How to organize the rental of the instrument formally organizational points. Crisis business - we open the rental of power tools. How much does it cost to open a construction tool rental business

Today, in connection with the active carrying out of repair and construction works, in Russia the rental of the instruments necessary for this is again becoming popular. For many citizens, this can be quite convenient.

Not everyone will buy expensive tools in order to make repairs in one apartment. It is much cheaper to rent them by paying for daily use.

In addition to professional and household tools, you can rent petrol equipment, vibration devices, parquet grinders. In general, renting construction equipment can generate a lot of income. We will consider the organization of this type of activity in more detail below.

Business plan: tool rental

When organizing any business, you should carefully think over and calculate everything. This case is no exception. To implement the idea, it is necessary to draw up a business plan correctly. Tool rental is not as easy as it might seem.

The documents should describe all the main aspects of this field of activity. It is also necessary to analyze the main problems that may arise when opening this business, and determine the main ways to solve them. This will be discussed further.

Room selection

This requires an individual approach. The room in which your tool rental will be located can be about 20 square meters, and in any residential area of ​​the city. A small corner in an existing store would be ideal, so that there is a convenient access by car.

Not every client will carry 20-25 kilograms of rented equipment. If the store is located on a busy side of a street or highway, the office window should be well decorated so that it grabs the attention of consumers from afar.

Staff recruitment

In this case, you will need the following specialists:

  1. Repairman of units and tools.
  2. Receiver of equipment. He can also be responsible for concluding contracts and maintaining financial records.
  3. Accountant.
  4. Lawyer (if the instrument is not returned for a long time).


It is an integral part of business development, which is reflected in the business plan. Instrument rental should start with active advertising of the company. You can post an ad in local newspapers or hand out flyers.

Operating hours of the item

Based on the experience of other entrepreneurs, the optimal working hours will be from 09.00 to 19.00 without a break. The day off is Sunday.

Determining what can be rented

The list of the main most popular tools includes the following:

  • Rotary attachments - jackhammer, drill, wrench, etc.
  • Grinding and cutting tools - saws, grinders, etc.
  • Welding equipment and fixtures.
  • Installation and compressor devices.
  • Construction tools - concrete mixer, heat gun, etc.

It should be remembered that rental will be in demand if you offer a large assortment of goods, preferably about 30 items. Also, the rental of construction equipment significantly diversifies the list of services. It must be of a professional type to be in demand by serious construction crews... It is better to take care of this long before opening a rental office. It is necessary to decide where the purchase of equipment and tools will be made. Buy them in places where they will provide warranty documents and a discount when buying in bulk.

Potential consumers

Clients generally fall into three main categories:

  1. Builders who are engaged in private renovation. The lease of tools from them is included in the estimated cost of the work. This category of customers is subject to mandatory training on safety and the use of electrical equipment, because not all builders in practice turn out to be professionals, they can easily break the rented goods.
  2. Private persons. This is the most problematic and common category of tenants. They should be given a lot of attention, as well as detailed instructions on all issues and a detailed study of the client's personality should be carried out.
  3. Legal entities, organizations. For this category of customers, their power tools usually fail. It's easy for a manager to work with such clients. Detailed instruction is not needed, work experience is available.

We take into account the presence of risk factors

Be sure to include this point in your business plan. Tool rental involves the following main risk factors:

  • It often happens that the renters of a tool or equipment may be people who have absolutely no experience with them. This means that there is a high probability of getting back an already broken device, or, even worse, the client can injure himself if he uses it carelessly. To avoid these troubles, managers should provide detailed instructions on the use of tools and equipment. This is important.
  • All rental centers should have stands with instructions and rules for the operation of various tools and equipment, as well as with regulatory documents on safety precautions when using them. It is better to familiarize the consumer with these materials against signature.
  • When concluding a lease agreement, the client must provide his passport, from which it is better to take a photocopy, so that in case of non-fulfillment of the agreed obligations, it would be possible to find an unscrupulous tenant without any problems. Usually rental offices do not require a deposit, but it is better to insure yourself and still take 100% of the cost of the equipment. However, not every person carries such an amount with them. After all, for example, on average, an ordinary hammer drill costs about $ 1,000. Then, in this case, they are limited only to the insurance of the instruments, as well as to determine the identity of the tenant.

When to expect profit from investments?

As a rule, rental offices provide their services on a daily basis of payment for an instrument. The average rental price for one device for one day is about 9-10% of its cost. Usually, clients can take at least two types of any instrument per day. This is done by simple builders who have a small amount of work. But large teams can rent ten units of tools at once for a period of more than a week. The average payback period for one device is about six months.

It is better to open this business in the summer, more precisely, even from the beginning of May to the end of October. At this time, only the opened rental of the instrument can be visited by about five to seven clients in one day. Towards the end of the year, demand will decline significantly. As a result, there will be only two or three clients every day.

The average cost of renting an instrument per day will be about 500-600 rubles. As work experience is gained, in the coming year, the tool rental business will bring its owners daily 15 contracts worth about 1,000 rubles each.

You can also sell along the way expendable materials to various devices, freeing the client from going to the store. It will be convenient for the tenant to purchase dowels, drills and much more right at the tool rental point, and this will become an additional source of income for you.

If, within six months from the date of opening this business, the average monthly income of the rental point is below one and a half thousand dollars, think about whether it is worth continuing to do this business. In this case, the tools can be sold for 50% of the cost, as well as the stands and tables can be sold, gaining about 25% of the initial investment.

But let's not talk about sad things. Tool rental can bring quite a stable income, if everything is well planned and attentive to customers, try to feel those who are ready to deceive. It would be nice to know about the arrangement of instruments, because sometimes you have to hand them over for up to 20 days a month, and you need to be ready for anything. If, during the first year of work, an entrepreneur has enough money to pay salaries and rent premises, then we can assume that the business is a success, and profit will soon go. It remains to wait quite a bit, you are on the right track.

Reading time: 5 minutes

One of the options to make a profit is to rent a vehicle. It is not difficult to conclude an appropriate contract, but in order for the project to be cost-effective, you must first make the correct calculations, including rental payments. Therefore, the question of how to calculate a car rental is relevant for some car owners.

What is car rental

The car can be used not only for personal purposes, but also become a means of additional or basic income. As an option, . Rental vehicle means transferring it for temporary use to a third party. The terms of payment for the use of the car, its repair, storage are specified in the lease agreement, which is concluded between the parties. Participants in the transaction can be.

Car rental calculation example

Consider an example of calculating the cost of renting a new Renault Duster car, which cost the owner 580 thousand rubles. The machine will be operated with an average load (take a depreciation factor of 0.2). The expected profit from crossover rental is within 10%. The inflation rate for February 2020 was 0.21%. Substituting all the numbers in the formula, we get:

580,000 * 0.2 * 1.1 * 0.21 = 26,796 rubles.

This is the monthly rent for the car.

Take a sociological survey!

Lease calculation with subsequent redemption

You can also. Unlike standard rental, here the tenant after a while gets the opportunity to purchase a car at a negotiated price. Taking into account the fact that the car is planned to be sold, the level of profitability in the previous formula must be reduced. How much depends on the amount of the ransom.

The selling price of a car is directly affected by the level of its wear and tear, which, in turn, is influenced by the intensity of operation and the period of active use. If the car has been used as a taxi for a long time, it will not be possible to sell it at a high price.

Average cost of car rental in Russia

The market rental price depends on the region, the make and model of the car, the desired level of earnings, and maintenance costs. For example, at CarFlexi the following prices are for a 3-day car rental in Moscow:

And in Crimea, for 1 day of renting a Logan on a mechanic, you will have to pay 1,330 rubles, for a Rapid (mechanics) - 1,400 rubles, Camry (automatic) - 4,500 rubles.


The owner of the car, wanting to make money, can rent it out. In this case, the relationship between the parties is governed by an agreement, which fixes the parameters of the car, the amount of rent, the term of the agreement, the rights and obligations of the parties. You can download a sample contract on the Internet.

To achieve a positive economic effect It is important for the vehicle owner to calculate the amount of the rental payment correctly from the rental. You can simply take the average price of a service that competitors offer, and then, depending on the desire to attract customers / make a profit, slightly reduce or increase it.

Car depreciation: what it is: Video

Having your own good construction power tool is an expensive pleasure not only for private traders, but also for construction professionals who have the necessary, but far from complete, set of special equipment. Therefore, for many, the most profitable and affordable option is to rent power tools at rental points. For the next temporary repair in an apartment, it makes no sense to buy not only an expensive tool, but also a cheap one of dubious quality on the market. Even professional builders prefer to rent some of the less popular tools as needed. Due to the good demand among consumers, the rental of construction power tools is very profitable and promising business... But for successful implementation of this project, it is necessary to take into account some peculiarities in the organization and conduct of your entrepreneurial activity.

For rental business there is no need to rent a large room. A room of twenty square meters with a minimum set of furnishings is quite enough. A table, a few chairs, shelving for electrical engineering, information stands are quite enough. An activity such as renting a power tool requires that all available electrical equipment be checked on a regular basis. Therefore, it is necessary to have an electrical network that can withstand increased loads. A telephone is required to work with clients. One or two employees are enough to get started.

The location of the rental point is of great importance. If it is located in a crowded area, then a bright sign will be enough. In a remote location somewhere on the outskirts or in the courtyards, the cost of renting the premises will be much cheaper, but you will have to spend a lot of money on additional advertising. The most the best place for rental point construction tool- next to a shop of construction equipment and materials.

Work with clients

Often, electrical equipment is rented by private craftsmen who perform custom renovation work who know how to handle the tool, but even more customers who do not know how to work on such equipment at all and take it to independently perform any home repair work. It is necessary to conclude with people to carry out especially detailed instructions on operation and safety. And the best thing is that such information must be placed on the stands in the room. It is not uncommon for the equipment to be replaced with another, similar, but defective or not returned at all when returned. It is unrealistic to take a pledge of the full cost of the instrument from the client due to the high price. Therefore, you should check the documents more carefully and warn about liability for theft or return of a faulty instrument.

Tool rental

This type of entrepreneurial activity is a very risky type of business, because expensive equipment in inept hands can break down very quickly. An expensive tool of well-known manufacturers still has some advantages - it is more reliable and wear-resistant in operation. But there is also an alternative - more frequent replacement of cheap equipment with new, of the same quality. The choice is up to the owner of the business. You can also sell working parts of tools that wear out quickly (drills, discs and other consumables) in addition to the rented electrical equipment.

Risk Factors When Renting Renting Out

Even a very reliable tool is very likely to break if it is often used by inexperienced people. Therefore, it is necessary for safety reasons that the customer signs in the lease agreement that he received the instrument in good condition and is familiar with the operating rules.

If you additionally organize your own service center for the prevention and repair of power tools, you can significantly save on this and even have additional profits.

When, over time, despite the efforts, the business does not bring the desired income, then more attention should be paid advertising campaign and the pricing policy of the company. Some rental companies, in order to maintain their competitiveness, make percentage discounts if the tool is taken for a longer period and even offer expensive consumables for rent, despite the great risk.

In order to protect themselves from possible cases of non-return or replacement of the instrument with another, faulty one, some companies take out insurance and pay increased attention to finding out the identity of the client, more carefully checking his documents. Warn about responsibility. If you decide to engage in this rather risky business, then it is better to think over in advance all the subtleties and nuances of renting a power tool, so that later you do not face unnecessary problems. Ahead lies the passage of all the mandatory registration procedures and obtaining the appropriate permits from government agencies, the organization of premises and business planning, the acquisition of a suitable tool that will be in good demand, and many other important matters.

Tool rental as a business - great idea, because construction equipment is often impractical to purchase when it comes to unit construction. That is why tool rental is an excellent solution for your own profitable business. The main visitors of such rental are construction teams, gardeners, as well as people who have started repairs in their own apartment or house.

How to start a construction tool rental business?

Opening a tool rental in the center or in another area of ​​the city is a personal decision of a businessman. Central location in this case is completely optional.

To implement a tool rental point as a business, a small room with an area of ​​40-50 m² in a residential area is enough. You can save a lot on rent if you use the basement. You just need to choose the basement that has access to the street.

Before opening a tool rental, you should take care of the racks on which the tools offered for rent will be located, as well as a counter for meetings with customers. Furniture can be purchased at specialized store or make it yourself.

You cannot do without office equipment at a modern rental point. It will be enough to install a computer with a printer connected to it and a telephone. An excellent solution would be to connect your work computer to the Internet. Thus, customers will be able to contact a consultant and place orders online, and the staff of the point will use modern Internet capabilities to promote the service and attract new customers.

A tool rental business cannot be built directly without the tools themselves. The assortment of the item should include several categories of products:

  • cutting;
  • grinding;
  • shock-rotational;
  • welding;
  • assembly;
  • compressor rooms;
  • machine tools and construction machines.

If there are at least a few instruments in each of the above categories, more than 30 titles will appear in the rental. All tools, even those that are presented in a single copy, must be present on the demonstration racks and be rented on demand.

It is difficult to make predictions about which rental will be the most popular, therefore, experienced specialists in this matter recommend purchasing at least one item from each category in order to respond positively to any client's request. Over time, the range can and should be expanded. Some time after the opening of the point, the detailed analysis demand, on the basis of which the number of certain positions increases.

Staff and clients

Tool rental is a very specific service that has its own target audience. The assortment of the item should directly correspond to the needs of the main customers. For example, when it comes to summer residents and gardeners, there is no need to stock up on concrete mixers and electric welding, it is better to purchase more chainsaws and trimmers. Concrete mixers and a variety of hammers and grinders are tools for builders.

Tool rental can be expanded through the introduction and special professional equipment, again, if there is a demand for it. The main snag is cost. The price of professional equipment is often prohibitively high, which is why its rental, respectively, is available only for construction crews, and they in general target audience maybe not much. Because of this, the purchased equipment will not pay for itself in the end, which will cause great harm to the company's budget. You should take this moment into account when deciding to expand the range of such products.

Before opening an office, it is important to recruit qualified personnel. The most important employee is the tool repairer. This person will monitor the condition of the rental tool, repair it if necessary. A master of a wide profile is suitable for such a position; work experience at the plant will be a separate plus. You should not skimp on the salary for such an employee, because a good specialist can be lured away by competitors by offering more.

You can do without a repairman if the rental tools were purchased from well-known manufacturers that have their own service centers and provide a guarantee to their customers.

The average period of such a guarantee is 3 years, during which time the product has time to wear out, after which it is written off and the need for local repairs disappears by itself.

One more important employee, which you need to rent a tool - this is a specialist in issuing and receiving. He will communicate with clients, show them the assortment, lease agreements are concluded with him and through him money is received from the client. But in the early stages, in order to save on wages, this work can be performed by the owner himself or the repairman. You also cannot do without a lawyer and an accountant.

How to advertise your business

You should think about advertising before opening an instrument rental shop. But large-scale advertising company in this case it is not required. It is easier and more efficient to use inexpensive methods of promoting and attracting customers.

Advertising is one of the cost items that are fraught with the item on the rental of tools, and far from the last. The owner needs to find the perfect "sweet spot" of expenses in order to reach the point when the business starts to pay for itself. For this, it is important to choose the right price for the offered range of equipment. The price is often formed based on market value equipment - for retail customers this is 10% of the cost, and for wholesale and regular customers- eight%. The owner has the right to independently set rental prices, but must always remember that there is a whole list of competitors to which his audience may go due to overpriced prices.

If there is a lack of profit, you should not try to increase its volume by increasing the cost of the services provided. It is worthwhile to optimize costs, this often allows you to significantly align the ratio of costs and benefits, which in turn moves the company closer to the cherished goal - payback and net profit.

How much can you earn

Practice shows that a tool that is in average demand brings its owner 30-60% of the cost per month, provided there is no corresponding competition. If you have a quality grinder that costs $ 300, renting this tool will bring you at least $ 90-180 (per month, and sometimes per week). Note! V this business there are things that can return the full cost of these devices within 7-15 days of rent. For example, a set of tools for installing pipes for a new water well costs more than one thousand dollars, but there are companies that will provide you necessary equipment within 30-40% of its cost. That is, the organizer of the project will spend not 3-5 thousand US dollars, but within the range of 900-2000 dollars.

How much money is needed to start a business for renting construction tools and related equipment

Most of the entrepreneurs in this business claim that without start-up capital within 17-30 thousand dollars, you will not be able to organize profitable business... Minimum costs include:

  • registration of activities;
  • purchase of tools and equipment;
  • lease of a warehouse and office space;
  • advertising of the project;
  • administrative costs.

Which equipment to choose

Depending on the main specialization of your activity, the list of the main equipment may differ significantly. For example, the construction of plumbing, heating systems, floor heating are very different from equipment for standard construction work.

What OKVED for a construction equipment rental business should be indicated to novice entrepreneurs

Rental of construction equipment, after significant changes in 2016 (if you carefully study all-Russian classifier), falls into the category with the OKVED code 77.19.

What documents are needed to open a rental company for construction equipment and tools

For the organization and subsequent development of a construction equipment rental business, you will need a standard package of securities of an individual entrepreneur, LLC or other type of legal entity. faces. It is imperative to issue certificates with the Pension Fund, Rosstat and off-budget funds. Do not forget to prepare other papers permitting this direction commercial activities.

Which taxation system to choose

Experienced entrepreneurs advise within three days after registering a company in tax office and funds, to prepare a statement of the desire to work for the STS. The main advantages are the minimum load on financial condition companies and the absence of bureaucratic "pressure" on business. Begin

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The cultivation of their own land, repairs, maintenance of the garden and other types of work quite often require the owners to have special devices, which are simply unprofitable to buy because of the very rare use.

Only tool rental as a business with a small fee for daily use can help out at such a moment.

Most requested tools

When compiling a list of instruments that are preferable to purchase for subsequent rental, the owner of the company should focus on the needs of future customers.

If there are many summer cottages nearby, he should pay attention to tools such as:

  • chainsaws;
  • trimmers;
  • secateurs;
  • walk-behind tractors;
  • sprayers.

Near high-rise buildings, where residents are just moving in, electric drills, screwdrivers, perforators will be relevant, but the owners of private houses will give preference to planers and circular saws.

The best option would be to purchase one type of tools, with subsequent purchases of additional copies from the most demanded samples.

To launch a tool rental as a business, starting with one set, an entrepreneur will need about 15-20 thousand dollars.

Moreover, you should only buy products from companies known for their quality: Milwaukee, Kress, Hilti, Dauer, Bosch or Makita.

Potential clients

Clients of companies engaged in the leasing of various expensive instruments are divided into several categories:

  1. Novice private traders - this category of people is full of desire to work independently, but does not have the skills and knowledge of how to use the tools, for what types of work they are suitable. With them, a detailed consultation is carried out with explanations of the main functions, maximum assistance in choosing is provided.
  2. Organizations are the most profitable, albeit rare, visitors. They only turn to rental opportunities if their personal devices are out of order, and a simple crew is not profitable. They know what they need and for what, they arrange rent for a long time.
  3. Repair crews are also a good clientele, but sometimes they need as much attention as newbies. In an effort to make money on seasonal employment in construction, repair or gardening, teams of people gather who are just mastering the intricacies of their profession. The rental time for instruments is at least a week.

We have to work with all visitors separately until a regular clientele appears at the rental point.

It is important to be patient so that visitors can feel that they are eager to help.

This will help reinforce a positive impression and take advantage of word of mouth advertising.

Expectation of profits

As practice shows, one instrument pays off on average during the first 6 months after its purchase.

The terms can be increased if the device is not in great demand, or shorter by several weeks with constant requests.

In order to wait for the first income as quickly as possible and increase the profitability of your point, you should open it only in the spring and summer period.

At this time, repairs begin, construction is actively underway, work begins in gardens, vegetable gardens and flower beds.

In late autumn or winter, visits to the rental point are minimized, which is an unpleasant and somewhat unprofitable fact for already established entrepreneurs.

Only the opened points can go bankrupt due to low starting income and the need to pay contributions to the state and the lessor out of their own pockets.

The chances of an increase in income will increase significantly if an entrepreneur decides to sell various consumables such as:

  • brushes;
  • rollers;
  • spatulas;
  • sandpaper;
  • nails.

The decision to implement useful additions should be included in the business plan, as well as the approximate number of items.

A lot of customers will definitely like this branch - they don't have to look for an additional specialty store.

Requirements for the premises

The owner can find an advantageous shop in the center for a reasonable price or decide to settle down near new buildings, in sleeping areas, near summer cottages on the outskirts.

Great concentration potential clients and the possibility of contact with them is the main condition that should be adhered to.

The room itself can be very small in size, limited to 20-30 square meters.

Competently located shelves, stands, counter will help you to place all leased tools.

The rest of the samples can be kept in the back room, from which the sales assistant will take them out.

Given the small investment and quick return on investment, the rental of tools is considered profitable investment of money.

Starting and maintaining this type of business is easy enough, especially if you hire tech-savvy staff.

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