The biggest misconception that we have. Our biggest delusion is that we still have a lot of time. Vikings wore horned helmets

1. Einstein got bad grades in school

For several generations of children, the myth that the famous physicist, the Nobel Prize winner had problems with academic performance at school, warmed their souls. Adults, whose children did not make much progress in school, also consoled themselves with this. However, in reality, this was not at all the case: Albert Einstein studied very well at school, especially with regard to natural science and mathematics, which, however, is not surprising with his genius abilities. According to the newspaper, the delusion is explained by the fact that since childhood the physicist has reformed the assessment system in Germany, and the "fours" began to be perceived as "two".

2. Mice love cheese

In all cartoons, mice are crazy about cheese, there is a saying about free cheese in a mousetrap - in general, most people are sure that mice really like this dairy product. However, this is not the case - mice prefer sweet foods, as well as peanut butter and foods with cereals.

3. Napoleon was short

Behavior of an aggressive ambitious person vertically challenged often attributed to the so-called Napoleon complex. At the same time, the very short men themselves really like the parallels with the emperor of France. The myth about the growth of a commander appeared after an incorrect translation, in fact, his height was about 170 cm - in the 18th-19th centuries for a man it was an average height. After debunking this myth, Napoleon does not fall into the list of the shortest rulers in the world, as he turns out to be too high for this list.

4. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb

Edison invented many wonderful things, he was one of the most ingenious inventors of all time, but the light bulb still has nothing to do with him. The light bulb was invented by the Englishman Joseph Suen.

5. Lemmings throw themselves off cliffs to commit suicide

This delusion entered the minds and went for a walk around the world after the showing of an old Disney film about life wildlife... In fact, this is just a myth that has nothing to do with reality, and these animals do not commit group suicide.

6. In different hemispheres, the water in the funnel swirls in different directions

How often do children watch in fascination as the water goes into the drain hole, for example, in a bathtub, twisting into a funnel. Many adults are convinced that in the other hemisphere the water will spin the other way, but this, alas, is not the case.

7. Humans descended from monkeys

Darwin's theory does not at all confirm this - the scientist only proved that primates in the distant past had a common ancestor.

I'd like to add another popular misconception about Darwin's theory, that his theory of evolution says that the fittest survives. In fact, Darwin was talking about survival of the fittest.

8. Vikings wore horned helmets

This may upset a lot of people, but this is pure fantasy. Scientists explain this misconception by the fact that the Vikings were buried with their military helmets; animal horns were also placed in the graves, intended for drinking strong drinks. When the first Viking graves were excavated, some archaeologists suggested that these horns were on helmets and simply fell off. However, not a single Viking era battle helmet has been found with horns actually attached to it, as well as other evidence of this myth (on the carpet from Bayeux, for example, there are no horns on the helmets of the Normans).

9. Columbus believed that the earth was flat

According to The Times, many Britons, like people in other countries, think that Columbus thought the earth was flat, but then it is unclear why he went to India in a roundabout way.

10. Different parts of the tongue respond to different tastes.

A person does have different taste buds on the tongue, and some are more sensitive to bitter or sweet than others. But they are not at all divided into sections in the language.

Hooked so that I even printed a couple of pieces and hung them on the refrigerator!

These phrases filled me with magic, some kind of deep understanding of the world, each of them contains a pearl of wisdom.

We wish you to be imbued with them, reset your consciousness and look at the world in a new way. Life is what we want to see, our reaction to situations, therefore it is correct to maintain a common sense, which is able to more broadly understand the main things in this world. These quotes will help you tune in life!

1. Dreams must be either crazy or unrealistic ... Otherwise, they are just plans for tomorrow!

2. Calmness is stronger than emotions. Silence is louder than a scream. Indifference is worse than war.

3. Probably, I will never grow up ... I still believe in miracles, love and good people.

4. Not because of beauty I fell in love with you, and not because of old age I will stop loving you.

5. Learn to let go. The family will always find their way back.

6. The inexplicable thing is the soul. Nobody knows where he is, but everyone knows how it hurts.

7. Live so that people, when faced with you, smile, and, communicating with you, become a little happier.

8. Sometimes, in some strange ways in life, everything works out by itself.

Max Fry

9. Happiness is when your parents are healthy.

10. By humiliating others, you will not get higher!

11. Our biggest delusion is that we still have a lot of time ...

12. Never regret what you did if you were happy at that moment.

13. May the Almighty forgive us when we are unhappy with what we have ...

14. Do not try to sort things out with people who disappointed you. Silently leave them alone with all the junk.

15. Everyone has their own problems - some have stale bread, and some have small diamonds. Appreciate what you have.

16. Sometimes the Almighty removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after him.

17. Do not grieve about anything in advance and do not rejoice at something that does not yet exist.

18. If you don’t catch it with your soul, you cannot hold it with your body for a long time.

19. God has everything on time, so learn to wait.

20. This is real happiness, not your iPhones.

21. When your children achieve something, it is much more important than their own achievements.

22. Take care of your parents, because while they are alive - we are children!

23. Conscience - it is like that ... It does not torment those who should be tortured, but those who have it.

24. One of the most powerful fears for a person is to understand that he has been wrong for a long time.

25. Many consider it important in life to find a person, but only a few know that it is more important to find oneself.

P.S. Keep these extraordinary publications for yourself and come back to them when you need support.

The biggest discovery of my generation is that the human race can change its life by changing only its point of view.

Our main purpose in life is not to save ourselves, but to spend ourselves competently.

The misconception of the miser is that they regard gold and silver as goods, when they are only means for the acquisition of goods.

Self-confidence is our most powerful weapon.

Don't say you don't have time. You have exactly the same amount of time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein had.

Children are worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, mess. But when you approach them asleep, you straighten the blanket, kiss on the nose, cheeks, and you realize that this is the greatest happiness in life!

We spend too much time in our rooms. We think too much within four walls. We live too much and despair locked up. And in the bosom of nature, how can you fall into despair?

Each of us has a time machine: that which transfers to the past - memories; what takes you to the future is dreams.


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