spend a few days on the selection. So you will know for sure which toys are the most important to make now.

Registration of activities

  1. Select a legal form of incorporation. The simplest and most common option would be to register an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur).
  2. Decide on the OKVED codes. Experts always advise you to choose several codes that at least indirectly relate to your activity. It could be 52.61.1. "Retail postal (parcel) trade", 52.12 "Other retail in not specialized stores».
  3. Select the form of taxation (the simplified one is best suited) and register with the pension fund.
  4. Ask the relevant authorities for information on statistics codes.

When you ask parents what they look for when buying stuffed animals for their children, most of them value safety.Toys must, first of all, meet all the requirements, be made only of high-quality and harmless materials.The presence of small and incomprehensible details on toys only scares moms and dads away from the chosen product.

In addition, toys should not only please the child, but also contribute to his development. It should be noted that simple and ordinary toys are less popular with parents than multifunctional ones. In the first case, the objects simply bore the baby. As a result, the purchased toy will gather dust somewhere on the shelf.

We must not forget about the cost of products. Children grow up pretty quickly. Parents are often unable to constantly acquire something new.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find something on the shelves of specialized stores that would simultaneously meet all the above-described requirements.

In this case, you can make your own toy.

For any mother, this is quite an interesting activity in which you can fully express your imagination. For a child, a toy made by a mother becomes the most dear and beloved one. However, a large number of cases are known when fascinating needlework becomes profitable business... So how to make money from sewing toys at home?

How to start sewing soft toys?

In order to start such a business, you first need to purchase everything necessary equipment and inventory. This is, first of all, a sewing machine. It is worth noting that for a start, an ordinary model will be enough. Among modern inexpensive machines, it is quite possible to find one that will meet all your requirements for this stage business formation. Modern sewing machines have a huge number of functions. Moreover, their cost is five to six thousand rubles.

Naturally, if possible, you can purchase an improved model. However, it is best to postpone such a purchase until a later period when the business is successful.

In addition to a sewing machine, you will need a set of tools. These are scissors, needles.

For sewing toys, you need to purchase fabrics of various textures and accessories. At the same time, it is worth noting that the more types of material you use, the more benefits the toy will bring to kids. Experts say that due to the variety of tissues, tactile sensations are better formed in the child. In specialized stores, there is a huge selection of fabrics and accessories. It is better to opt for natural fabrics. These are coarse calico, chintz, flannel and wool, linen and felt, and much more.

In order to exercise, you can use old things from your wardrobe, for example.

If you are engaged in sewing toys to order, fabrics are quite easy to purchase at wholesale companies, in online stores or on manufacturers' websites. In addition, joint purchases are regularly organized in almost every city, this option will significantly save on materials. In addition, people who have been sewing for a long time are advised to buy various leftover fabrics. They often offer huge discounts.

As for fittings, quite often there are various leftovers of fittings on the farm, which will be enough for initial experiments. However, everything you need can also be purchased at wholesale and retail stores, websites and forums.

In order to start sewing toys with your own hands, you need to have at least a little experience or skills. In fact, sewing toys does not require any unique is enough to master the technique of basic seams, to embroider and sew on small details.

Learning to sew is pretty easy. If you cannot cope on your own, but the desire to do sewing is strong, you can contact a specialized school, purchase books teaching this art, study information on the Internet.

It is worth recalling that sewing toys requires care and accuracy, since most of the components are most often small details that should be avoided when calculating for the smallest audience. Such toys are usually bought for babies, so in this matter you need to exclude any error or marriage in the seam.

There will be many more customers if each of your toys is absolutely exclusive. You need to be able to work with your clients. Listen carefully to the wishes and requirements of the customer.

Today, the following educational toys are very popular. These are soft books, rugs, sorters and soft cubes, mobiles with a lot of pendants, puppet theaters, play houses, soft dolls.

In order to finally answer the question of how to make money by sewing toys at home, you need to consider the topic on the sale of finished products.

Who to offer and where to sell.

To begin with, it is worth looking for buyers among your relatives and friends.

You may have to make a discount or even just donate the product to someone. You can be sure that in the future the owners of your creation will show off such toys in front of their friends and family.

You can offer your products on the forums of caring mothers. It is quite easy to create your own group on a social network, where the sale of your educational toys will be organized.

As for the ideas and patterns for sewing soft toys themselves, there are a huge number of them on the Internet.

Use all the available information and fantasize yourself.

In the future, you will be able to give lessons of this skill, arrange trainings and much more.

From all of the above, the following conclusion should be drawn. You just need to have a desire, minimal knowledge in this area and a good imagination. Creative people will surely cope with these requirements.

If you ask mothers what requirements they have for children's toys, among them in the first place will be toy safety- they must be made of environmentally friendly materials, not have small or poorly manufactured parts.
Secondly, they must carry some kind of developing load, and not just to entertain the child. The versatility and variability of toys is also important - simple toys, the ways of using which there are few, will quickly bore a curious kid.
Well, affordable price- the baby grows quickly, and buying something new every time is quite expensive.

Unfortunately, not always a rich assortment on store shelves meets all these requirements at the same time. You can try this way - make toys yourself, for mothers - this is a very interesting activity that will allow you to show all your imagination, for children - a toy made by mother's hands has a special energy. But it may happen that this fascinating handicraft - sewing educational toys - will become a very profitable business.

What you need to sew toys at home:

1. Sewing machine... A simple budget model is enough at first. Even the simplest modern cars have a number of functions, among which not all are actively used. Over time, if the business is successful, you can invest the earned money in the purchase of an overlock and an embroidery machine.

2. The minimum set of tools (needles, scissors), fabrics of different textures and various accessories. How more types of fabric will be used, the more useful the toy will be for the baby - this is how tactile sensations develop. There are plenty to choose from in fabric stores, it is better to dwell on natural fabrics that can withstand repeated washing - chintz, calico, flax, wool, flannel, felt will do, some even use ordinary napkins for cleaning. For training, you can use old things from different fabrics.

For tailoring to order, fabrics can be purchased from online stores, joint procurement sites and forums. Some craftswomen, by the way, admit that it is cheaper to buy leftover fabrics - shops, as a rule, do on them big discounts, or arrange with a tailor to pick up the pieces after cutting out the clothes, which are simply thrown away.
Fittings are suitable both purchased and at hand. You can use plastic covers, foil, fasteners from worn-out shoes - whatever your imagination tells you. You will need to buy buttons, beads, laces, various fasteners, appliques, braid, lace, fur, etc.

3. Ability to sew or at least passionate desire to master this skill... Sewing educational toys does not require very deep skills, it is enough to be able to make basic seams, sew on appliqués and embroider small details.

4. Limiting accuracy, because most of the details are very small, and the use of the product for a small child excludes any marriage or error in the seam.

5. Irrepressible fantasy, because each toy must be exclusive, and the ability to work with customers. You need to be a bit of a psychologist in order to fully satisfy the wishes of clients (meaning both the mother-customer and the child for whom the toy is intended). A boy who is keen on sea adventures will find a rug “ Sea bottom"Or" Ship at sea ", and the little princess will love the" Princess Castle "rug or the fold-out house-bag for dolls. In order to learn pets, you can sew a cube with animals on each side, etc.

What educational toys can be sewn for sale:

developing rugs;
developing soft fabric books;
cubes and sorters;
mobiles with many different suspensions - for the little ones;
soft constructor;
finger theater and theater on hand;
game panels - to the car, to the stroller;
playhouses - from small dollhouses to tents and garden tents;
soft dolls with developmental functions, for example, dress-up dolls that need to be undressed and dressed by overcoming various types of fasteners, locks and laces.

Where to sell toys:

The first step is to look for buyers among friends, of course, you will have to give a couple of toys or make a huge discount, but no one forbids discussing the issue of advertising in return - the happy owners of your creations will show off their toys anyway.

Active customers who are not indifferent to the issue of child development are on local forums - this is convenient in terms of delivery of goods and preliminary agreements. You can also search for them in kindergarten, on the playground - wherever you intersect with moms.

You can organize a sale on a page in social networks, on your own blog or website.

Many ideas for sewing such educational toys are on the Internet, so you can safely use the material already invented by other mothers first. But copyright products are valued more (and more expensive), in addition, you can also make toys, conduct trainings, joint sewing lessons, formalize your experience in the form e-books- this is another way of earning money by sewing educational toys.

Parenting leave is a great time to discover new talents and hobbies. In mom's maternity leave, all the time is devoted to the baby, and even a bunch of household chores need to be redone. Being a mom is not an easy job. Occasionally, engaging in creativity is just a necessity, an attempt to add variety to your daily routine. With the advent of the baby, there is often a desire to pick up the knitting needles, or start taking pictures. In general - to create.

Perhaps there was not enough time for this earlier, or maybe because an object and consumer of your creations appeared. Sometimes it brings not only joy and satisfaction, but also additional income... It is important for a young woman to realize herself. His story with the readers of the magazine Reconomica shared Diana. She sews educational toys.

Hello everyone! I am Diana Vladimirovna Soboleva from the city of Novomoskovsk, Tula region. I am 28 years old, currently on maternity leave (my son is 2 years 8 months old). I sew educational toys and books for children, mainly from 0 to 5 years old.

Why did you decide to do this? It's simple. When a baby is born, I want to do something for him with my own hands, with soul and love. Well, it is useful for every woman to be creative, she needs it. In order to be full of energy, we must create !!!

Bright and fun.

At first, of course, I went online and found many different master classes, paid and free. I bought a terrible Chinese felt, in my city they don't sell another one, unfortunately ... I brought a 1961 Volga sewing machine from my grandmother. And she sat down to sew. Eyes just scattered! Where to begin? What to sew?

And then a client comes to my nails (I am a master of nail service at home), I share my discoveries and plans with her, show pictures on my phone. And a miracle happened !!! She ordered a book from me, imagine, a book !!! Although I did not have anything sewn up at all, I got down to business. Naturally, since this is the first order, I sewed for a symbolic price, but still nice!

Then I created a group in VK. Now there are over 2,000 people there. On June 31, my group will be 2 years old and how I began to engage in sewing educational toys! After a while, other orders began to appear, mainly from acquaintances and friends. She also sewed a dollhouse for the birthday of her husband's goddaughter. I promoted my group, did various contests, invited friends, advertised in other groups.

Orders, profits, customer search

After about six months, my group began to work. And before the new year, a bunch of orders appeared, everyone needs gifts! I even came up with my own New Year's book !!! And I did a paid master class on it.

I switched to good materials (Korean felt), bought a new Brother 2125 sewing machine. The cheapest, but so far it suits me.

And this New Year there were even more orders ... I did not sleep at night, because this process takes a very long time. Somewhere in December I earned on sewing 15,000 rubles... But this is only before the big holidays.

Basically, a page of one book costs 400-500 rubles, depending on the complexity and plot. On average, a book consists of 3-5 sheets. This is 3000-5000 rubles. From this money, of course, you need to deduct the cost of the material. This is somewhere between 1000-1500 rubles. In general, the cost of a product is easy to calculate. You need to multiply the cost by three. And this is almost always how the price is calculated.

Another important point. Sewing toys and books is a very long process.

It takes me three to four weeks on average to write one book. Well, if, of course, you sew all day, then you can sew it in a week. But hardly anyone can allocate so much time for this.

Gastronomic fantasy.

At best, earnings came out per month 5000-7000 thousand... But!!! So many things I want to buy ... So many buttons, fabrics ... All kinds of interesting things and things! And all this is needed, always needed! At home, just hamster stocks appear. And this is still not enough (I think that all the girls will understand me), and I spent all free and non-free money on materials.

In fact, this is just an insanely interesting activity, it gives me great pleasure! Recently, such a situation even happened to me. I didn’t sew for two months, I completely switched my attention to another project. And I started having panic attacks! Two days were. But then an order came in, and I started sewing. Everything! He took off these attacks like a hand. I directly felt myself calm down.

If you creative person and you have perseverance, you will like this occupation.

But finding customers is actually problematic, since the price of the product is rather big, and not everyone can afford such a toy. It is easier for them to sew by themselves, and then even to organize paid master classes.

Learning numbers.

Now there are a huge number of different craftsmen who sew development items, there is a lot of competition. Therefore, you have to sweat over straight lines, quality work, good photos(blurry dark photo against the background of the carpet will definitely not work), attractive texts, regular work on your group "Vkontakte" or your Instagram account (or better, both).

If you decide to sew for your baby or sew to order, then it is advisable to immediately buy a good, high-quality master class.

About master classes

No, you can, of course, collect grains from free ones ... But why reinvent the wheel ?! To invent something myself, when they tell you everything, show you from beginning to end, chew, answer all questions and prompt. Moreover, the price of such master classes varies between 200-1000 rubles. Agree, this is not a lot of money.

Only when choosing, be sure to pay attention to the conditions. There are those on which you can sew only for yourself, but not for sale (in fact, I do not understand the point in such master classes).


Where to sell

If you decide to sew a book and you need to sell it, then there are many possibilities how to do it. For example, there are well-known Avito and Yula. There is a site "Fair of Masters" and many sites (Russian and foreign) of this type. There is also a group in the contact "Development Fair", where you can upload your work.

In principle, if the work is beautiful, high-quality and functional, then there will be no problems with the sale. Of course, you have to wait, but there will definitely be a little master.

What toys develop and the technique of making them

What are these educational books for? For the development of babies, of course. For the development of fine motor skills, learning to cope with various types of fasteners in a playful way (fastex, Velcro, sew-on buttons, magnetic buttons, buttons, zippers, lacing, etc.), studying geometric shapes, numbers, letters, colors and much more. The list can be almost endless (the rules road traffic, cars, a dollhouse, books on fairy tales, cartoons and poems, and so on).

There are also many different techniques in the production of this kind of books. For example, the pages themselves can be sewn from fabric (reinforced with a double-thread or padding polyester), or from felt. Can be done with or without inlay. All of fabric, all of felt. Different kinds binding and binding of pages. In principle, everyone will find something interesting for themselves!

Leave reviews!
  1. work from home,
  2. work with what they enjoy working with.

Both of these ideas are implemented in the Internet project "Gift for a woman - Tilly-Boom soul toys". The Tilly Boom internet project is based on a business idea such as Sewing Toys to order... Actually, we will tell you more about this project.

Business Sewing toys to order can be different. You can work as a "Chinese" and churn out nasty rabbits. You can turn your attention to the classic author's doll and make soulless, but pretentious freaks. But - and this is the whole point of the Tilly Boom Internet project - you can do what customers want. Naturally, doing it beautifully.

The main idea of ​​the Tilly-Boom Internet project, which is used when sewing toys to order, is that modern children, fed up with transforming robots and Barbie dolls, increasingly prefer simpler and more "soulful" toys. Turns out, the dolls weighed down with detail quickly get bored with kids.

In turn, unpretentious silhouettes are left to kids more room for imagination, conjecturing the qualities of the doll, its character. It is these toys that children promote to the rank of "loved ones", talk and fall asleep with them, groom and cherish them. Maybe that's why they are increasingly popular in the world stuffed animals primitives, the so-called Tilda dolls (on behalf of the Swedish designer who designed them). The essence of such toys is in a simplified way - all unnecessary is removed, only the most essential features remain. Adults also like stylish "tildes", which complement the interiors of their homes.

The system of the Internet project Tilly-Boom is very simple: the customer calls and says that he wants, for example, the Serpent Gorynych from the cartoon "Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych". The designers of the Internet project sit down, brainstorm and the sketch is ready. Then the matter is almost simple - you need to turn the sketch into a toy itself. At this stage, the sketch, as usual, is completely redone.

A few final touches, characteristic details and nuances - and a wonderful toy Serpent Gorynych is ready.

As you can see, the procedure is simple. And the creators of the Internet project Tilly-Boom can only keep the site famous enough to find new customers - and get exactly what they want.


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