Kufar Bai Belarus. Catalog - Business Ready

Online Store:  Kufar (Kufar)
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22.03.2019 16:00:30   Visitor

Rating: 5

A good site - I sold and bought something here. After all, everything depends on the seller - a deceiver or an honest person. And the site is not to blame for the deceit. But in the last 2 weeks no ads are loaded. What kind of failure? I hope the problems are fixed.

22.02.2019 09:17:40   Visitor

Rating: 1

everything slows down and does not work. filters work terribly. it’s not what you’re looking for ... (((

08.01.2019 00:26:53   Visitor

Rating: 5

I’ve already recorded three times here, I go in and go out right away ... For a year, or even three ... This impression develops, it remains that no one is visiting this site. At your awesome announcement for the year - it's a shame that you repeat the pointless! - 2 scanty responses, and even those from the trolls. Then why come back here? Everything is elementary - there is no alternative. All other media of this kind are the same Locholovets. Steel 5, so as not to be banned, hehe ...

09.07.2018 22:36:10   Visitor

Rating: 5

Everything is fine: you can buy the necessary or sell the excess.

30.07.2017 05:58:56   Visitor

Rating: 1

Worse than you can come up with! Disgusting scam! Create with announcements that they want! I am a craftsman and post ads here, sometimes the products are a bit similar, but not exactly the same! Their lawlessness annoys me, I want to reject, I want not! But even more enrages that they take and stupidly delete ads that have been active for a long time for 5-6 months, and nothing bothers anyone. So recently I paid them another raising of ads, and they took it and removed them a week later! I ask how so, what kind of chaos? Answer: you have duplicated them! But this is nonsense! The moderators had watched them before, and when I paid them a raise, nothing bothered me either! And there are hundreds of announcements where one person stupidly puts one thing 4-5 times with an interval in allotment, so they were blinded there and they don’t see this! And before, my ads were unreasonably deleted, but after claims they apologized and returned, but now the scammers do not want to! In short, the rating of Kufara tends to zero! I hope there will be even more alternative trading platforms! There are already a lot of them, but you can and more!

21.07.2017 09:18:48   Visitor

Rating: 1

I believe that if the subscriber receives this, it is not at all great. Error 1006 Ray ID: 381c075cdd5d4f14 2017-07-21 06:15:58 UTC Access denied What happened? The owner of this website (www.kufar.by) has banned your IP address (........). Cloudflare Ray ID: 381c075cdd5d4f14 Your IP: ....... Performance & security by Cloudflare

07.04.2017 21:50:13   Visitor

In the era of rapidly developing technologies, print media - magazines, newspapers, books - are gradually losing their popularity and are fading into the background every day, giving way to online editions. On the World Wide Web, analogues of all "paper literature" regularly appear, ranging from informative magazines to entire online libraries. The advertising newspapers did not pass by, the ads from the pages of which gradually moved to sites on the network.

As the Internet spreads, the number of such sites is constantly increasing. Web resource owners create services targeted at a specific narrow audience. They are mainly intended for residents of any country or city; sales of real estate, apartments; search for lost things, exchange of goods with other users. Popular in Belarus is the Kufar bulletin board, where you can buy and sell various products.

Kufar - the main trading platform of Belarus

The Kufar bulletin board, located at kufar.by, began operations more than 10 years ago. The first message on the site was published back in 2004. And since then, free advertisements in Belarus on Kufar appear regularly. This service allows you to either sell any product you do not need, or purchase any item, starting from an item of clothing and ending with building materials.

How Kufar differs from other sites

One of the reasons why the Kufar site has earned appreciation and popularity among customers is the special settlement system used on it. So, in order to profitably place an ad on Kufar or order advertising on the service, the seller will need Kufas, the so-called internal currency, which can be purchased by making a payment through a bank card.

What you can buy and sell on Kufar

The Kufar.by website has 14 categories of products, which in turn are divided into dozens of subcategories. The main areas of trade / sale on the portal are clothing, furniture, real estate, machinery, transport and children's goods. Also on the Kufar website you can buy everything you need for gardening, equipment for tourism and outdoor activities, wedding paraphernalia and even pets. In addition, this service allows you to find a job, rent real estate and "sell" your services.

The Kufar website has published many advertisements for the sale of men's and women's clothing, shoes, accessories, cosmetics, perfumes, household goods, dishes and kitchen utensils, furniture, audio, photo and video equipment, computers and laptops, smartphones and tablets, cars ( starting from cars and ending with agricultural machinery) and sporting goods.

Registration at Kufar

In order to place an ad on Kufar, it will not take a lot of effort. First you need to register a "Personal Account" on the site. To do this, go to the main page, visit the "Login" menu and select the registration option in the window that appears. To create a profile on the bulletin board, just decide on the account management option ("Business" or "Private person"), enter a valid email address and password. After that, you will receive a message in the mail in which you need to confirm the registration on the site by clicking on a special link.

How to place an ad on "Kufar"

After you have activated your account on the site, you can safely start publishing ads. If you have not used similar services before, check out the small instructions on how to place an ad on Kufar. First click on the orange cross in the header of the site. After that, the menu for creating the product’s card will open, where you should add its photos, name, select a category, enter a description, determine the cost, and also indicate the seller’s contact details.

If you want to sell your product as quickly as possible, use the services of its promotion on the Kufar.by website. To do this, at the very bottom of the product card window, select the method of ad placement. The most advantageous promotion option is the "Turbo" mode, which fixes the announcement for 3 days in the VIP section, and also for the next seven days highlights it among the rest and raises it to the top position.

Also, the users of the site "Kufar" available package "Summer Express". When buying it, the seller receives 7 daily ad uplifts and color highlighting for the next week. A more economical option is the “Standard”, which provides for the allocation of an ad for 7 days and 3 daily lifts in the list.

Often in life there comes a moment when something falls out of the mezzanine, and there is nowhere to put a cup on the table. It is unlikely that you use all the things that you store in the farthest drawers or simply forget about their existence. At such a moment, you need to get rid of unnecessary things without regret and give a place to a new one in your life. We selected free Belarus sites, where can post a sale ad, give things away for free or buy something useful.


One of the largest and most popular flea markets in Belarus, where you can sell and buy goods. The site has a convenient division of goods into categories, including real estate, clothing, furniture, children's goods, repair tools, home appliances, animals, and much more. For the convenience of users, the Kufar mobile application with a simple interface and the ability to filter products, place ads and correspond with sellers and buyers has been created.


No less visited site for the sale of goods and services, the total number of which totals more than 400 thousand. Convenient search, sorting by geographic location, categories and subcategories, price and date puts onliner among the best sites of similar subjects. There are products on the site that give away for free or for chocolate.


You can pin your ad on bulavke, which collects a lot of products in its catalog. Visual, convenient and understandable for any user, the site has sections and categories, sorted by cost and type of announcement. You can find both new things and used ones.


"From hand to hand" offers to place an ad for both individuals and legal entities. Sale and rental of apartments, cars, goods and services for the construction and repair, household appliances, sporting goods, food, tours and much more. There is also a “gift” section on irr.by.


Free classifieds site Ay  You can not only put the goods up for sale at a fixed cost, but also arrange a real auction. In the announcement, indicate the starting price for the lot and wait for the offers of buyers. There are collection items on the site: coins, bills, books.


Super Second Club places ads on the sale, purchase and exchange of things. In the catalog you will find clothes, children's products, accessories, handmade items, cosmetics, collectibles, holiday preparations and much more. New or used items can be exchanged or gifted.


A free portal for announcements, but with certain nuances. Sorting of goods is carried out only by category. There is no way to select ads for such important parameters as the cost, relevance of the ad and the city. If you do not mind spending time viewing all the offers of the site, go to visit.


A wide selection of advertisements for the sale of household items, appliances, spare parts, interior items, plants and animals, equipment, antiques, musical instruments and much more. Ads on the site are completely free.


A popular web portal of free ads with a simple and intuitive search adapted to each product section for maximum user convenience. Among the offered products you can find free options.


Kupiproday places free ads for the sale of new and used items from private sellers or companies. Easy-to-use site allows you to buy or sell cars, appliances, household appliances and everything that your heart desires.


Using mnk.sindom.by you can find ads of buyers and sellers of various things and services, partners, tutors for your child or job. You can sort ads by the cities of Belarus.



To add an ad, you must pre-register. Items on aleegra.by  not so much as we used to see on other flea markets, we will consider, due to its short existence.


Idea KaliLaska  simple and widespread throughout the developed world - to turn good things, but unnecessary to one people, into useful and necessary for other people. This is a project that promotes the idea of \u200b\u200breusing things for environmental purposes. KaliLaska collects, sorts and distributes things to charitable organizations or for sale. The store is offline, at 9 Masherova Ave., office 111.

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Neither as a seller nor as a buyer Kufar suits me. But for now, I still endure his flaws, because There is one fat plus.

The site really sell EVERYTHING Even what you planned to throw away. Therefore, if you want to sell "unnecessary trash" for a symbolic price, then you are on kufar. You can sell old dishes, bedding, stupid gifts such as figurines, clothes that are “time to throw away” and even makeup that has begun (from the point of view of me as a buyer, this is just a nightmare, because using one lip gloss or mascara with a stranger it’s evil, but as a seller it doesn’t bother me much, there is a demand for it, but I have a proposal :))

Low purchasing power. Poorly sold expensive and exclusive items. Mostly moms who buy and sell children's things and low-income people sit on the site. Selling something more expensive is almost impossible. No matter how high-quality, branded thing. Even if the item is in perfect condition, the price is significantly lower than in the store. There are simply no potential buyers for such things. Only ugly cheap things or “junk” about which I wrote above are quickly sold.

It was a sad experience when I published an advertisement for the sale of rare toilet waters that had long been discontinued. I made a mistake and also indicated batch codes in the ad. As a result, my mail was clogged with messages of indignant people who didn’t understand anything in perfumery, accusing me of wanting to sell late money, junk, etc. for crazy money. I do not make such mistakes anymore.

There is no rating system for users. And judging by the answers of technical support, it will never be. Yes, in order to earn positive feedback, a new user needs time, and the creators of the site understand that not everyone will wait, so they do not plan to introduce such a system. What are the following disadvantages?

Unscrupulous BUYERS. Yes Yes. It is the buyers. More often about kufar you can hear about the seller-scammers who sent something wrong. I have no negative shopping experience, as I bought only in person and saw the goods until settlement.

But with the customers, I got decent. Ask to send cash on delivery - send do not pick up! You call - do not pick up the phone. The site is blocked. As a result, the package goes back and you pay for the mail service twice. There was also a case when a girl persuaded for a long time to yield in price to pay postage. I, stupid, agreed, sent the package, and she came back to me. I am a kind person, until recently I believed in the honesty of people and the site, so in general 4 packages were returned to me. I don’t believe it anymore. Mail only for 100% prepaid postal services. There are few who want it, and I can also understand this, because There is no rating and trusting the seller is as difficult as the buyer.

I often go on business trips, so in the ad I register the cities to which I can personally bring the thing. There was already a decent number of cases when you agree, you drag the goods with you, and the person disappears, does not pick up the phone, etc.

And about the failed meetings in my city, I am already silent. The first time, too, like a fool went somewhere, waited. And now either come to me, or not at all.

A lot of outright SCAMS. Again, we will talk about buyers. As soon as it comes to meeting / buying, I say that we will meet near my house. Not in the apartment. If it’s winter, then on the ground floor at the entrance. At this stage, some people are eliminated. They preliminarily actively persuade them to inform them of the apartment number, supposedly they will call the intercom when they arrive, but when I say that the 21st century, everyone has telephones and we will meet either near the house or not at all, they choose nothing. I even managed to calculate one such persistent one, because he was interested in all my expensive goods.

I also communicate only through messages. I don’t indicate the phone number on the site anywhere! Only when I understand in the messages that the person is adequate and really plans to buy something, I write my number and ask for the buyer’s number, because I immediately warn you that I can’t answer an indefinite number. I do this not because I am afraid to talk with strangers. I’m only doing this at work, and there would have been no problems, but! Calling is not the case! My phone was only in the first 4 announcements, but I'm tired of listening to requests to give something for free, because you see they do not know how to protect children with many children, they have nothing to put on / put on their children. And the callers somehow don’t care about your financial situation. They don’t ask how many children you have (maybe I am also a mother of many children?)

As for the allocation of ads, raising, then everything is just like on many other similar sites - for the money. But it is expensive and it is inexpedient on this particular site. I tried a couple of times, but it gives only a large number of views from unnecessary users. Whoever needs it will find it on page 10 and page 20.

As a result, now I'm selling on kufar:

Cosmetics that didn’t suit me Cat food (we have a little caprice that sometimes turns my nose from new food) Figurines, a toy, souvenirs, photo frames, candles, caskets and other useless gifts) Everything that is given as a gift in stores on stocks in the style "buy mascara - get a cosmetic bag / mirror / shawl." For example, I really need mascara, but the makeup bag is already the 20th. Sell) Indoor plants. I have a lot of them, they are actively growing and periodically I sell part. Clothes are shoes that are not taken on commission or agree to take at too low a price. They smoke her on kufar. The main thing is to sell before or during the season. Shorts in winter and boots in the summer are unlikely to be sold.

I used to give all this on the darudar website. But in it I was disappointed at one time when I learned that many of my gifts subsequently ended up on sites like kufar. Therefore, I decided that it’s easier to sell immediately.

Well, a small life hack, how to attract more attention to your ads without raising them. Post your ads one per day. Or one in the morning, the second in the evening. Users often view all the ads of the author. Plus, you can additionally motivate to watch all the ads, providing a discount when buying 2 or more products.

Kufar is an application for buying and selling goods online. This is a client of the largest Belarusian bulletin board, which is an analogue of Russian and Ukrainian. This version of the application is designed for devices with the Android operating system.

View and submit ads

The application does not require mandatory registration, but the latter, of course, significantly expands the available functionality. To find the right product, it’s not necessary to log into your account - you can simply use the search engine and write yourself the seller’s contact details. To publish your advertisement, you must register.

Search for new products is carried out by region, category from the general list or by keyword. You can save your favorite options in the “Favorites” list, as well as increase the photos attached to the ad in order to better consider the product.

Submit your own ads using a convenient step-by-step wizard. At any time, the user can change the announcement - specify a new price, add new photos or adjust the description.

Who can use Kufar

Kufar will be useful to users who wish to sell or buy goods in Belarus. Both new and used products are sold here. Applications of this class are a great opportunity to save. Quite often, people sell used items much cheaper than they cost at the time of purchase. So, if you have a limited budget for the purchase - Kufar and other solutions identical to it are a great option in order not to overpay. In addition, on the board there is a section with services and a section “Give free”.

Key Features

  • convenient work with the largest bulletin board in Belarus;
  • viewing other people's ads and creating your own;
  • search by area, product name or category;
  • a separate section for viewing the latest announcements;
  • the ability to use the application without prior registration;
  • compatible with all current versions of Android.


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