Provides personal growth coaching. What is training - a small life or money down the drain. Corporate or open

Personal growth and motivation

The question of the advisability of attending business trainings is of interest not only to those who are just deciding to open own business, but also those who strive for great success in an already functioning enterprise, and even those who consider themselves to be fully established businessmen.

Without new knowledge and skills, development in itself is impossible. An experienced entrepreneur is well aware of the price that one has to pay for experience, as well as the difficulties that one has to face almost every day - including monitoring the actions of competitors, changes in their industry. Most often, only those businessmen who want or can afford to learn from their own mistakes refuse to study at trainings. However, such an experience can be very deplorable. It is much easier and more profitable to get important and useful information for little money at effective business courses. In this case, the problem is only in finding a really high-quality training.

What do they give business trainings and seminars?

The business seminar is a specially developed effective method for improving the skills of experienced and novice businessmen, managers and leaders. The main issues discussed at business seminars are: how to develop an effective business plan and invest in a certain budget, how to manage employees and achieve maximum positive results from their work, etc.

The difference between a business seminar and a business training is as follows: the first is designed for the exchange of experience and communication without practical knowledge. As for business trainings, they often require experience and a certain level of knowledge among those present, such courses are created to work out a specific problem with group members.

They help to deepen erudition and broaden your horizons, gain new knowledge and try on a different model of behavior, better understand yourself, but most importantly, they help you believe in yourself.

Most often, the initiative to conduct such trainings comes from managers who notice a stop in the company's growth. Business training is also necessary when a company plans to occupy a new market niche, increase profits, conquer new heights, while employees cannot reorganize and continue to work with a focus on the results achieved. If the team is not ready to change the plans of the management, the company usually loses its positions, at best, it remains at the achieved level.

Business training are needed to bring the company out of stagnation and turn employees into a single team, with common thoughts, ready to implement bold plans and new strategies. The trainings work on one or more problems in small groups. This allows you to see your problem through the eyes of others. Business trainings help company executives to make sure that the chosen development strategy is correct. As practice shows, managers who have passed such trainings stubbornly and confidently move towards the goal in tandem with a close-knit team of like-minded employees. The latter discover their potential, helping them to conquer new professional and personal heights. Business training is the most effective and fast way staff training, business development and maintaining it at the highest level.

Choice of business training

Today there is a huge variety of business training. To facilitate the choice of one of them, it is necessary to immediately clearly define the topic of interest and the purpose of training. It should be understood that business trainings fundamentally different from lectures, unlike the latter, they involve not just recording the words of the lecturer, but practice, which usually takes up 70% of the training. Practice means practicing specific situations, business games, individual work with roles, etc. Naturally, such trainings include a theoretical section, but it is much shorter in time than a practical one.

When choosing a business training, you need to get reliable information about the trainer and his experience, as well as read the publications and recommendations of people who have already been trained. Most often, a completed business training helps a person develop existing skills or discover new abilities, which is a serious application for increasing the efficiency of professional activity.

This is a form of group psychological work that is widespread throughout the world. Psychological trainings are a variant of highly qualified advisory services along with legal, medical, pedagogical, etc. Training can be called one of the methods for raising the general cultural level.

In our country, the need to participate in psychological groups began to be realized only recently. Training as a way of psychological work in Soviet times practically did not exist, just as many other things did not exist, without which it is almost impossible to imagine a civilized person. Therefore, in modern Russian practice, it is just beginning to develop. Fortunately, many people in our country are already thinking about working on their own personality as a necessary, "hygienic" moment of modern oversaturated life. Participation in the training is necessary not to "cure" from any "pathology", but to remain in good "psychological tone", just like playing sports allows you to keep the body healthy.

Training as a form of group psychological work is a universal method that is used in their work. various directions and schools of practical psychology. For example, there are psychoanalytic groups, NLP trainings, Gestalt therapy groups, and many others.

Psychological work in the training with a group of participants is carried out by a psychologist-leader. He invites the members of the group to join in the implementation of exercises and procedures, the purpose of which is to understand and change various aspects of human psychology, for example, his creative potential, emotions and feelings, communication. Training can be aimed at working with various aspects of human psychology. Moreover, the emphasis in such work can be placed both on the specifics of group interaction, and on the characteristics of the individual situation of each individual person considered in the group.

The participants find a way to solve their problems thanks not only to the help of the psychologist himself, but also to receiving support from other members of the group. The group as a whole has a "therapeutic" effect, since each participant responds differently to the problem of another person, and this allows you to understand a complex situation from different points of view.

The concept of "training" goes beyond traditional education, where students are asked to learn the "final" version of the material compiled by experts in their field, accept it as the only true point of view, and then, through tests, control works and exams - to find out how well the given material is "studied". Training is a joint creativity of students and the leader of the educational process in the field of disclosure and development of the life, creative and spiritual potential of a person that has not been used so far. The proposed educational model differs from the traditional one in that it provides knowledge in sensations. A clear comparative example is learning to ride a bicycle from a book and the very practice of driving this vehicle. The main focus of the Training is on effective interpersonal communication, i.e. on the communication of an individual with the world around him: the interaction of a person in a team, effectiveness in partnership, with a client. Much attention is paid to work with personal self-esteem, a person's relationship with himself and his own goals and priorities in life.

The training provides a learning environment in which, through sensory exercises, the participant can uncover and become aware of those deep attitudes and interpretations that directly influence the results they create in life. Man's behavior is spontaneous and is born from what he decides about himself. For example: if I decide that I am shy, I will act like a shy person. For most people, the question is not whether I really want to achieve extraordinary results in life, but what is holding me back from becoming the extraordinary person that I think I am? The training pays a lot of attention to learning what actually influences a person's behavior, what motivates his actions, what way of thinking creates the results that are, and what are those that are desired in life?

Very often in life we ​​act in a certain automatic mode, based on past experience, while expecting to achieve what can be called unprecedented results. Albert Einstein said this very precisely in his time: "The consciousness that created this reality is not able to perceive another." In other words, we often hope that, using old knowledge and experience, we will be able to create something new and extraordinary in our lives, what we often call our dream or main goal. At the same time, however, we forget that our perception of the new through the prism of the old will make this new very similar to what we already know. In other words, if we are used to looking at the world through gray glasses, we will have a strong attitude that grass can only be gray.

Trainings are an opportunity to explore the deep attitudes and relationships that form the basis of your life experience, from which you act in your life and create results. This is an opportunity to analyze and explore seemingly undeniable points of view about how you see the world. This training is about change and thus implies a readiness for and desire for change. Many of the attitudes, attitudes, and interpretations we have are sloppy, outdated, and counterproductive. As this becomes more and more apparent to the participants of the Training, they have the opportunity and power to choose and create powerful, inspiring and effective interpretations and attitudes that will achieve truly extraordinary results, as well as apply existing productive models and strategies for behavior and achievement. goals in areas of life where they had not previously been used.

The strength of the Training lies in the participants' understanding of the processes they are embarking on. A clear and precise understanding that the Training offers a challenge to the existing subjective vision of the world allows the participant undergoing the Training to properly prepare for it so that the possibility of creating new results during the Training and after its completion would have a practical implementation. Most of our attitudes and interpretations that we use in life are ideas and decisions that we have made throughout our journey through life. Over the past time, we have collected a lot of evidence and evidence in support of our point of view on the world. Pretty soon, this worldview becomes a fact-like reality for us (like gravity - something that simply exists and about which we cannot do anything). Thus, our interpretations begin to control us. We begin to see things, ourselves and life the way we believe in it, believing that this is the only way it is possible.

The uniqueness of the trainings lies in the fact that no one tells you how to live your life. Participants themselves discover how otherwise it is possible to see themselves and the life around them and make valuable discoveries through this. Through this process of discovery, the participant gains access to new levels of freedom of choice and personal power required to create a future that has nothing to do with the past.

It should be noted that the Trainings are not therapy or education that will do all the work for you, you just need to go to the Training room. Training is a place and an opportunity to take action on what is important in your life, to take on the challenge of creating a future that would not come by itself. Thus, the training is offered to the attention successful people and necessary condition its effective passage is the willingness of the participant to work on his life as if it no longer depended on anyone whether something in it would change or not. This is one of the critical points of the Training. Training is an opportunity and a privilege to begin to explore the hitherto untapped life, creativity and spiritual potential, beyond what I know is already possible in my life, so that things and events that would not happen by themselves become real.

Psychological trainings are developed and conducted by professional psychologists on the basis of scientific approaches. The development of the training is based on experimentally proven knowledge about the psychological patterns of personality development and group processes. At the same time, participation in the training is always a "live" experience, and not attending lectures and not obtaining "dry" theoretical knowledge.

In psychological trainings, no magical, mystical, extrasensory, etc. techniques are used. They do not use charlatan methods similar to the approaches of the Chumaks and Kashpirovskys. There are no psychological manipulations and influences at the level of the unconscious, from a series of hypnosis, frame 25, etc. There can also be no talk of any pills and medicines.

In his work, the psychologist-leader is guided by professional ethical requirements about responsibility for what is happening at the training, about the confidentiality of information, about unconditional respect for the personality of the participant. What happens in the group is always determined by the personal choice of each participant, no one can force him to commit any acts.

The group form of psychological work is indispensable when it comes to issues related to interactions with other people. Such areas are conflict resolution, communication, family problems, relationships with the opposite sex. As a rule, participation in a group makes it possible to solve not just one problem, but a whole set of them. This is understandable, because human psychology is very complex and multifaceted, different areas of the mental necessarily interact with each other.

Coming to the group, participating in the training, there is an opportunity to get feedback from other people, learn their point of view and thus see new facets of the topic of interest. In addition, it is a way to jointly resolve emerging issues with people who have experienced the same difficulties in life.

Participation in the training provides an opportunity for personal development and expansion of psychological capabilities. Often a group can be exactly the event that pushes a person to "get off the ground" and begin to change his life. In the process of training work, a person also acquires such psychological knowledge and experience, which in the future help him to independently cope with the difficulties that arise.

What causes changes?

First of all, a person is affected by the very participation in the training as a specially organized process, as well as by the people who are accomplices in this process. Changes arise through interaction with like-minded people, the purpose of which is also to work on oneself. In addition, the development of each participant and the development of the group as a whole are mutually supportive and mutually influencing processes, the activation of one necessarily causes the other. Of course, the level of interaction with the group, the scope and level of work are determined by each participant individually. Willingness and desire to participate in a particular procedure is the choice of each person.

Another condition for change can be called a special atmosphere in the group. group psychological work as one of the first conditions puts forward the principles of psychological comfort and security. To do this, the facilitator from the very beginning of the training invites each participant to implement special principles of behavior in the group that contribute to a sense of acceptance and trust.

In the training, the facilitator invites participants to engage in the implementation of various techniques and exercises. The main purpose of such procedures is to help you understand your own experiences and acquire skills to effectively overcome difficulties. In the course of the training, the possibility of changes is provided due to psychological patterns, including receiving feedback from the leader and other participants, activating personal reflection, and understanding previously unknown features. As a result, basic psychological knowledge and skills are acquired, which can then be actively applied outside the training situation.

The training implements the principles of work and techniques that can be attributed to the humanistic direction in psychology. We are talking about such areas as meeting groups, gestalt approach, psychodrama, art approach, etc.

Participation in training always involves gaining new experience. And this is another mechanism that brings about change. When a person has discovered something new for himself, his personality cannot remain the same.

Training is a word that is on everyone's lips these days. Training is trendy. It's modern. This is already an integral part of life in general, and education in particular. So what is training?

History of the training

The very term "training" came to us from the English-speaking world. One of its influential supporters and distributors as a teaching method was Dale Carnegie, who created a training center named after himself at the beginning of the 20th century, where he more than successfully taught those who wished to speak oratory and other socially significant skills.

But training received its real birth in psychology thanks to the activities of the notorious Kurt Lewin, who, with his supporters, created training groups for people complaining of low communication skills in the 40s of the last century. The format of his classes showed such impressive results that soon an entire training academy was created in the USA. Since then, this method has been an integral part of both the educational process and personal development in various areas of life, for example, in family relationships and in business.

Training Features

What is coaching and how is it different from other teaching methods? First, you need to understand that training is not just a workout or a lecture, it is something more. But at the same time, it includes their elements. The training program is such that it includes both theoretical material and a practical part, designed to instill and develop certain skills and abilities in a person. The latter is given the main attention. Training is always practical, its tasks are vital, designed to be implemented in everyday reality. In this it differs from a lecture, where only “how to” is told. In the training, a situation is modeled, which is immediately played out by the participants, and then discussed. Due to this, theoretical information is processed in real time, as a result, the participant, in addition to knowledge, takes out real experience.

An important feature of the training is that it is always conducted in a group. Such categoricalness in the mandatory interaction of people is based on a number of psychological laws. A group is not just a few people, it is a single organism with its own collective memory. Therefore, thanks to the methods that training involves, the development and growth of the individual proceed faster. This is explained by the law of synergy, which makes learning many times more effective than with individual learning.

Classification of trainings

AT modern science No unified system training classifications. Here we will follow the most common concepts and divide the training system into three groups according to their types of focus. In addition, trainings can be divided according to the goals they set for their participants.

So, trainings are of the following types:

Business trainings.

Psychological trainings.

Personal trainings.

As for the goals, according to this criterion, only two categories can be distinguished:

Instrumental training.

Fundamental training.

Three types of training

The first type of training is related to business. Its task is to train entrepreneurs, directors and managers of commercial enterprises in various techniques and secrets of successful business management, survival in a competitive environment, conflict resolution, staff motivation, and the like.

What is psychological training? This is a training, the task of which is to upgrade a person in the field of communication skills, social adaptation and, in general, to instill socially useful individual skills in a person. For example, training in communication with employees of the state traffic inspectorate or training in sales techniques will be called psychological, since, unlike the first, they work for an individual, and not for a company. However, their competence still includes such qualities that are manifested in public, professional, or in some other social activities. Therefore, there are also personal trainings or personal development training. These are also aimed at upgrading the individual person, but they work with the inner world of a person - complexes, psychological blocks, fears and other "good" that we carry with us every day like an unnecessary burden and cannot dump it. Among such trainings there may also be communication training, for example, with persons of the opposite sex - in order to overcome any internal barrier, perhaps fear or embarrassment.

Two training goals

What is training not in terms of format, but in terms of purpose? It is a learning method that helps a person solve a specific problem. And he does it in two ways. Firstly, by providing a person with a toolkit that allows him to achieve the desired effect with his help, overcoming all obstacles. In this case, the training will be called instrumental. Secondly, the training can aim at instilling the skills of a general vision of the problem and the assimilation of the basic mechanisms for its appearance and solution for an independent adequate choice of specific tools. In other words, a person is not given one specific “pill” for a problem, but an understanding of the concept - knowledge of how, when and what kind of “pill” in each hotel situation needs to be made and taken. This is what training is called fundamental.

The brain needs intense training just as much as other muscle groups. You can train it in two ways: self-education and with the help of a professional. From a large number of exercises, the trainer will be able to create an individual program to solve visible problems. And then proceed to the invisible. Alternate intensive with a period of reflection and thus come to the expected result. Training is the most effective method understand, accept, and change yourself.

"I used to say, 'I hope things change.' Then I realized that there is only one way for everything to change - to change myself. Jim Rohn

What is training

Training is training for the mind. A concentrate of thoughts and knowledge, supported by personal experiences. After all, events painted on an emotional level are remembered better than everyday or neutral ones. The development of skills is faster, and the solution of psychological problems, as if by itself, pops up in memory. The atmosphere in the classroom is dynamic, sometimes even unpredictable. All participants seem to become part of a large organism, the brain center of which is the coach himself.

Training is a tool to get out of your comfort zone. An opportunity not only to move into an unpleasant situation, but also to live, feel and find a solution under the supervision of an experienced coach. In addition to the opportunity, participants receive an emotional shake-up and an experience of empathy. One that cannot be bought, but can be experienced. The world's greatest scientists are trying to understand the chemistry of the brain. The purpose of the training is to reveal the deepest needs of a person.

Types of training

Corporate or open

Corporate trainings are organized exclusively within the company. Topics vary from corporate culture to accounting legislation. Open events are open to everyone. The name of the Coach comes first. It often overshadows even the theme of the event. A coach is not just a media personality. This is a person with a profile education in the field of psychology and physiology, who has been trained at home and abroad. Many coaches keep blogs and also conduct author's programs. Meetings with them are not cheap, but the number of grateful participants proves that not a single penny was wasted.


Practice makes the master. Professionalism grows with constant learning. Trainings for managers, accountants, hairdressers, make-up artists combine theory and practical training. You can “pump your skills” in oratory or sales techniques both at internal (corporate) and at open events. The art of personal branding is honed in self-presentation exercises. The first step to mastering oratory skills can be a speech in front of those present. They will give you feedback, and the coach will summarize the result. Wellness training develops skills healthy lifestyle lifestyle, exercise and nutrition.


Changes in life are like circles on the water from a thrown stone. One step towards yourself is the beginning of a long journey of self-knowledge. Most of the participants come just for self-knowledge. Therefore, the bulk of the training is psychological. Whether it is training in a certain technique of interaction, manipulation (NLP) or a process of personal research - the science of psychology is at the heart of it.

Transformational or personal growth training

It seems incredible, but a deep transformation is possible in a short period of time, which fits into the framework of the meeting. Long-standing problems are particularly sensitive to the transformation. Old grievances, parent-child relationships, dissatisfaction with appearance are experiences that have been accumulating in the soul for years and have long been ready to be worked out. Sometimes one skillful “click” is enough, as a person is visited by insight (insight). Behavior changes, as does attitude. A different personality really comes out of the audience. Sometimes in a few days of the intensive you can achieve the result that you tried to achieve for long hours of individual psychotherapy.

Exploratory or know yourself

Designed for an already prepared audience. A critical question is brought to the attention of the audience. The general energy of the participants, directed by the trainer, helps to know oneself better. Sometimes a personal situation is brought to the “public court”, in the discussion of which all those present are included. A person learns himself, the rest - the experience of emotional empathy.

Training for introverts

“Introverts in the modern world have learned to masterfully disguise themselves as extroverts,” a quote from the book by Susan Cain. A journalist and writer who has devoted many years to researching people's temperament, Susan Cain teaches how to use her character traits. There is an opinion that modern world“Sharpened” for extroverts. People who draw energy from within themselves are considered almost sociopaths. Participants do not try to dispel this myth, they learn to accept themselves, following the experience of famous introverts - Dale Carnegie and Abraham Lincoln.

Personal development (adaptation, development of self-confidence)

Shyness, conciseness, inability to communicate with strangers - all these "flaws" are corrected with the help of exercises based on standard (or non-standard) psychological techniques. But first, painful points of contact with the world need to be identified, met with them, and only after that try to change. Adaptation is possible in Everyday life. Developing self-confidence has nothing to do with self-confidence and selfishness. Self-confidence is built on the foundation of self-esteem, so external "pumping skills" rarely helps in such a delicate matter.

Psychotherapeutic (stress resistance)

Stress is hardwired into the deep genes of humanity. Finding the cause of stress is half the battle. To understand what shades of stress colors life - to make it work for your own benefit. Mankind has learned to live with stress, trying to deal with it, and training helps to understand its nature. After all, it is not so much external as internal troubles that are destructive. Fear of mistakes and the opinions of people (often strangers), constant dependence on gadgets add to the sad statistics of diseases. At psychotherapeutic trainings, participants live through stressful situations, exploring them in a separate audience.


Journalist and head of the training company Tony Schwartz argues that the most important human resource is not time, but energy. BUT proper management it is the key to personal effectiveness and happiness. Participants of relaxation trainings learn to accumulate, replenish and properly use the most important internal resource. People living in the digital age are too dismissive of their personal sources of food, trying to do the best they can. And inaction has almost equated to a crime. Relaxation helps not only to relax and let go of problems. Participants learn to use their energy sparingly in order to work "less but better."

Why training is needed

Correspondence training a priori cannot be successful. What is the value of a few days of the intensive for the participants?

  • Accommodation. The group raises questions that participants will never ask themselves or hear from loved ones.
  • Feedback. Participants change themselves and change each other. Communication in a group helps to get a conscious reaction from others without offensive comparisons.
  • Skills. If not professional, then behavioral. To live through a situation that happened 10-20-30 years ago and prevents you from living until now, to respond to rudeness or allow yourself to show love - the chance to do this appears precisely at the training.
  • Here and now. To understand what the soul wants, and not whispered by the brain or public opinion. Learn to detect and voice emotions and feelings, even such as anger, hatred, anger.

In the first place is the candidacy of the coach. He is not just the think tank of the congregation. He "pulls" passive participants, tactfully pulls back too active ones. The trainer sees when the overall energy drops and gives dynamic exercises to “lift the spirit”. He works with everyone, communicating with everyone individually at the same time. The group lives and works as one organism, and at the finish line everyone gets their own result. The audience at the exit excitedly discusses the work process and rushes to share their impressions in their own blogs. Or rolls his eyes, remembering the wasted money. In each case - the merit of the coach and his methodology.

How are the trainings

The events take place at limited quantity participants. Sometimes the trainer may work with an assistant. Indifferent and abstaining do not exist here. Do not discount the personal activity of the participants. Even in the general group, you can achieve significant results (just for yourself) with active interaction with the rest of the participants.

In order not to get into an uncomfortable situation, you need to pay attention to the degree of load and the degree of rigidity in the work of the coach. Training of a high degree of rigidity is conducted in an aggressive or even rough manner. The results are rather controversial. Such events are useful for people who are ready for authoritarian methods of behavior on the part of the leader. What do participants get? They learn to take decisive steps to achieve a goal or to resist such unceremonious interference in their own lives.

The parallel of training with sports is not accidental. The brain, like muscles, needs a good shake to develop. For both, an amateurish approach or incorrectly selected loads are contraindicated. The experience of people who have lived and survived difficult situations allows us to write own instruction to life. Training will help you find the right words.

training personal growth- this is a series of activities aimed at improving individual qualities that contribute to the success of a person. Thanks to exercises focused on personal growth, a person is able to change undesirable character traits for more positive ones, can get rid of various negative thoughts and negative complexes.

Personal growth is a purposeful process of improving a person, the desire to become better. Personal growth is considered to be all situations, factors and opportunities that bring the individual closer to achieving the ideal.

Personal growth involves the formation of a person's potential. Potential - a set of characteristics that express its ability to build on internal stable reference points, to maintain the stability of activity under periodically changing environmental factors. This is a series of characteristic properties that help the individual become able to regulate behavior, make decisions according to personal ideas.

It is important for each potential member of the group to know how dangerous personal growth trainings are, so that instead of being useful, they do not get more damage and maintain mental health.

The basic goal of personal growth training is the internal growth of the individual, self-development and.

Psychological training for personal growth

The goal of personal growth training is to modify the worldview, change the stereotypes of activities that prevent the individual from being successful and happier.

A subject who wants to transform individual characteristics into more positive and qualitatively different characteristics must undergo personal growth training. An individual who has completed these classes will become more calm, confident, happy and spiritually free, regardless of the influence of circumstances and environmental factors. Thanks to special psychological techniques, a person is able to be programmed for success. This happens thanks to classes and special exercises that help a member of the group to comprehend his deep attitudes, which subconsciously most affect existence and provoke certain results of activity.

Purpose of Personal Growth Training- to know and realize the possibilities (potential) inherent in the personality, which involve qualitative changes. The goal can change depending on the characteristics of the group. Often, exercise goals cover some general aspects:

- the formation of self-knowledge by reducing psychological barriers and eliminating the feeling of insincerity of the individual himself;

- development of conditions and factors that will complicate or facilitate the functioning of the group (membership or size of the group);

- study of the relations of the members of the group;

- mastering the skills of diagnosing organizational, group, individual problems, such as solving group conflict situations, strengthening group ties, creating training conditions, achieving individual requests.

The goal of personal growth training is achieved when a member of the group can make an independent decision about how he should live. Participants themselves find how diversely one can perceive all life around, they can make valuable life discoveries regarding their closest people, close friends and themselves.

A person may experience intense emotional upheavals and shake-ups, which often leads to a loss of self-control, since he needs to perform all the exercises or instructions from the coach, which sometimes do not make obvious sense.

Everyone who wants to participate in such classes needs to think whether he is really going to change something or whether the current life suits him just fine. If a person is not ready for changes or they do not need them, then the coach will not allow him to the group.

Future members of the training should be willing to start new life, but still must be suitable for certain parameters. Those wishing to become participants in personal growth trainings must be mentally healthy, emotionally balanced, calm and without mental abnormalities.

The coach of the group should stimulate the process of making autonomous decisions by the individual, its ranking and structuring. life values, landmarks and goals. This is done through the application various techniques, techniques and research approaches such as gestalt, cognitive psychology, existential approach.

Types of personal growth trainings are psychological and esoteric.

Psychological training is carried out under the guidance of a leader who has a completed psychological education, using psychological categories and definitions. In contrast to the esoteric ones, which are led by a person with knowledge of psychology at the everyday level and owning esoteric and mystical knowledge.

Types of personal growth trainings:

- personal development (used to master the general knowledge necessary for orientation in a wide range of potential situations). For example, a person learns effective interaction, he develops strong and good traits in himself, learns confident behavior, learns self-control;

– psychotherapeutic trainings (carried out with the aim of improving the quality of life, they contain special procedures, techniques, methods and exercises, through which the assimilation of ways of behaving in life and personal difficulties is carried out);

– state training (this is a special type, including methods for overcoming the state and other internal barriers and various complexes that arise in a person);

- research trainings (help individuals who set goals to understand personal limitations and gain emotional experience, which often helps in understanding something);

- transformational (focused on the basic (deep) beliefs of a person, his values ​​and condition). An individual has very powerful internal spiritual transformations (enlightenment, breakthrough,), thanks to the occurrence of which he will be able to reveal something new in everyday habitual life or realize something differently.

Personal growth training for women involves dividing into groups that differ polarly. The first group consists of women subject to oppression by family members.

The purpose of personal growth training is to gain self-knowledge and develop fortitude, which helps to gain confidence and resist people who want to keep the female will from an independent, happy and self-sufficient life.

Training for women is in group form and in individual form. Participation in group trainings gives a woman a powerful impetus, because being among like-minded people, she feels confident.

The second group of personal growth training are women who work in large organizations and companies in leadership positions.

Not everyone is a natural leader, but many have to work in an organization and hold a leadership position. The charismatic attractiveness of a person helps a person achieve significant results in career advancement. Those who do not have this characteristic need to work hard and cultivate discipline in themselves. However, hard work does not help a woman overcome such a problem as internal timidity in relations with the team she leads. More often, such timidity occurs if the team is made up of men.

Personal growth training for women is focused on the development and discovery of internal potential; recognizing fears that prevent you from living a full life; development of positive traits and qualities; search for resources to help development.

Not all classes in a row can be equally useful. Quite often they conclude a veiled threat and can only harm the personality itself. The group member must know the dangers of personal growth training and recognize this danger.

In destructive sessions, participants are encouraged to destroy their personality or part of themselves that they consider unworthy and do it extremely abruptly, as if cutting it off. Such training does not at all lead to the progress of personal growth, on the contrary, it only breaks the human psyche. Advice such as "give up the old self" or "kill your weakness" is very destructive, has nothing to do with professional psychotherapy, and does not promote personal growth.

The danger of these meetings lies in the personality of the leader of the group. After working with a true psychotherapist, a person begins to notice that his emotional state has improved, fundamental changes occur in life, he becomes confident and successful.

As a result of communication with a destructive coach, a group member feels devastated and humiliated. Such a "guru" behaves with the members of the group arrogantly and cruelly. He offends, puts people in an uncomfortable position, reproaches them with weakness and ignorance. Such a leader seems to be deliberately trying to cause emotional suffering, explaining this as motivation and hardening.

Through emotional buildup, the facilitator tries to earn approval, he wants to assert himself, and not teach this to the participants in the personal growth training. He sees ultimate goal of this training is not helping others, but subordinating their will to yourself in order to force them to follow everything that the “trainer” says.

In order to understand the danger of such training in time, you need to listen to your feelings. If there is a feeling of emptiness and humiliation, you need to run away from this coach.

Destructive trainers teach that experiencing negative emotions, aggression, and suffering will only benefit the trainee for personal growth. Therefore, instructors often insult group members and try to provoke them into aggression. A person is forced to perform illogical actions: calling himself names, expressing joy for no reason, kissing or hugging strangers, declaring that this is “for their good.”

A destructive coach teaches participants to be rude and arrogant, since these qualities, in their opinion, characterize a person who is self-confident, which means successful.

First, pressure, then humiliation, then praise - this is a way of emotional swinging, which leads to the submission of participants to the coach.

A truly experienced, intelligent and conscientious psychotherapist, leading a group or personal counseling, will never humiliate a client in personal practice, will not force him to do what he categorically does not accept.

A smart and benevolent psychotherapist will teach individuals how to stand up for themselves without the use of rudeness and rudeness.

The danger of these activities may lie in the fact that members of the group are taught to actively and aggressively attack, and not defend themselves, thus, a substitution of concepts comes out when they are taught that an attack is the best defense, or impudence is a second happiness.

If a person is taught to be aggressive and rude, then he ended up in a destructive training. After visiting such a training, a person feels guilty. Even when he is absolutely unwilling to step over himself in order to show aggression, he is forced to do so.

If a person nevertheless manages to “squeeze out” an impudent trick unusual for himself, then the leader and the group approve with admiration, although the person himself does not like it. Upon returning home, a person feels a sense of shame and feels guilty for what he did at the training. The condition is aggravated by the fact that an internal one is formed between what is imposed on him in training sessions and what he considers the norm for himself. It is these sensations that are considered signs of the danger of personal growth training. If, at the end of the training, a person feels guilt that was not there before, then there is no need to attend this training anymore.


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