Electric locomotive driver: the essence of his work on the railway. The profession of a machinist: the main pros and cons of choosing What a machinist should know

The machinist is the profession of the centuryXX ... It has no ancient roots, philosophical or creative basis. But with the advent of the first train, the person who runs it has become irreplaceable.

Today, the specialty of a machinist is understood as a professional capable of leading all types of railway equipment. It includes steam and diesel locomotives, electric locomotives and trams, and, of course, the metro, regardless of the type of transportation - goods or people.

The specifics of the profession of a machinist

The work of a machinist belongs to the category of male specialties. And it has a number of specific features.

1. Requires endurance, strength and excellent health... Those who work as railroad managers know. This labor depends on the general strength of the organism and the nervous system. Indeed, often machinists have to work off an irregular day. It starts early and ends late - on the principle of a whole shift. Here it is important to be in good health in order to withstand the stress and always be focused on the journey.

2. Depends on good technical knowledge... Modern trains and locomotives are a collection of a large number of automatic devices, each of which must be perfectly disassembled by the driver in order to prevent errors in movement at high speed or an accident.

But the high requirements for machinists are offset by the privileges they receive from the state. Which, of course, encourages young people to master this particular profession!

Why does working as a machinist give young people good prospects?

Russia is a railway country. Today, the train or metro is the most economical and popular mode of transport, allowing people to cover distances between cities and directly in them. Therefore, the profession of a machinist in recent years "on horseback". To attract young people to this segment of the labor market, the state has developed a whole social package with a lot of attractive prospects.

So, for example, every average driver, upon reaching seniority, has the opportunity to retire 5 years earlier. The average salary for a train driver is 50,000 rubles or more. And for metro workers, where working conditions are considered the most difficult and dynamic, the salary is estimated at around 100,000 rubles. The state also stimulates the choice of this position by issuing a mortgage on very favorable terms.

Where are they trained to become a train driver, and how to prepare for entering this profession?

Before you can become a qualified train driver, you have to learn. And then an internship as a junior assistant. And only then the experienced specialist is entrusted with responsible and very important work. They are educated as a machinist at a college or technical school with a degree in technical operation of rolling stock of railways. Further training depends on the place of work. For example, metro workers undergo additional practice with classes on special simulators.

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Train driver - a railway worker, managing passenger and freight trains, electric trains of various communications and purposes. The driver is driving the train, driving the locomotive. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics and labor and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Trains differ in the type of locomotive (diesel / electric locomotive), as well as in the distance and destination of the routes. For example, long-distance trains can carry goods and passengers for thousands of kilometers, while a commuter train does not leave the region and makes several trips a day. Large industrial enterprises (factories, mines, mines) have their own railways and trains - the routes of such trains are even shorter.

And each type of train requires special training from the driver.

The driver must drive the train exactly on schedule, observing traffic rules, semaphore signals, etc. The train route is practically unchanged. However, the road situation is constantly changing. It may depend on the weather, on the congestion of the train, on other road users. For example, a truck stuck on the tracks requires an immediate response.

Driving at high speed is often associated with unexpected events. Traffic conditions, road signs, instrument readings in the cockpit - all this requires constant intense attention. Therefore, a long-distance train driver always works with an assistant (an assistant driver, who can also become a train driver over time). On steam locomotives, a stoker is part of the brigade - he ensures the work of the locomotive, throwing up fuel. However, steam locomotives are rare these days. In some cases (for example, in the subway), the driver works alone.

Long-distance train routes are divided into sections. And the driver is usually an expert on one of the sections of the path. At one of the stations, one locomotive brigade is replaced by another and leads the train further. The old crew rests at the hotel and takes their place again when it is time to drive the train back.

Local line or subway drivers also need a good rest. For example, in the metro, drivers have special rest rooms where they can sleep after a shift and before the start of a new day, if, according to the duty schedule, the driver has to put the train on the line in the morning.


Railways, subways, large factories, mines and other enterprises that use railways for the internal movement of goods.


Salary for 12/04/2019

Russia 40,000-120,000 ₽

Moscow 80,000—100,000 ₽

Important qualities

Self-confidence, high sense of responsibility, quick reaction, ability to concentrate, good vision (including color vision), keen hearing. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, central nervous system, bronchial asthma, disorders of the vestibular apparatus, problems of the musculoskeletal system that restrict movement are contraindicated in such work.

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to be able to operate a locomotive, carry out small locksmith work, use radio communication. Know the structure of a locomotive, traffic rules on the railway.

Where to study for a train driver (education)

Initial vocational education (NGO)

In one of the railway colleges, you can get professions:

  • Locomotive Driver Assistant;
  • "Assistant to the locomotive driver";
  • "Assistant driver of an electric locomotive."

Secondary vocational education (SVE)

In colleges and technical schools you can get a specialty "Technical operation of rolling stock of railways." Qualification "Technician".

On-the-job training

To work in the metro, you can get a job in a depot (on the metro line) and there you can be trained as a driver. First, a locksmith practice is carried out, then the future driver studies the equipment of an electric train and learns to operate a train. In the Moscow metro, simulators are used to speed up the process.

Train driver - a railway worker, managing passenger and freight trains, electric trains of various communications and purposes. The driver is driving the train, driving the locomotive. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics and labor and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Trains differ in the type of locomotive (diesel / electric locomotive), as well as in the distance and destination of the routes. For example, long-distance trains can carry goods and passengers for thousands of kilometers, while a commuter train does not leave the region and makes several trips a day. Large industrial enterprises (factories, mines, mines) have their own railways and trains - the routes of such trains are even shorter.

And each type of train requires special training from the driver.

The driver must drive the train exactly on schedule, observing traffic rules, semaphore signals, etc. The train route is practically unchanged. However, the road situation is constantly changing. It may depend on the weather, on the congestion of the train, on other road users. For example, a truck stuck on the tracks requires an immediate response.

Driving at high speed is often associated with unexpected events. Traffic conditions, road signs, instrument readings in the cockpit - all this requires constant intense attention. Therefore, a long-distance train driver always works with an assistant (an assistant driver, who can also become a train driver over time). On steam locomotives, a stoker is part of the brigade - he ensures the work of the locomotive, throwing up fuel. However, steam locomotives are rare these days. In some cases (for example, in the subway), the driver works alone.

Long-distance train routes are divided into sections. And the driver is usually an expert on one of the sections of the path. At one of the stations, one locomotive brigade is replaced by another and leads the train further. The old crew rests at the hotel and takes their place again when it is time to drive the train back.

Local line or subway drivers also need a good rest. For example, in the metro, drivers have special rest rooms where they can sleep after a shift and before the start of a new day, if, according to the duty schedule, the driver has to put the train on the line in the morning.


Railways, subways, large factories, mines and other enterprises that use railways for the internal movement of goods.


Salary for 12/04/2019

Russia 40,000-120,000 ₽

Moscow 80,000—100,000 ₽

Important qualities

Self-confidence, high sense of responsibility, quick reaction, ability to concentrate, good vision (including color vision), keen hearing. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, central nervous system, bronchial asthma, disorders of the vestibular apparatus, problems of the musculoskeletal system that restrict movement are contraindicated in such work.

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to be able to operate a locomotive, carry out small locksmith work, use radio communication. Know the structure of a locomotive, traffic rules on the railway.

Where to study for a train driver (education)

Initial vocational education (NGO)

In one of the railway colleges, you can get professions:

  • Locomotive Driver Assistant;
  • "Assistant to the locomotive driver";
  • "Assistant driver of an electric locomotive."

Secondary vocational education (SVE)

In colleges and technical schools you can get a specialty "Technical operation of rolling stock of railways." Qualification "Technician".

On-the-job training

To work in the metro, you can get a job in a depot (on the metro line) and there you can be trained as a driver. First, a locksmith practice is carried out, then the future driver studies the equipment of an electric train and learns to operate a train. In the Moscow metro, simulators are used to speed up the process.

Train driver is a profession associated with driving a train on a railway. Engineers are people who operate all types of railway equipment: steam locomotives, diesel locomotives, electric locomotives in the metro, trams, regardless of whether they are transporting goods or passengers.

Responsibilities and requirements

The work of a driver often involves an irregular schedule and difficult working conditions, great physical and mental stress, but at the same time the driver's salary is quite high in comparison with other working specialties. Almost all of the drivers are men.

Every day, before going to work, all drivers must undergo a medical examination, which checks parameters such as pressure, pulse rate, body temperature and, of course, a test for the absence of alcohol in the blood.

In addition to daily health checks, drivers undergo a full examination every few years and upon entering the profession.

Working in difficult conditions allows machinists to retire five years earlier (but this is only after reaching a certain length of service as a machinist or his assistant).

A distinctive feature of the driver's work is the strictest requirement to comply with the train schedule. For example, in the Moscow metro during rush hours 10-15 seconds is already a very serious delay!

As a rule, the train is controlled by a team consisting of the driver and his assistant. But in modern trains, one person can easily cope with their control, so often experienced train drivers work alone.


The work of a driver is required wherever rolling stock is used. It can be a subway system or passenger rail lines. Do not forget that trains are used to transport not only people, but also goods. Often, machinists work at industrial plants, resource deposits and large construction projects.

How to become a train driver

To work as a train driver, you need to get a secondary vocational education in the direction of "Technical operation of rolling stock". It is found in many technical schools and colleges. Also, the necessary qualifications can be obtained through courses directly at the future place of work, for example, in the Moscow Metro.

Progress is relentlessly moving forward, transforming everything around, and the railway is no exception. Over the past decade, quite a few new train models have been released that can operate in a semi-automatic mode. However, this did not change the fact that two people should manage the train: the driver and his assistant.

So what is the profession of an assistant driver? Is it hard to master it? And what advantages and disadvantages does it have?

general information

An assistant driver of a diesel or electric locomotive is a position that exists in any railway brigade. Without the presence of this specialist, the train will simply not be released from the depot. Consequently, the driver's assistant is an integral part of the work team.

However, not everyone can apply for this vacancy. Which, in fact, is not surprising, because the duties of an assistant driver require the candidate to have certain personal qualities and professional skills.

What should be an assistant driver?

First, let's figure out what qualities this employee should have. After all, the specificity of this profession greatly limits the range of potential candidates.

So, the main criteria for such a profession as an assistant driver are as follows:

  • Good memory in order to assimilate all the necessary information on train care.
  • The severity of the reaction, because a lot depends on how quickly he will notice changes in the readings of the instruments or the approach of danger.
  • Responsibility, because the better he does his job, the higher the safety of passengers and cargo.
  • Analytic mind. All operations will be associated with mechanized processes, which requires a certain view of things.
  • Long journeys and irregular shifts, which take place in constant rolling, affect health. Therefore, you need to have good stamina and stress resistance.

Where to get an education?

An assistant driver of an electric locomotive (diesel locomotive) is a profession that requires special education. Get it in a specialized technical school or college. You can find such an educational institution in many regional and regional centers of the country, while the selection conditions will be the same almost everywhere.

However, it should be noted that every year hundreds of applicants apply for this profession. Because of this, fierce competition arises, complicating the admission process.

Duties of the assistant driver

As mentioned earlier, the assistant driver should always give all the best and perform the duties entrusted to him with high quality. After all, not only the technical serviceability of the train mechanisms depends on this, but also the safety of passengers.

So, the main duties of an assistant driver:

  1. Checking all mechanisms and assemblies of the locomotive before sending If there are any faults or defects, he must eliminate them on his own, or inform the mechanic of the railway brigade about possible problems.
  2. While the train is moving, the assistant must monitor the readings of the instruments, respond to the dispatcher's radio requests, and also observe the actions of the driver.
  3. If necessary (the occurrence of malfunctions, the inability of the driver to carry out his duties, an emergency) he must take over the control of the train or stop it.
  4. At the end of the trip, the assistant checks the condition of the locomotive and, together with his immediate supervisor, drives it to the siding.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The main advantage of this job is the salary, the level of which can be assessed as "above average". There is also career growth here, which stimulates further work.

Among the disadvantages, first of all, it should be noted that these specialists have to spend a lot of time on the road, and this has a bad effect on their personal lives.


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